Dynamic Networks Research Topics ideas
- Discovering Dense Correlated Subgraphs in Dynamic Networks
- Human life histories as dynamic networks: using Network Analysis to conceptualize and analyze life history data
- Integrative Learning for Population of Dynamic Networks with Covariates
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Influential performance of nodes identified by relative entropy in dynamic networks
- Dynamic Precision Analog Computing for Neural Networks
- Recurrence quantification analysis of dynamic brain networks
- Input-Dynamic Distributed Algorithms for Communication Networks
- LIME: Low-Cost Incremental Learning for Dynamic Heterogeneous Information Networks
- Dynamic embedding projection-gated convolutional neural networks for text classification
- Dynamic offloading for multiuser muti-CAP MEC networks: A deep reinforcement learning approach
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Abnormal meta-state activation of dynamic brain networks across the Alzheimer spectrum
- Radflow: A recurrent, aggregated, and decomposable model for networks of time series
- Constructing and analysing time-aggregated networks: The role of bootstrapping, permutation and simulation
- Multi-competitive viruses over time-varying networks with mutations and human awareness
- A dynamic algorithm based on cohesive entropy for influence maximization in social networks
- Dynamic ambient HetNet for hybrid data communication and transmission in IoT networks
- Opinion leaders’ detection in dynamic social networks
- Long-Term Behavior of Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Queuing Networks
- Heritability of Functional Connectivity in Resting State: Assessment of the Dynamic Mean, Dynamic Variance, and Static Connectivity across Networks
- Symmetry breaking in the prisoner’s dilemma on two-layer dynamic multiplex networks
- Decreased dynamism of overlapping brain sub-networks in Major Depressive Disorder
- Multiobjective optimization of the dynamic aperture using surrogate models based on artificial neural networks
- Dynamic development of landslide susceptibility based on slope unit and deep neural networks
- Modeling return and volatility spillover networks of global new energy companies
- Dynamic optimal transport on networks
- Coordinated operation of reconfigurable networks with dynamic line rating for optimal utilization of renewable generation
- NHCDRA: a non-uniform hierarchical clustering with dynamic route adjustment for mobile sink based heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
- Dynamic Transmit Profile Selection in Dense Wireless Networks
- A competent ad-hoc sensor routing protocol for energy efficiency in mobile wireless sensor networks
- A review on generative Boltzmann networks applied to dynamic systems
- Analyzing power and dynamic traffic flows in coupled power and transportation networks
- Secure access of resources in software-defined networks using dynamic access control list
- Dynamic representations of sparse distributed networks: A locality-sensitive approach
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Identification of patterns in cosmic-ray arrival directions using dynamic graph convolutional neural networks
- A Forecasting Approach to Improve Control and Management for 5G Networks
- Two-phase Dynamic Routing for Micro and Macro-level Equivariance in Multi-Column Capsule Networks
- Master–slave synchronization of neural networks via event-triggered dynamic controller
- Synthetic gene networks recapitulate dynamic signal decoding and differential gene expression
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry A Dynamic Variance-Based Triggering Scheme for Distributed Cooperative State Estimation over Wireless Sensor Networks
- Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks structure based on a new hybrid K2-Bat learning algorithm
- Understanding innovation diffusion and adoption strategies in megaproject networks through a fuzzy system dynamic model
- Motifs in Biological Networks
- Influence of precaution and dynamic post-indemnity based insurance policy on controlling the propagation of epidemic security risks in networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry DRL-assisted Dynamic Reconfiguration of Multicast Sessions in Elastic Optical Networks
- Coherence Scaling of Noisy Second-Order Scale-Free Consensus Networks
- A Survey on Embedding Dynamic Graphs
- MASA: An efficient framework for anomaly detection in multi-attributed networks
- Global dynamic analysis of periodic solution for discrete-time inertial neural networks with delays Computational Geometry
- Networks, creativity, and time: staying creative through brokerage and network rejuvenation
- Dynamic event-triggered H8 state estimation for delayed complex networks with randomly occurring nonlinearities
- Dynamic analysis of fractional-order quaternion-valued fuzzy memristive neural networks: Vector ordering approach
- Adaptive variable-size virtual clustering for control channel assignment in dynamic access networks: Design and simulations
- Link prediction based on node weighting in complex networks
- Dynamic Bayesian Networks to Assess Anthropogenic and Climatic Drivers of Saltwater Intrusion: A Decision Support Tool Toward Improved Management
- Protein interaction networks: centrality, modularity, dynamics, and applications
- Positive opinion maximization in signed social networks
- Control and Optimization of Air Traffic Networks
- Deep learning-based hybrid dynamic biased track (DL-HDBT) routing for under water acoustic sensor networks
- A modified energy detection based dynamic spectrum sharing technique and its real time implementation on wireless platform for cognitive radio networks
- Dynamic Polymer Networks: A new avenue towards sustainable and advanced soft machines
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry The developmental process of peer support networks: the role of friendship
- 3-D Dynamic UAV Base Station Location Problem
- Disrupted dynamic functional network connectivity among cognitive control networks in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
- Modeling Ensembles of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems in Ultrawideband Active Wireless Direct Chaotic Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Towards multi-modal causability with graph neural networks enabling information fusion for explainable ai
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry A topological perspective on distributed network algorithms
- Consensus in Networks Prone to Link Failures
- Exploration of dynamic tori by multiple agents
- Dynamic Optimization of SVR Control Parameters for Improving Tap Operation Efficiency of Voltage Control in Distribution Networks
- Spectrum Aware Dynamic Slots Computation in Wireless Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks
- Energy Trading Possibilities in the Modern Multi-Carrier Energy Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks
- Hybrid Model for Stress Detection in Social Media by Using Dynamic Factor Graph Model and Convolutional Neural Networks
- Metal Ion-Driven Constitutional Adaptation in Dynamic Covalent C= C/C= N Organo-Metathesis
- Modeling and analysis of social networks based on Petri net theory
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Efficient Online Algorithms for Dynamic Shared Path Protection in WDM Optical Networks ?
- How Many Vertices Does a Random Walk Miss in a Network with Moderately Increasing the Number of Vertices?
- Centrality informed embedding of networks for temporal feature extraction
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Signal diffusion along connectome gradients and inter-hub routing differentially contribute to dynamic human brain function
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Identifying pre-outbreak signals of hand, foot and mouth disease based on landscape dynamic network marker
- Energy Trading Possibilities in the Modern Multi-Carrier Energy Networks
- Networks in economics and finance in Networks and beyond: A half century retrospective
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry GrADyS: Exploring movement awareness for efficient routing in Ground-and-Air Dynamic Sensor Networks
- Events as platforms, networks, and communities
- The evolution of data gathering static and mobility models in underwater wireless sensor networks: A survey
- Staying connected under fire: Effects of individual roles and organizational specialization on the robustness of emergency-phase communication networks
- Deep residual U-net convolution neural networks with autoregressive strategy for fluid flow predictions in large-scale geosystems
- Anomaly detection by discovering bipartite structure on complex networks
- DS-GCNs: Connectome Classification using Dynamic Spectral Graph Convolution Networks with Assistant Task Training
- How Many Vertices Does a Random Walk Miss in a Network with Moderately Increasing the Number of Vertices?
- MutualRec: Joint friend and item recommendations with mutualistic attentional graph neural networks
- Hybrid Model for Stress Detection in Social Media by Using Dynamic Factor Graph Model and Convolutional Neural Networks
- An efficient intrusion detection system for cognitive radio networks with improved fuzzy logic based spectrum utilization
- SSDBA: the stretch shrink distance based algorithm for link prediction in social networks
- DeepEmLAN: Deep embedding learning for attributed networks
- Application of noma in 6g networks: Future vision and research opportunities for next generation multiple access
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Cognitive Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Efficient Online Algorithms for Dynamic Shared Path Protection in WDM Optical Networks ?
- Trade-offs with telemetry-derived contact networks for infectious disease studies in wildlife
- Ant colony nest networks adapt to resource disruption
- Metal Ion-Driven Constitutional Adaptation in Dynamic Covalent C= C/C= N Organo-Metathesis
- Event-triggered state estimation for Markovian jumping neural networks: On mode-dependent delays and uncertain transition probabilitiesDTDR–ALSTM: Extracting dynamic time-delays to reconstruct multivariate data for improving attention-based LSTM industrial time series prediction models
- Oxytocin modulates the intrinsic dynamics between attention-related large-scale networks
- Adaptive topological coevolution of interdependent networks: Scientific collaboration-citation networks as an example
- Quantifying and predicting ecological and human health risks for binary heavy metal pollution accidents at the watershed scale using Bayesian Networks
- Dynamical attitude configuration with wearable wireless body sensor networks through beetle antennae search strategy
- Dynamic spatio-temporal patterns of metapopulation occupancy in patchy habitats
- QoS Sensible Coalition-Based Radio Resource Management Scheme for 4G Mobile Networks
- Federated learning in vehicular networks: opportunities and solutions
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Digital proximity tracing on empirical contact networks for pandemic control
- Restoring cultivated agrobiodiversity: The political ecology of knowledge networks between local peasant seed groups in France
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry The bridging role of Hong Kong for Chinese firms’ integrating into global financial networks
- Behavior prediction based on interest characteristic and user communication in opportunistic social networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Animal social networks: Towards an integrative framework embedding social interactions, space and time
- Graph Neural Networks in TensorFlow and Keras with Spektral [Application Notes]
- Population-Based Parameter Identification for Dynamical Models of Biological Networks with an Application to Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The PyInteraph Workflow for the Study of Interaction Networks From Protein Structural Ensembles
- A theory of pattern formation for reaction–diffusion systems on temporal networks
- Influence maximization on social networks: a study
- Users’ mobility enhances information diffusion in online social networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Early warning of infectious disease outbreaks on cattle-transport networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Micro dynamics and macro stability in inventor networks
- Applying overlay networks to the smart grid and energy collectives
- On Computing Pareto Optimal Paths in Weighted Time-Dependent Networks
- Failing forward: Stability of transparent electrodes based on metal nanowire networks
- Myosin-driven actin-microtubule networks exhibit self-organized contractile dynamics
- EEDCHS-PSO: Energy-Efficient Dynamic Cluster Head Selection with Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNS)
- RLC Networks Equations and Analysis Methods
- Renets: Statically-optimal demand-aware networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Identifying pre-outbreak signals of hand, foot and mouth disease based on landscape dynamic network marker
- Deleting edges to restrict the size of an epidemic in temporal networks
- Dynamic relations between oil and stock markets: Volatility spillovers, networks and causality
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry When are efficient conventions selected in networks?
- Application of deep learning methods in biological networks
- Evaluating Belief System Networks as a Theory of Political Belief System Dynamics
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Linking bank clients using graph neural networks powered by rich transactional data
- Nonnegative periodicity on high-order proportional delayed cellular neural networks involving operator Computational Geometry
- Population-Based Parameter Identification for Dynamical Models of Biological Networks with an Application to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Processes 2021, 9, 98
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Weighted pseudo almost periodicity of multi-proportional delayed shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with D operator
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Human histone interaction networks: an old concept, new trends
- Starvation avoidance-based dynamic multichannel access for low priority traffics in 802.11 ac communication systems
- A new irregular cellular learning automata-based evolutionary computation for time series link prediction in social networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Signal diffusion along connectome gradients and inter-hub routing differentially contribute to dynamic human brain function
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Systemic stress test model for shared portfolio networks
- Large scale “speedtest” experimentation in Mobile Broadband Networks
- HITS centrality based on inter-layer similarity for multilayer temporal networks
- A survey on emerging issues in interconnection networks
- Mechanical characterization and modeling stress relaxation behavior of acrylic–polyurethane-based graft-interpenetrating polymer networks
- Integrated demand response for congestion alleviation in coupled power and transportation networks
- Low Latency Scheduling Algorithms for Full-Duplex V2X Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry A survey of community detection methods in multilayer networks
- Impulsive quasi-containment control in heterogeneous multiplex networks
- Ant Colony Optimization-based distributed multilayer routing and restoration in IP/MPLS over optical networks
- A comprehensive survey on 6g networks: Applications, core services, enabling technologies, and future challenges
- On Modeling and Performability Evaluation of Time Varying Communication Networks
- Prescribed-time cluster synchronization of uncertain complex dynamical networks with switching via pinning control
- Learning frame similarity using Siamese networks for audio-to-score alignment
- Passenger Mobility Prediction via Representation Learning for Dynamic Directed and Weighted Graph
- Predicting the fmri signal fluctuation with recurrent neural networks trained on vascular network dynamics
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry On the basic reproduction number in semi-Markov switching networks
- Generalization-Based Acquisition of Training Data for Motor Primitive Learning by Neural Networks
- Percolation on complex networks: Theory and application
- Dynamic Federated Learning-Based Economic Framework for Internet-of-Vehicles
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry The actin networks of chytrid fungi reveal evolutionary loss of cytoskeletal complexity in the fungal kingdom
- Asymptotic Stability of Boolean Networks with Multiple Missing Data
- Designing temporal networks that synchronize under resource constraints
- Secure Data Transmission in Mobile Networks Using Modified S-ACK Mechanism
- Intelligent secure mobile edge computing for beyond 5G wireless networks
- Nature-inspired algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks: A comprehensive survey
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Predictive Trajectory-Based Mobile Data Gathering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Top-n personalized recommendation with graph neural networks in MOOCs
- An overview of deep reinforcement learning for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks
- On the origins of randomization-based feedforward neural networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry The Integration of Rotary MEMS INS and GNSS with Artificial Neural Networks
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry A Robust Self-Organizing Tree-Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
- Near optimum random routing of uniformly load balanced nodes in wireless sensor networks using connectivity matrix
- Leveraging Machine-Learning for D2D Communications in 5G/Beyond 5G Networks
- Deep learning for privacy preservation in autonomous moving platforms enhanced 5G heterogeneous networks
- A novel fast and fair asynchronous channel hopping rendezvous scheme in cognitive radio networks for internet of things
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Energy-Spectral Efficiency Optimization in Wireless Underground Sensor Networks Using Salp Swarm Algorithm
- Effective route scheme of multicast probing to locate high-loss links in OpenFlow networks
- Football Worlds: Business and networks during COVID-19
- Learning N: M Fine-grained Structured Sparse Neural Networks From Scratch
- Secure synchronization of stochastic complex networks subject to deception attack with nonidentical nodes and internal disturbance
- Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Link Strength-Based Hybrid Genetic Algorithm
- Investigations on scheduling algorithms in LTE-advanced networks with carrier aggregation
- The ties that belong: Tie formation in preservice teacher identification networks
- GRNdb: decoding the gene regulatory networks in diverse human and mouse conditions
- Dynamic model with super spreaders and lurker users for preferential information propagation analysis
- Neural network cognitive engine for autonomous and distributed underlay dynamic spectrum access
- Stability of gated recurrent unit neural networks: Convex combination formulation approach
- Dynamic Federated Learning-Based Economic Framework for Internet-of-Vehicles
- Effects of synthetic data applied to artificial neural networks for fatigue life prediction in nodular cast iron
- An asynchronous distributed gradient algorithm for economic dispatch over stochastic networks
- A classification of community detection methods in social networks: a survey
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry STS-02-5 Direct Comparison of Radial Basis Functions and Artificial Neural Networks for the Dynamic Metamodelling in Multidisciplinary Optimization …
- An Efficient Clustering Technique for Wireless Body Area Networks Based on Dragonfly Optimization
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Neural networks with motivation
- Traffic signal optimisation in disrupted networks, to improve resilience and sustainability
- Computational GeometryComputational Geometry Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Graph Neural Networks with Experience Replay
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