List of Marketing Management Research Topics Ideas for MS/PhD
1. Marketing management: an Asian perspective
2. Business marketing management: B2B
3. Marketing management
4. Using marketing management to ensure competitiveness of agricultural enterprises
5. Digital Marketing and Sales Technologies: Dealership Marketing Management
6. Exploration and Analysis of Tourism Marketing Management Innovation Based on Big Data
7. Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Sharia Bank Marketing Management During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Gorontalo Province
8. Marketing Management
9. Efficiency of Marketing Management in Textile Enterprises
10. How to develop original, courageous ideas in business marketing research
11. Research on marketing management system based on independent ERP and business BI using fuzzy TOPSIS
13. Private Junior High School Marketing Management to Face the New Students Admission (PPDB) Policies of State Junior High School in Surabaya
14. Setting B2B digital marketing in artificial intelligence-based CRMs: A review and directions for future research
15. Theoretical fundamentals of competitiveness management of enterprise products on the basis of marketing
16. eSports Switzerland 2021: a study by the Institute of Marketing Management under the direction of Marcel Hüttermann
17. How to develop great conceptual frameworks for business-to-business marketing
18. An integrated artificial intelligence framework for knowledge creation and B2B marketing rational decision making for improving firm performance
19. Key trends in business-to-business services marketing strategies: Developing a practice-based research agenda
20. Artificial intelligence as an enabler of B2B marketing: A dynamic capabilities micro-foundations approach
21. Digital Marketing and Ecommerce in the Digital Neo-Economy, Discovering by Learning in the New Era of Innovation, and Re-engaging the Marketing Team
22. Effectiveness of contracts in marketing exchange relationships: A meta-analytic review
23. Business strategy and the management of digital marketing
24. Digital marketing activities by Dutch place management partnerships: A resource-based view
25. Et-moone and marketing relationship governance: The effect of digital transformation and ICT during the COVID-19 pandemic
26. Necessary condition analysis in marketing research
27. Digital marketing: Implementation of digital advertising preference to support brand awareness
28. Strategic use of social media within business-to-business (B2B) marketing: A systematic literature review
29. Developing a digital marketing tool for ethnic ventures’ mixed business model and market-shaping: A design scientific approach of web demographics
30. A Crisis Management Model For Marketing Education: Reflections On Marketing Education System’s Transformation In View Of The COVID-19 Crisis
31. Innovation in educational marketing: a study applied to Brazilian private higher education institutions
32. Using data sciences in digital marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics
33. Marketing strategy for the competitiveness of modern enterprises
34. Brand stories in marketing: a bibliographic perspective
35. Product and Service Decisions
36. Marketing communication process management for security and locking industry
37. When size does not matter: compositional data analysis in marketing research
38. A marketing mix typology for integrated care: the 10 Ps
39. Tourism business in a vuca world: Marketing and management implications
40. Adopt or not: Manufacturers’ RFID decisions for gray marketing in a competitive environment
41. Management of logistics and marketing behavior of innovation clusters in territorial communities in the context of digitalization of society and the online market
42. Environmental management and social marketing: a bibliometric analysis
43. Enabling and cultivating wiser consumption: The roles of marketing and public policy
44. Fostering technological innovation through management and marketing innovation. The human and non-technological linkage
45. Search engine marketing and social media marketing predictive trends
46. A Survey for Investigating Key Performance Indicators in Digital Marketing
47. Strategic business decision making: the use and relevance of marketing metrics and knowledge management
48. Deciphering B2B marketers’ concerns in marketing ‘with’clients: Further insights into how B2B characteristics foster and inhibit UGC generation and its leverage
49. Institutional ownership and marketing myopic management
50. Direct Marketing, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations
51. Shaping social marketing research: a retrospective of the journal of social marketing
52. Segmentation of Bank Consumers for Artificial Intelligence Marketing
53. Urban and Rural Sustainability: Divergent Concepts and Their Consequences for Marketing
54. Marketing Mix 4Cs: Impact on Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) Marketing Performance
55. The impact of live cases on student skill development in marketing courses
56. Marketing while Black: commentary on the Galak and Kahn 2019 Academic Marketing Climate Survey
57. Marketing competitiveness of hotel and restaurant enterprise: theoretical approach and methods of definition
58. Strategic Marketing Proposal for Setters, CPA & Company
59. Expecting Transformation of Marketing During the Post-Pandemic New Normal: Qualitative Research of Marketing Managers in Georgia
60. Rethinking relationship marketing as consumer led and technology driven: propositions for research and practice
61. Marketing mix strategies during and after COVID-19 pandemic and recession: a systematic review
62. The Effect of Marketing Culture Aspects of Healthcare Care on Marketing Creativity
63. Digital marketing in SMEs via data-driven strategies: Reviewing the current state of research
64. Bibliometrics and Science Mapping of Digital Marketing
65. Commentary on Kohli & Haenlein: The study of important marketing issues in an evolving field
66. Social media marketing strategy: definition, conceptualization, taxonomy, validation, and future agenda
67. The Role of Window Shopping in Improving Word of Mouth Marketing in Chain Stores
68. Artificial intelligence adoption in business-to-business marketing: toward a conceptual framework
69. Reconsidering gaps between perceived and real discrimination: Commentary on the Galak and Kahn 2019 Academic Marketing Climate Survey
70. Marketing in a data-driven digital world: Implications for the role and scope of marketing
71. The interplay of marketing and design
72. Marketing-to-Millennials: Marketing 4.0, customer satisfaction and purchase intention
73. Bibliometric analysis of green marketing research from 1977 to 2020
74. Charting research on international luxury marketing: where are we now and where should we go next?
75. New areas of research in marketing strategy, consumer behavior, and marketing analytics: the future is bright
76. 365 Days B2B Marketing Turnaround: A Fact-Driven, Bullet-Proof Showcase Guide
77. Artificial intelligence in marketing: Topic modeling, scientometric analysis, and research agenda
78. Marketing
79. Art As a Dependable Driving Force In New Age Marketing
80. Green marketing and sustainable development challenges and opportunities
81. Exploring some marketing practices in management consulting firms: evidence from small service firms in Italy
82. MarkBot–a language model-driven chatbot for interactive marketing in post-modern world
83. Nanoinfluencer marketing: how message features affect credibility and behavioral intentions
84. The research of the influence of means of marketing communications on the tourist enterprises competitiveness
85. Past, present and future of bank marketing: a bibliometric analysis of International Journal of Bank Marketing (1983–2020)
86. The effect of tourism promotion, prices and facilities on visitors’ satisfaction of sweet water beach tourism padang
87. SNS marketing activities as a sustainable competitive advantage and traditional market equity
88. The use of digital media for marketing, CSR communication and stakeholder engagement
89. Artificial intelligence in business-to-business marketing: a bibliometric analysis of current research status, development and future directions
90. Bridging marketing theory and big data analytics: The taxonomy of marketing attribution
91. Marketing contract choices in agriculture: The role of price expectation and price risk management
92. Research on the Advantage Strategy of Social Network Big Data in Marketing
93. A strategic framework for artificial intelligence in marketing
94. Effect Of Digital Marketing And Social Media On Purchase Intention Of Smes Food Products
95. Do relationship marketing constructs enhance consumer retention? An empirical study within the hotel industry
96. The Impact of Modern Communication Marketing Tools to Increase the Innovativeness of Business
97. Digital banking in the marketing mix and human resource management: improving the approach to the assessment as an innovative component
98. Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing: Connected Through Impact
99. The effect of digital marketing and e-commerce on financial performance and business sustaina-bility of MSMEs during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
100. … and research on fuel cell electric vehicles: Topologies, power electronic converters, energy management methods, technical challenges, marketing and future aspects
101. Marketing Orientation of Entities on the Tourism Market
102. Waiting Line Management: The Managerial Choice Model and the Trade-Off Model
103. Motivation of SME adopt Digital Marketing
104. A Critical Literature Analysis of the Relationships of Marketing and Strategic Planning Under Project Environments
105. The Influence Of Digital Marketing And Customer Perceived Value Through Customer Satisfaction On Customer Loyalty
106. Marketing Strategy: Pricing strategies and its influence on consumer purchasing decision
107. Factors affecting the study of important marketing issues: Implications and recommendations
108. How green product demands influence industrial buyer/seller relationships, knowledge, and marketing dynamic capabilities
109. Fostering green economies in Africa through green marketing strategies for environmental sustainability: An overview
110. Upcoming Dentist: Wrap Up Your Marketing Skills with These Secret Ingredients
111. An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Levels in Islamic Banks Based on Marketing Mix as a Measurement Tool
112. Customer relationship marketing & enterprise performance: Empirical evidence from leading banks in South-South Nigeria
113. Artificial intelligence in marketing: Systematic review and future research direction
114. The Influence of Experiential Marketing and Location on Customer Loyalty
115. A broad overview of interactive digital marketing: A bibliometric network analysis
116. How to use instrumental variables in addressing endogeneity? A step-by-step procedure for non-specialists
117. Asri Jewellery’s Online Marketing During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Tampaksiring Village, Gianyar
118. How business customers judge customer success management
119. Change or perish: Examining the role of human capital and dynamic marketing capabilities in the hospitality sector
120. Multiple case study design: the example of place marketing research
121. Evolutionary psychology in marketing: Deep, debated, but fancier with fieldwork
122. A bibliometric retrospection of marketing from the lens of psychology: Insights from Psychology & Marketing
123. Based Guidelines for Marketing Information Systems
124. The effects of entrepreneurial orientation and organizational learning on marketing capability in supply chain management
125. The Management of Lamb Heterogeneity is a Tool for Farmers’ Marketing Strategies
126. Digital marketing: a review
127. Formalization of impact of information on the human behaviour for automatization of calculation of the marketing influence
128. The effect of digital marketing on customer relationship management in the education sector: Peruvian case
129. Exploring social media affordance in relationship marketing practices in SMEs
131. Pro-active peer review for premier journals
132. A taxonomy of online marketing methods
133. System approach to organic producers’ marketing activities based on the sustainable development concept
134. The Blackwell encyclopedic dictionary of marketing
135. Transformation of the hospitality services marketing structure: a chaos theory perspective
136. Big Data based marketing forecasting
137. Effect of Internal Marketing on Customer Satisfaction with Telecommunication Companies in Anambra State
138. Managing business-to-business open innovation: A project-level approach
139. Applications of Blockchain Technology in marketing systematic review of marketing technology companies
140. Does social capital provide marketing benefits for startup business? An emerging economy perspective
141. Smart Marketing Model in the Development of Handicraft Investment Companies
142. How do ESG pillars impact firms’ marketing performance? A configurational analysis in the pharmaceutical sector
143. Relationship marketing activities in building customer-oriented marketing services
144. Managing the product innovations paradox: the individual and synergistic role of the firm inside-out and outside-in marketing capability
145. The Effects of Total Quality Management Practices and Marketing on Performance of SMEs. A Case of Selected Manufacturing Industries, Greece
146. Digital marketing and SMEs: a systematic mapping study
147. The role of organismic integration theory in marketing science: A systematic review and research agenda
148. Pharmaceutical Marketing Transformation due to COVID-19 Pandemic
149. The effect of AI-based CRM on organization performance and competitive advantage: An empirical analysis in the B2B context
150. The State of Spirituality in India and Insights for Marketing
151. Fundações e tendências no relacionamento entre analytics e marketing
152. Impact Online Marketing Strategies on Improving the Status of Businesses in the COVID-19 Situation in Iran
153. Penerapan Digital Marketing Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Ternak Tikus Putih
154. Digital servitization: Crossing the perspectives of digitization and servitization
155. Social Media Marketing and Business Performance of MSMEs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
156. The Triple Helix and The Innovation Capability: A Conceptual Framework for Creative Economic Marketing
157. The evolving role of artificial intelligence in marketing: A review and research agenda
158. Penerapan Customer Relationship Management Untuk Mendukung Marketing Credit Executive (Studi Kasus: Pt Fif Group)
159. Marketing Analysis: Security and Public Trust Online Shopping at Shopee. co. id
160. Dr. Shelby D. Hunt: A world-renowned marketing scholar, marketing legend, thought leader, mentor and more
162. Value co-creation in industrial AI: The interactive role of B2B supplier, customer and technology provider
163. Marketing to the next generation of casino patrons
164. Four-Stage Model of Value Creation for Sustainability-Oriented Marketing: En Route to Participatory Marketing
165. Commentary on Kohli & Haenlein: The study of important marketing issues: Reflections
166. Adaptive Capability, Social Media Agility, Ambidextrous Marketing Capability, and Business Survival: A Mediation Analysis
167. Marketing and financial services in the age of artificial intelligence
168. Size of Business Unit as a Factor Influencing Adoption of Digital Marketing: Empirical Analysis of SMEs Operating in the Central European Market
169. Sustainable Marketing and Consumer Support for Sustainable Businsses
170. The role of marketing communications and PR in the company’s reputation management
171. Millennials and Mobile-Savvy Consumers are Driving a Huge Shift in The Retail Banking Industry
172. Core Banking Technology and Its Top 6 Implementation Challenges
173. Qualitative research in marketing: what can academics do better?
174. The Impact of Chatbots on the Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication and Online Purchasing Behavior in The Frontier Market
175. Marketing Online Using Change Request Management
177. Determination of Green Marketing Strategies Through Marketing Communication in the Business World in the Society 5.0 Era
178. AI in marketing, consumer research and psychology: A systematic literature review and research agenda
179. How digital marketing evolved over time: A bibliometric analysis on scopus database
180. Factors Influencing HEIs to Adopt Social Media as a Marketing Communication Tool
181. The impact of customer knowledge management, TQM and marketing capabilities on product innovation performance of Malaysian SMEs: an empirical study
182. Internal Marketing: A tool for the effective Human Capital Management
183. Investigating Green Marketing Orientation Practices among Green Small and Medium Enterprises
184. Importance of Marketing Mix Elements in Determining Consumer Purchase Decision in the Retail Market
185. Recreating Marketing Strategies Post COVID-19: the Marketing World of’New Normal’
186. A current framework of the challenges of digital marketing
187. The household wasteful behaviour framework: A systematic review of consumer food waste
188. Online content match-making in B2B markets: Application of neural content modeling
189. Conceptual Review of Social Influencer Marketing on Purchase Intention; Dynamics in Fashion Retail Industry
190. Exploring the market side of corporate environmentalism: Reputation, legitimacy and stakeholders’ engagement
191. Differential effects of firm generated content on consumer digital engagement and firm performance: An outside-in perspective
192. Trends and patterns in digital marketing research: bibliometric analysis
193. Technology and entrepreneurial marketing decisions during COVID-19
194. What impacts customer experience for B2B enterprises on using AI-enabled chatbots? Insights from Big data analytics
195. Drivers of green cooperation between Chinese manufacturers and their customers: An empirical analysis
196. Knowledge marketing: M4I-mix model of evaluation
197. Designing a Marketing Strategy for the Development of Industrial Tourism in the Region
198. Segmentation as a base for digital marketing strategies in blood service: A cluster analysis for classifying healthy regional subjects
199. The web of influencers. A marketing-audience classification of (potential) social media influencers
200. Big data and firm marketing performance: Findings from knowledge-based view
201. Electronic Marketing and Marketing Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Akwa Ibom State