Computational Geometry Research Topics ideas

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Computational Geometry Research Topics for MS PhD

I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Computational Geometry that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.

  1. Two-grid method on unstructured tetrahedra: Applying computational geometry to the staggered solution of coupled flow and mechanics problems
  2. Computational Geometry-Based Surface Reconstruction for Volume Estimation: A Case Study on Magnitude-Frequency Relations for a LiDAR-Derived Rockfall …
  3. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing compGeometeR: an R package for computational geometry
  4. Spectral Clustering and Integration: The Inner Dynamics of Computational Geometry and Spatial Morphology
  5. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Tail Estimates and High-probability Performance Bounds in Computational Geometry
  6. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Gas turbine computational flow and structure analysis with isogeometric discretization and a complex-geometry mesh generation method
  7. On pseudo-disk hypergraphs
  8. A note on empty balanced tetrahedra in two-colored point sets in R3
  9. Improved PTASs for convex barrier coverage
  10. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Implementing straight skeletons with exact arithmetic: Challenges and experiences
  11. The minimum area spanning tree problem: Formulations, Benders decomposition and branch-and-cut algorithms
  12. Unassigned distance geometry and molecular conformation problems
  13. Two theorems on point-flat incidences
  14. Computational fluid dynamics modelling of lead natural convection and solidification in a pool type geometry
  15. Functional norms, condition numbers and numerical algorithms in algebraic geometry
  16. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Tilings of the regular N-gon with triangles of angles p/N, p/N,(N- 2) p/N for N= 5, 8, 10 and 12
  17. Derivation of an accurate geometry of 2-fluoroaniline from rotational spectroscopy and computational chemistry
  18. A Framework for Mesh-Geometry Associativity during Mesh Adaptation
  19. Soft subdivision motion planning for complex planar robots
  20. Effect of the contact tank geometry on disinfection efficiency
  21. Angle-monotonicity of Delaunay triangulation
  22. Searching for all polygons in a geometry figure
  23. Geometry Design Using Function Representation on a Sparse Hierarchical Data Structure
  24. The NATO generic destroyer–a shared geometry for collaborative research into modelling and simulation of shipboard helicopter launch and recovery
  25. The Geometry of the space of Discrete Coalescent Trees
  26. Near-optimal randomized algorithms for selection in totally monotone matrices
  27. An improved construction for spanners of disks
  28. JCOGIN: a programming framework for particle transport on combinatorial geometry
  29. On the approximation of shortest escape paths
  30. Maximum-area and maximum-perimeter rectangles in polygons
  31. A Comparative Study on Coverage-Hole Detection Improvement with Inner Empty Circle over Delaunay Triangulation Method in Wireless Sensor Networks
  32. Empty rainbow triangles in k-colored point sets
  33. Dynamic layers of maxima with applications to dominating queries
  34. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Effects of Neurovascular Stents on Vascular Geometry and Intra-Aneurysmal Hemodynamics
  35. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Bibliographic Notes
  36. From Geometry to Topology: Inverse Theorems for Distributed Persistence
  37. A Tail Estimate with Exponential Decay for the Randomized Incremental Construction of Search Structures
  38. Thermal and multiphase flow simulations of polytetrafluoroethylene-based grease flow in restricted geometry
  39. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Information geometry for phylogenetic trees
  40. Neti pot irrigation volume filling simulation using anatomically accurate in-vivo nasal airway geometry
  41. Analytical cut geometry calculation for multi-pass rough milling of a free-form surface machining
  42. Assessing tree crown volume—a review
  43. Hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells: A computational study
  44. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Quantiles, depth, and symmetries: Geometry in multivariate statistics
  45. The Landscape of Multi-Layer Linear Neural Network From the Perspective of Algebraic Geometry
  46. Evaluating and optimizing the geometry of thermal foundation pipes for the utilization of the geothermal energy: Numerical simulation
  47. Internal dictionary matching
  48. Review of Forbidden Configurations in Discrete Geometry by David Eppstein
  49. A novel cooling geometry for subsea variable speed drives
  50. LES investigation on the dependence of the flow through a centrifugal pump on the diffuser geometry
  51. Hidden geometry and dynamics of complex networks: Spin reversal in nanoassemblies with pairwise and triangle-based interactions (a)
  52. Automated 3D solid reconstruction from 2D CAD using OpenCV
  53. PhyGeoNet: physics-informed geometry-adaptive convolutional neural networks for solving parameterized steady-state PDEs on irregular domain
  54. Sketching Merge Trees
  55. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Adaptive Algorithm in Image Reconstruction Based on Information Geometry.
  56. Real Algebraic Geometry of the Sextic Curves
  57. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization GD2020
  58. Creating graphene geometry diodes through fluorination: First-principles studies
  59. Analysis and optimization of the curved trapezoidal winglet geometry in a compact heat exchanger
  60. CFD modeling of the effect of dipleg geometry on improving efficiency of a square cyclone
  61. Machine-learning accelerated geometry optimization in molecular simulation
  62. Geometry-Based Layout Generation with Hyper-Relations AMONG Objects
  63. Geometry-Based Thick Origami Simulation
  64. Simulation of Low Speed Cavity Flow with Complex Geometry
  65. Critique on” Volume penalization for inhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions modeling scalar flux in complicated geometry”
  66. Online Deep Neural Networks for mmWave Massive MIMO Channel Estimation with Arbitrary Array Geometry
  67. On the Falk invariant of Shi and Linial arrangements
  68. A numerical study of flow field and particle deposition in nasal channels with deviant geometry
  69. On the Generalization of the Response Matrix Spectral Nodal Method for Neutral Particle SN Source–Detector Problems in Slab Geometry
  70. Computational Analysis on De Laval Dual Throat Micronozzle
  71. Hole Transport Materials by Direct C-H Arylation for Organic Solar Cells: Effect of Structure and Conjugation on Electrical, Optical and Computational Properties
  72. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Primer on the Geometry in Machine Learning
  73. Spherical Images: Capture and Visualization Devices. Icons of a Computational Paradigm
  74. The Impact of Heterogeneity and Geometry on the Proof Complexity of Random Satisfiability
  75. Shortest Paths Among Obstacles in the Plane Revisited
  76. Influence of the grid cell geometry on 3D cellular automata behavior in intergranular corrosion
  77. Simulation sediment transport in development location of a diesel power plant using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methods
  78. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing The multi-cover persistence of Euclidean balls
  79. Open-geometry modal method based on transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode expansion for orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
  80. Comparison of Experimental Power Reactor Hot Gas Chamber Geometry for Hot Gas Mixing Optimisation
  81. Optimization of Radar Parameters for Maximum Detection Probability Under Generalized Discrete Clutter Conditions Using Stochastic Geometry
  82. Effect of Entrance Geometry on Heat Transfer in a Rib-Roughened Rectangular Channel
  83. Ultra-high bypass nacelle geometry design space exploration
  84. Characterization of separated flowfield over Gaussian speed-bump CFD validation geometry
  85. Flow Distortion Computational Modeling and Design Optimization for Supersonic Inlet
  86. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Prediction of the deformed geometry of vat photo-polymerized components using a multi-physical modeling framework
  87. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Blood Rheology
  88. Experimental Characterization and Improved Modelling Methodology for Simple Geometry After-treatment Devices Focused on Pressure Drop and Transmission Loss
  89. … Optimization of a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Volute Pump Using Three-Dimensional Inverse Design Coupled With Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
  90. Preflight Boundary-Layer Stability Analysis of BOLT Geometry
  91. Geometry-Based High-Order Finite Element Approximations for Structural-Acoustics
  92. Computational Protocol for Spray Flow Simulations Including Primary Atomization
  93. Generative Design of Bionic Structures Via Concurrent Multiscale Topology Optimization and Conformal Geometry Method
  94. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Controlled Perturbation
  95. Characterization of particulated flow induced erosion in elbow geometry
  96. A Deep-Learning Framework to Predict the Dynamics of a Human-Driven Vehicle Based on the Road Geometry
  97. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Azimuthal averaging–reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry
  98. New lead (II) coordination polymer derived from second generation O-methylpyridylxanthate: Crystallographic and computational studies
  99. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, Gaussian Elimination and Graph Theory
  100. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing The influence of exocyclic lone pairs on the bonding and geometry of type A mesoionic rings
  101. Computational analysis for scallop seals with sickle grooves, part I: Leakage performance
  102. Characterization of a New Structured Packing by Computational Fluid Dynamics
  103. Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour of Prototype Sized Pipe Bend and Its Equivalent Plate Type Geometry
  104. Piston Bowl Geometry Effects on Gasoline Compression Ignition in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
  105. Computational analysis for scallop seals with sickle grooves, part II: Rotordynamic characteristics
  106. Numerical study of the biomass pyrolysis process in a spouted bed reactor through computational fluid dynamics
  107. Computational investigation of mixing performance on the effects of innovative transverse fuel injection system in parallel fuel injection based scramjet combustor
  108. Geometry optimization of a novel M-like flow field in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
  109. The Nonconvex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems
  110. Large-eddy simulation of methane direct injection using the full injector geometry
  111. Scene context shapes category representational geometry during processing of tools
  113. Geometry of Kantorovich Polytopes and Support of Optimizers for Repulsive Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport on Finite State Spaces
  114. Rapid computational evaluation of small-molecule hydrolase mimics for preorganized H-bond networks
  115. Effect of the Geometry of an Yttrium Iron Garnet Film on the Spin-Wave Dispersion Relation
  116. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational biomedicine. Part II: organs and systems
  117. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Three dimensional reconstruction to visualize atrial fibrillation activation patterns on curved atrial geometry
  118. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing DISCRETE CONFORMAL GEOMETRY OF POLYHEDRAL SURFACES AND ITS APPLICATION
  119. Computational 1H and 13C NMR of the trimeric monoterpenoid indole alkaloid strychnohexamine: selected spectral updates
  120. On the computational analysis of short mixing length planar split and recombine micromixers for microfluidic applications
  121. Boundary viscoelasticity theory at finite deformations and computational implementation using isogeometric analysis
  122. Computational fluid dynamic model of electron transpiration cooling in weakly ionized air flows
  123. Numerical simulation of viscous effects on high enthalpy flow over a double-wedge geometry
  124. Computational development and validation of a representative MDI-BDO–based polyurethane hard segment model
  125. Fitting Splines to Axonal Arbors Quantifies Relationship between Branch Order and Geometry
  126. Modelling and experimental observation of the deposition geometry and microstructure evolution of aluminum alloy fabricated by wire-arc additive manufacturing
  127. Maximum Target Coverage Problem in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
  128. An investigation of the symmetrical properties in the invariant imbedding T-matrix method for the nonspherical particles with symmetrical geometry
  129. Computational Graphics and Immersive Technologies Applied to a Ship Maneuvering Simulator
  130. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Effects of position and geometry of curved vortex generators on fin-tube heat-exchanger performance characteristics
  131. Algebra and geometry with Python
  132. Tverberg-Type Theorems with Altered Intersection Patterns (Nerves)
  133. Particle finite element method implementation for large deformation analysis using Abaqus
  134. Drag and Heat Flux Reduction using Counterflow Jet and Spike-Analysis of their Equivalence for a Blunt Cone Geometry at Mach 8.
  135. Effect of Base Geometry on the Resistance of Model Piles in Sand
  136. Size, geometry and mobility of protein assemblage regulate the kinetics of membrane wrapping on nanoparticles
  137. Information geometry
  138. Development of coupled two phase flow and geomechanics model to predict stress evolution in unconventional reservoirs with complex fracture geometry
  139. Geometry optimization of double pass solar air heater with helical flow path
  140. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Geometry-based framework for modeling the complexity of origami folding
  141. Maximum feasible subsystems of distance geometry constraints
  142. Info-Evo: Using Information Geometry to Guide Evolutionary Program Learning
  143. Individual variation in Achilles tendon morphology and geometry changes susceptibility to injury
  144. Computational simulation of air-side heat transfer and pressure drop performance in staggered mannered twisted oval tube bundle operating in crossflow
  145. Droplet fusion by the interplay of electric potential and converging–diverging geometry in micro-channels
  146. Quantitative Prediction on the Enantioselectivity of Multiple Chiral Iodoarene Scaffolds Based on Whole Geometry
  147. Computational Robot Design and Customization
  148. The challenge of predicting distal active site mutations in computational enzyme design
  149. Study of the Effect of Welding Current on Heat Transfer and Melt Pool Geometry on Mild Steel Specimen Through Finite Element Analysis
  150. Efficient design of heat exchange for CFB reactors in CO2 capture system regarding geometry-induced secondary flow
  151. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational modelling of muscle fibre operating ranges in the hindlimb of a small ground bird (Eudromia elegans), with implications for modelling …
  152. Computational study of IR, Raman, and NMR spectra of 4-methylmethcathinone drug
  153. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Azimuthal averaging–reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry
  154. Development of a Throughflow-Based Simulation Tool for Preliminary Compressor Design Considering Blade Geometry in Gas Turbine Engine
  155. … Manufactured Parts Made of a Polymer Material Used for the Experimental Verification of a Component of a High-Speed Machine with an Optimised Geometry …
  156. The Evolution of the Descriptive Geometry Course for Architecture Students at a Public University in Northern Paraná
  157. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Computational Design Analysis of UAV’s Rotor Blade in Low-Temperature Conditions for the Defence Applications
  158. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A review: Evolution of branching T-junction geometry in terms of diameter ratio, to improve phase separation
  159. DeepXDE: A deep learning library for solving differential equations
  160. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Simulation of a Distillation Column Hydrodynamics using CFD
  161. Advanced search
  162. Optimization Study of Front and Rear Wings of Motorsport Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  163. Formalization of the Poincaré Disc Model of Hyperbolic Geometry
  164. Considering computational speed vs. accuracy: Choosing appropriate mesoscale RVE boundary conditions
  165. A Surface Geometry Model for LiDAR Depth Completion
  166. Numerical study of section geometry of flexible bag of air cushion vehicle subjected to slamming loads
  167. The diffusion geometry of fibre bundles: Horizontal diffusion maps
  168. Coalbed methane flow characteristics based on fractal geometry and stochastic rough fracture network
  169. Entropic optimal transport: geometry and large deviations
  170. (Near-) Linear-Time Randomized Algorithms for Row Minima in Monge Partial Matrices and Related Problems
  171. Evaluation of Thermochemical Machine Learning for Potential Energy Curves and Geometry Optimization
  172. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Arrangements of pseudocircles: Triangles and drawings
  173. A Comprehensive Experimental and Computational Study on LVI induced Damage of Laminated Composites
  174. The global optimization geometry of low-rank matrix optimization
  175. Thermography and Computational Fluid Dynamic Comparisons on the CH-53K King Stallion
  176. An Experience on Short Course of Computational Geometric Modeling in Engineering Design for High School Students
  177. Improving the sampling process in the interval Branch-and-Prune algorithm for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem
  178. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Perimeter approximation of convex discs in the hyperbolic plane and on the sphere
  179. Biometric identity Authentication System Using Hand Geometry Measurements
  180. Modeling capabilities of unsteady RANS for the simulation of turbulent swirling flow in an annular bluff-body combustor geometry
  181. Undergraduates’ proof construction character on geometry
  182. Computational Analysis of Conjugate Buoyant Convective Transport in an Annulus
  183. Effect of geometry modification on the thermal response of composite metal foam/phase change material for thermal energy storage
  184. A combined experimental, geometry optimization and molecular dynamic simulations study of the binary mixtures of cis and trans 2-methylcyclohexanol and aniline
  185. A computational model applied to myocardial perfusion in the human heart: From large coronaries to microvasculature
  186. Geometry and Symmetry in Skyrmion Dynamics
  187. Reconstruction along a geodesic from sphere data in Finsler geometry and anisotropic elasticity
  188. Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Porosity and Pore Geometry on Functionality of Scaffolds Designated for Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine
  189. Transient Behavior in Variable Geometry Industrial Gas Turbines: A Comprehensive Overview of Pertinent Modeling Techniques
  190. Preliminary Computational Study of Transition on a Flared Cone Using Random Forcing
  191. Engineering model for heat transfer to a complex-geometry deployable heat shield
  192. Development of a New Supersonic Rotor-vane Ejector using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  193. Radiation Power of He–Ne Laser with Different Geometry of the Tube Cross Section
  194. DFT calculations towards the geometry optimization, electronic structure, infrared spectroscopy and UV–vis analyses of Favipiravir adsorption on the first-row transition …
  195. Rapid Aero Modeling for Urban Air Mobility Aircraft in Computational Experiments
  196. Synthesis, computational and molecular docking study of some 2, 3-dihydrobenzofuran and its derivatives
  197. Experimental Determination of the Heat Transfer Coefficient of Real Cooled Geometry Using Linear Regression Method
  198. Excited-state geometry optimization of small molecules with Many-Body Green’s Functions Theory
  199. Computational Studies on Mesh Stiffness of Paralleled Helical Beveloid Gear Pair
  200. Nozzle Geometry-Induced Vortices in Supersonic Wind Tunnels
  201. DFT computational insights into structural, electronic and spectroscopic parameters of 2-(2-Hydrazineyl) thiazole derivatives: a concise theoretical and experimental …
  202. Visual Foundations of Euclidean Geometry
  203. Geometry and combinatorics via right-angled Artin groups
  205. A Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features
  206. Towards Stratified Space Learning: Linearly Embedded Graphs
  207. Computational Fluid Dynamics and Morphometric Changes in OSA
  208. Fragment binding to the Nsp3 macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 identified through crystallographic screening and computational docking
  209. Electrodialysis with asymmetrically profiled membranes: Influence of profiles geometry on desalination performance and limiting current phenomena
  210. Network geometry
  211. Partial Identification in Nonseparable Binary Response Models with Endogenous Regressors
  212. Effect of Li, K and Be doping on phase stability, band structure and optoelectronic response of SrTiO3 perovskite for semiconductor devices: A computational insight
  213. Modeling for geometry-based massive MIMO V2V channels and analysis of space-time correlation
  214. Optimal design of fixed-bed reactors using geometry optimization and Stratoconception printing process
  215. Efficient bi-directional coupling of 3D computational fluid-particle dynamics and 1D Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry lung models for multiscale modeling of aerosol …
  216. Spline Curves Formation Given Extreme Derivatives
  217. A Penalization Method for Eulerian Droplet Impingement Simulations towards Icing Applications
  218. Multiscale framework. Concept of geometry, materials, load conditions, and homogenization
  219. Effects of particle gradation and geometry on the pore characteristics and water retention curves of granular soils: a combined DEM and PNM investigation
  220. Accurate spherical harmonics solutions for neutron transport problems in multi-region spherical geometry
  221. … bidentate N, O-donor Schiff base ligands: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, DNA binding, molecular docking, DFT and TD-DFT computational studies
  222. On Compatible Matchings
  223. Geometry of Interaction for ZX-Diagrams
  224. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Characteristics of the fracture geometry and the injection pressure response during near-wellbore diverting fracturing
  225. Geometry of Grassmannians and optimal transport of quantum states
  226. Dynamic multistep uncertainty prediction in spatial geometry
  227. On the 13C-NMR chemical shift anisotropy patterns and aromatic character in strained fullerenes: Computational analysis of D6h/D2d-C36 fullerene
  228. Composite structural batteries with Co3O4/CNT modified carbon fibers as anode: Computational insights on the interfacial behavior
  229. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel Airstream Oscillators
  230. The geometry of information coding in correlated neural populations
  231. Computational Simulations of the Aerothermal Environment of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles
  232. Numerical Measurement of a Virtual Model for the Knee Prosthesis Geometry
  233. A Feasibility Study of In Vivo Control and Tracking of Microrobot Using Taxicab Geometry for Direct Drug Targeting
  234. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Temperature simulation of three-point bending geometry in a dynamic mechanical analyzer
  235. Coordination Geometry Preference Regulates the Structure and Dynamics of Metallo-Supramolecular Polymer Networks
  236. The Impact of Angiographic Geometry on the Clinical Presentation of True Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformations
  237. The geometry of incompatibility in growing soft tissues: Theory and numerical characterization
  238. Targeting SARS-CoV-2 main protease: A computational drug repurposing study
  239. Mechanistic insight into superoxide radical-mediated degradation of carbon tetrachloride in aqueous solution: An in situ spectroscopic and computational study
  240. On the fly biometric identification system using hand-geometry
  241. Additive manufacturing for energy: A review
  242. Capacity and quantum geometry of parametrized quantum circuits
  243. Computational study of X-doped hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN): structural and electronic properties (X= P, S, O, F, Cl)
  244. The ultrametric Gromov-Wasserstein distance
  245. Synthesis, experimental and computational study of a non-centrosymmetric material 3-methylbenzylammonium trioxonitrate
  246. Aquila: A Distributed and Portable Post-Processing Library for Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics
  247. Controlled imprisonment of wave packet and flat bands in a fractal geometry
  248. A computational study of CO oxidation on IrO2 (1 1 0) surface
  249. Geometry and mechanics of disclination lines in 3D nematic liquid crystals
  250. The birth of geometry in exponential random graphs
  251. Computational Modeling of Dislocation Slip Mechanisms in Crystal Plasticity: A Short Review
  252. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Microstructural modeling of anisotropic plasticity in large scale additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
  253. A Computational Analysis of Boundary Layer Instability over the BOLT Configuration
  254. Experimental and Computational Study of a Mach 2 Diamond Jet
  255. Surrogate-based computational analysis and design for H-shaped microstrip antenna
  256. Unbuttoning the impact of N501Y mutant RBD on viral entry mechanism: A computational insight
  257. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Trigger geometry influencing the failure modes in steel/polymer/steel sandwich crashboxes: Experimental and numerical evaluation
  258. Reconstruction, processing and smoothing of surface geometry of a patient specific ascending aortic aneurysm
  259. … of a Shore Fixed Oscillating Water Column Device for Different Bottom Slopes and Front Wall Drafts: A Study Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and BIEM
  260. Dynamic investigation of traction motor bearing in a locomotive under excitation from track random geometry irregularity
  261. Experimental and computational investigations of nonlinear frictional behavior in threaded fasteners
  262. Estimation of endothelial shear stress in atherosclerotic lesions detected by intravascular ultrasound using computational fluid dynamics from coronary CT scans with …
  263. Influence of Fracture Geometry on the Krauklis Wave in Finite Fractures
  264. Discrete Geometry on Colored Point Sets in the Plane—A Survey
  265. Wing Structural Optimization through Highly-Parameterized Design
  266. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Middle cerebral artery pressure laterality in patients with symptomatic ICA stenosis
  267. SARS COV-2 virus-laden droplets coughed from deep lungs: Numerical quantification in a single-path whole respiratory tract geometry
  268. Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Rotating Annular VUV/UV Photoreactor for Water Treatment
  269. Geometry Dependence of Transpiration Cooling for Hypersonic Systems
  270. Computational Design Methodology of Adaptive Outer Mold Line for Robust Low En-Route Noise of a Supersonic Aircraft
  271. Calibration of computational Mössbauer spectroscopy to unravel active sites in FeNC catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
  272. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Microstructure-Based Computational Analysis of Deformation and Fracture in Composite and Coated Materials Across Multiple Spatial Scales
  273. A novel computational simulation approach to study biofilm significance in a packed-bed biooxidation reactor
  274. Porepy: An open-source software for simulation of multiphysics processes in fractured porous media
  275. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Chiroptical characterization tools for asymmetric small molecules–experimental and computational approaches for electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and …
  276. The Geometry of Signal Space: A case study of direct mapping between seismic signals and event distribution
  277. A finite element method for the band structure computation of photonic crystals with complex scatterer geometry
  278. Stimuli-responsive emission of quinoxalinone-based compounds. From experimental findings to theoretical insight by means of multiscale computational spectroscopy …
  279. Microwave-induced selective decomposition of cellulose: Computational and experimental mechanistic study
  280. Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Inversely Proportional Carrier Sense Threshold and Transmission Power for WLAN Spatial Reuse
  281. Tuning the Coordination Geometry and Magnetic Relaxation of Co (II) Single-Ion Magnets by Varying the Ligand Substitutions
  282. A Communication Model Based on Fractal Geometry for Internet of Things
  283. Computational Analysis of Flow and Mixing in Micromixers
  284. Preflight Ground Test Analyses of the Boundary Layer Transition (BOLT) Flight Geometry
  285. Orthogonal optimization design of structural parameters for bioaerosol sampler using computational fluid dynamics simulation and field experiments
  286. Viral surface geometry shapes the coronavirus and influenza virus spike evolution through antibody pressure
  287. Computational study of the substitution of early actinides and Ce into zirconolite
  288. Comparison of the response to geometrical complexity of methods for unstationary simulations in discrete fracture networks with conforming, polygonal, and non …
  289. Convergence Characteristics of Geometrically Accurate Spatial Finite Elements
  290. ALKEMIE: An intelligent computational platform for accelerating materials discovery and design
  291. The geometry of movement: Encounters with spatial inscriptions for making and exploring mathematical figures
  292. Mathematical Selves and the Shaping of Mathematical Modernism: Conflicting Epistemic Ideals in the Emergence of Enumerative Geometry (1864–1893)
  293. Prediction of Bead Geometry with Changing Welding Speed Using Artificial Neural Network
  294. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Geometry to Build Models, Models to Visualize Geometry
  295. Computational Study of Premixed Flame Propagation in Micro-Channels with Nonslip Walls: Effect of Wall Temperature
  296. Fine Particulate Deposition in an Effusion Plate Geometry
  297. A fatigue life estimation approach considering the effect of geometry and stress sensitivity
  298. Joint Geometry and Color Point Cloud Denoising Based on Graph Wavelets
  299. Systematic Comparison of Vectorial Spherical Radiative Transfer Models in Limb Scattering Geometry
  300. Computational analysis of the thermal performance of rarefied air flow in V-shaped microchannels
  301. Computational modeling of fiber transport in human respiratory airways—A review
  302. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational Evaluation of Dynamic Coefficients of Thrust Bearings; Effect of Artificial Texturing on Thermohydrodynamic Performance
  303. Computational study of 4d transition metals doped bismuthene for spintronics
  304. Topology Optimization of Fail-Safe Structures via Geometry Projection
  305. Li-doped fullerene pillared graphene nanocomposites for enhancing hydrogen storage: A computational study
  306. The effect of local copper mesh geometry on the damage induced in composite structures subjected to artificial lightning strike
  307. Nearest Neighbors via a Hybrid Approach in Large Datasets: A Speed up
  308. Polygonal surface processing and mesh generation tools for the numerical simulation of the cardiac function
  309. Experimental and computational studies of the interaction of gemifloxacin and manganese (II) gemifloxacin complex with DNA
  310. Novel coupon geometry for tensile property determination of Sheet Molding Compounds
  311. Scale and contact geometry effects on friction in thermal EHL: twin-disc versus ball-on-disc
  312. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics investigation on size effect of small-scale wind turbine blades.
  313. Investigation of Jet Geometry on Jet-In-Crossflow Flame Characteristics at High Pressure
  314. Anisotropic sources for surface and volume boundary layer mesh generation
  315. Analysis of supramolecular self-assembly of two chromene derivatives: Synthesis, crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface, quantum computational and molecular docking …
  316. Analysis of the BOLT Flight Geometry At Off-Nominal Conditions
  317. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Approach for Identification of Geometry Change on Cultural Heritage Surface
  318. Computational and experimental approaches for chitosan-based nano PECs design: Insights on a deeper comprehension of nanostructure formation
  319. Influence of the Reshaped Elbow on the Unsteady Pressure Field in a Simplified Geometry of the Draft Tube
  320. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Optimization of critical angle, distance and flow rate of secondary fuel injection in DI diesel engine using computational fluid dynamics
  321. Human Thorax Parametric Reconstruction Using Computer Vision
  322. Causal Geometry
  323. Analytic insights into nonlocal energy transport. III. steady state Fokker Planck theory in spherical and planar geometry
  324. Development of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Models of the Formation and Buoyancy-Driven Detachment of Bubbles in Variable Gravity Environments
  325. Computational analysis of failure mechanisms in composite sandwich space structures subject to cyclic thermal loading
  326. Effect of Bottom Geometry on the Natural Sloshing Motion of Water Inside Tanks: An Experimental Analysis
  327. The study of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion treatment through computational modelling
  328. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Probabilistic convergence and stability of random mapper graphs
  329. Rotor Blade Design Framework for Airfoil Shape Optimization with Performance Considerations
  330. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Algorithms for Computing Topological Invariants in Digital Spaces
  331. Computational studies of selective N-methylation in nicotinamide: Epigenetic reprogramming in cancer
  332. Structural characterization, computational, charge density studies of 2-chloro-3-(2′-methoxy)-5, 5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone
  333. Computational Methods for Deep Learning
  334. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Slip and porosity effects on peristalsis of MHD Ree-Eyring nanofluid in curved geometry
  335. Cubic graphs, their Ehrhart quasi-polynomials, and a scissors congruence phenomenon
  336. Towards improved hydrodynamics of the electrodialysis (ED) cell via computational fluid dynamics and cost estimation model: Effects of spacer parameters
  337. A spectral nodal method for the adjoint SN neutral particle transport equations in X, Y-geometry: Application to direct and inverse multigroup source-detector problems
  338. Structural, spectroscopic, and computational evaluations of cation–cation and halogen bonding interactions in heterometallic uranyl hybrid materials
  339. Computational insight into magnetic behaviour of cobalt tris (2-pyridylmethyl) amine complexes with dioxolenes incorporating stable radicals
  340. … Study to Control the Combustion Performance of a Syngas-Fueled HCCI Engine at Medium and High Loads Using Different Piston Bowl Geometry and Exhaust Gas …
  341. Numerical estimation of ship resistance in broken ice and investigation on the effect of floe geometry
  342. Synthesis, DFT computational insights on structural, optical, photoelectrical characterizations and spectroscopic parameters of the novel (2E)-3-(4-methoxy-5-oxo-5H …
  343. Risk Analysis of Road Tunnels: A Computational Fluid Dynamic Model for Assessing the Effects of Natural Ventilation
  344. Dispersion for Intervals: A Geometric Approach*
  345. Propulsor Models for Computational Analysis of Aircraft Aerodynamic Performance with Boundary Layer Ingestion
  346. Summary of the SciTech 2020 Technical Panel on In Situ/In Transit Computational Environments for Visualization and Data Analytics
  347. Teaching Geometry to Students With Learning Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Series
  348. Methane dry reforming over Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in spark plasma reactor: Linking computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with reaction kinetic modelling
  349. Effects of nanopore geometry on confined water flow: A view of lattice Boltzmann simulation
  350. Computational design of thermo-mechanical metadevices using topology optimization
  351. Multiphase Fluid Dynamics in Storage Tanks of Varying Geometry
  352. Theoretical and computational investigation on the radiation-induced point defects in cementite: Picosecond timescale
  353. A Computational Investigation of the Impact of Multiple Injection Strategies on Combustion Efficiency in Diesel–Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Low-Temperature Combustion …
  354. Computational investigation of the substituent effect in the [2 + 4] Diels–Alder cycloaddition reactions of HSi=Si(para-C6H4X) with benzene
  355. Boosting solubility performance of supercritical CO2 via ethanol toward fabrication of polyetherimide/carbon fiber composite foam with three-dimensional geometry …
  356. Robust geometry and topology optimization of plane frames using order statistics and force density method with global stability constraint
  357. The geometry of the representation of decision variable and stimulus difficulty in the parietal cortex
  358. Computational Morphogenesis: Morphologic constructions using polygonal discretizations
  359. Isogeometric boundary element method for steady-state heat transfer with concentrated/surface heat sources
  360. Application of the Spectre-UQ Computational Environment to a Hypersonic Total UQ Study
  361. A Kinematics Framing Methodology for Computing Sweep Surfaces Using N-Dimensional NURBS Curves
  362. Evaluation of Gloriosa superba seeds extract as corrosion inhibition for low carbon steel in sulfuric acidic medium: a combined experimental and computational …
  363. Mesh and Geometry Manipulations for Optimization and Inverse Design
  364. Motivation: The Cavity Problem
  365. Comparative Computational Study of L-Amino Acids as Green Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel
  366. Computational Stability Analysis of a Variably Swept, Slotted Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil
  367. Computational Inlet Swirl Distortion Investigation of a High-Speed Compressor
  368. Integral transform analysis of microchannel fluid flow: Irregular geometry estimation using velocimetry data
  369. Shock wave boundary layer interactions in hypersonic flows over a double wedge geometry by using conjugate heat transfer
  370. morphomap: An R package for long bone landmarking, cortical thickness, and cross-sectional geometry mapping
  371. Planform Geometry and Excitation Effects of PVDF-Based Vibration Energy Harvesters
  372. GPU-accelerated smoothed particle finite element method for large deformation analysis in geomechanics
  373. Fitting tractable convex sets to support function evaluations
  374. The geometry and dynamical role of stellar wind bubbles in photoionized H ii regions
  375. Computational Fluid Dynamics versus Experiment: An Investigation on Liquid Weeping of Nye Trays
  376. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing On recovery guarantees for one-bit compressed sensing on manifolds
  377. Tutorial: Understanding the transport, deposition, and translocation of particles in human respiratory systems using Computational Fluid-Particle Dynamics and …
  378. … , spectral and thermal properties of a supramolecular assembly based on p-phenylenediamine and trichloroacetic acid: A combined experimental and computational …
  379. Architectural Geometry and Graphics Education Some Retrospective Reflections from Italy Across Three Generations
  380. Model-free data-driven computational mechanics enhanced by tensor voting
  381. Active Flow Control Utilizing an Adaptive Blade Geometry and an Extremum Seeking Algorithm at Periodically Transient Boundary Conditions
  382. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing … Congo red on carbon nanotubes and its influence on the fracture parameters of defective and functionalized carbon nanotubes studied using computational …
  383. Dent Imperfections in Shell Buckling: The Role of Geometry, Residual Stress, and Plasticity
  384. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Prediction of geometry deviations in additive manufactured parts: comparison of linear regression with machine learning algorithms
  385. Computational Surface Modelling of Ices and Minerals of Interstellar Interest—Insights and Perspectives
  386. A computational workflow for rupture-to-structural-response simulation and its application to Istanbul
  387. Microstructural characteristics and computational investigation on electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4 V alloy
  388. Experimental Study for Convection Heat Transfer From Helical Coils With the Same Outer Surface Area and Different Coil Geometry
  389. Cycle Registration in Persistent Homology with Applications in Topological Bootstrap
  390. Computational exploration of Sarin and simulants adsorption on a series of transition metal embedded graphene
  391. Mean-field and full-field homogenization with polymorphic uncertain geometry and material parameters
  392. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Phase portraits, Lyapunov functions, and projective geometry
  393. Computational fluid dynamics assessment for the thermal performance of double-skin façades in office buildings under hot climatic condition
  394. HVAB Rotor Hover Computational Prediction: A Comparative Study Using OVERFLOW and HPCMP CREATE™-AV Helios
  395. Pharmacological Characterization of µ-Opioid Receptor Agonists with Biased G Protein or ß-Arrestin Signaling, and Computational Study of Conformational Changes …
  396. On the Vertex-oriented Triangle Propagation (VTP) Algorithm: Parallelization and Approximation
  397. Virtual Experiments of Light and Shock Wave Interaction Using Nonlinear Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping
  398. Uses of Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry in Fiction
  399. Computational studies of combustion instabilities of co-flow injector using LES
  400. The prospects of quantum computing in computational molecular biology
  401. Experimental and computational investigation of engine characteristics in a compression ignition engine using mahua oil
  402. Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Modeling for Rotating Detonation Engines
  403. Amphibious Aircraft Developments: Computational Studies of Hydrofoil Design for Improvements in Water-Takeoffs
  404. Prediction of residual saturation and pressure drop during coalescence filtration using dynamic pore network model
  405. Calix [4] arene sulfonate hosts selectively modified on the upper rim: a study of nicotine binding strength and geometry
  406. Computational investigations of the lithium superoxide dimer rearrangement on noisy quantum devices
  407. Optimal layout of ellipses and its application for additive manufacturing
  408. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational fluid dynamic simulations of solidification for enhancing speed of continuous cast copper
  409. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing The Effect of Computational and Digital Programming on interior design and Architecture Technology’s Development.
  410. Birational Geometry of moduli spaces of pointed curves
  411. Discrete equidecomposability and ehrhart theory of polygons
  412. Subsea Pipelines Leak-Modeling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach
  413. Human–Robot co-manipulation during surface tooling: A general framework based on impedance control, haptic rendering and discrete geometry
  414. Design and Analysis of Koch Snowflake Geometry with Enclosing Ring Multiband Patch Antenna Covering S and L Band Applications
  415. A unified approach to non-radial graph models in data envelopment analysis: common features, geometry, and duality
  416. A Computational Approach to Explore the Interaction of Semisynthetic Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds with the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
  417. Union of hypercubes and 3d minkowski sums with random sizes
  418. Modified Mechanical Face Seal Geometry
  419. Discrete element method–computational fluid dynamics analyses of flexible fibre fluidization
  420. Quantum computational, spectroscopic investigations on ampyra (4-aminopyridine) by dft/td-dft with different solvents and molecular docking studies
  421. Super-Resolution Time-Resolved Imaging using Computational Sensor Fusion
  422. How to quantify and avoid finite size effects in computational studies of crystal nucleation: The case of heterogeneous ice nucleation
  423. Computational Study of 16 kWth Furnace Cofired Using Pulverized Bituminous Coal and Liquified Petroleum Gas Operated in Un-Staged and Air-Staged Conditions
  424. … and cadmium complexes of (Z)-N-benzoyl-N’-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)carbamimidothioic acid: Preparation, characterization, computational and biological studies
  425. Toward chemical accuracy at low computational cost: Density-functional theory with s-functionals for the correlation energy
  426. Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Personalized Liver Cancer Radioembolization Dosimetry
  427. Spatial information and the legibility of urban form: Big data in urban morphology
  428. Intuition, Understanding, and Proof: Tatiana Afanassjewa on Teaching and Learning Geometry
  429. Computational study of lattice dynamics and thermodynamic properties of energetic solid cyanuric triazide
  430. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Two-grid coupled multiphase flow and geomechanics: A computational framework enabling the study of surface uplift along with induced siesmicity due to …
  431. Computational study of the application of Al2O3 nanoparticles to forced convection of high-Reynolds swirling jets for engineering cooling processes
  432. Structural, computational and antimicrobial studies of 2–[(E)–[2–(2, 4, 6-trimethylbenzenesulfonyl)-hydrazinylidene] methyl] benzoic acid and its Cu (II), Zn (II) and Co …
  433. Computational Simulation of Spontaneous Liquid Penetration and Depression Between Vertical Parallel Plates
  434. Optimisation of Spectral Wavelets for Persistence-based Graph Classification
  435. Solution Adaptive Refinement of Cut-Cell Cartesian Meshes Can Improve FDA Nozzle Computational Fluid Dynamics Efficiency
  436. A Constant Factor Approximation for Navigating Through Connected Obstacles in the Plane
  437. Improving the dilation of a metric graph by adding edges
  438. A new dominant point detection technique for polygonal approximation of digital planar closed curves
  439. Forced convection computational fluid dynamics analysis of architected and three-dimensional printable heat sinks based on triply periodic minimal surfaces
  440. Handling Neumann and Robin boundary conditions in a fictitious domain volume penalization framework
  441. On transversal numbers of intersecting straight line systems and intersecting segment systems
  442. Experimental and computational studies of perillaldehyde isolated from Ammodaucus leucotrichus essential oil as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1.0 M …
  443. Eeg-based brain-computer interfaces (bcis): A survey of recent studies on signal sensing technologies and computational intelligence approaches and their …
  444. Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: computational framework, applications, and new insights
  445. … carbazoles as corrosion inhibitors in microbiologically influenced and acidic corrosion of mild steel: Gravimetric, electrochemical, surface and computational studies
  446. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics investigation of hydrodynamics behaviour of gas–solid flow in fluidized bed of Geldart D particles
  447. Spectral wave explicit navier-stokes equations for wave-structure interactions using two-phase computational fluid dynamics solvers
  448. Coupled thermoelectroelastic analysis of thick and thin laminated piezoelectric structures by exact geometry solid-shell elements based on the sampling surfaces …
  449. Embedded multilevel monte carlo for uncertainty quantification in random domains
  450. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Godfried Toussaint School of Computer Science McGill University
  451. Model and learning-based computational 3D phase microscopy with intensity diffraction tomography
  452. An energy-conserving contact theory for discrete element modelling of arbitrarily shaped particles: Contact volume based model and computational issues
  453. A Realistic Sensing Model for Event Area Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
  454. Internal Geometry Effects on Inherent Damping Performance of Additively Manufactured Components
  455. Computational Modeling of Dislocation Slip Mechanisms in Crystal Plasticity: A Short Review. Crystals 2021, 11, 42
  456. Heronian friezes
  457. Computational simulation of al-based alloy surface structure dislocation: the first-principles calculation and atomic pair-potential lattice dynamics calculation
  458. Data-Driven Computational Simulation in Bone Mechanics
  459. Comparison of point cloud filtering methods with data acquired by photogrammetric method and RGB-D sensors
  460. Computational Diagnostics for Reacting Flows with Global Pathway Analysis Aided by Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis
  461. A persistent invasive phenotype in post-hypoxic tumor cells is revealed by novel fate-mapping and computational modeling
  462. Multiphysics Computational Analysis of a Perforated Plate Cooling Flow
  463. Computational insights into electrocatalytic CO2 reduction facilitated by Mn (I) half sandwich-based catalysts: Role of substitution and solvent
  464. Kestrel Results on a 2D Cut of the High Lift Common Research Model Wing
  465. Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Metaheuristic Design Generation of Non-Trivial Flat-Foldable Origami Tessellations With Degree-4 Vertices
  466. Computational Evaluation of Potency of Wind Energy Within Lagos Metropolis
  467. Wall Roughness Effects on Combustion Development in Confined Supersonic Flow
  468. Geometry understanding from autonomous driving scenarios based on feature refinement
  469. Crystal structure determination, hirshfeld surface analysis and quantum computational studies of (3E, 5E)-1-ethyl-3, 5-bis (naphthalen-1-yl-methylidene) piperidin-4 …
  470. Accuracy Estimation of Earthquake Source Geometry Parameters by the Sterling Interpolation Method in Nonlinear Inversion
  471. DFT computational study towards investigating psychotropic drugs, promazine and trifluoperazine adsorption on graphene, fullerene and carbon cyclic ring …
  472. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Slightly generalized regular space decompositions
  473. New observations of NGC 1624- 2 reveal a complex magnetospheric structure and underlying surface magnetic geometry
  474. A computational multi-scale model for the stiffness degradation of short-fiber reinforced plastics subjected to fatigue loading
  475. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Integrability via geometry: dispersionless differential equations in three and four dimensions
  476. Visual and Structural Analysis of Fractal Geometry in the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Ornaments (Isfahan-Iran)
  477. Computational Fluid Dynamics investigations of a Thrust Reverser Unit flowfield
  478. Study of interacting mechanism of amino acid and Alzheimer’s drug using vibrational techniques and computational method
  479. Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients
  480. A method to determine the geometry-dependent bending stiffness of multilayer graphene sheets
  481. About the Influence of the Corrosion Defect Geometry on Repaired Pipes Stress Distribution
  482. Relative geometry-aware siamese neural network for 6dof camera relocalization
  483. A study on the computational effort of hyper-dual numbers to evaluate derivatives in geometrically nonlinear hyperelastic trusses
  484. Quantifying wind-driven rain on a heritage facade through computational fluid dynamics
  485. Impact of humeral and glenoid component variations on range of motion in reverse geometry total shoulder arthroplasty: a standardized computer model study
  486. DES Y1 results: Splitting growth and geometry to test
  487. Computational Approaches for De Novo Drug Design: Past, Present, and Future
  488. Computational Hardness of Collective Coin-Tossing Protocols
  489. Efficient Streamline Integration over a Computational Surface Mesh using Barycentric Coordinates
  490. Algebraic geometry codes over abelian surfaces containing no absolutely irreducible curves of low genus
  491. Fluid targeted delivery of functionalized magnetoresponsive nanocomposite particles to a ferromagnetic stent
  492. Numerical Study of Three Ventilation Strategies in a prefabricated COVID-19 inpatient ward
  493. Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies on Chemical Looping Combustion
  494. Ground state spin structure of GdFeO3: A computational and experimental study
  495. Benzophenone based disperse dyes for UV protective clothing: synthesis, comparative study of UPF, light fastness and dyeing properties and computational study
  496. Contact patterns in the ankle joint after lateral ligamentous injury during internal rotation: A computational study
  497. Siamese neural networks: An overview
  498. … based highly functional dendrimeric macromolecular resin as an effective coating material for carbon steel in NaCl: Computational and experimental studies
  499. Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing B ezier curves and surfaces

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