Computational Geometry Research Topics for MS PhD
I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Computational Geometry that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.
- Two-grid method on unstructured tetrahedra: Applying computational geometry to the staggered solution of coupled flow and mechanics problems
- Computational Geometry-Based Surface Reconstruction for Volume Estimation: A Case Study on Magnitude-Frequency Relations for a LiDAR-Derived Rockfall …
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing compGeometeR: an R package for computational geometry
- Spectral Clustering and Integration: The Inner Dynamics of Computational Geometry and Spatial Morphology
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Tail Estimates and High-probability Performance Bounds in Computational Geometry
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Gas turbine computational flow and structure analysis with isogeometric discretization and a complex-geometry mesh generation method
- On pseudo-disk hypergraphs
- A note on empty balanced tetrahedra in two-colored point sets in R3
- Improved PTASs for convex barrier coverage
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Implementing straight skeletons with exact arithmetic: Challenges and experiences
- The minimum area spanning tree problem: Formulations, Benders decomposition and branch-and-cut algorithms
- Unassigned distance geometry and molecular conformation problems
- Two theorems on point-flat incidences
- Computational fluid dynamics modelling of lead natural convection and solidification in a pool type geometry
- Functional norms, condition numbers and numerical algorithms in algebraic geometry
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Tilings of the regular N-gon with triangles of angles p/N, p/N,(N- 2) p/N for N= 5, 8, 10 and 12
- Derivation of an accurate geometry of 2-fluoroaniline from rotational spectroscopy and computational chemistry
- A Framework for Mesh-Geometry Associativity during Mesh Adaptation
- Soft subdivision motion planning for complex planar robots
- Effect of the contact tank geometry on disinfection efficiency
- Angle-monotonicity of Delaunay triangulation
- Searching for all polygons in a geometry figure
- Geometry Design Using Function Representation on a Sparse Hierarchical Data Structure
- The NATO generic destroyer–a shared geometry for collaborative research into modelling and simulation of shipboard helicopter launch and recovery
- The Geometry of the space of Discrete Coalescent Trees
- Near-optimal randomized algorithms for selection in totally monotone matrices
- An improved construction for spanners of disks
- JCOGIN: a programming framework for particle transport on combinatorial geometry
- On the approximation of shortest escape paths
- Maximum-area and maximum-perimeter rectangles in polygons
- A Comparative Study on Coverage-Hole Detection Improvement with Inner Empty Circle over Delaunay Triangulation Method in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Empty rainbow triangles in k-colored point sets
- Dynamic layers of maxima with applications to dominating queries
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Effects of Neurovascular Stents on Vascular Geometry and Intra-Aneurysmal Hemodynamics
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Bibliographic Notes
- From Geometry to Topology: Inverse Theorems for Distributed Persistence
- A Tail Estimate with Exponential Decay for the Randomized Incremental Construction of Search Structures
- Thermal and multiphase flow simulations of polytetrafluoroethylene-based grease flow in restricted geometry
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Information geometry for phylogenetic trees
- Neti pot irrigation volume filling simulation using anatomically accurate in-vivo nasal airway geometry
- Analytical cut geometry calculation for multi-pass rough milling of a free-form surface machining
- Assessing tree crown volume—a review
- Hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells: A computational study
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Quantiles, depth, and symmetries: Geometry in multivariate statistics
- The Landscape of Multi-Layer Linear Neural Network From the Perspective of Algebraic Geometry
- Evaluating and optimizing the geometry of thermal foundation pipes for the utilization of the geothermal energy: Numerical simulation
- Internal dictionary matching
- Review of Forbidden Configurations in Discrete Geometry by David Eppstein
- A novel cooling geometry for subsea variable speed drives
- LES investigation on the dependence of the flow through a centrifugal pump on the diffuser geometry
- Hidden geometry and dynamics of complex networks: Spin reversal in nanoassemblies with pairwise and triangle-based interactions (a)
- Automated 3D solid reconstruction from 2D CAD using OpenCV
- PhyGeoNet: physics-informed geometry-adaptive convolutional neural networks for solving parameterized steady-state PDEs on irregular domain
- Sketching Merge Trees
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Adaptive Algorithm in Image Reconstruction Based on Information Geometry.
- Real Algebraic Geometry of the Sextic Curves
- Graph Drawing and Network Visualization GD2020
- Creating graphene geometry diodes through fluorination: First-principles studies
- Analysis and optimization of the curved trapezoidal winglet geometry in a compact heat exchanger
- CFD modeling of the effect of dipleg geometry on improving efficiency of a square cyclone
- Machine-learning accelerated geometry optimization in molecular simulation
- Geometry-Based Layout Generation with Hyper-Relations AMONG Objects
- Geometry-Based Thick Origami Simulation
- Simulation of Low Speed Cavity Flow with Complex Geometry
- Critique on” Volume penalization for inhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions modeling scalar flux in complicated geometry”
- Online Deep Neural Networks for mmWave Massive MIMO Channel Estimation with Arbitrary Array Geometry
- On the Falk invariant of Shi and Linial arrangements
- A numerical study of flow field and particle deposition in nasal channels with deviant geometry
- On the Generalization of the Response Matrix Spectral Nodal Method for Neutral Particle SN Source–Detector Problems in Slab Geometry
- Computational Analysis on De Laval Dual Throat Micronozzle
- Hole Transport Materials by Direct C-H Arylation for Organic Solar Cells: Effect of Structure and Conjugation on Electrical, Optical and Computational Properties
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Primer on the Geometry in Machine Learning
- Spherical Images: Capture and Visualization Devices. Icons of a Computational Paradigm
- The Impact of Heterogeneity and Geometry on the Proof Complexity of Random Satisfiability
- Shortest Paths Among Obstacles in the Plane Revisited
- Influence of the grid cell geometry on 3D cellular automata behavior in intergranular corrosion
- Simulation sediment transport in development location of a diesel power plant using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) methods
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing The multi-cover persistence of Euclidean balls
- Open-geometry modal method based on transverse electric and transverse magnetic mode expansion for orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
- Comparison of Experimental Power Reactor Hot Gas Chamber Geometry for Hot Gas Mixing Optimisation
- Optimization of Radar Parameters for Maximum Detection Probability Under Generalized Discrete Clutter Conditions Using Stochastic Geometry
- Effect of Entrance Geometry on Heat Transfer in a Rib-Roughened Rectangular Channel
- Ultra-high bypass nacelle geometry design space exploration
- Characterization of separated flowfield over Gaussian speed-bump CFD validation geometry
- Flow Distortion Computational Modeling and Design Optimization for Supersonic Inlet
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Prediction of the deformed geometry of vat photo-polymerized components using a multi-physical modeling framework
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Blood Rheology
- Experimental Characterization and Improved Modelling Methodology for Simple Geometry After-treatment Devices Focused on Pressure Drop and Transmission Loss
- … Optimization of a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Volute Pump Using Three-Dimensional Inverse Design Coupled With Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Preflight Boundary-Layer Stability Analysis of BOLT Geometry
- Geometry-Based High-Order Finite Element Approximations for Structural-Acoustics
- Computational Protocol for Spray Flow Simulations Including Primary Atomization
- Generative Design of Bionic Structures Via Concurrent Multiscale Topology Optimization and Conformal Geometry Method
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Controlled Perturbation
- Characterization of particulated flow induced erosion in elbow geometry
- A Deep-Learning Framework to Predict the Dynamics of a Human-Driven Vehicle Based on the Road Geometry
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Azimuthal averaging–reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry
- New lead (II) coordination polymer derived from second generation O-methylpyridylxanthate: Crystallographic and computational studies
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams, Gaussian Elimination and Graph Theory
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing The influence of exocyclic lone pairs on the bonding and geometry of type A mesoionic rings
- Computational analysis for scallop seals with sickle grooves, part I: Leakage performance
- Characterization of a New Structured Packing by Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour of Prototype Sized Pipe Bend and Its Equivalent Plate Type Geometry
- Piston Bowl Geometry Effects on Gasoline Compression Ignition in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
- Computational analysis for scallop seals with sickle grooves, part II: Rotordynamic characteristics
- Numerical study of the biomass pyrolysis process in a spouted bed reactor through computational fluid dynamics
- Computational investigation of mixing performance on the effects of innovative transverse fuel injection system in parallel fuel injection based scramjet combustor
- Geometry optimization of a novel M-like flow field in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell
- The Nonconvex Geometry of Linear Inverse Problems
- Large-eddy simulation of methane direct injection using the full injector geometry
- Scene context shapes category representational geometry during processing of tools
- Geometry of Kantorovich Polytopes and Support of Optimizers for Repulsive Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport on Finite State Spaces
- Rapid computational evaluation of small-molecule hydrolase mimics for preorganized H-bond networks
- Effect of the Geometry of an Yttrium Iron Garnet Film on the Spin-Wave Dispersion Relation
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational biomedicine. Part II: organs and systems
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Three dimensional reconstruction to visualize atrial fibrillation activation patterns on curved atrial geometry
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing DISCRETE CONFORMAL GEOMETRY OF POLYHEDRAL SURFACES AND ITS APPLICATION
- Computational 1H and 13C NMR of the trimeric monoterpenoid indole alkaloid strychnohexamine: selected spectral updates
- On the computational analysis of short mixing length planar split and recombine micromixers for microfluidic applications
- Boundary viscoelasticity theory at finite deformations and computational implementation using isogeometric analysis
- Computational fluid dynamic model of electron transpiration cooling in weakly ionized air flows
- Numerical simulation of viscous effects on high enthalpy flow over a double-wedge geometry
- Computational development and validation of a representative MDI-BDO–based polyurethane hard segment model
- Fitting Splines to Axonal Arbors Quantifies Relationship between Branch Order and Geometry
- Modelling and experimental observation of the deposition geometry and microstructure evolution of aluminum alloy fabricated by wire-arc additive manufacturing
- Maximum Target Coverage Problem in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
- An investigation of the symmetrical properties in the invariant imbedding T-matrix method for the nonspherical particles with symmetrical geometry
- Computational Graphics and Immersive Technologies Applied to a Ship Maneuvering Simulator
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Effects of position and geometry of curved vortex generators on fin-tube heat-exchanger performance characteristics
- Algebra and geometry with Python
- Tverberg-Type Theorems with Altered Intersection Patterns (Nerves)
- Particle finite element method implementation for large deformation analysis using Abaqus
- Drag and Heat Flux Reduction using Counterflow Jet and Spike-Analysis of their Equivalence for a Blunt Cone Geometry at Mach 8.
- Effect of Base Geometry on the Resistance of Model Piles in Sand
- Size, geometry and mobility of protein assemblage regulate the kinetics of membrane wrapping on nanoparticles
- Information geometry
- Development of coupled two phase flow and geomechanics model to predict stress evolution in unconventional reservoirs with complex fracture geometry
- Geometry optimization of double pass solar air heater with helical flow path
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Geometry-based framework for modeling the complexity of origami folding
- Maximum feasible subsystems of distance geometry constraints
- Info-Evo: Using Information Geometry to Guide Evolutionary Program Learning
- Individual variation in Achilles tendon morphology and geometry changes susceptibility to injury
- Computational simulation of air-side heat transfer and pressure drop performance in staggered mannered twisted oval tube bundle operating in crossflow
- Droplet fusion by the interplay of electric potential and converging–diverging geometry in micro-channels
- Quantitative Prediction on the Enantioselectivity of Multiple Chiral Iodoarene Scaffolds Based on Whole Geometry
- Computational Robot Design and Customization
- The challenge of predicting distal active site mutations in computational enzyme design
- Study of the Effect of Welding Current on Heat Transfer and Melt Pool Geometry on Mild Steel Specimen Through Finite Element Analysis
- Efficient design of heat exchange for CFB reactors in CO2 capture system regarding geometry-induced secondary flow
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational modelling of muscle fibre operating ranges in the hindlimb of a small ground bird (Eudromia elegans), with implications for modelling …
- Computational study of IR, Raman, and NMR spectra of 4-methylmethcathinone drug
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Azimuthal averaging–reconstruction filtering techniques for finite-difference general circulation models in spherical geometry
- Development of a Throughflow-Based Simulation Tool for Preliminary Compressor Design Considering Blade Geometry in Gas Turbine Engine
- … Manufactured Parts Made of a Polymer Material Used for the Experimental Verification of a Component of a High-Speed Machine with an Optimised Geometry …
- The Evolution of the Descriptive Geometry Course for Architecture Students at a Public University in Northern Paraná
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A Computational Design Analysis of UAV’s Rotor Blade in Low-Temperature Conditions for the Defence Applications
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing A review: Evolution of branching T-junction geometry in terms of diameter ratio, to improve phase separation
- DeepXDE: A deep learning library for solving differential equations
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Simulation of a Distillation Column Hydrodynamics using CFD
- Advanced search
- Optimization Study of Front and Rear Wings of Motorsport Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Formalization of the Poincaré Disc Model of Hyperbolic Geometry
- Considering computational speed vs. accuracy: Choosing appropriate mesoscale RVE boundary conditions
- A Surface Geometry Model for LiDAR Depth Completion
- Numerical study of section geometry of flexible bag of air cushion vehicle subjected to slamming loads
- The diffusion geometry of fibre bundles: Horizontal diffusion maps
- Coalbed methane flow characteristics based on fractal geometry and stochastic rough fracture network
- Entropic optimal transport: geometry and large deviations
- (Near-) Linear-Time Randomized Algorithms for Row Minima in Monge Partial Matrices and Related Problems
- Evaluation of Thermochemical Machine Learning for Potential Energy Curves and Geometry Optimization
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Arrangements of pseudocircles: Triangles and drawings
- A Comprehensive Experimental and Computational Study on LVI induced Damage of Laminated Composites
- The global optimization geometry of low-rank matrix optimization
- Thermography and Computational Fluid Dynamic Comparisons on the CH-53K King Stallion
- An Experience on Short Course of Computational Geometric Modeling in Engineering Design for High School Students
- Improving the sampling process in the interval Branch-and-Prune algorithm for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Perimeter approximation of convex discs in the hyperbolic plane and on the sphere
- Biometric identity Authentication System Using Hand Geometry Measurements
- Modeling capabilities of unsteady RANS for the simulation of turbulent swirling flow in an annular bluff-body combustor geometry
- Undergraduates’ proof construction character on geometry
- Computational Analysis of Conjugate Buoyant Convective Transport in an Annulus
- Effect of geometry modification on the thermal response of composite metal foam/phase change material for thermal energy storage
- A combined experimental, geometry optimization and molecular dynamic simulations study of the binary mixtures of cis and trans 2-methylcyclohexanol and aniline
- A computational model applied to myocardial perfusion in the human heart: From large coronaries to microvasculature
- Geometry and Symmetry in Skyrmion Dynamics
- Reconstruction along a geodesic from sphere data in Finsler geometry and anisotropic elasticity
- Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Porosity and Pore Geometry on Functionality of Scaffolds Designated for Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine
- Transient Behavior in Variable Geometry Industrial Gas Turbines: A Comprehensive Overview of Pertinent Modeling Techniques
- Preliminary Computational Study of Transition on a Flared Cone Using Random Forcing
- Engineering model for heat transfer to a complex-geometry deployable heat shield
- Development of a New Supersonic Rotor-vane Ejector using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Radiation Power of He–Ne Laser with Different Geometry of the Tube Cross Section
- DFT calculations towards the geometry optimization, electronic structure, infrared spectroscopy and UV–vis analyses of Favipiravir adsorption on the first-row transition …
- Rapid Aero Modeling for Urban Air Mobility Aircraft in Computational Experiments
- Synthesis, computational and molecular docking study of some 2, 3-dihydrobenzofuran and its derivatives
- Experimental Determination of the Heat Transfer Coefficient of Real Cooled Geometry Using Linear Regression Method
- Excited-state geometry optimization of small molecules with Many-Body Green’s Functions Theory
- Computational Studies on Mesh Stiffness of Paralleled Helical Beveloid Gear Pair
- Nozzle Geometry-Induced Vortices in Supersonic Wind Tunnels
- DFT computational insights into structural, electronic and spectroscopic parameters of 2-(2-Hydrazineyl) thiazole derivatives: a concise theoretical and experimental …
- Visual Foundations of Euclidean Geometry
- Geometry and combinatorics via right-angled Artin groups
- A Unified Methodology for the Generalisation of the Geometry of Features
- Towards Stratified Space Learning: Linearly Embedded Graphs
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Morphometric Changes in OSA
- Fragment binding to the Nsp3 macrodomain of SARS-CoV-2 identified through crystallographic screening and computational docking
- Electrodialysis with asymmetrically profiled membranes: Influence of profiles geometry on desalination performance and limiting current phenomena
- Network geometry
- Partial Identification in Nonseparable Binary Response Models with Endogenous Regressors
- Effect of Li, K and Be doping on phase stability, band structure and optoelectronic response of SrTiO3 perovskite for semiconductor devices: A computational insight
- Modeling for geometry-based massive MIMO V2V channels and analysis of space-time correlation
- Optimal design of fixed-bed reactors using geometry optimization and Stratoconception printing process
- Efficient bi-directional coupling of 3D computational fluid-particle dynamics and 1D Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry lung models for multiscale modeling of aerosol …
- Spline Curves Formation Given Extreme Derivatives
- A Penalization Method for Eulerian Droplet Impingement Simulations towards Icing Applications
- Multiscale framework. Concept of geometry, materials, load conditions, and homogenization
- Effects of particle gradation and geometry on the pore characteristics and water retention curves of granular soils: a combined DEM and PNM investigation
- Accurate spherical harmonics solutions for neutron transport problems in multi-region spherical geometry
- … bidentate N, O-donor Schiff base ligands: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structures, DNA binding, molecular docking, DFT and TD-DFT computational studies
- On Compatible Matchings
- Geometry of Interaction for ZX-Diagrams
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Characteristics of the fracture geometry and the injection pressure response during near-wellbore diverting fracturing
- Geometry of Grassmannians and optimal transport of quantum states
- Dynamic multistep uncertainty prediction in spatial geometry
- On the 13C-NMR chemical shift anisotropy patterns and aromatic character in strained fullerenes: Computational analysis of D6h/D2d-C36 fullerene
- Composite structural batteries with Co3O4/CNT modified carbon fibers as anode: Computational insights on the interfacial behavior
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel Airstream Oscillators
- The geometry of information coding in correlated neural populations
- Computational Simulations of the Aerothermal Environment of Hypersonic Flight Vehicles
- Numerical Measurement of a Virtual Model for the Knee Prosthesis Geometry
- A Feasibility Study of In Vivo Control and Tracking of Microrobot Using Taxicab Geometry for Direct Drug Targeting
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Temperature simulation of three-point bending geometry in a dynamic mechanical analyzer
- Coordination Geometry Preference Regulates the Structure and Dynamics of Metallo-Supramolecular Polymer Networks
- The Impact of Angiographic Geometry on the Clinical Presentation of True Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformations
- The geometry of incompatibility in growing soft tissues: Theory and numerical characterization
- Targeting SARS-CoV-2 main protease: A computational drug repurposing study
- Mechanistic insight into superoxide radical-mediated degradation of carbon tetrachloride in aqueous solution: An in situ spectroscopic and computational study
- On the fly biometric identification system using hand-geometry
- Additive manufacturing for energy: A review
- Capacity and quantum geometry of parametrized quantum circuits
- Computational study of X-doped hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN): structural and electronic properties (X= P, S, O, F, Cl)
- The ultrametric Gromov-Wasserstein distance
- Synthesis, experimental and computational study of a non-centrosymmetric material 3-methylbenzylammonium trioxonitrate
- Aquila: A Distributed and Portable Post-Processing Library for Large-Scale Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Controlled imprisonment of wave packet and flat bands in a fractal geometry
- A computational study of CO oxidation on IrO2 (1 1 0) surface
- Geometry and mechanics of disclination lines in 3D nematic liquid crystals
- The birth of geometry in exponential random graphs
- Computational Modeling of Dislocation Slip Mechanisms in Crystal Plasticity: A Short Review
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Microstructural modeling of anisotropic plasticity in large scale additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
- A Computational Analysis of Boundary Layer Instability over the BOLT Configuration
- Experimental and Computational Study of a Mach 2 Diamond Jet
- Surrogate-based computational analysis and design for H-shaped microstrip antenna
- Unbuttoning the impact of N501Y mutant RBD on viral entry mechanism: A computational insight
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Trigger geometry influencing the failure modes in steel/polymer/steel sandwich crashboxes: Experimental and numerical evaluation
- Reconstruction, processing and smoothing of surface geometry of a patient specific ascending aortic aneurysm
- … of a Shore Fixed Oscillating Water Column Device for Different Bottom Slopes and Front Wall Drafts: A Study Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and BIEM
- Dynamic investigation of traction motor bearing in a locomotive under excitation from track random geometry irregularity
- Experimental and computational investigations of nonlinear frictional behavior in threaded fasteners
- Estimation of endothelial shear stress in atherosclerotic lesions detected by intravascular ultrasound using computational fluid dynamics from coronary CT scans with …
- Influence of Fracture Geometry on the Krauklis Wave in Finite Fractures
- Discrete Geometry on Colored Point Sets in the Plane—A Survey
- Wing Structural Optimization through Highly-Parameterized Design
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Middle cerebral artery pressure laterality in patients with symptomatic ICA stenosis
- SARS COV-2 virus-laden droplets coughed from deep lungs: Numerical quantification in a single-path whole respiratory tract geometry
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Rotating Annular VUV/UV Photoreactor for Water Treatment
- Geometry Dependence of Transpiration Cooling for Hypersonic Systems
- Computational Design Methodology of Adaptive Outer Mold Line for Robust Low En-Route Noise of a Supersonic Aircraft
- Calibration of computational Mössbauer spectroscopy to unravel active sites in FeNC catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Microstructure-Based Computational Analysis of Deformation and Fracture in Composite and Coated Materials Across Multiple Spatial Scales
- A novel computational simulation approach to study biofilm significance in a packed-bed biooxidation reactor
- Porepy: An open-source software for simulation of multiphysics processes in fractured porous media
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Chiroptical characterization tools for asymmetric small molecules–experimental and computational approaches for electronic circular dichroism (ECD) and …
- The Geometry of Signal Space: A case study of direct mapping between seismic signals and event distribution
- A finite element method for the band structure computation of photonic crystals with complex scatterer geometry
- Stimuli-responsive emission of quinoxalinone-based compounds. From experimental findings to theoretical insight by means of multiscale computational spectroscopy …
- Microwave-induced selective decomposition of cellulose: Computational and experimental mechanistic study
- Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Inversely Proportional Carrier Sense Threshold and Transmission Power for WLAN Spatial Reuse
- Tuning the Coordination Geometry and Magnetic Relaxation of Co (II) Single-Ion Magnets by Varying the Ligand Substitutions
- A Communication Model Based on Fractal Geometry for Internet of Things
- Computational Analysis of Flow and Mixing in Micromixers
- Preflight Ground Test Analyses of the Boundary Layer Transition (BOLT) Flight Geometry
- Orthogonal optimization design of structural parameters for bioaerosol sampler using computational fluid dynamics simulation and field experiments
- Viral surface geometry shapes the coronavirus and influenza virus spike evolution through antibody pressure
- Computational study of the substitution of early actinides and Ce into zirconolite
- Comparison of the response to geometrical complexity of methods for unstationary simulations in discrete fracture networks with conforming, polygonal, and non …
- Convergence Characteristics of Geometrically Accurate Spatial Finite Elements
- ALKEMIE: An intelligent computational platform for accelerating materials discovery and design
- The geometry of movement: Encounters with spatial inscriptions for making and exploring mathematical figures
- Mathematical Selves and the Shaping of Mathematical Modernism: Conflicting Epistemic Ideals in the Emergence of Enumerative Geometry (1864–1893)
- Prediction of Bead Geometry with Changing Welding Speed Using Artificial Neural Network
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Geometry to Build Models, Models to Visualize Geometry
- Computational Study of Premixed Flame Propagation in Micro-Channels with Nonslip Walls: Effect of Wall Temperature
- Fine Particulate Deposition in an Effusion Plate Geometry
- A fatigue life estimation approach considering the effect of geometry and stress sensitivity
- Joint Geometry and Color Point Cloud Denoising Based on Graph Wavelets
- Systematic Comparison of Vectorial Spherical Radiative Transfer Models in Limb Scattering Geometry
- Computational analysis of the thermal performance of rarefied air flow in V-shaped microchannels
- Computational modeling of fiber transport in human respiratory airways—A review
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Computational Evaluation of Dynamic Coefficients of Thrust Bearings; Effect of Artificial Texturing on Thermohydrodynamic Performance
- Computational study of 4d transition metals doped bismuthene for spintronics
- Topology Optimization of Fail-Safe Structures via Geometry Projection
- Li-doped fullerene pillared graphene nanocomposites for enhancing hydrogen storage: A computational study
- The effect of local copper mesh geometry on the damage induced in composite structures subjected to artificial lightning strike
- Nearest Neighbors via a Hybrid Approach in Large Datasets: A Speed up
- Polygonal surface processing and mesh generation tools for the numerical simulation of the cardiac function
- Experimental and computational studies of the interaction of gemifloxacin and manganese (II) gemifloxacin complex with DNA
- Novel coupon geometry for tensile property determination of Sheet Molding Compounds
- Scale and contact geometry effects on friction in thermal EHL: twin-disc versus ball-on-disc
- Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics investigation on size effect of small-scale wind turbine blades.
- Investigation of Jet Geometry on Jet-In-Crossflow Flame Characteristics at High Pressure
- Anisotropic sources for surface and volume boundary layer mesh generation
- Analysis of supramolecular self-assembly of two chromene derivatives: Synthesis, crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface, quantum computational and molecular docking …
- Analysis of the BOLT Flight Geometry At Off-Nominal Conditions
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Approach for Identification of Geometry Change on Cultural Heritage Surface
- Computational and experimental approaches for chitosan-based nano PECs design: Insights on a deeper comprehension of nanostructure formation
- Influence of the Reshaped Elbow on the Unsteady Pressure Field in a Simplified Geometry of the Draft Tube
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Optimization of critical angle, distance and flow rate of secondary fuel injection in DI diesel engine using computational fluid dynamics
- Human Thorax Parametric Reconstruction Using Computer Vision
- Causal Geometry
- Analytic insights into nonlocal energy transport. III. steady state Fokker Planck theory in spherical and planar geometry
- Development of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Models of the Formation and Buoyancy-Driven Detachment of Bubbles in Variable Gravity Environments
- Computational analysis of failure mechanisms in composite sandwich space structures subject to cyclic thermal loading
- Effect of Bottom Geometry on the Natural Sloshing Motion of Water Inside Tanks: An Experimental Analysis
- The study of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion treatment through computational modelling
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Probabilistic convergence and stability of random mapper graphs
- Rotor Blade Design Framework for Airfoil Shape Optimization with Performance Considerations
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Algorithms for Computing Topological Invariants in Digital Spaces
- Computational studies of selective N-methylation in nicotinamide: Epigenetic reprogramming in cancer
- Structural characterization, computational, charge density studies of 2-chloro-3-(2′-methoxy)-5, 5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone
- Computational Methods for Deep Learning
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Slip and porosity effects on peristalsis of MHD Ree-Eyring nanofluid in curved geometry
- Cubic graphs, their Ehrhart quasi-polynomials, and a scissors congruence phenomenon
- Towards improved hydrodynamics of the electrodialysis (ED) cell via computational fluid dynamics and cost estimation model: Effects of spacer parameters
- A spectral nodal method for the adjoint SN neutral particle transport equations in X, Y-geometry: Application to direct and inverse multigroup source-detector problems
- Structural, spectroscopic, and computational evaluations of cation–cation and halogen bonding interactions in heterometallic uranyl hybrid materials
- Computational insight into magnetic behaviour of cobalt tris (2-pyridylmethyl) amine complexes with dioxolenes incorporating stable radicals
- … Study to Control the Combustion Performance of a Syngas-Fueled HCCI Engine at Medium and High Loads Using Different Piston Bowl Geometry and Exhaust Gas …
- Numerical estimation of ship resistance in broken ice and investigation on the effect of floe geometry
- Synthesis, DFT computational insights on structural, optical, photoelectrical characterizations and spectroscopic parameters of the novel (2E)-3-(4-methoxy-5-oxo-5H …
- Risk Analysis of Road Tunnels: A Computational Fluid Dynamic Model for Assessing the Effects of Natural Ventilation
- Dispersion for Intervals: A Geometric Approach*
- Propulsor Models for Computational Analysis of Aircraft Aerodynamic Performance with Boundary Layer Ingestion
- Summary of the SciTech 2020 Technical Panel on In Situ/In Transit Computational Environments for Visualization and Data Analytics
- Teaching Geometry to Students With Learning Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Series
- Methane dry reforming over Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in spark plasma reactor: Linking computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with reaction kinetic modelling
- Effects of nanopore geometry on confined water flow: A view of lattice Boltzmann simulation
- Computational design of thermo-mechanical metadevices using topology optimization
- Multiphase Fluid Dynamics in Storage Tanks of Varying Geometry
- Theoretical and computational investigation on the radiation-induced point defects in cementite: Picosecond timescale
- A Computational Investigation of the Impact of Multiple Injection Strategies on Combustion Efficiency in Diesel–Natural Gas Dual-Fuel Low-Temperature Combustion …
- Computational investigation of the substituent effect in the [2 + 4] Diels–Alder cycloaddition reactions of HSi=Si(para-C6H4X) with benzene
- Boosting solubility performance of supercritical CO2 via ethanol toward fabrication of polyetherimide/carbon fiber composite foam with three-dimensional geometry …
- Robust geometry and topology optimization of plane frames using order statistics and force density method with global stability constraint
- The geometry of the representation of decision variable and stimulus difficulty in the parietal cortex
- Computational Morphogenesis: Morphologic constructions using polygonal discretizations
- Isogeometric boundary element method for steady-state heat transfer with concentrated/surface heat sources
- Application of the Spectre-UQ Computational Environment to a Hypersonic Total UQ Study
- A Kinematics Framing Methodology for Computing Sweep Surfaces Using N-Dimensional NURBS Curves
- Evaluation of Gloriosa superba seeds extract as corrosion inhibition for low carbon steel in sulfuric acidic medium: a combined experimental and computational …
- Mesh and Geometry Manipulations for Optimization and Inverse Design
- Motivation: The Cavity Problem
- Comparative Computational Study of L-Amino Acids as Green Corrosion Inhibitors for Mild Steel
- Computational Stability Analysis of a Variably Swept, Slotted Natural-Laminar-Flow Airfoil
- Computational Inlet Swirl Distortion Investigation of a High-Speed Compressor
- Integral transform analysis of microchannel fluid flow: Irregular geometry estimation using velocimetry data
- Shock wave boundary layer interactions in hypersonic flows over a double wedge geometry by using conjugate heat transfer
- morphomap: An R package for long bone landmarking, cortical thickness, and cross-sectional geometry mapping
- Planform Geometry and Excitation Effects of PVDF-Based Vibration Energy Harvesters
- GPU-accelerated smoothed particle finite element method for large deformation analysis in geomechanics
- Fitting tractable convex sets to support function evaluations
- The geometry and dynamical role of stellar wind bubbles in photoionized H ii regions
- Computational Fluid Dynamics versus Experiment: An Investigation on Liquid Weeping of Nye Trays
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing On recovery guarantees for one-bit compressed sensing on manifolds
- Tutorial: Understanding the transport, deposition, and translocation of particles in human respiratory systems using Computational Fluid-Particle Dynamics and …
- … , spectral and thermal properties of a supramolecular assembly based on p-phenylenediamine and trichloroacetic acid: A combined experimental and computational …
- Architectural Geometry and Graphics Education Some Retrospective Reflections from Italy Across Three Generations
- Model-free data-driven computational mechanics enhanced by tensor voting
- Active Flow Control Utilizing an Adaptive Blade Geometry and an Extremum Seeking Algorithm at Periodically Transient Boundary Conditions
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing … Congo red on carbon nanotubes and its influence on the fracture parameters of defective and functionalized carbon nanotubes studied using computational …
- Dent Imperfections in Shell Buckling: The Role of Geometry, Residual Stress, and Plasticity
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Prediction of geometry deviations in additive manufactured parts: comparison of linear regression with machine learning algorithms
- Computational Surface Modelling of Ices and Minerals of Interstellar Interest—Insights and Perspectives
- A computational workflow for rupture-to-structural-response simulation and its application to Istanbul
- Microstructural characteristics and computational investigation on electron beam welded Ti-6Al-4 V alloy
- Experimental Study for Convection Heat Transfer From Helical Coils With the Same Outer Surface Area and Different Coil Geometry
- Cycle Registration in Persistent Homology with Applications in Topological Bootstrap
- Computational exploration of Sarin and simulants adsorption on a series of transition metal embedded graphene
- Mean-field and full-field homogenization with polymorphic uncertain geometry and material parameters
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Phase portraits, Lyapunov functions, and projective geometry
- Computational fluid dynamics assessment for the thermal performance of double-skin façades in office buildings under hot climatic condition
- HVAB Rotor Hover Computational Prediction: A Comparative Study Using OVERFLOW and HPCMP CREATE™-AV Helios
- Pharmacological Characterization of µ-Opioid Receptor Agonists with Biased G Protein or ß-Arrestin Signaling, and Computational Study of Conformational Changes …
- On the Vertex-oriented Triangle Propagation (VTP) Algorithm: Parallelization and Approximation
- Virtual Experiments of Light and Shock Wave Interaction Using Nonlinear Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping
- Uses of Chaos Theory and Fractal Geometry in Fiction
- Computational studies of combustion instabilities of co-flow injector using LES
- The prospects of quantum computing in computational molecular biology
- Experimental and computational investigation of engine characteristics in a compression ignition engine using mahua oil
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Modeling for Rotating Detonation Engines
- Amphibious Aircraft Developments: Computational Studies of Hydrofoil Design for Improvements in Water-Takeoffs
- Prediction of residual saturation and pressure drop during coalescence filtration using dynamic pore network model
- Calix [4] arene sulfonate hosts selectively modified on the upper rim: a study of nicotine binding strength and geometry
- Computational investigations of the lithium superoxide dimer rearrangement on noisy quantum devices
- Optimal layout of ellipses and its application for additive manufacturing
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- Birational Geometry of moduli spaces of pointed curves
- Discrete equidecomposability and ehrhart theory of polygons
- Subsea Pipelines Leak-Modeling Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach
- Human–Robot co-manipulation during surface tooling: A general framework based on impedance control, haptic rendering and discrete geometry
- Design and Analysis of Koch Snowflake Geometry with Enclosing Ring Multiband Patch Antenna Covering S and L Band Applications
- A unified approach to non-radial graph models in data envelopment analysis: common features, geometry, and duality
- A Computational Approach to Explore the Interaction of Semisynthetic Nitrogenous Heterocyclic Compounds with the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease
- Union of hypercubes and 3d minkowski sums with random sizes
- Modified Mechanical Face Seal Geometry
- Discrete element method–computational fluid dynamics analyses of flexible fibre fluidization
- Quantum computational, spectroscopic investigations on ampyra (4-aminopyridine) by dft/td-dft with different solvents and molecular docking studies
- Super-Resolution Time-Resolved Imaging using Computational Sensor Fusion
- How to quantify and avoid finite size effects in computational studies of crystal nucleation: The case of heterogeneous ice nucleation
- Computational Study of 16 kWth Furnace Cofired Using Pulverized Bituminous Coal and Liquified Petroleum Gas Operated in Un-Staged and Air-Staged Conditions
- … and cadmium complexes of (Z)-N-benzoyl-N’-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)carbamimidothioic acid: Preparation, characterization, computational and biological studies
- Toward chemical accuracy at low computational cost: Density-functional theory with s-functionals for the correlation energy
- Multiscale Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Personalized Liver Cancer Radioembolization Dosimetry
- Spatial information and the legibility of urban form: Big data in urban morphology
- Intuition, Understanding, and Proof: Tatiana Afanassjewa on Teaching and Learning Geometry
- Computational study of lattice dynamics and thermodynamic properties of energetic solid cyanuric triazide
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- Computational study of the application of Al2O3 nanoparticles to forced convection of high-Reynolds swirling jets for engineering cooling processes
- Structural, computational and antimicrobial studies of 2–[(E)–[2–(2, 4, 6-trimethylbenzenesulfonyl)-hydrazinylidene] methyl] benzoic acid and its Cu (II), Zn (II) and Co …
- Computational Simulation of Spontaneous Liquid Penetration and Depression Between Vertical Parallel Plates
- Optimisation of Spectral Wavelets for Persistence-based Graph Classification
- Solution Adaptive Refinement of Cut-Cell Cartesian Meshes Can Improve FDA Nozzle Computational Fluid Dynamics Efficiency
- A Constant Factor Approximation for Navigating Through Connected Obstacles in the Plane
- Improving the dilation of a metric graph by adding edges
- A new dominant point detection technique for polygonal approximation of digital planar closed curves
- Forced convection computational fluid dynamics analysis of architected and three-dimensional printable heat sinks based on triply periodic minimal surfaces
- Handling Neumann and Robin boundary conditions in a fictitious domain volume penalization framework
- On transversal numbers of intersecting straight line systems and intersecting segment systems
- Experimental and computational studies of perillaldehyde isolated from Ammodaucus leucotrichus essential oil as a green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1.0 M …
- Eeg-based brain-computer interfaces (bcis): A survey of recent studies on signal sensing technologies and computational intelligence approaches and their …
- Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: computational framework, applications, and new insights
- … carbazoles as corrosion inhibitors in microbiologically influenced and acidic corrosion of mild steel: Gravimetric, electrochemical, surface and computational studies
- Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics investigation of hydrodynamics behaviour of gas–solid flow in fluidized bed of Geldart D particles
- Spectral wave explicit navier-stokes equations for wave-structure interactions using two-phase computational fluid dynamics solvers
- Coupled thermoelectroelastic analysis of thick and thin laminated piezoelectric structures by exact geometry solid-shell elements based on the sampling surfaces …
- Embedded multilevel monte carlo for uncertainty quantification in random domains
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Godfried Toussaint School of Computer Science McGill University
- Model and learning-based computational 3D phase microscopy with intensity diffraction tomography
- An energy-conserving contact theory for discrete element modelling of arbitrarily shaped particles: Contact volume based model and computational issues
- A Realistic Sensing Model for Event Area Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Internal Geometry Effects on Inherent Damping Performance of Additively Manufactured Components
- Computational Modeling of Dislocation Slip Mechanisms in Crystal Plasticity: A Short Review. Crystals 2021, 11, 42
- Heronian friezes
- Computational simulation of al-based alloy surface structure dislocation: the first-principles calculation and atomic pair-potential lattice dynamics calculation
- Data-Driven Computational Simulation in Bone Mechanics
- Comparison of point cloud filtering methods with data acquired by photogrammetric method and RGB-D sensors
- Computational Diagnostics for Reacting Flows with Global Pathway Analysis Aided by Chemical Explosive Mode Analysis
- A persistent invasive phenotype in post-hypoxic tumor cells is revealed by novel fate-mapping and computational modeling
- Multiphysics Computational Analysis of a Perforated Plate Cooling Flow
- Computational insights into electrocatalytic CO2 reduction facilitated by Mn (I) half sandwich-based catalysts: Role of substitution and solvent
- Kestrel Results on a 2D Cut of the High Lift Common Research Model Wing
- Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Metaheuristic Design Generation of Non-Trivial Flat-Foldable Origami Tessellations With Degree-4 Vertices
- Computational Evaluation of Potency of Wind Energy Within Lagos Metropolis
- Wall Roughness Effects on Combustion Development in Confined Supersonic Flow
- Geometry understanding from autonomous driving scenarios based on feature refinement
- Crystal structure determination, hirshfeld surface analysis and quantum computational studies of (3E, 5E)-1-ethyl-3, 5-bis (naphthalen-1-yl-methylidene) piperidin-4 …
- Accuracy Estimation of Earthquake Source Geometry Parameters by the Sterling Interpolation Method in Nonlinear Inversion
- DFT computational study towards investigating psychotropic drugs, promazine and trifluoperazine adsorption on graphene, fullerene and carbon cyclic ring …
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Slightly generalized regular space decompositions
- New observations of NGC 1624- 2 reveal a complex magnetospheric structure and underlying surface magnetic geometry
- A computational multi-scale model for the stiffness degradation of short-fiber reinforced plastics subjected to fatigue loading
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing Integrability via geometry: dispersionless differential equations in three and four dimensions
- Visual and Structural Analysis of Fractal Geometry in the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque Ornaments (Isfahan-Iran)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics investigations of a Thrust Reverser Unit flowfield
- Study of interacting mechanism of amino acid and Alzheimer’s drug using vibrational techniques and computational method
- Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients
- A method to determine the geometry-dependent bending stiffness of multilayer graphene sheets
- About the Influence of the Corrosion Defect Geometry on Repaired Pipes Stress Distribution
- Relative geometry-aware siamese neural network for 6dof camera relocalization
- A study on the computational effort of hyper-dual numbers to evaluate derivatives in geometrically nonlinear hyperelastic trusses
- Quantifying wind-driven rain on a heritage facade through computational fluid dynamics
- Impact of humeral and glenoid component variations on range of motion in reverse geometry total shoulder arthroplasty: a standardized computer model study
- DES Y1 results: Splitting growth and geometry to test
- Computational Approaches for De Novo Drug Design: Past, Present, and Future
- Computational Hardness of Collective Coin-Tossing Protocols
- Efficient Streamline Integration over a Computational Surface Mesh using Barycentric Coordinates
- Algebraic geometry codes over abelian surfaces containing no absolutely irreducible curves of low genus
- Fluid targeted delivery of functionalized magnetoresponsive nanocomposite particles to a ferromagnetic stent
- Numerical Study of Three Ventilation Strategies in a prefabricated COVID-19 inpatient ward
- Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies on Chemical Looping Combustion
- Ground state spin structure of GdFeO3: A computational and experimental study
- Benzophenone based disperse dyes for UV protective clothing: synthesis, comparative study of UPF, light fastness and dyeing properties and computational study
- Contact patterns in the ankle joint after lateral ligamentous injury during internal rotation: A computational study
- Siamese neural networks: An overview
- … based highly functional dendrimeric macromolecular resin as an effective coating material for carbon steel in NaCl: Computational and experimental studies
- Ubiquitous and Pervasive ComputingUbiquitous and Pervasive Computing B ezier curves and surfaces
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