Source Flow MCQs – Physics
Solved MCQs on Source Flow in aerodynamics Physics.
Which of the following is to define stream function _________
(A). 2D flow
(B). 3D flow
(C). 1D flow
(D). multi-dimensional flow
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
Which of the following is the opposite case of source flow?
(A). sink flow
(B). doublet flow
(C). source flow
(D). source-sink flow
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
What is the origin called?
(A). singular point
(B). multiple point
(C). sink point
(D). source point
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
What is the tangential velocity component, in the source flow?
(A). 0
(B). 1
(C). not defined
(D). infinity
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
The scalar function of the time and space is__.
(A). velocity
(B). velocity potential function
(C). velocity vector
(D). pressure
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
What is the velocity component along z-direction? for an irrotational flow.
(A). 0
(B). 1
(C). infinity
(D). -1
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
At right angles to a particular direction___, gives the velocity component.
(A). velocity
(B). velocity vector
(C). stream function
(D). pressure line
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
What is the flow when the velocity potential exits?
(A). rotational
(B). irrotational
(C). laminar
(D). turbulent
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
What is the flow called in which streamline is directed away from the origin?
(A). sink flow
(B). doublet flow
(C). source flow
(D). source-sink flow
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: c
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