Solid State Physics MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Solid State Physics MCQs

1. Iron has a Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) structure with atomic radius 0.123 Å. Find the lattice constant.
A) 0
B) 4.587 Å
C) 2.314 Å
D) 0.2840 Å

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2. The interplanar spacing of (220) planes of a Face-centered cubic( FCC) structure is 1.7458 Å. Calculate the lattice constant.
A) 4.983 Å
B) 2.458 Å
C) 0
D) 5.125 Å

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3.  What is the lattice constant for FCC crystal having atomic radius 1.476 Å
A) 1.476 Å
B) 4.1748 Å
C) 5.216 Å
D) 0

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4. What is the possible number of different types of lattices (3D)?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 14
D) 17

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5. Why are the glasses of building milky?
A)  it changes in properties
B)  it becomes old
C)  it is brittle
D) of unwanted deposits

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6. Which of the following is a crystalline solid?
A) Isotropic substances
B) Anisotropic substances
C) Supercooled liquids
D) Amorphous solids

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7. Which of the following covalent compounds conduct electricity?
A) Silica
B) Hydrogen chloride
C) Diamond
D) Graphite

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8.  When do ionic compounds conduct electricity?
A) When dissolved in water
B) In solid state
C) In gaseous state
D) They never conduct

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9. Which one of the following is the property of an ionic compound?
A) High melting and boiling points
B) Low melting and boiling points
C) Weak inter-atomic forces
D) Non conductors of electricity

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10. What will happen to the elastic property of Gold when Potassium is added to gold?
A) The elastic property of gold decreases
B) The elastic property of gold remains unaltered
C) The elastic property of gold increases
D) Gold loses its elastic property

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11. What is the effect of annealing(to remove hardness) on elasticity of materials?
A) Increases the elasticity
B) Decreases the elasticity
C) Has no effect on elasticity
D) Distorts the material

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12. When too many people stand on a bridge it collapses, why?
A) Due to increase in stress
B) Due to overweight
C) Due to improper construction
D) Due to friction

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