Applied Physics Solved MCQs
1. As the body rolls down, its gravitational energy changes to:
A. Rotational kinetic energy
B. Rotational potential energy
C. Linear kinetic energy
D. Linear potential energy
2. The magnitude of displacement from the initial position to final position is the:
A. Straight line
B. Curved line
C. Circle
D. Total distance
3. Which one of the following force is a non-conservative force:
A. Gravitational force
B. Electric force
C. Elastic spring force
D. Frictional force
4. In cathode ray oscilloscope, spots are formed on screen having:
A. Anode
B. Cathode
C. Grid
D. Matrix
5. In a transistor, emitter current is:
A. Slightly more than collector
B. Slightly less than collector
C. Equal to the collector
D. Equal to base current
6. Shark can detect potential difference of its prey up to sensitivity of:
A. Micro volt
B. Mega volt
C. Pico volt
D. Nano volt
7. Magnetic field outside a solenoid is:
A. Zero
B. Strong
C. Infinite
D. Negligible
8. Two inputs A and B of NAND gate have 0 output, if:
A. A is 0
B. B is 0
C. Both are zero
D. Both are 1
9.Device that is used to store charge, is named as:
A. Capacitor
B. Resistor
C. Transistor
D. Diode
10. In order to increase a range of ammeter, value of shunt resistance Rs is:
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. Remain
D. Both a and b
11. Diode characteristic curve is a plot between:
A. Current and time
B. Voltage and time
C. Voltage and current
D. Both a and b
12. Electric charge enclosed by Gaussian surface is:
A. 0
B. 1
C. Min
D. Max