Physics notes for class 12 – MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Physics notes for class 12 – MCQs

Here, we are giving you a list of 50 important MCQs for class 12. Hopefully, these notes of MCQs will help you.

1. Precise measurement is the one which has,
A. Absolute precision
B. Less precision
C. Max precision
D. Both A and B
E. None of these

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2. Number of significant figures in 0.0010 are,
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. None of these

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3. Which of the following is a supplementary unit?
A. Degree
B. Radian
C. Steradian
D. Both B and C
E. None of these

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4. A unit vector is obtained by?
A. Magnitude
B. Direction
C. Scalar-vector
D. Vactor
E. None of these

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5. The angle between two Vectors A and B can be found by
A. Head to tail rule
B. Their cross product
C. Their dot product
D. Both A and B
E. None of these

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6. The irregular and unsteady flow of fluid are known as?
A. Turbulent flow
B. Streamline flow
C. Normal flow
D. All of above
E. None of these

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7. The frictional force is present in
A. Gases
B. Liquids
C. Solid
D. All of above
E. None of these

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8. Drag force depends upon, according to strokes law?
A. Coefficient of viscosity
B. Terminal velocity of the body
C. The radius of the spherical body
D. All of these
E. None of these

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9. The force that appears as a result of interaction between two moving charges is known as
A. Magnetic force
B.Electrostatic force
C. Induced force
D. Gravitation force

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10. When a charge passes through a region undeflected, then F(e)=F(m)_______
A. B parallel to E
B. B=0
C. Both A and B
D. Non
E. All of these

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11.The direction of vectors L*B is
A. Same as Magnetic field
B. Same as force
C. Same as Electric force
D. Length conduction
E. None of these

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12. Electric current produced magnetic field this fact is discovered by:
A. Henry
B. Maxwell
C. Oersted
D. Newton
E. None of these

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13. Parallel Lines carrying current in same direction will:
A. Remain at rest
B. Repel each other
C. Attract each other
D. Start rotating
E. None of these

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14. Cathode ray oscilloscope work by:
A. Proton
B. Electron
C. Muons
D. Neutrons

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15. what is pressure in the narrow pipe is if steam lines are close together
A. Smaller
B. Larger
C. Remain same
D. Zero
E. None of these

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16. The power of a concave lens is
A. real
B. virtual
C. positive
D. negative

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17. A convex lens gives a virtual image only when the objects lies
A. between principal focus and center of curvature
B. beyond 2 f
C. at the principal focus
D. between principal focus and optical center

Ans: D

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18. In going form a denser to rarer medium a ray of light is
A. un-deviated
B. bent away from the normal
C. bent towards the normal

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19. Light signals pass through multimode graded index fiber due to
A. continuous refraction
B. total internal reflection
C. both continuous refraction and total internal reflection
D. diffraction

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20. A lens which converges a beam of parallel rays to a point is called
A. diverging (or concave) lens
B. converging (or convex) lens
C. planoconcave lens
D. plano-convex lens

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21. It is observed that an emf is set up conductor when it moves across a_____
A. Magnetic field
B. Gravitational field
C. Electric field
D. All of these
E. None of these

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22. Induced emf is a phenomenon which is due to _______
A. Motion
B. Changing B
C. Changing flux
D. All of these
E. None of these

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23. what is the amplitude at resonance of a vibrating body situated in the air become
A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Infinite
D. Zero
E. None of these

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24. What is the highest temperature at which the liquefication of gasses take place?
A. Normal
B. Absolute
C. Constant
D. Critical
E. None of these

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25. Gas pressure is defined as
A. Mass per unit volume
B. Energy per unit volume
C. Force per unit area
D. Energy per unit area
E. None of these

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26. At constant pressure, the graph between V And T is
A. Parabola
B. Hyperbola
C. Straight line
D. Ellipse
E. None of these

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27. What happens when solid materials are heated, they
A. Decrease in volume
B. Decrease in mass
C. Expand
D. Contract

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28. When a metallic rod is heated, its change in length is
A. Directly proportional to its original length
B. Inversely proportional to the original length
C. Independent of its original length
D. Inversely proportional to the rise of temperature
E. None of these

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29. Bimetallic Strips are used in thermostats
A. For heating
B. For cooling
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

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30. Ice become slippery when a man walk on it because
A. There is no fraction
B. The ice surface is smooth
C. The increase of pressure causes it to melt
D. It is chilled

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31. Thermodynamic is the study of the relationship between
A. Heat and gas
B. Heat and liquid
C. Heat and another form of energy
D. Heat and solid
E. None of these

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32. Which of the following is a close system
A. The energy of the system remains constant
B. The mass of the system remains constant
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

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33. What is Angular Momentum of body under a central force?
A. Constant
B. Maximum
C. Minimum
D. Zero
E. None of these

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34. Moment of inertia depends upon
A. Angular momentum
B. Mass of body and its radius
C. Mass as well as Distribution
D. Mass of body and its angular speed

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35. The product of these mass ‘m‘ OF the rotating body and the square of the radius of gyration is called?
A. Torque
B. Moment of inertia
C. Angular momentum
D. The inertia of the body
E. None of these

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36. Which of the following is also called as
A. Metacenter
B. Center of mass
C. Center of buoyancy
D. Center of body
E. None of these

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37. Artificial gravity is provided to the space_ship by
A. Accelerating it
B. Rotating it around its axis
C. Moving with greater speed
D. Moving slowly
E. None of these

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38. For what purpose, geostationary satellites are used?
A. Weather observation
B. Navigation
C. World Communication
D. All of the above
E. None of these

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39. With rising of temperature Viscosity of gases
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain the same
D. All of these
E. None of these

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40. Atmospheric pressure effect due to
A. Increase with altitude above the sea level
B. Decrease with altitude above the sea level
C. Neither increase nor decrease with altitude
D. All of these
E. None of these

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41. The drag force of a fluid depends upon
A. Nature of the fluid
B. The shape of moving body
C. Size of the moving body
D. All of these
E. None of these

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42. Which of the following is more viscous?
A. Water
B. Honey
C. Coal tar
D. Kerosene oil
E. None of these

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43. The smooth and steady flow of fluid is known as
A. Turbulent Flow
B. Laminar Flow
C. Simple flow
D. Regular flow
E. None of these

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44. The streamlines for an ideal fluid are?
A. Antiparallel
B. Parallel
C. Perpendicular
D. Intersect
E. None of these

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45. Number of vibration per second is called
A. Time period
B. Amplitude
C. Frequency
D. Revolution
E. None of these

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46. IN S.H.M, the velocity of a particle is maximum at
A. Extreme Position
B. Mean position
C. The middle between mean and extreme on the right side
D. The middle between mean and extreme on the left side
E. None of these

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47. The stationary wave consists of
A. Nodes and antinodes
B. Crest and troughs
C. Compression and rarefaction
D. Reflection and refraction
E. None of these

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48. in transverse waves individual particles of the medium
A. move in ellipses
B. move in circle
C. move perpendiuclar to the direction of trivel
D. move paralle to the direction of travel
E. none of these

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49.The sound waves can travel only through vacoume
A. Ether
B. vacume
C. material medium
D. Non-metral
E. None of these

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50. the sound wave in the air is
A. Transeverse wave
B. longtitutnal wave
C. Electromagnatic wave
D. Matter wave
E. None of these

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Physics notes for class 12 – MCQs.

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