Solved MCQs of Continuity Equation in Physics.
An example of incompressible flow is ___?
(A). gas
(B). sponge
(C). water
(D). gel
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
In equation of continuity the differential form is _______
(A). ?.u=constant
(B). Dv/Dt=0
(C). ?/t + ?.(?V)=0
(D). ?=0
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
Which of the following equation results in the change in pressure with a change in the vertical height?
(A). energy equation
(B). momentum equation
(C). continuity equation
(D). hydrostatic equation
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
The equation of mass continuity changes to________ for an incompressible flow.
(A). energy equation
(B). momentum equation
(C). volume continuity equation
(D). remains same
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
The principle in which mass can neither be destroyed nor be created is _____
(A). Energy equation
(B). Momentum equation
(C). Continuity equation
(D). Bernoulli’s principle
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
It is in an equilibrium state when the system is in steady-state.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
Inviscid flow is approached, when the number of Reynold limits to infinity.
(A). True
(B). False
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
The equation of continuity relates to _______ in the theory of electromagnetic.
(A). Volume conservation
(B). Mass conservation
(C). Charge conservation
(D). Energy conservation
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
which of the following is related to the Equation of continuity?
(A). Mass conservation
(B). Energy conservation
(C). Momentum conservation
(D). Velocity change
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
Which of the following is termed as quantity specifying the motion or flow?
(A). Density
(B). Flux
(C). Field
(D). Electrostatic force
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
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