Write a C++ program to find the roots of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0


1. Pass-by-Value (findRootsByValue Function)

  • Definition:

    • Parameters: Accepts the coefficients aa, bb, and cc by value.
    • Operation:
      • Calculates the discriminant (b2−4acb^2 – 4ac).
      • Depending on the value of the discriminant:
        • If positive, computes two distinct real roots.
        • If zero, computes one real root (both roots are the same).
        • If negative, computes the real and imaginary parts of the complex roots.
      • Displays the roots based on their nature.
    • Effect:
      • The original values of aa, bb, and cc remain unchanged after the function call.

2. Pass-by-Reference (findRootsByReference Function)

  • Definition:

    • Parameters:
      • a, b, c: Coefficients of the quadratic equation.
      • root1, root2: Reference variables to store the roots.
      • isComplex: Reference variable to indicate whether the roots are complex.
    • Operation:
      • Similar calculation to findRootsByValue.
      • Updates root1, root2, and isComplex based on the discriminant.
    • Effect:
      • The variables root1, root2, and isComplex are directly updated based on the calculations inside the function.

3. Input Handling and Calculation

  • Input: The program prompts the user to enter the coefficients aa, bb, and cc of the quadratic equation.
  • Processing:
    • Roots are computed using both pass-by-value and pass-by-reference methods.
    • The program displays the results of both methods.

Sample Output:

Key Points

  • Quadratic Formula:
    • The roots of a quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0ax^2 + bx + c = 0 are computed using the formula:
      • x=−b±b2−4ac2ax = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 – 4ac}}{2a}
    • The discriminant (b2−4acb^2 – 4ac) determines the nature of the roots:
      • Positive discriminant: Two distinct real roots.
      • Zero discriminant: One real root (repeated).
      • Negative discriminant: Two complex roots.
  • Pass-by-Value:
    • The function receives copies of the input parameters.
    • The original coefficients are not modified.
  • Pass-by-Reference:
    • The function modifies the root1, root2, and isComplex variables directly.
    • Any changes affect the original variables in main.
  • Complex Roots:
    • For negative discriminant, the program calculates complex roots and displays them in the form a±bia \pm bi.