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CLI and Git Workflow MCQs

Solved MCQs of CLI and Git Workflow for Machine Learning Engineer and Scientist job.

To change the directory to one level above your parent directory is allowed by which command?
(A). cd.
(B). cd.
(C). cd
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: a

Which of the following is wrong statement?
(A). The command that does the specific task is CLI command
(B). For activating particular behavior the given options to the command are flags
(C). For each CLI command, there is only one flag
(D). All of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

To a file over the time which system record changes?
(A). Version Control
(B). Record Control
(C). Forecast Control
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: a

For interacting with Git which command line environment is used?
(A). Git Bash
(B). GitHub
(C). Git Boot
(D). All of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: a

To give a message description which command is used?
(A). git command -message
(B). git command -d
(C). git command -m
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

Which of the following is wrong statement?
(A). To share repositories with the others GitHub allows
(B). To use the Git GitHub is needed
(C). To access the others repositories GitHub allows
(D). All of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: b

To update the repository which command allows?
(A). update
(B). pop
(C). push
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

In to well labelled commits, the correct way of creating GitHub repository is?
(A). Pop another user’s repository
(B). Fork another user’s repository
(C). Zip another user’s repository
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: b

Git control system is used by which web hosting service?
(A). Git Bash
(B). Open Hash
(C). GitHub
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

Copy the content of directories Cp command is used.
(A). True
(B). False
MCQ Answer: a

What will add all new files to the local repository?
(A). git add -A
(B). git add -u
(C). git add .
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

To know which branch you are currently in, the branch command is used.
(A). True
(B). False
MCQ Answer: a

To rename the files which CLI command is used?
(A). mv
(B). rm
(C). rm -r
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: a

Which of the following is correct statement?
(A). To organize messages CLI can help
(B). By using CLI directory navigation is possible
(C). To organize the folders and files CLI can help
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

Tracking for files that are modified, which command updates?
(A). git add .
(B). git add -A
(C). git add -u
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

What is the revision control system?
(A). Slidify
(B). NumPy
(C). Git
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

Which of the following is correct statement?
(A). To organize folders and files CLI can help
(B). To use Git, GitHub is not needed
(C). Using the CLI directory’s navigation is possible
(D). None of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: a

What command is not a CLI command?
(A). rm
(B). delete
(C). clear
(D). none of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: b

To squash the commits which command is used?
(A). boot
(B). squash
(C). rebase
(D). all of the mentioned
MCQ Answer: c

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