List of Journals on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Research Journals on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, robotics, expert systems, intelligent retrieval, knowledge engineering, natural language processing, and neural networks

Are you searching “what are high impact factor journals on Artificial Intelligence?”
Today i am sharing with you, some of the better impact factor journals related to Artificial Intelligence.

  1. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (ISSN): 2327-4662 (Impact factor): 7.596
  2. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISSN): 1551-3203 (Impact factor): 6.764
  3. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (ISSN): 1556-603X (Impact factor): 6.343
  4. International Journal of Neural Systems (ISSN): 0129-0657 (Impact factor): 6.333
  5. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (ISSN): 2162-237X (Impact factor): 6.108
  6. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0734-2071 (Impact factor): 5.045
  7. JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH (ISSN): 1532-4435 (Impact factor): 5.000
  8. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ISSN): 0004-3702 (Impact factor): 4.797
  9. PATTERN RECOGNITION (ISSN): 0031-3203 (Impact factor): 4.582
  10. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0950-7051 (Impact factor): 4.529
  11. MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS (ISSN): 1361-8415 (Impact factor): 4.188
  12. Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience (ISSN): 0167-739X (Impact factor): 3.997
  13. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING (ISSN): 0278-0062 (Impact factor): 3.942
  14. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS (ISSN): 0957-4174 (Impact factor): 3.928
  16. NEUROCOMPUTING (ISSN): 0925-2312 (Impact factor): 3.317
  17. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0167-9236 (Impact factor): 3.222
  18. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS (ISSN): 1386-5056 (Impact factor): 3.210
  19. NEUROINFORMATICS (ISSN): 1539-2791 (Impact factor): 3.200
  20. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ISSN): 2157-6904 (Impact factor): 3.196
  21. Swarm Intelligence (ISSN): 1935-3812 (Impact factor): 3.115
  22. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING (ISSN): 0956-5515 (Impact factor): 3.035
  24. SYSTEMS” (ISSN): 0164-0925 (Impact factor): 3.033
  25. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0884-8173 (Impact factor): 2.929
  29. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0165-0114 (Impact factor): 2.718
  30. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW (ISSN): 0269-2821 (Impact factor): 2.627
  31. Automated Software Engineering (ISSN): 0928-8910 (Impact factor): 2.625
  32. COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS (ISSN): 0891-2017 (Impact factor): 2.528
  33. NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS (ISSN): 0941-0643 (Impact factor): 2.505
  34. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (ISSN): 2168-2291 (Impact factor): 2.493
  35. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING (ISSN): 0025-5610 (Impact factor): 2.446
  36. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems (ISSN): 2168-2216 (Impact factor): 2.350
  37. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH (ISSN): 1076-9757 (Impact factor): 2.284
  38. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (ISSN): 1939-1382 (Impact factor): 2.267
  39. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISSN): 1562-2479 (Impact factor): 2.198
  40. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (ISSN): 1942-4787 (Impact factor): 2.111
  41. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE (ISSN): 0933-3657 (Impact factor): 2.009
  42. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS (ISSN): 0167-8655 (Impact factor): 1.995
  43. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY (ISSN): 1569-190X (Impact factor): 1.954
  44. ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0921-8890 (Impact factor): 1.950
  45. NEURAL COMPUTATION (ISSN): 0899-7667 (Impact factor): 1.938
  46. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE (ISSN): 0924-669X (Impact factor): 1.904
  47. COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE (ISSN): 0885-2308 (Impact factor): 1.900
  48. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (ISSN): 1556-4681 (Impact factor): 1.895
  49. MACHINE LEARNING (ISSN): 0885-6125 (Impact factor): 1.848
  50. Digital Investigation (ISSN): 1742-2876 (Impact factor): 1.774
  51. SPEECH COMMUNICATION (ISSN): 0167-6393 (Impact factor): 1.768
  52. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ISSN): 1868-8071 (Impact factor): 1.699
  53. DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING (ISSN): 0169-023X (Impact factor): 1.694
  54. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS (ISSN): 0167-9473 (Impact factor): 1.693
  55. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making (ISSN): 1568-4539 (Impact factor): 1.681
  57. DECISION MAKING” (ISSN): 0219-6220 (Impact factor): 1.664
  58. JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED REASONING (ISSN): 0168-7433 (Impact factor): 1.636
  59. NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS (ISSN): 1370-4621 (Impact factor): 1.620
  60. COMPUTER LANGUAGES SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES (ISSN): 1477-8424 (Impact factor): 1.615
  61. AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS (ISSN): 1387-2532 (Impact factor): 1.606
  62. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (ISSN): 1868-5137 (Impact factor): 1.588
  63. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines (ISSN): 1389-2576 (Impact factor): 1.514
  64. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0921-0296 (Impact factor): 1.512
  65. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW (ISSN): 0269-8889 (Impact factor): 1.510
  66. ACM Transactions on Algorithms (ISSN): 1549-6325 (Impact factor): 1.458
  68. INTELLIGENCE” (ISSN): 0952-813X (Impact factor): 1.384
  69. THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING (ISSN): 1471-0684 (Impact factor): 1.380
  70. JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING (ISSN): 0920-8542 (Impact factor): 1.326
  71. ARTIFICIAL LIFE (ISSN): 1064-5462 (Impact factor): 1.316
  72. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0925-9902 (Impact factor): 1.294
  73. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS (ISSN): 1064-1246 (Impact factor): 1.261
  74. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (ISSN): 1544-3558 (Impact factor): 1.250
  75. TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ISSN): 1007-0214 (Impact factor): 1.250
  76. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS (ISSN): 1042-9832 (Impact factor): 1.243
  78. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS” (ISSN): 0218-4885 (Impact factor): 1.214
  79. Cognitive Systems Research (ISSN): 1389-0417 (Impact factor): 1.182
  80. EXPERT SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0266-4720 (Impact factor): 1.180
  81. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING (ISSN): 0885-7458 (Impact factor): 1.156
  82. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems (ISSN): 1875-6891 (Impact factor): 1.140
  83. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE (ISSN): 1532-0626 (Impact factor): 1.133
  84. IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (ISSN): 1943-068X (Impact factor): 1.113
  85. Natural Language Engineering (ISSN): 1351-3249 (Impact factor): 1.065
  86. SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (ISSN): 0167-6423 (Impact factor): 1.064
  87. ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR (ISSN): 1059-7123 (Impact factor): 1.019
  88. INTEGRATION-THE VLSI JOURNAL (ISSN): 0167-9260 (Impact factor): 1.000
  90. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (ISSN): 0824-7935 (Impact factor): 0.964
  91. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (ISSN): 1529-3785 (Impact factor): 0.961
  92. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION (ISSN): 0955-792X (Impact factor): 0.909
  93. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (ISSN): 1433-2833 (Impact factor): 0.902
  95. ANALYSIS AND MANUFACTURING” (ISSN): 0890-0604 (Impact factor): 0.885
  96. “Cryptography and Communications-Discrete-Structures Boolean Functions and
  97. Sequences” (ISSN): 1936-2447 (Impact factor): 0.884
  99. SYSTEMS” (ISSN): 1084-4309 (Impact factor): 0.850
  100. Journal of Applied Logic (ISSN): 1570-8683 (Impact factor): 0.838
  101. COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING (ISSN): 0963-5483 (Impact factor): 0.826
  102. AI MAGAZINE (ISSN): 0738-4602 (Impact factor): 0.812
  103. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (ISSN): 1876-1364 (Impact factor): 0.809
  105. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (ISSN): 0218-2130 (Impact factor): 0.778
  106. Natural Computing (ISSN): 1567-7818 (Impact factor): 0.778
  107. MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL (ISSN): 0332-7353 (Impact factor): 0.775
  108. Intelligent Data Analysis (ISSN): 1088-467X (Impact factor): 0.772
  109. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION (ISSN): 0219-7499 (Impact factor): 0.766
  110. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (ISSN): 2212-683X (Impact factor): 0.753
  111. INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS (ISSN): 0020-0190 (Impact factor): 0.748
  112. Language Resources and Evaluation (ISSN): 1574-020X (Impact factor): 0.738
  113. ALGORITHMICA (ISSN): 0178-4617 (Impact factor): 0.735
  114. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (ISSN): 2352-2208 (Impact factor): 0.692
  115. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING (ISSN): 0956-7968 (Impact factor): 0.677
  116. Logical Methods in Computer Science (ISSN): 1860-5974 (Impact factor): 0.661
  117. NEW GENERATION COMPUTING (ISSN): 0288-3635 (Impact factor): 0.657
  118. AI COMMUNICATIONS (ISSN): 0921-7126 (Impact factor): 0.654
  119. APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (ISSN): 0883-9514 (Impact factor): 0.652
  120. INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING (ISSN): 1079-8587 (Impact factor): 0.644
  121. VIRTUAL REALITY (ISSN): 1359-4338 (Impact factor): 0.628
  122. Scientific Programming (ISSN): 1058-9244 (Impact factor): 0.627
  123. “ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information
  124. Processing” (ISSN): 2375-4699 (Impact factor): 0.562
  125. Journal of Logic Language and Information (ISSN): 0925-8531 (Impact factor): 0.548
  126. MINDS AND MACHINES (ISSN): 0924-6495 (Impact factor): 0.514
  127. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (ISSN): 1556-4673 (Impact factor): 0.500
  128. COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY (ISSN): 1016-3328 (Impact factor): 0.441
  129. COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS (ISSN): 1546-4261 (Impact factor): 0.424
  130. Neural Network World (ISSN): 1210-0552 (Impact factor): 0.394
  131. JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING (ISSN): 1542-3980 (Impact factor): 0.365
  133. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING” (ISSN): 0218-1940 (Impact factor): 0.299
  134. Science Robotics (ISSN): 24709476
  135. Nature Machine Intelligence (ISSN): 25225839
  136. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning (ISSN): 19358245
  137. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (ISSN): 1628828
  138. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems (ISSN): 10636706
  139. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (ISSN): 2162237X
  140. International Journal of Information Management (ISSN): 2684012
  141. Journal of Memory and Language (ISSN): 10960821
  142. Cognitive Psychology (ISSN): 10955623
  143. Network Neuroscience (ISSN): 24721751
  144. Soft Robotics (ISSN): 21695172
  145. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (ISSN): 1556603X
  146. International Journal of Robotics Research (ISSN): 2783649
  147. Physics of Life Reviews (ISSN): 18731457
  148. International Journal of Computer Vision (ISSN): 9205691
  149. Journal of the ACM (ISSN): 45411
  150. Knowledge-Based Systems (ISSN): 9507051
  151. Information Sciences (ISSN): 200255
  152. Cognitive Science (ISSN): 3640213
  153. Pattern Recognition (ISSN): 313203
  154. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (ISSN): 23327731
  155. Neural Networks (ISSN): 8936080
  156. Expert Systems with Applications (ISSN): 9574174
  157. International Journal of Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 1098111X
  158. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (ISSN): 23299266
  159. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (ISSN): 15728145
  160. Journal of Machine Learning Research (ISSN): 15337928
  161. Artificial Intelligence Review (ISSN): 2692821
  162. Topics in Cognitive Science (ISSN): 17568765
  163. Computability (ISSN): 22113576
  164. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (ISSN): 2471285X
  165. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (ISSN): 23773766
  166. Advanced Engineering Informatics (ISSN): 14740346
  167. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 9521976
  168. Neurocomputing (ISSN): 9252312
  169. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (ISSN): 0888613X
  170. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (ISSN): 23798858
  171. Networks and Spatial Economics (ISSN): 1566113X
  172. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (ISSN): 9333657
  173. Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 43702
  174. Autonomous Robots (ISSN): 15737527
  175. Journal of Pragmatics (ISSN): 3782166
  176. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ISSN): 21576912
  177. Design Studies (ISSN): 0142694X
  178. Fuzzy Sets and Systems (ISSN): 1650114
  179. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 9740635
  180. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control (ISSN): 9748571
  181. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (ISSN): 21682291
  182. Artificial Intelligence and Law (ISSN): 9248463
  183. IEEE Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 15411672
  184. Minds and Machines (ISSN): 9246495
  185. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering (ISSN): 10692509
  186. Applied Intelligence (ISSN): 0924669X
  187. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (ISSN): 10769757
  188. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making (ISSN): 15732908
  189. ICT Express (ISSN): 24059595
  190. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISSN): 15622479
  191. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems (ISSN): 23798920
  192. Drones (ISSN): 2504446X
  193. Neural Computing and Applications (ISSN): 9410643
  194. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research (ISSN): 24496499
  195. Journal of Control and Decision (ISSN): 23307714
  196. Journal of Consciousness Studies (ISSN): 20512201
  197. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (ISSN): 14753081
  198. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ISSN): 1868808X
  199. Pattern Recognition Letters (ISSN): 1678655
  200. Frontiers in Neurorobotics (ISSN): 16625218
  201. Machine Learning (ISSN): 15730565
  202. Journal of Semantics (ISSN): 1675133
  203. i-Perception (ISSN): 20416695
  204. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISSN): 7437315
  205. Knowledge and Information Systems (ISSN): 2191377
  206. Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal (ISSN): 10954333
  207. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications (ISSN): 15730409
  208. Journal of Scheduling (ISSN): 10946136
  209. Constraints (ISSN): 15729354
  210. Perception (ISSN): 14684233
  211. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (ISSN): 24686557
  212. Computational Visual Media (ISSN): 20960662
  213. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (ISSN): 25739522
  214. AI Magazine (ISSN): 7384602
  215. Frontiers in Robotics and AI (ISSN): 22969144
  216. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (ISSN): 23789638
  217. Cognitive Systems Research (ISSN): 13890417
  218. Expert Systems with Applications: X (ISSN): 25901885
  219. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN): 25042289
  220. Cognitive Processing (ISSN): 16124782
  221. Law (ISSN):
  222. Procedia Manufacturing (ISSN): 23519789
  223. Journal of Automated Reasoning (ISSN): 15730670
  224. Knowledge Engineering Review (ISSN): 14698005
  225. Neural Processing Letters (ISSN): 13704621
  226. Paladyn (ISSN): 20814836
  227. Swarm Intelligence (ISSN): 19353820
  228. Journal of Heuristics (ISSN): 13811231
  229. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (ISSN): 15737454
  230. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ISSN): 23665971
  231. Fuzzy Information and Engineering (ISSN): 16168658
  232. Frontiers in ICT (ISSN): 2297198X
  233. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (ISSN): 15737675
  234. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design (ISSN):
  235. Intelligent Service Robotics (ISSN): 18612784
  236. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ISSN): 17298806
  237. Robotics (ISSN): 22186581
  238. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 13623079
  239. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (ISSN): 2212683X
  240. Connection Science (ISSN): 13600494
  241. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 21606463
  242. Argument and Computation (ISSN): 19462166
  243. Pattern Analysis and Applications (ISSN): 1433755X
  244. Cybersecurity (ISSN): 20964862
  245. Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing (ISSN): 16879724
  246. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 15737470
  247. Expert Systems (ISSN): 14680394
  248. Computational Intelligence (ISSN): 8247935
  249. IEEE Transactions on Games (ISSN): 24751510
  250. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (ISSN): 23001917
  251. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (ISSN): 17350654
  252. AI and Society (ISSN): 9515666
  253. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 20894872
  254. AI Communications (ISSN): 9217126
  255. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (ISSN): 15730824
  256. Applied Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 10876545
  257. International Journal of Uncertainty (ISSN):
  258. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (ISSN): 18758967
  259. Microprocessors and Microsystems (ISSN): 1419331
  260. Cybernetics and Systems (ISSN): 10876553
  261. Evolutionary Intelligence (ISSN): 18645917
  262. Progress in Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 21926360
  263. Computational Linguistics (ISSN): 8912017
  264. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications (ISSN): 23983396
  265. Constructivist Foundations (ISSN): 1782348X
  266. Kybernetes (ISSN): 0368492X
  267. Artificial Life (ISSN): 10645462
  268. Parallel Computing (ISSN): 1678191
  269. KI – Kunstliche Intelligenz (ISSN): 16101987
  270. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (ISSN): 2198436
  271. Statistics (ISSN):
  272. International Journal of Data and Network Science (ISSN): 25618148
  273. International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 2093744X
  274. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 2180014
  275. ROBOMECH Journal (ISSN): 21974225
  276. Natural Language Engineering (ISSN): 14698110
  277. Adaptive Behavior (ISSN): 17412633
  278. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (ISSN): 2182130
  279. Neural Network World (ISSN): 23364335
  280. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing (ISSN): 10798587
  281. Cybernetics and Physics (ISSN): 22237038
  282. International Journal of Robotics and Automation (ISSN): 19257090
  283. Artificial Life and Robotics (ISSN): 14335298
  284. Systems Science and Control Engineering (ISSN): 21642583
  285. Intelligenza Artificiale (ISSN): 17248035
  286. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems (ISSN): 13272314
  287. SPIIRAS Proceedings (ISSN): 20789181
  288. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (ISSN): 2181940
  289. Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision (ISSN): 10010920
  290. Intelligent Data Analysis (ISSN): 1088467X
  291. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (ISSN): 2509498X
  292. Journal on Data Semantics (ISSN): 18612040
  293. Machine Translation (ISSN): 9226567
  294. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (ISSN): 19478216
  295. Mendel (ISSN): 18033814
  296. Kybernetika (ISSN): 235954
  297. Jiqiren/Robot (ISSN): 10020446
  298. Journal of Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 3341860
  299. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (ISSN): 19479263
  300. Intelligent Decision Technologies (ISSN): 18724981
  301. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (ISSN): 17451361
  302. Mekhatronika (ISSN):
  303. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research (ISSN): 22780149
  304. International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics (ISSN): 25483161
  305. International Journal of Software Innovation (ISSN): 21667179
  306. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control (ISSN): 22242856
  307. Informatica (Slovenia) (ISSN): 18543871
  308. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (ISSN): 13430130
  309. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ISSN): 20893272
  310. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence (ISSN): 15573958
  311. International Journal of Semantic Computing (ISSN): 17937108
  312. Web Intelligence (ISSN): 24056464
  313. Journal of Computer Science (ISSN): 15493636
  314. Moshi Shibie yu Rengong Zhineng/Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 10036059
  315. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (ISSN): 2210142X
  316. Inteligencia Artificial (ISSN): 11373601
  317. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (ISSN): 21507988
  318. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology (ISSN): 22239766
  319. Sistemi Intelligenti (ISSN): 11209550
  320. Computer Science Journal of Moldova (ISSN): 15614042
  321. Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (ISSN): 0992499X
  322. Computer Science (ISSN): 23007036
  323. Journal of Uncertain Systems (ISSN): 17528917
  324. Journal of Automation (ISSN):
  325. Information and Control (ISSN): 10020411
  326. Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (ISSN): 23221437
  327. Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (ISSN): 13460714
  328. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (ISSN): 17442869
  329. International Journal of Systematic Innovation (ISSN): 20778767
  330. Journal of Cognitive Science (ISSN): 15982327
  331. International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation (ISSN): 20451059
  332. Civil-Comp Proceedings (ISSN): 17593433
  333. Linguistica (ISSN): 2079312X
  334. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (discontinued) (ISSN): 9743154
  335. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (ISSN): 17982340
  336. MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION (ISSN): 0378-4754 (Impact factor): 1.218

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