Hidden Markov Model solved MCQs based on Artificial Intelligence Questions & Answers.
1. Which of the following suggests the presence of a well-organized recursive algorithm for online smoothing?
(A). Matrix
(B). Constant space
(C). Constant time
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
2. Additional variables are added in HMM in Which of the following model?
(A). Temporal model
(B). Reality model
(C). Probability model
(D). All of the mentioned
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
3.What is the use of the Hidden Markov Model?
(A). Speech recognition
(B). Understanding of the real world
(C). Both A and B
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
4. Which of the following variable can provide the actual form to the representation of the transition model?
(A). Single variable
(B). Discrete state variable
(C). Random variable
(D). Both Single & Discrete state variable
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
5. Which of the following Artificial intelligence algorithm works by first running the standard forward pass to compute?
(A). Smoothing
(B). Modified smoothing
(C). HMM
(D). Depth-first search algorithm
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
6. Which of the following tells an increase in online smoothing?
(A). Matrix formulation
(B). Revelation
(C). HMM
(D). None of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
7. What are the likely values of the variable?
(A). Variables
(B). Literals
(C). Discrete variable
(D). Possible states of the world
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
8. Which of the following algorithm is applicable for solving temporal probabilistic reasoning?
(A). Hill-climbing search algorithm
(B). Hidden Markov model
(C). Depth-first search algorithm
(D). Breadth-first search algorithm
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
9. Which of the following permits for a simple and matrix implementation of all the basic algorithm?
(A). HMM
(B). Restricted structure of HMM
(C). Temporary model
(D). Reality model
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
9. How we can describe the state of the process in HMM?
(A). Literal
(B). Single random variable
(C). Single discrete random variable
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
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