Planning and Acting in the Real World MCQs Artificial Intelligence
Planning and Acting in the Real World solved MCQs on Artificial Intelligence (Questions Answers).
1. Which of the following is the process by which the brain orders actions desired to finish successfully a specific job?
(A). Planning problem
(B). Partial order planning
(C). Total order planning
(D). Both a and b
MCQ Answer is: d
2. Scheduling classes for a bunch of students or Railway cargo transport is the best example of which of the following?
(A). Total order planning
(B). The partial Order planning problem
(C). Planning problem
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer is: c
3. Suppose we want to eliminate the inaccuracy problem in partial-order planning problem or planning problem, then the best data structure to use is the?
(A). Stacks
(B). Planning Graphs
(C). BST (Binary Search Tree)
(D). Queue
MCQ Answer is: b
4. Planning graphs consists of ____
(A). a sequence of levels
(B). a sequence of actions which corresponds to the state of the system
(C). a sequence of levels which corresponds to time steps in the plan
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer is: c
5. Planning graphs works only for prepositional planning problems.
(A). True
(B). False (C). Partially True
MCQ Answer is: a
6. Which of the following algorithm is used to obtain the plan directly from the planning graph, instead of using the graph to provide heuristic.
(A). Graph-Plan
(B). A*
(D). Greedy
MCQ Answer is: a
7. The planning problem can be explained as propositional logic.
(A). True
(B). False (C). Partially True
MCQ Answer is: a
8. Which of the following has the alternative name of every plan resulted in partial-order planning?
(A). Polarization
(B). Solarization
(C). Linearization
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer is: c
9. Which of the following are the two major characteristics which combine the AI Planning problem?
(A). FOL and Logic
(B). Logic and Knowledge Based Systems
(C). Search and Logic
(D). Knowledge Based Systems
MCQ Answer is: c
10. Which of the following algorithm translates a planning problem into prepositional axioms.
(A). GraphPlan
(B). SatPlan
(C). Greedy
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer is: b
11. Which of the following planning permits the agent to take advice from the domain designer in the form of decomposition rules.
(A). GraphPlan
(B). SatPlan
(C). Hierarchical job network
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer is: c
12. Standard planning algorithms suppose the environment to be?
(A). Fully observable
(B). Deterministic
(C). Single agent
(D). Stochastic
MCQ Answer is: b
13. Conditional Plans permit the agent to sense the world during execution to conclude which branch of the plan to follow.
(A). True
(B). False (C). Partially True
MCQ Answer is: a
14. A re-planning agent practices execution monitoring and splices in repairs as desirable.
(A). True
(B). False (C). Partially True
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MCQ Answer is: a
15. Incorrect information consequences in unhappy preconditions for actions and plans ……….. detects violations of the preconditions for fruitful completion of the plan.
(A). Execution monitoring
(B). Conformant Planning
(C). Conditional Plan
(D). Both a and c
MCQ Answer is: c
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