Linguistics solved MCQs of Artificial Intelligence(Questions and Answers).
1. Two literals are complementary if they are
(A). equal
(B). identical and of the equal sign
(C). identical but of opposite sign
(D). unequal but of the equal sign
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
2. In default logic, which of the following inference rules of the form is permitted?
(A). (X : (Y). / Z
(B). X / (Y : (Z).
(C). X / Y
(D). X / Y : Z
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
3. Generality is the measure of which of the followings?
(A). Comfort with which the method can be adapted to dissimilar domains of application
(B). The average time needed to build the target knowledge structures from some specified initial structures
(C). A learning system to function with feedback that is not reliable and with a variety of training examples
(D). The overall power of the system
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: a
4. Which of the following is true in the case of ‘Satisfiable’ property?
(A). We can consider a statement as satisfiable if there is some interpretation for which it is false
(B). We can consider a statement as satisfiable if there is some interpretation for which it is true
(C). We can consider a statement as satisfiable if there is no interpretation for which it is true
(D). We can consider a statement as satisfiable if there is no interpretation for which it is false
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: b
5. Which of the following is an alternative type of Default reasoning?
(A). Monotonic reasoning
(B). Analogical reasoning
(C). Bitonic reasoning
(D). Non-monotonic reasoning
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: d
6. In Bayes theorem, Which of the following is meant by P(Hi|E) where P is the probability, Hi is hypotheses and E is the evidence?
(A). The P that Hi is true given E
(B). The P that Hi Hi is false given E
(C). The P that Hi Hi is true given false E
(D). The Py that Hi Hi is false given false E
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: a
7. Which of the following is Transposition rule?
(A). From P → Q, infer ~Q → P
(B). From P → Q, infer Q → ~P
(C). From P → Q, infer Q → P
(D). From P → Q, infer ~Q → ~P
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: d
8. Which of the following is the third component of a planning system?
(A). Detect when a solution has been discovered
(B). Detect when solution will be discovered
(C). Detect whether solution exists or not
(D). Detect whether multiple solutions exist
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
9. Which of the following is true in the case of Statistical reasoning?
(A). The representation is prolonged to permits some type of numeric measure of certainty to be associated with each statement
(B). The representation is prolonged to permits ‘TRUE or FALSE’ to be related to each statement
(C). The representation is prolonged to permits some kind of numeric measure of certainty to be related commonly to all statements
(D). The representation is prolonged to permits ‘TRUE or FALSE’ to be related commonly to all statements
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
10. Suppose a good system for the representation of knowledge in a specific domain. Which of the following property should it own?
(A). Representational Adequacy
(B). Inferential Adequacy
(C). Inferential Efficiency
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
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