MCQ’s of Artificial Intelligence
1. State space is…
a) Representing your problem with variable and parameter
b) Problem you design
c) Your Definition to a problem
d) The whole problem
2. What is a Web Crawler?
a) Simple reflex agent
b) Model-based agent
c) Problem-solving agent
d) Intelligent goal-based agent
3. Informed search strategy also called…
a) Simple search
b) Online search
c) Heuristic search
d) None of these
4. Zero sum game has player…
a) seven
b) Two
c) three player
d) Multiplayer
5. An agent is composed of…
a) Architecture and Program
b) Perception Sequence
c) Agent Function
d) Architecture
6. Values of alpha-beta search get updated…
a) At the end
b) along the path of search
c) Initial state itself
d) None of the mentioned
7. Calculate the feasibility of whole game tree used…
a) Evaluation function
b) Alpha-beta pruning
c) Transposition
d) All of these
8. Which of the following is also called First order Logic?
a) Lower Order Calculus
b) First Order Predicate Calculus
c) Quantification Theory
d) All of these
9. Single propositional symbol created by…
a) Composition sentences
b) Atomic sentences
c) Complex sentences
d) None of these
10. Which one is used for compute the logical inference algorithm?
a) Validity
b) Satisfiability
c) Logical equivalence
d) All of these
11. Single inference rule also called…
a) Resolution
b) Reference
c) Reference
d) None of these
12. Factoring means…
a) Removal of redundant literal
b) Removal of redundant variable
c) Addition of redundant variable
d) Addition of redundant literal
MCQs History of Artificial Intelligence
Solved MCQs on History of Artificial Intelligence (Questions Answers)
1. Which of the following is the network with labeled arcs and named nodes that can be used to represent certain natural language grammars for the ease of parsing.
(A). Tree Network
(B). Star Network
(C). Complete Network
(D). Transition Network
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). Transition Network
2. ICAI programs prove to be worthy in which of the following areas?
(A). department of Defense
(B). corporations
(C). educational institutions
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (C). educational institutions
3. The hardware characteristics of LISP machines usually include which of the following?
(A). high-speed processor and large memory
(B). 8-inch disk drives and letter-quality printers
(C). mouse + specialized keyboard +large memory + high-speed processor
(D). specialized keyboard and a mouse
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (C). mouse + specialized keyboard +large memory + high-speed processor
4. Which of the following university was not among the early leaders in Artificial Intelligence research?
(A). Dartmouth University
(B). Harvard University
(C). Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(D). Stanford University
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
5. Which of the following is the region where that conference that launched the Artificial intelligence revolution in 1956 was held?
(A). Stanford
(B). Harvard
(C). New York
(D). Dartmouth
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). Dartmouth
6. Which of the following is a low-cost LISP machine that texas Instruments Incorporated produces?
(A). The Computer-Based Consultant
(B). Smalltalk
(C). The Explorer
(D). The Personal Consultant
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (C). The Explorer
7. Which of the following is the method of programming a computer to display human intelligence?
(A). psychic amelioration
(B). cognitization
(C). duplication
(D). simulation
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). simulation
8. Which of the following done by the LISP processor, when a top-level function is entered?
(A). reads the function entered
(B). evaluates the function and the function’s operands
(C). shows the results returned by the function
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). All of these
9. Which of the following is the Al researcher who co-authored both the Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and The Fifth Generation?
(A). Bruce Lee
(B). Randy Davis
(C). Mark Fox
(D). Ed Feigenbaum
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). Ed Feigenbaum
10. KEE is a product of which of the following?
(A). Teknowledge
(B). IntelliCorp
(C). Texas Instruments
(D). Tech knowledge
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
11. How to render the function X (x). (2x+l) in LISP?
(A). (lambda (x) (+(*2 x)l))
(B). (lambda (x) (+1 (* 2x)
(C). both a and b
(D). (* lambda(x) (+2×1)
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
12. Which of the following is being explored for automating the formation of a knowledge base?
(A). automatic knowledge acquisition
(B). simpler tools
(C). discovery of new concepts
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
13. Which of the following is the Computer-Assisted Instruction technique which is primarily established on programmed instruction?
(A). frame-based CAI
(B). generative CAI
(C). problem-solving CAI
(D). intelligent CAI
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
14. Graphic interfaces were first used in a Xerox product commonly known as……
(A). InterLISP
(B). Ethernet
(C). Smalltalk
(D). ZetaLISP
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
15. A robot’s “arm” is commonly known as?
(A). end effector
(B). actuator
(C). manipulator
(D). servomechanism
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
16. A natural language generation program must decide which of the following?
(A). what to say
(B). when to say something
(C). why it is being used
(D). both a and b
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
17. Which of the following takes less memory?
(A). Depth-First Search
(B). Breadth-First Search
(C). Optimal search
(D). Linear Search
(E). None of these MCQ Answer: a
18. Under the direction of ….. Expert Ease was developed.
(A). John McCarthy
(B). Donald Michie
(C). Lofti Zadeh
(D). Alan Turing
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
19. Which of the following covers the output segments of Artificial Intelligence programming?
(A). Printed language and synthesized speech
(B). Manipulation of a physical object
(C). Locomotion
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
20. The explanation capability of an expert system can be helpful for which of the following purpose?
(A). construct a diagnostic model
(B). expedite the debugging process
(C). explain the system’s reasoning process
(D). expedite the debugging process and describe the system’s reasoning process
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
21. Which of the following are the visual clues that are useful in electronic vision?
(A). color and motion
(B). depth and texture
(C). height and weight
(D). color and motion, depth and texture
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
22. DARPA is part of which of the following Department?
(A). Defense
(B). Energy
(C). Education
(D). Justice
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
23. Which of the following done by the LISP processor, when a top-level function is entered?
(A). reads the function entered
(B). evaluates the function and the function’s operands
(C). shows the results returned by the function
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). All of these
24. Which of the following is a chain of Artificial Intelligence systems that was developed by Pat Langley to explore the role of heuristics in scientific discovery?
(C). MIT
(D). DU
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
25. Which of the following is the technique developed by A.M. Turing for deciding whether a computer could or could not express artificial Intelligence.
(B). Algorithm
(C). Boolean Algebra
(D). Turing Test
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). Turing Test
26. In which form a personal Consultant knowledge base contain information?
(A). parameters
(B). contexts
(C). production rules
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). All of these
27. Which of the following is the process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined?
(A). iterative
(B). descriptive
(C). interpretive
(D). diagnostic
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (A). iterative
28. Which of the following technique is used for speech recognition and avoids the problem initiated by the deviation in speech patterns between different speakers?
(A). Continuous speech recognition
(B). Speaker-dependent recognition
(C). Connected word recognition
(D). Isolated word recognition
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (B). Speaker-dependent recognition
29. Which is a part of an expert system?
(A). inference engine
(B). knowledge base
(C). user interface
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d
30.Which of the following is a computer vision technique that relies on image templates?
(A). edge detection
(B). model-based vision
(C). binocular vision
(D). robot vision
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (B). model-based vision
31. What will be returned by the function (copy-list <list>) in LISP?
(A). t if <list> is empty
(B). the length of <list>
(C). a new list that is equivalent to <list> by copying the top-level element of <list>
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (C). a new list that is equivalent to <list> by copying the top-level element of <list>
32. Which of the following is the father of artificial intelligence?
(A). Fisher Ada
(B). John McCarthy
(C). both a and b
(D). Alan Turning
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
33. Who coined the word ‘artificial intelligence’ in 1956 in a conference that was held at Dartmouth College?
(A). David Levy
(B). Hans Berliner
(C). Joseph Weizenbaum
(D). John McCarthy
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
34. A heuristic is a technique of attempting to?
(A). discovering something or an idea embedded in a program
(B). searching and measuring how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal
(C). compare two nodes in a search tree to observe that if one is better than the other is
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). All of these
35. Which of the following is not a property of representation of knowledge?
(A). Inferential Efficiency
(B). Representational Adequacy
(C). Inferential Adequacy
(D). Representational Verification
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: (D). Representational Verification
36. LISP was created by which of the following?
(A). John McCarthy
(B). Marvin Minsky
(C). Alan Turing
(D). Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
37. Which of the following is Artificial intelligence?
(A). Putting someone intelligence into Computer
(B). Programming with your own intelligence
(C). Making a Machine intelligent
(D). Playing a Game
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
38. How do you represent “All humans have brains”?
(A). ۷x: human (x) àhasbrain l(x)
(B). ۷x: human (x) àhasbrain (y)
(C). ۷x: human (y) àhasbrain(x)
(D). ۷x: human (x) àhasàbrain(x)
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
39. In which of the following situations might a blind search be satisfactory?
(A). real-life situation
(B). complex game
(C). small search space
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: c
40. One of the Artificial Intelligence systems developed by Terry A. Winograd to authorize an interactive dialogue about a domain and Terry called it blocks-world.
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: a
41. MLMenu, a natural language interface for the TI Explorer is identical to which of the following?
(A). Ethernet
(B). NaturalLink
(D). The Personal Consultant
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: b
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