Online Search Agent MCQs Artificial Intelligence

Online Search Agent solved MCQs (Questions & Answers) on Artificial Intelligence.

1. Which of the following search algorithm is an online search algorithm?
(A). Breadth-first
(B). Hill-climbing
(C). Depth-first
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: B

2. Which of the following search agent operates by interleaving computation and action?
(A). Offline search
(B). Online search
(C). Depth-first search
(D). Breadth-first search
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: D

3. We can call the states as securely explorable if a goal state is
(A). reachable from every state
(B). denied access
(C). unreachable from any state
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: A

4. Which of the following search algorithm will use a limited amount of memory?
(B). SMA*
(C). Hill-climbing search algorithm
(D). Both A & B
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d

5. exploration problem?
(A). Only actions are known to the agent
(B). State and actions are known to the agent
(C). State and actions are unknown to the agent
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: C

6. Which of the following are important for an agent to solve an online search problem?
(A). Actions
(B). Step-cost function
(C). Goal-test
(D). All of these
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d

7. Which of the following method is useful for escaping from local minima?
(A). Eliminating heuristic estimate
(B). Reducing heuristic estimate
(C). Updating heuristic estimate
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: C

8. How we can generate the new states in a genetic algorithm?
(A). Composition
(B). Mutation
(C). Cross-over
(D). Both b and c
(E). None of these
MCQ Answer: d

9. Which of the following is the meaning of simulated annealing in artificial intelligence?
(A). Returns an optimal solution if there is no appropriate schedule of the cooling
(B). Returns an optimal solution if there is an appropriate schedule of the cooling
(C). It will not return an optimal solution if there is an appropriate cooling schedule
(D). None of these
MCQ Answer: B

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