Data Scientist MCQs

Binary and Count Outcomes MCQs

Solved MCQs of Binary and Count Outcomes for Data Scientist job.

The most useful applied statistical techniques are the Linear models.

(A). True

(B). False

(C). Partially True

MCQ Answer:  b

In generalized linear models, how many components are present?

(A). 2

(B). 4

(C). 6

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer:  d

Which of the following is the wrong statement?

(A). In the linear model, transformations are easy to interpret

(B). If the response is strictly positive or discrete additive response models do not make sense

(C). From the one or more variables, the regression model is used to predict one variable

(D). All of these

MCQ Answer:  a

Use of Poisson distribution what is the example?

(A). Analyzing contingency table data

(B). Incidence rates

(C). Modeling web traffic hits

(D). All of these

MCQ Answer:  d

With the Bernoulli trial How many outcomes are possible?

(A). 1

(B). 2

(C). 3

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer:  b

For estimating the relationships between variables, which analysis is a statistical process?

(A). Causal

(B). Multivariate

(C). Regression

(D). All of these

MCQ Answer:  c

Which of the following is the wrong statement?

(A). At knot points, adding squared terms make it twice continuously differentiable

(B). At knot points, adding squared terms make it continuously differentiable

(C). For the inference, asymptotics are usually used

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer:  a

For reducing the complex covariate spaces, factor analytic models or principal components on covariates are useful.

(A). True

(B). False

(C). Partially True

MCQ Answer:  a

In the generalized linear models, which component is involved?

(A). For response, an exponential family model

(B). Link function that connects means of response to the linear predictor

(C). Via  linear predictor, a systematic component

(D). All of these

MCQ Answer:  d

Which of the following Outcomes are for the same covariate data collection of exchangeable binary outcomes.

(A). random

(B). binomial

(C). direct

(D). None of these

MCQ Answer:  b

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