Basic Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Introductory Concepts) MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 28, 2024

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
A) The simulation of human intelligence in machines
B) A type of programming language
C) A hardware component
D) A networking protocol
Answer: A

What is machine learning (ML)?
A) A subset of AI that enables systems to learn from data and improve over time
B) A type of computer hardware
C) A programming language
D) A security protocol
Answer: A

What is supervised learning in machine learning?
A) Learning from labeled training data to make predictions
B) Learning without any labeled data
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of programming language
Answer: A

What is unsupervised learning?
A) Learning from unlabeled data to find patterns and groupings
B) Learning with labeled data
C) A type of programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is reinforcement learning?
A) Learning through trial and error, receiving rewards or penalties
B) Learning from labeled data
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of programming language
Answer: A

What is a neural network?
A) A computational model inspired by the human brain’s neural structure
B) A type of cloud storage
C) A programming language
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What are features in the context of machine learning?
A) Individual measurable properties or characteristics of data
B) A type of algorithm
C) A hardware component
D) A programming language
Answer: A

What is overfitting in machine learning?
A) When a model learns noise in the training data instead of the actual pattern
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of security measure
Answer: A

What is underfitting in machine learning?
A) When a model is too simple to capture the underlying trend of the data
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of security measure
Answer: A

What is a decision tree?
A) A flowchart-like structure used to make decisions based on data features
B) A type of neural network
C) A programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is a support vector machine (SVM)?
A) A supervised learning algorithm used for classification tasks
B) A type of neural network
C) A programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is clustering in machine learning?
A) The process of grouping similar data points together
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of security measure
Answer: A

What is natural language processing (NLP)?
A) A field of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language
B) A programming language
C) A type of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is the purpose of training a model in machine learning?
A) To enable the model to make predictions based on input data
B) To store data securely
C) To write software code
D) To manage hardware resources
Answer: A

What is cross-validation in machine learning?
A) A technique used to assess how a model will generalize to an independent dataset
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A type of security measure
Answer: A

What is a hyperparameter in machine learning?
A) A parameter that is set before the learning process begins
B) A parameter that is learned during training
C) A type of programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is a confusion matrix?
A) A table used to evaluate the performance of a classification model
B) A type of hardware
C) A programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What does precision measure in machine learning?
A) The ratio of true positive predictions to the total positive predictions
B) The ratio of true positive predictions to the total actual positives
C) A type of programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What does recall measure in machine learning?
A) The ratio of true positive predictions to the total actual positives
B) The ratio of true positive predictions to the total positive predictions
C) A type of programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is the purpose of feature scaling?
A) To standardize the range of independent variables or features
B) To increase model accuracy
C) To reduce data size
D) To write software code
Answer: A

What is a training dataset?
A) A subset of data used to train a machine learning model
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is a test dataset?
A) A subset of data used to evaluate the performance of a trained model
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is an epoch in machine learning?
A) One complete pass through the entire training dataset
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is backpropagation in neural networks?
A) A method used to optimize the weights of the network during training
B) A type of hardware
C) A programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is a loss function?
A) A function that measures how well a model’s predictions match the actual data
B) A type of hardware
C) A programming language
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is transfer learning?
A) A technique that uses a pre-trained model to improve learning on a new but related task
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is a generative adversarial network (GAN)?
A) A framework for training models to generate new data instances
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is an anomaly detection in machine learning?
A) The identification of rare items or events in data
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A security protocol
Answer: A

What is a regression analysis?
A) A statistical method for estimating the relationships among variables
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is the purpose of dimensionality reduction?
A) To reduce the number of features in a dataset while retaining important information
B) To increase model accuracy
C) To write software code
D) To manage hardware resources
Answer: A

What is feature engineering?
A) The process of selecting, modifying, or creating features from raw data
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is a chatbot?
A) A software application that simulates human conversation
B) A type of malware
C) A programming language
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is sentiment analysis?
A) The use of natural language processing to determine the sentiment behind a piece of text
B) A programming language
C) A type of hardware
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is a recommender system?
A) A system that suggests products or services to users based on data analysis
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What does big data refer to?
A) Large volumes of data that can be analyzed for insights
B) A programming language
C) A type of hardware
D) A method of data storage
Answer: A

What is edge AI?
A) The deployment of AI algorithms at the edge of the network, closer to data sources
B) A type of programming language
C) A method of data storage
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is explainable AI (XAI)?
A) AI systems designed to provide transparent explanations of their decisions and actions
B) A type of malware
C) A programming language
D) A hardware component
Answer: A