Propositional Logic MCQs

Solved MCQs of Propositional Logic in Artificial Intelligence (Questions Answers).

1. Single inference rule is another name of?

(A). Reference

(B). Resolution

(C). Reform

(D). None of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: b

2. What is the total number of proposition symbols in artificial intelligence?

(A). 5

(B). 2

(C). 3

(D). 6

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: b

3. Which clause can be viewed as a single lateral of disjunction?

(A). Multiple clause

(B). Combine clause

(C). Unit clause

(D). None of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: c

4. Which of the following is helpful to compute the truth of any sentence?

(A). Semantics of propositional logic

(B). Alpha-beta pruning

(C). First-order logic

(D). Both A and B

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: a

5. Which of the following are reuired to compute the logical inference algorithm?

(A). Logical equivalence

(B). Validity

(C). Satisfiability

(D). All of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: d

6. Which of the following sentences can be created by using single propositional symbol?

(A). Complex sentences

(B). Atomic sentences

(C). Composition sentences

(D). None of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: b

7. What is the total number of logical connectives in artificial intelligence?

(A). 7

(B). 3

(C). 6

(D). 5

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: d

8. Which of the following is helpful to compute the truth of any sentence?

(A). Semantics of propositional logic

(B). Alpha-beta pruning

(C). First-order logic

(D). Both A and B

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: a

9. Which of the following are required to compute the logical inference algorithm?

(A). Logical equivalence

(B). Validity

(C). Satisfiability

(D). All of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: d

10. The modus ponens are derived From which rule?

(A). Inference rule

(B). Module rule

(C). Both Inference and Module rule

(D). None of these

(E). None of these

MCQ Answer: a

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