Information Systems Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree
I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Information Systems that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.
- A survey on blockchain for information systems management and security
- The perils and promises of big data research in information systems
- A novel Dual-Blockchained structure for contract-theoretic LoRa-based information systems
- A novel decision-making approach based on three-way decisions in fuzzy information systems
- Review and critique of the information systems development project failure literature: An argument for exploring information systems development project distress
- Product decision-making information systems, real-time big data analytics, and deep learning-enabled smart process planning in sustainable industry 4.0
- Blockchain-based privacy-preserving remote data integrity checking scheme for IoT information systems
- Human resource information systems
- The role of three-dimensional geographic information systems in subsurface characterization for hydrogeological applications
- Cognition digital twins for personalized information systems of smart cities: Proof of concept
- Trust in Management Information Systems (MIS) A Theoretical Model
- Exploring the characteristics and utilisation of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) in Germany
- Managing risk in information systems
- Data science: developing theoretical contributions in information systems via text analytics
- The Determinants of management information systems effectiveness in small-and medium-sized enterprises
- Accounting information systems: controls and processes
- Weaponizing information systems for political disruption: The actor, lever, effects, and response taxonomy (ALERT)
- A systematic review of social media acceptance from the perspective of educational and information systems theories and models
- End-user participation in health information systems (HIS) development: Physicians’ and nurses’ experiences
- Financial Management Information Systems and accounting policies retention in Brazil
- A common attribute reduction form for information systems
- … quality factors matter in enhancing the perceived benefits of online health information sites? Application of the updated DeLone and McLean Information Systems …
- Geographic information systems (GIS) for disaster management
- Enabling supply chain analytics for enterprise information systems: a topic modelling literature review and future research agenda
- A Systematic Review of Empirical Affordance studies: Recommendations for Affordance Research in Information Systems.
- Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses
- Complexity and Information Systems Rsearch in the Emerging Digital World
- Public health informatics and information systems
- Analyzing the location of city logistics centers in Istanbul by integrating Geographic Information Systems with Binary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
- Understanding the challenges associated with the use of data from routine health information systems in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review
- Integration of the Dimensions of Computerized Health Information Systems and Their Role in Improving Administrative Performance in Al-Shifa Medical Complex
- Accounting information systems in the blockchain era
- Continuous transition from model-driven prototype to full-size real-world enterprise information systems
- On the Use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Information Systems Research-A Critical Review
- Implementation of business intelligence considering the role of information systems integration and enterprise resource planning
- Utilizing chemometrics and geographical information systems to evaluate spatial and temporal variations of coastal water quality
- Optimizing data quality of pharmaceutical information systems in public health care in resource limited settings
- The impact of Public Sector Scorecard adoption on the effectiveness of accounting information systems towards the sustainable performance in Public Sector
- The role of information systems in decision-making and public policy making
- Analysis of barriers to the deployment of health information systems: A stakeholder perspective
- Reengineering of Information Systems toward Classical-Quantum Systems.
- Safe use of hospital information systems: an evaluation model based on a sociotechnical perspective
- Organizational information security management for sustainable information systems: An unethical employee information security behavior perspective
- Organization of a virtual enterprise in information systems
- Twenty‐five years of the Information Systems Journal: A bibliometric and ontological overview
- Green Information Systems Refraction for Corporate Ecological Responsibility Reflection in ICT Based Firms: Explicating Technology Organization Environment …
- A Data Analytics Framework for Smart Asthma Management Based on Remote Health Information Systems with Bluetooth-Enabled Personal Inhalers.
- Utilisation of hospital information systems for medical research in Saudi Arabia: A mixed-method exploration of the views of healthcare and IT professionals involved in …
- Unconstrained design: Improving multitasking with in-vehicle information systems through enhanced situation awareness
- The architecture of computer hardware, systems software, and networking: An information technology approach
- Covid-19 pandemic and suicide in France: An opportunity to improve information systems
- Information Technology and Systems: Proceedings of ICITS 2020
- Risk Management in Information Technology
- The effects of information systems compatibility on firm performance following mergers and acquisitions
- Information Systems Students’ Impressions on Learning Modeling Enterprise Architectures
- Drivers of intentions to use healthcare information systems among health and care professionals
- Vulnerability and protection of business management systems: threats and challenges
- Development of algorithm for analysis of sound fragments in medical information systems
- A framework for validating information systems research based on a pluralist account of truth and correctness
- Use of ontology learning in information system integration: a literature survey
- Conceptmap: A conceptual approach for formulating user preferences in large information spaces
- An Analysis of Point of Sales (POS) Information Systems in SMEswith The Black Box Testing and PIECES Method
- Design principles for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A formal concept analysis and its evaluation
- Virtually in this together–how web-conferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness during the COVID-19 crisis
- Roadmap to strengthen global mental health systems to tackle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Information and Communication Infrastructures in Modern Wide-Area Systems
- Cyber-Physical Systems: a multi-criteria assessment for Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems
- On the declarative paradigm in hybrid business process representations: A conceptual framework and a systematic literature study
- Compact and high-performance vortex mode sorter for multi-dimensional multiplexed fiber communication systems
- A modeling method for systematic architecture reconstruction of microservice-based software systems
- Decision support systems for agriculture 4.0: Survey and challenges
- Blockchain adoption from an interorganizational systems perspective–a mixed-methods approach
- Exploiting chemistry and molecular systems for quantum information science
- Information Technology Governance: Reflections on the Past and Future Directions
- The price of fairness-A framework to explore trade-offs in algorithmic fairness
- Shared Ledger Accounting—Implementing the Economic Exchange Pattern
- Implications of Knowledge Organization Systems for Health Information Exchange and Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Using secondary data to tell a new story: A cautionary tale in health information technology research
- Combining symbiotic simulation systems with enterprise data storage systems for real-time decision-making
- Integration of new information in memory: new insights from a complementary learning systems perspective
- What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- The rise of human machines: How cognitive computing systems challenge assumptions of user-system interaction
- Community-diversified influence maximization in social networks
- Electronic religious programs on islamic subjects on the example of the sanctuary of Al-Hakim Al-Termizi
- An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity for incomplete decision systems
- Unpacking the difference between digital transformation and IT-enabled organizational transformation
- Information scrambling at finite temperature in local quantum systems
- Auditing cloud-based blockchain accounting systems
- Eye-tracking-based classification of information search behavior using machine learning: evidence from experiments in physical shops and virtual reality shopping …
- Uncertain information and linear systems
- Maritime reporting systems
- Evaluating E-learning systems success: An empirical study
- Information freshness in cache updating systems
- Business models shifts: Impact of Covid-19
- A trustworthiness-based vehicular recruitment scheme for information collections in distributed networked systems
- Medical information retrieval systems for e-Health care records using fuzzy based machine learning model
- On the reliability of test collections for evaluating systems of different types
- Global health crises are also information crises: A call to action
- Review of compact computational spectral information acquisition systems
- A pre-filtering approach for incorporating contextual information into deep learning based recommender systems
- Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19
- Banana Classification Using Deep Learning
- Information technology elements for optical systems of identification of autonomous underwater vehicles
- Time-efficient target tags information collection in large-scale RFID systems
- Blockchain and the united nations sustainable development goals: towards an agenda for is research
- Infrastructural sovereignty over agreement and transaction data (‘metadata’) in an open network-model for multilateral sharing of sensitive data
- Are high-performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic?
- The search for smartness in working, living and organising: beyond the ‘Technomagic’
- Covert communications without channel state information at receiver in IoT systems
- Hypertext: from text to expertext
- JSON: Data model and query languages
- Introduction to ultra-wideband radar systems
- Machine learning based diagnosis of diseases using the unfolded EEG spectra: towards an intelligent software sensor
- A review of research relevant to the emerging industry trends: Industry 4.0, IoT, blockchain, and business analytics
- Principles of construction of systems for diagnosing the energy equipment
- Editorial reflections: Lockdowns, slow downs, and some introductions
- Containing COVID-19 through physical distancing: the impact of real-time crowding information
- Evaluating content novelty in recommender systems
- Smart city model based on systems theory
- Type of Grapefruit Classification Using Deep Learning
- Information technology audit quality: an investigation of the impact of individual and organizational factors
- Directions for professional social matching systems
- Conceptual approach to building a digital twin of the production system
- New information technologies in the estimation of stationary modes of the third type systems
- RF systems design for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in automation and transportation
- Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs
- Optimal site selection for solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants using GIS and AHP: A case study of Malatya Province, Turkey
- Mining association rules for anomaly detection in dynamic process runtime behavior and explaining the root cause to users
- Eight grand challenges in socio-environmental systems modeling
- Future integrated mobility-energy systems: A modeling perspective
- A novel framework to evaluate innovation value proposition for smart product–service systems
- Diagnostic Systems For Energy Equipments
- Utilising neutrosophic theory to solve transition difficulties of IoT-based enterprises
- Towards smart farming: Systems, frameworks and exploitation of multiple sources
- Measuring Resilience of Human–Spatial Systems to Disasters: Framework Combining Spatial-Network Analysis and Fisher Information
- Age of information for multicast transmission with fixed and random deadlines in IoT systems
- The role of personality and linguistic patterns in discriminating between fake news spreaders and fact checkers
- Mapping the incidence of the COVID-19 hotspot in Iran–Implications for Travellers
- How farmers shape cultural landscapes. Dealing with information in farm systems (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1860)
- An overview of clinical decision support systems: benefits, risks, and strategies for success
- Will the COVID-19 pandemic change waste generation and composition?: The need for more real-time waste management data and systems thinking
- Digital Systems and New Challenges of Financial Management–FinTech, XBRL, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
- Identity asymmetries: An experimental investigation of social identity and information exchange in multiteam systems
- How enterprises adopt agile forms of organizational design: a multiple-case study
- Acceptance of text-mining systems: The signaling role of information quality
- Improving health care management in hospitals through a productivity dashboard
- The construction of smart city information system based on the Internet of Things and cloud computing
- Foundations of cryptoeconomic systems
- Information distribution in multi-robot systems: Utility-based evaluation model
- Dew computing architecture for cyber-physical systems and IoT
- The port as a set of socio-technical systems: A multi-organisational view
- IOS drivers of manufacturer-supplier flexibility and manufacturer agility
- A secure authenticated and key exchange scheme for fog computing
- Information and communication technologies in tourism
- The effect of customer lifestyle patterns on the use of mobile banking applications in Jordan
- Human identification for activities of daily living: A deep transfer learning approach
- The geography of transport systems
- Virtual reality
- Technical provision of diagnostic systems
- The contribution of systems science to Industry 4.0
- Peers matter: The moderating role of social influence on information security policy compliance
- On the age of information in internet of things systems with correlated devices
- A survey on knowledge graph-based recommender systems
- How corporate social responsibility activities influence employer reputation: The role of social media capability
- A dual systems model of online impulse buying
- Explanatory and predictive model of the adoption of P2P payment systems
- Public Health Informatics: An Introduction
- Principles of ties of internal control and management accounting systems at the enterprises of black metallurgy
- Pivot-based approximate k-NN similarity joins for big high-dimensional data
- Classifying nuts types using convolutional neural network
- Enabling the analysis of personality aspects in recommender systems
- Transparency and accountability in AI decision support: Explaining and visualizing convolutional neural networks for text information
- Cornac: A Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems
- Trust information network in social Internet of things using trust-aware recommender systems
- The Role of KM in Enhancing AI Algorithms and Systems
- Towards a characterisation of smart systems: A systematic literature review
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life
- Output and regulated output synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems: A scale-free protocol design using no information about communication network …
- Secure lightweight password authenticated key exchange for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
- How voluntary information sharing systems form: Evidence from a us commercial credit bureau
- Designing multistage search systems to support the information seeking process
- Recent Advances in Flexible and Stretchable Sensing Systems: From the Perspective of System Integration
- Integrating geospatial technologies and unmanned aircraft systems into the grower’s disease management toolbox
- A development framework for decision support systems in high-performance sport
- Information resource orchestration during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of community lockdowns in China
- IoT Data Management—Security Aspects of Information Linkage in IoT Systems
- Task recommendation in crowdsourcing systems: A bibliometric analysis
- Survey on various conversational systems
- The Role Of Blockchain As A Security Support For Student Profiles In Technology Education Systems
- Reliability bounds for multi-state systems by fusing multiple sources of imprecise information
- On the design of output information-based sliding mode controllers for switched descriptor systems: Linear sliding variable approach
- The pinar del río geography and connected photovoltaic systems to grid
- Challenges and future directions of computational advertising measurement systems
- Fisher information and Shannon entropy calculations for two-electron systems
- An extensive study on the evolution of context-aware personalized travel recommender systems
- Clustering and self-organization in small-scale natural and artificial systems
- Establishing smart service systems is a challenge: a case study on pitfalls and implications
- Designing, developing, and deploying artificial intelligence systems: Lessons from and for the public sector
- The negative skycube
- Towards digital engineering: the advent of digital systems engineering
- An Integrated model of continuous intention to use of google classroom
- Port Community Systems: A structured literature review
- Working towards a multimedia learning environment: experiences in the classroom
- Large-scale question tagging via joint question-topic embedding learning
- Skills, Certifications, or Degrees: What Companies Demand for Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs.
- Geographic objects with indeterminate boundaries
- Recent advances and challenges in task-oriented dialog systems
- Industry 4.0 integration with socio-technical systems theory: A systematic review and proposed theoretical model
- Diagnosis of arthritis using adaptive hierarchical Mamdani fuzzy type-1 expert system
- Securing of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) against security threats using human immune system
- Cybernetic Approach to Developing Resilient Systems: Concept, Models and Application
- Factors that affect accounting information system success and its implication on accounting information quality
- Reconciliation of privacy with preventive cybersecurity: The bright internet approach
- How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research
- A survey on conversational recommender systems
- A human-in-the-loop manufacturing control architecture for the next generation of production systems
- Dynamic representations in networked neural systems
- Cognitive twins for supporting decision-makings of Internet of Things systems
- Challenges in building intelligent open-domain dialog systems
- Organizational and environmental influences in the adoption of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATTs) by audit firms in Malaysia
- Mutual clustering on comparative texts via heterogeneous information networks
- Smart production systems drivers for business process management improvement
- Real time dataset generation framework for intrusion detection systems in IoT
- COVID-19 pandemic: Shifting digital transformation to a high-speed gear
- Design Theory Indeterminacy: What is it, how can it be reduced, and why did the polar bear drown?
- A cloud-based platform for the non-invasive management of coronary artery disease
- A practical GIS-based hazard assessment framework for water quality in stormwater systems
- An affordance perspective of team collaboration and enforced working from home during COVID-19
- Health Information Systems, 2008
- Applications and Datasets for Superpixel Techniques: A Survey
- An ECDSA Approach to Access Control in Knowledge Management Systems Using Blockchain
- What makes a review a reliable rating in recommender systems?
- Revocation Mechanisms for Academic Certificates Stored on a Blockchain
- Context-Aware Recommendations Based on Deep Learning Frameworks
- Towards automating the synthesis of chatbots for conversational model query
- A hierarchical model to evaluate the quality of web-based e-learning systems
- Blockchain technology-enabled supply chain systems and supply chain performance: a resource-based view
- Analyzing Cryptocurrencies
- Estimation-action-reflection: Towards deep interaction between conversational and recommender systems
- Recommender systems and their ethical challenges
- Advanced Database systems
- Towards predictive maintenance for flexible manufacturing using FIWARE
- Automated continuous noninvasive ward monitoring: validation of measurement systems is the real challenge
- Digital nomads
- An Algorithm to Select an Energy-Efficient Sever for an Application Process in a Cluster of Servers
- Evolution and revolution: Personality research for the coming world of robots, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems
- Considering random factors in modeling complex microeconomic systems
- Discrete event-driven model predictive control for real-time work-in-process optimization in serial production systems
- Challenges to transforming unconventional social media data into actionable knowledge for public health systems during disasters
- An analysis of learners’ intentions toward virtual reality online learning systems: a case study in Taiwan
- Techno-unreliability: a pilot study in the field
- Learning relational fractals for deep knowledge graph embedding in online social networks
- A novel approach towards using big data and IoT for improving the efficiency of m-health systems
- Big data analytics for manufacturing internet of things: opportunities, challenges and enabling technologies
- State machine based human-bot conversation model and services
- Contributions of scale: what we stand to gain from Indigenous and local inclusion in climate and health monitoring and surveillance systems
- Intelligent knowledge lakes: The age of artificial intelligence and big data
- Learning management systems: a review of the research methodology literature in Australia and China
- Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cervical Cancer Detection
- Privacy in Dynamical Systems
- Prominence and engagement: Different mechanisms regulating continuance and contribution in online communities
- Evaluation of views regarding pharmacy information management systems implementation and systemic issues in community pharmacies
- A critical look at theories in design science research
- What affects usage satisfaction in mobile payments? Modelling user generated content to develop the “digital service usage satisfaction model”
- A survey on empathetic dialogue systems
- Method of constructing explanations for recommender systems based on the temporal dynamics of user preferences
- How Foreign and Domestic Firms Differ in Leveraging IT-enabled Supply Chain Information Integration in BOP Markets: The Role of Supplier and Client …
- … trial of an information technology enhanced peer-integrated collaborative care intervention versus enhanced usual care for us trauma care systems: clinical …
- From responsive to adaptive and interactive materials and materials systems: A roadmap
- A multi-dimensional model of Enterprise Resource Planning critical success factors
- A minimum centre distance rule activation method for extended belief rule-based classification systems
- A fuzzy-based system for assessment of available edge computing resources in a cloud-fog-edge SDN-VANETs architecture
- Advances in smart environment monitoring systems using iot and sensors
- Understanding the apparent superiority of over-sampling through an analysis of local information for class-imbalanced data
- About trust in the information systems on the basis of internet-based technologies
- Cyber-physical production systems retrofitting in context of industry 4.0
- Distributed maximum correntropy filtering for stochastic nonlinear systems under deception attacks
- Adaptive rule adaptation in unstructured and dynamic environments
- Systems thinking: A review and bibliometric analysis
- Introduction to unmanned aircraft systems
- Recent advances and opportunities for improving critical realism-based case study research in IS
- Data analytics in higher education: an integrated view
- Governance by Other Means: Rankings as Regulatory Systems
- Codifying Interdisciplinary Design Knowledge through Patterns–The Case of Smart Personal Assistants
- Critical factors in information technology capability for enhancing firm’s environmental performance: case of Indonesian ICT sector
- A Model Management Platform for Industry 4.0–Enabling Management of Machine Learning Models in Manufacturing Environments
- Compact polarizers for satellite information systems
- Combining multicriteria decision analysis and GIS to assess vulnerability within a protected area: An objective methodology for managing complex and fragile systems
- Contextualizing the effective use of social media network for collaborative learning: An affordance perspective
- Explaining the link between technostress and technology addiction for social networking sites: A study of distraction as a coping behavior
- Design of an Inclusive Financial Privacy Index (INF-PIE): A Financial Privacy and Digital Financial Inclusion Perspective
- Applying a systematic literature review and content analysis method to analyse open source developers’ forking motivation interpretation, categories and …
- Satellite communications systems: systems, techniques and technology
- TOPSIS method for developing supplier selection with probabilistic linguistic information
- The role of information technology in organization and management in tourism
- Big data analytics in healthcare: a systematic literature review
- Configuration Optimization and Channel Estimation in Hybrid Beamforming mmWave Systems With Channel Support Side Information
- High-Capacity Robust Image Steganography via Adversarial Network.
- Does Tailoring Gamified Educational Systems Matter? The Impact on Students’ Flow Experience
- Soft systems methodology
- Computer Tools for Energy Systems
- Customer loyalty improves the effectiveness of recommender systems based on complex network
- Assessment of workforce systems preferences/skills based on Employment domain
- Efficient NTRU lattice-based certificateless signature scheme for medical cyber-physical systems
- Market drivers of sustainability and sustainability learning capabilities: The moderating role of sustainability control systems
- Fedfast: Going beyond average for faster training of federated recommender systems
- Sustainability management control systems in higher education institutions from measurement to management
- Understanding user trust in artificial intelligence‐based educational systems: Evidence from China
- Feature selection using genetic algorithms for the generation of a recognition and classification of children activities model using environmental sound
- Attributes reductions of bipolar fuzzy relation decision systems
- Basic classes in conceptual modeling: theory and practical guidelines
- Dynamic-sos: An approach for the simulation of systems-of-systems dynamic architectures
- A novel software engineering approach toward using machine learning for improving the efficiency of health systems
- Emergent properties of foveated perceptual systems
- Fuzzy model estimation of the risk factors impact on the target of promotion of the software product
- A real-time data-driven collaborative mechanism in fixed-position assembly systems for smart manufacturing
- Ontologies as nested facet systems for human–data interaction
- Incorporating rainwater harvesting systems in Iran’s potable water-saving scheme by using a GIS-simulation based decision support system
- Digital storytelling and blockchain as pedagogy and technology to support the development of an inclusive smart learning ecosystem
- … of everyday life–How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care?
- Teaching programming to the post-millennial generation: Pedagogic considerations for an IS course
- Uncertainty in information system development: Causes, effects, and coping mechanisms
- An effective training scheme for deep neural network in edge computing enabled Internet of medical things (IoMT) systems
- Bureaucracy as a lens for analyzing and designing algorithmic systems
- Strictly linear light cones in long-range interacting systems of arbitrary dimensions
- Self-sovereign identity in a globalized world: Credentials-based identity systems as a driver for economic inclusion
- How Much Method-in-Use Matters? A Case Study of Agile and Waterfall Software Projects and Their Design Routine Variation
- Underground channel model for visible light wireless communication based on neural networks
- Enhancing the classification of social media opinions by optimizing the structural information
- Web Scraping with HTML DOM Method for Data Collection of Scientific Articles from Google Scholar
- Robotic process mining: vision and challenges
- High-performance work systems, innovation and knowledge sharing
- A systematic analysis of the optimization of computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems: a qualitative study in English hospitals
- Software systems from smart city vendors
- Information Processing, Information Networking, Cognitive Apparatuses and Sentient Software Systems
- WAx: An integrated conceptual framework for the analysis of cyber-socio-technical systems
- On data lake architectures and metadata management
- Interactive planning support systems with citizens: Lessons learned from renewable energy planning in the Netherlands
- Professional identity and the adoption of learning management systems
- Towards Anticipatory Information Systems and Action: Notes on Early Warning and Early Action in East Africa
- Perception and prediction of intention to use online banking systems: An empirical study using extended TAM
- Automated verbal autopsy: from research to routine use in civil registration and vital statistics systems
- Adaptive event-triggered control for unknown second-order nonlinear multiagent systems
- Resource awareness in unmanned aerial vehicle-assisted mobile-edge computing systems
- Improved covering-based collaborative filtering for new users’ personalized recommendations
- A new model for the selection of information technology project in a neutrosophic environment
- Experience versus expectation: Farmers’ perceptions of smart farming technologies for cropping systems across Europe
- Agility and the role of project—Internal control systems for innovation project performance
- Introducing systems approaches
- Decreasing the problematic use of an information system: An empirical investigation of smartphone game players
- Off-policy learning in two-stage recommender systems
- Efficient neural matrix factorization without sampling for recommendation
- Application of k-means clustering algorithm for determination of fire-prone areas utilizing hotspots in West Kalimantan Province
- Sentiment word co-occurrence and knowledge pair feature extraction based LDA short text clustering algorithm
- Smart contract invocation protocol (SCIP): A protocol for the uniform integration of heterogeneous blockchain smart contracts
- Monetizing Online Content: Digital Paywall Design and Configuration
- Adaptive systems for internet-delivered psychological treatments
- STFT cluster analysis for DC pulsed load monitoring and fault detection on naval shipboard power systems
- A decade of NeuroIS research: progress, challenges, and future directions
- Examining the channel choice of experience-oriented customers in Omni-Channel retailing
- On the ability of virtual agents to decrease cognitive load: an experimental study
- Neighborhood multi-granulation rough sets-based attribute reduction using Lebesgue and entropy measures in incomplete neighborhood decision systems
- Recursive coupled projection algorithms for multivariable output-error-like systems with coloured noises
- A dynamic deep-learning-based virtual edge node placement scheme for edge cloud systems in mobile environment
- Dbkwik: extracting and integrating knowledge from thousands of wikis
- The determinants of digital payment systems’ acceptance under cultural orientation differences: The case of uncertainty avoidance
- Energy systems for climate change mitigation: A systematic review
- Helpfulness prediction for online reviews with explicit content-rating interaction
- Do advanced information technologies produce equitable government responses in coproduction: an examination of 311 systems in 15 US cities
- The future (s) of digital agriculture and sustainable food systems: An analysis of high-level policy documents
- A brief history of intelligent decision support systems
- Trainable communication systems: Concepts and prototype
- A survey of state-of-the-art approaches for emotion recognition in text
- Empirical investigation of data analytics capability and organizational flexibility as complements to supply chain resilience
- Autonomous litter surveying and human activity monitoring for governance intelligence in coastal eco-cyber-physical systems
- Students’ perceptions on learning management systems of Arabic learning through blended learning model
- Information technology–based tracing strategy in response to COVID-19 in South Korea—privacy controversies
- On privacy of dynamical systems: An optimal probabilistic mapping approach
- Analysis of Malware Impact on Network Traffic using Behavior-based Detection Technique
- Game-based learning and gamification to improve skills in early years education
- Developing Design Principles for Digital Platforms: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
- Processes, benefits, and challenges for adoption of blockchain technologies in food supply chains: a thematic analysis
- Neural Fuzzy Based Intelligent Systems and
- How agile software development methods reduce work exhaustion: Insights on role perceptions and organizational skills
- Establishment of critical success factors for implementation of product lifecycle management systems
- The ethical, legal and social implications of using artificial intelligence systems in breast cancer care
- The ethical balance of using smart information systems for promoting the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Sustainability 12: 4826
- Quantum Information
- Assessing the effectiveness of rural credit policy on the adoption of integrated crop-livestock systems in Brazil
- Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and …
- Problem-based learning and process modeling in teaching information systems
- Semantics for Cyber-Physical Systems: A cross-domain perspective
- Measuring User Perspectives on Website Conference Using System Usability Scale
- A comprehensive review on indoor air quality monitoring systems for enhanced public health
- Business process monitoring on blockchains: Potentials and challenges
- A systematic literature review of sparsity issues in recommender systems
- Special Issue Editorial–Accumulation and Evolution of Design Knowledge in Design Science Research: A Journey Through Time and Space
- Ethics in telehealth: Comparison between guidelines and practice-based experience-the case for learning health systems
- Machine learning in business process monitoring: A comparison of deep learning and classical approaches used for outcome prediction
- PADS Arsenal: a database of prokaryotic defense systems related genes
- A variational autoencoder solution for road traffic forecasting systems: Missing data imputation, dimension reduction, model selection and anomaly detection
- Feedback driven improvement of data preparation pipelines
- IoT ecosystem: A survey on devices, gateways, operating systems, middleware and communication
- Digital transformation and the new logics of business process management
- Detecting fraudulent accounts on blockchain: A supervised approach
- Quarry: a user-centered big data integration platform
- A theoretical framework for the evaluation of massive digital participation systems in urban planning
- Gamifying knowledge sharing in humanitarian organisations: a design science journey
- Massive access for future wireless communication systems
- A systematic review of Community Engagement (CE) in Disaster Early Warning Systems (EWSs)
- Anomaly detection in cyber-physical systems using machine learning
- RFR-DLVT: a hybrid method for real-time face recognition using deep learning and visual tracking
- Characterizing the propagation of situational information in social media during covid-19 epidemic: A case study on weibo
- Moving beyond the direct impact of using CRM systems on frontline employees’ service performance: The mediating role of adaptive behaviour
- A critical interpretive synthesis of the roles of midwives in health systems
- Smart monitoring and controlling of government policies using social media and cloud computing
- Advances in smart antenna systems for wireless communication
- CAD for Control Systems
- Diagnosis support systems for rare diseases: a scoping review
- Agents and multi-agent systems as actor-networks
- Quaternion Markov Splicing Detection for Color Images Based on Quaternion Discrete Cosine Transform
- The effect of perceived similarity in dominance on customer self-disclosure to chatbots in conversational commerce
- Developing web-based support systems for predicting poor-performing students using educational data mining techniques
- A fuzzy performance evaluation model for government websites based on language property and balanced score card
- An affective response model for understanding the acceptance of mobile payment systems
- The impact of control styles and control modes on individual-level outcomes: a first test of the integrated IS project control theory
- Towards Faithfully Interpretable NLP Systems: How should we define and evaluate faithfulness?
- Joint transmit and reflective beamforming design for IRS-assisted multiuser MISO SWIPT systems
- Drought risk to agricultural systems in Zimbabwe: A spatial analysis of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability
- Dynamical systems and neural networks
- A personal data store approach for recommender systems: enhancing privacy without sacrificing accuracy
- A participatory approach based on stochastic optimization for the spatial allocation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems for rainwater harvesting.
- Keeping Community in the Loop: Understanding Wikipedia Stakeholder Values for Machine Learning-Based Systems
- The SOTA approach to engineering collective adaptive systems
- Assessing risks of biases in cognitive decision support systems
- An enhanced design of sparse autoencoder for latent features extraction based on trigonometric simplexes for network intrusion detection systems
- A survey on methods for the safety assurance of machine learning based systems
- Cloud-based in-memory columnar database architecture for continuous audit analytics
- (Re) considering the concept of literature review reproducibility
- Practice Makes Perfect: Lesson Learned from Five Years of Trial and Error Building Context-Aware Systems
- Safety assurance mechanisms of collaborative robotic systems in manufacturing
- Geographical landslide early warning systems
- What Does PISA Tell Us About Performance of Education Systems?
- On Using Physical Based Intrusion Detection in SCADA Systems
- Digital innovation dynamics influence on organisational adoption: the case of cloud computing services
- Bitcoin investment: a mixed methods study of investment motivations
- Understanding the role of ICT and study circles in enabling economic opportunities: Lessons learned from an educational project in Kenya
- Value cocreation for service innovation: Examining the relationships between service innovativeness, customer participation, and mobile app performance
- An alumni assessment of MIS related job skill importance and skill gaps
- Leveraging semantic and lexical matching to improve the recall of document retrieval systems: A hybrid approach
- The Cyber Threats Analysis for Web Applications Security in Industry 4.0
- Smart contracts for blockchain-based reputation systems: A systematic literature review
- A survey of recent methods on deriving topics from Twitter: algorithm to evaluation
- Modelling and predicting student’s academic performance using classification data mining techniques
- The Role of National Health Information Systems in the Response to COVID-19
- Epizootogical geo-information systems IOP Conf
- Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Empowering MSMEs in the digital economy: role of accounting information systems
- Regional Office for the Western Pacific. Developing Health Management Information Systems: A Practical Guide for Developing Countries. Manila: WHO …
- Virtual Assistance in Any Context
- Bayesian differential programming for robust systems identification under uncertainty
- Distributed set-membership filtering for nonlinear systems subject to round-robin protocol and stochastic communication protocol over sensor networks
- A literature review on question answering techniques, paradigms and systems
- Architecture of the Security Access System for Information on the State of the Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft
- Internal control systems and operating performance: Evidence from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ondo state
- Contact-tracing apps and alienation in the age of COVID-19
- Quantum information processing with space-division multiplexing optical fibres
- Evaluation of Gamification in E-Learning Systems for Elementary School Students
- On the use of hierarchical fuzzy inference systems (HFIS) in expert-based landslide susceptibility mapping: the central part of the Rif Mountains (Morocco)
- Online heart monitoring systems on the internet of health things environments: A survey, a reference model and an outlook
- Blackboard systems for cognitive audition
- Double-spending analysis of bitcoin
- Performance degradation prediction of mechanical equipment based on optimized multi-kernel relevant vector machine and fuzzy information granulation
- Do drones have a realistic place in a pandemic fight for delivering medical supplies in healthcare systems problems
- Curiosity from the perspective of systems neuroscience
- Vision statement: Interactive materials—Drivers of future robotic systems
- Corecube: Core decomposition in multilayer graphs
- Homomorphic encryption of supervisory control systems using automata
- Indoor air quality monitoring systems for enhanced living environments: A review toward sustainable smart cities
- Surprise: A python library for recommender systems
- Consensus of multi-agent systems via fully distributed event-triggered control
- Information-theoretic aspects of neural networks
- How do interruptions affect user contributions on social commerce?
- Identifying at-risk students based on the phased prediction model
- Zero-Forcing Oriented Power Minimization for Multi-Cell MISO-NOMA Systems: A Joint User Grouping, Beamforming, and Power Control Perspective
- Associations between two athlete monitoring systems used to quantify external training loads in basketball players
- Topic modeling: a comprehensive review
- Geometrical bounds of the irreversibility in Markovian systems
- Sediment information on natural and anthropogenic-induced change of connected water systems in Chagan Lake, North China
- BD-VTE: a novel baseline data based verifiable trust evaluation scheme for smart network systems
- Cooperative CC–CV Charging of Supercapacitors Using Multicharger Systems
- ECG monitoring systems: Review, architecture, processes, and key challenges
- Estimating network effects in two-sided markets
- Auditing news curation systems: A case study examining algorithmic and editorial logic in apple news
- Extended dissipative sliding mode control for nonlinear networked control systems via event-triggered mechanism with random uncertain measurement
- Enhancing transport properties in interconnected systems without altering their structure
- Semi-automatic Eye Movement-Controlled Wheelchair Using Low-Cost Embedded System
- Novel efficient RNN and LSTM-like architectures: Recurrent and gated broad learning systems and their applications for text classification
- A survey of neural networks usage for intrusion detection systems
- The development of stationary battery storage systems in Germany–A market review
- Deep reinforcement learning for intelligent transportation systems: A survey
- Code analysis for intelligent cyber systems: A data-driven approach
- Smart management energy systems in industry 4.0
- Trustworthiness in industrial IoT systems based on artificial intelligence
- A grant-free random access scheme for M2M communication in massive MIMO systems
- Responding to COVID-19: the UW medicine information technology services experience
- Kypo4industry: A testbed for teaching cybersecurity of industrial control systems
- Urban systems and the role of big data
- Adjusting to epidemic-induced telework: empirical insights from teleworkers in France
- GAN-driven personalized spatial-temporal private data sharing in cyber-physical social systems
- A novel framework for backstepping-based control of discrete-time strict-feedback nonlinear systems with multiplicative noises
- Blocksim: An extensible simulation tool for blockchain systems
- Modeling and verification method for an early evaluation of Systems of Systems interactions
- Path prediction in IoT systems through Markov Chain algorithm
- 6G wireless communication systems: Applications, requirements, technologies, challenges, and research directions
- Multiple writer retrieval systems based on language independent dissimilarity learning
- District energy systems: Challenges and new tools for planning and evaluation
- Framework for managing the COVID-19 infodemic: methods and results of an online, crowdsourced WHO technical consultation
- From panopticon to heautopticon: A new form of surveillance introduced by quantified‐self practices
- Assessing Novelty and Systems Thinking in Conceptual Models of Technological Systems
- A many-objective optimization WSN energy balance model
- Blockchain-based identity management systems: A review
- Performance Evaluation of Snort and Suricata Intrusion Detection Systems on Ubuntu Server
- Author’s approach to the topological modeling of parallel computing systems
- A comparative analysis of tax systems in Russia and Germany
- Machine learning force fields and coarse-grained variables in molecular dynamics: application to materials and biological systems
- Coordination and management of cloud, fog and edge resources in SDN-VANETs using fuzzy logic: a comparison study for two fuzzy-based systems
- Fuzzy test model for performance evaluation matrix of service operating systems
- Deep context modeling for multi-turn response selection in dialogue systems
- An expert system gap analysis and empirical triangulation of individual differences, interventions, and information technology applications in alertness of railroad …
- Application of intelligent multi agent based systems for E-healthcare security
- Hidden fuzzy information: Requirement specification and measurement of project provider performance using the best worst method
- Photoferroelectric Thin Films for Flexible Systems by a Three‐in‐One Solution‐Based Approach
- A cloud-edge based data security architecture for sharing and analysing cyber threat information
- Adaptive Observer-Based Output Regulation of Multiagent Systems With Communication Constraints
- A fault diagnosis method for power transmission networks based on spiking neural P systems with self-updating rules considering biological apoptosis …
- Understanding massively multiplayer online role‐playing game addiction: A hedonic management perspective
- Interoperability and integration testing methods for IoT systems: A systematic mapping study
- Proxy tasks and subjective measures can be misleading in evaluating explainable ai systems
- Emptransfo: A multi-head transformer architecture for creating empathetic dialog systems
- The case of performance variability on dragonfly-based systems
- IT reliability and its influence on the results of controlling: comparative analysis of organizations functioning in Poland and Switzerland
- Worker stress in the age of mobile technology: The combined effects of perceived interruption overload and worker control
- Fair Outlier Detection
- Evaluation framework for smart disaster response systems in uncertainty environment
- Distributed bipartite tracking consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with quantized communication
- A decentralized artificial immune system for solution selection in cyber–physical systems
- I am Me: Brain systems integrate and segregate to establish a multidimensional sense of self
- Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural and food systems worldwide and on progress to the sustainable development goals
- Resource-efficient neural networks for embedded systems
- COVID-19: challenges to GIS with big data
- Transparency in complex computational systems
- Practical synchronization in networks of nonlinear heterogeneous agents with application to power systems
- A framework for sustainable contact tracing and exposure investigation for large health systems
- Cyber-physical systems research and education in 2030: Scenarios and strategies
- Web-based digital twin modeling and remote control of cyber-physical production systems
- Efficiency creep and shadow innovation: enacting ambidextrous IT Governance in the public sector
- Performance Based Planning of complex urban social-ecological systems: The quest for sustainability through the promotion of resilience
- Anomaly detection in smart homes using bayesian networks
- Improving recommender systems using co-appearing and semantically correlated user interests
- Security policies and implementation issues
- Identification of instantaneous anomalies in general aviation operations using energy metrics
- Reinforcement learning in sustainable energy and electric systems: A survey
- Cultural influence on e-government development
- Thermodynamic resources in continuous-variable quantum systems
- Physical safety and cyber security analysis of multi-agent systems: A survey of recent advances
- Quantum vs. classical information: operator negativity as a probe of scrambling
- Dynamical and thermodynamical approaches to open quantum systems
- Brain-inspired systems: A transdisciplinary exploration on cognitive cybernetics, humanity, and systems science toward autonomous artificial intelligence
- Using semantic markup to boost context awareness for assistive systems
- Authoritarianism, outbreaks, and information politics
- Towards dynamic dependable systems through evidence-based continuous certification
- Technologies and systems to improve mobility of visually impaired people: a state of the art
- Clinical managers’ identity at the crossroad of multiple institutional logics in it innovation: The case study of a health care organization in England
- Multi-agent direct current systems using renewable energy sources and hydrogen fuel cells
- Interpretable confidence measures for decision support systems
- Nonstationary control for TS fuzzy Markovian switching systems with variable quantization density
- Mitigating the intrusive effects of smart home assistants by using anthropomorphic design features: A multimethod investigation
- AoI-optimal joint sampling and updating for wireless powered communication systems
- Machine learning based decision making for time varying systems: parameter estimation and performance optimization
- A case study of agile software development for safety-Critical systems projects
- The phishing funnel model: A design artifact to predict user susceptibility to phishing websites
- Online display advertising markets: A literature review and future directions
- Future prospects of information warfare and particularly psychological operations
- Attacking machine learning systems
- What is the relationship among positive emotions, sense of presence, and ease of interaction in virtual reality systems? An on-site evaluation of a commercial virtual …
- Quantum computer systems for scientific discovery
- Lizards in the Street! Introducing Cybersecurity Awareness in a Digital Literacy Context.
- From microbial communities to distributed computing systems
- Autonomous systems in anesthesia: Where do we stand in 2020? A narrative review
- Balancing health privacy, health information exchange, and research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Editor’s comments: The COVID-19 pandemic: Building resilience with IS research
- Scenario-based development of intelligent transportation systems for road freight transport in Germany
- Simulation in the design and operation of manufacturing systems: state of the art and new trends
- Understanding adversarial attacks on deep learning based medical image analysis systems
- Management of distributed energy systems on the basis of optimization methods and expert approaches
- Breaking into the curriculum: The impact of information technology on schooling
- Hybrid quantum systems with circuit quantum electrodynamics
- The effects of high performance work systems in employees’ service-oriented OCB
- Entanglement in indistinguishable particle systems
- Integrated deep learning method for workload and resource prediction in cloud systems
- Training or Synergizing? Complex Systems Principles Change the Understanding of Sport Processes
- Intelligent forecasting with machine learning trading systems in chaotic intraday Bitcoin market
- Effect of ground surface interpolation methods on the accuracy of forest attribute modelling using unmanned aerial systems-based digital aerial photogrammetry
- The food systems in the era of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis
- A qualitative content analysis of nurses’ comfort and employment of workarounds with electronic documentation systems in home care practice
- From lurkers to workers: predicting voluntary contribution and community welfare
- Formation-containment control of multi-robot systems under a stochastic sampling mechanism
- Orbital angular momentum holography for high-security encryption
- Using requirement-functional-logical-physical models to support early assembly process planning for complex aircraft systems integration
- A flood risk assessment framework for interdependent infrastructure systems in coastal environments
- Deepmaker: A multi-objective optimization framework for deep neural networks in embedded systems
- A Framework for Risk Assessment in Collaborative Networks to Promote Sustainable Systems in Innovation Ecosystems
- A survey on adversarial recommender systems: from attack/defense strategies to generative adversarial networks
- Logistics Optimization of Agricultural Products Supply to the European Union Based on Modeling by Petri Nets
- Perceived control and perceived risk in self-service technology recovery
- Multisensorial generative and descriptive self-awareness models for autonomous systems
- Distributed fusion filter for nonlinear multi-sensor systems with correlated noises
- Improving the security of internet of things using cryptographic algorithms: A case of smart irrigation systems
- Self-optimizing machining systems
- EARL—Embodied agent-based robot control systems modelling language
- MAMBA: A multi-armed bandit framework for beam tracking in millimeter-wave systems
- Digital transformation of business ecosystems: Evidence from the Korean pop industry
- Health care service delivery based on the Internet of things: A systematic and comprehensive study
- A Genetic algorithm for multi-objective reconfiguration of balanced and unbalanced distribution systems in fuzzy framework
- Selection of intermediate routes for secure data communication systems using graph theory application and grey wolf optimisation algorithm in MANETs
- New closed-loop insulin systems
- Realization of AI-enhanced industrial automation systems using intelligent Digital Twins
- Shadow systems in assessment: how supervisors make progress decisions in practice
- TREC-COVID: rationale and structure of an information retrieval shared task for COVID-19
- Data driven approach to risk management and decision support for dynamic positioning systems
- Enterprise systems in transition economies: research landscape and framework for socioeconomic development
- Tensors and compositionality in neural systems
- Towards byzantine-resilient learning in decentralized systems
- Compositional systems: overview and applications
- Electrical Systems and Mechatronics
- Separable multi‐innovation stochastic gradient estimation algorithm for the nonlinear dynamic responses of systems
- Object detection with low capacity GPU systems using improved faster R-CNN
- Teaching Software Engineering for Al-Enabled Systems
- Introduction to the Theory of Radiopolarimetric Navigation Systems
- Spatial disparities in coronavirus incidence and mortality in the United States: an ecological analysis as of May 2020
- The neural and computational systems of social learning
- Sample complexity of kalman filtering for unknown systems
- Modeling and assessing cyber resilience of smart grid using Bayesian network-based approach: a system of systems problem
- Systems of neutrosophic linear equations
- Performance-Driven Analysis for an Adaptive Car-Navigation Service on HPC Systems
- Early warning systems in biosecurity; translating risk into action in predictive systems for invasive alien species
- Internet of things in sustainable energy systems
- A polynomial-membership-function approach for stability analysis of fuzzy systems
- Designing for ambient UX: design framework for managing user experience within cyber-physical systems
- NNV: The neural network verification tool for deep neural networks and learning-enabled cyber-physical systems
- Big Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: A research and innovation frontier
- Navigating the gender structure in information technology: How does this affect the experiences and behaviours of women?
- Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems
- A Generic Network Compression Framework for Sequential Recommender Systems
- Indoor positioning and wayfinding systems: a survey
- Improve three-dimensional point localization accuracy in stereo vision systems using a novel camera calibration method
- Mapping with unmanned aerial vehicles systems: A Case Study of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University Campus
- An overview of perception and decision-making in autonomous systems in the era of learning
- Work design in future industrial production: Transforming towards cyber-physical systems
- Security in Telehealth Systems From a Software Engineering Viewpoint: A Systematic Mapping Study
- Applying process mining and semantic reasoning for process model customisation in healthcare
- The mediating influence of smartwatch identity on deep use and innovative individual performance
- An infrastructure for embedded systems using task scheduling
- Geographic information research: Bridging the Atlantic
- Method towards discovering potential opportunity information during cross-organisational business processes using role identification analysis within complex social …
- An optimization approach for deployment of intelligent transportation systems wrong-way driving countermeasures
- Extensions of prioritized weighted aggregation operators for decision-making under complex q-rung orthopair fuzzy information
- Automated guided vehicle systems, state-of-the-art control algorithms and techniques
- Developing theory through integrating human and machine pattern recognition
- Multi-dimensional well-being associated with economic dependence on ecosystem services in deltaic social-ecological systems of Bangladesh
- Architecture and Security of SCADA Systems: A Review
- Black-box control for linear dynamical systems
- Biologically Inspired Visual System Architecture for Object Recognition in Autonomous Systems
- Exploring the influential factors of continuance intention to use mobile Apps: Extending the expectation confirmation model
- Security modelling and formal verification of survivability properties: Application to cyber–physical systems
- Influence function based data poisoning attacks to top-n recommender systems
- Memory-based continuous event-triggered control for networked TS fuzzy systems against cyber-attacks
- Rational Mutual Interactions in Ternary Systems Enable High‐Performance Organic Solar Cells
- Augmenting the algorithm: Emerging human-in-the-loop work configurations
- Information radiation in BCFT models of black holes
- Learning to localize: A 3D CNN approach to user positioning in massive MIMO-OFDM systems
- Anesthetic management using multiple closed-loop systems and delayed neurocognitive recovery: a randomized controlled trial
- Many Exciplex Systems Exhibit Organic Long‐Persistent Luminescence
- Identification and categorization of factors affecting duration of post-disaster reconstruction of interdependent transportation systems
- Singularity-free fixed-time fuzzy control for robotic systems with user-defined performance
- Integration of digital twin and deep learning in cyber‐physical systems: towards smart manufacturing
- HRM systems and employee affective commitment: the role of employee gender
- Resilience for smart water systems
- Architectural Models Enabled Dynamic Optimization for System-of-Systems Evolution
- An effective method of systems requirement optimization based on genetic algorithms
- Monitoring of farm-level antimicrobial use to guide stewardship: overview of existing systems and analysis of key components and processes
- Using a ‘rich picture’to facilitate systems thinking in research coproduction
- Deep reinforcement learning for the real time control of stormwater systems
- Systems-based strategies to consider treatment costs in clinical practice
- Vibrational mono-/bi-resonance and wave propagation in FitzHugh–Nagumo neural systems under electromagnetic induction
- Digital twins in smart farming
- Improved depth resolution and depth-of-field in temporal integral imaging systems through non-uniform and curved time-lens array
- A blockchain use case in food distribution: Do you know where your food has been?
- Determinants of cloud ERP adoption in Jordan: an exploratory study
- The progress of multi-omics technologies: determining function in lactic acid bacteria using a systems level approach
- Towards high performance living manufacturing systems-A new convergence between biology and engineering
- Enterprise architecture implementation as interpersonal connection: Building support and commitment
- Political communication on social media: A tale of hyperactive users and bias in recommender systems
- PEtab—Interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology
- Architecting business process maps
- An elliptic curve cryptography based enhanced anonymous authentication protocol for wearable health monitoring systems
- Highly-scalable traffic management of autonomous industrial transportation systems
- Healthcare informatics and analytics in big data
- Real-time incident prediction for online service systems
- IoT-based smart irrigation systems: An overview on the recent trends on sensors and IoT systems for irrigation in precision agriculture
- Fault-tolerant GNSS/SINS/DVL/CNS integrated navigation and positioning mechanism based on adaptive information sharing factors
- Criticality evaluation to support maintenance management of manufacturing systems
- Metamodelling in the information field
- A Study of Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measurements in Physical Life-Log Activities Detection Systems
- Coronavirus infections reported by ProMED, february 2000–january 2020
- Digital healthcare: The only solution for better healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic?
- Putting Teacher Evaluation Systems on the Map: An Overview of State’s Teacher Evaluation Systems Post-Every Student Succeeds Act.
- The role of surrogate models in the development of digital twins of dynamic systems
- Investigating potential factors associated with gender discrimination in collaborative recommender systems
- New results on stabilization analysis for fuzzy semi-Markov jump chaotic systems with state quantized sampled-data controller
- Detecting semantic bugs in autopilot software by classifying anomalous variables
- Probabilistic framework to evaluate the resilience of engineering systems using Bayesian and dynamic Bayesian networks
- Blockchain and machine learning for communications and networking systems
- Advancing remote healthcare using humanoid and affective systems
- Memory-event-trigger-based secure control of cloud-aided active suspension systems against deception attacks
- Pollution potential and causative hydrogeochemical processes in unconfined aquifer systems in a typical urban setting: emphasis on recharge and discharge …
- Data impact analysis in business processes
- Coherence of accounting systems: transcendence of content and immunity of purpose
- Sensor technologies for fall detection systems: A review
- The combination of e-bike-sharing and demand-responsive transport systems in rural areas: A case study of Velenje
- Convexified contextual optimization for on-the-fly control of smooth systems
- Low-complexity channel estimation for circular and noncircular signals in virtual MIMO vehicle communication systems
- Bipartite consensus for networked robotic systems with quantized-data interactions
- Recursive parameter estimation methods and convergence analysis for a special class of nonlinear systems
- L₁ control of positive semi-Markov jump systems with state delay
- Brief survey on attack detection methods for cyber-physical systems
- Information disclosure structure in supply chains with rental service platforms in the blockchain technology era
- Extracting maritime traffic networks from AIS data using evolutionary algorithm
- A time and energy saving-based frame adjustment strategy (TES-FAS) tag identification algorithm for UHF RFID systems
- Automated systems for perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic therapy
- Optimal estimation of low-rank factors via feature level data fusion of multiplex signal systems
- The impact of COVID‐19 on food systems, safety, and security—a symposium report
- Policy-driven neural response generation for knowledge-grounded dialogue systems
- Event-based fault-tolerant control for networked control systems applied to aircraft engine system
- Cyberphysical systems in the smart city: challenges and future trends for strategic research
- High-power portable terahertz laser systems
- Flourishing Systems Re-envisioning Infrastructure as a Platform for Human Flourishing
- Event-triggered adaptive fuzzy control for stochastic nonlinear systems with unmeasured states and unknown backlash-like hysteresis
- Self-testing of quantum systems: a review
- Synthesizing Systems Biology Knowledge from Omics Using Genome‐Scale Models
- Effective construction of classifiers with the k-NN method supported by a concept ontology
- Towards a framework for capturing interpretability of hierarchical fuzzy systems-a participatory design approach
- Trade-offs in online advertising: Advertising effectiveness and annoyance dynamics across the purchase funnel
- Factors propelling the adoption of internet banking: the role of e-customer service, website design, brand image and customer satisfaction
- MAPCAST: an Adaptive Control Approach using Predictive Analytics for Energy Balance in Micro-Grid Systems
- Scalable reinforcement learning of localized policies for multi-agent networked systems
- Spatial sparsity based secure transmission strategy for massive MIMO systems against simultaneous jamming and eavesdropping
- Clustering-aided multi-view classification: A case study on Android malware detection
- Analyzing situational awareness through public opinion to predict adoption of social distancing amid pandemic COVID‐19
- Amino acids in freshwater food webs: Assessing their variability among taxa, trophic levels, and systems
- How Incidental are the Incidents? Characterizing and Prioritizing Incidents for Large-Scale Online Service Systems
- Integration of building service systems in architectural design.
- Detailed Assessment of Embodied Carbon of HVAC Systems for a New Office Building Based on BIM
- A risk perception analysis on the use of electronic payment systems by young adult
- Exploring the critical challenges and factors influencing the E-learning system usage during COVID-19 pandemic
- Improving the performance of process discovery algorithms by instance selection
- 3D digital impression systems compared with traditional techniques in dentistry: A recent data systematic review
- Information technology law
- Combating COVID-19—The role of robotics in managing public health and infectious diseases
- A survey on filtering issues for two-dimensional systems: Advances and challenges
- Performance evaluation for manufacturing systems under control-limit maintenance policy
- 6G and beyond: The future of wireless communications systems
- Models for the development of multi-level gas supply systems
- Security control of cyber-physical switched systems under round-robin protocol: input-to-state stability in probability
- A compilation of UAV applications for precision agriculture
- Hybrid Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Integrating Item-to-User Principles in Reciprocal Recommendation
- The need to reconcile concepts that characterize systems facing threats
- Torque and rotational speed sensor based on resistance and capacitive grating for rotational shaft of mechanical systems
- The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry Use Cases
- Big data and business analytics: A research agenda for realizing business value
- Extended dissipativity asynchronous static output feedback control of Markov jump systems
- Markov blankets, information geometry and stochastic thermodynamics
- Football-specific validity of TRACAB’s optical video tracking systems
- An approach based on mutually informed neural networks to optimize the generalization capabilities of decision support systems developed for heart failure prediction
- Performance limits for fingerprinting-based indoor optical communication positioning systems exploiting multipath reflections
- Akhmedjanov Karimjon Normative and methodological regulation of internal audit in the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Disturbance-observer based consensus of linear multi-agent systems with exogenous disturbance under intermittent communication
- LIMITS: Lightweight machine learning for IoT systems with resource limitations
- Network device workload prediction: A data mining challenge at knowledge pit
- Performance optimization of IoT based biological systems using deep learning
- Spatial-temporal data-driven service recommendation with privacy-preservation
- Stochastic Transceiver Optimization in Multi-Tags Symbiotic Radio Systems
- Industrial cyber-physical systems-based cloud IoT edge for federated heterogeneous distillation
- Industry 4.0 and the human factor–A systems framework and analysis methodology for successful development
- Intelligent traffic control for autonomous vehicle systems based on machine learning
- Dynamic pilot allocation scheme for joint user grouping and alliance game in massive MIMO systems
- Comparing rapid scoring systems in mortality prediction of critically ill patients with novel coronavirus disease
- Innovative IT use and innovating with IT: A study of the motivational antecedents of two different types of innovative behaviors
- Joint multi-innovation recursive extended least squares parameter and state estimation for a class of state-space systems
- Achievable rate optimization for MIMO systems with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
- Principles and practice of management
- Probing effective wetting in subsurface systems
- Structural Systems Theory: an overview of the last 15 years
- Multidisciplinary and multifidelity framework for evaluating system-of-systems capabilities of unmanned aircraft
- CSI feedback overhead reduction for 5g massive mimo systems
- Channel estimation for extremely large-scale massive MIMO systems
- Learning systems: Managing uncertainty in the new normal of COVID-19
- Smart Collaborative Balancing for Dependable Network Components in Cyber-Physical Systems
- State Machine Fault Protection Architecture for Aerospace Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Optimizing ontology alignment in vector space
- Intelligent and connected cyber-physical systems: A perspective from connected autonomous vehicles
- Do‐it‐yourself closed‐loop systems for people living with type 1 diabetes
- Development of a novel tool to support engagement with continuous glucose monitoring systems and optimize outcomes
- BLCS: Brain-like based distributed control security in cyber physical systems
- Speckle denoising techniques in imaging systems
- Secure transmission designs for NOMA systems against internal and external eavesdropping
- Memory-Efficient Learning of Stable Linear Dynamical Systems for Prediction and Control
- Learning paradigms for communication and computing technologies in IoT systems
- Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for general open quantum systems
- Big Data analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cyber–Physical Systems: Recent trends and state of the art applications
- Gait-based identification for elderly users in wearable healthcare systems
- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for …
- Cyber-Physical Systems and Reliability Issues
- Prediction of users’ professional profile in moocs only by utilising learners’ written texts
- A roadmap to integrate astrocytes into Systems Neuroscience
- COVID-19 and dengue, co-epidemics in Ecuador and other countries in Latin America: pushing strained health care systems over the edge
- Actual issues of electronic commerce development in the republic of Uzbekistan
- Thoughts on Using Systems Thinking to Develop Chemistry Students’ Professional Skills
- Omics in systems biology: Current progress and future outlook
- Robust beamforming design for intelligent reflecting surface aided MISO communication systems
- Automated License Plate Recognition using Existing University Infrastructure and Different Camera Angles
- Public budgeting systems
- Fuzzy adaptive finite-time fault-tolerant control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems
- Volt-VAR-Pressure Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems with Hydrogen Injection
- Tracking urban geo-topics based on dynamic topic model
- Detection of probe flow anomalies using information entropy and random forest method
- Exploring the rhetoric of international professional communication: An agenda for teachers and researchers
- A synergic framework for cyber-physical production systems in the context of Industry 4.0 and beyond
- Electronic medical record systems: Decision support examination framework for individual, security and privacy concerns using multi-perspective analysis
- Self-assembled extended π-systems for sensing and security applications
- River toxicity assessment using molecular biosensors: Heavy metal contamination in the Turag-Balu-Buriganga river systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- A novel adaptive fuzzy control for output constrained stochastic non-strict feedback nonlinear systems
- Assessment Modeling: Fundamental Pre-training Tasks for Interactive Educational Systems
- Fault detection for uncertain LPV systems using probabilistic set-membership parity relation
- Information scrambling and loschmidt echo
- Event-triggered fuzzy bipartite tracking control for network systems based on distributed reduced-order observers (revised manuscript of TFS-2019-1049)
- Students’ use of learning management systems and desired e-learning experiences: are they ready for next generation digital learning environments?
- Theoretical and experimental possibilities to set up some sensors systems involved in active safety process
- Hyperparameter optimization in CNN for learning-centered emotion recognition for intelligent tutoring systems
- Diet: Lightweight language understanding for dialogue systems
- Clarify the physical process for fractional dynamical systems
- Enterprise system lifecycle-wide innovation
- Coverage, probability of SNR gain, and DOR analysis of RIS-aided communication systems
- Gradient estimation algorithms for the parameter identification of bilinear systems using the auxiliary model
- Neurobiology of systems memory consolidation
- Use of apps in the COVID-19 response and the loss of privacy protection
- Using the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model to describe critical care nursing during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic (2020)
- Semantics of the Black-Box: Can knowledge graphs help make deep learning systems more interpretable and explainable?
- Robust finite-time fault-tolerant control for networked control systems with random delays: A Markovian jump system approach
- Quantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems
- Helping university students to choose elective courses by using a hybrid multi-criteria recommendation system with genetic optimization
- A prospect theory-based QUALIFLEX for uncertain linguistic Z-number multi-criteria decision-making with unknown weight information
- IBM Q Experience as a versatile experimental testbed for simulating open quantum systems
- From smart farming towards agriculture 5.0: A review on crop data management
- Optimal control in partially observable complex social systems
- Determinant Factors’ Impact on Managerial Performance through Management Accounting Systems in Indonesia
- Q (λ) learning-based dynamic route guidance algorithm for overhead hoist transport systems in semiconductor fabs
- On course, but not there yet: Enterprise architecture conformance and benefits in systems development
- Robust machine learning systems: Challenges, current trends, perspectives, and the road ahead
- TyDi QA: A Benchmark for Information-Seeking Question Answering in Typologically Diverse Languages
- Securing internet of medical things systems: limitations, issues and recommendations
- Bridging entanglement dynamics and chaos in semiclassical systems
- A survey of IoT applications in blockchain systems: Architecture, consensus, and traffic modeling
- Compositional cyber-physical systems modeling
- Photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems: similarities and differences
- Modelling net-zero emissions energy systems requires a change in approach
- Augmenting traffic signal control systems for urban road networks with connected vehicles
Research Topics Computer Science
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