Information Systems Research Topics for MS PhD

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Information Systems Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree

I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Information Systems that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.


  1. A survey on blockchain for information systems management and security
  2. The perils and promises of big data research in information systems
  3. A novel Dual-Blockchained structure for contract-theoretic LoRa-based information systems
  4. A novel decision-making approach based on three-way decisions in fuzzy information systems
  5. Review and critique of the information systems development project failure literature: An argument for exploring information systems development project distress
  6. Product decision-making information systems, real-time big data analytics, and deep learning-enabled smart process planning in sustainable industry 4.0
  7. Blockchain-based privacy-preserving remote data integrity checking scheme for IoT information systems
  8. Human resource information systems
  9. The role of three-dimensional geographic information systems in subsurface characterization for hydrogeological applications
  10. Cognition digital twins for personalized information systems of smart cities: Proof of concept
  11. Trust in Management Information Systems (MIS) A Theoretical Model
  12. Exploring the characteristics and utilisation of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) in Germany
  13. Managing risk in information systems
  14. Data science: developing theoretical contributions in information systems via text analytics
  15. The Determinants of management information systems effectiveness in small-and medium-sized enterprises
  16. Accounting information systems: controls and processes
  17. Weaponizing information systems for political disruption: The actor, lever, effects, and response taxonomy (ALERT)
  18. A systematic review of social media acceptance from the perspective of educational and information systems theories and models
  19. End-user participation in health information systems (HIS) development: Physicians’ and nurses’ experiences
  20. Financial Management Information Systems and accounting policies retention in Brazil
  21. A common attribute reduction form for information systems
  22. … quality factors matter in enhancing the perceived benefits of online health information sites? Application of the updated DeLone and McLean Information Systems …
  23. Geographic information systems (GIS) for disaster management
  24. Enabling supply chain analytics for enterprise information systems: a topic modelling literature review and future research agenda
  25. A Systematic Review of Empirical Affordance studies: Recommendations for Affordance Research in Information Systems.
  26. Applying Team-Based Learning in Online Introductory Information Systems Courses
  27. Complexity and Information Systems Rsearch in the Emerging Digital World
  28. Public health informatics and information systems
  29. Analyzing the location of city logistics centers in Istanbul by integrating Geographic Information Systems with Binary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm
  30. Understanding the challenges associated with the use of data from routine health information systems in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review
  31. Integration of the Dimensions of Computerized Health Information Systems and Their Role in Improving Administrative Performance in Al-Shifa Medical Complex
  32. Accounting information systems in the blockchain era
  33. Continuous transition from model-driven prototype to full-size real-world enterprise information systems
  34. On the Use of Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Information Systems Research-A Critical Review
  35. Implementation of business intelligence considering the role of information systems integration and enterprise resource planning
  36. Utilizing chemometrics and geographical information systems to evaluate spatial and temporal variations of coastal water quality
  37. Optimizing data quality of pharmaceutical information systems in public health care in resource limited settings
  38. The impact of Public Sector Scorecard adoption on the effectiveness of accounting information systems towards the sustainable performance in Public Sector
  39. The role of information systems in decision-making and public policy making
  40. Analysis of barriers to the deployment of health information systems: A stakeholder perspective
  41. Reengineering of Information Systems toward Classical-Quantum Systems.
  42. Safe use of hospital information systems: an evaluation model based on a sociotechnical perspective
  43. Organizational information security management for sustainable information systems: An unethical employee information security behavior perspective
  44. Organization of a virtual enterprise in information systems
  45. Twenty‐five years of the Information Systems Journal: A bibliometric and ontological overview
  46. Green Information Systems Refraction for Corporate Ecological Responsibility Reflection in ICT Based Firms: Explicating Technology Organization Environment …
  47. A Data Analytics Framework for Smart Asthma Management Based on Remote Health Information Systems with Bluetooth-Enabled Personal Inhalers.
  48. Utilisation of hospital information systems for medical research in Saudi Arabia: A mixed-method exploration of the views of healthcare and IT professionals involved in …
  49. Unconstrained design: Improving multitasking with in-vehicle information systems through enhanced situation awareness
  50. The architecture of computer hardware, systems software, and networking: An information technology approach
  51. Covid-19 pandemic and suicide in France: An opportunity to improve information systems
  52. Information Technology and Systems: Proceedings of ICITS 2020
  53. Risk Management in Information Technology
  54. The effects of information systems compatibility on firm performance following mergers and acquisitions
  55. Information Systems Students’ Impressions on Learning Modeling Enterprise Architectures
  56. Drivers of intentions to use healthcare information systems among health and care professionals
  57. Vulnerability and protection of business management systems: threats and challenges
  58. Development of algorithm for analysis of sound fragments in medical information systems
  59. A framework for validating information systems research based on a pluralist account of truth and correctness
  60. Use of ontology learning in information system integration: a literature survey
  61. Conceptmap: A conceptual approach for formulating user preferences in large information spaces
  62. An Analysis of Point of Sales (POS) Information Systems in SMEswith The Black Box Testing and PIECES Method
  63. Design principles for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A formal concept analysis and its evaluation
  64. Virtually in this together–how web-conferencing systems enabled a new virtual togetherness during the COVID-19 crisis
  65. Roadmap to strengthen global mental health systems to tackle the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  66. Information and Communication Infrastructures in Modern Wide-Area Systems
  67. Cyber-Physical Systems: a multi-criteria assessment for Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems
  68. On the declarative paradigm in hybrid business process representations: A conceptual framework and a systematic literature study
  69. Compact and high-performance vortex mode sorter for multi-dimensional multiplexed fiber communication systems
  70. A modeling method for systematic architecture reconstruction of microservice-based software systems
  71. Decision support systems for agriculture 4.0: Survey and challenges
  72. Blockchain adoption from an interorganizational systems perspective–a mixed-methods approach
  73. Exploiting chemistry and molecular systems for quantum information science
  74. Information Technology Governance: Reflections on the Past and Future Directions
  75. The price of fairness-A framework to explore trade-offs in algorithmic fairness
  76. Shared Ledger Accounting—Implementing the Economic Exchange Pattern
  77. Implications of Knowledge Organization Systems for Health Information Exchange and Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic
  78. Using secondary data to tell a new story: A cautionary tale in health information technology research
  79. Combining symbiotic simulation systems with enterprise data storage systems for real-time decision-making
  80. Integration of new information in memory: new insights from a complementary learning systems perspective
  81. What drives unverified information sharing and cyberchondria during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  82. The rise of human machines: How cognitive computing systems challenge assumptions of user-system interaction
  83. Community-diversified influence maximization in social networks
  84. Electronic religious programs on islamic subjects on the example of the sanctuary of Al-Hakim Al-Termizi
  85. An incremental attribute reduction approach based on knowledge granularity for incomplete decision systems
  86. Unpacking the difference between digital transformation and IT-enabled organizational transformation
  87. Information scrambling at finite temperature in local quantum systems
  88. Auditing cloud-based blockchain accounting systems
  89. Eye-tracking-based classification of information search behavior using machine learning: evidence from experiments in physical shops and virtual reality shopping …
  90. Uncertain information and linear systems
  91. Maritime reporting systems
  92. Evaluating E-learning systems success: An empirical study
  93. Information freshness in cache updating systems
  94. Business models shifts: Impact of Covid-19
  95. A trustworthiness-based vehicular recruitment scheme for information collections in distributed networked systems
  96. Medical information retrieval systems for e-Health care records using fuzzy based machine learning model
  97. On the reliability of test collections for evaluating systems of different types
  98. Global health crises are also information crises: A call to action
  99. Review of compact computational spectral information acquisition systems
  100. A pre-filtering approach for incorporating contextual information into deep learning based recommender systems
  101. Mapping county-level mobility pattern changes in the United States in response to COVID-19
  102. Banana Classification Using Deep Learning
  103. Information technology elements for optical systems of identification of autonomous underwater vehicles
  104. Time-efficient target tags information collection in large-scale RFID systems
  105. Blockchain and the united nations sustainable development goals: towards an agenda for is research
  106. Infrastructural sovereignty over agreement and transaction data (‘metadata’) in an open network-model for multilateral sharing of sensitive data
  107. Are high-performing health systems resilient against the COVID-19 epidemic?
  108. The search for smartness in working, living and organising: beyond the ‘Technomagic’
  109. Covert communications without channel state information at receiver in IoT systems
  110. Hypertext: from text to expertext
  111. JSON: Data model and query languages
  112. Introduction to ultra-wideband radar systems
  113. Machine learning based diagnosis of diseases using the unfolded EEG spectra: towards an intelligent software sensor
  114. A review of research relevant to the emerging industry trends: Industry 4.0, IoT, blockchain, and business analytics
  115. Principles of construction of systems for diagnosing the energy equipment
  116. Editorial reflections: Lockdowns, slow downs, and some introductions
  117. Containing COVID-19 through physical distancing: the impact of real-time crowding information
  118. Evaluating content novelty in recommender systems
  119. Smart city model based on systems theory
  120. Type of Grapefruit Classification Using Deep Learning
  121. Information technology audit quality: an investigation of the impact of individual and organizational factors
  122. Directions for professional social matching systems
  123. Conceptual approach to building a digital twin of the production system
  124. New information technologies in the estimation of stationary modes of the third type systems
  125. RF systems design for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) in automation and transportation
  126. Capturing the complexity of gamification elements: a holistic approach for analysing existing and deriving novel gamification designs
  127. Optimal site selection for solar photovoltaic (PV) power plants using GIS and AHP: A case study of Malatya Province, Turkey
  128. Mining association rules for anomaly detection in dynamic process runtime behavior and explaining the root cause to users
  129. Eight grand challenges in socio-environmental systems modeling
  130. Future integrated mobility-energy systems: A modeling perspective
  131. A novel framework to evaluate innovation value proposition for smart product–service systems
  132. Diagnostic Systems For Energy Equipments
  133. Utilising neutrosophic theory to solve transition difficulties of IoT-based enterprises
  134. Towards smart farming: Systems, frameworks and exploitation of multiple sources
  135. Measuring Resilience of Human–Spatial Systems to Disasters: Framework Combining Spatial-Network Analysis and Fisher Information
  136. Age of information for multicast transmission with fixed and random deadlines in IoT systems
  137. The role of personality and linguistic patterns in discriminating between fake news spreaders and fact checkers
  138. Mapping the incidence of the COVID-19 hotspot in Iran–Implications for Travellers
  139. How farmers shape cultural landscapes. Dealing with information in farm systems (Vallès County, Catalonia, 1860)
  140. An overview of clinical decision support systems: benefits, risks, and strategies for success
  141. Will the COVID-19 pandemic change waste generation and composition?: The need for more real-time waste management data and systems thinking
  142. Digital Systems and New Challenges of Financial Management–FinTech, XBRL, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
  143. Identity asymmetries: An experimental investigation of social identity and information exchange in multiteam systems
  144. How enterprises adopt agile forms of organizational design: a multiple-case study
  145. Acceptance of text-mining systems: The signaling role of information quality
  146. Improving health care management in hospitals through a productivity dashboard
  147. The construction of smart city information system based on the Internet of Things and cloud computing
  148. Foundations of cryptoeconomic systems
  149. Information distribution in multi-robot systems: Utility-based evaluation model
  150. Dew computing architecture for cyber-physical systems and IoT
  151. The port as a set of socio-technical systems: A multi-organisational view
  152. IOS drivers of manufacturer-supplier flexibility and manufacturer agility
  153. A secure authenticated and key exchange scheme for fog computing
  154. Information and communication technologies in tourism
  155. The effect of customer lifestyle patterns on the use of mobile banking applications in Jordan
  156. Human identification for activities of daily living: A deep transfer learning approach
  157. The geography of transport systems
  158. Virtual reality
  159. Technical provision of diagnostic systems
  160. The contribution of systems science to Industry 4.0
  161. Peers matter: The moderating role of social influence on information security policy compliance
  162. On the age of information in internet of things systems with correlated devices
  163. A survey on knowledge graph-based recommender systems
  164. How corporate social responsibility activities influence employer reputation: The role of social media capability
  165. A dual systems model of online impulse buying
  166. Explanatory and predictive model of the adoption of P2P payment systems
  167. Public Health Informatics: An Introduction
  168. Principles of ties of internal control and management accounting systems at the enterprises of black metallurgy
  169. Pivot-based approximate k-NN similarity joins for big high-dimensional data
  170. Classifying nuts types using convolutional neural network
  171. Enabling the analysis of personality aspects in recommender systems
  172. Transparency and accountability in AI decision support: Explaining and visualizing convolutional neural networks for text information
  173. Cornac: A Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems
  174. Trust information network in social Internet of things using trust-aware recommender systems
  175. The Role of KM in Enhancing AI Algorithms and Systems
  176. Towards a characterisation of smart systems: A systematic literature review
  177. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on information management research and practice: Transforming education, work and life
  178. Output and regulated output synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems: A scale-free protocol design using no information about communication network …
  179. Secure lightweight password authenticated key exchange for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
  180. How voluntary information sharing systems form: Evidence from a us commercial credit bureau
  181. Designing multistage search systems to support the information seeking process
  182. Recent Advances in Flexible and Stretchable Sensing Systems: From the Perspective of System Integration
  183. Integrating geospatial technologies and unmanned aircraft systems into the grower’s disease management toolbox
  184. A development framework for decision support systems in high-performance sport
  185. Information resource orchestration during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of community lockdowns in China
  186. IoT Data Management—Security Aspects of Information Linkage in IoT Systems
  187. Task recommendation in crowdsourcing systems: A bibliometric analysis
  188. Survey on various conversational systems
  189. The Role Of Blockchain As A Security Support For Student Profiles In Technology Education Systems
  190. Reliability bounds for multi-state systems by fusing multiple sources of imprecise information
  191. On the design of output information-based sliding mode controllers for switched descriptor systems: Linear sliding variable approach
  192. The pinar del río geography and connected photovoltaic systems to grid
  193. Challenges and future directions of computational advertising measurement systems
  194. Fisher information and Shannon entropy calculations for two-electron systems
  196. An extensive study on the evolution of context-aware personalized travel recommender systems
  197. Clustering and self-organization in small-scale natural and artificial systems
  198. Establishing smart service systems is a challenge: a case study on pitfalls and implications
  199. Designing, developing, and deploying artificial intelligence systems: Lessons from and for the public sector
  200. The negative skycube
  201. Towards digital engineering: the advent of digital systems engineering
  202. An Integrated model of continuous intention to use of google classroom
  203. Port Community Systems: A structured literature review
  204. Working towards a multimedia learning environment: experiences in the classroom
  205. Large-scale question tagging via joint question-topic embedding learning
  206. Skills, Certifications, or Degrees: What Companies Demand for Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs.
  207. Geographic objects with indeterminate boundaries
  208. Recent advances and challenges in task-oriented dialog systems
  209. Industry 4.0 integration with socio-technical systems theory: A systematic review and proposed theoretical model
  210. Diagnosis of arthritis using adaptive hierarchical Mamdani fuzzy type-1 expert system
  211. Securing of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) against security threats using human immune system
  212. Cybernetic Approach to Developing Resilient Systems: Concept, Models and Application
  213. Factors that affect accounting information system success and its implication on accounting information quality
  214. Reconciliation of privacy with preventive cybersecurity: The bright internet approach
  215. How to perform and report an impactful analysis using partial least squares: Guidelines for confirmatory and explanatory IS research
  216. A survey on conversational recommender systems
  217. A human-in-the-loop manufacturing control architecture for the next generation of production systems
  218. Dynamic representations in networked neural systems
  219. Cognitive twins for supporting decision-makings of Internet of Things systems
  220. Challenges in building intelligent open-domain dialog systems
  221. Organizational and environmental influences in the adoption of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATTs) by audit firms in Malaysia
  222. Mutual clustering on comparative texts via heterogeneous information networks
  223. Smart production systems drivers for business process management improvement
  224. Real time dataset generation framework for intrusion detection systems in IoT
  225. COVID-19 pandemic: Shifting digital transformation to a high-speed gear
  226. Design Theory Indeterminacy: What is it, how can it be reduced, and why did the polar bear drown?
  227. A cloud-based platform for the non-invasive management of coronary artery disease
  228. A practical GIS-based hazard assessment framework for water quality in stormwater systems
  229. An affordance perspective of team collaboration and enforced working from home during COVID-19
  230. Health Information Systems, 2008
  231. Applications and Datasets for Superpixel Techniques: A Survey
  232. An ECDSA Approach to Access Control in Knowledge Management Systems Using Blockchain
  233. What makes a review a reliable rating in recommender systems?
  234. Revocation Mechanisms for Academic Certificates Stored on a Blockchain
  235. Context-Aware Recommendations Based on Deep Learning Frameworks
  236. Towards automating the synthesis of chatbots for conversational model query
  237. A hierarchical model to evaluate the quality of web-based e-learning systems
  238. Blockchain technology-enabled supply chain systems and supply chain performance: a resource-based view
  239. Analyzing Cryptocurrencies
  240. Estimation-action-reflection: Towards deep interaction between conversational and recommender systems
  241. Recommender systems and their ethical challenges
  242. Advanced Database systems
  243. Towards predictive maintenance for flexible manufacturing using FIWARE
  244. Automated continuous noninvasive ward monitoring: validation of measurement systems is the real challenge
  245. Digital nomads
  246. An Algorithm to Select an Energy-Efficient Sever for an Application Process in a Cluster of Servers
  247. Evolution and revolution: Personality research for the coming world of robots, artificial intelligence, and autonomous systems
  248. Considering random factors in modeling complex microeconomic systems
  249. Discrete event-driven model predictive control for real-time work-in-process optimization in serial production systems
  250. Challenges to transforming unconventional social media data into actionable knowledge for public health systems during disasters
  251. An analysis of learners’ intentions toward virtual reality online learning systems: a case study in Taiwan
  252. Techno-unreliability: a pilot study in the field
  253. Learning relational fractals for deep knowledge graph embedding in online social networks
  254. A novel approach towards using big data and IoT for improving the efficiency of m-health systems
  255. Big data analytics for manufacturing internet of things: opportunities, challenges and enabling technologies
  256. State machine based human-bot conversation model and services
  257. Contributions of scale: what we stand to gain from Indigenous and local inclusion in climate and health monitoring and surveillance systems
  258. Intelligent knowledge lakes: The age of artificial intelligence and big data
  259. Learning management systems: a review of the research methodology literature in Australia and China
  260. Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cervical Cancer Detection
  261. Privacy in Dynamical Systems
  262. Prominence and engagement: Different mechanisms regulating continuance and contribution in online communities
  263. Evaluation of views regarding pharmacy information management systems implementation and systemic issues in community pharmacies
  264. A critical look at theories in design science research
  265. What affects usage satisfaction in mobile payments? Modelling user generated content to develop the “digital service usage satisfaction model”
  266. A survey on empathetic dialogue systems
  267. Method of constructing explanations for recommender systems based on the temporal dynamics of user preferences
  268. How Foreign and Domestic Firms Differ in Leveraging IT-enabled Supply Chain Information Integration in BOP Markets: The Role of Supplier and Client …
  269. … trial of an information technology enhanced peer-integrated collaborative care intervention versus enhanced usual care for us trauma care systems: clinical …
  270. From responsive to adaptive and interactive materials and materials systems: A roadmap
  271. A multi-dimensional model of Enterprise Resource Planning critical success factors
  272. A minimum centre distance rule activation method for extended belief rule-based classification systems
  273. A fuzzy-based system for assessment of available edge computing resources in a cloud-fog-edge SDN-VANETs architecture
  274. Advances in smart environment monitoring systems using iot and sensors
  275. Understanding the apparent superiority of over-sampling through an analysis of local information for class-imbalanced data
  276. About trust in the information systems on the basis of internet-based technologies
  277. Cyber-physical production systems retrofitting in context of industry 4.0
  278. Distributed maximum correntropy filtering for stochastic nonlinear systems under deception attacks
  279. Adaptive rule adaptation in unstructured and dynamic environments
  280. Systems thinking: A review and bibliometric analysis
  281. Introduction to unmanned aircraft systems
  282. Recent advances and opportunities for improving critical realism-based case study research in IS
  283. Data analytics in higher education: an integrated view
  284. Governance by Other Means: Rankings as Regulatory Systems
  285. Codifying Interdisciplinary Design Knowledge through Patterns–The Case of Smart Personal Assistants
  286. Critical factors in information technology capability for enhancing firm’s environmental performance: case of Indonesian ICT sector
  287. A Model Management Platform for Industry 4.0–Enabling Management of Machine Learning Models in Manufacturing Environments
  288. Compact polarizers for satellite information systems
  289. Combining multicriteria decision analysis and GIS to assess vulnerability within a protected area: An objective methodology for managing complex and fragile systems
  290. Contextualizing the effective use of social media network for collaborative learning: An affordance perspective
  291. Explaining the link between technostress and technology addiction for social networking sites: A study of distraction as a coping behavior
  292. Design of an Inclusive Financial Privacy Index (INF-PIE): A Financial Privacy and Digital Financial Inclusion Perspective
  293. Applying a systematic literature review and content analysis method to analyse open source developers’ forking motivation interpretation, categories and …
  294. Satellite communications systems: systems, techniques and technology
  295. TOPSIS method for developing supplier selection with probabilistic linguistic information
  296. The role of information technology in organization and management in tourism
  297. Big data analytics in healthcare: a systematic literature review
  298. Configuration Optimization and Channel Estimation in Hybrid Beamforming mmWave Systems With Channel Support Side Information
  299. High-Capacity Robust Image Steganography via Adversarial Network.
  300. Does Tailoring Gamified Educational Systems Matter? The Impact on Students’ Flow Experience
  301. Soft systems methodology
  302. Computer Tools for Energy Systems
  303. Customer loyalty improves the effectiveness of recommender systems based on complex network
  304. Assessment of workforce systems preferences/skills based on Employment domain
  305. Efficient NTRU lattice-based certificateless signature scheme for medical cyber-physical systems
  306. Market drivers of sustainability and sustainability learning capabilities: The moderating role of sustainability control systems
  307. Fedfast: Going beyond average for faster training of federated recommender systems
  308. Sustainability management control systems in higher education institutions from measurement to management
  309. Understanding user trust in artificial intelligence‐based educational systems: Evidence from China
  310. Feature selection using genetic algorithms for the generation of a recognition and classification of children activities model using environmental sound
  311. Attributes reductions of bipolar fuzzy relation decision systems
  312. Basic classes in conceptual modeling: theory and practical guidelines
  313. Dynamic-sos: An approach for the simulation of systems-of-systems dynamic architectures
  314. A novel software engineering approach toward using machine learning for improving the efficiency of health systems
  315. Emergent properties of foveated perceptual systems
  316. Fuzzy model estimation of the risk factors impact on the target of promotion of the software product
  317. A real-time data-driven collaborative mechanism in fixed-position assembly systems for smart manufacturing
  318. Ontologies as nested facet systems for human–data interaction
  319. Incorporating rainwater harvesting systems in Iran’s potable water-saving scheme by using a GIS-simulation based decision support system
  320. Digital storytelling and blockchain as pedagogy and technology to support the development of an inclusive smart learning ecosystem
  321. … of everyday life–How COVID-19 pandemic transformed the basic education of the young generation and why information management research should care?
  322. Teaching programming to the post-millennial generation: Pedagogic considerations for an IS course
  323. Uncertainty in information system development: Causes, effects, and coping mechanisms
  324. An effective training scheme for deep neural network in edge computing enabled Internet of medical things (IoMT) systems
  325. Bureaucracy as a lens for analyzing and designing algorithmic systems
  326. Strictly linear light cones in long-range interacting systems of arbitrary dimensions
  327. Self-sovereign identity in a globalized world: Credentials-based identity systems as a driver for economic inclusion
  328. How Much Method-in-Use Matters? A Case Study of Agile and Waterfall Software Projects and Their Design Routine Variation
  329. Underground channel model for visible light wireless communication based on neural networks
  330. Enhancing the classification of social media opinions by optimizing the structural information
  331. Web Scraping with HTML DOM Method for Data Collection of Scientific Articles from Google Scholar
  332. Robotic process mining: vision and challenges
  333. High-performance work systems, innovation and knowledge sharing
  334. A systematic analysis of the optimization of computerized physician order entry and clinical decision support systems: a qualitative study in English hospitals
  335. Software systems from smart city vendors
  336. Information Processing, Information Networking, Cognitive Apparatuses and Sentient Software Systems
  337. WAx: An integrated conceptual framework for the analysis of cyber-socio-technical systems
  338. On data lake architectures and metadata management
  339. Interactive planning support systems with citizens: Lessons learned from renewable energy planning in the Netherlands
  340. Professional identity and the adoption of learning management systems
  341. Towards Anticipatory Information Systems and Action: Notes on Early Warning and Early Action in East Africa
  342. Perception and prediction of intention to use online banking systems: An empirical study using extended TAM
  343. Automated verbal autopsy: from research to routine use in civil registration and vital statistics systems
  344. Adaptive event-triggered control for unknown second-order nonlinear multiagent systems
  345. Resource awareness in unmanned aerial vehicle-assisted mobile-edge computing systems
  346. Improved covering-based collaborative filtering for new users’ personalized recommendations
  347. A new model for the selection of information technology project in a neutrosophic environment
  348. Experience versus expectation: Farmers’ perceptions of smart farming technologies for cropping systems across Europe
  349. Agility and the role of project—Internal control systems for innovation project performance
  350. Introducing systems approaches
  351. Decreasing the problematic use of an information system: An empirical investigation of smartphone game players
  352. Off-policy learning in two-stage recommender systems
  353. Efficient neural matrix factorization without sampling for recommendation
  354. Application of k-means clustering algorithm for determination of fire-prone areas utilizing hotspots in West Kalimantan Province
  355. Sentiment word co-occurrence and knowledge pair feature extraction based LDA short text clustering algorithm
  356. Smart contract invocation protocol (SCIP): A protocol for the uniform integration of heterogeneous blockchain smart contracts
  357. Monetizing Online Content: Digital Paywall Design and Configuration
  358. Adaptive systems for internet-delivered psychological treatments
  359. STFT cluster analysis for DC pulsed load monitoring and fault detection on naval shipboard power systems
  360. A decade of NeuroIS research: progress, challenges, and future directions
  361. Examining the channel choice of experience-oriented customers in Omni-Channel retailing
  362. On the ability of virtual agents to decrease cognitive load: an experimental study
  363. Neighborhood multi-granulation rough sets-based attribute reduction using Lebesgue and entropy measures in incomplete neighborhood decision systems
  364. Recursive coupled projection algorithms for multivariable output-error-like systems with coloured noises
  365. A dynamic deep-learning-based virtual edge node placement scheme for edge cloud systems in mobile environment
  366. Dbkwik: extracting and integrating knowledge from thousands of wikis
  367. The determinants of digital payment systems’ acceptance under cultural orientation differences: The case of uncertainty avoidance
  368. Energy systems for climate change mitigation: A systematic review
  369. Helpfulness prediction for online reviews with explicit content-rating interaction
  370. Do advanced information technologies produce equitable government responses in coproduction: an examination of 311 systems in 15 US cities
  371. The future (s) of digital agriculture and sustainable food systems: An analysis of high-level policy documents
  372. A brief history of intelligent decision support systems
  373. Trainable communication systems: Concepts and prototype
  374. A survey of state-of-the-art approaches for emotion recognition in text
  375. Empirical investigation of data analytics capability and organizational flexibility as complements to supply chain resilience
  376. Autonomous litter surveying and human activity monitoring for governance intelligence in coastal eco-cyber-physical systems
  377. Students’ perceptions on learning management systems of Arabic learning through blended learning model
  378. Information technology–based tracing strategy in response to COVID-19 in South Korea—privacy controversies
  379. On privacy of dynamical systems: An optimal probabilistic mapping approach
  380. Analysis of Malware Impact on Network Traffic using Behavior-based Detection Technique
  381. Game-based learning and gamification to improve skills in early years education
  382. Developing Design Principles for Digital Platforms: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
  383. Processes, benefits, and challenges for adoption of blockchain technologies in food supply chains: a thematic analysis
  384. Neural Fuzzy Based Intelligent Systems and
  385. How agile software development methods reduce work exhaustion: Insights on role perceptions and organizational skills
  386. Establishment of critical success factors for implementation of product lifecycle management systems
  387. The ethical, legal and social implications of using artificial intelligence systems in breast cancer care
  388. The ethical balance of using smart information systems for promoting the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. Sustainability 12: 4826
  389. Quantum Information
  390. Assessing the effectiveness of rural credit policy on the adoption of integrated crop-livestock systems in Brazil
  391. Geographical tracking and mapping of coronavirus disease COVID-19/severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic and …
  392. Problem-based learning and process modeling in teaching information systems
  393. Semantics for Cyber-Physical Systems: A cross-domain perspective
  394. Measuring User Perspectives on Website Conference Using System Usability Scale
  395. A comprehensive review on indoor air quality monitoring systems for enhanced public health
  396. Business process monitoring on blockchains: Potentials and challenges
  397. A systematic literature review of sparsity issues in recommender systems
  398. Special Issue Editorial–Accumulation and Evolution of Design Knowledge in Design Science Research: A Journey Through Time and Space
  399. Ethics in telehealth: Comparison between guidelines and practice-based experience-the case for learning health systems
  400. Machine learning in business process monitoring: A comparison of deep learning and classical approaches used for outcome prediction
  401. PADS Arsenal: a database of prokaryotic defense systems related genes
  402. A variational autoencoder solution for road traffic forecasting systems: Missing data imputation, dimension reduction, model selection and anomaly detection
  403. Feedback driven improvement of data preparation pipelines
  404. IoT ecosystem: A survey on devices, gateways, operating systems, middleware and communication
  405. Digital transformation and the new logics of business process management
  406. Detecting fraudulent accounts on blockchain: A supervised approach
  407. Quarry: a user-centered big data integration platform
  408. A theoretical framework for the evaluation of massive digital participation systems in urban planning
  409. Gamifying knowledge sharing in humanitarian organisations: a design science journey
  410. Massive access for future wireless communication systems
  411. A systematic review of Community Engagement (CE) in Disaster Early Warning Systems (EWSs)
  412. Anomaly detection in cyber-physical systems using machine learning
  413. RFR-DLVT: a hybrid method for real-time face recognition using deep learning and visual tracking
  414. Characterizing the propagation of situational information in social media during covid-19 epidemic: A case study on weibo
  415. Moving beyond the direct impact of using CRM systems on frontline employees’ service performance: The mediating role of adaptive behaviour
  416. A critical interpretive synthesis of the roles of midwives in health systems
  417. Smart monitoring and controlling of government policies using social media and cloud computing
  418. Advances in smart antenna systems for wireless communication
  419. CAD for Control Systems
  420. Diagnosis support systems for rare diseases: a scoping review
  421. Agents and multi-agent systems as actor-networks
  422. Quaternion Markov Splicing Detection for Color Images Based on Quaternion Discrete Cosine Transform
  423. The effect of perceived similarity in dominance on customer self-disclosure to chatbots in conversational commerce
  424. Developing web-based support systems for predicting poor-performing students using educational data mining techniques
  425. A fuzzy performance evaluation model for government websites based on language property and balanced score card
  426. An affective response model for understanding the acceptance of mobile payment systems
  427. The impact of control styles and control modes on individual-level outcomes: a first test of the integrated IS project control theory
  428. Towards Faithfully Interpretable NLP Systems: How should we define and evaluate faithfulness?
  429. Joint transmit and reflective beamforming design for IRS-assisted multiuser MISO SWIPT systems
  430. Drought risk to agricultural systems in Zimbabwe: A spatial analysis of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability
  431. Dynamical systems and neural networks
  432. A personal data store approach for recommender systems: enhancing privacy without sacrificing accuracy
  433. A participatory approach based on stochastic optimization for the spatial allocation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems for rainwater harvesting.
  434. Keeping Community in the Loop: Understanding Wikipedia Stakeholder Values for Machine Learning-Based Systems
  435. The SOTA approach to engineering collective adaptive systems
  436. Assessing risks of biases in cognitive decision support systems
  437. An enhanced design of sparse autoencoder for latent features extraction based on trigonometric simplexes for network intrusion detection systems
  438. A survey on methods for the safety assurance of machine learning based systems
  439. Cloud-based in-memory columnar database architecture for continuous audit analytics
  440. (Re) considering the concept of literature review reproducibility
  441. Practice Makes Perfect: Lesson Learned from Five Years of Trial and Error Building Context-Aware Systems
  442. Safety assurance mechanisms of collaborative robotic systems in manufacturing
  443. Geographical landslide early warning systems
  444. What Does PISA Tell Us About Performance of Education Systems?
  445. On Using Physical Based Intrusion Detection in SCADA Systems
  446. Digital innovation dynamics influence on organisational adoption: the case of cloud computing services
  447. Bitcoin investment: a mixed methods study of investment motivations
  448. Understanding the role of ICT and study circles in enabling economic opportunities: Lessons learned from an educational project in Kenya
  449. Value cocreation for service innovation: Examining the relationships between service innovativeness, customer participation, and mobile app performance
  450. An alumni assessment of MIS related job skill importance and skill gaps
  451. Leveraging semantic and lexical matching to improve the recall of document retrieval systems: A hybrid approach
  452. The Cyber Threats Analysis for Web Applications Security in Industry 4.0
  453. Smart contracts for blockchain-based reputation systems: A systematic literature review
  454. A survey of recent methods on deriving topics from Twitter: algorithm to evaluation
  455. Modelling and predicting student’s academic performance using classification data mining techniques
  456. The Role of National Health Information Systems in the Response to COVID-19
  457. Epizootogical geo-information systems IOP Conf
  458. Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  459. Empowering MSMEs in the digital economy: role of accounting information systems
  460. Regional Office for the Western Pacific. Developing Health Management Information Systems: A Practical Guide for Developing Countries. Manila: WHO …
  461. Virtual Assistance in Any Context
  462. Bayesian differential programming for robust systems identification under uncertainty
  463. Distributed set-membership filtering for nonlinear systems subject to round-robin protocol and stochastic communication protocol over sensor networks
  464. A literature review on question answering techniques, paradigms and systems
  465. Architecture of the Security Access System for Information on the State of the Automatic Control Systems of Aircraft
  466. Internal control systems and operating performance: Evidence from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Ondo state
  467. Contact-tracing apps and alienation in the age of COVID-19
  468. Quantum information processing with space-division multiplexing optical fibres
  469. Evaluation of Gamification in E-Learning Systems for Elementary School Students
  470. On the use of hierarchical fuzzy inference systems (HFIS) in expert-based landslide susceptibility mapping: the central part of the Rif Mountains (Morocco)
  471. Online heart monitoring systems on the internet of health things environments: A survey, a reference model and an outlook
  472. Blackboard systems for cognitive audition
  473. Double-spending analysis of bitcoin
  474. Performance degradation prediction of mechanical equipment based on optimized multi-kernel relevant vector machine and fuzzy information granulation
  475. Do drones have a realistic place in a pandemic fight for delivering medical supplies in healthcare systems problems
  476. Curiosity from the perspective of systems neuroscience
  477. Vision statement: Interactive materials—Drivers of future robotic systems
  478. Corecube: Core decomposition in multilayer graphs
  479. Homomorphic encryption of supervisory control systems using automata
  480. Indoor air quality monitoring systems for enhanced living environments: A review toward sustainable smart cities
  481. Surprise: A python library for recommender systems
  482. Consensus of multi-agent systems via fully distributed event-triggered control
  483. Information-theoretic aspects of neural networks
  484. How do interruptions affect user contributions on social commerce?
  485. Identifying at-risk students based on the phased prediction model
  486. Zero-Forcing Oriented Power Minimization for Multi-Cell MISO-NOMA Systems: A Joint User Grouping, Beamforming, and Power Control Perspective
  487. Associations between two athlete monitoring systems used to quantify external training loads in basketball players
  488. Topic modeling: a comprehensive review
  489. Geometrical bounds of the irreversibility in Markovian systems
  490. Sediment information on natural and anthropogenic-induced change of connected water systems in Chagan Lake, North China
  491. BD-VTE: a novel baseline data based verifiable trust evaluation scheme for smart network systems
  492. Cooperative CC–CV Charging of Supercapacitors Using Multicharger Systems
  493. ECG monitoring systems: Review, architecture, processes, and key challenges
  494. Estimating network effects in two-sided markets
  495. Auditing news curation systems: A case study examining algorithmic and editorial logic in apple news
  496. Extended dissipative sliding mode control for nonlinear networked control systems via event-triggered mechanism with random uncertain measurement
  497. Enhancing transport properties in interconnected systems without altering their structure
  498. Semi-automatic Eye Movement-Controlled Wheelchair Using Low-Cost Embedded System
  499. Novel efficient RNN and LSTM-like architectures: Recurrent and gated broad learning systems and their applications for text classification
  500. A survey of neural networks usage for intrusion detection systems
  501. The development of stationary battery storage systems in Germany–A market review
  502. Deep reinforcement learning for intelligent transportation systems: A survey
  503. Code analysis for intelligent cyber systems: A data-driven approach
  504. Smart management energy systems in industry 4.0
  505. Trustworthiness in industrial IoT systems based on artificial intelligence
  506. A grant-free random access scheme for M2M communication in massive MIMO systems
  507. Responding to COVID-19: the UW medicine information technology services experience
  508. Kypo4industry: A testbed for teaching cybersecurity of industrial control systems
  509. Urban systems and the role of big data
  510. Adjusting to epidemic-induced telework: empirical insights from teleworkers in France
  511. GAN-driven personalized spatial-temporal private data sharing in cyber-physical social systems
  512. A novel framework for backstepping-based control of discrete-time strict-feedback nonlinear systems with multiplicative noises
  513. Blocksim: An extensible simulation tool for blockchain systems
  514. Modeling and verification method for an early evaluation of Systems of Systems interactions
  515. Path prediction in IoT systems through Markov Chain algorithm
  516. 6G wireless communication systems: Applications, requirements, technologies, challenges, and research directions
  517. Multiple writer retrieval systems based on language independent dissimilarity learning
  518. District energy systems: Challenges and new tools for planning and evaluation
  519. Framework for managing the COVID-19 infodemic: methods and results of an online, crowdsourced WHO technical consultation
  520. From panopticon to heautopticon: A new form of surveillance introduced by quantified‐self practices
  521. Assessing Novelty and Systems Thinking in Conceptual Models of Technological Systems
  522. A many-objective optimization WSN energy balance model
  523. Blockchain-based identity management systems: A review
  524. Performance Evaluation of Snort and Suricata Intrusion Detection Systems on Ubuntu Server
  525. Author’s approach to the topological modeling of parallel computing systems
  526. A comparative analysis of tax systems in Russia and Germany
  527. Machine learning force fields and coarse-grained variables in molecular dynamics: application to materials and biological systems
  528. Coordination and management of cloud, fog and edge resources in SDN-VANETs using fuzzy logic: a comparison study for two fuzzy-based systems
  529. Fuzzy test model for performance evaluation matrix of service operating systems
  530. Deep context modeling for multi-turn response selection in dialogue systems
  531. An expert system gap analysis and empirical triangulation of individual differences, interventions, and information technology applications in alertness of railroad …
  532. Application of intelligent multi agent based systems for E-healthcare security
  533. Hidden fuzzy information: Requirement specification and measurement of project provider performance using the best worst method
  534. Photoferroelectric Thin Films for Flexible Systems by a Three‐in‐One Solution‐Based Approach
  535. A cloud-edge based data security architecture for sharing and analysing cyber threat information
  536. Adaptive Observer-Based Output Regulation of Multiagent Systems With Communication Constraints
  537. A fault diagnosis method for power transmission networks based on spiking neural P systems with self-updating rules considering biological apoptosis …
  538. Understanding massively multiplayer online role‐playing game addiction: A hedonic management perspective
  539. Interoperability and integration testing methods for IoT systems: A systematic mapping study
  540. Proxy tasks and subjective measures can be misleading in evaluating explainable ai systems
  541. Emptransfo: A multi-head transformer architecture for creating empathetic dialog systems
  542. The case of performance variability on dragonfly-based systems
  543. IT reliability and its influence on the results of controlling: comparative analysis of organizations functioning in Poland and Switzerland
  544. Worker stress in the age of mobile technology: The combined effects of perceived interruption overload and worker control
  545. Fair Outlier Detection
  546. Evaluation framework for smart disaster response systems in uncertainty environment
  547. Distributed bipartite tracking consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with quantized communication
  548. A decentralized artificial immune system for solution selection in cyber–physical systems
  549. I am Me: Brain systems integrate and segregate to establish a multidimensional sense of self
  550. Impacts of COVID-19 on agricultural and food systems worldwide and on progress to the sustainable development goals
  551. Resource-efficient neural networks for embedded systems
  552. COVID-19: challenges to GIS with big data
  553. Transparency in complex computational systems
  554. Practical synchronization in networks of nonlinear heterogeneous agents with application to power systems
  555. A framework for sustainable contact tracing and exposure investigation for large health systems
  556. Cyber-physical systems research and education in 2030: Scenarios and strategies
  557. Web-based digital twin modeling and remote control of cyber-physical production systems
  558. Efficiency creep and shadow innovation: enacting ambidextrous IT Governance in the public sector
  559. Performance Based Planning of complex urban social-ecological systems: The quest for sustainability through the promotion of resilience
  560. Anomaly detection in smart homes using bayesian networks
  561. Improving recommender systems using co-appearing and semantically correlated user interests
  562. Security policies and implementation issues
  563. Identification of instantaneous anomalies in general aviation operations using energy metrics
  564. Reinforcement learning in sustainable energy and electric systems: A survey
  565. Cultural influence on e-government development
  566. Thermodynamic resources in continuous-variable quantum systems
  567. Physical safety and cyber security analysis of multi-agent systems: A survey of recent advances
  568. Quantum vs. classical information: operator negativity as a probe of scrambling
  569. Dynamical and thermodynamical approaches to open quantum systems
  570. Brain-inspired systems: A transdisciplinary exploration on cognitive cybernetics, humanity, and systems science toward autonomous artificial intelligence
  571. Using semantic markup to boost context awareness for assistive systems
  572. Authoritarianism, outbreaks, and information politics
  573. Towards dynamic dependable systems through evidence-based continuous certification
  574. Technologies and systems to improve mobility of visually impaired people: a state of the art
  575. Clinical managers’ identity at the crossroad of multiple institutional logics in it innovation: The case study of a health care organization in England
  576. Multi-agent direct current systems using renewable energy sources and hydrogen fuel cells
  577. Interpretable confidence measures for decision support systems
  578. Nonstationary control for TS fuzzy Markovian switching systems with variable quantization density
  579. Mitigating the intrusive effects of smart home assistants by using anthropomorphic design features: A multimethod investigation
  580. AoI-optimal joint sampling and updating for wireless powered communication systems
  581. Machine learning based decision making for time varying systems: parameter estimation and performance optimization
  582. A case study of agile software development for safety-Critical systems projects
  583. The phishing funnel model: A design artifact to predict user susceptibility to phishing websites
  584. Online display advertising markets: A literature review and future directions
  585. Future prospects of information warfare and particularly psychological operations
  586. Attacking machine learning systems
  587. What is the relationship among positive emotions, sense of presence, and ease of interaction in virtual reality systems? An on-site evaluation of a commercial virtual …
  588. Quantum computer systems for scientific discovery
  589. Lizards in the Street! Introducing Cybersecurity Awareness in a Digital Literacy Context.
  590. From microbial communities to distributed computing systems
  591. Autonomous systems in anesthesia: Where do we stand in 2020? A narrative review
  592. Balancing health privacy, health information exchange, and research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  593. Editor’s comments: The COVID-19 pandemic: Building resilience with IS research
  594. Scenario-based development of intelligent transportation systems for road freight transport in Germany
  595. Simulation in the design and operation of manufacturing systems: state of the art and new trends
  596. Understanding adversarial attacks on deep learning based medical image analysis systems
  597. Management of distributed energy systems on the basis of optimization methods and expert approaches
  598. Breaking into the curriculum: The impact of information technology on schooling
  599. Hybrid quantum systems with circuit quantum electrodynamics
  600. The effects of high performance work systems in employees’ service-oriented OCB
  601. Entanglement in indistinguishable particle systems
  602. Integrated deep learning method for workload and resource prediction in cloud systems
  603. Training or Synergizing? Complex Systems Principles Change the Understanding of Sport Processes
  604. Intelligent forecasting with machine learning trading systems in chaotic intraday Bitcoin market
  605. Effect of ground surface interpolation methods on the accuracy of forest attribute modelling using unmanned aerial systems-based digital aerial photogrammetry
  606. The food systems in the era of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic crisis
  607. A qualitative content analysis of nurses’ comfort and employment of workarounds with electronic documentation systems in home care practice
  608. From lurkers to workers: predicting voluntary contribution and community welfare
  609. Formation-containment control of multi-robot systems under a stochastic sampling mechanism
  610. Orbital angular momentum holography for high-security encryption
  611. Using requirement-functional-logical-physical models to support early assembly process planning for complex aircraft systems integration
  612. A flood risk assessment framework for interdependent infrastructure systems in coastal environments
  613. Deepmaker: A multi-objective optimization framework for deep neural networks in embedded systems
  614. A Framework for Risk Assessment in Collaborative Networks to Promote Sustainable Systems in Innovation Ecosystems
  615. A survey on adversarial recommender systems: from attack/defense strategies to generative adversarial networks
  616. Logistics Optimization of Agricultural Products Supply to the European Union Based on Modeling by Petri Nets
  617. Perceived control and perceived risk in self-service technology recovery
  618. Multisensorial generative and descriptive self-awareness models for autonomous systems
  619. Distributed fusion filter for nonlinear multi-sensor systems with correlated noises
  620. Improving the security of internet of things using cryptographic algorithms: A case of smart irrigation systems
  621. Self-optimizing machining systems
  622. EARL—Embodied agent-based robot control systems modelling language
  623. MAMBA: A multi-armed bandit framework for beam tracking in millimeter-wave systems
  624. Digital transformation of business ecosystems: Evidence from the Korean pop industry
  625. Health care service delivery based on the Internet of things: A systematic and comprehensive study
  626. A Genetic algorithm for multi-objective reconfiguration of balanced and unbalanced distribution systems in fuzzy framework
  627. Selection of intermediate routes for secure data communication systems using graph theory application and grey wolf optimisation algorithm in MANETs
  628. New closed-loop insulin systems
  629. Realization of AI-enhanced industrial automation systems using intelligent Digital Twins
  630. Shadow systems in assessment: how supervisors make progress decisions in practice
  631. TREC-COVID: rationale and structure of an information retrieval shared task for COVID-19
  632. Data driven approach to risk management and decision support for dynamic positioning systems
  633. Enterprise systems in transition economies: research landscape and framework for socioeconomic development
  634. Tensors and compositionality in neural systems
  635. Towards byzantine-resilient learning in decentralized systems
  636. Compositional systems: overview and applications
  637. Electrical Systems and Mechatronics
  638. Separable multi‐innovation stochastic gradient estimation algorithm for the nonlinear dynamic responses of systems
  639. Object detection with low capacity GPU systems using improved faster R-CNN
  640. Teaching Software Engineering for Al-Enabled Systems
  641. Introduction to the Theory of Radiopolarimetric Navigation Systems
  642. Spatial disparities in coronavirus incidence and mortality in the United States: an ecological analysis as of May 2020
  643. The neural and computational systems of social learning
  644. Sample complexity of kalman filtering for unknown systems
  645. Modeling and assessing cyber resilience of smart grid using Bayesian network-based approach: a system of systems problem
  646. Systems of neutrosophic linear equations
  647. Performance-Driven Analysis for an Adaptive Car-Navigation Service on HPC Systems
  648. Early warning systems in biosecurity; translating risk into action in predictive systems for invasive alien species
  649. Internet of things in sustainable energy systems
  650. A polynomial-membership-function approach for stability analysis of fuzzy systems
  651. Designing for ambient UX: design framework for managing user experience within cyber-physical systems
  652. NNV: The neural network verification tool for deep neural networks and learning-enabled cyber-physical systems
  653. Big Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: A research and innovation frontier
  654. Navigating the gender structure in information technology: How does this affect the experiences and behaviours of women?
  655. Water electrolysers with closed and open electrochemical systems
  656. A Generic Network Compression Framework for Sequential Recommender Systems
  657. Indoor positioning and wayfinding systems: a survey
  658. Improve three-dimensional point localization accuracy in stereo vision systems using a novel camera calibration method
  659. Mapping with unmanned aerial vehicles systems: A Case Study of Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli University Campus
  660. An overview of perception and decision-making in autonomous systems in the era of learning
  661. Work design in future industrial production: Transforming towards cyber-physical systems
  662. Security in Telehealth Systems From a Software Engineering Viewpoint: A Systematic Mapping Study
  663. Applying process mining and semantic reasoning for process model customisation in healthcare
  664. The mediating influence of smartwatch identity on deep use and innovative individual performance
  665. An infrastructure for embedded systems using task scheduling
  666. Geographic information research: Bridging the Atlantic
  667. Method towards discovering potential opportunity information during cross-organisational business processes using role identification analysis within complex social …
  668. An optimization approach for deployment of intelligent transportation systems wrong-way driving countermeasures
  669. Extensions of prioritized weighted aggregation operators for decision-making under complex q-rung orthopair fuzzy information
  670. Automated guided vehicle systems, state-of-the-art control algorithms and techniques
  671. Developing theory through integrating human and machine pattern recognition
  672. Multi-dimensional well-being associated with economic dependence on ecosystem services in deltaic social-ecological systems of Bangladesh
  673. Architecture and Security of SCADA Systems: A Review
  674. Black-box control for linear dynamical systems
  675. Biologically Inspired Visual System Architecture for Object Recognition in Autonomous Systems
  676. Exploring the influential factors of continuance intention to use mobile Apps: Extending the expectation confirmation model
  677. Security modelling and formal verification of survivability properties: Application to cyber–physical systems
  678. Influence function based data poisoning attacks to top-n recommender systems
  679. Memory-based continuous event-triggered control for networked TS fuzzy systems against cyber-attacks
  680. Rational Mutual Interactions in Ternary Systems Enable High‐Performance Organic Solar Cells
  681. Augmenting the algorithm: Emerging human-in-the-loop work configurations
  682. Information radiation in BCFT models of black holes
  683. Learning to localize: A 3D CNN approach to user positioning in massive MIMO-OFDM systems
  684. Anesthetic management using multiple closed-loop systems and delayed neurocognitive recovery: a randomized controlled trial
  685. Many Exciplex Systems Exhibit Organic Long‐Persistent Luminescence
  686. Identification and categorization of factors affecting duration of post-disaster reconstruction of interdependent transportation systems
  687. Singularity-free fixed-time fuzzy control for robotic systems with user-defined performance
  688. Integration of digital twin and deep learning in cyber‐physical systems: towards smart manufacturing
  689. HRM systems and employee affective commitment: the role of employee gender
  690. Resilience for smart water systems
  691. Architectural Models Enabled Dynamic Optimization for System-of-Systems Evolution
  692. An effective method of systems requirement optimization based on genetic algorithms
  693. Monitoring of farm-level antimicrobial use to guide stewardship: overview of existing systems and analysis of key components and processes
  694. Using a ‘rich picture’to facilitate systems thinking in research coproduction
  695. Deep reinforcement learning for the real time control of stormwater systems
  696. Systems-based strategies to consider treatment costs in clinical practice
  697. Vibrational mono-/bi-resonance and wave propagation in FitzHugh–Nagumo neural systems under electromagnetic induction
  698. Digital twins in smart farming
  699. Improved depth resolution and depth-of-field in temporal integral imaging systems through non-uniform and curved time-lens array
  700. A blockchain use case in food distribution: Do you know where your food has been?
  701. Determinants of cloud ERP adoption in Jordan: an exploratory study
  702. The progress of multi-omics technologies: determining function in lactic acid bacteria using a systems level approach
  703. Towards high performance living manufacturing systems-A new convergence between biology and engineering
  704. Enterprise architecture implementation as interpersonal connection: Building support and commitment
  705. Political communication on social media: A tale of hyperactive users and bias in recommender systems
  706. PEtab—Interoperable specification of parameter estimation problems in systems biology
  707. Architecting business process maps
  708. An elliptic curve cryptography based enhanced anonymous authentication protocol for wearable health monitoring systems
  709. Highly-scalable traffic management of autonomous industrial transportation systems
  710. Healthcare informatics and analytics in big data
  711. Real-time incident prediction for online service systems
  712. IoT-based smart irrigation systems: An overview on the recent trends on sensors and IoT systems for irrigation in precision agriculture
  713. Fault-tolerant GNSS/SINS/DVL/CNS integrated navigation and positioning mechanism based on adaptive information sharing factors
  714. Criticality evaluation to support maintenance management of manufacturing systems
  715. Metamodelling in the information field
  716. A Study of Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measurements in Physical Life-Log Activities Detection Systems
  717. Coronavirus infections reported by ProMED, february 2000–january 2020
  718. Digital healthcare: The only solution for better healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic?
  719. Putting Teacher Evaluation Systems on the Map: An Overview of State’s Teacher Evaluation Systems Post-Every Student Succeeds Act.
  720. The role of surrogate models in the development of digital twins of dynamic systems
  721. Investigating potential factors associated with gender discrimination in collaborative recommender systems
  722. New results on stabilization analysis for fuzzy semi-Markov jump chaotic systems with state quantized sampled-data controller
  723. Detecting semantic bugs in autopilot software by classifying anomalous variables
  724. Probabilistic framework to evaluate the resilience of engineering systems using Bayesian and dynamic Bayesian networks
  725. Blockchain and machine learning for communications and networking systems
  726. Advancing remote healthcare using humanoid and affective systems
  727. Memory-event-trigger-based secure control of cloud-aided active suspension systems against deception attacks
  728. Pollution potential and causative hydrogeochemical processes in unconfined aquifer systems in a typical urban setting: emphasis on recharge and discharge …
  729. Data impact analysis in business processes
  730. Coherence of accounting systems: transcendence of content and immunity of purpose
  731. Sensor technologies for fall detection systems: A review
  732. The combination of e-bike-sharing and demand-responsive transport systems in rural areas: A case study of Velenje
  733. Convexified contextual optimization for on-the-fly control of smooth systems
  734. Low-complexity channel estimation for circular and noncircular signals in virtual MIMO vehicle communication systems
  735. Bipartite consensus for networked robotic systems with quantized-data interactions
  736. Recursive parameter estimation methods and convergence analysis for a special class of nonlinear systems
  737. L₁ control of positive semi-Markov jump systems with state delay
  738. Brief survey on attack detection methods for cyber-physical systems
  739. Information disclosure structure in supply chains with rental service platforms in the blockchain technology era
  740. Extracting maritime traffic networks from AIS data using evolutionary algorithm
  741. A time and energy saving-based frame adjustment strategy (TES-FAS) tag identification algorithm for UHF RFID systems
  742. Automated systems for perioperative goal-directed hemodynamic therapy
  743. Optimal estimation of low-rank factors via feature level data fusion of multiplex signal systems
  744. The impact of COVID‐19 on food systems, safety, and security—a symposium report
  745. Policy-driven neural response generation for knowledge-grounded dialogue systems
  746. Event-based fault-tolerant control for networked control systems applied to aircraft engine system
  747. Cyberphysical systems in the smart city: challenges and future trends for strategic research
  748. High-power portable terahertz laser systems
  749. Flourishing Systems Re-envisioning Infrastructure as a Platform for Human Flourishing
  750. Event-triggered adaptive fuzzy control for stochastic nonlinear systems with unmeasured states and unknown backlash-like hysteresis
  751. Self-testing of quantum systems: a review
  752. Synthesizing Systems Biology Knowledge from Omics Using Genome‐Scale Models
  753. Effective construction of classifiers with the k-NN method supported by a concept ontology
  754. Towards a framework for capturing interpretability of hierarchical fuzzy systems-a participatory design approach
  755. Trade-offs in online advertising: Advertising effectiveness and annoyance dynamics across the purchase funnel
  756. Factors propelling the adoption of internet banking: the role of e-customer service, website design, brand image and customer satisfaction
  757. MAPCAST: an Adaptive Control Approach using Predictive Analytics for Energy Balance in Micro-Grid Systems
  758. Scalable reinforcement learning of localized policies for multi-agent networked systems
  759. Spatial sparsity based secure transmission strategy for massive MIMO systems against simultaneous jamming and eavesdropping
  760. Clustering-aided multi-view classification: A case study on Android malware detection
  761. Analyzing situational awareness through public opinion to predict adoption of social distancing amid pandemic COVID‐19
  762. Amino acids in freshwater food webs: Assessing their variability among taxa, trophic levels, and systems
  763. How Incidental are the Incidents? Characterizing and Prioritizing Incidents for Large-Scale Online Service Systems
  764. Integration of building service systems in architectural design.
  765. Detailed Assessment of Embodied Carbon of HVAC Systems for a New Office Building Based on BIM
  766. A risk perception analysis on the use of electronic payment systems by young adult
  767. Exploring the critical challenges and factors influencing the E-learning system usage during COVID-19 pandemic
  768. Improving the performance of process discovery algorithms by instance selection
  769. 3D digital impression systems compared with traditional techniques in dentistry: A recent data systematic review
  770. Information technology law
  771. Combating COVID-19—The role of robotics in managing public health and infectious diseases
  772. A survey on filtering issues for two-dimensional systems: Advances and challenges
  773. Performance evaluation for manufacturing systems under control-limit maintenance policy
  774. 6G and beyond: The future of wireless communications systems
  775. Models for the development of multi-level gas supply systems
  776. Security control of cyber-physical switched systems under round-robin protocol: input-to-state stability in probability
  777. A compilation of UAV applications for precision agriculture
  778. Hybrid Reciprocal Recommender Systems: Integrating Item-to-User Principles in Reciprocal Recommendation
  779. The need to reconcile concepts that characterize systems facing threats
  780. Torque and rotational speed sensor based on resistance and capacitive grating for rotational shaft of mechanical systems
  781. The Digital Twin Paradigm for Smarter Systems and Environments: The Industry Use Cases
  782. Big data and business analytics: A research agenda for realizing business value
  783. Extended dissipativity asynchronous static output feedback control of Markov jump systems
  784. Markov blankets, information geometry and stochastic thermodynamics
  785. Football-specific validity of TRACAB’s optical video tracking systems
  786. An approach based on mutually informed neural networks to optimize the generalization capabilities of decision support systems developed for heart failure prediction
  787. Performance limits for fingerprinting-based indoor optical communication positioning systems exploiting multipath reflections
  788. Akhmedjanov Karimjon Normative and methodological regulation of internal audit in the Republic of Uzbekistan
  789. Disturbance-observer based consensus of linear multi-agent systems with exogenous disturbance under intermittent communication
  790. LIMITS: Lightweight machine learning for IoT systems with resource limitations
  791. Network device workload prediction: A data mining challenge at knowledge pit
  792. Performance optimization of IoT based biological systems using deep learning
  793. Spatial-temporal data-driven service recommendation with privacy-preservation
  794. Stochastic Transceiver Optimization in Multi-Tags Symbiotic Radio Systems
  795. Industrial cyber-physical systems-based cloud IoT edge for federated heterogeneous distillation
  796. Industry 4.0 and the human factor–A systems framework and analysis methodology for successful development
  797. Intelligent traffic control for autonomous vehicle systems based on machine learning
  798. Dynamic pilot allocation scheme for joint user grouping and alliance game in massive MIMO systems
  799. Comparing rapid scoring systems in mortality prediction of critically ill patients with novel coronavirus disease
  800. Innovative IT use and innovating with IT: A study of the motivational antecedents of two different types of innovative behaviors
  801. Joint multi-innovation recursive extended least squares parameter and state estimation for a class of state-space systems
  802. Achievable rate optimization for MIMO systems with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
  803. Principles and practice of management
  804. Probing effective wetting in subsurface systems
  805. Structural Systems Theory: an overview of the last 15 years
  806. Multidisciplinary and multifidelity framework for evaluating system-of-systems capabilities of unmanned aircraft
  807. CSI feedback overhead reduction for 5g massive mimo systems
  808. Channel estimation for extremely large-scale massive MIMO systems
  809. Learning systems: Managing uncertainty in the new normal of COVID-19
  810. Smart Collaborative Balancing for Dependable Network Components in Cyber-Physical Systems
  811. State Machine Fault Protection Architecture for Aerospace Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control
  812. Optimizing ontology alignment in vector space
  813. Intelligent and connected cyber-physical systems: A perspective from connected autonomous vehicles
  814. Do‐it‐yourself closed‐loop systems for people living with type 1 diabetes
  815. Development of a novel tool to support engagement with continuous glucose monitoring systems and optimize outcomes
  816. BLCS: Brain-like based distributed control security in cyber physical systems
  817. Speckle denoising techniques in imaging systems
  818. Secure transmission designs for NOMA systems against internal and external eavesdropping
  819. Memory-Efficient Learning of Stable Linear Dynamical Systems for Prediction and Control
  820. Learning paradigms for communication and computing technologies in IoT systems
  821. Thermodynamic uncertainty relation for general open quantum systems
  822. Big Data analytics and Computational Intelligence for Cyber–Physical Systems: Recent trends and state of the art applications
  823. Gait-based identification for elderly users in wearable healthcare systems
  824. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for …
  825. Cyber-Physical Systems and Reliability Issues
  826. Prediction of users’ professional profile in moocs only by utilising learners’ written texts
  827. A roadmap to integrate astrocytes into Systems Neuroscience
  828. COVID-19 and dengue, co-epidemics in Ecuador and other countries in Latin America: pushing strained health care systems over the edge
  829. Actual issues of electronic commerce development in the republic of Uzbekistan
  830. Thoughts on Using Systems Thinking to Develop Chemistry Students’ Professional Skills
  831. Omics in systems biology: Current progress and future outlook
  832. Robust beamforming design for intelligent reflecting surface aided MISO communication systems
  833. Automated License Plate Recognition using Existing University Infrastructure and Different Camera Angles
  834. Public budgeting systems
  835. Fuzzy adaptive finite-time fault-tolerant control for strict-feedback nonlinear systems
  836. Volt-VAR-Pressure Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems with Hydrogen Injection
  837. Tracking urban geo-topics based on dynamic topic model
  838. Detection of probe flow anomalies using information entropy and random forest method
  839. Exploring the rhetoric of international professional communication: An agenda for teachers and researchers
  840. A synergic framework for cyber-physical production systems in the context of Industry 4.0 and beyond
  841. Electronic medical record systems: Decision support examination framework for individual, security and privacy concerns using multi-perspective analysis
  842. Self-assembled extended π-systems for sensing and security applications
  843. River toxicity assessment using molecular biosensors: Heavy metal contamination in the Turag-Balu-Buriganga river systems, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  844. A novel adaptive fuzzy control for output constrained stochastic non-strict feedback nonlinear systems
  845. Assessment Modeling: Fundamental Pre-training Tasks for Interactive Educational Systems
  846. Fault detection for uncertain LPV systems using probabilistic set-membership parity relation
  847. Information scrambling and loschmidt echo
  848. Event-triggered fuzzy bipartite tracking control for network systems based on distributed reduced-order observers (revised manuscript of TFS-2019-1049)
  849. Students’ use of learning management systems and desired e-learning experiences: are they ready for next generation digital learning environments?
  850. Theoretical and experimental possibilities to set up some sensors systems involved in active safety process
  851. Hyperparameter optimization in CNN for learning-centered emotion recognition for intelligent tutoring systems
  852. Diet: Lightweight language understanding for dialogue systems
  853. Clarify the physical process for fractional dynamical systems
  854. Enterprise system lifecycle-wide innovation
  855. Coverage, probability of SNR gain, and DOR analysis of RIS-aided communication systems
  856. Gradient estimation algorithms for the parameter identification of bilinear systems using the auxiliary model
  857. Neurobiology of systems memory consolidation
  858. Use of apps in the COVID-19 response and the loss of privacy protection
  859. Using the Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model to describe critical care nursing during the SARS‐CoV‐2 pandemic (2020)
  860. Semantics of the Black-Box: Can knowledge graphs help make deep learning systems more interpretable and explainable?
  861. Robust finite-time fault-tolerant control for networked control systems with random delays: A Markovian jump system approach
  862. Quantifying the impacts of climate change and extreme climate events on energy systems
  863. Helping university students to choose elective courses by using a hybrid multi-criteria recommendation system with genetic optimization
  864. A prospect theory-based QUALIFLEX for uncertain linguistic Z-number multi-criteria decision-making with unknown weight information
  865. IBM Q Experience as a versatile experimental testbed for simulating open quantum systems
  866. From smart farming towards agriculture 5.0: A review on crop data management
  867. Optimal control in partially observable complex social systems
  868. Determinant Factors’ Impact on Managerial Performance through Management Accounting Systems in Indonesia
  869. Q (λ) learning-based dynamic route guidance algorithm for overhead hoist transport systems in semiconductor fabs
  870. On course, but not there yet: Enterprise architecture conformance and benefits in systems development
  871. Robust machine learning systems: Challenges, current trends, perspectives, and the road ahead
  872. TyDi QA: A Benchmark for Information-Seeking Question Answering in Typologically Diverse Languages
  873. Securing internet of medical things systems: limitations, issues and recommendations
  874. Bridging entanglement dynamics and chaos in semiclassical systems
  875. A survey of IoT applications in blockchain systems: Architecture, consensus, and traffic modeling
  876. Compositional cyber-physical systems modeling
  877. Photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems: similarities and differences
  878. Modelling net-zero emissions energy systems requires a change in approach
  879. Augmenting traffic signal control systems for urban road networks with connected vehicles

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