Computational statistics Research Topics for MS PhD

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Computational statistics Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree

I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Computational statistics that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.

  1.  Service data analytics and business intelligence 2017
  2. A new computational approach for estimation of the Gini index based on grouped data
  3. The odd log-logistic Lindley-G family of distributions: properties, Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation with applications
  4. The 2016 Data Challenge of the American Statistical Association
  5. Algorithm for error-free determination of the variance of all contiguous subsequences and fixed-length contiguous subsequences for a sequence of industrial …
  6. Zero‐inflated modeling part I: Traditional zero‐inflated count regression models, their applications, and computational tools
  7. Spatial Analysis with R: Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods
  8. Teaching Computational Machine Learning (without Statistics)
  9. Spatial Analysis with R: Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods
  10. Preface: International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Sciences and Statistics 2020
  11. Reducibility and statistical-computational gaps from secret leakage
  12. Mixture cure rate models with neural network estimated nonparametric components
  13. GSDAR: a fast Newton algorithm for ℓ 0 regularized generalized linear models with statistical guarantee
  14. The unit-improved second-degree Lindley distribution: inference and regression modeling
  15. A Bayesian approach to estimate parameters of ordinary differential equation
  16. Moment-sos Hierarchy, The: Lectures In Probability, Statistics, Computational Geometry, Control And Nonlinear Pdes
  17. Linear models for multivariate repeated measures data with block exchangeable covariance structure
  18. R package for statistical inference in dynamical systems using kernel based gradient matching: KGode
  19. Use of the heuristic optimization in the parameter estimation of generalized gamma distribution: comparison of GA, DE, PSO and SA methods
  20. Feature screening based on distance correlation for ultrahigh-dimensional censored data with covariate measurement error
  21. Bi-level variable selection in semiparametric transformation models with right-censored data
  22. Contributions to computational Bayesian statistics
  23. Semiparametric quantile regression using family of quantile-based asymmetric densities
  24. Interpolation of daily rainfall data using censored Bayesian spatially varying model
  25. Two generalized nonparametric methods for estimating like densities
  26. Comprehensive world university ranking based on ranking aggregation
  27. Computational efficiency in continuous (and Discrete!) time models–Comment on Hecht and Zitzmann
  28. A new way for ranking functional data with applications in diagnostic test
  29. Joint analysis of semicontinuous data with latent variables
  30. A Bayesian quantile regression approach to multivariate semi-continuous longitudinal data
  31. Optimal imputation of the missing data using multi auxiliary information
  32. Comparison among simultaneous confidence regions for nonlinear diffusion models
  33. Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data using ARMA Cholesky and hypersphere decompositions
  34. Analysis of drowsy driving: exploring subpopulation risk with weighted contingency table tools
  35. Variable selection in high-dimensional linear model with possibly asymmetric errors
  36. Recent advances in hyperspectral imaging for melanoma detection
  37. Estimation and prediction of a generalized mixed-effects model with t-process for longitudinal correlated binary data
  38. A time series model based on dependent zero inflated counting series
  39. Bayesian inference of nonlinear hysteretic integer-valued GARCH models for disease counts
  40. Robust estimation and variable selection in heteroscedastic regression model using least favorable distribution
  41. Objective Bayesian analysis for generalized exponential stress–strength model
  42. A beyond multiple robust approach for missing response problem
  43. Efficient and robust estimation of regression and scale parameters, with outlier detection
  44. Goodness-of-fit testing of survival models in the presence of Type–II right censoring
  45. Approximate computation of projection depths
  46. Topics in computational statistics
  47. Genome‐wide prediction of chromatin accessibility based on gene expression
  48. Bayesian multiple changepoints detection for Markov jump processes
  49. Asymmetric vector moving average models: estimation and testing
  50. Modified empirical likelihood-based confidence intervals for data containing many zero observations
  51. Modelling dependency effect to extreme value distributions with application to extreme wind speed at Port Elizabeth, South Africa: a frequentist and Bayesian …
  52. A scalable Bayesian nonparametric model for large spatio-temporal data
  53. A stationary bootstrap test about two mean vectors comparison with somewhat dense differences and fewer sample size than dimension
  54. Estimation of parameters of logistic regression for two-stage randomized response technique
  55. Latent association graph inference for binary transaction data
  56. Spectral clustering-based community detection using graph distance and node attributes
  57. Estimation of a CIR process with jumps using a closed form approximation likelihood under a strong approximation of order 1
  58. Ultra-high dimensional variable screening via Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization
  59. Estimating the number of clusters via a corrected clustering instability
  60. Semiparametric model of mean residual life with biased sampling data
  61. Computational models of the human visual cortex: on individual differences and ecologically valid input statistics
  62. On the empirical estimator of the boundary in inverse first-exit problems
  63. A review of approximate Bayesian computation methods via density estimation: Inference for simulator‐models
  64. On consistency of the monotone NPMLE of survival function under the mixed case interval-censored model with left truncation
  65. Regression analysis of asynchronous longitudinal data with informative observation processes
  66. Transformation mixture modeling for skewed data groups with heavy tails and scatter
  67. Near G-optimal Tchakaloff designs
  68. Decomposition of the Gini index by income source for aggregated data and its applications
  69. Distributed subdata selection for big data via sampling-based approach
  70. Variational approximation for importance sampling
  71. Bayesian Multiple Change-Points Detection in a Normal Model with Heterogeneous Variances
  72. Smooth backfitting for errors-in-variables varying coefficient regression models
  73. Modeling and Measuring High School Students’ Computational Thinking Practices in Science
  74. Some Computational Issues Related to Common Clustering Techniques
  75. Statistical inference for Markov chains with applications to credit risk
  76. Adaptive method for indirect identification of the statistical properties of random fields in a Bayesian framework
  77. Outlier detection under a covariate-adjusted exponential regression model with censored data
  78. Automatic identification of curve shapes with applications to ultrasonic vocalization
  79. 30 Years of space–time covariance functions
  80. Linearly preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient acceleration of the PX-EM algorithm
  81. Sequential fixed-accuracy confidence intervals for the stress–strength reliability parameter for the exponential distribution: two-stage sampling procedure
  82. Multiple imputation and functional methods in the presence of measurement error and missingness in explanatory variables
  83. Greedy clustering of count data through a mixture of multinomial PCA
  84. A partitioned quasi-likelihood for distributed statistical inference
  85. A review of second‐order blind identification methods
  87. Computational Methods for Hierarchical Spatial Models and Ice Sheet Model Calibration
  88. Bayesian variable selection in non-homogeneous hidden Markov models through an evolutionary Monte Carlo method
  89. Tensor clustering with planted structures: Statistical optimality and computational limits
  90. Sampling James R. Thompson’s inspired nonparametric portfolio approaches
  91. Online updating method to correct for measurement error in big data streams
  92. Tuning-free ridge estimators for high-dimensional generalized linear models
  93. Animal movement models for multiple individuals
  94. Conditional score matching for high-dimensional partial graphical models
  95. SIMEX estimation in parametric modal regression with measurement error
  96. Computational Modeling of the Effects of the Science Writing Heuristic on Student Critical Thinking in Science Using Machine Learning
  97. Clustering multivariate functional data in group-specific functional subspaces
  98. An adapted vector autoregressive expectation maximization imputation algorithm for climate data networks
  99. Hierarchical inference for genome-wide association studies: a view on methodology with software
  100. Multiscalar genetic pathway modeling with hybrid Bayesian networks
  101. Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian neural networks in classification: Application to biomedical image segmentation
  102. Publishing computational research-a review of infrastructures for reproducible and transparent scholarly communication
  103. Dsuite‐fast D‐statistics and related admixture evidence from VCF files
  104. An improvement on the efficiency of complete-case-analysis with nonignorable missing covariate data
  105. Parallel cross-validation: A scalable fitting method for Gaussian process models
  106. Modelling rankings in R: The PlackettLuce package
  107. Computational and Statistical Methodology for Highly Structured Data
  108. Second International Conference on Networks and Advances in Computational Technologies: NetACT 19
  109. Gut-host crosstalk: methodological and computational challenges
  110. Statistical and Computational Rates in Graph Logistic Regression
  111. A semi-parametric estimation method for the quantile spectrum with an application to earthquake classification using convolutional neural network
  112. How computational modeling can force theory building in psychological science
  113. A benchmark for particle-laden turbulent duct flow: A joint computational and experimental study
  114. Why BDeu? Regular Bayesian network structure learning with discrete and continuous variables
  115. Computational Thinking and Inferential Thinking
  116. State of the Field in Multi-Omics Research: From Computational Needs to Data Mining and Sharing
  117. Visual Analytics for Hypothesis-Driven Exploration in Computational Pathology
  118. Computational Thinking among High School Students
  119. Quantum computational advantage using photons
  120. Geometric deep learning for computational mechanics Part I: Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
  121. Two-sample test in high dimensions through random selection
  123. Separating variables to accelerate non-convex regularized optimization
  124. Information Theory in Computational Biology: Where We Stand Today
  125. Predicting the impact of particle-particle collisions on turbophoresis with a reduced number of computational particles
  127. Text as big data: Develop codes of practice for rigorous computational text analysis in energy social science
  128. Special Issue on Benchmarking of Computational Intelligence Algorithms in the Applied Soft Computing Journal
  129. Nonuniversal entanglement level statistics in projection-driven quantum circuits
  130. Computational Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Maritime Operations
  131. Using tours to visually investigate properties of new projection pursuit indexes with application to problems in physics
  132. Economic design of memory-type control charts: The fallacy of the formula proposed by Lorenzen and Vance (1986)
  133. Data-driven computational social science: A survey
  134. Assessing the Economic Impact of Lockdowns in Italy: A Computational Input-Output Approach
  135. Data-Driven Computational Neuroscience: Machine Learning and Statistical Models
  136. Computational ghost imaging with discrete stochastic sources
  137. Fixed design local polynomial smoothing and bandwidth selection for right censored data
  138. A deep facial recognition system using computational intelligent algorithms
  139. Formulating the history matching problem with consistent error statistics
  140. Memory as a Computational Resource
  141. Mixture of linear experts model for censored data: A novel approach with scale-mixture of normal distributions
  142. Using the Gini coefficient to characterize the shape of computational chemistry error distributions
  143. Revisiting Bruges: Investigating the Importance of Tourist Crowding Perception in the Visitor Experience Through Computational Text Analysis
  144. Zero‐inflated modeling part II: Zero‐inflated models for complex data structures
  145. High-dimensional two-sample mean vectors test and support recovery with factor adjustment
  146. Application of computational topology to analysis of granular material force networks in the stick-slip regime.
  147. A Linear Mixed Model Formulation for Spatio-Temporal Random Processes with Computational Advances for the Separable and Product-Sum Covariances
  148. Indicator Saturation in Autoregressive Model using gets in R: A Computational Simulation and Empirical Evidence in Shariah Compliant Index
  149. Construction of various regular computational grids for addressing the tasks of fluid location of the atmosphere
  150. A survey on computational models for predicting protein–protein interactions
  151. # SocialWorkEducation: A Computational Analysis of Social Work Programs on Twitter
  152. Computational studies
  153. Trust but Verify: How to Leverage Policies, Workflows, and Infrastructure to Ensure Computational Reproducibility in Publication
  154. Computational analyses of non-canonical architectural and structural features associated with a alternative splicing
  155. Synthesis, anticancer, and computational studies of 1, 3, 4‐oxadiazole‐purine derivatives
  156. Biostatistics and/or computational biology in precision medicine and systems pharmacology
  157. Sparse principal component based high-dimensional mediation analysis
  158. Bayesian Computational Methods of the Logistic Regression Model
  159. Variable selection for generalized odds rate mixture cure models with interval-censored failure time data
  160. The computational limits of deep learning
  161. Proceedings of the 17th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
  162. The learning value of game design activities: association between computational thinking and cognitive skills
  163. Computational Simulation Modeling
  164. Computational intelligence model for estimating intensity of blast-induced ground vibration in a mine based on imperialist competitive and extreme gradient boosting …
  165. Advances in statistical modeling of spatial extremes
  166. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research
  167. Benchmark for filter methods for feature selection in high-dimensional classification data
  168. Dissecting the links between reward and loss, decision-making, and self-reported affect using a computational approach
  169. Hybrid computational intelligence models for improvement gully erosion assessment
  170. Variational Bayes Neural Network: Posterior Consistency, Classification Accuracy and Computational Challenges
  171. Clusterwise functional linear regression models
  172. A review of supportive computational approaches for neurological disorder identification
  173. A computational method for detection of ligand-binding proteins from dose range thermal proteome profiles
  174. A Case Study on How Children Develop Computational Thinking Collaboratively with Robotics Toys
  175. A Comparative Study of Computational Methods for Wave-Induced Motions and Loads
  176. Estimation of the additive hazards model with case K interval-censored failure time data in the presence of informative censoring
  177. An online calculator for the prediction of survival in glioblastoma patients using classical statistics and machine learning
  178. Some goodness-of-fit tests for the Poisson distribution with applications in Biodosimetry
  179. Model-free two-sample test for network-valued data
  180. A Computational Study of Interaction of Main Channel and Floodplain: Open Channel Flows
  181. Applications of the Fokker-Planck Equation in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
  182. Multiplicative bias correction for asymmetric kernel density estimators revisited
  183. A computational tool (H-MAGMA) for improved prediction of brain-disorder risk genes by incorporating brain chromatin interaction profiles
  184. Functional linear regression model with randomly censored data: Predicting conversion time to Alzheimer’s disease
  185. Everything as an Algorithm~ Computational Analysis and Model for Space/Time Complexity
  186. Coronary artery heart disease prediction: a comparative study of computational intelligence techniques
  187. Computational insights into multivalently binding polymers
  188. Principal component analysis using frequency components of multivariate time series
  189. Integrated computational intelligent paradigm for nonlinear electric circuit models using neural networks, genetic algorithms and sequential quadratic programming
  190. The consequences of robotics programming education on computational thinking skills: An intervention of the Young Engineer’s Workshop (YEW)
  191. Performance analysis of a water ejector using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and mathematical modeling
  192. FunCC: A new bi-clustering algorithm for functional data with misalignment
  193. Implementing the branch-and-cut approach for a general purpose Benders’ decomposition framework-Computational results
  194. Computational Study of Dipole Radiation in Re-absorbing Perovskite Semiconductors for Optoelectronics
  195. Huber-type principal expectile component analysis
  196. Visualization of Brain Statistics With R Packages ggseg and ggseg3d
  197. A theory of usable information under computational constraints
  198. Optimizing helmet pad placement using computational predicted injury pattern to reduce mild traumatic brain injury
  199. Degrees of freedom and model selection for k-means clustering
  200. Computational Thinking and Creativity: A Test for Interdependency
  201. Computational methods to design biophysical experiments for the study of protein dynamics
  202. Foundations of Computational Finance
  203. On the open-source landscape of PLOS Computational Biology
  204. Some Computational Aspects of Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Skew-t Distribution
  205. Mapping Social Distress: A Computational Approach to Spatiotemporal Distribution of Anxiety
  206. Structured Computational Modeling of Human Visual System for No-reference Image Quality Assessment
  207. Sum of Kronecker products representation and its Cholesky factorization for spatial covariance matrices from large grids
  208. Computational Performance Predictions for Deep Neural Network Training: A Runtime-Based Approach
  209. At the Interface of Personality Psychology and Computational Science
  210. Augmented quasi-sudoku designs in field trials
  211. A Log-Based Analysis of the Associations Between Creativity and Computational Thinking
  212. Computation of the expected value of a function of a chi-distributed random variable
  213. Generating Social Environment for Agent-Based Models of Computational Economy
  214. EUROVOLC Virtual Access to computational tools at INGV Pisa
  215. Level of Computational ThinkingLevel of Computational Thinking Skills among Secondary Science Student: Variation across Gender and Mathematics Achievement …
  216. Snowmass2021-Letter of Interest Scientific AI Approaches in Computational Cosmology
  217. Robust tests for time series comparison based on Laplace periodograms
  218. Analysis of Exertion with Relative Grading Mechanism in Academics Using Computational Technique
  219. Improved computational analysis of ribosome dynamics from 5′ P degradome data using Fivepseq
  220. Computational methods for single-cell RNA sequencing
  221. Joint generalized estimating equations for longitudinal binary data
  222. A survey on computational metaphor processing
  223. Penalised maximum likelihood estimation in multi-state models for interval-censored data
  224. Improving neurocognitive testing using computational psychiatry—A systematic review for ADHD.
  225. Computational thinking test for beginners: Design and content validation
  226. MM algorithms for distance covariance based sufficient dimension reduction and sufficient variable selection
  227. Developing Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking Skills Using Unplugged Computing Activities
  228. A computational pipeline to identify complex disease signals in whole exome sequencing data
  229. Hybrid computational intelligence methods for landslide susceptibility mapping
  230. Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy: Mathematical theory, computational challenges, and opportunities
  231. Computational Modeling
  232. A nested copula duration model for competing risks with multiple spells
  233. Progress on Homogeneous Ruthenium Complexes for Water Oxidation Catalysis: Experimental and Computational Insights
  234. SymPKF: a symbolic and computational toolbox for the design of univariate parametric Kalman filter dynamics
  235. Computational Investigation of Role of Platelets In Cancer Metastasis
  236. Noise Pattern Recognition in Oceanic Environment Using Statistical Characterization of Oceanic Noise in Deep Sea: A Computational Design Approach
  237. Computational Sleep Behaviour Analysis and Application
  238. Machine-learning-assisted high-throughput computational screening of high performance metal–organic frameworks
  239. High-throughput computational screening for solid-state Li-ion conductors
  240. LDlinkR: an R package for rapidly calculating linkage disequilibrium statistics in diverse populations
  241. Review of advanced computational approaches on multiple sclerosis segmentation and classification
  242. Efficient inference for stochastic differential mixed-effects models using correlated particle pseudo-marginal algorithms
  243. Computational tools for the spectroscopic analysis of white dwarfs
  244. Fixed-time descriptive statistics underestimate extremes of epidemic curve ensembles
  245. Designing and analyzing new early stopping rules for saving computational resources
  246. Assessment Estimation Modeling of the Midpoint Coefficient for Imprecise Data
  247. A self-calibrated direct approach to precision matrix estimation and linear discriminant analysis in high dimensions
  248. Computational analysis of water based Cu – Al2O3/H2O flow over a vertical wedge
  249. Some computational considerations for kernel-based support vector machine
  250. Nuclear de novo thymidylate biosynthesis complex formation and computational modeling
  251. Navigating the Minefield of Computational Toxicology and Informatics: Looking Back and Charting a New Horizon
  252. A multilayer exponential random graph modelling approach for weighted networks
  253. Comparative computational analysis of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein epitopes in taxonomically related coronaviruses
  254. Comparison of microbiome samples: methods and computational challenges
  255. Partition-based feature screening for categorical data via RKHS embeddings
  256. Generalized kernel-based inverse regression methods for sufficient dimension reduction
  257. Computational design of transmembrane pores
  258. A two-piece normal measurement error model
  259. A New Unified Computational Approach to Intelligent Constructing Shortest-Length or Equal Tails Confidence Intervals under Parametric Uncertainty
  260. Dynamical and computational mechanisms of biological and artificial neural circuits
  261. Testing conditional mean through regression model sequence using Yanai’s generalized coefficient of determination
  262. Learning from reproducing computational results: introducing three principles and the Reproduction Package
  263. Automated computational detection of interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomerulosclerosis
  264. Investigation of particle dynamics and classification mechanism in a spiral jet mill through computational fluid dynamics and discrete element methods
  265. Data-driven model checking for errors-in-variables varying-coefficient models with replicate measurements
  266. Numerosity discrimination in deep neural networks: Initial competence, developmental refinement and experience statistics
  267. Computational Approaches in Drug Development and Phytocompound Analysis
  268. A Computational Approach to Understand the Interactions Stabilizing the Aβ1-42 Oligomers
  269. A nonparametric empirical Bayes approach to large-scale multivariate regression
  270. Evaluating multiplicative error models: A residual-based approach
  271. An overview of mixture modelling for latent evolutions in longitudinal data: Modelling approaches, fit statistics and software
  272. A Computational Approach to Sequential Decision Optimization in Energy Storage and Trading
  273. Joint model-free feature screening for ultra-high dimensional semi-competing risks data
  274. A robust solution of a statistical inverse problem in multiscale computational mechanics using an artificial neural network
  275. Feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional categorical data with covariates missing at random
  276. Physics-based computational and theoretical approaches to intrinsically disordered proteins
  277. Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models
  278. Estimation of the ROC curve from the Lehmann family
  279. Advanced algorithms for penalized quantile and composite quantile regression
  280. Fairness in deep learning: A computational perspective
  281. Accuracy and Computational Stability of Tensorally-Correct Subgrid Stress and Scalar Flux Representations in Autonomic Closure of LES
  282. A novel ensemble computational intelligence approach for the spatial prediction of land subsidence susceptibility
  283. Computational and Numerical Modeling for Classification of Water Quality of Lake
  284. Computational fluid dynamics model of two-phase heavy oil and air flow in a horizontal pipe
  285. Estimating computational limits on theoretical descriptions of biological cells
  286. The potential for complex computational models of aging
  287. The Contribution of Open Educational Robotics Competition to Support STEM Education and the Development of Computational Thinking Skills
  288. Managing computational complexity using surrogate models: a critical review
  289. Mathematical statistics with applications in R
  290. Text Mining for Processing Interview Data in Computational Social Science
  291. Computational network biology: data, models, and applications
  292. A Computational Analysis of Real-World DJ Mixes using Mix-To-Track Subsequence Alignment
  293. A Transcriptomically Guided Computational Quantification of the SRR8671434 RNA Sequence
  294. Robust boosting for regression problems
  295. Solvation at metal/water interfaces: An ab initio molecular dynamics benchmark of common computational approaches
  296. Corrigendum to Deep into that darkness peering: A computational analysis of the role of depression in Edgar Allan Poe’s life and death.(Journal of Affective Disorders …
  297. A Bayesian mixture model for clustering circular data
  298. Three Essays in Inference and Computational Problems in Econometrics
  299. Fibrillar collagen quantification with curvelet transform based computational methods
  300. An optimal statistical and computational framework for generalized tensor estimation
  301. Moments of order statistics from DNID discrete random variables with application in reliability
  302. Nonparametric wavelet Quantile density estimations based on biased data
  303. a Novel Computational Platform for the Propagation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties Through the Fuel Cycle Code Anicca
  304. Ergonomists as designers: computational modelling and simulation of complex socio-technical systems
  305. Computational analysis of morphological and molecular features in gastric cancer tissues
  306. Efficient computation of the stochastic behavior of partial sum processes
  307. Impact of the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Special Issue on Women in Computational Chemistry
  308. Automated emotion recognition based on higher order statistics and deep learning algorithm
  309. Computational Probabilistic Analysis and Transformation Method in the Earth Remote Research
  310. Robustness of linear mixed‐effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
  311. Parameter and Mixture Component Estimation in Spatial Hidden Markov Models: A Comparative Analysis of Computational Methods
  312. From Prescriptive to Predictive: an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Future of Computational Chemistry
  313. Computational modeling of protein conformational change and molecular interactions
  314. OpenChem: A Deep Learning Toolkit for Computational Chemistry and Drug Design
  315. Examining Teacher Perspectives on Computational Thinking in K-12 Classrooms
  316. Engineering in medicine to address the challenge of cancer drug resistance: From micro-and nanotechnologies to computational and mathematical modeling
  317. Elaborated computational studies for Zn (II) and Sn (II) complexes, electro-synthesis, spectral, thermal and electrochemical analysis
  318. Targeted indication of imaging for detection of vesicoureteric reflux after pediatric febrile urinary tract infections based on a multiparametric computational tool
  319. Using integrated computational approaches to identify safe and rapid treatment for SARS-CoV-2
  320. Exploration of Acoustic and Lexical Cues for the INTERSPEECH 2020 Computational Paralinguistic Challenge
  321. A Computational Investigation of the Biomechanics for Platelets Aggregation
  322. Urban street network analysis in a computational notebook
  323. Attractive Educational Robotics Motivates Younger Students to Learn Programming and Computational Thinking
  324. The computational approaches of lncRNA identification based on coding potential: Status quo and challenges
  325. Targeted computational analysis of the C3HEB/FEJ mouse model for drug efficacy testing
  326. A high‐accurate content popularity prediction computational modeling for mobile edge computing using matrix completion technology
  327. Application of computational approaches to analyze metagenomic data
  328. Modelling and simulation of a motion cueing algorithm using prediction and computational intelligence techniques
  329. Computational Methods for Analysis of Large-Scale CRISPR Screens
  330. Computational studies of drug repurposing and synergism of lopinavir, oseltamivir and ritonavir binding with SARS-CoV-2 protease against COVID-19
  331. Theoretical and computational guarantees of mean field variational inference for community detection
  332. Greater decision uncertainty characterizes a transdiagnostic patient sample during approach-avoidance conflict: a computational modelling approach
  333. Metabolomics and multi-omics integration: a survey of computational methods and resources
  334. Seizures classification based on higher order statistics and deep neural network
  335. Gis-based gully erosion susceptibility mapping: A comparison of computational ensemble data mining models
  336. Investigation of the effect of cavity insertion in brick on heat transfer through using computational fluid dynamic simulation
  337. Computational data for: Photocatalytic Proton Reduction by a Computationally Identified, Molecular Hydrogen-Bonded Framework
  338. Analytical and computational studies of the queue
  339. A Systematic Review on Students’ Engagement in Classroom: Indicators Challenges and Computational Techniques
  340. PRISMS-Fatigue computational framework for fatigue analysis in polycrystalline metals and alloys
  341. Future smoking prevalence by socioeconomic status in England: a computational modelling study
  342. Mixed-precision deep learning based on computational memory
  343. V-pipe: a computational pipeline for assessing viral genetic diversity from high-throughput data
  344. The Computational Reconstruction of a Spherical Inclusion within a Cylindrical Geometry using Inverse Techniques
  345. Computational complexity of three-dimensional discrete tomography with missing data
  346. A Unified Computational and Theoretical Framework for High-Dimensional Bayesian Additive Models
  347. On semiparametric regression in functional data analysis
  348. Computational models that matter during a global pandemic outbreak: a call to action
  349. Establishment and service of user analysis environment related to computational science and engineering simulation platform
  350. Computational analysis of triboelectrification due to aerodynamic powder dispersion
  351. A reference-dependent computational model of anorexia nervosa
  352. Inferring time non-homogeneous Ornstein Uhlenbeck type stochastic process
  353. Computational fluid dynamics in the stented arteria femoralis superficialis
  354. Finding groups in structural equation modeling through the partial least squares algorithm
  355. Toward a quantitative understanding of cancer cell signaling: mathematical models, computational tools, applications, and beyond
  356. Computational prediction of protein–protein binding affinities
  357. Density functional theory computational study of [M∙Pro‐H]+ (M = Pb, Ba, or Pt) complexes in the gas phase
  358. Molecular docking, simulation and MM-PBSA studies of nigella sativa compounds: a computational quest to identify potential natural antiviral for COVID-19 treatment
  359. Differential Geometry and Lie Groups: A Computational Perspective
  360. Recent trends in computational Fluid Dynamics
  361. A slice tour for finding hollowness in high-dimensional data
  362. Bayesian clustering of skewed and multimodal data using geometric skewed normal distributions
  363. Accurate deep neural network inference using computational phase-change memory
  364. Comparative study for 8 computational intelligence algorithms for human identification
  365. A computational validation for nonparametric assessment of spatial trends
  366. Why Do We Need Computational Models of Psychological Change and Recovery, and How Should They Be Designed and Tested?
  367. Three-dimensional mesoscale computational modeling of soil-rock mixtures with concave particles
  368. Moroccan Medicinal plants as inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 main protease: Computational investigations
  369. SEIR modeling of the Italian epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 using computational swarm intelligence
  370. Fusing Nature with Computational Science for Optimal Signal Extraction
  371. Graphical modelling and partial characteristics for multitype and multivariate-marked spatio-temporal point processes
  372. Computational design, synthesis and evaluation of new sulphonamide derivatives targeting HIV-1 gp120
  373. Towards reproducible computational drug discovery
  374. An examination of citation-based impact of the computational biology conferences
  375. Global computational alignment of tumor and cell line transcriptional profiles
  376. Developing students computational thinking with a recursive polydisciplinary approach
  377. Micro‐persistence and difficulty in a game‐based learning environment for computational thinking acquisition
  378. Penalized regression and model selection methods for polygenic scores on summary statistics
  379. Computational Framework for Fracture Simulation of Concrete Structures until Failure
  380. Computational modelling of social cognition and behaviour—a reinforcement learning primer
  381. Subgroup causal effect identification and estimation via matching tree
  382. Developing young children’s computational thinking with educational robotics: An interaction effect between gender and scaffolding strategy
  383. A computational intelligence tool for the detection of hypertension using empirical mode decomposition
  384. Computational material flow analysis for thousands of chemicals of emerging concern in European waters
  385. Computational principles and practice for decoding immune contexture in the tumor microenvironment
  386. On rigorous computational and numerical solutions for the voltages of the electrified transmission range with the day yet distance
  388. The role of computational fluid dynamics tools on investigation of pathogen transmission: Prevention and control
  389. Understanding Oral Genomics Through Computational Analysis
  390. Optimization of computational intelligence models for landslide susceptibility evaluation
  391. Drug repurposing for opioid use disorders: integration of computational prediction, clinical corroboration, and mechanism of action analyses
  392. EvoEF2: accurate and fast energy function for computational protein design
  393. GIS-based evaluation of landslide susceptibility using hybrid computational intelligence models
  394. New trends in ensemble forecast strategy: uncertainty quantification for coarse-grid computational fluid dynamics
  395. Computational solutions of the HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T-cells fractional mathematical model that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with the effect …
  396. Computational design of enzymes for biotechnological applications
  397. Uncertainty quantification and propagation in computational materials science and simulation-assisted materials design
  398. Computational analysis of regulatory genes network pathways among devastating cancer diseases
  399. Submitted to Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal October 6, 2020
  400. Feature-driven local cell graph (FLocK): New computational pathology-based descriptors for prognosis of lung cancer and HPV status of oropharyngeal cancers
  401. Learning computational thinking without a computer: How computational participation happens in a computational thinking board game
  402. Computational Performance of the Parameters Estimation in Extreme Seeking Entropy Algorithm
  403. K-12 teacher computer science education: computational thinking curriculum centered around data science
  404. The unstoppable rise of computational linguistics in deep learning
  405. TechCheck: Development and Validation of an Unplugged Assessment of Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education
  406. Computational screening of molecules approved in phase-i clinical trials to identify 3CL protease inhibitors to treat COVID-19
  407. Insights to perfluorooctanoic acid adsorption micro-mechanism over Fe-based metal organic frameworks: Combining computational calculation with response surface …
  408. An efficient computational approach for a fractional-order biological population model with carrying capacity
  409. Computational studies of membrane proteins: Structure, function and dynamics
  410. Ten simple rules for navigating the computational aspect of an interdisciplinary PhD
  411. A piRNA regulation landscape in C. elegans and a computational model to predict gene functions
  412. Real-time forecasting of epidemic trajectories using computational dynamic ensembles
  413. Measuring teacher beliefs about coding and computational thinking
  414. Algorithms for heavy-tailed statistics: Regression, covariance estimation, and beyond
  416. Improving the computational efficiency of first arrival time uncertainty estimation using a connectivity-based ranking Monte Carlo method
  417. Quantum state optimization and computational pathway evaluation for gate-model quantum computers
  418. Rothman–Woodroofe symmetry test statistic revisited
  419. Robust Wald-type methods for testing equality between two populations regression parameters: A comparative study under the logistic model
  420. Seeded Binary Segmentation: A general methodology for fast and optimal change point detection
  421. A class of conjugate priors for multinomial probit models which includes the multivariate normal one
  422. Computational Modeling of Biofilm Formation and Corrosion Processes on Steel Surfaces
  423. Computational Models of Defect Clustering for Tethered Bilayer Membranes
  424. Hybrid method based on neural networks and Monte Carlo simulation in view of a tradeoff between accuracy and computational time
  425. Computational based on GUI MATLAB for back propagation method in detecting climate change: case study of mataram city
  426. Computational methods for detecting cancer hotspots
  427. A computational approach to design potential siRNA molecules as a prospective tool for silencing nucleocapsid phosphoprotein and surface glycoprotein …
  428. Computational investigation of geometrical effects in 2D boron nitride nanopores for DNA detection
  429. Cardelino: computational integration of somatic clonal substructure and single-cell transcriptomes
  430. Computational meta-analysis of ribosomal RNA fragments: potential targets and interaction mechanisms
  431. Computational phase transitions in sparse planted problems?
  432. Link-based survival additive models under mixed censoring to assess risks of hospital-acquired infections
  433. A mapping-based universal Kriging model for order-of-addition experiments in drug combination studies
  434. Analysis of computational codon usage models and their association with translationally slow codons
  435. Distributed Computational Framework for Large-Scale Stochastic Convex Optimization
  436. Optimal spatial aggregation of space–time models and applications
  437. Single and Double-Threaded Offloading Strategies and Computational Analysis in Mobile Cloud Computing
  438. A CNN-based computational algorithm for nonlinear image diffusion problem
  439. Computational study of crystalline and glassy lithium thiophosphates: Structure, thermodynamic stability and transport properties
  440. Inference for a generalised stochastic block model with unknown number of blocks and non-conjugate edge models
  441. Prediction of organic homolytic bond dissociation enthalpies at near chemical accuracy with sub-second computational cost
  442. The sum of two independent polynomially-modified hyperbolic secant random variables with application in computational finance
  443. Data-driven models and computational tools for neurolinguistics: a language technology perspective
  444. Computational flow cytometry of planktonic populations for the evaluation of microbiological-control programs in district cooling plants
  445. Deep neural network models for computational histopathology: A survey
  446. Computational fluid dynamics for fixed bed reactor design
  447. An efficient computational cost reduction strategy for the population-based intelligent optimization of nonlinear dynamical systems
  448. Moments of order statistics and k-record values arising from the complementary beta distribution with application
  449. Developing computational thinking with a module of solved problems
  450. Computational Challenges for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Environmental Research
  451. Scaled Vecchia approximation for fast computer-model emulation
  452. Computational electronic structure studies of novel condensed matter phases
  453. Comparison and integration of computational methods for deleterious synonymous mutation prediction
  454. Relationships between Computational Thinking Skills, Ways of Thinking and Demographic Variables: A Structural Equation Modeling.
  455. Artificial intelligence and computational approaches for epilepsy
  456. Computational analysis and verification of molecular genetic targets for glioblastoma
  457. Computational simulations reveal the binding dynamics between human ACE2 and the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
  458. Pharmacokinetic profiles determine optimal combination treatment schedules in computational models of drug resistance
  459. Robust nonparametric regression: A review
  460. Tuna locomotion: a computational hydrodynamic analysis of finlet function
  461. A Brief History of the Theory and Practice of Computational Literary Criticism (1963-2020)
  462. C2STEM: A system for synergistic learning of physics and computational thinking
  463. Making Sense of Computational Psychiatry
  464. First comprehensive computational analysis of functional consequences of TMPRSS2 SNPs in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 among different populations
  465. Computational identification of eukaryotic promoters based on cascaded deep capsule neural networks
  466. Computational modeling and simulation of ligand-gated ion channels
  467. Deep into that darkness peering: a computational analysis of the role of depression in Edgar Allan Poe’s life and death
  468. A neuro-computational account of arbitration between choice imitation and goal emulation during human observational learning
  469. A computational framework for revealing competitive travel times with low-carbon modes based on smartphone data collection
  470. Identification of chymotrypsin-like protease inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 via integrated computational approach
  471. Multiple Injector Concepts for Compression Ignition Engines-Experimental and computational work for lower heat losses, increased efficiency and improved …
  472. MD-LBP: An Efficient Computational Model for Protein Subcellular Localization from HeLa Cell Lines Using SVM
  473. Computational quantification of brain perivascular space morphologies: Associations with vascular risk factors and white matter hyperintensities. A study in the …
  474. Computational evaluation of major components from plant essential oils as potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
  475. Surrogate Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences
  476. Computational models of drug use and addiction: A review.
  477. Computational Based Formulation Design
  478. Nonparametric density estimation over complicated domains
  479. Computational and numerical simulations for the nonlinear fractional Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov (FKPP) equation
  480. NOx depolluting performance of photocatalytic materials in an urban area-Part II: Assessment through Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations
  481. Technologies and Computational Analysis Strategies for CRISPR Applications
  482. Assessment of blade element momentum codes under varying turbulence levels by comparing with blade resolved computational fluid dynamics
  483. Impact of Computational Power on Cryptography
  484. Supporting Teachers to Integrate Computational Thinking Equitably
  485. Reinforcement Learning on Computational Resource Allocation of Cloud-based Wireless Networks
  486. A nonparametric feature screening method for ultrahigh-dimensional missing response
  487. A cerebellar computational mechanism for delay conditioning at precise time intervals
  488. Modeling viral diffusion using quantum computational network simulation
  489. A scalable computational approach to assessing response to name in toddlers with autism
  490. A Python-Based Undergraduate Course in Computational Macroeconomics
  491. Computational Fluid Dynamics and 3D Printing towards Nanoscale Thickness Gradients and Scale-up of a Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition System
  492. Computational approaches in cancer multidrug resistance research: Identification of potential biomarkers, drug targets and drug-target interactions
  493. Computational intelligence intrusion detection techniques in mobile cloud computing environments: Review, taxonomy, and open research issues
  494. Spatiotemporal distribution of traffic emission based on wind tunnel experiment and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
  495. Fixed-Support Wasserstein Barycenters: Computational Hardness and Fast Algorithm
  496. Computational Analysis on a Set of Novel BET Inhibitors Bound to Human BRD4 (2020-02-14)
  497. Confidence intervals for spatial scan statistic
  498. A computational approach for mapping heme biology in the context of hemolytic disorders
  499. A computational prediction of SARS-CoV-2 structural protein inhibitors from Azadirachta indica (Neem)
  500. Computational recognition of lncRNA signature of tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes with potential implications in prognosis and immunotherapy of bladder cancer
  501. Rapid Aero Modeling for Urban Air Mobility Aircraft in Computational Experiments
  502. Acquisition of handwriting in children with and without dysgraphia: A computational approach
  503. Decision Support System: User research, usability analysis and computational build
  504. Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machine Analysis of Media
  505. VSeq-Toolkit: Comprehensive computational analysis of viral vectors in gene therapy
  506. Report on computational assessment of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working group
  507. iLBE for Computational Identification of Linear B-cell Epitopes by Integrating Sequence and Evolutionary Features
  508. Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format
  509. Emerging computational tools and models for studying gut microbiota composition and function
  510. Computational challenges for MC event generation
  511. The odd Chen generator of distributions: Properties and estimation methods with applications in medicine and engineering
  512. Exploratory data analysis based efficient QRS-complex detection technique with minimal computational load
  513. Perceptual texture similarity estimation: An evaluation of computational features
  514. Computational Methods for Deep Learning
  515. Evidence-driven computational modeling
  516. Computational Methods for Hidden Markov Models with Applications
  517. An energy approach to the solution of partial differential equations in computational mechanics via machine learning: Concepts, implementation and applications
  518. A spectral analysis approach for the a priori generation of computational grids in the 2-D hydrodynamic-based runoff simulations at a basin scale
  519. 1 Student-Designed Projects in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Challenges and Results
  520. Synthesis, anti-proliferative activity, computational studies of tetrazole cellulose utilizing different homogenous catalyst
  521. Coordinate Constructions in English Enhanced Universal Dependencies: Analysis and Computational Modeling
  522. Development of a free anthropomorphic voxel model of human body for wide-band computational electromagnetics dosimetry
  523. Computational structure modeling for diverse categories of macromolecular interactions
  524. Computational identification of mutator-derived lncRNA signatures of genome instability for improving the clinical outcome of cancers: a case study in breast cancer
  525. Computational models of memory search
  526. Computational analysis of pathological image enables interpretable prediction for microsatellite instability
  527. Medical Imaging and Computational Image Analysis in COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Review
  528. Automated system for diagnosing the ability to solve computational problems based on structural and mental schemes
  529. Introducing a model of automated brand-generated content in an era of computational advertising
  530. A Family of Generalized Rayleigh-Exponential-Weibull Distribution and Its Application to Modeling the Progressively Type-I Interval Censored Data
  531. Sorting schools: A computational analysis of charter school identities and stratification
  532. Pan-cancer computational histopathology reveals mutations, tumor composition and prognosis
  533. A fast‐validated computational model for cylindrical lithium‐ion batteries under multidirectional mechanical loading
  534. Optimal utility and probability functions for agents with finite computational precision
  535. Computational analysis of transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous materials
  536. Investigating the attitudes of adolescents and young adults towards JUUL: Computational study using Twitter data
  537. Evaluating the operational resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises to flooding using a computational modelling and simulation approach: a case study of the …
  538. Conformational energies and equilibria of cyclic dinucleotides in vacuo and in solution: computational chemistry vs. NMR experiments
  539. Eeg-based brain-computer interfaces (bcis): A survey of recent studies on signal sensing technologies and computational intelligence approaches and their …
  540. My personal mutanome: a computational genomic medicine platform for searching network perturbing alleles linking genotype to phenotype
  541. GIS based hybrid computational approaches for flash flood susceptibility assessment
  542. Computational Intelligence Techniques for Assessing Anthropometric Indices Changes in Female Athletes
  543. The computational neurology of movement under active inference
  544. Robust ω-Transaminases by computational stabilization of the subunit interface
  545. Output-weighted optimal sampling for Bayesian regression and rare event statistics using few samples
  546. Asymptotic distributions and performance of empirical skewness measures
  547. ATLASx: a computational map for the exploration of biochemical space
  548. Computational and Human Learning Models of Generalized Unsafety
  549. Computational social science and sociology
  550. Analysis of UAV-Acquired Wetland Orthomosaics Using GIS, Computer Vision, Computational Topology and Deep Learning
  551. New computational artificial intelligence models for generating synthetic formation bulk density logs while drilling
  552. A review of computational strategies for denoising and imputation of single-cell transcriptomic data
  553. Inference with aggregate data: An optimal transport approach
  554. Hopscotch into coding: introducing pre-service teachers computational thinking
  555. Challenges for computational lexical semantic change
  556. Computational Analysis of PER2:: LUC Imaging Data
  557. Computational Science Laboratory Report
  558. Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome
  559. Computational analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses based on the Kolmogorov’s complexity and Shannon’s information theories
  560. Estimates of Electrical Conductivity from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: How to Invest the Computational Effort
  561. Bayesian nonparametric clustering as a community detection problem
  562. An Efficient Parallel Hybrid Method of FEM-MLFMA for Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering Analysis of Separated Objects.
  563. Computational and neurocognitive approaches to the political brain: key insights and future avenues for political neuroscience
  564. A computational approach for the space-time fractional advection–diffusion equation arising in contaminant transport through porous media
  565. CIS and Industry Hand in Hand [President’s Message]
  566. A Bayesian Inference driven computational framework for seismic risk assessment using large-scale nonlinear finite element analyses
  567. HighResMIP versions of EC-Earth: EC-Earth3P and EC-Earth3P-HR–description, model computational performance and basic validation
  568. Reliability and reproducibility in computational science: implementing validation, verification and uncertainty quantification in silico
  569. Computational mechanisms of effort and reward decisions in patients with depression and their association with relapse after antidepressant discontinuation
  570. Uncertainty Informed Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Design and Development of Fatigue Critical Alloys
  571. Benefits of formalized computational modeling for understanding user behavior in online privacy research
  572. Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved ̂R for assessing convergence of MCMC
  573. Computational drug repositioning based on multi-similarities bilinear matrix factorization
  574. Teaching Metabolism in Upper-Division Undergraduate Biochemistry Courses using Online Computational Systems and Dynamical Models Improves Student …
  575. On using computational versus data-driven methods for uncertainty propagation of isotopic uncertainties
  576. Computational Approaches for Microbiome Characterization
  577. A computational model for soil fertility prediction in ubiquitous agriculture
  578. On the computational solution of vector-density based continuum dislocation dynamics models: a comparison of two plastic distortion and stress update algorithms
  579. A computational framework for social-media-based business analytics and knowledge creation: empirical studies of CyTraSS
  580. Numerical Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Blood Flow in Cerebral Artery using Discrete Phase Model
  581. Compromise design for combination experiment of two drugs
  582. Stationarity Statistics on Rolling Windows
  583. A general framework and guidelines for benchmarking computational intelligence algorithms applied to forecasting problems derived from an application domain …
  584. The W/S test for data having neutrosophic numbers: An application to USA village population
  585. The development of computational estimation in the transition from informal to formal mathematics education
  586. Chronic mTOR activation induces a degradative smooth muscle cell phenotype
  587. Computational resources for identifying and describing proteins driving liquid–liquid phase separation
  588. Deep neural networks for computational optical form measurements
  589. Design thinking and computational thinking: A dual process model for addressing design problems
  590. The Best Laid Plans: Computational Principles of Anterior Cingulate Cortex
  591. Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms for computational personality prediction from social media
  592. Computational analysis of fused co-expression networks for the identification of candidate cancer gene biomarkers
  593. Computational analysis of entropy generation for cross-nanofluid flow
  594. Computational stabilization of T cell receptors allows pairing with antibodies to form bispecifics
  595. An invitation to statistics in Wasserstein space
  596. How heterogeneity drives tumour growth: a computational study
  597. Biological and computational studies for dual cholinesterases inhibitory effect of zerumbone
  598. Computational Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
  599. Inflow Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: A Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics and 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  600. FAIR computational workflows
  601. A pilot study of all-computational drug design protocol–from structure prediction to interaction analysis
  602. Frequentist delta-variance approximations with mixed-effects models and TMB
  603. Surrogate-based computational analysis and design for H-shaped microstrip antenna
  604. The project for objective measures using computational psychiatry technology (PROMPT): Rationale, design, and methodology
  605. Improving Bayesian statistics understanding in the age of Big Data with the bayesvl R package
  606. A Method for the Prediction of Extreme Ship Responses Using Design-Event Theory and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  607. A computational framework of kinematic accuracy reliability analysis for industrial robots
  608. Saving computational budget in Bayesian network-based evolutionary algorithms
  609. Presentations from Computational Mechanics and Sciences Workshop
  610. Variational inference for computational imaging inverse problems
  611. Research on BP model optimization of PSO algorithm based on Computational Mathematics
  612. Computational Mathematics and Applications
  613. Learning Multiple Quantiles with Neural Networks
  614. … and transmission of diseases: A novel approach combining audits, calibrated energy models, building performance (BPS) and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) …
  615. Computational predictive approaches for interaction and structure of aptamers
  616. Computational modeling of excitatory/inhibitory balance impairments in schizophrenia
  617. Introduction to Computational Data Science Using ScalaTion
  618. Computational design of shape memory polymer nanocomposites
  619. A computational approach for printed document forensics using SURF and ORB features
  620. NLP Workflows for Computational Social Science: Understanding Triggers of State-Led Mass Killings
  621. Computational Advantage from the Quantum Superposition of Multiple Temporal Orders of Photonic Gates
  622. Computational tools for modern vaccine development
  623. A kernel method for learning constitutive relation in data-driven computational elasticity
  624. Connectome 2.0: Cutting-Edge Hardware Ushers in New Opportunities for Computational Diffusion MRI
  625. Enhanced Undergraduate Learning through Integration of Theory and Computational Tools.
  626. Role of hydrogen bond capacity of solvents in reactions of amines with CO2: A computational study
  627. A multiyear investigation of student computational thinking concepts, practices, and perspectives in an after-school computing program
  628. An efficient computational scheme for nonlinear time fractional systems of partial differential equations arising in physical sciences
  629. Computational Identification of Functional Centers in Complex Proteins: A Step-by-Step Guide With Examples
  630. Computational/in silico methods in drug target and lead prediction
  631. Computational Prediction of Disordered Protein Motifs Using SLiMSuite
  632. Spectrally Sparse Nonparametric Regression via Elastic Net Regularized Smoothers
  633. Computational methodologies for optimal sensor placement in structural health monitoring: A review
  634. From summary statistics to gene trees: Methods for inferring positive selection
  635. Goodness of fit test for almost cyclostationary processes
  636. The usage of large data sets in online consumer behaviour: A bibliometric and computational text-mining–driven analysis of previous research
  637. Discovering anti-cancer drugs via computational methods
  638. Computational Intelligence in the hospitality industry: A systematic literature review and a prospect of challenges
  639. Preparing Special Education Preservice Teachers to Teach Computational Thinking and Computer Science in Mathematics
  640. Discovering the computational relevance of brain network organization
  641. An efficient ADMM algorithm for high dimensional precision matrix estimation via penalized quadratic loss
  642. Scalable gradients for stochastic differential equations
  643. Rheumatoid arthritis identification using epistasis analysis through computational models
  644. Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network (HiDeNN): An artificial intelligence (AI) framework for computational science and engineering
  645. A new heuristic computational solver for nonlinear singular Thomas–Fermi system using evolutionary optimized cubic splines
  646. Computational design of proteins and enzymes
  647. Assessing computational thinking abilities among Singapore secondary students: a Rasch model measurement analysis
  648. Computational Study of Flow around 2D and 3D Tandem Bluff Bodies
  649. Technology Advance in Drug Design Using Computational Biology Tool
  650. The digital terrain model in the computational modelling of the flow over the Perdigão site: the appropriate grid size
  651. Computational models identify several FDA approved or experimental drugs as putative agents against SARS-CoV-2
  652. A high-quality cucumber genome assembly enhances computational comparative genomics
  653. Computational fluid dynamics simulation of tree effects on pedestrian wind comfort in an urban area
  654. Evaluation of different computational methods on 5-methylcytosine sites identification
  655. Computational models for active matter
  656. Supplementary material: Computational methods and software tools for functional analysis of miRNA data
  657. DFT computational insights into structural, electronic and spectroscopic parameters of 2-(2-Hydrazineyl) thiazole derivatives: a concise theoretical and experimental …
  658. The development of students’ computational thinking practices in elementary-and middle-school classes using the learning game, Zoombinis
  659. A review of experimental and computational advances in thermal boundary conductance and nanoscale thermal transport across solid interfaces
  660. Computational discovery of new 2D materials using deep learning generative models
  661. Discovery of Amoebicidal Compounds by Combining Computational and Experimental Approaches
  662. Computational identification of putative genes and vital amino acids involved in biennial rhythm in mango (Mangifera indica L.)
  663. Computational Framework for Modelling Student Engagement in a University’s Team-Based Learning Ecosystem
  664. Computational methods and next-generation sequencing approaches to analyze epigenetics data: profiling of methods and applications
  665. Semiparametric estimation for linear regression with symmetric errors
  666. The impact of matrix texture and whisker orientation on property anisotropy in titanium matrix composites: Experimental and computational evaluation
  667. State of the art computational applications in experimental and clinical dentistry
  668. Computational drug re-purposing targeting the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 as an effective strategy to neutralize COVID-19
  670. Skewness in Applied Analysis of Normality
  671. Evaluating and improving heritability models using summary statistics
  672. Computational modeling and prediction on viscosity of slags by big data mining
  673. Crime hotspot detection: A computational perspective
  674. Computational text analysis
  675. Introducing of an integrated artificial neural network and Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition approach for computational epitope-mapping of Crimean-Congo …
  676. Variational approximation multivariate generalized linear latent variable model in diversity termites riau and peninsular malaysia
  677. Computational Conflict Research
  678. Effect of the early use of antivirals on the COVID-19 pandemic. A computational network modeling approach
  679. A Differential Computational Encryption Modeling Technique on Textual Data
  680. Notch insensitivity in fatigue failure of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced composites using experimental and computational analysis
  681. Abundant stable computational solutions of Atangana–Baleanu fractional nonlinear HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T-cells of immunodeficiency syndrome
  682. Determination of stable operating range of high speed centrifugal pump by computational fluid dynamics
  683. Computational hardness and fast algorithm for fixed-support wasserstein barycenter
  684. Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
  685. Deep learning-based cancer survival prognosis from RNA-seq data: approaches and evaluations
  686. The interspeech 2020 computational paralinguistics challenge: Elderly emotion, breathing & masks
  687. Bayesian forecasting of multivariate time series: scalability, structure uncertainty and decisions
  688. From generative models to generative passages: A computational approach to (neuro) phenomenology
  689. Posterior inference for sparse hierarchical non-stationary models
  690. Microbes and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models
  691. Computational investigation on Andrographis paniculata phytochemicals to evaluate their potency against SARS-CoV-2 in comparison to known antiviral compounds …
  692. Modeling and Forecasting of Tourist Arrivals in Crete Using Statistical Models and Models of Computational Intelligence: A Comparative Study
  693. Hyper-parameter tuning for the contextual bandit
  694. Predicting forest cover in distinct ecosystems: The potential of multi-source Sentinel-1 and-2 data fusion
  695. Evolutionary computational platform for the automatic discovery of nanocarriers for cancer treatment
  696. Statistical and computational limits for sparse matrix detection
  697. Elementary Effects Analysis of factors controlling COVID-19 infections in computational simulation reveals the importance of Social Distancing and Mask Usage
  698. Applying Computational Predictions of Biorelevant Solubility Ratio Upon Self-Emulsifying Lipid-Based Formulations Dispersion to Predict Dose Number
  699. RNA-puzzles toolkit: a computational resource of RNA 3D structure benchmark datasets, structure manipulation, and evaluation tools
  700. S1 Computational efficiency
  701. The feasibility of Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm combined with imperialist competitive computational method predicting drag reduction in crude oil pipelines
  703. Reduced-Order Computational Model for the Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Entangled Polymers
  704. A computational design optimization method for rockfall protection embankments
  705. Innovations in Heat Pump Design Using Computational Fluid Dynamics with Control Volume Method
  706. Ethics and good practice in computational paralinguistics
  707. Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods
  708. Transparency in complex computational systems
  709. HistoMapr™: An Explainable AI (xAI) Platform for Computational Pathology Solutions
  710. Computational analysis of androgen receptor (AR) variants to decipher the relationship between protein stability and related-diseases
  711. Characterization of the Trypanosoma brucei Pteridine Reductase Active-Site using Computational Docking and Virtual Screening Techniques
  712. Analysis of the relation between computational thinking and new media literacy skills of first-year engineering students
  713. Diagnosis of opioid use disorder with high sensitivity and specificity by advanced computational analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
  714. Superordinate knowledge based comprehensive subset of conceptual knowledge for practical mathematical-computational scenarios
  715. Multi-spectroscopic, conformational, and computational atomic-level insights into the interaction of β-lactoglobulin with apigenin at different pH levels
  716. Proceedings of the The 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature
  717. The Computational Challenge of Microlensing in a new Perspective
  718. Predicting Evaluations of Essay by Computational Graph-Based Features
  719. A computational fluid dynamics study by conjugate heat transfer in OpenFOAM: A liquid cooling concept for high power electronics
  720. Towards stabilizing batch statistics in backward propagation of batch normalization
  721. Computational techniques for real-time credit card fraud detection
  722. A personalized computational model predicts cancer risk level of oral potentially malignant disorders and its web application for promotion of non‐invasive screening
  723. Bayesian nonparametric test for independence between random vectors
  724. Simultaneously Improving Computational Thinking and Foreign Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Media With Plugged and Unplugged Approaches
  725. Computational Methods for Discovery and Analysis of RNA Structural Motifs
  726. Fracture in nanoporous gold: An integrated computational and experimental study
  727. Integrating computational epigenetic and statistical approaches to investigate how genome-wide transcription factor (TF)-DNA bindings affect breast cancer risk
  728. Defining local news: a computational approach
  729. Developing computational infrastructure for the CorCenCC corpus: The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh
  730. Predictive Processing of Interoception, Decision-Making, and Allostasis: A Computational Framework and Implications for Emotional Intelligence
  731. Computational Complexity
  732. AI for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences
  733. Electroosmotically driven flow of micropolar bingham viscoplastic fluid in a wavy microchannel: application of computational biology stomach anatomy
  734. Experimental and Computational Study of a Mach 2 Diamond Jet
  735. Computational models in non-coding RNA and human Disease
  736. Hybrid Screening Approach for Very Small Fragments: X-ray and Computational Screening on FKBP51
  737. Computational and behavioural principles underlying reactions to social rewards
  738. Deep computational pathology in breast cancer
  739. Factors influencing radon concentration during energy retrofitting in domestic buildings: A computational evaluation
  740. Computational Modelling for Aortic and Peripheral Arterial Disease
  741. Research proposal: A computational approach to the conjugacy problem
  742. Elucidating the catalytic reaction mechanism of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase by means of X-ray crystallography and computational simulations
  743. Computational Methods for Single-Particle Cryo-EM
  744. Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics
  745. Evaluating computational performances of hyperelastic models on supraspinatus tendon uniaxial tensile test data
  746. A computational approach to drug repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)
  747. Computational Protocol for Assessing the Optimal Pixel Size to Improve the Accuracy of Single-particle Cryo-electron Microscopy Maps
  748. Recent advances of computational chemistry in organic solar cell research
  750. Computational Analysis of Tumour Heterogeneity
  751. How does semantic knowledge impact working memory maintenance? Computational and behavioral investigations
  752. Computational modeling and analysis of multi plate clutch
  753. Role of Computational Variables on the Performances of COSMO-SAC Model: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation
  754. Identification of novel drug candidates for treating tongue squamous cell carcinoma using computational approaches
  755. Computational complexity reduction of neural networks of brain tumor image segmentation by introducing fermi–dirac correction functions
  756. Laccase Engineering by Directed and Computational Evolution
  757. Structural characterization, computational, charge density studies of 2-chloro-3-(2′-methoxy)-5, 5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone
  758. Machine-learning methods for computational science and engineering
  759. Deep Learning-Based Computational Color Constancy With Convoluted Mixture of Deep Experts (CMoDE) Fusion Technique
  760. Adsorption of Trinitroanisole on the Surface of Carbon nanotube: A Computational Study
  761. Performance and computational complexity analysis of coding tools in AVS3
  762. The role of perceptual failure and degrading processes in urban traffic accidents: a stochastic computational model for virtual experiments
  763. Computational Study on Polymorphism and Charge Storage Mechanism of Battery Materials via Multiscale Simulation
  764. Finite element analysis and three-dimensional reconstruction of tonotopically aligned human auditory fiber pathways: a computational environment for modeling …
  765. Computational Metagenomics: State-of-the-Art, Facts and Artifacts
  766. Effect of Kerogen Maturity, Water Content for Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture Adsorption and Diffusion in Kerogen: A Computational Investigation
  767. Need for Computational and Psycho-linguistics Models in Natural Language Processing for Web Documents
  768. … External Counterpulsation Treatment on Atherosclerotic Plaque in the Carotid Artery: A Framework of Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis
  769. Advances in Computational Mechanics to Address Challenges in Crystal Plasticity FEM
  770. A multidimensional culturally adapted representation of emotions for affective computational simulation and recognition
  771. Regularized estimation of the nominal response model
  772. Bringing up the bio-datafied child: scientific and ethical controversies over computational biology in education
  773. A computational framework for identifying the transcription factors involved in enhancer-promoter loop formation
  774. Paranoid Transformer: Reading Narrative of Madness as Computational Approach to Creativity
  775. Computational assessment of MCM2 transcriptional expression and identification of the prognostic biomarker for human breast cancer
  776. Equitable approaches: opportunities for computational thinking with emphasis on creative production and connections to community
  777. A general robust t-process regression model
  778. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic analysis of high-speed water-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearing with groove texture considering turbulence
  779. Integration of computational tools, data analysis and social science into food safety risk assessment
  780. XPRESSyourself: Enhancing, standardizing, and automating ribosome profiling computational analyses yields improved insight into data
  781. Computational study of transcription factor binding sites
  782. Computational modelling and systems ergonomics: a system dynamics model of drink driving-related trauma prevention
  783. Teaching Computational Thinking in K-9: Tensions at the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogical Knowledge
  784. Computational Analysis of Hi-C Data
  785. Robust linear regression for high‐dimensional data: An overview
  786. A computational approach for modelling context across different application domains
  787. The digital effectiveness on economic inequality: a computational approach
  788. On-demand generation of as-built infrastructure information models for mechanised Tunnelling from TBM data: A computational design approach
  789. Computational foundations of mind, evolution, and society
  790. Computational prediction and interpretation of cell-specific replication origin sites from multiple eukaryotes by exploiting stacking framework
  791. High-dimensional structure learning of binary pairwise Markov networks: a comparative numerical study
  792. Computational Design and Analysis of a Magic Snake
  793. On the Bridge Between Computational Results Of New Line Search Technique
  794. The state of undergraduate computational science programs
  795. miRNAture—Computational Detection of microRNA Candidates
  796. Implementation and characterization of a two-dimensional printed circuit dynamic metasurface aperture for computational microwave imaging
  797. Non-periodicity of blood flow and its influence on wall shear stress in the carotid artery bifurcation: An in vivo measurement-based computational study
  798. Dissecting the Computational Roles of the Social Brain
  799. Climbing down Charney’s ladder: machine learning and the post-Dennard era of computational climate science
  800. Advances in the computational development of androgen receptor antagonists
  801. Use of computational intelligence techniques to predict flooding in places adjacent to the Magdalena River
  802. Computational Multispectral Endoscopy
  803. Constraining cosmology with big data statistics of cosmological graphs
  804. Computational optimisation of screw orientations for improved locking plate fixation of proximal humerus fractures
  805. An efficient computational method for estimating failure credibility by combining genetic algorithm and active learning Kriging
  806. Estimation of incident dynamic AUC in practice
  807. Machine Learning Technology Reveals the Concealed Interactions of Phytohormones on Medicinal Plant In Vitro Organogenesis.
  808. Advancing Conflict Research Through Computational Approaches
  809. Introduction to Computational and Bioinformatics Tools in Virology
  810. Forcing statistics in resolvent analysis: application in minimal turbulent Couette flow
  811. Under the hood: using computational psychiatry to make psychological therapies more mechanism-focused
  812. Optimization of envelope design for housing in hot climates using a genetic algorithm (GA) computational approach
  813. AdamOptimizer for the Optimisation of Use Case Points Estimation
  814. Computational advances of tumor marker selection and sample classification in cancer proteomics
  815. The dark side of the ‘Moral Machine’and the fallacy of computational ethical decision-making for autonomous vehicles
  816. Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable
  817. Robust test for dispersion parameter change in discretely observed diffusion processes
  818. School of hard knocks: Curriculum analysis for Pommerman with a fixed computational budget
  819. Computational modeling and experimental analysis for the diagnosis of cell survival/death for Akt protein
  820. Shallow landslide susceptibility mapping: A comparison between classification and regression tree and reduced error pruning tree algorithms
  821. A survey on ensemble learning
  822. Computational modeling of intraocular drug delivery supplied by porous implants
  823. Computational and experimental microstructural characterization of a magnesium WE43 Alloy processed on a commercially available PBF-LB machine
  824. Aeroshape design of reusable re-entry vehicles by multidisciplinary optimization and computational fluid dynamics
  825. Ultrasound Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Assessment of Brachial Artery Wall Shear Stress in Preeclamptic Pregnancy
  826. Computational modelling of the Δ4 and Δ5 adrenal steroidogenic pathways provides insight into hypocortisolism
  827. Computational Radiology in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis Using Artificial Intelligence
  828. Mathematical Modeling for the Solutions of Equations and Systems of Equations with Applications Vol. 4
  829. A combined experimental and computational analysis of failure mechanisms in open-hole cross-ply laminates under flexural loading
  830. Computational investigations of gram-negative bacteria phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase inhibitors using 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular …
  831. Computational studies of mycorrhizal protein: GiHsp60 and its interaction with soil organic matter
  832. A combined computational and experimental strategy identifies mutations conferring resistance to drugs targeting the BCR-ABL fusion protein
  833. Challenges in the Computational Modeling of the Protein Structure—Activity Relationship
  834. MD-TSPC4: Computational Method for Predicting the Thermal Stability of I-Motif
  835. Numerical simulation of the fluid flow inside the pressurized tube of the CANDU-6 reactor using the Computational Fluid Dynamics and the presence of nanoparticles …
  836. The emerging role of computational design in peptide macrocycle drug discovery
  837. R-Squared-Bootstrapping for Gegenbauer-Type Long Memory
  838. Investigation of bubble velocity profile in the column flotation cell by computational fluid dynamics simulation
  839. Correction to: A computational model of a network of initial lymphatics and pre-collectors with permeable interstitium
  840. Using Lego Mindstorms Robotics Programming in Enhancing Computational Thinking among Middle School in Saudi Arabia
  841. CAUSALdb: a database for disease/trait causal variants identified using summary statistics of genome-wide association studies
  842. A computational investigation on how visitation affects the reproduction number in a dengue fever model
  843. Could Dermaseptin Analogue be a Competitive Inhibitor for ACE2 Towards Binding with Viral Spike Protein Causing COVID19?: Computational Investigation
  844. Causation in Agent-Based Computational Social Science
  845. Computational modelling of foot orthosis for midfoot arthritis: a Taguchi approach for design optimization.
  846. Beyond two-point statistics: using the minimum spanning tree as a tool for cosmology
  847. Characterization of Protein-Membrane Interfaces through a Synergistic Computational-Experimental Approach
  848. Bayesian Bi-clustering Methods with Applications in Computational Biology
  849. Overcoming the challenges to enhancing experimental plant biology with computational modeling
  850. Skewness, kurtosis, and the fifth and sixth order cumulants of net baryon-number distributions from lattice QCD confront high-statistics STAR data
  851. Flood Hazard Mapping in Alluvial Fans with Computational Modeling
  852. Interoperability and computational framework for simulating open channel hydraulics: application to sensitivity analysis and calibration of Gironde Estuary model
  853. Multiapproach computational modelling of tuberculosis: understanding its epidemiological dynamics for improving its control in Nigeria
  854. A Scale Mixture Approach to t-Distributed Mixture Regression
  855. Estimation and determinants of Chinese banks’ total factor efficiency: a new vision based on unbalanced development of Chinese banks and their overall risk
  856. Partial preservation of the inferior turbinate in endoscopic medial maxillectomy: a computational fluid dynamics study
  857. Computational cardiovascular analysis with the variational multiscale methods and isogeometric discretization
  858. Computational discovery of plant-based inhibitors against human carbonic anhydrase IX and molecular dynamics simulation
  859. Computational Array of Ferromagnetic Effect “Ising Model”
  860. Pragmatics of Immigration & Identity: Computational Study of Online Discourses
  861. LongGF: computational algorithm and software tool for fast and accurate detection of gene fusions by long-read transcriptome sequencing
  862. Computational Analysis of Fluid Dynamics in the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
  863. A new computational platform of structural reliability analysis developed by coupling FERUM and OpenSees
  864. What does computational fluid dynamics tell us about intracranial aneurysms? A meta-analysis and critical review
  865. A comparison of deep machine learning and Monte Carlo methods for facies classification from seismic data
  866. Contact Tracing: Computational Bounds, Limitations and Implications
  867. Circulating markers of angiogenesis and endotheliopathy in COVID-19
  868. Full-waveform inversion based on Kaniadakis statistics
  869. A computational science approach to understanding human conflict
  870. A comprehensive overview of computational tools for RNA-seq analysis
  871. Themisto: Towards Automated Documentation Generation in Computational Notebooks
  872. An Interpolation Method to Reduce the Computational Time in the Stochastic Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling of Spatially Dense XCO2 Retrievals
  873. Computational estimation of the earthquake response for fibre reinforced concrete rectangular columns
  874. Differenced-Based Double Shrinking in Partial Linear Models
  875. Computational study of zebrafish immune-targeted microarray data for prediction of preventive drug candidates
  876. Effect of adenoids and tonsil tissue on pediatric obstructive sleep apnea severity determined by computational fluid dynamics
  877. Computational models of binaural processing
  878. Writing Strategies for Science Communication: Data and Computational Analysis
  879. Simulation of atmospheric cosmic-rays and their impacts based on pre-calculated databases, physical models and computational methods
  880. An efficient computational method for the time-space fractional Klein-Gordon equation
  881. Analytical and Computational Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges in Marine Organic Biogeochemistry in an Era of “Omics”
  882. Computational methods for automated mitosis detection in histopathology images: A review
  883. Computational micromechanics of the effect of fibre misalignment on the longitudinal compression and shear properties of UD fibre-reinforced plastics
  884. Towards computational analytics of 3D neuron images using deep adversarial learning
  885. Computational insights into human perceptual expertise for familiar and unfamiliar face recognition
  886. DF-MDA: an effective diffusion-based computational model for predicting miRNA-disease association
  887. CLiC-it 2020 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020
  888. Determining the number of effective parameters in kernel density estimation
  889. Integrated Image-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Software as an Instructional Tool
  890. Balancing computational complexity and generalization ability: A novel design for ELM
  891. General and consistent statistics for cosmological observations
  892. Developmental Differences in Probabilistic Reversal Learning: A Computational Modeling Approach
  893. Computational investigations of the immune response to repeated influenza infections and vaccinations
  894. Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication
  895. Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K’iche’
  896. Programming without Code: Teaching Classics and Computational Methods
  897. Neuro-Heuristic Computational Intelligence for nonlinear Thomas-Fermi equation using trigonometric and hyperbolic approximation
  898. Study of Using Syzygium Samarangese Against Azole Resistant Candida Species-a Computational and Pharmacogenomic Approach
  899. Bayesian inference with INLA
  900. Towards Computational Linguistics in Minangkabau Language: Studies on Sentiment Analysis and Machine Translation
  901. A computational evaluation of two models of retrieval processes in sentence processing in aphasia
  902. Computational intelligence of Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation neural networks to study the dynamics of expanding/contracting cylinder for Cross magneto …
  903. Synthesis, antimicrobial activities, docking studies and computational calculations of new bis-1,4-phenylene -1H-1,2,3-triazole derivatives utilized ultrasonic energy
  904. Dosimetric Impact of a New Computational Voxel Phantom Series for the Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivors: Methodological Improvements and Organ Dose Response …
  905. Computational analysis the relationships of energy and mechanical properties with sensitivity for FOX-7 based PBXs via MD simulation
  906. Finding Periodic Apartments: A Computational Study of Hyperbolic Buildings
  907. Computational modeling of microbubble coalescence and breakup using large eddy simulation and Lagrangian tracking
  908. Computational analysis of biomimetic butterfly valve
  909. Robust image processing algorithm for computational resource limited smart apple sunburn sensing system
  910. Classification With the Matrix-Variate-t Distribution
  911. DeepACP: A Novel Computational Approach for Accurate Identification of Anticancer Peptides by Deep Learning Algorithm
  912. The development of a 3D computational mesh to improve the representation of dynamic processes: The Black Sea test case
  913. In Silico Study of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Potential SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Closed Conformation Stabilizers: Epidemiological and Computational …
  914. … cell infiltration and survival after platinum-based chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer subtypes: A gene expression-based computational study
  915. A Computational Separation between Private Learning and Online Learning
  916. A Novel Computational Method to Identify/Analyze Hysteresis Loops of Hard Magnetic Materials
  917. Miles Vs. Trane: Computational and Statistical Comparison of the Improvisatory Styles of Miles Davis and John Coltrane
  918. Computational concentration of measure: Optimal bounds, reductions, and more
  919. Tailored ensembles of neural networks optimize sensitivity to stimulus statistics
  920. Research on Computational Thinking Ability Training and Blended Learning
  921. Structure and ion transport of lithium-rich Li1+ xAlxTi2− x (PO4) 3 with 0.3< x< 0.5: A combined computational and experimental study
  922. Computational Reconstruction of an Anti-Aircraft Artillery Firing Scenario.
  923. Bayesian and frequentist testing for differences between two groups with parametric and nonparametric two‐sample tests
  924. Computational identification and characterization of glioma candidate biomarkers through multi-omics integrative profiling
  925. Foundations of a computational science of game design: Abstractions and tradeoffs
  926. Conformational flexibility correlates with glucose tolerance for point mutations in β-glucosidases–a computational study
  927. Bosons vs. Fermions–A computational complexity perspective
  928. Modeling and Meta-Modeling in Elementary Science Learning: Physical, Diagrammatic, and Computational Models
  929. Computational Analysis versus Human Intuition: A Critical Comparison of Vector Semantics with Manual Semantic Classification in the Context of Plains Cree
  930. Modeling Generalization in Machine Learning: A Methodological and Computational Study
  931. Computational schemes between the exact, analytical and numerical solution in present of time-fractional ecological model
  932. Shape optimisation of the sharp-heeled Kaplan draft tube: Performance evaluation using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  933. A combined computational and experimental study on the mild steel corrosion inhibition in hydrochloric acid by new multifunctional phosphonic acid containing 1, 2, 3 …
  934. From Gaming to Computational Thinking: An Adaptive Educational Computer Game-Based Learning Approach
  935. Computational Protocol for Determining Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
  936. Ageing and multisensory integration: A review of the evidence, and a computational perspective
  937. Analysis of open data and computational reproducibility in registered reports in psychology
  938. Pattern-Centric Computational System for Logic and Memory Manufacturing and Process Technology Development
  939. Weyl’s problem: A computational approach
  940. Flipping a Computational Modeling Class: Strategies to Engage Students and Foster Active Learning
  941. Computational approaches to amino acid side-chain conformation using combined NMR theoretical and experimental results: leucine-67 in Desulfovibrio vulgaris …
  942. A modified drag model for power-law fluid-particle flow used in computational fluid dynamics simulation
  943. Openchem: deep learning toolkit for computational chemistry and drug design
  944. Sensitivity Analysis Based Automation of Computational Problems
  945. About using analog computers in today’s largest computational challenges
  946. Computational design of closely related proteins that adopt two well-defined but structurally divergent folds
  947. Mobile Computational Photography: A Tour
  948. Language processing in brains and deep neural networks: computational convergence and its limits
  949. Computational evaluation for improving the |B1+ field in deep brain and cerebellum using a combination of a birdcage coil and a dipole antenna array
  950. Some Observations on the Computational Sensitivity of Rotating Cavity Flows
  951. Possible Sensing Ability of Boron Nitride Nanosheet and its Al–and Si–Doped Derivatives for Methimazole drug by Computational Study
  952. Robust estimation for semi-functional linear regression models
  953. Prediction of unemployment rates with time series and machine learning techniques
  954. Computational Simulation and Modeling of Freak Waves Based on Longuet-Higgins Model and Its Electromagnetic Scattering Calculation
  955. Intranuclear strain in living cells subjected to substrate stretching: A combined experimental and computational study
  956. Directed Computational Evolution of Quorum-Quenching Lactonases from the Amidohydrolase Superfamily
  957. Computational Annotation of a Hypothetical Protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa SE5458 Strain Reveals a Bacterial Antitoxin Protein, Tsi6
  958. Computational modeling and numerical analysis of dynamics of sustainable mining of mineral complexes
  959. Causal network learning with non-invertible functional relationships
  960. Computational Monograph: Reading and Writing Distant Horizons [Ted Underwood, Distant Horizons, 2019]
  961. Corpus Applications in Forensic Computational Linguistics-LAEL Webinar

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