Computational statistics Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree
I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Computational statistics that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.
- Service data analytics and business intelligence 2017
- A new computational approach for estimation of the Gini index based on grouped data
- The odd log-logistic Lindley-G family of distributions: properties, Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimation with applications
- The 2016 Data Challenge of the American Statistical Association
- Algorithm for error-free determination of the variance of all contiguous subsequences and fixed-length contiguous subsequences for a sequence of industrial …
- Zero‐inflated modeling part I: Traditional zero‐inflated count regression models, their applications, and computational tools
- Spatial Analysis with R: Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods
- Teaching Computational Machine Learning (without Statistics)
- Spatial Analysis with R: Statistics, Visualization, and Computational Methods
- Preface: International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Sciences and Statistics 2020
- Reducibility and statistical-computational gaps from secret leakage
- Mixture cure rate models with neural network estimated nonparametric components
- GSDAR: a fast Newton algorithm for ℓ 0 regularized generalized linear models with statistical guarantee
- The unit-improved second-degree Lindley distribution: inference and regression modeling
- A Bayesian approach to estimate parameters of ordinary differential equation
- Moment-sos Hierarchy, The: Lectures In Probability, Statistics, Computational Geometry, Control And Nonlinear Pdes
- Linear models for multivariate repeated measures data with block exchangeable covariance structure
- R package for statistical inference in dynamical systems using kernel based gradient matching: KGode
- Use of the heuristic optimization in the parameter estimation of generalized gamma distribution: comparison of GA, DE, PSO and SA methods
- Feature screening based on distance correlation for ultrahigh-dimensional censored data with covariate measurement error
- Bi-level variable selection in semiparametric transformation models with right-censored data
- Contributions to computational Bayesian statistics
- Semiparametric quantile regression using family of quantile-based asymmetric densities
- Interpolation of daily rainfall data using censored Bayesian spatially varying model
- Two generalized nonparametric methods for estimating like densities
- Comprehensive world university ranking based on ranking aggregation
- Computational efficiency in continuous (and Discrete!) time models–Comment on Hecht and Zitzmann
- A new way for ranking functional data with applications in diagnostic test
- Joint analysis of semicontinuous data with latent variables
- A Bayesian quantile regression approach to multivariate semi-continuous longitudinal data
- Optimal imputation of the missing data using multi auxiliary information
- Comparison among simultaneous confidence regions for nonlinear diffusion models
- Analysis of multivariate longitudinal data using ARMA Cholesky and hypersphere decompositions
- Analysis of drowsy driving: exploring subpopulation risk with weighted contingency table tools
- Variable selection in high-dimensional linear model with possibly asymmetric errors
- Recent advances in hyperspectral imaging for melanoma detection
- Estimation and prediction of a generalized mixed-effects model with t-process for longitudinal correlated binary data
- A time series model based on dependent zero inflated counting series
- Bayesian inference of nonlinear hysteretic integer-valued GARCH models for disease counts
- Robust estimation and variable selection in heteroscedastic regression model using least favorable distribution
- Objective Bayesian analysis for generalized exponential stress–strength model
- A beyond multiple robust approach for missing response problem
- Efficient and robust estimation of regression and scale parameters, with outlier detection
- Goodness-of-fit testing of survival models in the presence of Type–II right censoring
- Approximate computation of projection depths
- Topics in computational statistics
- Genome‐wide prediction of chromatin accessibility based on gene expression
- Bayesian multiple changepoints detection for Markov jump processes
- Asymmetric vector moving average models: estimation and testing
- Modified empirical likelihood-based confidence intervals for data containing many zero observations
- Modelling dependency effect to extreme value distributions with application to extreme wind speed at Port Elizabeth, South Africa: a frequentist and Bayesian …
- A scalable Bayesian nonparametric model for large spatio-temporal data
- A stationary bootstrap test about two mean vectors comparison with somewhat dense differences and fewer sample size than dimension
- Estimation of parameters of logistic regression for two-stage randomized response technique
- Latent association graph inference for binary transaction data
- Spectral clustering-based community detection using graph distance and node attributes
- Estimation of a CIR process with jumps using a closed form approximation likelihood under a strong approximation of order 1
- Ultra-high dimensional variable screening via Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization
- Estimating the number of clusters via a corrected clustering instability
- Semiparametric model of mean residual life with biased sampling data
- Computational models of the human visual cortex: on individual differences and ecologically valid input statistics
- On the empirical estimator of the boundary in inverse first-exit problems
- A review of approximate Bayesian computation methods via density estimation: Inference for simulator‐models
- On consistency of the monotone NPMLE of survival function under the mixed case interval-censored model with left truncation
- Regression analysis of asynchronous longitudinal data with informative observation processes
- Transformation mixture modeling for skewed data groups with heavy tails and scatter
- Near G-optimal Tchakaloff designs
- Decomposition of the Gini index by income source for aggregated data and its applications
- Distributed subdata selection for big data via sampling-based approach
- Variational approximation for importance sampling
- Bayesian Multiple Change-Points Detection in a Normal Model with Heterogeneous Variances
- Smooth backfitting for errors-in-variables varying coefficient regression models
- Modeling and Measuring High School Students’ Computational Thinking Practices in Science
- Some Computational Issues Related to Common Clustering Techniques
- Statistical inference for Markov chains with applications to credit risk
- Adaptive method for indirect identification of the statistical properties of random fields in a Bayesian framework
- Outlier detection under a covariate-adjusted exponential regression model with censored data
- Automatic identification of curve shapes with applications to ultrasonic vocalization
- 30 Years of space–time covariance functions
- Linearly preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient acceleration of the PX-EM algorithm
- Sequential fixed-accuracy confidence intervals for the stress–strength reliability parameter for the exponential distribution: two-stage sampling procedure
- Multiple imputation and functional methods in the presence of measurement error and missingness in explanatory variables
- Greedy clustering of count data through a mixture of multinomial PCA
- A partitioned quasi-likelihood for distributed statistical inference
- A review of second‐order blind identification methods
- Computational Methods for Hierarchical Spatial Models and Ice Sheet Model Calibration
- Bayesian variable selection in non-homogeneous hidden Markov models through an evolutionary Monte Carlo method
- Tensor clustering with planted structures: Statistical optimality and computational limits
- Sampling James R. Thompson’s inspired nonparametric portfolio approaches
- Online updating method to correct for measurement error in big data streams
- Tuning-free ridge estimators for high-dimensional generalized linear models
- Animal movement models for multiple individuals
- Conditional score matching for high-dimensional partial graphical models
- SIMEX estimation in parametric modal regression with measurement error
- Computational Modeling of the Effects of the Science Writing Heuristic on Student Critical Thinking in Science Using Machine Learning
- Clustering multivariate functional data in group-specific functional subspaces
- An adapted vector autoregressive expectation maximization imputation algorithm for climate data networks
- Hierarchical inference for genome-wide association studies: a view on methodology with software
- Multiscalar genetic pathway modeling with hybrid Bayesian networks
- Uncertainty quantification using Bayesian neural networks in classification: Application to biomedical image segmentation
- Publishing computational research-a review of infrastructures for reproducible and transparent scholarly communication
- Dsuite‐fast D‐statistics and related admixture evidence from VCF files
- An improvement on the efficiency of complete-case-analysis with nonignorable missing covariate data
- Parallel cross-validation: A scalable fitting method for Gaussian process models
- Modelling rankings in R: The PlackettLuce package
- Computational and Statistical Methodology for Highly Structured Data
- Second International Conference on Networks and Advances in Computational Technologies: NetACT 19
- Gut-host crosstalk: methodological and computational challenges
- Statistical and Computational Rates in Graph Logistic Regression
- A semi-parametric estimation method for the quantile spectrum with an application to earthquake classification using convolutional neural network
- How computational modeling can force theory building in psychological science
- A benchmark for particle-laden turbulent duct flow: A joint computational and experimental study
- Why BDeu? Regular Bayesian network structure learning with discrete and continuous variables
- Computational Thinking and Inferential Thinking
- State of the Field in Multi-Omics Research: From Computational Needs to Data Mining and Sharing
- Visual Analytics for Hypothesis-Driven Exploration in Computational Pathology
- Computational Thinking among High School Students
- Quantum computational advantage using photons
- Geometric deep learning for computational mechanics Part I: Anisotropic Hyperelasticity
- Two-sample test in high dimensions through random selection
- Separating variables to accelerate non-convex regularized optimization
- Information Theory in Computational Biology: Where We Stand Today
- Predicting the impact of particle-particle collisions on turbophoresis with a reduced number of computational particles
- Text as big data: Develop codes of practice for rigorous computational text analysis in energy social science
- Special Issue on Benchmarking of Computational Intelligence Algorithms in the Applied Soft Computing Journal
- Nonuniversal entanglement level statistics in projection-driven quantum circuits
- Computational Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Maritime Operations
- Using tours to visually investigate properties of new projection pursuit indexes with application to problems in physics
- Economic design of memory-type control charts: The fallacy of the formula proposed by Lorenzen and Vance (1986)
- Data-driven computational social science: A survey
- Assessing the Economic Impact of Lockdowns in Italy: A Computational Input-Output Approach
- Data-Driven Computational Neuroscience: Machine Learning and Statistical Models
- Computational ghost imaging with discrete stochastic sources
- Fixed design local polynomial smoothing and bandwidth selection for right censored data
- A deep facial recognition system using computational intelligent algorithms
- Formulating the history matching problem with consistent error statistics
- Memory as a Computational Resource
- Mixture of linear experts model for censored data: A novel approach with scale-mixture of normal distributions
- Using the Gini coefficient to characterize the shape of computational chemistry error distributions
- Revisiting Bruges: Investigating the Importance of Tourist Crowding Perception in the Visitor Experience Through Computational Text Analysis
- Zero‐inflated modeling part II: Zero‐inflated models for complex data structures
- High-dimensional two-sample mean vectors test and support recovery with factor adjustment
- Application of computational topology to analysis of granular material force networks in the stick-slip regime.
- A Linear Mixed Model Formulation for Spatio-Temporal Random Processes with Computational Advances for the Separable and Product-Sum Covariances
- Indicator Saturation in Autoregressive Model using gets in R: A Computational Simulation and Empirical Evidence in Shariah Compliant Index
- Construction of various regular computational grids for addressing the tasks of fluid location of the atmosphere
- A survey on computational models for predicting protein–protein interactions
- # SocialWorkEducation: A Computational Analysis of Social Work Programs on Twitter
- Computational studies
- Trust but Verify: How to Leverage Policies, Workflows, and Infrastructure to Ensure Computational Reproducibility in Publication
- Computational analyses of non-canonical architectural and structural features associated with a alternative splicing
- Synthesis, anticancer, and computational studies of 1, 3, 4‐oxadiazole‐purine derivatives
- Biostatistics and/or computational biology in precision medicine and systems pharmacology
- Sparse principal component based high-dimensional mediation analysis
- Bayesian Computational Methods of the Logistic Regression Model
- Variable selection for generalized odds rate mixture cure models with interval-censored failure time data
- The computational limits of deep learning
- Proceedings of the 17th European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- The learning value of game design activities: association between computational thinking and cognitive skills
- Computational Simulation Modeling
- Computational intelligence model for estimating intensity of blast-induced ground vibration in a mine based on imperialist competitive and extreme gradient boosting …
- Advances in statistical modeling of spatial extremes
- Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research
- Benchmark for filter methods for feature selection in high-dimensional classification data
- Dissecting the links between reward and loss, decision-making, and self-reported affect using a computational approach
- Hybrid computational intelligence models for improvement gully erosion assessment
- Variational Bayes Neural Network: Posterior Consistency, Classification Accuracy and Computational Challenges
- Clusterwise functional linear regression models
- A review of supportive computational approaches for neurological disorder identification
- A computational method for detection of ligand-binding proteins from dose range thermal proteome profiles
- A Case Study on How Children Develop Computational Thinking Collaboratively with Robotics Toys
- A Comparative Study of Computational Methods for Wave-Induced Motions and Loads
- Estimation of the additive hazards model with case K interval-censored failure time data in the presence of informative censoring
- An online calculator for the prediction of survival in glioblastoma patients using classical statistics and machine learning
- Some goodness-of-fit tests for the Poisson distribution with applications in Biodosimetry
- Model-free two-sample test for network-valued data
- A Computational Study of Interaction of Main Channel and Floodplain: Open Channel Flows
- Applications of the Fokker-Planck Equation in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience
- Multiplicative bias correction for asymmetric kernel density estimators revisited
- A computational tool (H-MAGMA) for improved prediction of brain-disorder risk genes by incorporating brain chromatin interaction profiles
- Functional linear regression model with randomly censored data: Predicting conversion time to Alzheimer’s disease
- Everything as an Algorithm~ Computational Analysis and Model for Space/Time Complexity
- Coronary artery heart disease prediction: a comparative study of computational intelligence techniques
- Computational insights into multivalently binding polymers
- Principal component analysis using frequency components of multivariate time series
- Integrated computational intelligent paradigm for nonlinear electric circuit models using neural networks, genetic algorithms and sequential quadratic programming
- The consequences of robotics programming education on computational thinking skills: An intervention of the Young Engineer’s Workshop (YEW)
- Performance analysis of a water ejector using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and mathematical modeling
- FunCC: A new bi-clustering algorithm for functional data with misalignment
- Implementing the branch-and-cut approach for a general purpose Benders’ decomposition framework-Computational results
- Computational Study of Dipole Radiation in Re-absorbing Perovskite Semiconductors for Optoelectronics
- Huber-type principal expectile component analysis
- Visualization of Brain Statistics With R Packages ggseg and ggseg3d
- A theory of usable information under computational constraints
- Optimizing helmet pad placement using computational predicted injury pattern to reduce mild traumatic brain injury
- Degrees of freedom and model selection for k-means clustering
- Computational Thinking and Creativity: A Test for Interdependency
- Computational methods to design biophysical experiments for the study of protein dynamics
- Foundations of Computational Finance
- On the open-source landscape of PLOS Computational Biology
- Some Computational Aspects of Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Skew-t Distribution
- Mapping Social Distress: A Computational Approach to Spatiotemporal Distribution of Anxiety
- Structured Computational Modeling of Human Visual System for No-reference Image Quality Assessment
- Sum of Kronecker products representation and its Cholesky factorization for spatial covariance matrices from large grids
- Computational Performance Predictions for Deep Neural Network Training: A Runtime-Based Approach
- At the Interface of Personality Psychology and Computational Science
- Augmented quasi-sudoku designs in field trials
- A Log-Based Analysis of the Associations Between Creativity and Computational Thinking
- Computation of the expected value of a function of a chi-distributed random variable
- Generating Social Environment for Agent-Based Models of Computational Economy
- EUROVOLC Virtual Access to computational tools at INGV Pisa
- Level of Computational ThinkingLevel of Computational Thinking Skills among Secondary Science Student: Variation across Gender and Mathematics Achievement …
- Snowmass2021-Letter of Interest Scientific AI Approaches in Computational Cosmology
- Robust tests for time series comparison based on Laplace periodograms
- Analysis of Exertion with Relative Grading Mechanism in Academics Using Computational Technique
- Improved computational analysis of ribosome dynamics from 5′ P degradome data using Fivepseq
- Computational methods for single-cell RNA sequencing
- Joint generalized estimating equations for longitudinal binary data
- A survey on computational metaphor processing
- Penalised maximum likelihood estimation in multi-state models for interval-censored data
- Improving neurocognitive testing using computational psychiatry—A systematic review for ADHD.
- Computational thinking test for beginners: Design and content validation
- MM algorithms for distance covariance based sufficient dimension reduction and sufficient variable selection
- Developing Middle School Students’ Computational Thinking Skills Using Unplugged Computing Activities
- A computational pipeline to identify complex disease signals in whole exome sequencing data
- Hybrid computational intelligence methods for landslide susceptibility mapping
- Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy: Mathematical theory, computational challenges, and opportunities
- Computational Modeling
- A nested copula duration model for competing risks with multiple spells
- Progress on Homogeneous Ruthenium Complexes for Water Oxidation Catalysis: Experimental and Computational Insights
- SymPKF: a symbolic and computational toolbox for the design of univariate parametric Kalman filter dynamics
- Computational Investigation of Role of Platelets In Cancer Metastasis
- Noise Pattern Recognition in Oceanic Environment Using Statistical Characterization of Oceanic Noise in Deep Sea: A Computational Design Approach
- Computational Sleep Behaviour Analysis and Application
- Machine-learning-assisted high-throughput computational screening of high performance metal–organic frameworks
- High-throughput computational screening for solid-state Li-ion conductors
- LDlinkR: an R package for rapidly calculating linkage disequilibrium statistics in diverse populations
- Review of advanced computational approaches on multiple sclerosis segmentation and classification
- Efficient inference for stochastic differential mixed-effects models using correlated particle pseudo-marginal algorithms
- Computational tools for the spectroscopic analysis of white dwarfs
- Fixed-time descriptive statistics underestimate extremes of epidemic curve ensembles
- Designing and analyzing new early stopping rules for saving computational resources
- Assessment Estimation Modeling of the Midpoint Coefficient for Imprecise Data
- A self-calibrated direct approach to precision matrix estimation and linear discriminant analysis in high dimensions
- Computational analysis of water based Cu – Al2O3/H2O flow over a vertical wedge
- Some computational considerations for kernel-based support vector machine
- Nuclear de novo thymidylate biosynthesis complex formation and computational modeling
- Navigating the Minefield of Computational Toxicology and Informatics: Looking Back and Charting a New Horizon
- A multilayer exponential random graph modelling approach for weighted networks
- Comparative computational analysis of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein epitopes in taxonomically related coronaviruses
- Comparison of microbiome samples: methods and computational challenges
- Partition-based feature screening for categorical data via RKHS embeddings
- Generalized kernel-based inverse regression methods for sufficient dimension reduction
- Computational design of transmembrane pores
- A two-piece normal measurement error model
- A New Unified Computational Approach to Intelligent Constructing Shortest-Length or Equal Tails Confidence Intervals under Parametric Uncertainty
- Dynamical and computational mechanisms of biological and artificial neural circuits
- Testing conditional mean through regression model sequence using Yanai’s generalized coefficient of determination
- Learning from reproducing computational results: introducing three principles and the Reproduction Package
- Automated computational detection of interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomerulosclerosis
- Investigation of particle dynamics and classification mechanism in a spiral jet mill through computational fluid dynamics and discrete element methods
- Data-driven model checking for errors-in-variables varying-coefficient models with replicate measurements
- Numerosity discrimination in deep neural networks: Initial competence, developmental refinement and experience statistics
- Computational Approaches in Drug Development and Phytocompound Analysis
- A Computational Approach to Understand the Interactions Stabilizing the Aβ1-42 Oligomers
- A nonparametric empirical Bayes approach to large-scale multivariate regression
- Evaluating multiplicative error models: A residual-based approach
- An overview of mixture modelling for latent evolutions in longitudinal data: Modelling approaches, fit statistics and software
- A Computational Approach to Sequential Decision Optimization in Energy Storage and Trading
- Joint model-free feature screening for ultra-high dimensional semi-competing risks data
- A robust solution of a statistical inverse problem in multiscale computational mechanics using an artificial neural network
- Feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional categorical data with covariates missing at random
- Physics-based computational and theoretical approaches to intrinsically disordered proteins
- Aero-acoustic turbulent computational fluid dynamics simulation of a generic automobile with multiple broadband source models
- Estimation of the ROC curve from the Lehmann family
- Advanced algorithms for penalized quantile and composite quantile regression
- Fairness in deep learning: A computational perspective
- Accuracy and Computational Stability of Tensorally-Correct Subgrid Stress and Scalar Flux Representations in Autonomic Closure of LES
- A novel ensemble computational intelligence approach for the spatial prediction of land subsidence susceptibility
- Computational and Numerical Modeling for Classification of Water Quality of Lake
- Computational fluid dynamics model of two-phase heavy oil and air flow in a horizontal pipe
- Estimating computational limits on theoretical descriptions of biological cells
- The potential for complex computational models of aging
- The Contribution of Open Educational Robotics Competition to Support STEM Education and the Development of Computational Thinking Skills
- Managing computational complexity using surrogate models: a critical review
- Mathematical statistics with applications in R
- Text Mining for Processing Interview Data in Computational Social Science
- Computational network biology: data, models, and applications
- A Computational Analysis of Real-World DJ Mixes using Mix-To-Track Subsequence Alignment
- A Transcriptomically Guided Computational Quantification of the SRR8671434 RNA Sequence
- Robust boosting for regression problems
- Solvation at metal/water interfaces: An ab initio molecular dynamics benchmark of common computational approaches
- Corrigendum to Deep into that darkness peering: A computational analysis of the role of depression in Edgar Allan Poe’s life and death.(Journal of Affective Disorders …
- A Bayesian mixture model for clustering circular data
- Three Essays in Inference and Computational Problems in Econometrics
- Fibrillar collagen quantification with curvelet transform based computational methods
- An optimal statistical and computational framework for generalized tensor estimation
- Moments of order statistics from DNID discrete random variables with application in reliability
- Nonparametric wavelet Quantile density estimations based on biased data
- a Novel Computational Platform for the Propagation of Nuclear Data Uncertainties Through the Fuel Cycle Code Anicca
- Ergonomists as designers: computational modelling and simulation of complex socio-technical systems
- Computational analysis of morphological and molecular features in gastric cancer tissues
- Efficient computation of the stochastic behavior of partial sum processes
- Impact of the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Special Issue on Women in Computational Chemistry
- Automated emotion recognition based on higher order statistics and deep learning algorithm
- Computational Probabilistic Analysis and Transformation Method in the Earth Remote Research
- Robustness of linear mixed‐effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
- Parameter and Mixture Component Estimation in Spatial Hidden Markov Models: A Comparative Analysis of Computational Methods
- From Prescriptive to Predictive: an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Future of Computational Chemistry
- Computational modeling of protein conformational change and molecular interactions
- OpenChem: A Deep Learning Toolkit for Computational Chemistry and Drug Design
- Examining Teacher Perspectives on Computational Thinking in K-12 Classrooms
- Engineering in medicine to address the challenge of cancer drug resistance: From micro-and nanotechnologies to computational and mathematical modeling
- Elaborated computational studies for Zn (II) and Sn (II) complexes, electro-synthesis, spectral, thermal and electrochemical analysis
- Targeted indication of imaging for detection of vesicoureteric reflux after pediatric febrile urinary tract infections based on a multiparametric computational tool
- Using integrated computational approaches to identify safe and rapid treatment for SARS-CoV-2
- Exploration of Acoustic and Lexical Cues for the INTERSPEECH 2020 Computational Paralinguistic Challenge
- A Computational Investigation of the Biomechanics for Platelets Aggregation
- Urban street network analysis in a computational notebook
- Attractive Educational Robotics Motivates Younger Students to Learn Programming and Computational Thinking
- The computational approaches of lncRNA identification based on coding potential: Status quo and challenges
- Targeted computational analysis of the C3HEB/FEJ mouse model for drug efficacy testing
- A high‐accurate content popularity prediction computational modeling for mobile edge computing using matrix completion technology
- Application of computational approaches to analyze metagenomic data
- Modelling and simulation of a motion cueing algorithm using prediction and computational intelligence techniques
- Computational Methods for Analysis of Large-Scale CRISPR Screens
- Computational studies of drug repurposing and synergism of lopinavir, oseltamivir and ritonavir binding with SARS-CoV-2 protease against COVID-19
- Theoretical and computational guarantees of mean field variational inference for community detection
- Greater decision uncertainty characterizes a transdiagnostic patient sample during approach-avoidance conflict: a computational modelling approach
- Metabolomics and multi-omics integration: a survey of computational methods and resources
- Seizures classification based on higher order statistics and deep neural network
- Gis-based gully erosion susceptibility mapping: A comparison of computational ensemble data mining models
- Investigation of the effect of cavity insertion in brick on heat transfer through using computational fluid dynamic simulation
- Computational data for: Photocatalytic Proton Reduction by a Computationally Identified, Molecular Hydrogen-Bonded Framework
- Analytical and computational studies of the queue
- A Systematic Review on Students’ Engagement in Classroom: Indicators Challenges and Computational Techniques
- PRISMS-Fatigue computational framework for fatigue analysis in polycrystalline metals and alloys
- Future smoking prevalence by socioeconomic status in England: a computational modelling study
- Mixed-precision deep learning based on computational memory
- V-pipe: a computational pipeline for assessing viral genetic diversity from high-throughput data
- The Computational Reconstruction of a Spherical Inclusion within a Cylindrical Geometry using Inverse Techniques
- Computational complexity of three-dimensional discrete tomography with missing data
- A Unified Computational and Theoretical Framework for High-Dimensional Bayesian Additive Models
- On semiparametric regression in functional data analysis
- Computational models that matter during a global pandemic outbreak: a call to action
- Establishment and service of user analysis environment related to computational science and engineering simulation platform
- Computational analysis of triboelectrification due to aerodynamic powder dispersion
- A reference-dependent computational model of anorexia nervosa
- Inferring time non-homogeneous Ornstein Uhlenbeck type stochastic process
- Computational fluid dynamics in the stented arteria femoralis superficialis
- Finding groups in structural equation modeling through the partial least squares algorithm
- Toward a quantitative understanding of cancer cell signaling: mathematical models, computational tools, applications, and beyond
- Computational prediction of protein–protein binding affinities
- Density functional theory computational study of [M∙Pro‐H]+ (M = Pb, Ba, or Pt) complexes in the gas phase
- Molecular docking, simulation and MM-PBSA studies of nigella sativa compounds: a computational quest to identify potential natural antiviral for COVID-19 treatment
- Differential Geometry and Lie Groups: A Computational Perspective
- Recent trends in computational Fluid Dynamics
- A slice tour for finding hollowness in high-dimensional data
- Bayesian clustering of skewed and multimodal data using geometric skewed normal distributions
- Accurate deep neural network inference using computational phase-change memory
- Comparative study for 8 computational intelligence algorithms for human identification
- A computational validation for nonparametric assessment of spatial trends
- Why Do We Need Computational Models of Psychological Change and Recovery, and How Should They Be Designed and Tested?
- Three-dimensional mesoscale computational modeling of soil-rock mixtures with concave particles
- Moroccan Medicinal plants as inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2 main protease: Computational investigations
- SEIR modeling of the Italian epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 using computational swarm intelligence
- Fusing Nature with Computational Science for Optimal Signal Extraction
- Graphical modelling and partial characteristics for multitype and multivariate-marked spatio-temporal point processes
- Computational design, synthesis and evaluation of new sulphonamide derivatives targeting HIV-1 gp120
- Towards reproducible computational drug discovery
- An examination of citation-based impact of the computational biology conferences
- Global computational alignment of tumor and cell line transcriptional profiles
- Developing students computational thinking with a recursive polydisciplinary approach
- Micro‐persistence and difficulty in a game‐based learning environment for computational thinking acquisition
- Penalized regression and model selection methods for polygenic scores on summary statistics
- Computational Framework for Fracture Simulation of Concrete Structures until Failure
- Computational modelling of social cognition and behaviour—a reinforcement learning primer
- Subgroup causal effect identification and estimation via matching tree
- Developing young children’s computational thinking with educational robotics: An interaction effect between gender and scaffolding strategy
- A computational intelligence tool for the detection of hypertension using empirical mode decomposition
- Computational material flow analysis for thousands of chemicals of emerging concern in European waters
- Computational principles and practice for decoding immune contexture in the tumor microenvironment
- On rigorous computational and numerical solutions for the voltages of the electrified transmission range with the day yet distance
- The role of computational fluid dynamics tools on investigation of pathogen transmission: Prevention and control
- Understanding Oral Genomics Through Computational Analysis
- Optimization of computational intelligence models for landslide susceptibility evaluation
- Drug repurposing for opioid use disorders: integration of computational prediction, clinical corroboration, and mechanism of action analyses
- EvoEF2: accurate and fast energy function for computational protein design
- GIS-based evaluation of landslide susceptibility using hybrid computational intelligence models
- New trends in ensemble forecast strategy: uncertainty quantification for coarse-grid computational fluid dynamics
- Computational solutions of the HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T-cells fractional mathematical model that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with the effect …
- Computational design of enzymes for biotechnological applications
- Uncertainty quantification and propagation in computational materials science and simulation-assisted materials design
- Computational analysis of regulatory genes network pathways among devastating cancer diseases
- Submitted to Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal October 6, 2020
- Feature-driven local cell graph (FLocK): New computational pathology-based descriptors for prognosis of lung cancer and HPV status of oropharyngeal cancers
- Learning computational thinking without a computer: How computational participation happens in a computational thinking board game
- Computational Performance of the Parameters Estimation in Extreme Seeking Entropy Algorithm
- K-12 teacher computer science education: computational thinking curriculum centered around data science
- The unstoppable rise of computational linguistics in deep learning
- TechCheck: Development and Validation of an Unplugged Assessment of Computational Thinking in Early Childhood Education
- Computational screening of molecules approved in phase-i clinical trials to identify 3CL protease inhibitors to treat COVID-19
- Insights to perfluorooctanoic acid adsorption micro-mechanism over Fe-based metal organic frameworks: Combining computational calculation with response surface …
- An efficient computational approach for a fractional-order biological population model with carrying capacity
- Computational studies of membrane proteins: Structure, function and dynamics
- Ten simple rules for navigating the computational aspect of an interdisciplinary PhD
- A piRNA regulation landscape in C. elegans and a computational model to predict gene functions
- Real-time forecasting of epidemic trajectories using computational dynamic ensembles
- Measuring teacher beliefs about coding and computational thinking
- Algorithms for heavy-tailed statistics: Regression, covariance estimation, and beyond
- Improving the computational efficiency of first arrival time uncertainty estimation using a connectivity-based ranking Monte Carlo method
- Quantum state optimization and computational pathway evaluation for gate-model quantum computers
- Rothman–Woodroofe symmetry test statistic revisited
- Robust Wald-type methods for testing equality between two populations regression parameters: A comparative study under the logistic model
- Seeded Binary Segmentation: A general methodology for fast and optimal change point detection
- A class of conjugate priors for multinomial probit models which includes the multivariate normal one
- Computational Modeling of Biofilm Formation and Corrosion Processes on Steel Surfaces
- Computational Models of Defect Clustering for Tethered Bilayer Membranes
- Hybrid method based on neural networks and Monte Carlo simulation in view of a tradeoff between accuracy and computational time
- Computational based on GUI MATLAB for back propagation method in detecting climate change: case study of mataram city
- Computational methods for detecting cancer hotspots
- A computational approach to design potential siRNA molecules as a prospective tool for silencing nucleocapsid phosphoprotein and surface glycoprotein …
- Computational investigation of geometrical effects in 2D boron nitride nanopores for DNA detection
- Cardelino: computational integration of somatic clonal substructure and single-cell transcriptomes
- Computational meta-analysis of ribosomal RNA fragments: potential targets and interaction mechanisms
- Computational phase transitions in sparse planted problems?
- Link-based survival additive models under mixed censoring to assess risks of hospital-acquired infections
- A mapping-based universal Kriging model for order-of-addition experiments in drug combination studies
- Analysis of computational codon usage models and their association with translationally slow codons
- Distributed Computational Framework for Large-Scale Stochastic Convex Optimization
- Optimal spatial aggregation of space–time models and applications
- Single and Double-Threaded Offloading Strategies and Computational Analysis in Mobile Cloud Computing
- A CNN-based computational algorithm for nonlinear image diffusion problem
- Computational study of crystalline and glassy lithium thiophosphates: Structure, thermodynamic stability and transport properties
- Inference for a generalised stochastic block model with unknown number of blocks and non-conjugate edge models
- Prediction of organic homolytic bond dissociation enthalpies at near chemical accuracy with sub-second computational cost
- The sum of two independent polynomially-modified hyperbolic secant random variables with application in computational finance
- Data-driven models and computational tools for neurolinguistics: a language technology perspective
- Computational flow cytometry of planktonic populations for the evaluation of microbiological-control programs in district cooling plants
- Deep neural network models for computational histopathology: A survey
- Computational fluid dynamics for fixed bed reactor design
- An efficient computational cost reduction strategy for the population-based intelligent optimization of nonlinear dynamical systems
- Moments of order statistics and k-record values arising from the complementary beta distribution with application
- Developing computational thinking with a module of solved problems
- Computational Challenges for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Environmental Research
- Scaled Vecchia approximation for fast computer-model emulation
- Computational electronic structure studies of novel condensed matter phases
- Comparison and integration of computational methods for deleterious synonymous mutation prediction
- Relationships between Computational Thinking Skills, Ways of Thinking and Demographic Variables: A Structural Equation Modeling.
- Artificial intelligence and computational approaches for epilepsy
- Computational analysis and verification of molecular genetic targets for glioblastoma
- Computational simulations reveal the binding dynamics between human ACE2 and the receptor binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
- Pharmacokinetic profiles determine optimal combination treatment schedules in computational models of drug resistance
- Robust nonparametric regression: A review
- Tuna locomotion: a computational hydrodynamic analysis of finlet function
- A Brief History of the Theory and Practice of Computational Literary Criticism (1963-2020)
- C2STEM: A system for synergistic learning of physics and computational thinking
- Making Sense of Computational Psychiatry
- First comprehensive computational analysis of functional consequences of TMPRSS2 SNPs in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 among different populations
- Computational identification of eukaryotic promoters based on cascaded deep capsule neural networks
- Computational modeling and simulation of ligand-gated ion channels
- Deep into that darkness peering: a computational analysis of the role of depression in Edgar Allan Poe’s life and death
- A neuro-computational account of arbitration between choice imitation and goal emulation during human observational learning
- A computational framework for revealing competitive travel times with low-carbon modes based on smartphone data collection
- Identification of chymotrypsin-like protease inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 via integrated computational approach
- Multiple Injector Concepts for Compression Ignition Engines-Experimental and computational work for lower heat losses, increased efficiency and improved …
- MD-LBP: An Efficient Computational Model for Protein Subcellular Localization from HeLa Cell Lines Using SVM
- Computational quantification of brain perivascular space morphologies: Associations with vascular risk factors and white matter hyperintensities. A study in the …
- Computational evaluation of major components from plant essential oils as potent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
- Surrogate Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences
- Computational models of drug use and addiction: A review.
- Computational Based Formulation Design
- Nonparametric density estimation over complicated domains
- Computational and numerical simulations for the nonlinear fractional Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piskunov (FKPP) equation
- NOx depolluting performance of photocatalytic materials in an urban area-Part II: Assessment through Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations
- Technologies and Computational Analysis Strategies for CRISPR Applications
- Assessment of blade element momentum codes under varying turbulence levels by comparing with blade resolved computational fluid dynamics
- Impact of Computational Power on Cryptography
- Supporting Teachers to Integrate Computational Thinking Equitably
- Reinforcement Learning on Computational Resource Allocation of Cloud-based Wireless Networks
- A nonparametric feature screening method for ultrahigh-dimensional missing response
- A cerebellar computational mechanism for delay conditioning at precise time intervals
- Modeling viral diffusion using quantum computational network simulation
- A scalable computational approach to assessing response to name in toddlers with autism
- A Python-Based Undergraduate Course in Computational Macroeconomics
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and 3D Printing towards Nanoscale Thickness Gradients and Scale-up of a Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition System
- Computational approaches in cancer multidrug resistance research: Identification of potential biomarkers, drug targets and drug-target interactions
- Computational intelligence intrusion detection techniques in mobile cloud computing environments: Review, taxonomy, and open research issues
- Spatiotemporal distribution of traffic emission based on wind tunnel experiment and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation
- Fixed-Support Wasserstein Barycenters: Computational Hardness and Fast Algorithm
- Computational Analysis on a Set of Novel BET Inhibitors Bound to Human BRD4 (2020-02-14)
- Confidence intervals for spatial scan statistic
- A computational approach for mapping heme biology in the context of hemolytic disorders
- A computational prediction of SARS-CoV-2 structural protein inhibitors from Azadirachta indica (Neem)
- Computational recognition of lncRNA signature of tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes with potential implications in prognosis and immunotherapy of bladder cancer
- Rapid Aero Modeling for Urban Air Mobility Aircraft in Computational Experiments
- Acquisition of handwriting in children with and without dysgraphia: A computational approach
- Decision Support System: User research, usability analysis and computational build
- Computational Media Intelligence: Human-Centered Machine Analysis of Media
- VSeq-Toolkit: Comprehensive computational analysis of viral vectors in gene therapy
- Report on computational assessment of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes from the International Immuno-Oncology Biomarker Working group
- iLBE for Computational Identification of Linear B-cell Epitopes by Integrating Sequence and Evolutionary Features
- Evaluating epidemic forecasts in an interval format
- Emerging computational tools and models for studying gut microbiota composition and function
- Computational challenges for MC event generation
- The odd Chen generator of distributions: Properties and estimation methods with applications in medicine and engineering
- Exploratory data analysis based efficient QRS-complex detection technique with minimal computational load
- Perceptual texture similarity estimation: An evaluation of computational features
- Computational Methods for Deep Learning
- Evidence-driven computational modeling
- Computational Methods for Hidden Markov Models with Applications
- An energy approach to the solution of partial differential equations in computational mechanics via machine learning: Concepts, implementation and applications
- A spectral analysis approach for the a priori generation of computational grids in the 2-D hydrodynamic-based runoff simulations at a basin scale
- 1 Student-Designed Projects in Computational Fluid Dynamics: Challenges and Results
- Synthesis, anti-proliferative activity, computational studies of tetrazole cellulose utilizing different homogenous catalyst
- Coordinate Constructions in English Enhanced Universal Dependencies: Analysis and Computational Modeling
- Development of a free anthropomorphic voxel model of human body for wide-band computational electromagnetics dosimetry
- Computational structure modeling for diverse categories of macromolecular interactions
- Computational identification of mutator-derived lncRNA signatures of genome instability for improving the clinical outcome of cancers: a case study in breast cancer
- Computational models of memory search
- Computational analysis of pathological image enables interpretable prediction for microsatellite instability
- Medical Imaging and Computational Image Analysis in COVID-19 Diagnosis: A Review
- Automated system for diagnosing the ability to solve computational problems based on structural and mental schemes
- Introducing a model of automated brand-generated content in an era of computational advertising
- A Family of Generalized Rayleigh-Exponential-Weibull Distribution and Its Application to Modeling the Progressively Type-I Interval Censored Data
- Sorting schools: A computational analysis of charter school identities and stratification
- Pan-cancer computational histopathology reveals mutations, tumor composition and prognosis
- A fast‐validated computational model for cylindrical lithium‐ion batteries under multidirectional mechanical loading
- Optimal utility and probability functions for agents with finite computational precision
- Computational analysis of transport in three-dimensional heterogeneous materials
- Investigating the attitudes of adolescents and young adults towards JUUL: Computational study using Twitter data
- Evaluating the operational resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises to flooding using a computational modelling and simulation approach: a case study of the …
- Conformational energies and equilibria of cyclic dinucleotides in vacuo and in solution: computational chemistry vs. NMR experiments
- Eeg-based brain-computer interfaces (bcis): A survey of recent studies on signal sensing technologies and computational intelligence approaches and their …
- My personal mutanome: a computational genomic medicine platform for searching network perturbing alleles linking genotype to phenotype
- GIS based hybrid computational approaches for flash flood susceptibility assessment
- Computational Intelligence Techniques for Assessing Anthropometric Indices Changes in Female Athletes
- The computational neurology of movement under active inference
- Robust ω-Transaminases by computational stabilization of the subunit interface
- Output-weighted optimal sampling for Bayesian regression and rare event statistics using few samples
- Asymptotic distributions and performance of empirical skewness measures
- ATLASx: a computational map for the exploration of biochemical space
- Computational and Human Learning Models of Generalized Unsafety
- Computational social science and sociology
- Analysis of UAV-Acquired Wetland Orthomosaics Using GIS, Computer Vision, Computational Topology and Deep Learning
- New computational artificial intelligence models for generating synthetic formation bulk density logs while drilling
- A review of computational strategies for denoising and imputation of single-cell transcriptomic data
- Inference with aggregate data: An optimal transport approach
- Hopscotch into coding: introducing pre-service teachers computational thinking
- Challenges for computational lexical semantic change
- Computational Analysis of PER2:: LUC Imaging Data
- Computational Science Laboratory Report
- Super-resolution fluorescence-assisted diffraction computational tomography reveals the three-dimensional landscape of the cellular organelle interactome
- Computational analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses based on the Kolmogorov’s complexity and Shannon’s information theories
- Estimates of Electrical Conductivity from Molecular Dynamics Simulations: How to Invest the Computational Effort
- Bayesian nonparametric clustering as a community detection problem
- An Efficient Parallel Hybrid Method of FEM-MLFMA for Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering Analysis of Separated Objects.
- Computational and neurocognitive approaches to the political brain: key insights and future avenues for political neuroscience
- A computational approach for the space-time fractional advection–diffusion equation arising in contaminant transport through porous media
- CIS and Industry Hand in Hand [President’s Message]
- A Bayesian Inference driven computational framework for seismic risk assessment using large-scale nonlinear finite element analyses
- HighResMIP versions of EC-Earth: EC-Earth3P and EC-Earth3P-HR–description, model computational performance and basic validation
- Reliability and reproducibility in computational science: implementing validation, verification and uncertainty quantification in silico
- Computational mechanisms of effort and reward decisions in patients with depression and their association with relapse after antidepressant discontinuation
- Uncertainty Informed Integrated Computational Materials Engineering for Design and Development of Fatigue Critical Alloys
- Benefits of formalized computational modeling for understanding user behavior in online privacy research
- Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved ̂R for assessing convergence of MCMC
- Computational drug repositioning based on multi-similarities bilinear matrix factorization
- Teaching Metabolism in Upper-Division Undergraduate Biochemistry Courses using Online Computational Systems and Dynamical Models Improves Student …
- On using computational versus data-driven methods for uncertainty propagation of isotopic uncertainties
- Computational Approaches for Microbiome Characterization
- A computational model for soil fertility prediction in ubiquitous agriculture
- On the computational solution of vector-density based continuum dislocation dynamics models: a comparison of two plastic distortion and stress update algorithms
- A computational framework for social-media-based business analytics and knowledge creation: empirical studies of CyTraSS
- Numerical Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Blood Flow in Cerebral Artery using Discrete Phase Model
- Compromise design for combination experiment of two drugs
- Stationarity Statistics on Rolling Windows
- A general framework and guidelines for benchmarking computational intelligence algorithms applied to forecasting problems derived from an application domain …
- The W/S test for data having neutrosophic numbers: An application to USA village population
- The development of computational estimation in the transition from informal to formal mathematics education
- Chronic mTOR activation induces a degradative smooth muscle cell phenotype
- Computational resources for identifying and describing proteins driving liquid–liquid phase separation
- Deep neural networks for computational optical form measurements
- Design thinking and computational thinking: A dual process model for addressing design problems
- The Best Laid Plans: Computational Principles of Anterior Cingulate Cortex
- Comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms for computational personality prediction from social media
- Computational analysis of fused co-expression networks for the identification of candidate cancer gene biomarkers
- Computational analysis of entropy generation for cross-nanofluid flow
- Computational stabilization of T cell receptors allows pairing with antibodies to form bispecifics
- An invitation to statistics in Wasserstein space
- How heterogeneity drives tumour growth: a computational study
- Biological and computational studies for dual cholinesterases inhibitory effect of zerumbone
- Computational Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Inflow Hemodynamics of Intracranial Aneurysms: A Comparison of Computational Fluid Dynamics and 4D Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- FAIR computational workflows
- A pilot study of all-computational drug design protocol–from structure prediction to interaction analysis
- Frequentist delta-variance approximations with mixed-effects models and TMB
- Surrogate-based computational analysis and design for H-shaped microstrip antenna
- The project for objective measures using computational psychiatry technology (PROMPT): Rationale, design, and methodology
- Improving Bayesian statistics understanding in the age of Big Data with the bayesvl R package
- A Method for the Prediction of Extreme Ship Responses Using Design-Event Theory and Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- A computational framework of kinematic accuracy reliability analysis for industrial robots
- Saving computational budget in Bayesian network-based evolutionary algorithms
- Presentations from Computational Mechanics and Sciences Workshop
- Variational inference for computational imaging inverse problems
- Research on BP model optimization of PSO algorithm based on Computational Mathematics
- Computational Mathematics and Applications
- Learning Multiple Quantiles with Neural Networks
- … and transmission of diseases: A novel approach combining audits, calibrated energy models, building performance (BPS) and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) …
- Computational predictive approaches for interaction and structure of aptamers
- Computational modeling of excitatory/inhibitory balance impairments in schizophrenia
- Introduction to Computational Data Science Using ScalaTion
- Computational design of shape memory polymer nanocomposites
- A computational approach for printed document forensics using SURF and ORB features
- NLP Workflows for Computational Social Science: Understanding Triggers of State-Led Mass Killings
- Computational Advantage from the Quantum Superposition of Multiple Temporal Orders of Photonic Gates
- Computational tools for modern vaccine development
- A kernel method for learning constitutive relation in data-driven computational elasticity
- Connectome 2.0: Cutting-Edge Hardware Ushers in New Opportunities for Computational Diffusion MRI
- Enhanced Undergraduate Learning through Integration of Theory and Computational Tools.
- Role of hydrogen bond capacity of solvents in reactions of amines with CO2: A computational study
- A multiyear investigation of student computational thinking concepts, practices, and perspectives in an after-school computing program
- An efficient computational scheme for nonlinear time fractional systems of partial differential equations arising in physical sciences
- Computational Identification of Functional Centers in Complex Proteins: A Step-by-Step Guide With Examples
- Computational/in silico methods in drug target and lead prediction
- Computational Prediction of Disordered Protein Motifs Using SLiMSuite
- Spectrally Sparse Nonparametric Regression via Elastic Net Regularized Smoothers
- Computational methodologies for optimal sensor placement in structural health monitoring: A review
- From summary statistics to gene trees: Methods for inferring positive selection
- Goodness of fit test for almost cyclostationary processes
- The usage of large data sets in online consumer behaviour: A bibliometric and computational text-mining–driven analysis of previous research
- Discovering anti-cancer drugs via computational methods
- Computational Intelligence in the hospitality industry: A systematic literature review and a prospect of challenges
- Preparing Special Education Preservice Teachers to Teach Computational Thinking and Computer Science in Mathematics
- Discovering the computational relevance of brain network organization
- An efficient ADMM algorithm for high dimensional precision matrix estimation via penalized quadratic loss
- Scalable gradients for stochastic differential equations
- Rheumatoid arthritis identification using epistasis analysis through computational models
- Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network (HiDeNN): An artificial intelligence (AI) framework for computational science and engineering
- A new heuristic computational solver for nonlinear singular Thomas–Fermi system using evolutionary optimized cubic splines
- Computational design of proteins and enzymes
- Assessing computational thinking abilities among Singapore secondary students: a Rasch model measurement analysis
- Computational Study of Flow around 2D and 3D Tandem Bluff Bodies
- Technology Advance in Drug Design Using Computational Biology Tool
- The digital terrain model in the computational modelling of the flow over the Perdigão site: the appropriate grid size
- Computational models identify several FDA approved or experimental drugs as putative agents against SARS-CoV-2
- A high-quality cucumber genome assembly enhances computational comparative genomics
- Computational fluid dynamics simulation of tree effects on pedestrian wind comfort in an urban area
- Evaluation of different computational methods on 5-methylcytosine sites identification
- Computational models for active matter
- Supplementary material: Computational methods and software tools for functional analysis of miRNA data
- DFT computational insights into structural, electronic and spectroscopic parameters of 2-(2-Hydrazineyl) thiazole derivatives: a concise theoretical and experimental …
- The development of students’ computational thinking practices in elementary-and middle-school classes using the learning game, Zoombinis
- A review of experimental and computational advances in thermal boundary conductance and nanoscale thermal transport across solid interfaces
- Computational discovery of new 2D materials using deep learning generative models
- Discovery of Amoebicidal Compounds by Combining Computational and Experimental Approaches
- Computational identification of putative genes and vital amino acids involved in biennial rhythm in mango (Mangifera indica L.)
- Computational Framework for Modelling Student Engagement in a University’s Team-Based Learning Ecosystem
- Computational methods and next-generation sequencing approaches to analyze epigenetics data: profiling of methods and applications
- Semiparametric estimation for linear regression with symmetric errors
- The impact of matrix texture and whisker orientation on property anisotropy in titanium matrix composites: Experimental and computational evaluation
- State of the art computational applications in experimental and clinical dentistry
- Computational drug re-purposing targeting the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 as an effective strategy to neutralize COVID-19
- Skewness in Applied Analysis of Normality
- Evaluating and improving heritability models using summary statistics
- Computational modeling and prediction on viscosity of slags by big data mining
- Crime hotspot detection: A computational perspective
- Computational text analysis
- Introducing of an integrated artificial neural network and Chou’s pseudo amino acid composition approach for computational epitope-mapping of Crimean-Congo …
- Variational approximation multivariate generalized linear latent variable model in diversity termites riau and peninsular malaysia
- Computational Conflict Research
- Effect of the early use of antivirals on the COVID-19 pandemic. A computational network modeling approach
- A Differential Computational Encryption Modeling Technique on Textual Data
- Notch insensitivity in fatigue failure of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced composites using experimental and computational analysis
- Abundant stable computational solutions of Atangana–Baleanu fractional nonlinear HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T-cells of immunodeficiency syndrome
- Determination of stable operating range of high speed centrifugal pump by computational fluid dynamics
- Computational hardness and fast algorithm for fixed-support wasserstein barycenter
- Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
- Deep learning-based cancer survival prognosis from RNA-seq data: approaches and evaluations
- The interspeech 2020 computational paralinguistics challenge: Elderly emotion, breathing & masks
- Bayesian forecasting of multivariate time series: scalability, structure uncertainty and decisions
- From generative models to generative passages: A computational approach to (neuro) phenomenology
- Posterior inference for sparse hierarchical non-stationary models
- Microbes and complex diseases: from experimental results to computational models
- Computational investigation on Andrographis paniculata phytochemicals to evaluate their potency against SARS-CoV-2 in comparison to known antiviral compounds …
- Modeling and Forecasting of Tourist Arrivals in Crete Using Statistical Models and Models of Computational Intelligence: A Comparative Study
- Hyper-parameter tuning for the contextual bandit
- Predicting forest cover in distinct ecosystems: The potential of multi-source Sentinel-1 and-2 data fusion
- Evolutionary computational platform for the automatic discovery of nanocarriers for cancer treatment
- Statistical and computational limits for sparse matrix detection
- Elementary Effects Analysis of factors controlling COVID-19 infections in computational simulation reveals the importance of Social Distancing and Mask Usage
- Applying Computational Predictions of Biorelevant Solubility Ratio Upon Self-Emulsifying Lipid-Based Formulations Dispersion to Predict Dose Number
- RNA-puzzles toolkit: a computational resource of RNA 3D structure benchmark datasets, structure manipulation, and evaluation tools
- S1 Computational efficiency
- The feasibility of Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm combined with imperialist competitive computational method predicting drag reduction in crude oil pipelines
- Reduced-Order Computational Model for the Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Entangled Polymers
- A computational design optimization method for rockfall protection embankments
- Innovations in Heat Pump Design Using Computational Fluid Dynamics with Control Volume Method
- Ethics and good practice in computational paralinguistics
- Analysis of therapeutic targets for SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of potential drugs by computational methods
- Transparency in complex computational systems
- HistoMapr™: An Explainable AI (xAI) Platform for Computational Pathology Solutions
- Computational analysis of androgen receptor (AR) variants to decipher the relationship between protein stability and related-diseases
- Characterization of the Trypanosoma brucei Pteridine Reductase Active-Site using Computational Docking and Virtual Screening Techniques
- Analysis of the relation between computational thinking and new media literacy skills of first-year engineering students
- Diagnosis of opioid use disorder with high sensitivity and specificity by advanced computational analysis of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
- Superordinate knowledge based comprehensive subset of conceptual knowledge for practical mathematical-computational scenarios
- Multi-spectroscopic, conformational, and computational atomic-level insights into the interaction of β-lactoglobulin with apigenin at different pH levels
- Proceedings of the The 4th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature
- The Computational Challenge of Microlensing in a new Perspective
- Predicting Evaluations of Essay by Computational Graph-Based Features
- A computational fluid dynamics study by conjugate heat transfer in OpenFOAM: A liquid cooling concept for high power electronics
- Towards stabilizing batch statistics in backward propagation of batch normalization
- Computational techniques for real-time credit card fraud detection
- A personalized computational model predicts cancer risk level of oral potentially malignant disorders and its web application for promotion of non‐invasive screening
- Bayesian nonparametric test for independence between random vectors
- Simultaneously Improving Computational Thinking and Foreign Language Learning: Interdisciplinary Media With Plugged and Unplugged Approaches
- Computational Methods for Discovery and Analysis of RNA Structural Motifs
- Fracture in nanoporous gold: An integrated computational and experimental study
- Integrating computational epigenetic and statistical approaches to investigate how genome-wide transcription factor (TF)-DNA bindings affect breast cancer risk
- Defining local news: a computational approach
- Developing computational infrastructure for the CorCenCC corpus: The National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh
- Predictive Processing of Interoception, Decision-Making, and Allostasis: A Computational Framework and Implications for Emotional Intelligence
- Computational Complexity
- AI for Digital Humanities and Computational Social Sciences
- Electroosmotically driven flow of micropolar bingham viscoplastic fluid in a wavy microchannel: application of computational biology stomach anatomy
- Experimental and Computational Study of a Mach 2 Diamond Jet
- Computational models in non-coding RNA and human Disease
- Hybrid Screening Approach for Very Small Fragments: X-ray and Computational Screening on FKBP51
- Computational and behavioural principles underlying reactions to social rewards
- Deep computational pathology in breast cancer
- Factors influencing radon concentration during energy retrofitting in domestic buildings: A computational evaluation
- Computational Modelling for Aortic and Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Research proposal: A computational approach to the conjugacy problem
- Elucidating the catalytic reaction mechanism of orotate phosphoribosyltransferase by means of X-ray crystallography and computational simulations
- Computational Methods for Single-Particle Cryo-EM
- Advances in Computational Intelligence and Informatics
- Evaluating computational performances of hyperelastic models on supraspinatus tendon uniaxial tensile test data
- A computational approach to drug repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)
- Computational Protocol for Assessing the Optimal Pixel Size to Improve the Accuracy of Single-particle Cryo-electron Microscopy Maps
- Recent advances of computational chemistry in organic solar cell research
- Computational Analysis of Tumour Heterogeneity
- How does semantic knowledge impact working memory maintenance? Computational and behavioral investigations
- Computational modeling and analysis of multi plate clutch
- Role of Computational Variables on the Performances of COSMO-SAC Model: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Investigation
- Identification of novel drug candidates for treating tongue squamous cell carcinoma using computational approaches
- Computational complexity reduction of neural networks of brain tumor image segmentation by introducing fermi–dirac correction functions
- Laccase Engineering by Directed and Computational Evolution
- Structural characterization, computational, charge density studies of 2-chloro-3-(2′-methoxy)-5, 5-dimethyl-2-cyclohexenone
- Machine-learning methods for computational science and engineering
- Deep Learning-Based Computational Color Constancy With Convoluted Mixture of Deep Experts (CMoDE) Fusion Technique
- Adsorption of Trinitroanisole on the Surface of Carbon nanotube: A Computational Study
- Performance and computational complexity analysis of coding tools in AVS3
- The role of perceptual failure and degrading processes in urban traffic accidents: a stochastic computational model for virtual experiments
- Computational Study on Polymorphism and Charge Storage Mechanism of Battery Materials via Multiscale Simulation
- Finite element analysis and three-dimensional reconstruction of tonotopically aligned human auditory fiber pathways: a computational environment for modeling …
- Computational Metagenomics: State-of-the-Art, Facts and Artifacts
- Effect of Kerogen Maturity, Water Content for Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Their Mixture Adsorption and Diffusion in Kerogen: A Computational Investigation
- Need for Computational and Psycho-linguistics Models in Natural Language Processing for Web Documents
- … External Counterpulsation Treatment on Atherosclerotic Plaque in the Carotid Artery: A Framework of Patient-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis
- Advances in Computational Mechanics to Address Challenges in Crystal Plasticity FEM
- A multidimensional culturally adapted representation of emotions for affective computational simulation and recognition
- Regularized estimation of the nominal response model
- Bringing up the bio-datafied child: scientific and ethical controversies over computational biology in education
- A computational framework for identifying the transcription factors involved in enhancer-promoter loop formation
- Paranoid Transformer: Reading Narrative of Madness as Computational Approach to Creativity
- Computational assessment of MCM2 transcriptional expression and identification of the prognostic biomarker for human breast cancer
- Equitable approaches: opportunities for computational thinking with emphasis on creative production and connections to community
- A general robust t-process regression model
- Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic analysis of high-speed water-lubricated hydrodynamic journal bearing with groove texture considering turbulence
- Integration of computational tools, data analysis and social science into food safety risk assessment
- XPRESSyourself: Enhancing, standardizing, and automating ribosome profiling computational analyses yields improved insight into data
- Computational study of transcription factor binding sites
- Computational modelling and systems ergonomics: a system dynamics model of drink driving-related trauma prevention
- Teaching Computational Thinking in K-9: Tensions at the Intersection of Technology and Pedagogical Knowledge
- Computational Analysis of Hi-C Data
- Robust linear regression for high‐dimensional data: An overview
- A computational approach for modelling context across different application domains
- The digital effectiveness on economic inequality: a computational approach
- On-demand generation of as-built infrastructure information models for mechanised Tunnelling from TBM data: A computational design approach
- Computational foundations of mind, evolution, and society
- Computational prediction and interpretation of cell-specific replication origin sites from multiple eukaryotes by exploiting stacking framework
- High-dimensional structure learning of binary pairwise Markov networks: a comparative numerical study
- Computational Design and Analysis of a Magic Snake
- On the Bridge Between Computational Results Of New Line Search Technique
- The state of undergraduate computational science programs
- miRNAture—Computational Detection of microRNA Candidates
- Implementation and characterization of a two-dimensional printed circuit dynamic metasurface aperture for computational microwave imaging
- Non-periodicity of blood flow and its influence on wall shear stress in the carotid artery bifurcation: An in vivo measurement-based computational study
- Dissecting the Computational Roles of the Social Brain
- Climbing down Charney’s ladder: machine learning and the post-Dennard era of computational climate science
- Advances in the computational development of androgen receptor antagonists
- Use of computational intelligence techniques to predict flooding in places adjacent to the Magdalena River
- Computational Multispectral Endoscopy
- Constraining cosmology with big data statistics of cosmological graphs
- Computational optimisation of screw orientations for improved locking plate fixation of proximal humerus fractures
- An efficient computational method for estimating failure credibility by combining genetic algorithm and active learning Kriging
- Estimation of incident dynamic AUC in practice
- Machine Learning Technology Reveals the Concealed Interactions of Phytohormones on Medicinal Plant In Vitro Organogenesis.
- Advancing Conflict Research Through Computational Approaches
- Introduction to Computational and Bioinformatics Tools in Virology
- Forcing statistics in resolvent analysis: application in minimal turbulent Couette flow
- Under the hood: using computational psychiatry to make psychological therapies more mechanism-focused
- Optimization of envelope design for housing in hot climates using a genetic algorithm (GA) computational approach
- AdamOptimizer for the Optimisation of Use Case Points Estimation
- Computational advances of tumor marker selection and sample classification in cancer proteomics
- The dark side of the ‘Moral Machine’and the fallacy of computational ethical decision-making for autonomous vehicles
- Self-reported symptoms of covid-19 including symptoms most predictive of SARS-CoV-2 infection, are heritable
- Robust test for dispersion parameter change in discretely observed diffusion processes
- School of hard knocks: Curriculum analysis for Pommerman with a fixed computational budget
- Computational modeling and experimental analysis for the diagnosis of cell survival/death for Akt protein
- Shallow landslide susceptibility mapping: A comparison between classification and regression tree and reduced error pruning tree algorithms
- A survey on ensemble learning
- Computational modeling of intraocular drug delivery supplied by porous implants
- Computational and experimental microstructural characterization of a magnesium WE43 Alloy processed on a commercially available PBF-LB machine
- Aeroshape design of reusable re-entry vehicles by multidisciplinary optimization and computational fluid dynamics
- Ultrasound Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Assessment of Brachial Artery Wall Shear Stress in Preeclamptic Pregnancy
- Computational modelling of the Δ4 and Δ5 adrenal steroidogenic pathways provides insight into hypocortisolism
- Computational Radiology in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis Using Artificial Intelligence
- Mathematical Modeling for the Solutions of Equations and Systems of Equations with Applications Vol. 4
- A combined experimental and computational analysis of failure mechanisms in open-hole cross-ply laminates under flexural loading
- Computational investigations of gram-negative bacteria phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase inhibitors using 3D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular …
- Computational studies of mycorrhizal protein: GiHsp60 and its interaction with soil organic matter
- A combined computational and experimental strategy identifies mutations conferring resistance to drugs targeting the BCR-ABL fusion protein
- Challenges in the Computational Modeling of the Protein Structure—Activity Relationship
- MD-TSPC4: Computational Method for Predicting the Thermal Stability of I-Motif
- Numerical simulation of the fluid flow inside the pressurized tube of the CANDU-6 reactor using the Computational Fluid Dynamics and the presence of nanoparticles …
- The emerging role of computational design in peptide macrocycle drug discovery
- R-Squared-Bootstrapping for Gegenbauer-Type Long Memory
- Investigation of bubble velocity profile in the column flotation cell by computational fluid dynamics simulation
- Correction to: A computational model of a network of initial lymphatics and pre-collectors with permeable interstitium
- Using Lego Mindstorms Robotics Programming in Enhancing Computational Thinking among Middle School in Saudi Arabia
- CAUSALdb: a database for disease/trait causal variants identified using summary statistics of genome-wide association studies
- A computational investigation on how visitation affects the reproduction number in a dengue fever model
- Could Dermaseptin Analogue be a Competitive Inhibitor for ACE2 Towards Binding with Viral Spike Protein Causing COVID19?: Computational Investigation
- Causation in Agent-Based Computational Social Science
- Computational modelling of foot orthosis for midfoot arthritis: a Taguchi approach for design optimization.
- Beyond two-point statistics: using the minimum spanning tree as a tool for cosmology
- Characterization of Protein-Membrane Interfaces through a Synergistic Computational-Experimental Approach
- Bayesian Bi-clustering Methods with Applications in Computational Biology
- Overcoming the challenges to enhancing experimental plant biology with computational modeling
- Skewness, kurtosis, and the fifth and sixth order cumulants of net baryon-number distributions from lattice QCD confront high-statistics STAR data
- Flood Hazard Mapping in Alluvial Fans with Computational Modeling
- Interoperability and computational framework for simulating open channel hydraulics: application to sensitivity analysis and calibration of Gironde Estuary model
- Multiapproach computational modelling of tuberculosis: understanding its epidemiological dynamics for improving its control in Nigeria
- A Scale Mixture Approach to t-Distributed Mixture Regression
- Estimation and determinants of Chinese banks’ total factor efficiency: a new vision based on unbalanced development of Chinese banks and their overall risk
- Partial preservation of the inferior turbinate in endoscopic medial maxillectomy: a computational fluid dynamics study
- Computational cardiovascular analysis with the variational multiscale methods and isogeometric discretization
- Computational discovery of plant-based inhibitors against human carbonic anhydrase IX and molecular dynamics simulation
- Computational Array of Ferromagnetic Effect “Ising Model”
- Pragmatics of Immigration & Identity: Computational Study of Online Discourses
- LongGF: computational algorithm and software tool for fast and accurate detection of gene fusions by long-read transcriptome sequencing
- Computational Analysis of Fluid Dynamics in the Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
- A new computational platform of structural reliability analysis developed by coupling FERUM and OpenSees
- What does computational fluid dynamics tell us about intracranial aneurysms? A meta-analysis and critical review
- A comparison of deep machine learning and Monte Carlo methods for facies classification from seismic data
- Contact Tracing: Computational Bounds, Limitations and Implications
- Circulating markers of angiogenesis and endotheliopathy in COVID-19
- Full-waveform inversion based on Kaniadakis statistics
- A computational science approach to understanding human conflict
- A comprehensive overview of computational tools for RNA-seq analysis
- Themisto: Towards Automated Documentation Generation in Computational Notebooks
- An Interpolation Method to Reduce the Computational Time in the Stochastic Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Modeling of Spatially Dense XCO2 Retrievals
- Computational estimation of the earthquake response for fibre reinforced concrete rectangular columns
- Differenced-Based Double Shrinking in Partial Linear Models
- Computational study of zebrafish immune-targeted microarray data for prediction of preventive drug candidates
- Effect of adenoids and tonsil tissue on pediatric obstructive sleep apnea severity determined by computational fluid dynamics
- Computational models of binaural processing
- Writing Strategies for Science Communication: Data and Computational Analysis
- Simulation of atmospheric cosmic-rays and their impacts based on pre-calculated databases, physical models and computational methods
- An efficient computational method for the time-space fractional Klein-Gordon equation
- Analytical and Computational Advances, Opportunities, and Challenges in Marine Organic Biogeochemistry in an Era of “Omics”
- Computational methods for automated mitosis detection in histopathology images: A review
- Computational micromechanics of the effect of fibre misalignment on the longitudinal compression and shear properties of UD fibre-reinforced plastics
- Towards computational analytics of 3D neuron images using deep adversarial learning
- Computational insights into human perceptual expertise for familiar and unfamiliar face recognition
- DF-MDA: an effective diffusion-based computational model for predicting miRNA-disease association
- CLiC-it 2020 Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020
- Determining the number of effective parameters in kernel density estimation
- Integrated Image-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Software as an Instructional Tool
- Balancing computational complexity and generalization ability: A novel design for ELM
- General and consistent statistics for cosmological observations
- Developmental Differences in Probabilistic Reversal Learning: A Computational Modeling Approach
- Computational investigations of the immune response to repeated influenza infections and vaccinations
- Computational Social Science and the Study of Political Communication
- Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K’iche’
- Programming without Code: Teaching Classics and Computational Methods
- Neuro-Heuristic Computational Intelligence for nonlinear Thomas-Fermi equation using trigonometric and hyperbolic approximation
- Study of Using Syzygium Samarangese Against Azole Resistant Candida Species-a Computational and Pharmacogenomic Approach
- Bayesian inference with INLA
- Towards Computational Linguistics in Minangkabau Language: Studies on Sentiment Analysis and Machine Translation
- A computational evaluation of two models of retrieval processes in sentence processing in aphasia
- Computational intelligence of Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation neural networks to study the dynamics of expanding/contracting cylinder for Cross magneto …
- Synthesis, antimicrobial activities, docking studies and computational calculations of new bis-1,4-phenylene -1H-1,2,3-triazole derivatives utilized ultrasonic energy
- Dosimetric Impact of a New Computational Voxel Phantom Series for the Japanese Atomic Bomb Survivors: Methodological Improvements and Organ Dose Response …
- Computational analysis the relationships of energy and mechanical properties with sensitivity for FOX-7 based PBXs via MD simulation
- Finding Periodic Apartments: A Computational Study of Hyperbolic Buildings
- Computational modeling of microbubble coalescence and breakup using large eddy simulation and Lagrangian tracking
- Computational analysis of biomimetic butterfly valve
- Robust image processing algorithm for computational resource limited smart apple sunburn sensing system
- Classification With the Matrix-Variate-t Distribution
- DeepACP: A Novel Computational Approach for Accurate Identification of Anticancer Peptides by Deep Learning Algorithm
- The development of a 3D computational mesh to improve the representation of dynamic processes: The Black Sea test case
- In Silico Study of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids as Potential SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Closed Conformation Stabilizers: Epidemiological and Computational …
- … cell infiltration and survival after platinum-based chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer subtypes: A gene expression-based computational study
- A Computational Separation between Private Learning and Online Learning
- A Novel Computational Method to Identify/Analyze Hysteresis Loops of Hard Magnetic Materials
- Miles Vs. Trane: Computational and Statistical Comparison of the Improvisatory Styles of Miles Davis and John Coltrane
- Computational concentration of measure: Optimal bounds, reductions, and more
- Tailored ensembles of neural networks optimize sensitivity to stimulus statistics
- Research on Computational Thinking Ability Training and Blended Learning
- Structure and ion transport of lithium-rich Li1+ xAlxTi2− x (PO4) 3 with 0.3< x< 0.5: A combined computational and experimental study
- Computational Reconstruction of an Anti-Aircraft Artillery Firing Scenario.
- Bayesian and frequentist testing for differences between two groups with parametric and nonparametric two‐sample tests
- Computational identification and characterization of glioma candidate biomarkers through multi-omics integrative profiling
- Foundations of a computational science of game design: Abstractions and tradeoffs
- Conformational flexibility correlates with glucose tolerance for point mutations in β-glucosidases–a computational study
- Bosons vs. Fermions–A computational complexity perspective
- Modeling and Meta-Modeling in Elementary Science Learning: Physical, Diagrammatic, and Computational Models
- Computational Analysis versus Human Intuition: A Critical Comparison of Vector Semantics with Manual Semantic Classification in the Context of Plains Cree
- Modeling Generalization in Machine Learning: A Methodological and Computational Study
- Computational schemes between the exact, analytical and numerical solution in present of time-fractional ecological model
- Shape optimisation of the sharp-heeled Kaplan draft tube: Performance evaluation using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- A combined computational and experimental study on the mild steel corrosion inhibition in hydrochloric acid by new multifunctional phosphonic acid containing 1, 2, 3 …
- From Gaming to Computational Thinking: An Adaptive Educational Computer Game-Based Learning Approach
- Computational Protocol for Determining Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
- Ageing and multisensory integration: A review of the evidence, and a computational perspective
- Analysis of open data and computational reproducibility in registered reports in psychology
- Pattern-Centric Computational System for Logic and Memory Manufacturing and Process Technology Development
- Weyl’s problem: A computational approach
- Flipping a Computational Modeling Class: Strategies to Engage Students and Foster Active Learning
- Computational approaches to amino acid side-chain conformation using combined NMR theoretical and experimental results: leucine-67 in Desulfovibrio vulgaris …
- A modified drag model for power-law fluid-particle flow used in computational fluid dynamics simulation
- Openchem: deep learning toolkit for computational chemistry and drug design
- Sensitivity Analysis Based Automation of Computational Problems
- About using analog computers in today’s largest computational challenges
- Computational design of closely related proteins that adopt two well-defined but structurally divergent folds
- Mobile Computational Photography: A Tour
- Language processing in brains and deep neural networks: computational convergence and its limits
- Computational evaluation for improving the |B1+ field in deep brain and cerebellum using a combination of a birdcage coil and a dipole antenna array
- Some Observations on the Computational Sensitivity of Rotating Cavity Flows
- Possible Sensing Ability of Boron Nitride Nanosheet and its Al–and Si–Doped Derivatives for Methimazole drug by Computational Study
- Robust estimation for semi-functional linear regression models
- Prediction of unemployment rates with time series and machine learning techniques
- Computational Simulation and Modeling of Freak Waves Based on Longuet-Higgins Model and Its Electromagnetic Scattering Calculation
- Intranuclear strain in living cells subjected to substrate stretching: A combined experimental and computational study
- Directed Computational Evolution of Quorum-Quenching Lactonases from the Amidohydrolase Superfamily
- Computational Annotation of a Hypothetical Protein from Pseudomonas aeruginosa SE5458 Strain Reveals a Bacterial Antitoxin Protein, Tsi6
- Computational modeling and numerical analysis of dynamics of sustainable mining of mineral complexes
- Causal network learning with non-invertible functional relationships
- Computational Monograph: Reading and Writing Distant Horizons [Ted Underwood, Distant Horizons, 2019]
- Corpus Applications in Forensic Computational Linguistics-LAEL Webinar
Research Topics Computer Science
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