What is Cryptography?
Cryptography is the study of secure communications techniques that allow only the sender and intended recipient of a message to view its contents.
List of Research Topics and Ideas of Cryptography.
1. Security protocol using elliptic curve cryptography algorithm for wireless sensor networks
2. Enhancing Blockchain security in cloud computing with IoT environment using ECIES and cryptography hash algorithm
3. An efficient image encryption scheme for TMIS based on elliptic curve integrated encryption and linear cryptography
4. Comparison of RISC-V and transport triggered architectures for a postquantum cryptography application
5. A secure and privacy-preserving lightweight authentication scheme for smart-grid communication using elliptic curve cryptography
6. Continuous-variable quantum cryptography with discrete alphabets: composable security under collective Gaussian attacks
7. Quantum cryptography: Basic principles and methodology
8. Impact of Computational Power on Cryptography
9. Performance improvement of elliptic curve cryptography system using low power, high speed 16× 16 Vedic multiplier based on reversible logic
10. Neural cryptography using optimal structure of neural networks
11. Information security in the post quantum era for 5G and beyond networks: Threats to existing cryptography, and post-quantum cryptography
12. Boolean functions for cryptography and coding theory
13. Experimental authentication of quantum key distribution with post-quantum cryptography
14. A lightweight remote user authentication scheme for IoT communication using elliptic curve cryptography
15. Neural cryptography based on generalized tree parity machine for real-life systems
16. Public key versus symmetric key cryptography in client–server authentication protocols
17. Clustering method and symmetric/asymmetric cryptography scheme adapted to securing urban VANET networks
18. Enhancing home security through visual cryptography
19. ECC-CoAP: Elliptic curve cryptography based constraint application protocol for internet of things
20. Attacking and Defending Masked Polynomial Comparison for Lattice-Based Cryptography.
21. SoK: Computer-aided cryptography
22. A novel cryptosystem based on DNA cryptography and randomly generated Mealy machine
23. High-Assurance Cryptography in the Spectre Era
24. Review of the use of human senses and capabilities in cryptography
25. Quantum cryptography with highly entangled photons from semiconductor quantum dots
26. Lightweight cryptography algorithms for resource-constrained IoT devices: A review, comparison and research opportunities
27. Hybrid state engineering of phase-change metasurface for all-optical cryptography
28. Security in Quantum Cryptography
29. State-of-the-Art Survey of Quantum Cryptography
30. Card-based cryptography meets formal verification
31. New directions in cryptography
32. Nonmalleable cryptography
33. Practical cryptography
34. Quantum cryptography
35. Introduction to cryptography
36. An introduction to cryptography
37. Introduction to cryptography
38. Cryptography
39. Visual cryptography
40. Cryptography: theory and practice
41. Introduction to modern cryptography
42. Handbook of applied cryptography
43. An introduction to mathematical cryptography
44. Cryptography
45. Cryptography: an introduction
46. A course in number theory and cryptography
47. Cryptography engineering
48. Abstract cryptography
49. Introduction to modern cryptography
50. Modern cryptography: theory and practice
51. Lecture notes on cryptography
52. Public-key cryptography
53. Cryptography and network security
54. Algebraic aspects of cryptography
55. An overview of cryptography
56. Experimental quantum cryptography
57. Threshold cryptography
58. Encyclopedia of cryptography and security
59. Foundations of cryptography: volume 2, basic applications
60. Cryptography and network security, 4/E
61. Kleptography: Using cryptography against cryptography
62. Contemporary cryptography
63. Java cryptography
64. Cryptography with chaos
65. Cryptography and data security
66. Guide to elliptic curve cryptography
67. Society and group oriented cryptography: A new concept
68. Cryptography and network security
69. What is cryptography?
70. Foundations of cryptography: volume 1, basic tools
71. Cryptography in
72. New directions in cryptography
73. The first ten years of public-key cryptography
74. Quantum cryptography
75. Limitations on practical quantum cryptography
76. Cryptography and computer privacy
77. Codes and cryptography
78. Understanding cryptography: a textbook for students and practitioners
79. Introduction to cryptography with coding theory
80. Advances in quantum cryptography
81. Everyday cryptography
82. An algebraic method for public-key cryptography
83. Quantum cryptography using any two nonorthogonal states
84. Reconciling two views of cryptography
85. Chaos and cryptography
86. Use of elliptic curves in cryptography
87. An overview of public key cryptography
88. The state of elliptic curve cryptography
89. Controlling access to published data using cryptography
90. Experimental quantum cryptography with qutrits
91. A decade of lattice cryptography
92. Basic methods of cryptography
93. Proxy Cryptography Revisited.
94. Mathematics of public key cryptography
95. Cryptography: a comparative analysis for modern techniques
96. Elliptic curves in cryptography
97. Abstract models of computation in cryptography
98. Complexity and cryptography: an introduction
99. Modern cryptography
100. New field of cryptography: DNA cryptography
101. Physically observable cryptography
102. Cryptography and Network Security: for VTU
103. Relativized cryptography
104. Foundations of cryptography: a primer
105. Quantum cryptography
106. Advances in elliptic curve cryptography
107. Introduction to Cryptography with java Applets
108. An update on quantum cryptography
109. Cryptography
110. Lattice-based cryptography
111. A graduate course in applied cryptography
112. Lightweight Cryptography
113. Visual cryptography for general access structures
114. Quantum cryptography
115. Quantum cryptography in practice
116. Applied quantum cryptography
117. Quantum cryptography.
118. Elliptic curve cryptography in practice
119. Chaos-based cryptography: a brief overview
120. Beginning cryptography with Java
121. Applied cryptography: protocols, algorithms, and source code in C
122. Lattice cryptography for the internet
123. An overview of elliptic curve cryptography
124. Elliptic curves: number theory and cryptography
125. Towards mobile cryptography
126. Applied cryptography
127. Introduction to post-quantum cryptography
128. On cryptography with auxiliary input
129. An overview of public key cryptography
130. Public-key cryptography from different assumptions
131. Public key cryptography in sensor networks—revisited
132. Some recent research aspects of threshold cryptography
133. Cryptography with cellular automata
134. Divertible protocols and atomic proxy cryptography
135. Fault analysis in cryptography
136. Position based cryptography
137. Estimates for practical quantum cryptography
138. Visual cryptography for color images
139. Cryptography with dynamical systems
140. Elliptic curve cryptography
141. Cryptography
142. Cryptography in an algebraic alphabet
143. DNA-based cryptography
144. Group-based cryptography
145. A note on the complexity of cryptography (corresp.)
146. Quantum cryptography based on orthogonal states
147. Certificateless public key cryptography
148. Quantum cryptography without switching
149. The complexity of promise problems with applications to public-key cryptography
150. Quantum cryptography
151. Quantum cryptography based on Bell’s theorem
152. Computer security and cryptography
153. An overview of cryptography
154. The foundational cryptography framework
155. Why cryptography is harder than it looks
156. A primer on cryptography in communications
157. Energy analysis of public-key cryptography for wireless sensor networks
158. A classical introduction to cryptography: Applications for communications security
159. Privacy and authentication: An introduction to cryptography
160. jPBC: Java pairing based cryptography
161. The advantages of elliptic curve cryptography for wireless security
162. Cryptography and machine learning
163. On the foundations of cryptography
164. Experimental quantum cryptography: the dawn of a new era for quantum cryptography: the experimental prototype is working
165. Report on lightweight cryptography
166. New results on visual cryptography
167. New directions of modern cryptography
168. Algorithms for black-box fields and their application to cryptography
169. Forward-security in private-key cryptography
170. A survey of lightweight-cryptography implementations
171. CryptoLib: Cryptography in Software.
172. Primality and cryptography
173. An introduction to number theory with cryptography
174. Report on post-quantum cryptography
175. Theory and applications of cellular automata in cryptography
176. Hierarchical ID-based cryptography
177. A course in mathematical cryptography
178. Unconditional security in quantum cryptography
179. An introduction to cryptography
180. Applications of multilinear forms to cryptography
181. Elliptic curves and their applications to cryptography: an introduction
182. Chaos-based cryptography: Theory, algorithms and applications
183. Theory and practice of chaotic cryptography
184. Identity-based cryptography
185. Security pitfalls in cryptography
186. Some applications of coding theory in cryptography
187. The impact of quantum computing on present cryptography
188. User’s guide to cryptography and standards
189. Cryptography for developers
190. The “golden” matrices and a new kind of cryptography
191. Network security with openSSL: cryptography for secure communications
192. Extended capabilities for visual cryptography
193. Genetic algorithms in cryptography
194. Elliptic curve cryptography and its applications
195. Cryptography and steganography–A survey
196. Single photon quantum cryptography
197. Quantum cryptography without Bell’s theorem
198. Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography
199. Improved schemes for visual cryptography
200. Applications of T-functions in Cryptography
201. The mathematics of public-key cryptography
202. Cryptography Based On Neural Network.
203. A survey of identity-based cryptography
204. Cryptography based on chaotic systems
205. Region incrementing visual cryptography
206. Cryptography from noisy storage
207. Quantum cryptography
208. Quantum cryptography with imperfect apparatus
209. Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Error-Correcting Codes.
210. A survey on various cryptography techniques
211. Information theory, coding and cryptography
212. Fast implementations of RSA cryptography
213. Quantum cryptography with coherent states
214. Concerning certain linear transformation apparatus of cryptography
215. Malicious cryptography: Exposing cryptovirology
216. A comprehensive study of visual cryptography
217. Lightweight cryptography methods
218. Tight finite-key analysis for quantum cryptography
219. Autocompensating quantum cryptography
220. Bridging game theory and cryptography: Recent results and future directions
221. Halftone visual cryptography
222. Fast cryptography in genus 2
223. NanoECC: Testing the limits of elliptic curve cryptography in sensor networks
224. Signal design for good correlation: for wireless communication, cryptography, and radar
225. Quantum communications and cryptography
226. State of the art in lightweight symmetric cryptography
227. Quantum cryptography using larger alphabets
228. Lattice-based cryptography
229. Public-key cryptography for RFID-tags
230. Quantum cryptography with entangled photons
231. Vectorial Boolean Functions for Cryptography.
232. Coding theory and cryptography: the essentials
233. Public-key cryptography and password protocols
234. Software implementation of elliptic curve cryptography over binary fields
235. RSA and public-key cryptography
236. “Plug and play” systems for quantum cryptography
237. Code-based cryptography
238. A three-stage quantum cryptography protocol
239. Public key cryptography
240. On using cognitive models in cryptography
241. Cryptography and game theory: Designing protocols for exchanging information
242. Cryptography and evidence
243. An extension of the Shannon theory approach to cryptography
244. Quantum cryptography with squeezed states
245. Public-key cryptography
246. Cryptography with DNA binary strands
247. Post-quantum cryptography
248. TinyECC: A configurable library for elliptic curve cryptography in wireless sensor networks
249. Current state of multivariate cryptography
250. On the contrast in visual cryptography schemes
251. Continuous variable quantum cryptography
252. Network security with cryptography
253. Cognicrypt: Supporting developers in using cryptography
254. Quantum cryptography: A survey
255. Lightweight cryptography for the internet of things
256. Elliptic curves and cryptography
257. Cryptography—A selective survey
258. Fast elliptic curve cryptography on FPGA
259. Quantum cryptography with 3-state systems
260. Handbook of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptography
261. The foundations of modern cryptography
262. Discrete chaotic cryptography using external key
263. Leakage-resilient cryptography
264. Colour visual cryptography schemes
265. An introduction to pairing-based cryptography
266. Shorter keys for code based cryptography
267. A survey on cryptography algorithms
268. Image size invariant visual cryptography
269. Cryptography with constant computational overhead
270. A Survey on the Applications of Cryptography
271. Probabilistic visual cryptography schemes
272. How public key cryptography influences wireless sensor node lifetime
273. Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing
274. Abuses in cryptography and how to fight them
275. Experimental quantum cryptography
276. Cryptography in OpenBSD: An Overview.
277. Sharing multiple secrets in visual cryptography
278. Constructions and bounds for visual cryptography
279. Modern Cryptography Primer
280. On the energy cost of communication and cryptography in wireless sensor networks
281. Information-theoretic cryptography
282. Full-field implementation of a perfect eavesdropper on a quantum cryptography system
283. Elliptic curve cryptography engineering
284. Analysis of neural cryptography
285. Wireless security and cryptography: specifications and implementations
286. State of the art in ultra-low power public key cryptography for wireless sensor networks
287. Optimal eavesdropping in quantum cryptography with six states
288. Cryptography from anonymity
289. Cryptography in the multi-string model
290. Introduction to public-key cryptography
291. Review and analysis of cryptography techniques
292. Visual cryptography for grey level images
293. Constructive cryptography–a new paradigm for security definitions and proofs
294. Cryptography using neural network
295. Comparing elliptic curve cryptography and RSA on 8-bit CPUs
296. Progressive color visual cryptography
297. Cryptography and network security (Sie)
298. Performance analysis of elliptic curve cryptography for SSL
299. Hardware architectures for public key cryptography
300. Cryptography against continuous memory attacks
301. Visual cryptography for print and scan applications
302. Cryptography and game theory
303. Cryptography: Current status and future trends
304. The uneasy relationship between mathematics and cryptography
305. A New Approach for Data Cryptography
306. White-box cryptography and an AES implementation
307. Commodity-based cryptography
308. Cryptography in embedded systems: An overview
309. Incremental cryptography and application to virus protection
310. Applied cryptography-protocols, algorithms, and source code in C
311. Foundations of Cryptography:(fragments of a Book
312. Importance of cryptography in network security
313. A toolkit for ring-LWE cryptography
314. Interacting neural networks and cryptography
315. Embedded extended visual cryptography schemes
316. Quantum cryptography with a photon turnstile
317. Fast elliptic curve cryptography in OpenSSL
318. The future of cryptography
319. Practical quantum cryptography based on two-photon interferometry
320. Jasmin: High-assurance and high-speed cryptography
321. Extended visual cryptography for natural images
322. Fundamental elliptic curve cryptography algorithms
323. RFID security without extensive cryptography
324. Hacking commercial quantum cryptography systems by tailored bright illumination
325. Quantum cryptography in free space
326. Low-cost elliptic curve cryptography for wireless sensor networks
327. Quantum cryptography, or unforgeable subway tokens
328. Cryptography, information theory, and error-correction: a handbook for the 21st century
329. Bio-cryptography
330. Differentially uniform mappings for cryptography
331. The black paper of quantum cryptography: real implementation problems
332. A survey paper on cryptography techniques
333. Optimal eavesdropping in quantum cryptography. I. Information bound and optimal strategy
334. One-way functions are essential for complexity based cryptography
335. Minimalist cryptography for low-cost RFID tags
336. A comparative survey of symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography
337. Tropical cryptography
338. Public-key cryptography standards (PKCS)# 1: RSA cryptography specifications version 2.1
339. Entropy measures and unconditional security in cryptography
340. Torus-based cryptography
341. Fast, efficient error reconciliation for quantum cryptography
342. Serious cryptography: a practical introduction to modern encryption
343. Watermarking is not cryptography
344. SoK: Computer-aided cryptography
345. Quantum cryptography
346. Counterfactual quantum cryptography
347. Cryptography with cellular automata
348. Quantum resistant public key cryptography: a survey
349. Non-interactive public-key cryptography
350. High-dimensional quantum cryptography with twisted light
351. Advances of DNA computing in cryptography
352. Common randomness in information theory and cryptography. I. Secret sharing
353. Basics of contemporary cryptography for IT practitioners
354. A new approach for visual cryptography
355. Human-computer cryptography: An attempt
356. Optimal eavesdropping in cryptography with three-dimensional quantum states
357. Cryptography from learning parity with noise
358. Architectural support for fast symmetric-key cryptography
359. Quantum cryptography approaching the classical limit
360. A noise-based IC random number generator for applications in cryptography
361. An end-to-end systems approach to elliptic curve cryptography
362. Cheating in visual cryptography
363. Image based steganography and cryptography.
364. Braid-based cryptography
365. Quantum cryptography for IoT: aperspective
366. Step construction of visual cryptography schemes
367. Use of cryptography in cloud computing
368. Founding cryptography on oblivious transfer–efficiently
369. Guide to pairing-based cryptography
370. Supersingular curves in cryptography
371. The code book: the science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography
372. Cryptography using multiple one-dimensional chaotic maps
373. Combining cryptography with biometrics effectively
374. Modern cryptography, probabilistic proofs and pseudorandomness
375. Progressive visual cryptography with unexpanded shares
376. On general construction for extended visual cryptography schemes
377. A quick glance at quantum cryptography
378. A survey on quantum cryptography
379. Protections against differential analysis for elliptic curve cryptography—an algebraic approach—
380. Automotive security: Cryptography for car2x communication
381. Lightweight cryptography for embedded systems–a comparative analysis
382. Elliptic curves suitable for pairing based cryptography
383. High-Assurance Cryptography in the Spectre Era
384. Hiding Data in Images Using Cryptography and Deep Neural Network
385. On the impossibility of cryptography alone for privacy-preserving cloud computing.
386. Discrete chaotic cryptography
387. Towards practical and fast quantum cryptography
388. Chaos-based random number generators-part I: analysis [cryptography]
389. Combinatorial group theory and public key cryptography
390. A study and analysis on symmetric cryptography
391. The theory of neural networks and cryptography
392. NET security and cryptography
393. A novel visual cryptography scheme
394. A brief history of cryptography
395. Pairing-based cryptography at high security levels
396. Postselection technique for quantum channels with applications to quantum cryptography
397. Analysis of public-key cryptography for wireless sensor networks security
398. Neural cryptography
399. Chinese remainder theorem: applications in computing, coding, cryptography
400. Introduction of DNA computing in cryptography
401. Visual cryptography for gray-level images by dithering techniques
402. Simultaneous hardcore bits and cryptography against memory attacks
403. Handbook of financial cryptography and security
404. RGB based multiple share creation in visual cryptography with aid of elliptic curve cryptography
405. Use of chaotic dynamical systems in cryptography
406. Cryptography and steganography
407. XOR-based visual cryptography schemes
408. Contrast optimal threshold visual cryptography schemes
409. Exploiting the power of GPUs for asymmetric cryptography
410. Continuous variable quantum cryptography using coherent states
411. High-rate measurement-device-independent quantum cryptography
412. Classical cryptography
413. Non-commutative cryptography and complexity of group-theoretic problems
414. Visual cryptography II: Improving the contrast via the cover base
415. A DNA-based, biomolecular cryptography design
416. Algebraic geometry in coding theory and cryptography
417. Symmetric cryptography in javascript
418. Perfect nonlinear functions and cryptography
419. The laws of cryptography with java code
420. Communications cryptography
421. Cryptography for dummies
422. A pseudo DNA cryptography method
423. Cryptography and information security
424. Common randomness in information theory and cryptography. II. CR capacity
425. Multiparticle entanglement and its applications to cryptography
426. Cryptography and Security Services: Mechanisms and Applications: Mechanisms and Applications
427. Metaphor is the Key: Cryptography, the Clipper Chip, and the Constitution
428. On Post-Modern Cryptography.
429. Bent functions: results and applications to cryptography
430. Entangled state quantum cryptography: eavesdropping on the Ekert protocol
431. An extended visual cryptography algorithm for general access structures
432. Simple identity-based cryptography with mediated RSA
433. Galois field in cryptography
434. Introduction to the feature section on optical chaos and applications to cryptography
435. Quantum privacy amplification and the security of quantum cryptography over noisy channels
436. Towards practical whitebox cryptography: optimizing efficiency and space hardness
437. Evaluation of cryptography usage in android applications
438. Theory of cryptography
439. Survey of visual cryptography schemes
440. Cryptography as a teaching tool
441. Cryptography goes to the cloud
442. Policy-based cryptography and applications
443. High-dimensional intracity quantum cryptography with structured photons
444. Applications of combinatorial designs to communications, cryptography, and networking
445. Cryptography based on delayed chaotic neural networks
446. Cognitive keys in personalized cryptography
447. Multivariate public key cryptography
448. Composability in quantum cryptography
449. Lightweight cryptography: Underlying principles and approaches
450. Cryptography with chaos
451. A new cryptography system and its VLSI realization
452. A survey on IQ cryptography
453. Cryptography and relational database management systems
454. Visual cryptography for biometric privacy
455. Review on network security and cryptography
456. Cryptography
457. Cryptography in the bounded-quantum-storage model
458. Lightweight cryptography for FPGAs
459. Cheating prevention in visual cryptography
460. Sensor data cryptography in wireless sensor networks
461. An energy-efficient reconfigurable public-key cryptography processor
462. Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts
463. Finite automata and application to cryptography
464. Incremental cryptography: The case of hashing and signing
465. The complexity of public-key cryptography
466. White-Box Cryptography.
467. Faraday–Michelson system for quantum cryptography
468. An introduction to cryptography
469. Linicrypt: a model for practical cryptography
470. Quantum cryptography beyond quantum key distribution
471. On the relation of error correction and cryptography to an online biometric based identification scheme
472. Elliptic curve cryptography-based access control in sensor networks
473. High-speed hardware implementations of elliptic curve cryptography: A survey
474. Brief history of quantum cryptography: A personal perspective
475. The dark side of “black-box” cryptography or: Should we trust capstone?
476. Cryptography: The science of secret writing
477. Ct-wasm: type-driven secure cryptography for the web ecosystem
478. Code-based cryptography: State of the art and perspectives
479. Quantum cryptography on multiuser optical fibre networks
480. Protection and retrieval of encrypted multimedia content: When cryptography meets signal processing
481. Secure sharing of data in cloud using MA-CPABE with elliptic curve cryptography
482. Optical multilevel authentication based on singular value decomposition ghost imaging and secret sharing cryptography
483. Data Security System for A Bank Based on Two Different Asymmetric Algorithms Cryptography
484. SoK: How (not) to Design and Implement Post-Quantum Cryptography.
485. Low Area PRESENT Cryptography in FPGA Using TRNG-PRNG Key Generation
486. Enhancing the security in RSA and elliptic curve cryptography based on addition chain using simplified Swarm Optimization and Particle Swarm Optimization for …
487. An encrypted multitone modulation method for physical layer security based on chaotic cryptography
488. Network Coding-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography
489. Revisiting multivariate ring learning with errors and its applications on lattice-based cryptography
490. Security analysis of Reversible Logic Cryptography Design with LFSR key on 32-bit Microcontroller
491. Disappearing Cryptography in the Bounded Storage Model.
492. LNGate: Powering IoT with Next Generation Lightning Micro-payments using Threshold Cryptography
493. Resistant Blockchain Cryptography to Quantum Computing Attacks
494. Image Encryption and Authentication with Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Multidimensional Chaotic Maps
495. Implementation of Modified GSO Based Magic Cube Keys Generation in Cryptography
496. Service layer security architecture for IoT using biometric authentication and cryptography technique
497. A Compact FPGA-Based Accelerator for Curve-Based Cryptography in Wireless Sensor Networks
498. Digital signature authentication using asymmetric key cryptography with different byte number
499. Novel Low-Complexity Polynomial Multiplication over Hybrid Fields for Efficient Implementation of Binary Ring-LWE Post-Quantum Cryptography
500. Innovative Dual-Binary-Field Architecture for Point Multiplication of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
501. Asymmetric multiple image elliptic curve cryptography
502. Research of Combining Blockchain in the Course Reform of Cryptography by Experiential Teaching
503. Lightweight Encryption Using Incremental Cryptography
504. Quantum cryptography and security analysis
505. Applications of Cryptography in Database: A Review
506. Robust Reversible Watermarking in Encrypted Image with Secure Multi-party based on Lightweight Cryptography
507. An Application of p-Fibonacci Error-Correcting Codes to Cryptography
508. Flip Extended Visual Cryptography for Gray-Scale and Color Cover Images
509. Cryptography in Cloud Computing
510. Quantum Cryptography and Blockchain System: Fast and Secured Digital Communication System
511. Hiding Data Using Efficient Combination of RSA Cryptography, and Compression Steganography Techniques
512. Compound Cryptography for Internet of Things Based Industrial Automation
513. Cryptography Using Chaos In Communication Systems
514. Asymmetric Key Cryptography based Ad-hoc on Demand Distance Vector Protocol (AC-AODV)
515. Multiple-image encryption based on Toeplitz matrix ghost imaging and elliptic curve cryptography
516. NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process: Classification of Second Round Candidates, Open Challenges, and Recommendations.
517. A Strategy Roadmap for Post-quantum Cryptography
519. Low-power Reconfigurable Architecture of Elliptic Curve Cryptography for IoT
520. Preventing Counterfeit Products Using Cryptography, QR Code and Webservice
521. Correction to: Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis with C++ 20
522. Multi-Zone Authentication and Privacy-Preserving Protocol (MAPP) Based on the Bilinear Pairing Cryptography for 5G-V2X
523. Cryptography Leads the Next Wave of Societal Change
524. Problems in cryptography and cryptanalysis
525. A forward secure signcryption scheme with ciphertext authentication for e-payment systems using conic curve cryptography
526. Provably Secure Symmetric Private Information Retrieval with Quantum Cryptography
527. Smaller Keys for Code-Based Cryptography: McEliece Cryptosystems with Convolutional Encoders
528. Cryptography Threats
529. Protecting Cryptography Against Compelled Self-Incrimination
530. Research on a novel construction of probabilistic visual cryptography scheme (k, n, 0, 1, 1)- PVCS for threshold access structures
531. Securing Technique Using Pattern-Based LSB Audio Steganography and Intensity-Based Visual Cryptography
532. Preface: Special Issue on Card-Based Cryptography
533. Digital Signature Authentication for a Bank Using Asymmetric Key Cryptography Algorithm and Token Based Encryption
534. A novel approach using elliptic curve cryptography to mitigate Two-Dimensional attacks in mobile Ad hoc networks
535. An Efficient RFID Authentication Scheme Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Internet of Things
536. … SMEER (Secure Multitier Energy Efficient Routing Protocol) and SCOR (Secure Elliptic curve based Chaotic key Galois Cryptography on Opportunistic Routing)
537. A hybrid encryption scheme based on optical scanning cryptography and Fibonacci–Lucas transformation
538. Preservation of data using magic squares in Asymmetric key cryptography
539. On properties of translation groups in the affine general linear group with applications to cryptography
540. Cryptography Fundamentals
541. Techniques of Steganography and Cryptography in Digital Transformation
542. Card-based Cryptography with Dihedral Symmetry
543. Lightweight Cryptography Algorithms for Internet of Things enabled Networks: An Overview
545. A Cryptography and Machine Learning Based Authentication for Secure Data-Sharing in Federated Cloud Services Environment
546. Secure medical image transmission using modified leading diagonal sorting with probabilistic visual cryptography
547. Device-Independent Quantum Cryptography
548. Galois Field Arithmetic Operations using Xilinx FPGAs in Cryptography
549. Cryptography-based deep artificial structure for secure communication using IoT-enabled cyber-physical system
550. An improved hybrid scheme for e-payment security using elliptic curve cryptography
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