Agent-Oriented Computing Research Topics Ideas

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

List of Research Topics and Ideas of Agent-Oriented Computing for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.

1. Survey on Edge Computing–Key Technology in Retail Industry
2. An improved task allocation scheme in Serverless computing using gray wolf optimization (GWO) based Reinforcement Learning (RIL) approach
3. A novel privacy preserving digital forensic readiness provable data possession technique for health care data in cloud
4. Agent-based modeling: Population limits and large timescales
5. Responsibility Research for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
7. An energy-efficient service-oriented energy supplying system and control for multi-machine in the production line
8. A survey on mobile agent itinerary planning for information fusion in wireless sensor networks
9. Identification of trusted IoT devices for secure delegation
10. Service-oriented replication strategies for improving quality-of-service in cloud computing: a survey
11. Quantifying the effects of norms on COVID-19 cases using an agent-based simulation
12. New Load Sharing Algorithms based on BlackBoards
13. Towards AI ingredients
14. A review on architecture and models for autonomic software systems
15. Entropy-based goal-oriented emergence management in self-organizing systems through feedback control loop: A case study in NASA ANTS mission
16. Research fields and challenges to implement cyber-physical production systems in SMEs: a literature review. CMUJ
17. Building adaptive context-aware service-based smart systems
18. A grl-compliant istar extension for collaborative cyber-physical systems
19. When services computing meets blockchain: Challenges and opportunities
20. Future Developments in Geographical Agent-Based Models: Challenges and Opportunities
21. Peer-to-peer autonomous agent communication network
22. Study of Bond-Agent-Based Resource Discovery in Cloud Computing
23. A systematic mapping study on agent mining
24. A multi-agent framework to build integer programming applications to playoff elimination in sports tournaments
25. On the use of the analytic hierarchy process in the evaluation of domain-specific modeling languages for multi-agent systems
26. Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry of the Future: Proceedings of SOHOMA 2020
27. Mobile agent-based service migration in mobile edge computing
28. A new transformation approach for complex systems modelling and simulation: application to industrial control system
29. Agent-based automated dynamic SLA negotiation framework in the cloud using the stochastic optimization approach
30. Study on Agent Architecture for Context-Aware Services
31. Agent-oriented software engineering
32. The art of agent-oriented modeling
33. Challenges and research directions in agent-oriented software engineering
34. Agent-oriented computing: Agents as a paradigm for computer programming and software development
35. A definition of exceptions in agent-oriented computing
37. Agent-oriented software engineering: revisiting the state of the art
38. Agent-oriented smart objects development
39. Diffusion based scheduling in the agent-oriented computing system
40. Agent-oriented computing platform in python
41. Towards an agent-oriented approach to conceptualization
42. Handbook on agent-oriented design processes
43. A methodology to evaluate agent oriented software engineering techniques
44. An agent oriented proactive fault-tolerant framework for grid computing
45. Comparing service-oriented computing and Agent-oriented programming towards integration
46. Agent-oriented cooperative smart objects: From IoT system design to implementation
47. Specifying and verifying cross-organizational business models: An agent-oriented approach
48. A framework for evaluation of agent oriented methodologies
49. simpA-WS: An Agent-Oriented Computing Technology forWS-based SOA Applications
50. A survey of agent-oriented software engineering
51. Agent-oriented modeling and simulation of IoT networks
52. Comparing agent-oriented methodologies
53. Pitfalls of agent-oriented development
54. Agent-oriented software engineering: The state of the art
55. A survey of agent-oriented software engineering for service-oriented computing
56. Agent-oriented metasynthetic engineering for decision making
57. Application of cloud computing in financial services: an agent-oriented modelling approach
58. Modeling and simulating Internet-of-Things systems: A hybrid agent-oriented approach
59. Agent-oriented software engineering (workshop session)
60. Agent-oriented technology in support of e-business
61. ELDAMeth: An agent-oriented methodology for simulation-based prototyping of distributed agent systems
62. Towards agent oriented application frameworks
63. Towards a Cloud-assisted and Agent-oriented Architecture for the Internet of Things.
64. An agile toolkit to support agent-oriented and service-oriented computing mechanisms
65. Agent-oriented modelling and specification of web services
66. Methodologies and software engineering for agent systems: the agent-oriented software engineering handbook
67. An overview of agent-oriented programming
68. Agent-oriented programming
69. Agent factory: A framework for the engineering of agent-oriented applications
70. Agent-oriented architecture for ubiquitous computing in smart hyperspace
71. Developing flexible software using agent-oriented software engineering
72. Agent-oriented supply-chain management
73. Agent-oriented programming with underlying ontological reasoning
74. Mage: An agent-oriented programming environment
75. On the evaluation of agent oriented modeling methods
76. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering V
77. An agent-oriented programming model for SOA & web services
78. Research on agent-oriented programming [J]
79. Supercomputer technologies in social sciences: Agent-oriented demographic models
80. An agent-oriented programming language for computing in context
81. Agent-oriented methodologies: an introduction
82. Evaluation of agent–oriented software methodologies–examination of the gap between modeling and platform
83. Toward an Agent-Oriented Paradigm of Information Systems
84. Recent Advances in Mobile Agent-Oriented Applications
85. Oasis: An agent-oriented programming language for heterogeneous distributed environment.
86. Models and methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design
87. Agent-oriented model of simulated evolution
88. Using agent-oriented simulation system AGNES for evaluation of sensor networks
89. A model-theoretic approach to the verification of agent-oriented systems
90. I-MINDS: an agent-oriented information system for applications in education
91. Simulation of Agent-oriented Internet of Things Systems.
92. A survey of agent-oriented software engineering paradigm: Towards its industrial acceptance
93. Roadmap of agent-oriented software engineering
94. [CITATION][C] Agent-oriented software engineering
95. Agent oriented software engineering for grid computing
96. Aspects in agent-oriented software engineering: Lessons learned
97. Geamas: A generic architecture for agent-oriented simulations of complex processes
98. Enhancing agent-oriented models with aspects
99. Agent-oriented software engineering
100. Agent-oriented methodologies comparison: A literature review
101. Security and trust in agent-oriented middleware
102. Agent-oriented designs for a self healing smart grid
103. OpenOME: An Open-source Goal and Agent-Oriented Model Drawing and Analysis Tool.
104. An agent-oriented method for designing large socio-technical service-ecosystems
105. Case based reasoning in a hybrid agent-oriented system
106. Agent-oriented software engineering for internet applications
107. An agent-oriented approach to requirements engineering
108. A case for new directions in agent-oriented software engineering
109. A framework for model-based design of agent-oriented software
110. Agent-oriented modelling: software versus the world
111. Integration of agent-based and cloud computing for the smart objects-oriented IoT
112. An agent-oriented and service-oriented environment for deploying dynamic distributed systems
113. A comparison of three agent-oriented software development methodologies: ROADMAP, Prometheus, and MaSE
114. Integration of web services in an agent-oriented methodology
115. MAGE: an agent-oriented software engineering environment
116. Agent-oriented approach to DNA computing
117. The MESSAGE methodology for agent-oriented analysis and design
118. This is MyWorld: The logic of an agent-oriented DAI testbed
119. Agent-oriented modeling and development of a system for crisis management
120. A service-and multi-agent-oriented manufacturing automation architecture: An IEC 62264 level 2 compliant implementation
121. A Repository of Method Fragments for Agent-Oriented Development of Learning-Based Edge Computing Systems
122. Agent-oriented foraminifera habitat simulation
123. CAMLE: A Caste-Centric Agent-Oriented Modelling Language and Environment.
124. Agent-oriented abstraction.
125. AF-APL–bridging principles and practice in agent oriented languages
126. An agent-oriented approach to resolve scheduling optimization in intelligent manufacturing
127. Toward programmining paradigms for agent oriented software engineering
128. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VII
129. A comparative analisys of i*-based agent-oriented modeling languages
130. Tackling complexity of distributed systems: Towards an integration of service-oriented computing and agent-oriented programming
131. Ao dai: Agent oriented design for ambient intelligence
132. Organizational structures supported by agent-oriented methodologies
133. Analyzing knowledge transfer effectiveness–an agent-oriented modeling approach
134. TAOM4E: an Eclipse ready tool for Agent-Oriented Modeling. Issue on the development process
135. Agent-oriented development of hybrid wind turbine monitoring systems
136. Applying Agent Oriented Software Engineering to Cooperative Robotics.
137. Simulation for agent-oriented software engineering
138. Towards a Pragmatic Approach to Engineer Cognitive, Agent-Oriented, Distributed Applications
139. An agent-oriented approach for the dynamic vehicle routing problem
140. UML for agent-oriented software development: The Tropos proposal
141. Understanding Agent-Oriented Software Engineering methodologies.
142. Agent-oriented modelling for simulation of complex environments
143. Modeling NASA swarm-based systems: using agent-oriented software engineering and formal methods
144. Survey and evaluation of agent-oriented software engineering main approaches
145. Agent-oriented software development
146. Modeling corporate knowledge within the agent oriented abstraction
147. Agent-oriented software engineering
148. Agent-oriented smart factory (aosf): An mas based framework for smes under industry 4.0
149. An agent-oriented decision support system combining fuzzy clustering and the AHP
150. ODAC: An agent-oriented methodology based on ODP
151. A formal specification language for agent-oriented software engineering
152. Exception handling in agent-oriented systems
153. Developing agent-oriented video surveillance system through agent-oriented methodology (AOM)
154. simpA: A Simple Agent-Oriented Java Extension for Developing Concurrent Applications
155. SARL: a general-purpose agent-oriented programming language
156. Agent oriented design of a soccer robot team
157. Towards the integration of the agent-oriented modeling diversity with a powertype-based language
158. Aspire: An agent-oriented smart parking recommendation system for smart cities
159. [CITATION][C] An agent-oriented hierarchic strategy for solving inverse problems
160. Programming abstractions for integrating autonomous and reactive behaviors: an agent-oriented approach
161. Prometheus: A practical agent-oriented methodology
162. An agent-oriented approach for self-management of industrial automation systems
163. Agent-oriented software engineering: a model-driven approach
164. Agent-Oriented software engineering report on the 4th AOSE workshop (AOSE 2003)
165. Petri net: A tool for modeling and analyze multi-agent oriented systems
166. A technique for defining agent-oriented engineering processes with tool support
167. Agent-based computing: Promise and perils
168. Determining when to use an agent-oriented software engineering paradigm
169. Roles in agent-oriented modeling
170. A-pool: An agent-oriented open system shell for distributed decision process modeling
171. Concurrent object-oriented programming with agent-oriented abstractions: The ALOO approach
172. An operational semantics for a BDI agent-oriented programming language
173. Comparison of agent oriented software methodologies to apply in cyber physical production systems
174. A web-based agent-oriented approach to address heterogeneity in cooperative embedded systems
175. Simulation in agent-oriented software engineering: The SODA case study
176. An agent-oriented, trust-aware approach to improve the QoS in dynamic grid federations
177. Open peer-to-peer systems over blockchain and ipfs: An agent oriented framework
178. A Qualitative, Interactive Evaluation Procedure for Goal-and Agent-Oriented Models.
179. Agent-oriented constructivist knowledge management
180. A modeling framework for agent-oriented analysis and design based on grid architecture
181. Toward Agent-Oriented Conceptualization and Implementation
182. Agent-oriented software construction with UML
183. Towards an agent oriented smart manufacturing system
184. Agent-oriented programming of manufacturing control tasks
185. Why Agent-Oriented Requirements Engineering
186. A survey on the implementation of agent oriented specifications
187. ASPECS: an agent-oriented software process for engineering complex systems
188. An agent-oriented conceptual framework for systems biology
189. A computing curriculum wiki: analysis and modelling using the MAS-CommonKADS agent-oriented methodology.
190. Multi-agent oriented constraint satisfaction
191. An agent-oriented information processing architecture for sensor network applications
192. Agent-oriented image processing with the hp-adaptive projection-based interpolation operator
193. Service-oriented computing: Key concepts and principles
194. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
195. Towards agent-oriented model-driven architecture
196. A framework for modeling agent-oriented software
197. Modeling and analysis of agent oriented system: Petri net based approach
198. On the formal semantics of speech-act based communication in an agent-oriented programming language
199. Evaluating agent-oriented software engineering methodologies
200. Developing agent-oriented information systems for the enterprise
201. A statistical approach for evaluating agent-oriented software engineering methodologies.
202. On the evaluation of agent-oriented software engineering methodologies: a statistical approach
203. simpA: An agent-oriented approach for programming concurrent applications on top of Java
204. Agent-oriented formal specification of Web Services
205. [CITATION][C] Survey and evaluation of agent oriented software engineering
206. An agent-oriented approach for cyber-physical system with dependability features
207. Agents and service-oriented computing for autonomic computing: A research agenda
208. Comparing agile processes for agent oriented software engineering
209. Agent-oriented software engineering characteristics and paradigm
210. Privilege delegation and agent-oriented access control in naplet
211. Agent-Oriented Software Development: A Case Study.
212. A Survey and Evaluation of Agent-Oriented Software Development Methodologies [J]
213. The learning Web: A system view and an Agent-Oriented Model
214. Evaluating and comparing agent-oriented software engineering methodologies
215. Towards Agent-Oriented Software Development
216. Agent-oriented architecture for flexible networks
217. An adaptive security model using agent-oriented MDA
218. Agent-oriented enterprise architecture: new approach for enterprise architecture
219. Agent Oriented Software Engineering. A motivation for and an introduction to a novel approach to modeling and development of open distributed systems
220. Collaboration mechanism between human administrators and agent-oriented network management systems
221. The Framework of Agent-Oriented Programming
222. Applying an agent-oriented methodology to the design of artificial organizations: A case study in robotic soccer
223. Agent-oriented probabilistic logic programming
224. Agent-oriented approach to ubiquitous computing
225. The landscape of agent-oriented methodologies
226. Open giant intelligent information systems and its agent-oriented abstraction mechanism
227. Mobile agent oriented service for offloading on mobile cloud computing
228. Agent-oriented architecture for air-combat simulation
229. A survey of agent-oriented programming from software engineering perspective
230. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: Present Status and Prospect [J]
231. Agent-oriented methodologies-towards a challenge exemplar
232. Agent-oriented software engineering for successful TAC participation
233. Concepts of object-and agent-oriented simulation
234. Agent-oriented modeling with graph transformation
235. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering IV: 4th International Workshop, AOSE 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, Revised Papers
236. Supporting agent oriented requirement analysis with ontologies
237. Developing tools for Agent-Oriented visual modeling
238. Agent-oriented software analysis
239. Agent-Oriented Design of E-Commerce System Architecture.
240. Towards Secure Agile Agent-Oriented System Design
241. Task hibernation in a formal model of agent-oriented computing systems
242. Agent-Oriented Modeling Using ANote
243. Review on multi-agent oriented software engineering implementation
244. Agent-oriented software patterns for rapid and affordable robot programming
245. An architecture for agent-oriented programming with a programmable model of interaction
246. Developing a virtual trade fair using an agent-oriented approach
247. Active agent oriented multimodal interface system
248. Integrating Patterns and Agent-Oriented Methodologies to Provide Better Solutions for the Development of Secure Agent-Based Systems
249. An agent-oriented approach to service analysis and design
250. Agent-oriented compositional approaches to services-based cross-organizational workflow
251. Agent-oriented collaborative design of industrial buildings
252. Agent oriented software engineering: Why and how
253. Unifying domain ontology with agent-oriented modeling of services
254. Multi-agent oriented programming and intelligent environments
255. On the impact of AOSE in service oriented computing
256. Implementation of an agent-oriented trust management infrastructure based on a hybrid PKI model
257. CPS-agent oriented construction and implementation for cyber physical systems
258. Introspecting agent-oriented design patterns
259. A Framework for Collaborative and Interactive Agent-oriented Developer Operations
260. Adaptive agent model: software adaptivity using an agent-oriented model-driven architecture
261. Exception diagnosis for agent-oriented services
262. An analysis system of IoT services based on agent-oriented Petri net PN2
263. Variations on agent-oriented programming
264. An Agent Oriented Computing Model
265. Towards knowledge sharing in disaster management: An agent oriented knowledge analysis framework
266. Assembling agent oriented software engineering methodologies from features
267. simpA: An agent-oriented approach for prototyping concurrent applications on top of java
268. Adaptive organizational changes in agent-oriented methodologies
269. A novel task optimal allocation approach based on Contract Net Protocol for Agent-oriented UUV swarm system modeling
270. Agent-oriented model-driven development for JADE with the JADEL programming language
271. Agent-oriented and ontology-driven digital libraries: the IndianaMAS experience
272. Mining agents’ goals in agent-oriented business processes
273. Analysis and design of agent-oriented information systems
274. Communication without agents? from agent-oriented to communication-oriented modeling
275. Improving the agent-oriented modeling process by roles
276. Agent-oriented middleware for integrating customer network services
277. Agent Oriented AmI Engineering
278. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
279. An agent-oriented behavior-based interface framework for educationa robotics
280. Agent-oriented simulation
281. Moving multi-agent systems from research to practice
282. From actors and concurrent objects to agent-oriented programming in simpAL
283. Securing agent-oriented systems: An argumentation and reputation-based approach
284. A new agent-oriented development methodology
285. An Agent-oriented software engineering paradigm and the design of a new generation of spatial information system
286. Event driven energy depth and channel aware routing for underwater acoustic sensor networks: Agent oriented clustering based approach
287. Agent-oriented modeling and development of a person-following mobile robot
288. A Ubiquitous Care-Support Service based on Agent-oriented Multiple-Context Coordination.
289. Heterogeneous database integration using agent-oriented information systems
290. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
291. A survey of agent-oriented development tools
292. A Statistical Approach for Evaluating and Assembling Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Methodologies
293. Agent-oriented manufacturing scheduling services for enterprise cooperation
294. A modern, agent-oriented approach to introductory artificial intelligence
295. Agent-oriented cooperation of iot devices towards advanced logistics
296. Multi-agent Oriented Policy-based Management System for Virtual Enterprise.
297. An agent-oriented personalized web searching system
298. Core features of an agent-oriented domain-specific language for JADE agents
299. E-commerce using an agent oriented approach
300. Formal methods in agent-oriented software engineering
301. Toward Reverse Engineering to Economic Analysis: An Overview of Tools and Methodology
302. Research of University Education Intelligent Agent
303. Smart Health
304. Cluster Flows and Multiagent Technology
305. The future of cloud computing in financial services: A machine learning and artificial intelligence perspective
306. A review of logistics internet-of-things: Current trends and scope for future research
307. An integrated socio-technical enterprise modelling: A scenario of healthcare system analysis and design
308. Modeling and Analysis of Security in Design Phase of IoT Based Applications Using Security Patterns
309. Towards cloud-native simulations–lessons learned from the front-line of cloud computing
310. A computational model of emotion based on audio-visual stimuli understanding and personalized regulation with concurrency
311. Foresighted digital twin for situational agent selection in production control
312. The Role of Cognitive Computing and Collective Cognitive Computing in the Future Internet
313. Optimal edge computing for infrastructure-assisted uav systems
314. A Simulation-driven Methodology for IoT Data Mining Based on Edge Computing
315. Neighborhood-level coordination and negotiation techniques for managing demand-side flexibility in residential microgrids
316. Online user allocation in mobile edge computing environments: A decentralized reactive approach
317. Semantic-based discovery method for high-performance computing resources in cyber-physical systems
318. Multipath TCP meets transfer learning: A novel edge-based learning for industrial IoT
319. A computational model for adaptive recording of vital signs through context histories
320. General Environment Description Language
321. A Multi-Agent System for Data Fusion Techniques Applied to the Internet of Things Enabling Physical Rehabilitation Monitoring
322. Classifying Speech Acts using Multi-channel Deep Attention Network for Task-oriented Conversational Search Agents
323. Service Discovery and Selection Based on Dynamic QoS in the Internet of Things
324. Holonic Reengineering to Foster Sustainable Cyber-Physical Systems Design in Cognitive Manufacturing
325. Programming framework and infrastructure for self-adaptation and optimized evolution method for microservice systems in cloud–edge environments
326. A fast energy-centered and QoS-aware service composition approach for Internet of Things
327. Preserving Sustainability for Mission-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems Collaboration
328. A CSO-based approach for secure data replication in cloud computing environment
329. Coding for Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
330. A bio-inspired privacy-preserving framework for healthcare systems
331. Toward blockchain and fog computing collaborative design and manufacturing platform: Support customer view
332. Migration of existing software systems to mobile computing platforms: a systematic mapping study
333. Survey on multi-access edge computing security and privacy
334. ID-Service: A Blockchain-Based Platform to Support Digital-Identity-Aware Service Accountability
335. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Task Scheduling in IoT Edge Computing
336. Requirements-driven data warehouse design based on enhanced pivot tables
337. An Agent-Based Crop Model Framework for Heterogeneous Soils
338. Method towards reconstructing collaborative business processes with cloud services using evolutionary deep Q-learning
339. Process Automation in an IoT–Fog–Cloud Ecosystem: A Survey and Taxonomy
340. Parallel Theatre: An actor framework in Java for high performance computing
341. Blockchain-Based Task Offloading in Drone-Aided Mobile Edge Computing
342. Building intelligent transportation cloud data center based on SOA
343. Lightweight self-organising distributed monitoring of Fog infrastructures
344. Assessing the Influence of Different Goals in Energy Communities’ Self-Sufficiency—An Optimized Multiagent Approach
345. A digital twin to train deep reinforcement learning agent for smart manufacturing plants: Environment, interfaces and intelligence
346. Cyber-physical systems architectures for industrial internet of things applications in Industry 4.0: A literature review
347. Mashup tag completion with attention-based topic model
348. A multi-agent solution to multi-thread protection of DG-dominated distribution networks
349. A multi-layer trust-based middleware framework for handling interoperability issues in heterogeneous IOTs
350. Modeling and analysis of different scenarios for the spread of COVID-19 by using the modified multi-agent systems–Evidence from the selected countries
351. Anytime and efficient multi-agent coordination for disaster response
352. Priority-based Selection of Individuals in Memetic Algorithms for Distributed Data-intensive Web Service compositions
353. An Agent-Based Crop Model Framework for Heterogeneous Soils. Agronomy 2021, 11, 85
354. Toward Sensor and Software Product Line Based Context Aware Cloud Environment Assignment
355. An agent architecture for autonomous UAV flight control in object classification and recognition missions
356. Applying reinforcement learning towards automating energy efficient virtual machine consolidation in cloud data centers
357. Current drift in energy efficiency cloud computing: new provocations, workload prediction, consolidation, and resource over commitment
358. A non-stationary analysis of erlang loss model
359. Goal-Based Strategy Exploration
360. Data-driven smart sustainable cities of the future: urban computing and intelligence for strategic, short-term, and joined-up planning
361. An Ontology Based Matchmaking Technique for Cloud Service Discovery and Selection Using Aneka PaaS
362. Wireless Sensor Network Aided Assembly Line Monitoring According to Expectations of Industry 4.0
363. A Systematic Review of Metamodelling in Software Engineering
364. Argumentation and explainable artificial intelligence: a survey
365. Implementation of Cloud Monitoring System Based on Open Source Monitoring Solution
366. An Open Source Testbed for Virtualized Communication Networks
367. Cloud Load Balancing Using Optimization Techniques
368. Robotic System Design Methodology Utilising Embodied Agents
369. Logistics-involved QoS-aware service composition in cloud manufacturing with deep reinforcement learning
370. Identifying the natural polyphenol catechin as a multi-targeted agent against SARS-CoV-2 for the plausible therapy of COVID-19: an integrated computational …
371. Design and evaluation of a user authentication model for IoT networks based on app event patterns
372. Towards engineering manufacturing systems for mass personalisation: a stigmergic approach
373. Scalable epidemiological workflows to support covid-19 planning and response
374. PRIMAL: Pathfinding Via Reinforcement and Imitation Multi-Agent Learning – Lifelong
375. A Survey on Test Case Generation using UML Diagrams and Feasibility Study to Generate Combinatorial Logic Oriented Test Cases.
376. HANSEL: Adaptive horizontal scaling of microservices using Bi-LSTM
377. Differential inclusions in wasserstein spaces: The cauchy-lipschitz framework
378. Task scheduling, resource provisioning, and load balancing on scientific workflows using parallel SARSA reinforcement learning agents and genetic algorithm
379. Secured Big Data Analytics for Decision-Oriented Medical System Using Internet of Things
380. IoT-based botnet attacks systematic mapping study of literature
381. Design and Implementation of Intelligent Agent Training Systems for Virtual Vehicles
382. An efficient approach to the map-reduce framework and genetic algorithm based whale optimization algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing environment
383. Distributed task allocation in Mobile Device Cloud exploiting federated learning and subjective logic
384. LSTM-Based Spatial Encoding: Explainable Path Planning for Time-Variant Multi-Agent Systems
385. Service selection using fuzzy multi-criteria decision making: a comprehensive review
386. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing in Cellular V2X Networks
387. Deep learning and blockchain with edge computing for 5g-enabled drone identification and flight mode detection
388. Development of Scenarios for Modeling the Behavior of People in an Urban Environment
389. Defining spatial agents
390. 5G-oriented IoT coverage enhancement and physical education resource management
391. Incremental multi-agent path finding
392. A systematic literature review on intelligent automation: Aligning concepts from theory, practice, and future perspectives
393. A multi-agent based cooperative approach to decentralized multi-project scheduling and resource allocation
394. Distributed computing for internet of things (iot)
395. Crossing the Conversational Chasm: A Primer on Multilingual Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
396. Analyzing Urban Public Policies of the City of Ensenada in Mexico Using an Attractive Land Footprint Agent-Based Model
397. Personalised Services in Social Situations: Principal? Agent Relationships in Account Sharing
398. Urban e-Grocery Distribution Design in Pamplona (Spain) Applying an Agent-Based Simulation Model with Horizontal Cooperation Scenarios
399. Small increases in agent-based model complexity can result in large increases in required calibration data
400. A framework for anomaly detection and classification in Multiple IoT scenarios
401. Task scheduling in cloud computing based on meta-heuristics: Review, taxonomy, open challenges, and future trends
402. A dynamic VM consolidation approach based on load balancing using Pearson correlation in cloud computing
403. A systematic review of the smart energy conservation system: From smart homes to sustainable smart cities
404. Ubiquitous Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Computing Using Deep Neural Network with IoT-Based Bat Agents for Traffic Management
405. Predicting behavioral competencies automatically from facial expressions in real-time video-recorded interviews
406. Cooperative game approach to form overlapping cloud federation based on inter-cloud architecture
407. 6. A Note on Communication in Economic Development
408. Conversation Graph: Data Augmentation, Training, and Evaluation for Non-Deterministic Dialogue Management
409. In-the-loop or on-the-loop? Interactional arrangements to support team coordination with a planning agent
410. Extended gradient-based iterative algorithm for bilinear state-space systems with moving average noises by using the filtering technique
411. Load balancing oriented predictive routing algorithm for data center networks
412. A dynamic scheduling mechanism of part feeding for mixed-model assembly lines based on the modified neural network and knowledge base
413. Stochastic optimization using grey wolf optimization with optimal computing budget allocation
414. A lightweight cyber security framework with context-awareness for pervasive computing environments
415. Review analysis on cloud computing based smart grid technology in the oil pipeline sensor network system
416. Application of Virtual Reality in Computer Science Education: A Systemic Review Based on Bibliometric and Content Analysis Methods
417. The Internet of Everything: Smart things and their impact on business models
418. Examining of QoS in Cloud Computing Technologies and IoT Services
419. ARCog: An Aerial Robotics Cognitive Architecture
420. Or-based intelligent decision support system for e-commerce
421. Auto-Scaling System in Apache Spark Cluster Using Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
422. Dispersed Computing for Tactical Edge in Future Wars: Vision, Architecture, and Challenges
423. Task scheduling in cloud-fog computing systems
424. Smart Contract Languages: A Multivocal Mapping Study
425. First Synthesis of Racemic Trans Propargylamino-Donepezil, a Pleiotrope Agent Able to Both Inhibit AChE and MAO-B, with Potential Interest against Alzheimer’s …
426. Assessment the Cost-effectiveness of Information Support for the Business Processes of a Virtual Machine-building Enterprise in the Framework of Industry 4.0
427. An Important Afro-Asian Biological Control Agent, Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), Invades the New World
428. The complexity of the intangible digital economy: an agent-based model
429. Evaluating Empathetic Chatbots in Customer Service Settings
430. An adaptive fault detector strategy for scientific workflow scheduling based on improved differential evolution algorithm in cloud
431. Integration of social and IoT technologies: architectural framework for digital transformation and cyber security challenges
432. What makes you continuously use chatbot services? Evidence from chinese online travel agencies
433. The Ontological Interpretation of Informational Privacy
434. Interfacing with Humans in Factories of the Future: Holonic Interface Services for Ambient Intelligence Environments
435. Deconstructed Trustee Theory: Disentangling Trust in Body and Identity in Multi-Robot Distributed Systems
436. A survey of fpga-based robotic computing
437. Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems
438. 6G networks: Beyond Shannon towards semantic and goal-oriented communications
439. A clogging resistant secure authentication scheme for fog computing services
440. Creating Trust in Collaborative Embedded Systems
441. Sage: Using Unsupervised Learning for Scalable Performance Debugging in Microservices
442. Crop Management with the IoT: An Interdisciplinary Survey
443. Low-Precision Reinforcement Learning
444. Industry 4.0-Driven Development of Optimization Algorithms: A Systematic Overview
445. Artificial intelligence applied to conceptual design. A review of its use in architecture
446. A review of planning and scheduling methods for hot rolling mills in steel production
447. Understanding the impact that response failure has on how users perceive anthropomorphic conversational service agents: Insights from an online experiment
448. A semiopportunistic task allocation framework for mobile crowdsensing with deep learning
449. Robotic grasp manipulation using evolutionary computing and deep reinforcement learning
450. A RESTful framework design for componentizing the water evaluation and planning (WEAP) system
451. Real-time mask identification for COVID-19: an edge computing-based deep learning framework
452. Halma: Humanlike abstraction learning meets affordance in rapid problem solving
453. A Review on Dynamic Virtual Machine Consolidation Approaches for Energy-Efficient Cloud Data Centers
454. Deliberative architecture for smart sensors in the filtering operation of a water purification plant
455. Undefeatable System Using Machine Learning
456. Pedagogical Agents in Educational VR: An in the Wild Study
457. An Automatic Aggregator of Power Flexibility in Smart Buildings Using Software Based Orchestration
458. Technologies for fostering intergenerational connectivity and relationships: Scoping review and emergent concepts
459. FAtiMA Toolkit–Toward an effective and accessible tool for the development of intelligent virtual agents and social robots
460. Music, Computing, and Health: A roadmap for the current and future roles of music technology for health care and well-being
461. Monte Carlo Information-Oriented Planning
462. [TXT][TXT] Object-Oriented Technologies (COOTS)
463. Self organizing distributed mobility management for next generation mobility protocol
464. One to Any: Distributed Conflict Resolution with Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and Long Short-Term Memory
465. SLA-Driven modeling and verifying cloud systems: A Bigraphical reactive systems-based approach
466. Big Data Analytics Applying the Fusion Approach of Multicriteria Decision Making with Deep Learning Algorithms
467. The Interplay of Task Success and Dialogue Quality: An in-depth Evaluation in Task-Oriented Visual Dialogues
468. Internet of Things and Cognitive Radio: Motivations and Challenges
469. SDN/NFV architectures for edge-cloud oriented IoT: A systematic review
470. An intelligent healthcare system for predicting and preventing dengue virus infection
471. [CITATION][C] About the applicability of IoT concept for classical manufacturing systems
472. Swarm intelligence and cyber-physical systems: concepts, challenges and future trends
473. Understanding microgrids as the essential architecture of smart energy
474. Mining Domain-specific Component-Action Links for Technical Support Documents
475. A Load Balancing VMs Migration Approach for Multi-tier Application in Cloud Computing Based on Fuzzy Set and Q-Learning Algorithm
476. Towards a framework for certification of reliable autonomous systems
477. Integrated Management Strategy with Feasible Smartness over Heterogeneous IoT Environments
478. Aspect based sentiment analysis for demonetization tweets by optimized recurrent neural network using fire fly-oriented multi-verse optimizer
479. Integrating media selection and media effects using decision theory
480. DCQSH: Dynamic Conflict-Free Query Scheduling in Heterogeneous Networks during Emergency
481. Adaptive XACML access policies for heterogeneous distributed IoT environments
482. Virtual machine placement in cloud data centers using a hybrid multi-verse optimization algorithm
483. Let CONAN tell you a story: Procedural quest generation
484. Generic Framework for Privacy Preservation in Cyber-Physical Systems
485. Safety-Oriented Pedestrian Motion and Scene Occupancy Forecasting
486. Engineering collective intelligence at the edge with aggregate processes
487. Gravitational search algorithm based optimized deep learning model with diverse set of features for facial expression recognition
488. A survey of computational intelligence for 6G: Key technologies, applications and trends
489. Knowledge graphs
490. Artificial Intelligence as an Anti-Corruption Tool (AI-ACT)–Potentials and Pitfalls for Top-down and Bottom-up Approaches
491. Reasoning and Simulation of Mental Attitudes of a Customer
492. A New DAI-Based Software Paradigm
493. A Kind of Reinforcement Learning to Improve Genetic Algorithm for Multiagent Task Scheduling
494. Security and Intelligent Management for Fog/Edge Computing Resources
495. A QoS-aware service composition mechanism in the Internet of things using a hidden Markov model-based optimization algorithm
496. Minimizing the age-of-critical-information: an imitation learning-based scheduling approach under partial observations
497. Recent advances on industrial data-driven energy savings: Digital twins and infrastructures
498. Anisotropic diffusion in consensus-based optimization on the sphere
499. Transdisciplinary AI Observatory—Retrospective Analyses and Future-Oriented Contradistinctions
500. IoT-Based Modeling of Electronic Healthcare System Through Connected Environment


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