Web Ontology Research Topics for MS PhD

Web Ontology Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree

I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Web Ontologies that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.

  1. A Survey of Ontology Benchmarks for Semantic Web Ontology Tools
  2. Mapping the Web Ontology Language to the OpenAPI Specification
  3. Modular ontology modeling: A tutorial
  4. Creating Annotations for Web Ontology Language Ontology Generated from Relational Databases
  5. Web Ontology Language
  6. Building ontology-driven tutoring models for intelligent tutoring systems using data mining
  7. Semantic Web Ontology for Vocational Education Self-Evaluation System
  8. G-OWL: Towards Graphical-Ontology-Web-Language-an OWL-2 Visual Notation for the Semantic Web Ontology Modeling
  9. Ontology-guided Semantic Composition for Zero-Shot Learning
  10. Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases of Same Domain Using Ontology
  11. The enslaved ontology: Peoples of the historic slave trade
  12. A Novel Method to Detect and Prevent SQLIA Using Ontology to Cloud Web Security
  13. An overview of massive open online course platforms: personalization and semantic web technologies and standards
  14. GIANT: Scalable Creation of a Web-scale Ontology
  15. Application Ontology for Multi-Agent and Web-Services’ Co-Simulation in Power and Energy Systems
  16. Development of an Intervention Setting Ontology for behaviour change: Specifying where interventions take place
  17. Ontology-based instantaneous route suggestion of enemy warplanes with the unknown mission profile
  18. Exploiting Ontology Recommendation Using Text Categorization Approach
  19. FOBI: An ontology to represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic data
  20. Modeling city land use with an ontology
  21. An ontology-based approach for developing a harmonized data-validation tool for European cancer registration
  22. Ontology engineering: Current state, challenges, and future directions
  23. An ontology-based context model in intelligent environments
  24. Football Ontology Construction using Oriented Programming
  25. DAO: An Ontology for Substance Use Epidemiology on Social Media and Dark Web
  26. Towards an ontology-based iconography
  27. Protein ontology on the semantic web for knowledge discovery
  28. How good is this merged ontology?
  29. An Ontology of Chinese Ceramic Vases
  30. Knowledge acquisition from chemical accident databases using an ontology-based method and natural language processing
  31. Delivering Behaviour Change Interventions: Development of a Mode of Delivery Ontology
  32. Line Defense Ontology-Based Trust Management Model
  34. On modeling the physical world as a collection of things: The w3c thing description ontology
  35. Enrichment of Semantic Sensor Network Ontology: Description Logics based approach
  36. Ontology-Based Analysis Semantic Correlation Interventions in the Field of Health
  37. An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications
  38. Ontology-driven aspect-based sentiment analysis classification: An infodemiological case study regarding infectious diseases in Latin America
  39. GenMOnto: A strategic domain ontology modelling approach for conceptualisation and evaluation of collective knowledge for mapping genomes
  40. Construction of ontology for auto-interpretable tolerance semantics in skin model
  41. Ontology learning: Grand tour and challenges
  42. Ontology-Assisted Enterprise Information Systems Integration in Manufacturing Supply Chain
  43. Sup_Ont: an upper ontology
  44. Ontology for preserving the knowledge base of traditional dances (OTD)
  45. Use of ontology learning in information system integration: a literature survey
  46. Visual analysis of ontology matching results with the melt dashboard
  47. BLONDiE: Blockchain Ontology with Dynamic Extensibility
  48. Ontology mediated information extraction in financial domain with Mastro System-T
  49. An approach based on the ifcOWL ontology to support indoor navigation
  50. Personalized cloud service review analysis based on modularized ontology
  51. CODO: an ontology for collection and analysis of COVID-19 data
  52. Developing an Arabic Infectious Disease Ontology to Include Non-Standard Terminology
  53. Risk response for municipal solid waste crisis using ontology-based reasoning
  54. Developing Domain Ontology for Issuing Certificate of Citizenship of Nepal
  55. Ontology-driven Security Testing of Web Applications
  56. Ontology Modularization with OAPT
  57. Structuring, reuse and analysis of electronic dental data using the Oral Health and Disease Ontology
  58. The UDSA ontology: An ontology to support real time urban sustainability assessment
  59. Survey on ontology-based sentiment analysis of customer reviews for products and services
  60. A platform application for exploiting the Digital Reference Ontology
  61. An Ontology Based Framework for Automatic Web Resources Identification
  62. The internet of musical things ontology
  63. Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tutorial
  64. Construction of Domain Ontology for Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
  65. Space debris ontology for ADR capture methods selection
  66. Ontology-Based Integration of BIM and GIS for Indoor Routing
  67. Modeling and reasoning of IoT architecture in semantic ontology dimension
  68. Discovering Web Services By Matching Semantic Relationships Through Ontology
  69. An Observational Process Ontology-Based Modeling Approach for Water Quality Monitoring
  70. Cybersecurity Ontology
  71. Ontology based Concept Extraction and Classification of Ayurvedic Documents
  72. A review of image retrieval based on ontology model
  73. Time is ripe to embrace the scientific approach in Applied Ontology
  74. A decision support system on the obesity management and consultation during childhood and adolescence using ontology and semantic rules
  75. Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning
  76. Genetic-based web regression testing: an ontology-based multi-objective evolutionary framework to auto-regression testing of web applications
  77. Ontology design for pharmaceutical research outcomes
  78. An Ontology-Based Framework for Publishing and Exploiting Linked Open Data: A Use Case on Water Resources Management
  79. The enslaved dataset: A real-world complex ontology alignment benchmark using wikibase
  80. A smart-farming ontology for attribute based access control
  81. An Ontology Based on the Timeline of Log2timeline and Psort Using Abstraction Approach in Digital Forensics
  82. Knowledge Base Representation of Emails Using Ontology for Spam Filtering
  83. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Ontology for distributed architecture of pedagogical warehouse in the field of machine learning
  84. DBpedia Archivo: A Web-Scale Interface for Ontology Archiving Under Consumer-Oriented Aspects
  85. A review of the semantic web field
  86. Ontology-based access control for FAIR data
  87. An ontology framework for pile integrity evaluation based on analytical methodology
  88. A Systematic Mapping with Bibliometric Analysis on Information Systems Using Ontology and Fuzzy Logic
  89. The African wildlife ontology tutorial ontologies
  90. An interoperable semantic service toolset with domain ontology for automated decision support in the end-of-life domain
  91. Towards a new generation of ontology based data access
  92. SustainOnt: an ontology for defining an index of neighborhood sustainability across domains
  93. Time event ontology (TEO): to support semantic representation and reasoning of complex temporal relations of clinical events
  94. BiGe-Onto: an ontology-based system for managing biodiversity and biogeography data
  95. Representation of behaviour change interventions and their evaluation: Development of the Upper Level of the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology
  96. Friend of a Friend with Benefits ontology (FOAF+): extending a social network ontology for public health
  97. The computer science ontology: A comprehensive automatically-generated taxonomy of research areas
  98. Supporting Music Pattern Retrieval and Analysis: An Ontology-Based Approach
  99. Ontology Based Governance for Employee Services
  100. Technologies for automation creation of an ontology of urbanonyms in the aspect of historical changes (on the example of Almaty)
  101. OntoPowSys: A power system ontology for cross domain interactions in an eco industrial park
  102. DomainSenticNet: An Ontology and a Methodology Enabling Domain-Aware Sentic Computing
  103. Development of Semantic Ontology Modeling in Knowledge Representation of Balinese Gamelan Instruments
  104. Immune-Based Network Dynamic Risk Control Strategy Knowledge Ontology Construction
  105. crowd: A Visual Tool for Involving Stakeholders into Ontology Engineering Tasks
  106. Ontology Building for Cyber–Physical Systems: Application in the Manufacturing Domain
  107. Optimizing sensor ontology alignment through compact co-firefly algorithm
  108. A Study on Ontology Creation, Change Management for Web-Based Data
  109. An ontology-based representation of vaulted system for HBIM
  110. Semantic Web: A Review Of The Field
  111. An ontology-based framework for a Less Invasive Domestic Management System (LIDoMS)
  112. Ontology-based discovery of time-series data sources for landslide early warning system
  113. Evaluating and comparing ontology alignment systems: An MCDM approach
  114. Assessment of text coherence using an ontology‐based relatedness measurement method
  115. Combining lexical and context features for automatic ontology extension
  116. An ontology-based approach to knowledge-assisted integration and visualization of urban mobility data
  117. BOLD: An Ontology-based Log Debugger for C Programs
  118. An Ontology-Based Predictive Maintenance Tool for Power Substation Faults in Distribution Grid
  119. Semantic classification of business ontology while migrating business
  120. OPPCAT: Ontology population from tabular data
  121. Are we better off with just one ontology on the Web?
  122. Ontology-Based Smart Sound Digital Forensics Analysis for Web Services
  123. A Semantic Offsite Construction Digital Twin-Offsite Manufacturing Production Workflow (OPW) Ontology
  124. Optimizing ontology alignment through linkage learning on entity correspondences
  125. Understanding and improving ontology reasoning efficiency through learning and ranking
  126. A review towards the development of ontology based identity and access management metamodel
  127. An ontology and knowledge graph infrastructure for digital library knowledge representation
  128. Ontology-Driven Decision Making for Subfertility of Female
  129. GimmeHop: A recommender system for mobile devices using ontology reasoners and fuzzy logic
  130. Automated generation of decision-tree models for the economic assessment of interventions for rare diseases using the RaDiOS ontology
  131. Mechanical testing ontology for digital-twins: A roadmap based on EMMO
  132. Maximal structure generation of superstructure for semantic triple generated by DEVS ontology in the process industry
  133. Ontology Authoring from Relational Database: A Model Based Approach
  134. An approach for generation of SPARQL query from SQL algebra based transformation rules of RDB to ontology
  135. Ontology-based data acquisition model development for agricultural open data platforms and implementation of OWL2MVC tool
  136. TheoryOn: A design framework and system for unlocking behavioral knowledge through ontology learning
  137. ” Sampo” Model and Semantic Portals for Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web.
  138. An ontology‐based system for discovering landslide‐induced emergencies in electrical grid
  139. onto2problog: a probabilistic ontology-mediated querying system using probabilistic logic programming
  140. An Analysis of Commitments in Ontology Language Design
  141. Evaluation of the Ontology Visualization using Key Performance Indicators
  142. An Ontology Based Approach for Next Generation Customer Relationship Management Systems
  143. Trapping Runtime Faults from Web Service Fault Ontology
  144. Term Matrix: a novel Gene Ontology annotation quality control system based on ontology term co-annotation patterns
  145. Minimalistic fuzzy ontology reasoning: An application to Building Information Modeling
  146. Ontology-Based Inference for Supporting Clinical Decisions in Mental Health
  147. A substrate‐based ontology for human solute carriers
  148. Providing packages of relevant ATM information: An ontology-based approach
  149. LOVBench: Ontology ranking benchmark
  150. Rewriting approaches for ontology-mediated query answering
  151. ROC: An Ontology for Country Responses towards COVID-19
  152. Understanding Query Interfaces: Automatic Extraction of Data from Domain-specific Deep Web based on Ontology
  153. An Ontology for Fire Building Evacuation
  154. An ontology-based framework to formalize and represent 4D printing knowledge in design
  155. Modular graphical ontology engineering evaluated
  156. Ontology-enhanced machine learning: a Bosch use case of welding quality monitoring
  157. Ontology-driven Event Type Classification in Images
  158. IterG: An Iteratively Learning Graph Convolutional Network with Ontology Semantics
  159. Exploring duality on ontology debugging
  160. Towards metrics-driven ontology engineering
  161. E‐maintenance platform design for public infrastructure maintenance based on IFC ontology and Semantic Web services
  162. Supervised ontology and instance matching with MELT
  163. A partition based framework for large scale ontology matching
  164. OntoZSL: Ontology-enhanced Zero-shot Learning
  165. Ontology Design for Pharmaceutical Research Outcomes
  166. (2009). OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Document Overview. W3C Recommendation
  167. Web-based interactive mapping from data dictionaries to ontologies, with an application to cancer registry
  168. A Dialogue-System Using a Qur’anic Ontology
  169. An Ontology for Collaborative Decision Making
  170. An ontology-based conversation system for knowledge bases
  171. CloudFNF: An ontology structure for functional and non-functional features of cloud services
  172. Ontology Meter for Twitter Fake Accounts Detection
  173. Mobile Application Development Ontology
  174. Research on Industrial Software Testing Knowledge Database Based on Ontology
  175. Knowledge graph for identifying hazards on construction sites: Integrating computer vision with ontology
  176. Combining UML and ontology: An exploratory survey
  177. Data mining-based approach for ontology matching problem
  178. Augmented Reality for Human Needs: An Ontology
  179. OntoMath: A Linguistically Grounded Educational Mathematical Ontology
  180. Towards Evolvable Ontology-Driven Development with Normalized Systems
  181. Ontology construction for annotating skill and situation of airline services to multi-modal data
  182. Development of a consumer financial goals ontology for use with FinTech applications for improving financial capability
  183. Improved fuzzy weighted‐iterative association rule based ontology postprocessing in data mining for query recommendation applications
  184. Ontology-Based Map Data Quality Assurance
  185. An Ontology for Motor Skill Acquisition Designed for GIFT
  186. OWL2Go: Auto-generation of Go data models for OWL ontologies with integrated serialization and deserialization functionality
  187. Ontology of core concept data types for answering geo-analytical questions
  188. Query reformulation approach using domain specific ontology for semantic information retrieval
  189. Ontology matching using convolutional neural networks
  190. MEMOn: modular environmental monitoring ontology to link heterogeneous Earth observed data
  191. P2P-O: A Purchase-To-Pay Ontology for Enabling Semantic Invoices
  192. Design and implementation for semantic information retrieval through convergence of ontology and user context based on mobile device
  193. GRO and WeGO-algorithmic approaches to integrate the heterogeneous databases and enhance the evaluation of ontology mapping systems in the semantic web
  194. CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus disease knowledge and data integration, sharing, and analysis
  195. From music ontology towards ethno-music-ontology
  196. Security patterns based approach to automatically select mitigations in ontology-driven threat modelling
  197. Towards an Ontology for Teamwork Enabled Services
  198. Chowlk: From UML based ontology conceptualizations to OWL
  199. Construction of Liver Fibrosis Diagnosis Ontology From Fuzzy Extended ER Modeling: Construction of FibrOnto From an EER Model
  200. Ontology-based knowledge representation of urban heat island mitigation strategies
  201. An Ontology-Based Framework for Publishing and Exploiting Linked Open Data: A Use Case on Water Resources Management
  202. Ontology-based solutions for Interoperability among Product Lifecycle Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
  203. Ontology-based knowledge model for human-robot interactive services
  204. Ontology for Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models
  205. Data Integration in the Brazilian Public Health System for Tuberculosis: Use of the Semantic Web to Establish Interoperability
  206. Human-centric Faceted Approach for Ontology Construction
  207. SSIF: Subsumption-based sub-term inference framework to audit gene ontology
  208. RecSys issues ontology: a knowledge classification of issues for recommender systems researchers
  209. A Formal Approach to Ontology Recommendation for Enhanced Interoperability in Open IoT Ecosystems
  210. Semi-Automatic Definition of Attribute Semantics for the Purpose of Ontology Integration
  211. Ontology for knowledge condensation to support expertise location in the code phase during software development process
  212. Converness: Ontology‐driven conversational awareness and context understanding in multimodal dialogue systems
  213. Extracting a justification for OWL ontologies by critical axioms
  214. Lightweight Data-Security Ontology for IoT
  215. In-pandemic development of an application ontology for COVID-19 surveillance in a primary care sentinel network
  216. AgriEnt: A knowledge-based web platform for managing insect pests of field crops
  217. An Ontology for the Materials Design Domain
  218. OntoSemStats: An Ontology to Express the Use of Semantics in RDF-Based Knowledge Graphs
  219. Towards Eclipse Plug-ins for Automated Data Warehouse Design from an Ontology
  220. Developing a mobile-based disease ontology for traditional Persian medicine
  221. From obXML to the OP Ontology: Developing a Semantic Model for Occupancy Profile⋆
  222. MALOnt: An Ontology for Malware Threat Intelligence
  223. Ontology-based Generation of Personalised Data Management Systems: an Application to Experimental Particle Physics
  224. Ontology-based representation of tolerancing and design knowledge for an automated tolerance specification of product concepts
  225. Proceedings of the 14th ISWC workshop on Ontology Matching (OM)
  226. Multifaceted context representation using dual attention for ontology alignment
  227. Ontology-Based Integration of Vehicle-Related Data
  228. Need of Ontology‐Based Systems in Healthcare System
  229. Ontology-Based Bibliometric Analysis of PubMed Publications Related to Cognitive Reserves
  230. Requirements Dependency Extraction by Integrating Active Learning with Ontology-Based Retrieval
  231. The landscape of ontology reuse approaches
  232. Graph-based exploitation of gene ontology using GOxploreR for scrutinizing biological significance
  233. An ontology-based framework for heterogeneous data management and its application for urban flood disasters
  234. DaRLing: A Datalog rewriter for OWL 2 RL ontological reasoning under SPARQL queries
  235. The infectious disease ontology in the age of COVID-19
  236. Automated Expert System Knowledge Base Development Method for Information Security Risk Analysis
  237. Deep learning framework for RDF and knowledge graphs using fuzzy maps to support medical decision
  238. CoMerger: a customizable online tool for building a consistent quality-assured merged ontology
  239. Ontology engineering methodologies for the evolution of living and reused ontologies: status, trends, findings and recommendations
  240. HDGI: A Human Device Gesture Interaction Ontology for the Internet of Things
  241. An ontology-driven IoT based healthcare formalism
  242. Ontology, ontologies and the “I” of FAIR
  243. An ontology-based learning approach for automatically classifying security requirements
  244. Efficient Semantic Representation of Network Access Control Configuration for Ontology-based Security Analysis
  245. OPAL: An extensible framework for ontology‐based program analysis
  246. IoT-Stream: A lightweight ontology for internet of things data streams and its use with data analytics and event detection services
  247. Neural-symbolic integration and the semantic web
  248. Intelligent sensing: ontology based application
  249. Web-based digital twin modeling and remote control of cyber-physical production systems
  250. PIANI: An ontology-based platform for outdoor activity recognition and non-intrusive assistance to the elderly
  251. Ontology Extraction and Usage in the Scholarly Knowledge Domain
  252. ColPri: Towards a Collaborative Privacy Knowledge Management Ontology for the Internet of Things
  253. Format and Usage Model of Security Patterns in Ontology-Driven Threat Modelling
  254. Validation of the Bch-Ontology
  255. Enhancing life cycle chemical exposure assessment through ontology modeling
  256. Development of an ontology-based personalised E-learning recommender system
  257. REWARD: Ontology for reward schemes
  259. Ontology-based document spanning systems for information extraction
  260. Presenting an Ontology-Based Knowledge Network for Environmental Impact Assessment in Iran
  261. Ontology expansion based on UWN reusability
  262. An Ontology Driven ESCO LOD Quality Enhancement
  263. The International Data Spaces Information Model–An Ontology for Sovereign Exchange of Digital Content
  264. An ontology for representing knowledge of decision interactions in decision-based design
  265. REA model, its development and integration as an enterprise ontology framework
  266. Explanation Ontology: A Model of Explanations for User-Centered AI
  268. Eco-Ontology for supporting Interoperability in Product Life Cycle within Product Sustainability
  269. Development of the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology: Evaluation and workflow
  270. Effective information retrieval and feature minimization technique for semantic web data
  271. Ontology-based semantic modeling of knowledge in construction: classification and identification of hazards implied in images
  272. Obi-Wan: ontology-based RDF integration of heterogeneous data
  273. The GeoCore ontology: A core ontology for general use in Geology
  274. Modular ontology modeling meets upper ontologies: the upper ontology alignment tool
  275. User interface design patterns and ontology models for adaptive mobile applications
  276. Semi-automatic extraction and validation of concepts in ontology learning from texts in Spanish
  277. ALDONAr: A hybrid solution for sentence-level aspect-based sentiment analysis using a lexicalized domain ontology and a regularized neural attention model
  278. What Researchers are Currently Saying about Ontologies: A Review of Recent Web of Science Articles
  279. Novel Ontology-Based Method for Generating Satellite Cluster’s Task Configuration
  280. Verifying Ontology Increments through Domain and Schema Independent Verbalization
  281. Towards Matching of Domain Ontologies to Cross-Domain Ontology: Evaluation Perspective
  282. Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval for Durian Pests and Diseases Control System
  283. Multidimensional ontology-based visual ranking: a dynamic decision support approach
  284. Ontology-driven advanced drug-drug interaction
  285. A short survey on inconsistency handling in ontology-mediated query answering
  286. Ontology-based knowledge management with verbal interaction for command interpretation and execution by home service robots
  287. Providing clarity on big data technologies: The BDTOnto ontology
  288. Proactive and reactive context reasoning architecture for smart web services
  289. Temporal Ontology-Mediated Queries and First-Order Rewritability: A Short Course
  290. A Neuro-ontology for the neurological examination
  291. A novel meta-matching approach for ontology alignment using grasshopper optimization
  292. Common Ontology of Sustainable Development
  293. Creating the HISTO Ontology of Finnish History Events
  294. Graphical and collaborative annotation support for semantic Web services
  295. Sensor Ontology Metamatching with Heterogeneity Measures
  296. Ontology driven human activity recognition in heterogeneous sensor measurements
  297. Can an ontology really support the development of more accurate data quality assessment models?: A survey
  298. Modeling and evaluation of the mathematical educational ontology
  299. An ontology of modern conflict: including conventional combat and unconventional conflict
  300. The Ontology-Based Modeling and Evolution of Digital Twin for Assembly Workshop
  301. Evaluation and Evolution of NAOnto-A Profile Ontology of Native American Diabetes Patients
  302. Movement disorders ontology for clinically oriented and clinicians-driven data mining of multi-center cohorts in Parkinson’s disease
  303. Representing construction-related geometry in a semantic web context: A review of approaches
  304. OUPIP: Ontology Based User Profile for Impairment Person in Dynamic Situation Aware Social Networks
  305. Ontology-based approach to extract product’s design features from online customers’ reviews
  306. Construction of Curriculum Knowledge Map based on Ontology
  307. Ontology fixing by using software engineering technology
  308. SOBA: Semi-automated ontology builder for aspect-based sentiment analysis
  309. An Automatic Ontology-based Approach to Support Logical Representation of Observable and Measurable Data for Healthy Lifestyle Management Targeting …
  310. An intelligent system for energy management in smart cities based on big data and ontology
  311. Developing Cardiac Electrophysiology Ontology: Moving Towards Data Harmonization and Integration
  312. Open Information Extraction as Additional Source for Kazakh Ontology Generation
  313. Toward ontology‐based risk management framework for software projects: An empirical study
  314. Ontology‐driven perspective of CFRaaS
  315. Ontology language xol used for cross-application communication
  316. A Domain Ontology for Task Instructions
  317. Ontology matching: state of the art, future challenges and thinking based on utilized information
  318. Dividing the ontology alignment task with semantic embeddings and logic-based modules
  319. Ontology-based requirement verification for complex systems
  320. An ontology-based documentation of data discovery and integration process in cancer outcomes research
  321. Study of Intelligent Question Answering System Based on Ontology
  322. Interpretation and automatic integration of geospatial data into the semantic web
  323. Exploiting ontology information in fuzzy SVM social media profile classification
  324. A Dynamic Dashboarding Application for Fleet Monitoring Using Semantic Web of Things Technologies
  325. Leveraging cloud computing for the semantic web: review and trends
  326. Ontology-driven representation of knowledge for geological maps
  327. Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds
  328. An automatic ontology generation framework with an organizational perspective
  329. An Ontology-based Information Model for Multi-Domain Semantic Modeling and Analysis of Smart City Data
  330. Updating Ontology Alignment on the Relation Level based on Ontology Evolution.
  331. TestTDO: A Top-Domain Software Testing Ontology
  332. Alin: improving interactive ontology matching by interactively revising mapping suggestions
  333. An ontology used to support learning in the field of heritage education
  334. Layered ontology-based multi-sourced information integration for situation awareness
  335. Formalisation and classification of grammar and template-mediated techniques to model and ontology verbalisation
  336. Optimizing biomedical ontology alignment through a compact multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm driven by knee solution
  337. Cybersecurity vulnerability management: A conceptual ontology and cyber intelligence alert system
  338. Ridology: An Ontology Model for Exploring Human Behavior Trajectories in Ridesharing Applications
  339. Fudge: Fuzzy ontology building with consensuated fuzzy datatypes
  340. Towards an Ontology Network on Human-Computer Interaction
  341. Soas 3.0: Semantically enriched openapi 3.0 descriptions and ontology for rest services
  342. Gene ontology curation of neuroinflammation biology improves the interpretation of Alzheimer’s disease gene expression data
  343. Ontology-Based Information Extraction Framework for Academic Knowledge Repository
  344. Towards the Open Ontology for IoT Ecosystem’s Security
  345. Ontology for scenarios for the assessment of automated vehicles
  346. UiAeHo-an OWL-Based Ontology Modeling to Support Logical Representation of Observable and Measurable Data for Healthy Lifestyle Management Targeting …
  347. SeMantic AnsweR Type prediction task (SMART) at ISWC 2020 Semantic Web Challenge
  348. Web of data
  349. Discourse Ontology: Body and the Construction of a World, from Heidegger Through Lacan by Christos Tombras. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, The Palgrave …
  350. Transformation of UML class diagram into OWL Ontology
  351. Enhanced security‐aware technique and ontology data access control in cloud computing
  352. A generic ontology and recovery protocols for Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) systems
  353. SWRL reasoning on ontology-based clinical dengue knowledge base
  354. Missing lateral relationships in top-level concepts of an ontology
  355. Modelling kidney disease using ontology: insights from the Kidney Precision Medicine Project
  356. IndicatorsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–An Indicator-based Evaluation Low-Domain Ontology
  357. MetricsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–A Metric-based Measurement Low-Domain Ontology
  358. Using LOT methodology to develop a noise pollution ontology: a Spanish use case
  359. Stemming Impact Analysis On Indonesian Quran Translation And Their Tafsir Classification For Ontology Instances
  360. Ontology Learning Approaches to Provide Domain-Specific Knowledge Base
  361. Ontology Reusing: A Review
  362. Building a multilingual ontology for education domain using monto method
  363. A Stoic Cyber Meta-Ontology-Applying Stoicism to Modern Ontology Design
  364. Modeling artificial agents’ actions in context–a deontic cognitive event ontology
  365. NFRsTDO v1. 1’s Terms, Properties and Relationships–A Top-Domain Non-Functional Requirements Ontology
  366. Sasobus: Semi-automatic sentiment domain ontology building using synsets
  367. Probabilistic Topic Models for Enriching Ontology from Texts
  368. A decade of Semantic Web research through the lenses of a mixed methods approach
  369. Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset
  370. Ontology Based Clinical Decision Support System for Geriatrics
  371. Exploring the system of digitised retail design—flattening the ontology
  372. Optimizing ontology materialization with equivalent role and inverse role rewriting
  373. Prediction of cardiac disease-causing pattern using multimedia extraction in health ontology
  374. Domain ontology for requirements classification in requirements engineering context
  375. Conversational ontology operator: patient-centric vaccine dialogue management engine for spoken conversational agents
  376. MapGenOnto: A Shared Ontology for Map Generalisation and Multi-Scale Visualisation
  377. Software requirements elicitation, verification, and documentation: an ontology based approach
  378. Ontology-based human behavior indexing with multimodal video data
  379. Self-Learning Ontology For Instance Segmentation Of 3d Indoor Point Cloud
  380. A Proposed Ontology-Based Generic Context Model for Ubiquitous Learning
  381. Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research
  382. Querying the Semantic Web via Rules
  383. Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs: A review
  384. Design and evaluation of an ontology-based tool for generating multiple-choice questions
  385. Ontology‐Based Query Retrieval Support for E‐Health Implementation
  386. Ontology-based systematic classification and analysis of coronaviruses, hosts, and host-coronavirus interactions towards deep understanding of COVID-19
  387. Non-Monotonic Ontology-based Abstractions of Data Services
  388. A light-weight dynamic ontology for Internet of Things using machine learning technique
  389. Cooperative Domain Ontology Reduction Based on Power Sets
  390. Using Domain Lexicon and Grammar for Ontology Matching
  391. COPri-A Core Ontology for Privacy Requirements Engineering
  392. Towards an Ontology Proposal Model in Data Lake for Real-time COVID-19 Cases Prevention
  393. Foundations for an Ontology of Belief, Desire and Intention
  394. Localizing open-ontology QA semantic parsers in a day using machine translation
  395. Bridge Ontology Architecture for Knowledge Management in Bridge Maintenance
  396. Machine learning for the semantic web: Lessons learnt and next research directions
  397. Developing a computational ontology to understand the relational aspects of audience formation
  398. Towards a Modern Ontology Development Environment
  399. Semantic web in disaster management: a systematic literature review
  400. Bridging Upper Ontology and Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tool and Evaluation
  401. Development of manufacturing execution systems in accordance with Industry 4.0 requirements: A review of standard-and ontology-based methodologies and …
  402. Wikipedia Category Ontology: A Framework for Utilization of the Wikipedia Category Structure by Knowledge Engineers
  403. Towards An Ontology-Based Knowledge Base for Job Postings
  404. Difficulty-level modeling of ontology-based factual questions
  405. Analysis on the Dimensionality Reduction using Domain Ontology for Clustering Algorithms
  406. Circularity in Searle’s Social Ontology: With a Hegelian Reply
  407. Modeling of seafood domain using ontology
  408. ORFFM: An Ontology-Based Semantic Model of River Flow and Flood Mitigation
  409. Use of a domain-specific ontology to support automated document categorization at the concept level: Method development and evaluation
  410. Cross-domain ontology construction and alignment from online customer product reviews
  411. Agent-based modeling for ontology-driven analysis of patient trajectories
  412. Dataset of ontology competency questions to SPARQL-OWL queries translations
  413. A literature review of gene function prediction by modeling gene ontology
  414. Role of Ontology in Health Care
  415. Method of Ontology Use in OODA
  416. Integrating COBIT 5 PAM and TIPA for ITIL Using an Ontology Matching System
  417. Enabling Contextualized Ontology Modeling with a Collaborative Multi-View System
  418. Towards a New Scalable Big Data System Semantic Web Applied on Mobile Learning.
  419. Entity Linking and Lexico-Semantic Patterns for Ontology Learning
  420. Data mining powered by the gene ontology
  421. Ontology-Based Skill Description Learning for Flexible Production Systems
  422. ONTMAT1: ontology matching using a reasoner and property restriction
  423. Automatic Acquisition of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Ontology for Sustainable Risk Management
  424. Service-based Semiconductor Manufacturing using the Digital Reference Ontology for Global Service Discovery
  426. Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research
  427. Effective construction of classifiers with the k-NN method supported by a concept ontology
  428. A comparative study on the performance of rule engines in automated ontology learning: a case study with erythemato-squamous disease (ESD)
  429. Toward a Multi-Dimensional Ontology Model for Urban Planning
  430. The ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis
  431. A study of risk relevance reasoning based on a context ontology of railway accidents
  432. The case for development of an E-cigarette Ontology (E-CigO) to improve quality, efficiency and clarity in the conduct and interpretation of research
  433. An ontology for the NMR pulse sequence concept
  434. Survey on complex ontology matching
  435. Comparative study using inverse ontology cogency and alternatives for concept recognition in the annotated National Library of Medicine database
  436. An Ontology-Based Approach for Simplified FMU Variable Connections With Automatic Verification of Semantically Correct Configuration
  437. An Ontology Development Architecture for Strategic Threat Intelligence of South China Sea Conflict (OntoSCSC)
  438. VoColReg: A Registry for Supporting Distributed Ontology Development using Version Control Systems
  439. A Methodology for Non-programmers to Automatically Establish Facility Management System with Ontology in Building Information Modeling
  440. Ontology for group of rescuing robots
  441. Use of Ontology for Complex Human Activity Recognition in Video sequences.
  442. Exploring an Intelligent Approach in Knowledge Mapping with Ontology and Text mining: Systematic Literature Review
  443. Neural language models for the multilingual, transcultural, and multimodal Semantic Web
  444. Assessing Ontology Alignment Quality-Analysis and Recommendations
  445. MLGrafViz: multilingual ontology visualization plug-in for protégé
  446. Towards an Ontology-Based Fully Integrated System for Student E-Assessment
  447. Approximation analysis of ontology learning algorithm in linear combination setting
  448. An Ontology Framework for Generating Requirements Specification
  449. Ontology-Based Semantic Conceptualisation of Historical Built Heritage to Generate Parametric Structured Models from Point Clouds
  450. Prediction of Public Opinion Early Warning Level of Medical Dispute Cases Based on Ontology
  451. Mapping of Change Operations from Gene Ontology into Medical Subject Headings
  452. Developing an ontology network about meteorological events from historical newspapers
  453. OBDA for the Web: Creating Virtual RDF Graphs On Top of Web Data Sources
  454. The ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis
  455. COVID-19 Surveillance in a Primary Care Sentinel Network: In-Pandemic Development of an Application Ontology
  456. Ontology and crow optimization-based deep belief network for privacy preservation of medical data
  457. Ontology-Driven Edge Computing
  458. Ontology Opportunities and Challenges: Discussions from Semantic Data Integration Perspectives
  459. Composing customized web 3D animations with semantic queries
  460. The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine
  461. Ontology-based Formal Specifications for Social Engineering
  462. Towards Message-Driven Ontology Population-Facing Challenges in Real-World IoT
  463. A study on local search meta-heuristics for ontology alignment
  464. An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) for representing behaviour change theories applied to 76 theories
  465. Key web search algorithm based on service ontology
  466. An Ontology-Based Approach to Automated Test Case Generation
  467. Situation Knowledge Service Model Based on Ontology Technology
  468. Ontology and Rules for Characterization of Sensors and Actuators Devices in AADL Models
  469. Ontology driven software development for automatic detection and updation of software requirement specifications
  470. GeoLink Data Set: A Complex Alignment Benchmark from Real-world Ontology
  471. Multi-view Ontology Alignment Visualization (MOAV): A Human-Cognition Based Ontology Alignment Visualization Technique
  472. Cloud SLA negotiation and re‐negotiation: An ontology‐based context‐aware approach
  473. ACCOS: A Hybrid Anomaly-Aware Cloud Computing Formulation-Based Ontology Services in Clouds
  474. OWL2Vec*: Embedding of OWL ontologies
  475. Ontology of Crop Pest Control
  477. Improving privacy in health care with an ontology‐based provenance management system
  478. Semantic web technologies for the internet of things: Systematic literature review
  479. Ontology-based NLP information extraction to enrich nanomaterial environmental exposure database
  480. Finite controllability for ontology-mediated query answering of CRPQ
  481. Sustainable multi-layered open data processing model for agriculture: IoT based case study using semantic web for hazelnut fields
  482. Supplementation of the ESID registry working definitions for the clinical diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity with encoded human phenotype ontology (HPO) terms
  483. Semantic web service composition using semantic similarity measures and formal concept analysis
  484. Towards an ontology of innovation: on the new, the political-economic dimension and the intrinsic risks involved in innovation processes
  485. CellO: Comprehensive and hierarchical cell type classification of human cells with the Cell Ontology
  486. Mapping ontology vertices to a line using hypergraph framework
  487. Using a multimedia semantic graph for web document visualization and summarization
  488. ODVICE: An Ontology-Driven Visual Analytic Tool for Interactive Cohort Extraction
  489. Ontology-based application for knowledge management in ancient Greek mythology
  490. The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine
  491. Sign language semantic translation system using ontology and deep learning
  492. Automated Ontology Extraction from Unstructured Texts using Deep Learning
  493. Formal Description of Manufacturing Process based on Domain Ontology Construction
  494. Enhancing a Biomedical Ontology with Knowledge from Discharge Summaries
  495. Tool support for ontology design and quality assurance
  496. OntoMathEdu Educational Mathematical Ontology: Prerequisites, Educational Levels and Educational Projections
  497. Context—aware smart reliable service model for intelligent transportation system based on ontology
  498. Semantic SPA framework for situational student-project allocation in education
  500. An Ontology to Support Behaviour Change Interventions: Barriers to Activity
  501. Emerging ontology formulation of optimized internet of things (IOT) services with cloud computing
  502. Construction of logistics financial security risk ontology model based on risk association and machine learning
  504. The neuron phenotype ontology: a FAIR approach to proposing and classifying neuronal types
  505. Adoption of the Citation Typing Ontology by the Journal of Cheminformatics
  506. Drug Ontology for the Public Mexican Health System⋆
  507. Performance model’s development: a novel approach encompassing ontology-based data access and visual analytics
  508. Ontology-based Fault Tree Analysis Algorithms in a Fuzzy Environment for Autonomous Ships
  509. Optimizing ontology alignment in vector space
  510. Managing COVID-19 Crisis using C3HIS Ontology
  511. Ontology-based explanation of classifiers.
  512. Ontology and Domain Knowledge Base Construction for Contra Dance as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study in Knowledge Organization of American Folk …
  513. Data Warehouse Design and Build Data Warehouse Using Ontology and Rule Base Method in Supporting Sales and Service Information
  514. Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV
  515. Ontology of opposition online. Representing antagonistic structures on the Internet
  516. A core ontology on decision making
  517. How can reasoning improve ontology-based context-aware system?
  518. The entanglement of the social realm: Towards a quantum theory inspired ontology for the social sciences
  519. SAREF4health: Towards IoT standard-based ontology-driven cardiac e-health systems
  520. ReAD: Delegate OWL Reasoners for Ontology Classification with Atomic Decomposition
  521. A decision method for construction safety risk management based on ontology and improved CBR: example of a subway project
  522. Ontology-guided segmentation and object identification for developmental mouse lung immunofluorescent images
  523. An efficient ontology-based topic-specific article recommendation model for best-fit reviewers
  524. … the subcellular localization of gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial proteins by multi-label learning based on gene ontology annotation and profile …
  525. Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Domain Ontology Development: A Systematic Review
  526. Web search personalization using semantic similarity measure
  527. Case-based Reasoning of Damaged Ancient Buildings based on Ontology
  528. Improving supply chain risk visibility and communication with a multi-view risk ontology
  529. An ontology supported hybrid approach for recommendation in emergency situations
  530. Information Integrated Management of Prefabricated Project Based on BIM and Knowledge Flow Based Ontology
  531. Ontology for Evacuation Center in Flood Management Domain
  532. Social Ontology De-dramatized
  533. Ontology design proposal to formalize knowledge and manage responses in a conversational interface of the Open Campus Initiative
  534. Assessing Ontology Mappings on a Level of Concepts and Instances
  535. A data complexity and rewritability tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom
  536. Explicitly semantic representation of pattern and combined geometrical specification
  537. Thesaurus and Ontology Construction for Contra Dance: Knowledge Organization of a North American Folk Dance Domain
  538. An Ontology-Based Security Risk Management Model for Information Systems
  539. A Semantic Matchmaking Technique for Cloud Service Discovery and Selection Using Ontology Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
  540. A large reproducible benchmark of ontology-based methods and word embeddings for word similarity
  541. Development of an Ontology in Plant Genetic Resources
  542. A Semantic Text Summarization Method using ontology based Knowledge
  543. An Online Structured Political Event Dataset based on CAMEO Ontology
  544. Data-Driven Ontology Toolkit Documentation
  545. An ontology-driven framework to support the dynamic formation of an interdisciplinary healthcare team
  546. Analyzing the Usefulness of ThingFO as a Foundational Ontology for Sciences
  547. From Automatic Keyword Detection to Ontology-Based Topic Modeling
  548. A Semantic Approach for Extracting Medical Association Rules
  549. Proposing Ontology-Driven Content Modularization in Documents Based on the Normalized Systems Theory
  550. Encoding legal balancing: automating an abstract ethico-legal value ontology in preference logic
  551. A systematic literature review on semantic web enabled software testing
  552. Transformations of Bibliographic Data into Linked Data: Bibliographic Ontology, Linky MARC and Schema. org.
  553. Toward owl restriction reconciliation in merging knowledge
  554. Information extraction meets the semantic web: a survey
  555. Space mission design ontology: extraction of domain-specific entities and concepts similarity analysis
  556. Querying the Dataset from the Developed Ontology for Swineflu Disease
  557. An Ontology of Modern Conflict
  558. From Semi-Automated to Automated Methods of Ontology Learning from Twitter Data.
  559. A hybrid scalable collaborative filtering based recommendation system using ontology and incremental SVD algorithm
  560. Approaches for Efficient Query Optimization Using Semantic Web Technologies
  561. Computer-aided workflow designing for QOS control based on ontology
  562. MetricsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–A Low-Domain Metric-based Measurement Ontology
  563. Research on an Enhanced Web Information Processing Technology based on AIS Text Mining
  564. Merleau-Ponty between Philosophy and Symbolism: Matrixed Ontology, written by Kaushik, R.
  565. Ontology-based enriched concept graphs for medical document classification
  566. A social-semantic recommender system for advertisements
  567. MODDALS methodology for designing layered ontology structures
  568. Knowledge Graph Approach to Combustion Chemistry and Interoperability
  569. An Ontology-based approach for making Machine Learning systems Accountable
  570. Implementing the HERACLES Ontology
  571. Neural Network Algorithms for Ontology Informed Information Extraction
  572. A semantic focused web crawler based on a knowledge representation schema
  573. Structuring ontology terms automatically based on lexical granularity and machine learning.
  574. Detection of SQL Injection Vulnerability in Software Project Source Code Using Ontology-based Machine Learning Technique
  575. XLMOD: Cross-linking and chromatography derivatization reagents ontology
  576. Research on ontology-based situation understanding and decision-making approach for MASS
  577. Ontology-based Document Recommendation System using Topic Modeling
  578. Ontology-based Dynamic Semantic Annotation for Social Image Retrieval
  579. Revisions of Ontology: On Nahum Dimitri Chandler’s X—The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought
  580. AWARE: A Situational Awareness Framework for Facilitating Adaptive Behavior of Autonomous Vehicles in Manufacturing
  581. The Bias in Ontologies: An Analysis of the FOAF Ontology
  582. Organizational knowledge management based on Arabic ontology and multi agents system
  583. A systematic analysis of flood ontologies: A parametric approach
  584. Concept Theory and Conceit Theory Ontology and Logology Between Conceptuality and Non-Conceptuality in Knowledge Organization
  585. Ontology-based integration of urban sustainability indicators
  586. Study on Book Ontology in the Digitization Process of Books
  587. Epistemic Integrity Constraints for Ontology-Based Data Management
  588. BIM and semantic web-based maintenance information for existing buildings
  589. Top-level Ontology For Disaster Management Operations
  590. Discovering web services in social web service repositories using deep variational autoencoders
  591. The Ontology of Adult Learning: Reading Habermas’ Knowledge and Human Interests
  592. Development and Implementation of an Ontology to Support the Product Development of Smart Textiles Using Open Innovation Platforms
  593. Ontology Based Turkish Named Entity Recognition
  594. Schímatos: A SHACL-Based Web-Form Generator for Knowledge Graph Editing
  595. Expedient information retrieval system for web pages using the natural language modeling
  596. Impact of Industry 4.0 in Architecture and Cultural Heritage: Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web Technologies to Empower Interoperability and Data Usage
  597. Multi-source knowledge integration based on machine learning algorithms for domain ontology
  598. The Combination of YAKE and Language Processing for Unsupervised Term Extraction Ontology Learning
  599. OntoTrans: An Ontology on Transparency
  600. An ontology for BPM in digital transformation and innovation
  601. iATC-FRAKEL: a simple multi-label web server for recognizing anatomical therapeutic chemical classes of drugs with their fingerprints only
  602. An Ontology‐Based IR for Health Care
  603. Experiential Observations: an Ontology Pattern-based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences
  604. Ontology enhancement using crowdsourcing: a conceptual architecture
  605. SemFE: facilitating ML pipeline development with semantics
  606. Astrea: automatic generation of SHACL shapes from ontologies
  607. Enhanced Ontology Matching for Big Data Integration
  608. An ontology-driven approach for OHS, SMT Case
  609. Owl2bench: A benchmark for owl 2 reasoners
  610. Re-sculpturing Semantic Web of Things as a Strategy for Internet of Things’ Intrinsic Contradiction
  611. An ontology-based classification of Ebstein’s anomaly and its implications in clinical adverse outcomes
  612. Semantic Web Service Discovery Approaches: A Comparative Study
  613. FIPA‐based reference architecture for efficient discovery and selection of appropriate cloud service using cloud ontology
  614. Fuzzy Ontology-Based Querying User’Requests Under Uncertain Environment
  615. Next Web Page Prediction using Genetic Algorithm and Feed Forward Association Rule based on Web-Log Features.
  616. Ontology‐lexicon–based question answering over linked data
  617. Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling Ontology and its ontological paradigm: Mereosemiotics
  618. CCOnto: The Character Computing Ontology
  619. Towards a Railway Topology Ontology to Integrate and Query Rail Data Silos
  620. E-Maintenance Ontology-Based Approach for Maintaining Level 2 Automation Systems
  621. Enriching the functionally graded materials (FGM) ontology for digital manufacturing
  622. Ontology of Education Using Blockchain: Time Based Protocol
  623. Bharatanatyam Dance Transcription using Multimedia Ontology and Machine Learning
  624. Ontology-Based Modelling of State Machines for Production Robots in Smart Manufacturing Systems
  625. Transformation of SysML Requirement Diagram into OWL Ontologies
  626. Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland
  627. PROMISE: PRoposing an Ontological Model for developing collaborative SystEms
  628. Concept placement using BERT trained by transforming and summarizing biomedical ontology structure
  629. Gene Ontology semantic similarity analysis using GOSemSim
  630. CCOnto: Towards an Ontology-Based Model for Character Computing
  631. Critical evaluation of web-based prediction tools for human protein subcellular localization
  632. Educational projections of the OntoMathEdu Mathematical Ontology
  633. VeeAlign: A Supervised Deep Learning Approach to Ontology Alignment⋆
  634. Including widespread geometry schemas into Linked Data-based BIM applied to built heritage
  635. Unique insights from ClinicalTrials. gov by mining protein mutations and RSids in addition to applying the Human Phenotype Ontology
  636. Provenance-Based Interpretation of Multi-Agent Information Analysis
  637. Ontology-based measurement of study program innovativeness in the area of economics and management
  638. Performance analysis of IIS10. 0 and Apache2 Cluster-based Web Servers under SYN DDoS Attack
  639. Tourism Recommender System Utilising Property Graph Ontology as Knowledge Base
  640. A New Concept Extraction Method for Ontology Construction From Arabic Text
  642. The design and practice of a semantic-enabled urban analytics data infrastructure
  643. Ontology-based classification model of text resources of an electronic archive
  644. Monitoring academic performance based on learning analytics and ontology: A systematic review
  645. An Ontology-based Expert System for the Systematic Design of Humanoid Robots
  646. Recent advances in Web3D semantic modeling
  647. The comprehensive ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis.
  648. A system architecture for cad-based robotic assembly with sensor-based skills
  649. DREAM Principles from the PORTAL-DOORS Project and NPDS Cyberinfrastructure
  650. Introducing GSO: A General Systemist Ontology
  651. ImageBreed: Open‐access plant breeding web–database for image‐based phenotyping
  652. An intelligent healthcare monitoring framework using wearable sensors and social networking data
  653. Discuss similarities and differences of Ontologies and Thesauri. Their role to modern information retrieval systems.
  654. Applied Ontology for the Automatic Classification of Simple Sentences of the Kazakh Language
  655. Automating GDPR Compliance using Policy Integrated Blockchain
  656. Using formal ontology for the representation of morphological properties of anatomical structures in endoscopic surgery
  657. Explanation Ontology in Action: A Clinical Use-Case
  658. NoHR: an overview
  659. Screening product tolerances considering semantic variation propagation and fusion for assembly precision analysis
  660. LETHE: Forgetting and uniform interpolation for expressive description logics
  661. Communities, complexity, and the ‘conchoration’: Network analysis and the ontology of geographic units
  662. Gene Ontology Analysis of Gene Expression Data Using Hybridized PSO Triclustering
  663. Ontology-driven integrative analysis of omics data through Onassis
  665. Formal development of an operation monitoring and control system for nuclear reactors using Event‐B method
  666. A novel approach on Particle Agent Swarm Optimization (PASO) in semantic mining for web page recommender system of multimedia data: a health care perspective
  667. Design Research and Object-Oriented Ontology
  668. Embedding Oriented Adaptable Semantic Annotation Framework for Amharic Web Documents
  669. Towards a New Materialist Ontology of Clothing
  670. Coordinating Coronavirus Research: The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology
  671. A knowledge graph method for hazardous chemical management: Ontology design and entity identification
  672. Towards an ontology-assisted programming
  673. Ontology-based model for security assessment: Predicting cyberattacks through threat activity analysis
  674. Ontologies for geospatial information: Progress and challenges ahead
  675. Explainable decision support through the learning and visualization of preferences from a formal ontology of antibiotic treatments
  676. The concept of machine-readable and machine-executable law: relevance, purpose, place in RegTech, content, ontology and prospects
  677. Indigenous ontology, international law and the application of the Convention to the over-representation of Indigenous children in out of home care in Canada and …
  678. NreASAM: Towards an Ontology-Based Model for Authentication and Auto-Grading Online Submission of Psychomotor Assessments
  679. Computational studies on Gene Ontology for Molecular functions, Cellular component and Biological process of SARS-CoV-2 targeted proteins
  680. Raphael On Trial: Digestive Ontology and Milton’s Absolution of God
  681. Ontology-based Interpretable Machine Learning for Textual Data
  682. Feature-Level Sentiment Analysis Based on Rules and Fine-Grained Domain Ontology
  683. Engineering support for variability modeling for context-sensitive reconfiguration of collaborative manufacturing systems
  684. Towards a social and semantic web platform for sharing endogenous knowledge to adapt to climate change
  685. onIQ: An Ontology-Independent Natural Language Interface for Building SPARQL Queries
  686. Giorgi Lebanidze. Hegel’s Transcendental Ontology. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2003. ISBN 9781498561341 (e-book). ISBN 9781498561334 (pbk). Pp. 150 …
  687. Afterword: Violent Cartographies and the Ontology of the Rural
  688. Model checking ontology‐driven reasoning agents using strategy and abstraction
  689. A knowledge representation of the beginning of the innovation process: The Front End of Innovation Integrative Ontology (FEI2O)
  690. DDIEM: drug database for inborn errors of metabolism
  691. Digital content management of Heet Sib Sorng custom for semantic search
  692. Automating the development of machine skills and their semantic description
  693. ANDDigest: a new web-based module of ANDSystem for the search of knowledge in the scientific literature
  694. SWRL Parallel Reasoning Implementation with Spark SQL
  695. Fuzzy ontology based activity recognition for assistive health care using smart home
  696. Sql injection attack detection and prevention techniques using machine learning
  697. QAOC: Novel query analysis and ontology-based clustering for data management in Hadoop
  698. Semantics in the Edge: Sensors and actuators in the Web of Linked Data and Things
  699. A semantic assessment framework for e-learning systems
  700. Improving Short Text Classification using Information from DBpedia Ontology
  701. Extending intelligent content delivery in technical communication by semantics: microdocuments and content services
  702. An Operational Ontology for the Selection of Advanced Courses in Management Information Systems
  703. Systematization of digital twins: ontology and conceptual framework
  704. Ontologies-based domain knowledge modeling and heterogeneous sensor data integration for bridge health monitoring systems
  705. Ontology Based System for Prediction of Diseases
  706. On the Ontology of Action: Actors are Not’Abstractions’
  707. Alas Landscape Modeling by Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Geographic Ontology. Study case of Central Yakutia (Russia)
  708. Using an ontology of the human cardiovascular system to improve the classification of histological images
  709. DABGEO: a Reusable and Usable Global Energy Ontology for the Energy Domain
  710. OBAC: towards agent-based identification and classification of roles, objects, permissions (ROP) in distributed environment
  711. A Journey into Ontology Approximation: From Non-Horn to Horn (Abstract)⋆
  712. Implementation of aspect-oriented business process models with web services
  713. Defining sharing economy, marketplace and other service platform related concepts: A reference ontology approach
  714. Visual Representation of African Traditional Medicine Recipes Using Icons and a Formal Ontology, ontoMEDTRAD.
  715. Supporting Online Teaching Laboratories with Semantic Web
  716. Scenario-based generation of ontologies for domain-specific languages
  717. Determinants of semantic web technology adoption from IT professionals’ perspective: Industry competition, organization innovativeness, and data management …
  718. OGG-CoV: Ontology Representation and Analysis of Genes and Genomes of Coronaviruses
  719. An Ontology-Based Approach for Production Planning and Control of Cyber-Physical Production Systems
  720. Automatic extraction of Uyghur domain concepts based on multi-feature for ontology extension
  721. Towards a Semantic Layer Design for an Advanced Intelligent Multimodal Transportation System
  722. WoT Store: Managing resources and applications on the web of things
  723. Social Ontology
  724. The virtual knowledge graph system ontop
  725. An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) for representing behaviour change theories applied to 76 theories [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
  726. AWARE: An Ontology for Situational Awareness of Autonomous Vehicles in Manufacturing
  727. Ontologies relevant to behaviour change interventions: A method for their development
  728. Reasoning in description logic ontologies for privacy management
  729. A case study for block-based linked data generation: Recipes as jigsaw puzzles
  730. Science gateways with embedded ontology-based E-learning support
  731. Semantic Primitives Extraction for XBRL Domain Ontology
  732. The role and promise of artificial intelligence in medical toxicology
  733. Virtuality and the Problem of Agency in Object-Oriented Ontology
  734. Reliable and interoperable computational molecular engineering: 2. Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling Ontology
  735. A compact brain storm algorithm for matching ontologies
  736. Automated conversion from natural language query to SPARQL query
  737. Ontological Design of Information Retrieval Model for Real Estate Documents
  738. Context sensitive access control in smart home environments
  739. STIX-based Network Security Knowledge Graph Ontology Modeling Method
  740. GTFS-Madrid-Bench: A benchmark for virtual knowledge graph access in the transport domain
  741. Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South
  743. Gene ontology enrichment analysis of α-amylase inhibitors from Duranta repens in diabetes mellitus
  745. Rock art, ontology, and Indigenous knowledge practices
  746. Generic Ontology Design Patterns: Roles and Change over Time
  747. Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans: A Knowledge Retrieval Approach to Automate the Assessment of Funders’ Requirements
  748. Automated query classification based web service similarity technique using machine learning
  749. Enriching standards-based digital thread by fusing as-designed and as-inspected data using knowledge graphs
  750. ewot: A semantic interoperability approach for heterogeneous iot ecosystems based on the web of things
  751. An ontology-based multi-criteria decision support system to reconfigure manufacturing systems
  752. Web Page Recommendation Using Genetic and Feed Forward Association Rule on Web-Log Features
  753. IoT sensor data integration in healthcare using semantics and machine learning approaches
  754. The Technology for Semantic Interoperability based on a Cognitive Approach
  755. Cardinality Extraction from Text for Ontology Learning
  756. Towards a Joint Ontology of Quran and Hadith
  757. Intelligence graphs for threat intelligence and security policy validation of cyber systems
  758. SBOL visual 2 ontology
  759. Knowledge Graphs on the Web-An Overview.
  760. Towards the Ethnic Understanding of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples: A Mashup Based on Semantic Web and Open Data
  761. CTO: A Community-Based Clinical Trial Ontology and Its Applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIViewH
  762. The Use of Ontology in Clinical Information Extraction
  763. An Internet of Things‐enabled decision support system for circular economy business model
  764. Concept Integration to Develop Next Generation of Technology-Enhanced Learning Systems
  765. Kant’s Pre-critical Ontology and Environmental Philosophy
  766. Ontology-Based Organizational and Technical Components Semantic Model Development
  767. Emotion Detection for Social Robots Based on NLP Transformers and an Emotion Ontology
  768. A declarative model for accessibility requirements
  769. An intelligent resource manager over terrorism knowledge base
  770. Researches on Software Requirements Elicitation Approach of the Aviation Electronics Systems based on Multi-ontology
  771. GOMCL: a toolkit to cluster, evaluate, and extract non-redundant associations of Gene Ontology-based functions
  772. Automatic development of ontology in agriculture domain
  773. STILTool: a semantic table interpretation evaluation tool
  774. Common Representational Model and Ontologies for Effective Law Enforcement Solutions

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