Web Ontology Research Topics for MS PhD
Web Ontology Research Topic ideas for MS, or Ph.D. Degree
I am sharing with you some of the research topics regarding Web Ontologies that you can choose for your research proposal for the thesis work of MS, or Ph.D. Degree.
- A Survey of Ontology Benchmarks for Semantic Web Ontology Tools
- Mapping the Web Ontology Language to the OpenAPI Specification
- Modular ontology modeling: A tutorial
- Creating Annotations for Web Ontology Language Ontology Generated from Relational Databases
- Web Ontology Language
- Building ontology-driven tutoring models for intelligent tutoring systems using data mining
- Semantic Web Ontology for Vocational Education Self-Evaluation System
- G-OWL: Towards Graphical-Ontology-Web-Language-an OWL-2 Visual Notation for the Semantic Web Ontology Modeling
- Ontology-guided Semantic Composition for Zero-Shot Learning
- Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases of Same Domain Using Ontology
- The enslaved ontology: Peoples of the historic slave trade
- A Novel Method to Detect and Prevent SQLIA Using Ontology to Cloud Web Security
- An overview of massive open online course platforms: personalization and semantic web technologies and standards
- GIANT: Scalable Creation of a Web-scale Ontology
- Application Ontology for Multi-Agent and Web-Services’ Co-Simulation in Power and Energy Systems
- Development of an Intervention Setting Ontology for behaviour change: Specifying where interventions take place
- Ontology-based instantaneous route suggestion of enemy warplanes with the unknown mission profile
- Exploiting Ontology Recommendation Using Text Categorization Approach
- FOBI: An ontology to represent food intake data and associate it with metabolomic data
- Modeling city land use with an ontology
- An ontology-based approach for developing a harmonized data-validation tool for European cancer registration
- Ontology engineering: Current state, challenges, and future directions
- An ontology-based context model in intelligent environments
- Football Ontology Construction using Oriented Programming
- DAO: An Ontology for Substance Use Epidemiology on Social Media and Dark Web
- Towards an ontology-based iconography
- Protein ontology on the semantic web for knowledge discovery
- How good is this merged ontology?
- An Ontology of Chinese Ceramic Vases
- Knowledge acquisition from chemical accident databases using an ontology-based method and natural language processing
- Delivering Behaviour Change Interventions: Development of a Mode of Delivery Ontology
- Line Defense Ontology-Based Trust Management Model
- On modeling the physical world as a collection of things: The w3c thing description ontology
- Enrichment of Semantic Sensor Network Ontology: Description Logics based approach
- Ontology-Based Analysis Semantic Correlation Interventions in the Field of Health
- An ontology-based framework for automated code generation of Web AR applications
- Ontology-driven aspect-based sentiment analysis classification: An infodemiological case study regarding infectious diseases in Latin America
- GenMOnto: A strategic domain ontology modelling approach for conceptualisation and evaluation of collective knowledge for mapping genomes
- Construction of ontology for auto-interpretable tolerance semantics in skin model
- Ontology learning: Grand tour and challenges
- Ontology-Assisted Enterprise Information Systems Integration in Manufacturing Supply Chain
- Sup_Ont: an upper ontology
- Ontology for preserving the knowledge base of traditional dances (OTD)
- Use of ontology learning in information system integration: a literature survey
- Visual analysis of ontology matching results with the melt dashboard
- BLONDiE: Blockchain Ontology with Dynamic Extensibility
- Ontology mediated information extraction in financial domain with Mastro System-T
- An approach based on the ifcOWL ontology to support indoor navigation
- Personalized cloud service review analysis based on modularized ontology
- CODO: an ontology for collection and analysis of COVID-19 data
- Developing an Arabic Infectious Disease Ontology to Include Non-Standard Terminology
- Risk response for municipal solid waste crisis using ontology-based reasoning
- Developing Domain Ontology for Issuing Certificate of Citizenship of Nepal
- Ontology-driven Security Testing of Web Applications
- Ontology Modularization with OAPT
- Structuring, reuse and analysis of electronic dental data using the Oral Health and Disease Ontology
- The UDSA ontology: An ontology to support real time urban sustainability assessment
- Survey on ontology-based sentiment analysis of customer reviews for products and services
- A platform application for exploiting the Digital Reference Ontology
- An Ontology Based Framework for Automatic Web Resources Identification
- The internet of musical things ontology
- Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tutorial
- Construction of Domain Ontology for Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
- Space debris ontology for ADR capture methods selection
- Ontology-Based Integration of BIM and GIS for Indoor Routing
- Modeling and reasoning of IoT architecture in semantic ontology dimension
- Discovering Web Services By Matching Semantic Relationships Through Ontology
- An Observational Process Ontology-Based Modeling Approach for Water Quality Monitoring
- Cybersecurity Ontology
- Ontology based Concept Extraction and Classification of Ayurvedic Documents
- A review of image retrieval based on ontology model
- Time is ripe to embrace the scientific approach in Applied Ontology
- A decision support system on the obesity management and consultation during childhood and adolescence using ontology and semantic rules
- Applications and Practices in Ontology Design, Extraction, and Reasoning
- Genetic-based web regression testing: an ontology-based multi-objective evolutionary framework to auto-regression testing of web applications
- Ontology design for pharmaceutical research outcomes
- An Ontology-Based Framework for Publishing and Exploiting Linked Open Data: A Use Case on Water Resources Management
- The enslaved dataset: A real-world complex ontology alignment benchmark using wikibase
- A smart-farming ontology for attribute based access control
- An Ontology Based on the Timeline of Log2timeline and Psort Using Abstraction Approach in Digital Forensics
- Knowledge Base Representation of Emails Using Ontology for Spam Filtering
- RETRACTED ARTICLE: Ontology for distributed architecture of pedagogical warehouse in the field of machine learning
- DBpedia Archivo: A Web-Scale Interface for Ontology Archiving Under Consumer-Oriented Aspects
- A review of the semantic web field
- Ontology-based access control for FAIR data
- An ontology framework for pile integrity evaluation based on analytical methodology
- A Systematic Mapping with Bibliometric Analysis on Information Systems Using Ontology and Fuzzy Logic
- The African wildlife ontology tutorial ontologies
- An interoperable semantic service toolset with domain ontology for automated decision support in the end-of-life domain
- Towards a new generation of ontology based data access
- SustainOnt: an ontology for defining an index of neighborhood sustainability across domains
- Time event ontology (TEO): to support semantic representation and reasoning of complex temporal relations of clinical events
- BiGe-Onto: an ontology-based system for managing biodiversity and biogeography data
- Representation of behaviour change interventions and their evaluation: Development of the Upper Level of the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology
- Friend of a Friend with Benefits ontology (FOAF+): extending a social network ontology for public health
- The computer science ontology: A comprehensive automatically-generated taxonomy of research areas
- Supporting Music Pattern Retrieval and Analysis: An Ontology-Based Approach
- Ontology Based Governance for Employee Services
- Technologies for automation creation of an ontology of urbanonyms in the aspect of historical changes (on the example of Almaty)
- OntoPowSys: A power system ontology for cross domain interactions in an eco industrial park
- DomainSenticNet: An Ontology and a Methodology Enabling Domain-Aware Sentic Computing
- Development of Semantic Ontology Modeling in Knowledge Representation of Balinese Gamelan Instruments
- Immune-Based Network Dynamic Risk Control Strategy Knowledge Ontology Construction
- crowd: A Visual Tool for Involving Stakeholders into Ontology Engineering Tasks
- Ontology Building for Cyber–Physical Systems: Application in the Manufacturing Domain
- Optimizing sensor ontology alignment through compact co-firefly algorithm
- A Study on Ontology Creation, Change Management for Web-Based Data
- An ontology-based representation of vaulted system for HBIM
- Semantic Web: A Review Of The Field
- An ontology-based framework for a Less Invasive Domestic Management System (LIDoMS)
- Ontology-based discovery of time-series data sources for landslide early warning system
- Evaluating and comparing ontology alignment systems: An MCDM approach
- Assessment of text coherence using an ontology‐based relatedness measurement method
- Combining lexical and context features for automatic ontology extension
- An ontology-based approach to knowledge-assisted integration and visualization of urban mobility data
- BOLD: An Ontology-based Log Debugger for C Programs
- An Ontology-Based Predictive Maintenance Tool for Power Substation Faults in Distribution Grid
- Semantic classification of business ontology while migrating business
- OPPCAT: Ontology population from tabular data
- Are we better off with just one ontology on the Web?
- Ontology-Based Smart Sound Digital Forensics Analysis for Web Services
- A Semantic Offsite Construction Digital Twin-Offsite Manufacturing Production Workflow (OPW) Ontology
- Optimizing ontology alignment through linkage learning on entity correspondences
- Understanding and improving ontology reasoning efficiency through learning and ranking
- A review towards the development of ontology based identity and access management metamodel
- An ontology and knowledge graph infrastructure for digital library knowledge representation
- Ontology-Driven Decision Making for Subfertility of Female
- GimmeHop: A recommender system for mobile devices using ontology reasoners and fuzzy logic
- Automated generation of decision-tree models for the economic assessment of interventions for rare diseases using the RaDiOS ontology
- Mechanical testing ontology for digital-twins: A roadmap based on EMMO
- Maximal structure generation of superstructure for semantic triple generated by DEVS ontology in the process industry
- Ontology Authoring from Relational Database: A Model Based Approach
- An approach for generation of SPARQL query from SQL algebra based transformation rules of RDB to ontology
- Ontology-based data acquisition model development for agricultural open data platforms and implementation of OWL2MVC tool
- TheoryOn: A design framework and system for unlocking behavioral knowledge through ontology learning
- ” Sampo” Model and Semantic Portals for Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web.
- An ontology‐based system for discovering landslide‐induced emergencies in electrical grid
- onto2problog: a probabilistic ontology-mediated querying system using probabilistic logic programming
- An Analysis of Commitments in Ontology Language Design
- Evaluation of the Ontology Visualization using Key Performance Indicators
- An Ontology Based Approach for Next Generation Customer Relationship Management Systems
- Trapping Runtime Faults from Web Service Fault Ontology
- Term Matrix: a novel Gene Ontology annotation quality control system based on ontology term co-annotation patterns
- Minimalistic fuzzy ontology reasoning: An application to Building Information Modeling
- Ontology-Based Inference for Supporting Clinical Decisions in Mental Health
- A substrate‐based ontology for human solute carriers
- Providing packages of relevant ATM information: An ontology-based approach
- LOVBench: Ontology ranking benchmark
- Rewriting approaches for ontology-mediated query answering
- ROC: An Ontology for Country Responses towards COVID-19
- Understanding Query Interfaces: Automatic Extraction of Data from Domain-specific Deep Web based on Ontology
- An Ontology for Fire Building Evacuation
- An ontology-based framework to formalize and represent 4D printing knowledge in design
- Modular graphical ontology engineering evaluated
- Ontology-enhanced machine learning: a Bosch use case of welding quality monitoring
- Ontology-driven Event Type Classification in Images
- IterG: An Iteratively Learning Graph Convolutional Network with Ontology Semantics
- Exploring duality on ontology debugging
- Towards metrics-driven ontology engineering
- E‐maintenance platform design for public infrastructure maintenance based on IFC ontology and Semantic Web services
- Supervised ontology and instance matching with MELT
- A partition based framework for large scale ontology matching
- OntoZSL: Ontology-enhanced Zero-shot Learning
- Ontology Design for Pharmaceutical Research Outcomes
- (2009). OWL 2 Web Ontology Language: Document Overview. W3C Recommendation
- Web-based interactive mapping from data dictionaries to ontologies, with an application to cancer registry
- A Dialogue-System Using a Qur’anic Ontology
- An Ontology for Collaborative Decision Making
- An ontology-based conversation system for knowledge bases
- CloudFNF: An ontology structure for functional and non-functional features of cloud services
- Ontology Meter for Twitter Fake Accounts Detection
- Mobile Application Development Ontology
- Research on Industrial Software Testing Knowledge Database Based on Ontology
- Knowledge graph for identifying hazards on construction sites: Integrating computer vision with ontology
- Combining UML and ontology: An exploratory survey
- Data mining-based approach for ontology matching problem
- Augmented Reality for Human Needs: An Ontology
- OntoMath: A Linguistically Grounded Educational Mathematical Ontology
- Towards Evolvable Ontology-Driven Development with Normalized Systems
- Ontology construction for annotating skill and situation of airline services to multi-modal data
- Development of a consumer financial goals ontology for use with FinTech applications for improving financial capability
- Improved fuzzy weighted‐iterative association rule based ontology postprocessing in data mining for query recommendation applications
- Ontology-Based Map Data Quality Assurance
- An Ontology for Motor Skill Acquisition Designed for GIFT
- OWL2Go: Auto-generation of Go data models for OWL ontologies with integrated serialization and deserialization functionality
- Ontology of core concept data types for answering geo-analytical questions
- Query reformulation approach using domain specific ontology for semantic information retrieval
- Ontology matching using convolutional neural networks
- MEMOn: modular environmental monitoring ontology to link heterogeneous Earth observed data
- P2P-O: A Purchase-To-Pay Ontology for Enabling Semantic Invoices
- Design and implementation for semantic information retrieval through convergence of ontology and user context based on mobile device
- GRO and WeGO-algorithmic approaches to integrate the heterogeneous databases and enhance the evaluation of ontology mapping systems in the semantic web
- CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus disease knowledge and data integration, sharing, and analysis
- From music ontology towards ethno-music-ontology
- Security patterns based approach to automatically select mitigations in ontology-driven threat modelling
- Towards an Ontology for Teamwork Enabled Services
- Chowlk: From UML based ontology conceptualizations to OWL
- Construction of Liver Fibrosis Diagnosis Ontology From Fuzzy Extended ER Modeling: Construction of FibrOnto From an EER Model
- Ontology-based knowledge representation of urban heat island mitigation strategies
- An Ontology-Based Framework for Publishing and Exploiting Linked Open Data: A Use Case on Water Resources Management
- Ontology-based solutions for Interoperability among Product Lifecycle Management Systems: A Systematic Literature Review
- Ontology-based knowledge model for human-robot interactive services
- Ontology for Strategies and Predictive Maintenance models
- Data Integration in the Brazilian Public Health System for Tuberculosis: Use of the Semantic Web to Establish Interoperability
- Human-centric Faceted Approach for Ontology Construction
- SSIF: Subsumption-based sub-term inference framework to audit gene ontology
- RecSys issues ontology: a knowledge classification of issues for recommender systems researchers
- A Formal Approach to Ontology Recommendation for Enhanced Interoperability in Open IoT Ecosystems
- Semi-Automatic Definition of Attribute Semantics for the Purpose of Ontology Integration
- Ontology for knowledge condensation to support expertise location in the code phase during software development process
- Converness: Ontology‐driven conversational awareness and context understanding in multimodal dialogue systems
- Extracting a justification for OWL ontologies by critical axioms
- Lightweight Data-Security Ontology for IoT
- In-pandemic development of an application ontology for COVID-19 surveillance in a primary care sentinel network
- AgriEnt: A knowledge-based web platform for managing insect pests of field crops
- An Ontology for the Materials Design Domain
- OntoSemStats: An Ontology to Express the Use of Semantics in RDF-Based Knowledge Graphs
- Towards Eclipse Plug-ins for Automated Data Warehouse Design from an Ontology
- Developing a mobile-based disease ontology for traditional Persian medicine
- From obXML to the OP Ontology: Developing a Semantic Model for Occupancy Profile⋆
- MALOnt: An Ontology for Malware Threat Intelligence
- Ontology-based Generation of Personalised Data Management Systems: an Application to Experimental Particle Physics
- Ontology-based representation of tolerancing and design knowledge for an automated tolerance specification of product concepts
- Proceedings of the 14th ISWC workshop on Ontology Matching (OM)
- Multifaceted context representation using dual attention for ontology alignment
- Ontology-Based Integration of Vehicle-Related Data
- Need of Ontology‐Based Systems in Healthcare System
- Ontology-Based Bibliometric Analysis of PubMed Publications Related to Cognitive Reserves
- Requirements Dependency Extraction by Integrating Active Learning with Ontology-Based Retrieval
- The landscape of ontology reuse approaches
- Graph-based exploitation of gene ontology using GOxploreR for scrutinizing biological significance
- An ontology-based framework for heterogeneous data management and its application for urban flood disasters
- DaRLing: A Datalog rewriter for OWL 2 RL ontological reasoning under SPARQL queries
- The infectious disease ontology in the age of COVID-19
- Automated Expert System Knowledge Base Development Method for Information Security Risk Analysis
- Deep learning framework for RDF and knowledge graphs using fuzzy maps to support medical decision
- CoMerger: a customizable online tool for building a consistent quality-assured merged ontology
- Ontology engineering methodologies for the evolution of living and reused ontologies: status, trends, findings and recommendations
- HDGI: A Human Device Gesture Interaction Ontology for the Internet of Things
- An ontology-driven IoT based healthcare formalism
- Ontology, ontologies and the “I” of FAIR
- An ontology-based learning approach for automatically classifying security requirements
- Efficient Semantic Representation of Network Access Control Configuration for Ontology-based Security Analysis
- OPAL: An extensible framework for ontology‐based program analysis
- IoT-Stream: A lightweight ontology for internet of things data streams and its use with data analytics and event detection services
- Neural-symbolic integration and the semantic web
- Intelligent sensing: ontology based application
- Web-based digital twin modeling and remote control of cyber-physical production systems
- PIANI: An ontology-based platform for outdoor activity recognition and non-intrusive assistance to the elderly
- Ontology Extraction and Usage in the Scholarly Knowledge Domain
- ColPri: Towards a Collaborative Privacy Knowledge Management Ontology for the Internet of Things
- Format and Usage Model of Security Patterns in Ontology-Driven Threat Modelling
- Validation of the Bch-Ontology
- Enhancing life cycle chemical exposure assessment through ontology modeling
- Development of an ontology-based personalised E-learning recommender system
- REWARD: Ontology for reward schemes
- Ontology-based document spanning systems for information extraction
- Presenting an Ontology-Based Knowledge Network for Environmental Impact Assessment in Iran
- Ontology expansion based on UWN reusability
- An Ontology Driven ESCO LOD Quality Enhancement
- The International Data Spaces Information Model–An Ontology for Sovereign Exchange of Digital Content
- An ontology for representing knowledge of decision interactions in decision-based design
- REA model, its development and integration as an enterprise ontology framework
- Explanation Ontology: A Model of Explanations for User-Centered AI
- Eco-Ontology for supporting Interoperability in Product Life Cycle within Product Sustainability
- Development of the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology: Evaluation and workflow
- Effective information retrieval and feature minimization technique for semantic web data
- Ontology-based semantic modeling of knowledge in construction: classification and identification of hazards implied in images
- Obi-Wan: ontology-based RDF integration of heterogeneous data
- The GeoCore ontology: A core ontology for general use in Geology
- Modular ontology modeling meets upper ontologies: the upper ontology alignment tool
- User interface design patterns and ontology models for adaptive mobile applications
- Semi-automatic extraction and validation of concepts in ontology learning from texts in Spanish
- ALDONAr: A hybrid solution for sentence-level aspect-based sentiment analysis using a lexicalized domain ontology and a regularized neural attention model
- What Researchers are Currently Saying about Ontologies: A Review of Recent Web of Science Articles
- Novel Ontology-Based Method for Generating Satellite Cluster’s Task Configuration
- Verifying Ontology Increments through Domain and Schema Independent Verbalization
- Towards Matching of Domain Ontologies to Cross-Domain Ontology: Evaluation Perspective
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval for Durian Pests and Diseases Control System
- Multidimensional ontology-based visual ranking: a dynamic decision support approach
- Ontology-driven advanced drug-drug interaction
- A short survey on inconsistency handling in ontology-mediated query answering
- Ontology-based knowledge management with verbal interaction for command interpretation and execution by home service robots
- Providing clarity on big data technologies: The BDTOnto ontology
- Proactive and reactive context reasoning architecture for smart web services
- Temporal Ontology-Mediated Queries and First-Order Rewritability: A Short Course
- A Neuro-ontology for the neurological examination
- A novel meta-matching approach for ontology alignment using grasshopper optimization
- Common Ontology of Sustainable Development
- Creating the HISTO Ontology of Finnish History Events
- Graphical and collaborative annotation support for semantic Web services
- Sensor Ontology Metamatching with Heterogeneity Measures
- Ontology driven human activity recognition in heterogeneous sensor measurements
- Can an ontology really support the development of more accurate data quality assessment models?: A survey
- Modeling and evaluation of the mathematical educational ontology
- An ontology of modern conflict: including conventional combat and unconventional conflict
- The Ontology-Based Modeling and Evolution of Digital Twin for Assembly Workshop
- Evaluation and Evolution of NAOnto-A Profile Ontology of Native American Diabetes Patients
- Movement disorders ontology for clinically oriented and clinicians-driven data mining of multi-center cohorts in Parkinson’s disease
- Representing construction-related geometry in a semantic web context: A review of approaches
- OUPIP: Ontology Based User Profile for Impairment Person in Dynamic Situation Aware Social Networks
- Ontology-based approach to extract product’s design features from online customers’ reviews
- Construction of Curriculum Knowledge Map based on Ontology
- Ontology fixing by using software engineering technology
- SOBA: Semi-automated ontology builder for aspect-based sentiment analysis
- An Automatic Ontology-based Approach to Support Logical Representation of Observable and Measurable Data for Healthy Lifestyle Management Targeting …
- An intelligent system for energy management in smart cities based on big data and ontology
- Developing Cardiac Electrophysiology Ontology: Moving Towards Data Harmonization and Integration
- Open Information Extraction as Additional Source for Kazakh Ontology Generation
- Toward ontology‐based risk management framework for software projects: An empirical study
- Ontology‐driven perspective of CFRaaS
- Ontology language xol used for cross-application communication
- A Domain Ontology for Task Instructions
- Ontology matching: state of the art, future challenges and thinking based on utilized information
- Dividing the ontology alignment task with semantic embeddings and logic-based modules
- Ontology-based requirement verification for complex systems
- An ontology-based documentation of data discovery and integration process in cancer outcomes research
- Study of Intelligent Question Answering System Based on Ontology
- Interpretation and automatic integration of geospatial data into the semantic web
- Exploiting ontology information in fuzzy SVM social media profile classification
- A Dynamic Dashboarding Application for Fleet Monitoring Using Semantic Web of Things Technologies
- Leveraging cloud computing for the semantic web: review and trends
- Ontology-driven representation of knowledge for geological maps
- Ontology-Driven Generation of Interactive 3D Worlds
- An automatic ontology generation framework with an organizational perspective
- An Ontology-based Information Model for Multi-Domain Semantic Modeling and Analysis of Smart City Data
- Updating Ontology Alignment on the Relation Level based on Ontology Evolution.
- TestTDO: A Top-Domain Software Testing Ontology
- Alin: improving interactive ontology matching by interactively revising mapping suggestions
- An ontology used to support learning in the field of heritage education
- Layered ontology-based multi-sourced information integration for situation awareness
- Formalisation and classification of grammar and template-mediated techniques to model and ontology verbalisation
- Optimizing biomedical ontology alignment through a compact multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm driven by knee solution
- Cybersecurity vulnerability management: A conceptual ontology and cyber intelligence alert system
- Ridology: An Ontology Model for Exploring Human Behavior Trajectories in Ridesharing Applications
- Fudge: Fuzzy ontology building with consensuated fuzzy datatypes
- Towards an Ontology Network on Human-Computer Interaction
- Soas 3.0: Semantically enriched openapi 3.0 descriptions and ontology for rest services
- Gene ontology curation of neuroinflammation biology improves the interpretation of Alzheimer’s disease gene expression data
- Ontology-Based Information Extraction Framework for Academic Knowledge Repository
- Towards the Open Ontology for IoT Ecosystem’s Security
- Ontology for scenarios for the assessment of automated vehicles
- UiAeHo-an OWL-Based Ontology Modeling to Support Logical Representation of Observable and Measurable Data for Healthy Lifestyle Management Targeting …
- SeMantic AnsweR Type prediction task (SMART) at ISWC 2020 Semantic Web Challenge
- Web of data
- Discourse Ontology: Body and the Construction of a World, from Heidegger Through Lacan by Christos Tombras. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, The Palgrave …
- Transformation of UML class diagram into OWL Ontology
- Enhanced security‐aware technique and ontology data access control in cloud computing
- A generic ontology and recovery protocols for Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) systems
- SWRL reasoning on ontology-based clinical dengue knowledge base
- Missing lateral relationships in top-level concepts of an ontology
- Modelling kidney disease using ontology: insights from the Kidney Precision Medicine Project
- IndicatorsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–An Indicator-based Evaluation Low-Domain Ontology
- MetricsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–A Metric-based Measurement Low-Domain Ontology
- Using LOT methodology to develop a noise pollution ontology: a Spanish use case
- Stemming Impact Analysis On Indonesian Quran Translation And Their Tafsir Classification For Ontology Instances
- Ontology Learning Approaches to Provide Domain-Specific Knowledge Base
- Ontology Reusing: A Review
- Building a multilingual ontology for education domain using monto method
- A Stoic Cyber Meta-Ontology-Applying Stoicism to Modern Ontology Design
- Modeling artificial agents’ actions in context–a deontic cognitive event ontology
- NFRsTDO v1. 1’s Terms, Properties and Relationships–A Top-Domain Non-Functional Requirements Ontology
- Sasobus: Semi-automatic sentiment domain ontology building using synsets
- Probabilistic Topic Models for Enriching Ontology from Texts
- A decade of Semantic Web research through the lenses of a mixed methods approach
- Fashionpedia: Ontology, Segmentation, and an Attribute Localization Dataset
- Ontology Based Clinical Decision Support System for Geriatrics
- Exploring the system of digitised retail design—flattening the ontology
- Optimizing ontology materialization with equivalent role and inverse role rewriting
- Prediction of cardiac disease-causing pattern using multimedia extraction in health ontology
- Domain ontology for requirements classification in requirements engineering context
- Conversational ontology operator: patient-centric vaccine dialogue management engine for spoken conversational agents
- MapGenOnto: A Shared Ontology for Map Generalisation and Multi-Scale Visualisation
- Software requirements elicitation, verification, and documentation: an ontology based approach
- Ontology-based human behavior indexing with multimodal video data
- Self-Learning Ontology For Instance Segmentation Of 3d Indoor Point Cloud
- A Proposed Ontology-Based Generic Context Model for Ubiquitous Learning
- Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research
- Querying the Semantic Web via Rules
- Enhancing the functionality of augmented reality using deep learning, semantic web and knowledge graphs: A review
- Design and evaluation of an ontology-based tool for generating multiple-choice questions
- Ontology‐Based Query Retrieval Support for E‐Health Implementation
- Ontology-based systematic classification and analysis of coronaviruses, hosts, and host-coronavirus interactions towards deep understanding of COVID-19
- Non-Monotonic Ontology-based Abstractions of Data Services
- A light-weight dynamic ontology for Internet of Things using machine learning technique
- Cooperative Domain Ontology Reduction Based on Power Sets
- Using Domain Lexicon and Grammar for Ontology Matching
- COPri-A Core Ontology for Privacy Requirements Engineering
- Towards an Ontology Proposal Model in Data Lake for Real-time COVID-19 Cases Prevention
- Foundations for an Ontology of Belief, Desire and Intention
- Localizing open-ontology QA semantic parsers in a day using machine translation
- Bridge Ontology Architecture for Knowledge Management in Bridge Maintenance
- Machine learning for the semantic web: Lessons learnt and next research directions
- Developing a computational ontology to understand the relational aspects of audience formation
- Towards a Modern Ontology Development Environment
- Semantic web in disaster management: a systematic literature review
- Bridging Upper Ontology and Modular Ontology Modeling: A Tool and Evaluation
- Development of manufacturing execution systems in accordance with Industry 4.0 requirements: A review of standard-and ontology-based methodologies and …
- Wikipedia Category Ontology: A Framework for Utilization of the Wikipedia Category Structure by Knowledge Engineers
- Towards An Ontology-Based Knowledge Base for Job Postings
- Difficulty-level modeling of ontology-based factual questions
- Analysis on the Dimensionality Reduction using Domain Ontology for Clustering Algorithms
- Circularity in Searle’s Social Ontology: With a Hegelian Reply
- Modeling of seafood domain using ontology
- ORFFM: An Ontology-Based Semantic Model of River Flow and Flood Mitigation
- Use of a domain-specific ontology to support automated document categorization at the concept level: Method development and evaluation
- Cross-domain ontology construction and alignment from online customer product reviews
- Agent-based modeling for ontology-driven analysis of patient trajectories
- Dataset of ontology competency questions to SPARQL-OWL queries translations
- A literature review of gene function prediction by modeling gene ontology
- Role of Ontology in Health Care
- Method of Ontology Use in OODA
- Integrating COBIT 5 PAM and TIPA for ITIL Using an Ontology Matching System
- Enabling Contextualized Ontology Modeling with a Collaborative Multi-View System
- Towards a New Scalable Big Data System Semantic Web Applied on Mobile Learning.
- Entity Linking and Lexico-Semantic Patterns for Ontology Learning
- Data mining powered by the gene ontology
- Ontology-Based Skill Description Learning for Flexible Production Systems
- ONTMAT1: ontology matching using a reasoner and property restriction
- Automatic Acquisition of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Ontology for Sustainable Risk Management
- Service-based Semiconductor Manufacturing using the Digital Reference Ontology for Global Service Discovery
- Towards a Modular Ontology for Space Weather Research
- Effective construction of classifiers with the k-NN method supported by a concept ontology
- A comparative study on the performance of rule engines in automated ontology learning: a case study with erythemato-squamous disease (ESD)
- Toward a Multi-Dimensional Ontology Model for Urban Planning
- The ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis
- A study of risk relevance reasoning based on a context ontology of railway accidents
- The case for development of an E-cigarette Ontology (E-CigO) to improve quality, efficiency and clarity in the conduct and interpretation of research
- An ontology for the NMR pulse sequence concept
- Survey on complex ontology matching
- Comparative study using inverse ontology cogency and alternatives for concept recognition in the annotated National Library of Medicine database
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Simplified FMU Variable Connections With Automatic Verification of Semantically Correct Configuration
- An Ontology Development Architecture for Strategic Threat Intelligence of South China Sea Conflict (OntoSCSC)
- VoColReg: A Registry for Supporting Distributed Ontology Development using Version Control Systems
- A Methodology for Non-programmers to Automatically Establish Facility Management System with Ontology in Building Information Modeling
- Ontology for group of rescuing robots
- Use of Ontology for Complex Human Activity Recognition in Video sequences.
- Exploring an Intelligent Approach in Knowledge Mapping with Ontology and Text mining: Systematic Literature Review
- Neural language models for the multilingual, transcultural, and multimodal Semantic Web
- Assessing Ontology Alignment Quality-Analysis and Recommendations
- MLGrafViz: multilingual ontology visualization plug-in for protégé
- Towards an Ontology-Based Fully Integrated System for Student E-Assessment
- Approximation analysis of ontology learning algorithm in linear combination setting
- An Ontology Framework for Generating Requirements Specification
- Ontology-Based Semantic Conceptualisation of Historical Built Heritage to Generate Parametric Structured Models from Point Clouds
- Prediction of Public Opinion Early Warning Level of Medical Dispute Cases Based on Ontology
- Mapping of Change Operations from Gene Ontology into Medical Subject Headings
- Developing an ontology network about meteorological events from historical newspapers
- OBDA for the Web: Creating Virtual RDF Graphs On Top of Web Data Sources
- The ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis
- COVID-19 Surveillance in a Primary Care Sentinel Network: In-Pandemic Development of an Application Ontology
- Ontology and crow optimization-based deep belief network for privacy preservation of medical data
- Ontology-Driven Edge Computing
- Ontology Opportunities and Challenges: Discussions from Semantic Data Integration Perspectives
- Composing customized web 3D animations with semantic queries
- The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine
- Ontology-based Formal Specifications for Social Engineering
- Towards Message-Driven Ontology Population-Facing Challenges in Real-World IoT
- A study on local search meta-heuristics for ontology alignment
- An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) for representing behaviour change theories applied to 76 theories
- Key web search algorithm based on service ontology
- An Ontology-Based Approach to Automated Test Case Generation
- Situation Knowledge Service Model Based on Ontology Technology
- Ontology and Rules for Characterization of Sensors and Actuators Devices in AADL Models
- Ontology driven software development for automatic detection and updation of software requirement specifications
- GeoLink Data Set: A Complex Alignment Benchmark from Real-world Ontology
- Multi-view Ontology Alignment Visualization (MOAV): A Human-Cognition Based Ontology Alignment Visualization Technique
- Cloud SLA negotiation and re‐negotiation: An ontology‐based context‐aware approach
- ACCOS: A Hybrid Anomaly-Aware Cloud Computing Formulation-Based Ontology Services in Clouds
- OWL2Vec*: Embedding of OWL ontologies
- Ontology of Crop Pest Control
- Improving privacy in health care with an ontology‐based provenance management system
- Semantic web technologies for the internet of things: Systematic literature review
- Ontology-based NLP information extraction to enrich nanomaterial environmental exposure database
- Finite controllability for ontology-mediated query answering of CRPQ
- Sustainable multi-layered open data processing model for agriculture: IoT based case study using semantic web for hazelnut fields
- Supplementation of the ESID registry working definitions for the clinical diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity with encoded human phenotype ontology (HPO) terms
- Semantic web service composition using semantic similarity measures and formal concept analysis
- Towards an ontology of innovation: on the new, the political-economic dimension and the intrinsic risks involved in innovation processes
- CellO: Comprehensive and hierarchical cell type classification of human cells with the Cell Ontology
- Mapping ontology vertices to a line using hypergraph framework
- Using a multimedia semantic graph for web document visualization and summarization
- ODVICE: An Ontology-Driven Visual Analytic Tool for Interactive Cohort Extraction
- Ontology-based application for knowledge management in ancient Greek mythology
- The Gene Ontology resource: enriching a GOld mine
- Sign language semantic translation system using ontology and deep learning
- Automated Ontology Extraction from Unstructured Texts using Deep Learning
- Formal Description of Manufacturing Process based on Domain Ontology Construction
- Enhancing a Biomedical Ontology with Knowledge from Discharge Summaries
- Tool support for ontology design and quality assurance
- OntoMathEdu Educational Mathematical Ontology: Prerequisites, Educational Levels and Educational Projections
- Context—aware smart reliable service model for intelligent transportation system based on ontology
- Semantic SPA framework for situational student-project allocation in education
- An Ontology to Support Behaviour Change Interventions: Barriers to Activity
- Emerging ontology formulation of optimized internet of things (IOT) services with cloud computing
- Construction of logistics financial security risk ontology model based on risk association and machine learning
- The neuron phenotype ontology: a FAIR approach to proposing and classifying neuronal types
- Adoption of the Citation Typing Ontology by the Journal of Cheminformatics
- Drug Ontology for the Public Mexican Health System⋆
- Performance model’s development: a novel approach encompassing ontology-based data access and visual analytics
- Ontology-based Fault Tree Analysis Algorithms in a Fuzzy Environment for Autonomous Ships
- Optimizing ontology alignment in vector space
- Managing COVID-19 Crisis using C3HIS Ontology
- Ontology-based explanation of classifiers.
- Ontology and Domain Knowledge Base Construction for Contra Dance as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study in Knowledge Organization of American Folk …
- Data Warehouse Design and Build Data Warehouse Using Ontology and Rule Base Method in Supporting Sales and Service Information
- Enhancing Virtual Ontology Based Access over Tabular Data with Morph-CSV
- Ontology of opposition online. Representing antagonistic structures on the Internet
- A core ontology on decision making
- How can reasoning improve ontology-based context-aware system?
- The entanglement of the social realm: Towards a quantum theory inspired ontology for the social sciences
- SAREF4health: Towards IoT standard-based ontology-driven cardiac e-health systems
- ReAD: Delegate OWL Reasoners for Ontology Classification with Atomic Decomposition
- A decision method for construction safety risk management based on ontology and improved CBR: example of a subway project
- Ontology-guided segmentation and object identification for developmental mouse lung immunofluorescent images
- An efficient ontology-based topic-specific article recommendation model for best-fit reviewers
- … the subcellular localization of gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial proteins by multi-label learning based on gene ontology annotation and profile …
- Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Domain Ontology Development: A Systematic Review
- Web search personalization using semantic similarity measure
- Case-based Reasoning of Damaged Ancient Buildings based on Ontology
- Improving supply chain risk visibility and communication with a multi-view risk ontology
- An ontology supported hybrid approach for recommendation in emergency situations
- Information Integrated Management of Prefabricated Project Based on BIM and Knowledge Flow Based Ontology
- Ontology for Evacuation Center in Flood Management Domain
- Social Ontology De-dramatized
- Ontology design proposal to formalize knowledge and manage responses in a conversational interface of the Open Campus Initiative
- Assessing Ontology Mappings on a Level of Concepts and Instances
- A data complexity and rewritability tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom
- Explicitly semantic representation of pattern and combined geometrical specification
- Thesaurus and Ontology Construction for Contra Dance: Knowledge Organization of a North American Folk Dance Domain
- An Ontology-Based Security Risk Management Model for Information Systems
- A Semantic Matchmaking Technique for Cloud Service Discovery and Selection Using Ontology Based on Service-Oriented Architecture
- A large reproducible benchmark of ontology-based methods and word embeddings for word similarity
- Development of an Ontology in Plant Genetic Resources
- A Semantic Text Summarization Method using ontology based Knowledge
- An Online Structured Political Event Dataset based on CAMEO Ontology
- Data-Driven Ontology Toolkit Documentation
- An ontology-driven framework to support the dynamic formation of an interdisciplinary healthcare team
- Analyzing the Usefulness of ThingFO as a Foundational Ontology for Sciences
- From Automatic Keyword Detection to Ontology-Based Topic Modeling
- A Semantic Approach for Extracting Medical Association Rules
- Proposing Ontology-Driven Content Modularization in Documents Based on the Normalized Systems Theory
- Encoding legal balancing: automating an abstract ethico-legal value ontology in preference logic
- A systematic literature review on semantic web enabled software testing
- Transformations of Bibliographic Data into Linked Data: Bibliographic Ontology, Linky MARC and Schema. org.
- Toward owl restriction reconciliation in merging knowledge
- Information extraction meets the semantic web: a survey
- Space mission design ontology: extraction of domain-specific entities and concepts similarity analysis
- Querying the Dataset from the Developed Ontology for Swineflu Disease
- An Ontology of Modern Conflict
- From Semi-Automated to Automated Methods of Ontology Learning from Twitter Data.
- A hybrid scalable collaborative filtering based recommendation system using ontology and incremental SVD algorithm
- Approaches for Efficient Query Optimization Using Semantic Web Technologies
- Computer-aided workflow designing for QOS control based on ontology
- MetricsLDO v2. 0’s Terms, Properties, Relationships and Axioms–A Low-Domain Metric-based Measurement Ontology
- Research on an Enhanced Web Information Processing Technology based on AIS Text Mining
- Merleau-Ponty between Philosophy and Symbolism: Matrixed Ontology, written by Kaushik, R.
- Ontology-based enriched concept graphs for medical document classification
- A social-semantic recommender system for advertisements
- MODDALS methodology for designing layered ontology structures
- Knowledge Graph Approach to Combustion Chemistry and Interoperability
- An Ontology-based approach for making Machine Learning systems Accountable
- Implementing the HERACLES Ontology
- Neural Network Algorithms for Ontology Informed Information Extraction
- A semantic focused web crawler based on a knowledge representation schema
- Structuring ontology terms automatically based on lexical granularity and machine learning.
- Detection of SQL Injection Vulnerability in Software Project Source Code Using Ontology-based Machine Learning Technique
- XLMOD: Cross-linking and chromatography derivatization reagents ontology
- Research on ontology-based situation understanding and decision-making approach for MASS
- Ontology-based Document Recommendation System using Topic Modeling
- Ontology-based Dynamic Semantic Annotation for Social Image Retrieval
- Revisions of Ontology: On Nahum Dimitri Chandler’s X—The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought
- AWARE: A Situational Awareness Framework for Facilitating Adaptive Behavior of Autonomous Vehicles in Manufacturing
- The Bias in Ontologies: An Analysis of the FOAF Ontology
- Organizational knowledge management based on Arabic ontology and multi agents system
- A systematic analysis of flood ontologies: A parametric approach
- Concept Theory and Conceit Theory Ontology and Logology Between Conceptuality and Non-Conceptuality in Knowledge Organization
- Ontology-based integration of urban sustainability indicators
- Study on Book Ontology in the Digitization Process of Books
- Epistemic Integrity Constraints for Ontology-Based Data Management
- BIM and semantic web-based maintenance information for existing buildings
- Top-level Ontology For Disaster Management Operations
- Discovering web services in social web service repositories using deep variational autoencoders
- The Ontology of Adult Learning: Reading Habermas’ Knowledge and Human Interests
- Development and Implementation of an Ontology to Support the Product Development of Smart Textiles Using Open Innovation Platforms
- Ontology Based Turkish Named Entity Recognition
- Schímatos: A SHACL-Based Web-Form Generator for Knowledge Graph Editing
- Expedient information retrieval system for web pages using the natural language modeling
- Impact of Industry 4.0 in Architecture and Cultural Heritage: Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Web Technologies to Empower Interoperability and Data Usage
- Multi-source knowledge integration based on machine learning algorithms for domain ontology
- The Combination of YAKE and Language Processing for Unsupervised Term Extraction Ontology Learning
- OntoTrans: An Ontology on Transparency
- An ontology for BPM in digital transformation and innovation
- iATC-FRAKEL: a simple multi-label web server for recognizing anatomical therapeutic chemical classes of drugs with their fingerprints only
- An Ontology‐Based IR for Health Care
- Experiential Observations: an Ontology Pattern-based Study on Capturing the Potential Content within Evidences of Experiences
- Ontology enhancement using crowdsourcing: a conceptual architecture
- SemFE: facilitating ML pipeline development with semantics
- Astrea: automatic generation of SHACL shapes from ontologies
- Enhanced Ontology Matching for Big Data Integration
- An ontology-driven approach for OHS, SMT Case
- Owl2bench: A benchmark for owl 2 reasoners
- Re-sculpturing Semantic Web of Things as a Strategy for Internet of Things’ Intrinsic Contradiction
- An ontology-based classification of Ebstein’s anomaly and its implications in clinical adverse outcomes
- Semantic Web Service Discovery Approaches: A Comparative Study
- FIPA‐based reference architecture for efficient discovery and selection of appropriate cloud service using cloud ontology
- Fuzzy Ontology-Based Querying User’Requests Under Uncertain Environment
- Next Web Page Prediction using Genetic Algorithm and Feed Forward Association Rule based on Web-Log Features.
- Ontology‐lexicon–based question answering over linked data
- Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling Ontology and its ontological paradigm: Mereosemiotics
- CCOnto: The Character Computing Ontology
- Towards a Railway Topology Ontology to Integrate and Query Rail Data Silos
- E-Maintenance Ontology-Based Approach for Maintaining Level 2 Automation Systems
- Enriching the functionally graded materials (FGM) ontology for digital manufacturing
- Ontology of Education Using Blockchain: Time Based Protocol
- Bharatanatyam Dance Transcription using Multimedia Ontology and Machine Learning
- Ontology-Based Modelling of State Machines for Production Robots in Smart Manufacturing Systems
- Transformation of SysML Requirement Diagram into OWL Ontologies
- Linked Open Data Infrastructure for Digital Humanities in Finland
- PROMISE: PRoposing an Ontological Model for developing collaborative SystEms
- Concept placement using BERT trained by transforming and summarizing biomedical ontology structure
- Gene Ontology semantic similarity analysis using GOSemSim
- CCOnto: Towards an Ontology-Based Model for Character Computing
- Critical evaluation of web-based prediction tools for human protein subcellular localization
- Educational projections of the OntoMathEdu Mathematical Ontology
- VeeAlign: A Supervised Deep Learning Approach to Ontology Alignment⋆
- Including widespread geometry schemas into Linked Data-based BIM applied to built heritage
- Unique insights from ClinicalTrials. gov by mining protein mutations and RSids in addition to applying the Human Phenotype Ontology
- Provenance-Based Interpretation of Multi-Agent Information Analysis
- Ontology-based measurement of study program innovativeness in the area of economics and management
- Performance analysis of IIS10. 0 and Apache2 Cluster-based Web Servers under SYN DDoS Attack
- Tourism Recommender System Utilising Property Graph Ontology as Knowledge Base
- A New Concept Extraction Method for Ontology Construction From Arabic Text
- The design and practice of a semantic-enabled urban analytics data infrastructure
- Ontology-based classification model of text resources of an electronic archive
- Monitoring academic performance based on learning analytics and ontology: A systematic review
- An Ontology-based Expert System for the Systematic Design of Humanoid Robots
- Recent advances in Web3D semantic modeling
- The comprehensive ontology of the anatomy and development of the solitary ascidian Ciona: the swimming larva and its metamorphosis.
- A system architecture for cad-based robotic assembly with sensor-based skills
- DREAM Principles from the PORTAL-DOORS Project and NPDS Cyberinfrastructure
- Introducing GSO: A General Systemist Ontology
- ImageBreed: Open‐access plant breeding web–database for image‐based phenotyping
- An intelligent healthcare monitoring framework using wearable sensors and social networking data
- Discuss similarities and differences of Ontologies and Thesauri. Their role to modern information retrieval systems.
- Applied Ontology for the Automatic Classification of Simple Sentences of the Kazakh Language
- Automating GDPR Compliance using Policy Integrated Blockchain
- Using formal ontology for the representation of morphological properties of anatomical structures in endoscopic surgery
- Explanation Ontology in Action: A Clinical Use-Case
- NoHR: an overview
- Screening product tolerances considering semantic variation propagation and fusion for assembly precision analysis
- LETHE: Forgetting and uniform interpolation for expressive description logics
- Communities, complexity, and the ‘conchoration’: Network analysis and the ontology of geographic units
- Gene Ontology Analysis of Gene Expression Data Using Hybridized PSO Triclustering
- Ontology-driven integrative analysis of omics data through Onassis
- Formal development of an operation monitoring and control system for nuclear reactors using Event‐B method
- A novel approach on Particle Agent Swarm Optimization (PASO) in semantic mining for web page recommender system of multimedia data: a health care perspective
- Design Research and Object-Oriented Ontology
- Embedding Oriented Adaptable Semantic Annotation Framework for Amharic Web Documents
- Towards a New Materialist Ontology of Clothing
- Coordinating Coronavirus Research: The COVID-19 Infectious Disease Ontology
- A knowledge graph method for hazardous chemical management: Ontology design and entity identification
- Towards an ontology-assisted programming
- Ontology-based model for security assessment: Predicting cyberattacks through threat activity analysis
- Ontologies for geospatial information: Progress and challenges ahead
- Explainable decision support through the learning and visualization of preferences from a formal ontology of antibiotic treatments
- The concept of machine-readable and machine-executable law: relevance, purpose, place in RegTech, content, ontology and prospects
- Indigenous ontology, international law and the application of the Convention to the over-representation of Indigenous children in out of home care in Canada and …
- NreASAM: Towards an Ontology-Based Model for Authentication and Auto-Grading Online Submission of Psychomotor Assessments
- Computational studies on Gene Ontology for Molecular functions, Cellular component and Biological process of SARS-CoV-2 targeted proteins
- Raphael On Trial: Digestive Ontology and Milton’s Absolution of God
- Ontology-based Interpretable Machine Learning for Textual Data
- Feature-Level Sentiment Analysis Based on Rules and Fine-Grained Domain Ontology
- Engineering support for variability modeling for context-sensitive reconfiguration of collaborative manufacturing systems
- Towards a social and semantic web platform for sharing endogenous knowledge to adapt to climate change
- onIQ: An Ontology-Independent Natural Language Interface for Building SPARQL Queries
- Giorgi Lebanidze. Hegel’s Transcendental Ontology. Lanham MD: Lexington Books, 2003. ISBN 9781498561341 (e-book). ISBN 9781498561334 (pbk). Pp. 150 …
- Afterword: Violent Cartographies and the Ontology of the Rural
- Model checking ontology‐driven reasoning agents using strategy and abstraction
- A knowledge representation of the beginning of the innovation process: The Front End of Innovation Integrative Ontology (FEI2O)
- DDIEM: drug database for inborn errors of metabolism
- Digital content management of Heet Sib Sorng custom for semantic search
- Automating the development of machine skills and their semantic description
- ANDDigest: a new web-based module of ANDSystem for the search of knowledge in the scientific literature
- SWRL Parallel Reasoning Implementation with Spark SQL
- Fuzzy ontology based activity recognition for assistive health care using smart home
- Sql injection attack detection and prevention techniques using machine learning
- QAOC: Novel query analysis and ontology-based clustering for data management in Hadoop
- Semantics in the Edge: Sensors and actuators in the Web of Linked Data and Things
- A semantic assessment framework for e-learning systems
- Improving Short Text Classification using Information from DBpedia Ontology
- Extending intelligent content delivery in technical communication by semantics: microdocuments and content services
- An Operational Ontology for the Selection of Advanced Courses in Management Information Systems
- Systematization of digital twins: ontology and conceptual framework
- Ontologies-based domain knowledge modeling and heterogeneous sensor data integration for bridge health monitoring systems
- Ontology Based System for Prediction of Diseases
- On the Ontology of Action: Actors are Not’Abstractions’
- Alas Landscape Modeling by Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Geographic Ontology. Study case of Central Yakutia (Russia)
- Using an ontology of the human cardiovascular system to improve the classification of histological images
- DABGEO: a Reusable and Usable Global Energy Ontology for the Energy Domain
- OBAC: towards agent-based identification and classification of roles, objects, permissions (ROP) in distributed environment
- A Journey into Ontology Approximation: From Non-Horn to Horn (Abstract)⋆
- Implementation of aspect-oriented business process models with web services
- Defining sharing economy, marketplace and other service platform related concepts: A reference ontology approach
- Visual Representation of African Traditional Medicine Recipes Using Icons and a Formal Ontology, ontoMEDTRAD.
- Supporting Online Teaching Laboratories with Semantic Web
- Scenario-based generation of ontologies for domain-specific languages
- Determinants of semantic web technology adoption from IT professionals’ perspective: Industry competition, organization innovativeness, and data management …
- OGG-CoV: Ontology Representation and Analysis of Genes and Genomes of Coronaviruses
- An Ontology-Based Approach for Production Planning and Control of Cyber-Physical Production Systems
- Automatic extraction of Uyghur domain concepts based on multi-feature for ontology extension
- Towards a Semantic Layer Design for an Advanced Intelligent Multimodal Transportation System
- WoT Store: Managing resources and applications on the web of things
- Social Ontology
- The virtual knowledge graph system ontop
- An ontology-based modelling system (OBMS) for representing behaviour change theories applied to 76 theories [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
- AWARE: An Ontology for Situational Awareness of Autonomous Vehicles in Manufacturing
- Ontologies relevant to behaviour change interventions: A method for their development
- Reasoning in description logic ontologies for privacy management
- A case study for block-based linked data generation: Recipes as jigsaw puzzles
- Science gateways with embedded ontology-based E-learning support
- Semantic Primitives Extraction for XBRL Domain Ontology
- The role and promise of artificial intelligence in medical toxicology
- Virtuality and the Problem of Agency in Object-Oriented Ontology
- Reliable and interoperable computational molecular engineering: 2. Semantic interoperability based on the European Materials and Modelling Ontology
- A compact brain storm algorithm for matching ontologies
- Automated conversion from natural language query to SPARQL query
- Ontological Design of Information Retrieval Model for Real Estate Documents
- Context sensitive access control in smart home environments
- STIX-based Network Security Knowledge Graph Ontology Modeling Method
- GTFS-Madrid-Bench: A benchmark for virtual knowledge graph access in the transport domain
- Social Ontology, Sociocultures, and Inequality in the Global South
- Gene ontology enrichment analysis of α-amylase inhibitors from Duranta repens in diabetes mellitus
- Rock art, ontology, and Indigenous knowledge practices
- Generic Ontology Design Patterns: Roles and Change over Time
- Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans: A Knowledge Retrieval Approach to Automate the Assessment of Funders’ Requirements
- Automated query classification based web service similarity technique using machine learning
- Enriching standards-based digital thread by fusing as-designed and as-inspected data using knowledge graphs
- ewot: A semantic interoperability approach for heterogeneous iot ecosystems based on the web of things
- An ontology-based multi-criteria decision support system to reconfigure manufacturing systems
- Web Page Recommendation Using Genetic and Feed Forward Association Rule on Web-Log Features
- IoT sensor data integration in healthcare using semantics and machine learning approaches
- The Technology for Semantic Interoperability based on a Cognitive Approach
- Cardinality Extraction from Text for Ontology Learning
- Towards a Joint Ontology of Quran and Hadith
- Intelligence graphs for threat intelligence and security policy validation of cyber systems
- SBOL visual 2 ontology
- Knowledge Graphs on the Web-An Overview.
- Towards the Ethnic Understanding of Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples: A Mashup Based on Semantic Web and Open Data
- CTO: A Community-Based Clinical Trial Ontology and Its Applications in PubChemRDF and SCAIViewH
- The Use of Ontology in Clinical Information Extraction
- An Internet of Things‐enabled decision support system for circular economy business model
- Concept Integration to Develop Next Generation of Technology-Enhanced Learning Systems
- Kant’s Pre-critical Ontology and Environmental Philosophy
- Ontology-Based Organizational and Technical Components Semantic Model Development
- Emotion Detection for Social Robots Based on NLP Transformers and an Emotion Ontology
- A declarative model for accessibility requirements
- An intelligent resource manager over terrorism knowledge base
- Researches on Software Requirements Elicitation Approach of the Aviation Electronics Systems based on Multi-ontology
- GOMCL: a toolkit to cluster, evaluate, and extract non-redundant associations of Gene Ontology-based functions
- Automatic development of ontology in agriculture domain
- STILTool: a semantic table interpretation evaluation tool
- Common Representational Model and Ontologies for Effective Law Enforcement Solutions
Research Topics Computer Science
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