List of Journals on information systems and databases

High impact factor Research Journals on Information systems and databases to publish Research paper

Are you searching “what are high impact factor journals on Information systems and databases?”
Today i am sharing with you, some of the better impact factor journals related to Information systems and databases.

  1. MIS QUARTERLY (ISSN): 0276-7783 (Impact factor): 7.268
  2. Information Fusion (ISSN): 1566-2535 (Impact factor): 5.667
  3. INFORMATION SCIENCES (ISSN): 0020-0255 (Impact factor): 4.832
  4. VLDB JOURNAL (ISSN): 1066-8888 (Impact factor): 4.269
  6. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (ISSN): 1549-9596 (Impact factor): 3.760
  7. JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0963-8687 (Impact factor): 3.486
  8. Business & Information Systems Engineering (ISSN): 1867-0202 (Impact factor): 3.392
  9. INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT (ISSN): 0378-7206 (Impact factor): 3.317
  10. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0960-085X (Impact factor): 2.819
  11. INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0306-4379 (Impact factor): 2.777
  12. AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS (ISSN): 0929-5593 (Impact factor): 2.706
  13. ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS (ISSN): 1474-0346 (Impact factor): 2.680
  14. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY (ISSN): 0018-9448 (Impact factor): 2.679
  15. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS (ISSN): 1387-3326 (Impact factor): 2.521
  16. INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT (ISSN): 0306-4573 (Impact factor): 2.391
  17. IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS (ISSN): 1541-1672 (Impact factor): 2.374
  18. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0742-1222 (Impact factor): 2.356
  19. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ISSN): 2330-1635 (Impact factor): 2.322
  20. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 1046-8188 (Impact factor): 2.312
  21. INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0263-5577 (Impact factor): 2.205
  22. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ISSN): 1536-9323 (Impact factor): 2.109
  23. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (ISSN): 1094-9224 (Impact factor): 2.103
  24. KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0219-1377 (Impact factor): 2.004
  25. Enterprise Information Systems (ISSN): 1751-7575 (Impact factor): 1.908
  26. Sustainable Computing-Informatics & Systems (ISSN): 2210-5379 (Impact factor): 1.800
  27. Science China-Information Sciences (ISSN): 1674-733X (Impact factor): 1.628
  28. ACM Transactions on Storage (ISSN): 1553-3077 (Impact factor): 1.618
  29. QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION (ISSN): 1533-7146 (Impact factor): 1.563
  30. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0362-5915 (Impact factor): 1.517
  31. Aslib Journal of Information Management (ISSN): 2050-3806 (Impact factor): 1.514
  33. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE (ISSN): 0165-5515 (Impact factor): 1.372
  35. ENGINEERING” (ISSN): 1530-9827 (Impact factor): 1.357
  36. CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING (ISSN): 1538-2931 (Impact factor): 1.301
  37. INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT (ISSN): 1058-0530 (Impact factor): 1.298
  38. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0925-9902 (Impact factor): 1.294
  39. Big Data (ISSN): 2167-6461 (Impact factor): 1.239
  40. Universal Access in the Information Society (ISSN): 1615-5289 (Impact factor): 1.219
  41. DISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASES (ISSN): 0926-8782 (Impact factor): 1.179
  42. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE (ISSN): 1532-0626 (Impact factor): 1.133
  43. CONSTRAINTS (ISSN): 1383-7133 (Impact factor): 1.054
  44. INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION (ISSN): 0890-5401 (Impact factor): 1.050
  45. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES (ISSN): 0730-9295 (Impact factor): 1.029
  47. SYSTEMS” (ISSN): 0218-8430 (Impact factor): 1.000
  48. Computer Science and Information Systems (ISSN): 1820-0214 (Impact factor): 0.837
  49. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS (ISSN): 0887-4417 (Impact factor): 0.675
  51. COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS (ISSN): 1335-9150 (Impact factor): 0.488
  52. International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing (ISSN): 0219-6913 (Impact factor): 0.463
  53. JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT (ISSN): 1063-8016 (Impact factor): 0.462
  54. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS (ISSN): 1745-1361 (Impact factor): 0.411
  55. Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (ISSN): 1453-8245 (Impact factor): 0.365
  56. Molecular Systems Biology (ISSN): 17444292
  57. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems (ISSN): 2767783
  58. Journal of Service Research (ISSN): 10946705
  59. Journal of Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 15232409
  60. Information Systems Research (ISSN): 15265536
  61. Information and Organization (ISSN): 14717727
  62. Briefings in Bioinformatics (ISSN): 14774054
  63. Journal of Strategic Information Systems (ISSN): 9638687
  64. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (ISSN): 21682275
  65. Information Fusion (ISSN): 18726305
  66. International Journal of Information Management (ISSN): 2684012
  67. Information Systems Journal (ISSN): 13501917
  68. Scientific data (ISSN): 20524463
  69. IEEE Network (ISSN): 8908044
  70. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (ISSN): 15513203
  71. IEEE Transactions on Systems (ISSN):
  72. Big Data and Society (ISSN): 20539517
  73. Information and Management (ISSN): 3787206
  74. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (ISSN): 23274662
  75. Journal of Information Technology (ISSN): 14664437
  76. Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ISSN): 15583457
  77. IEEE Transactions on Systems (ISSN):
  78. Journal of the ACM (ISSN): 45411
  79. Decision Support Systems (ISSN): 1679236
  80. European Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 0960085X
  81. Database : the journal of biological databases and curation (ISSN): 17580463
  82. INFORMS Journal on Computing (ISSN): 10919856
  83. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (ISSN): 10414347
  84. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ISSN): 15472450
  85. International Journal of Geographical Information Science (ISSN): 13658816
  86. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (ISSN): 23299266
  87. Library and Information Science Research (ISSN): 7408188
  88. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (ISSN): 189448
  89. Information Society (ISSN): 1972243
  90. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics (ISSN): 23302674
  91. Advanced Engineering Informatics (ISSN): 14740346
  92. Information Systems Frontiers (ISSN): 15729419
  93. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (ISSN): 21687161
  94. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (ISSN): 2373776X
  95. Technology (ISSN):
  96. Information Processing and Management (ISSN): 18735371
  97. Journal of Big Data (ISSN): 21961115
  98. Business and Information Systems Engineering (ISSN): 18670202
  99. ACM Transactions on Database Systems (ISSN): 15574644
  100. Networks (ISSN): 10970037
  101. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (ISSN): 13845810
  102. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (ISSN): 17579880
  103. IEEE Transactions on Big Data (ISSN): 23327790
  104. Computers and Geosciences (ISSN): 983004
  105. Neuroinformatics (ISSN): 15392791
  106. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ISSN): 23301643
  107. IEEE Systems Journal (ISSN): 19379234
  108. Semantic Web (ISSN): 15700844
  109. Public Transport (ISSN): 16137159
  110. Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 8887985
  111. Telecommunications Policy (ISSN): 3085961
  112. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (ISSN): 13675567
  113. Source Code for Biology and Medicine (ISSN): 17510473
  114. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (ISSN): 21686750
  115. Big Data (ISSN): 21676461
  116. Journal of Enterprise Information Management (ISSN): 17410398
  117. ICT Express (ISSN): 24059595
  118. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval (ISSN): 15540669
  119. Egyptian Informatics Journal (ISSN): 11108665
  120. Information Technology and Tourism (ISSN): 10983058
  121. Information Technology and People (ISSN): 9593845
  122. Drones (ISSN): 2504446X
  123. Profesional de la Informacion (ISSN): 16992407
  124. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research (ISSN): 24496499
  125. Pervasive and Mobile Computing (ISSN): 15741192
  126. Journal of Control and Decision (ISSN): 23307714
  127. Library Collections (ISSN):
  128. Journal of Medical Systems (ISSN): 1485598
  129. Computational Management Science (ISSN): 1619697X
  130. Journal of Documentation (ISSN): 220418
  131. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (ISSN): 10468188
  132. Journal of Biomedical Semantics (ISSN): 20411480
  133. Applied Computing and Informatics (ISSN): 22108327
  134. VLDB Journal (ISSN): 10668888
  135. Online Social Networks and Media (ISSN): 24686964
  136. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (ISSN): 15327744
  137. Journal of Systems and Software (ISSN): 1641212
  138. Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISSN): 16179846
  139. Sensors (ISSN): 14243210
  140. Knowledge and Information Systems (ISSN): 2191377
  141. Journal of Computer Information Systems (ISSN): 8874417
  142. Online Information Review (ISSN): 14684527
  143. Information Systems Management (ISSN): 10580530
  144. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology (ISSN): 24686557
  145. IET Smart Grid (ISSN): 25152947
  146. Journal of Grid Computing (ISSN): 15707873
  147. Journal of Communications and Networks (ISSN): 12292370
  148. Information and Software Technology (ISSN): 9505849
  149. Open Systems and Information Dynamics (ISSN): 15731324
  150. International Journal of Population Data Science (ISSN): 23994908
  151. Information Polity (ISSN): 18758754
  152. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (ISSN): 15293181
  153. Big Data Research (ISSN): 22145796
  154. Journal of Spatial Information Science (ISSN): 1948660X
  155. Aslib Journal of Information Management (ISSN): 20503806
  156. Information Systems (ISSN): 3064379
  157. Library Hi Tech (ISSN): 7378831
  158. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (ISSN): 2364415X
  159. Journal of Dynamic Systems (ISSN):
  160. Problems of Information Transmission (ISSN): 329460
  161. Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems (ISSN): 25248510
  162. Information and Computation (ISSN): 10902651
  163. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN): 25042289
  164. Pixel-Bit (ISSN):
  165. Information Technology and Libraries (ISSN): 7309295
  166. Journal of Information Science (ISSN): 1655515
  167. INFOR (ISSN): 3155986
  168. Universal Access in the Information Society (ISSN): 16155289
  169. NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking (ISSN): 13859587
  170. Journal of Network and Systems Management (ISSN): 15737705
  171. International Journal of General Systems (ISSN): 3081079
  172. Acta Informatica (ISSN): 14320525
  173. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ISSN): 21925372
  174. Information Technology and Management (ISSN): 1385951X
  175. Entropy (ISSN): 10994300
  176. Journal of Global Information Technology Management (ISSN): 1097198X
  177. Requirements Engineering (ISSN): 9473602
  178. Social Network Analysis and Mining (ISSN): 18695450
  179. IEEE Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems (ISSN): 23327766
  180. Molecular Simulation (ISSN): 8927022
  181. SCIRES-IT (ISSN): 22394303
  182. International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (ISSN): 21926611
  183. Security and Communication Networks (ISSN): 19390122
  184. Journal of Supercomputing (ISSN): 15730484
  185. Mobile Networks and Applications (ISSN): 1383469X
  186. Reference and User Services Quarterly (ISSN): 10949054
  187. Journal of Cybersecurity (ISSN): 20572093
  188. Journal of Heuristics (ISSN): 13811231
  189. Informatica (ISSN): 8684952
  190. Education for Information (ISSN): 18758649
  191. Fuzzy Information and Engineering (ISSN): 16168658
  192. Frontiers in ICT (ISSN): 2297198X
  193. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (ISSN): 15737675
  194. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (ISSN): 15308677
  195. Wireless Networks (ISSN): 10220038
  196. Materials Discovery (ISSN): 23529245
  197. Information Processing Letters (ISSN): 200190
  198. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries (ISSN): 16814835
  199. Smart Health (ISSN): 23526483
  200. Logistics Research (ISSN): 18650368
  201. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (ISSN): 20557671
  202. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (ISSN): 14332779
  203. VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (ISSN): 20595891
  204. GeoInformatica (ISSN): 15737624
  205. Data (ISSN): 23065729
  206. Journal of Open Research Software (ISSN): 20499647
  207. Molecular Diversity (ISSN): 1573501X
  208. Service Oriented Computing and Applications (ISSN): 18632386
  209. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (ISSN): 19321864
  210. Information Retrieval (ISSN): 13864564
  211. Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications (ISSN): 23066172
  212. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (ISSN): 23138734
  213. Cybersecurity (ISSN): 20964862
  214. SIGMOD Record (ISSN): 1635808
  215. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (ISSN): 15564711
  216. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (ISSN): 10043756
  217. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 19355726
  218. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (ISSN): 20907141
  219. OPSEARCH (ISSN): 303887
  220. Australasian Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 14498618
  221. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences (ISSN): 23001917
  222. Information (Switzerland) (ISSN): 20782489
  223. Digital Investigation (ISSN): 17422876
  224. Multimedia Systems (ISSN): 14321882
  225. International Journal of Information Security (ISSN): 16155270
  226. Journal of Business Analytics (ISSN): 2573234X
  227. Library Resources and Technical Services (ISSN): 242527
  228. Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica (ISSN): 18741029
  229. Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing (ISSN): 16875281
  230. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (ISSN): 15730824
  231. Digital Policy (ISSN):
  232. International Journal of Uncertainty (ISSN):
  233. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International (ISSN): 10642307
  234. Information and Computer Security (ISSN): 20564961
  235. International Journal of Innovative Computing (ISSN):
  236. Computational Social Networks (ISSN): 21974314
  237. Cybernetics and Systems (ISSN): 10876553
  238. Data Technologies and Applications (ISSN): 25149288
  239. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (ISSN): 15526283
  240. Revista Chilena de Derecho y Tecnologia (ISSN): 7192576
  241. Fundamenta Informaticae (ISSN): 1692968
  242. IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications (ISSN): 23983396
  243. IET Information Security (ISSN): 17518709
  244. APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing (ISSN): 20487703
  245. Kybernetes (ISSN): 0368492X
  246. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (ISSN): 10096124
  247. Information Services and Use (ISSN): 1675265
  248. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing (ISSN): 18618200
  249. Statistics (ISSN):
  250. International Journal of Data and Network Science (ISSN): 25618148
  251. International Journal of Value Chain Management (ISSN): 17415365
  252. Journal of Systems and Information Technology (ISSN): 17588847
  253. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (ISSN): 9528091
  254. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ISSN): 23763647
  255. International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research (ISSN): 18688659
  256. Journal of Information Processing Systems (ISSN): 2092805X
  257. Technology and Health Care (ISSN): 18787401
  258. Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering (ISSN): 22348883
  259. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (ISSN): 2188430
  260. Journal of Management Information and Decision Science (ISSN): 15247252
  261. Journal of Signal Processing Systems (ISSN): 19398115
  262. Digital Library Perspectives (ISSN): 20595816
  263. Journal of Data and Information Quality (ISSN): 19361963
  264. Journal of Database Management (ISSN): 15338010
  265. Informatika i ee Primeneniya (ISSN): 19922264
  266. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (ISSN): 15553396
  267. Journal of System and Management Sciences (ISSN): 18166075
  268. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems (ISSN): 23740361
  269. Library Hi Tech News (ISSN): 7419058
  270. Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (ISSN): 15443973
  271. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences (ISSN): 10642315
  272. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship (ISSN): 1941126X
  273. International Journal of Parallel Programming (ISSN): 8857458
  274. Distributed and Parallel Databases (ISSN): 9268782
  275. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ISSN): 20893191
  276. International Journal of Wavelets (ISSN):
  277. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (ISSN): 17407842
  278. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice (ISSN): 22879099
  279. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (ISSN): 17558050
  280. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (ISSN): 19301650
  281. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ISSN): 25024760
  282. Business Systems Research (ISSN): 18479375
  283. Journal of Cases on Information Technology (ISSN): 15487717
  284. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (ISSN): 19767277
  285. Journal of Operation and Automation in Power Engineering (ISSN): 24234567
  286. South African Computer Journal (ISSN): 10157999
  287. Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia (ISSN): 18172172
  288. Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (ISSN): 2509498X
  289. Journal on Data Semantics (ISSN): 18612040
  290. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (ISSN): 19478216
  291. Matematiche (ISSN): 3733505
  292. Journal of Electronic Publishing (ISSN): 10802711
  293. Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems (ISSN): 17501806
  294. Kybernetika (ISSN): 235954
  295. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (ISSN): 17485681
  296. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (ISSN): 15483665
  297. Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (ISSN): 15576418
  298. Journal of Intelligent Systems (ISSN): 3341860
  299. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (ISSN): 21822077
  300. Radioelektronika (ISSN):
  301. Informatsionno-Upravliaiushchie Sistemy (ISSN): 25418610
  302. TEM Journal (ISSN): 22178309
  303. International Journal of Web Services Research (ISSN): 15465004
  304. Journal of Scientometric Research (ISSN): 23200057
  305. Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences (ISSN): 1013090X
  306. International Journal of Web Information Systems (ISSN): 17440084
  307. International Journal of Metadata (ISSN):
  308. International Journal of Computing (ISSN): 17276209
  309. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (ISSN): 19355688
  310. Tongxin Xuebao/Journal on Communications (ISSN): 1000436X
  311. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 19010990
  312. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering (ISSN): 1748068X
  313. Operating Systems Review (ACM) (ISSN): 1635980
  314. i-com (ISSN): 21966826
  315. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ISSN): 20893272
  316. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering (ISSN): 20620810
  317. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (ISSN): 19478186
  318. International Journal of Semantic Computing (ISSN): 17937108
  319. Transinformacao (ISSN): 1033786
  320. Ingenierie des Systemes d’Information (ISSN): 16331311
  321. Informatik-Spektrum (ISSN): 1706012
  322. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (ISSN): 19473206
  323. Periodica polytechnica Electrical engineering and computer science (ISSN): 20645279
  324. Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao (ISSN): 19815344
  325. New Review of Information Networking (ISSN): 13614576
  326. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (ISSN): 15483916
  327. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (ISSN): 2210142X
  328. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics (ISSN): 1741539X
  329. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science (ISSN): 1195096X
  330. Journal of Web Engineering (ISSN): 15409589
  331. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (ISSN): 21507988
  332. Ibersid (ISSN): 2174081X
  333. Science – Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik (ISSN): 18699391
  334. Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (ISSN): 18463312
  335. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web (ISSN): 2032944X
  336. it (ISSN): 22807934
  337. Information and Control (ISSN): 10020411
  338. Journal of High Speed Networks (ISSN): 9266801
  339. Human IT (ISSN): 14021501
  340. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology (ISSN): 14666642
  341. International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ISSN): 17515866
  342. Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications (ISSN): 10058885
  343. ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ISSN): 22869131
  344. International Conference on Geoinformatics (ISSN): 2161024X
  345. High Technology Letters (ISSN): 10066748
  346. Journal of Information Technology Management (ISSN): 20085893
  347. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (ISSN): 19479247
  348. Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta – Upravlenie (ISSN):
  349. Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (ISSN): 23221437
  350. Lecture Notes of TICMI (ISSN): 15120511
  351. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (ISSN): 17419212
  352. Information-Wissenschaft und Praxis (ISSN): 14344653
  353. Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) (ISSN): 10093443
  354. NEC Technical Journal (ISSN): 18805884
  355. Acta Informatica Pragensia (ISSN): 18054951
  356. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research (ISSN): 23322047
  357. Journal of Enterprise Transformation (ISSN): 19488297
  358. NII Technical Reports (ISSN): 13465597
  359. Journal of ICT Standardization (ISSN): 2245800X
  360. Journal of Information Systems Security (ISSN): 15510123
  361. Mondo Digitale (ISSN): 1720898X
  362. Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciencia da Informacao (ISSN): 1678765X
  363. Tekst (ISSN):
  364. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (ISSN): 20749104
  365. International Journal of Supply Chain Management (discontinued) (ISSN): 20507399
  366. Journal of Advances in Information Technology (ISSN): 17982340
  367. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems (ISSN): 2767783
  368. Journal of Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 15232409
  369. Information Systems Research (ISSN): 15265536
  370. Information and Organization (ISSN): 14717727
  371. Journal of Strategic Information Systems (ISSN): 9638687
  372. Journal of Management Information Systems (ISSN): 1557928X
  373. International Journal of Information Management (ISSN): 2684012
  374. Information and Management (ISSN): 3787206
  375. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management (ISSN): 19368631
  376. Public Management Review (ISSN): 14719037
  377. Knowledge-Based Systems (ISSN): 9507051
  378. Decision Support Systems (ISSN): 1679236
  379. European Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 0960085X
  380. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (ISSN): 15547191
  381. Information Society (ISSN): 1972243
  382. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics (ISSN): 23302674
  383. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (ISSN): 14685973
  384. Industrial Management and Data Systems (ISSN): 2635577
  385. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (ISSN): 14670895
  386. Construction Management and Economics (ISSN): 1446193
  387. Journal of Information Systems (ISSN): 8887985
  388. Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management (ISSN): 9722696
  389. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications (ISSN): 13675567
  390. Data Base for Advances in Information Systems (ISSN): 950033
  391. Journal of the Operational Research Society (ISSN): 1605682
  392. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 20426747
  393. Computational Management Science (ISSN): 1619697X
  394. Journal of Management Control (ISSN): 2191477X
  395. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ISSN): 21586578
  396. 4OR (ISSN): 16142411
  397. Big Data Research (ISSN): 22145796
  398. Knowledge Management Research and Practice (ISSN): 14778238
  399. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (ISSN): 25042289
  400. Journal of Business Strategy (ISSN): 2756668
  401. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics (ISSN): 1471678X
  402. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ISSN): 21925372
  403. Journal of International Consumer Marketing (ISSN): 8961530
  404. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (ISSN): 17589037
  405. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (ISSN): 17419174
  406. Team Performance Management (ISSN): 13527592
  407. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management (ISSN): 21827788
  408. Logistics Research (ISSN): 18650368
  409. Organizacija (ISSN): 13185454
  410. Records Management Journal (ISSN): 9565698
  411. Uncertain Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 22916822
  412. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing (ISSN): 15470628
  413. Service Oriented Computing and Applications (ISSN): 18632386
  414. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (ISSN): 17427975
  415. Journal of Asian Finance (ISSN):
  416. International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 19355726
  417. Journal of Decision Systems (ISSN): 21167052
  418. OPSEARCH (ISSN): 303887
  419. Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship (ISSN): 15470644
  420. Engineering Management in Production and Services (ISSN): 25436597
  421. Journal of Business Analytics (ISSN): 2573234X
  422. Digital Policy (ISSN):
  423. Information and Computer Security (ISSN): 20564961
  424. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting (ISSN): 20425856
  425. Statistical Journal of the IAOS (ISSN): 18747655
  426. Journal of Management Information and Decision Science (ISSN): 15247252
  427. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (ISSN): 15481115
  428. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (ISSN): 17438276
  429. International Journal of Business Information Systems (ISSN): 17460972
  430. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications (ISSN): 17545749
  431. Management Systems in Production Engineering (ISSN): 22990461
  432. Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 19843046
  433. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management (ISSN): 10835547
  434. Operations and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 19793561
  435. Business Systems Research (ISSN): 18479375
  436. International Journal of Knowledge Management (ISSN): 15480666
  437. Journal of Payments Strategy and Systems (ISSN): 17501806
  438. International Journal of Supply and Operations Management (ISSN): 23831359
  439. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (ISSN): 17411025
  440. Quality – Access to Success (ISSN): 15822559
  441. International Journal of Business and Systems Research (ISSN): 17512018
  442. Logforum (ISSN): 1734459X
  443. International Journal of e-Business Research (ISSN): 1548114X
  444. Contemporary Management Research (ISSN): 18135498
  445. International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing (ISSN): 1741847X
  446. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (ISSN): 1941627X
  447. International Journal of Information Science and Management (ISSN): 20088310
  448. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (ISSN): 19955235
  449. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management (ISSN): 14794411
  450. International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (ISSN): 19355688
  451. International Journal of E-Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ISSN): 19478585
  452. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining (ISSN): 17438195
  453. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (ISSN): 19380232
  454. Journal of International Logistics and Trade (ISSN): 25087592
  455. Transactions on Education (ISSN): 15320545
  456. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics (ISSN): 1741539X
  457. International Journal of Data Mining (ISSN):
  458. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (ISSN): 21507988
  459. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies (ISSN): 21460744
  460. International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (ISSN): 10171819
  461. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (ISSN): 15480631
  462. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (ISSN): 17402832
  463. Systemes d’Information et Management (ISSN): 12604984
  464. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (ISSN): 19479247
  465. International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (ISSN): 19473605
  466. Logistics Journal (ISSN): 18607977
  467. International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation (ISSN): 17442869
  468. Revue Europeenne d’ Economie et Management des Services (ISSN): 25550284
  469. Acta Informatica Pragensia (ISSN): 18054951
  470. Journal of Information Systems Security (ISSN): 15510123
  471. International Journal of Supply Chain Management (discontinued) (ISSN): 20507399

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