Cloud Based File Sharing System using PHP

Code and documentation of Cloud Based File Sharing System using PHP



Project Domain / Category


Web Application


Abstract / Introduction


Recently, with the advancement in technology, there has been a drastic change in the way information is shared over the Internet. This involves the various channels in which files can be stored and shared. Cloud sharing is a relatively new technology advancement which has been steadily taking over more and more market share in the past three years. The cloud file sharing technique makes users share files among each other with ease.



From businesses to non-profit organizations and to single users, there seems to be various applications which use cloud file sharing or storage in daily computer usage because it offers a better, faster, and smarter way to store and share important documents/data. So, this project aims to develop a cloud based file sharing application, offering users the power to store and share files via cloud networks through easy and effective manners.


Functional Requirements:


The main aim of this project is the implementation and design of a cloud based file sharing system for easy sharing on a secured platform for the users.



Admin Module:

  • Admin will be able to login in the application.


  • Admin will be able to see the details of users registered with the application.


  • Whenever a new user will register him/her with the system, admin will have the rights to accept his request.



User Module:

  • User will register himself/herself first on the application.


  • User will login to the system. For this purpose he/she will use his/her registered email and password.


  • The application will provide effective and easy to use interfaces through which the users will be able to easily host, store, share and backup data.


  • Files can be accessed without any limiting factor such as file size, storage size, file types and


device compatibilities etc.


Note:  You  can  take  the  idea  of  further  functional  requirements  in  this  regard  by  visiting




PhpStorm, Sublime Text, Php, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, bootstrap, Python, MySQL, AWS Educate (for cloud services), CentOS 7 VM, Vagrant, AWS Container Service



Note: (A complete session regarding AWS Educate and other services with helping material will be conducted / given by me to those students who will select this project).


Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, testing test cases, SRS, Design, Test phase, and final deliverable., and others are needed to draw for this project.

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