Software Requirement Specification | Full form of SRS in Software Engineering

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: December 30, 2023

The full form of SRS in software engineering is Software Requirement Specification.

The following are the parts of SRS. Understanding for each part is given below;


You must write a basic introduction to the software underdevelop.

Purpose of SRS

  • Why do you think to develop this software?
  • Why are you developing the software?

Document Conventions

  • Which font have you used for the main headings?
  • Which font have you used for subheading?
  • Which font have you used in a paragraph?
  • Which font color is used?
  • Are you using a numbering list of bullets?
    • Example:
      • Main Heading Titles
        • Font: Arial
        • Face: Bold
        • Size: 14
      • Sub Heading Titles
        • Font: Arial
        • Face: Bold
        • Size: 12
      • Other Text Explanations
        • Font: Times New Roman
        • Face: Normal
        • Size: 12

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

  • Who can read or can get benefit from this SRS? Such as developers, users, marketing staff, testers or managers or someone else.
  • Suggest the reader how he/she can read and understand this document.
  • Suggest the reader about how you organized your document.

Product Scope

  • When your product is launched in the market, then what is the scope of this product?
  • What are the Objectives of the product being developed?
  • What are the goals of the product being developed?
  • What are the benefits of the product being developed?


  • Do you get help from which resource?
    • The resource can be a research paper, a book or a website, etc.
  • Complete references are mentioned or not?
    • Complete references mean that you should put a title, author, version number, date, and source or location.

Overall Description

Product Perspective

  • This is a new product or extension of some old once?
  • Show the major components of the overall system in a diagram.

Product Functions

  • The main functionality of the product(not in the details-only bulleted list).
  • A picture of the major groups of related requirements and how they relate,
  • Draw a top-level data flow diagram or object class diagram.

User Classes and Characteristics

List all the users of the system.

    • Example:
      • The online Library management system includes three user classes: Librarian, students, and administrators.

Operating Environment

  • The product can be used in what kind of environment?
    • Windows?
      • 32 bit or 64 bit
    • Hardware?
      • How much RAM required?
      • How much CPU required? etc

Design and Implementation Constraints

  • What constraints, rules, and regulations should be following while developing the product?
    • corporate or regulatory policies
    • Hardware limitations
    • Time requirements
    • Memory requirements
    • Technologies
    • Tools
    • Databases
    • Language requirements
    • Security considerations
    • Programming standards

User Documentation

List the user documentation components that will be provided to the client of the product. These components can be

  • Online help
  • User manual
  • Tutorials etc

Assumptions and Dependencies

  • Explain if some requirements depend on some other requirements.

External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces

  • Provide screenshots of your product.

Hardware Interfaces

  • How will software communicate with hardware? Provide a detailed picture. Preferably through a diagram.

Software Interfaces

How your software will work with other software. For example how your software will interface with windows, IOS or android, etc.

Communications Interfaces

  • Mention if the product needs help with communication devices while working. For example;
    • E-mail
    • Web browser
    • Network server communications protocols etc.
    • What communication standards  will be used,
      • FTP or HTTP.

System Features

Performance Requirements

  • Which things are important for the performance of the system. Mentioned in a list.

Safety Requirements

  • How you prevent your system from
    • Damage
    • harm

Security Requirements

Define any user identity authentication requirements.

Other Requirements

Define any other requirements that are not covered elsewhere in this SRS. This might include legal requirements, database requirements, internationalization requirements, reuse objectives for the project, and so on.

Appendix A: Glossary

Define all the terms necessary to properly understand the SRS for other persons.

Appendix B: Analysis Models

  • Draw the
    • detailed data flow diagrams
    • class diagrams
    • state-transition diagrams
    • entity-relationship diagrams.
    • Similar topics for consideration

Some projects SRS are mentioned in Final Year Projects Documentations.

Software requirement specification example | software requirement specification ppt | problem analysis in software requirement specification | software requirements specification example for website | software requirements example | characteristics of software requirement specification | types of srs in software engineering | purpose of srs.

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