BuildersBid Online Construction Bidding Company Project
Code and documentation of BuildersBid – Online Construction Bidding Company Project
Project Domain / Category
Web Application
BuildersBid is an online web site in which company facilitate customers to hire a builder for constructing / maintaining their plots as per their desire and budget.
Concept of Flow / Working of Project and Implementation details
A company has only one server at this time so has one Admin account for the system. But it will allow
- facilitate to add more Admins if required in future. Web page allows users to register as customers and builders. One registered user account must have only one type rather customer or builder. Customers and builders account registration must save required attributes (minimum 10 attributes) as per developer’s choice. After registration of user, Admin would authenticate the account that would result in activation of account. Account activation email would be system generated and send to user email having subject of as “Thanks for registration. Admin authenticate your user account named as —
Now you are WELCOME to login to use our services. Thanks once more.”.
After activation of account, customer would able to post details of building project any time. Building construction attributes are once again on developer’s choice but few attributes of interest are mentioned here. For example, area of plot, new construction or demolishing or maintenance of old building, interior designing requirements, construction requirements along with maximum 3 photos (includes building blueprint, AutoCAD drawing or sample construction photos), building details that are in drawing (e.g. no of rooms, attached washroom, dinning, kitchen, laundry, no of stories, details of construction on each story (Maximum 2 story building would be entered for a building)), customer’s budget, mode of payment, installments of payment after % of construction work completion, required deadline to finish project.
Developers are also required to collect these information in parts (multiple web pages) not on one web page / input form.
After, Customer would post project details then builders would able to post a bid against the project till the bid time expires. After a specific time entered by customer that must be less than a week (7 days), customer could choose from the top five bidders to handover project details to them. Customer could also cancel / stop the bid process anytime and also able to delete the construction project. If, a bid would be approved by customer then bidder would have contact details of customer and vice versa.
Required Reports
1 – Customer would have summary of all posted projects along with their budget, bid and status as delete / pending / complete.
2 – Builders would also have two summary reports. One for rejected bids and one for approved bids having attributed in both reports like (Project Name, location, budget amount, bid amount) 3 – Admin of the system would able to find summary of following things as mentioned below.
Summary 1 – Number of customers and Builders (calculate in separate fields) and no of active customers (that at least post one project after account activation) along with active builders (that at least big for one project).
Summary 2 – No of projects along with their statuses as no of deleted projects, no of completed projects and no of delayed projects.
Summary 3: No of bids in terms of active bidders, successful bids and unsuccessful bids in numbers and percentage too.
HTML, PHP, MySQL, Xampp / wamp server, PHP Report Maker: / PHP Reports: / Any other supportive tool for Report generation
Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, Use case description, scope, hard requirements, non-functional requirements, testing test cases, SRS document, design manual, and other diagrams are needed to draw for this project.