Online Faculty Directory for Multi Universities Project in PHP

Code and documentation of Online Faculty Directory for Multi Universities Project in PHP



Project Domain / Category


Web Application


Abstract / Introduction


The aim of this project is to develop an online directory of the faculty members working in different universities. The directory will enable its users to effortlessly view the information of faculty members belonging to different universities.



The online faculty directory will include the effective and user-friendly graphical user interface which will enable its users to access their required information easily. User will be able to search faculty details such as name, university, department, courses, area of expertise, and professional interest etc.



There are three main entities who will access this system i.e. admin, faculty member and visitor/student. Faculty members will require registration in the directory that will allow administrator (admin) as well as other visitors/students to visit their profiles.



The Admin will be authorized to add and manage all the faculty details. Visitors/students will not need to perform any registration or login to access this system. Visitors/students will be able to directly search for faculty and view their details using different filters.


Functional Requirements:



  1. Faculty:


  1. Registration and Sign In: Faculty member will register him/herself in the directory and will be able to login after the approval of registration request by the Admin.


  1. Add personal details: Faculty member will have the rights of adding, updating their personal detail in the profile.



  1. Admin


  1. Approve Faculty Registration: Admin can approve the registration requests from faculty


  1. Manage Faculty information: All the added faculty details can be Viewed / Updated / Deleted by the admin.



  1. Visitor/Student


  1. Faculty List: All the added faculty details will be displayed to the user.


  1. Refine / Search: User can search a specific faculty details by different filters such as Name, University, Department, Courses, Area of Expertise, and Professional Interests etc.




  • WAMP/XAMPP Server


  • PHP


  • JavaScript


  • HTML


  • Notepad++


  • My SQL 5.6

Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, testing test cases, SRS, Design, Test phase, and final deliverable., and others are needed to draw for this project.

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii

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