Online Animal Booking System Project  in PHP

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Code and documentation of Online Animal Booking System Project  in PHP


Project Domain / Category


Web Application


Abstract / Introduction


In this project, we will create a website which contains images and information about several animals for Eid Ul Azha. As we know, in this covid pandemic, it’s difficult to go and spend time in searching for suitable animals. So, from this website it would be easy to select an animal from your home and then just pay and pick them afterwards from a certain location. Animals will be categorized according to their age, breed and size.


Functional Requirements:


  1. Login:


Admin and customer will login to the system using id and password.


  1. Add Animals:


Admin will add all the necessary information regarding animal whether its goat, camel, cow or sheep. Information should also include: animals age, price, breed, status and its vendor etc.

  1. Update Animals Information:


Admin can also update any information regarding animals.

  1. Search Information:


Customer can search information based on different categories like their age, breed, price, status etc.


  1. Change Animals Status:


Admin can also change animal’s status to “Not for sale” in case some mishap occurs with a certain animal. This is also applicable when certain animal gets sold.


  1. Animal Booking:


Customer can book animals online, thus resulting in change of the status of animal to be


“booked”. But customer has to pay in person while picking the animal. But if customer fails to appear at the site within 3 hours of booking then animal will be up for sale again by changing its status to “Open for sale”.




  • Visual Studio


  • SQL Server


  • Tomcat or any other webserver


Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, testing test cases, SRS, Design, Test phase, and final deliverable., and others are needed to draw for this project.

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii

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