Online Books Buying and Selling Store using PHP or C Sharp

Code and documentation of Online Books Buying and Selling Store using PHP or C#



Project Domain / Category


Web Application


Abstract / Introduction


This main aim of this project is to develop an interactive and effective website for the needs of book buyers and book sellers. It will be like an e- bookstore website where books can be bought and can be sold from the comfort of home through the Internet. An online bookstore is a virtual store on the Internet where customers can browse the catalog and select books of their interest as well as can add a book on the website for selling it. A user will be able to search books on the website by applying different search filters. After selecting a book of his/her choice, a user can place an online order for buying it, on the website. At checkout time, the books in the shopping cart will be presented as an order. At that time, more information will be needed to complete the transaction. Usually, the customer will be asked to fill the basic details or select a billing address, a shipping address, and payment option such as debit/credit card information or cash on delivery. The website owner (Admin) will take 15% to 20% of the total amount on transaction of each selling book on the website.


Functional Requirements:


There will be three categories of Website users:

  • Guest (Unregistered User)


  • Registered User


  • Administrator (Admin)


Guest (unregistered user) user will be able to just view the available books and can search the books on the website according to his/her need.


Registered user will have the privileges to place an order for a book that is available on the website as well as can add a book on the website for selling it. Administrator (Admin) is the super user of the website who can manage everything on the website.


  • User Module:


  1. User Registration and Sign In: There will be a proper signup interface for unregistered users to register on the website. A registered user will be able to login to the website by entering the correct credentials in the sign in interface.


  1. View Books: All available books will be available on the website with proper interface. Any registered user or guest can view information of available books and can view the complete details of any of the book with its title, author name, images, price, book uploading date and its other necessary details.


  1. Search Books: Any user registered or unregistered can search for the available books on the website. The search can be done using different filters like author name, book title, release year, price etc. If user requirement meets, then system will show result in proper format.


  1. Upload Books: A registered user will need to upload the book details if he/she wants to sell a After login to the website, the user will upload all the necessary details i.e. book title, author name, price, book images etc. of the book on the website. An agent will contact the book owner and collect the book from him/her within 24 hours.


  1. Update details of uploaded books: If a registered user has uploaded a book on the website, he/she will be able to edit and update the price or any other details of that book. The registered user


will also be able remove the book from the website but he/she will have to pay a small fine in case if he/she removes the book within first 2 days of uploading it on the website. After paying the fine, the book will be returned to the book owner.


  1. Update profile: Upon successful login to the website by a registered user, he/she will be able to update any of his/her profile information and can update his/her account password.


  1. User Review and Feedback: Any registered user will be able to submit his/her review about purchased book and can give feedback about website services.


  1. Buy Books: A user must have to login successfully to the website to place an order for buying a book. A registered user needs to fill all the order details for buying the book of his/her choice. After filling the details, user will be moved to the payment section.


  1. Fine calculation: If the user has placed an order and later cancelled it, system automatically calculates the fine that the user has to pay for subsequent days.


  • Admin Module:
  1. Login: Using valid login credentials, admin need to login into the system in order to access the system.


  1. Manage Books: Admin can upload the books information, view all the added books online with their details by the registered users. Admin can block and unblock any book for displaying on the website.


  1. Admin Dashboard: Admin can view the detailed summary of everything such as count of registered users, registered user details, total sold books along with buyer and seller details, total available books etc.


  1. Manage Users: All the registered user details will be displayed to the admin. Admin will accept / reject the user registration requests and can block or unblock any user for uploading or buying a book on the website.


  1. Report Generation: The admin will be able to generate a complete report of total sales of books purchased on daily, weekly and monthly basis.


  • Payment Module:


After filling the order details, Customer can make payments online via debit/credit card or cash on delivery. After successful completion of transaction, bill receipt will be sent to that user (customer) through an email notification and the purchased book will be delivered to the customer’s address within seven working days. Moreover, 20% of the total price of each sold book will be taken by the Admin (owner) of the website and the remaining 80% amount will be delivered to the book seller. However, on the sale of the books uploaded by the Admin him/herself the whole amount will be for the Admin.


[Note: Student can add/enhance requirements as per need and keeping the time span and scope in view.]



ASP.NET, C#, HTML, CSS, Any JavaScript Framework, JQuery, Bootstrap, MS SQL Server

Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, testing test cases, SRS, Design, Test phase, and final deliverable., and others are needed to draw for this project.

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii

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