Lost and Found Mobile App Android Project 

Code and documentation of Lost and Found Mobile App Android Project 

Project Domain / Category

Mobile Application

Abstract / Introduction

People find missing items/persons/pets in daily life and report it to responsible authorities. Items could be material like wallet, passport, bag, car keys, cash, jewelry, luggage, mobile, tablet, laptop or it could be a person like a child or elderly parent. This app will track your location for 72 hours and keep a log of where you went to, your travel path, the stopovers, using Google Maps. This will record your track and store location for 7 days. Obviously when someone loses something they usually do not find out immediately, in rare cases they do realize it immediately.

Lost and Found mobile App will be used to search for your lost, stolen, or missing thing or your runaway pets. You can also search for the lost or found items added by others. User can contact reporter if have any clue on the reported item. User can search for found items added by others and contact them.

Users can search for missing people. User can Upload/View images of lost or found items or missing people’s photo. User can share the details with friends through WhatsApp.

Functional Requirements:

  1. User can login to app after registration process.
  2. User can provide basic personal details for registration.
  3. Location tracking will be ON by default.
  4. App can provide two different forms; one for to upload lost items details and one for to upload found items details.
  5. User can click Add Item button to upload Lost or found items details.
  6. User can select the location from the tracking locations list.
  7. User can also Upload/View images of lost or found items or missing people’s photo in the item details form.
  8. User can search for lost or found items added by other people.
  9. User can contact reporter if have any clue on the reported item via SMS, WhatsApp or Email.
  10. User can search for found items added by others and contact them.
  11. User can search for missing people.
  12. App can provide image based search method to compare lost or found items.
  13. If a user finds its item on the mobile app, the user will click claim button against that item and will provide claim details.
  14. Admin can verify claim and will update item status according to claim verification.
  15. Admin can generate automated reports for users, inventory of lost & found items, and items claimed.


IDE: Android Studio, Programming language: Java, Database: MySQL / Firebase/ SQLite

Class diagram, activity diagram, data flow diagram, sequence diagram, use case diagram, Use case description, scope, hard requirements, non-functional requirements, testing test cases, SRS document, design manual, and other diagrams are needed to draw for this project.

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