Face Recognition Research Topics Ideas

List of Research Topics and Ideas of face recognition for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.

  1. SFace: sigmoid-constrained hypersphere loss for robust face recognition
  2. Word and Face Recognition Processing Based on Response Times and Ex-Gaussian Components
  3. Joint feature extraction and classification in a unified framework for cost-sensitive face recognition
  4. From concepts to percepts in human and machine face recognition: A reply to Blauch, Behrmann & Plaut
  5. Learning Features from Covariance Matrix of Gabor Wavelet for Face Recognition under Adverse Conditions
  6. Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-spectral face recognition
  7. DVG-face: Dual variational generation for heterogeneous face recognition
  8. When age-invariant face recognition meets face age synthesis: A multi-task learning framework
  9. Insights from computational models of face recognition: A reply to Blauch, Behrmann and Plaut
  10. Hyperspectral-cube-based mobile face recognition: A comprehensive review
  11. Coupled adversarial learning for semi-supervised heterogeneous face recognition
  12. Teacher-Student Adversarial Depth Hallucination to Improve Face Recognition
  13. Detection of face recognition adversarial attacks
  14. OD-LBP: Orthogonal difference-local binary pattern for Face Recognition
  15. Incremental methods in face recognition: a survey
  16. Efficient masked face recognition method during the covid-19 pandemic
  17. Unmasking Face Embeddings by Self-restrained Triplet Loss for Accurate Masked Face Recognition
  18. On the Applicability of Synthetic Data for Face Recognition
  19. Decomposed Meta Batch Normalization for Fast Domain Adaptation in Face Recognition
  20. Boosting Semi-Supervised Face Recognition with Noise Robustness
  21. KS-FQA: Keyframe selection based on face quality assessment for efficient face recognition in video
  22. NPT-Loss: A Metric Loss with Implicit Mining for Face Recognition
  23. SSDL: Self-supervised domain learning for improved face recognition
  24. Improving face recognition performance using TeCS2 dictionary
  25. DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition
  26. Adaptive morphological and bilateral filtering with ensemble convolutional neural network for pose-invariant face recognition
  27. Cloud versus Edge Deployment Strategies of Real-Time Face Recognition Inference
  28. Face recognition based on Haar like and Euclidean distance
  29. Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition: A Review
  30. Component-based face recognition using statistical pattern matching analysis
  31. An effective face recognition system based on Cloud based IoT with a deep learning model
  32. FaceX-Zoo: A PyTorh Toolbox for Face Recognition
  33. Emotional face recognition in autism and in cerebral visual impairments: In search for specificity
  34. ST-VLAD: Video Face Recognition Based on Aggregated Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
  35. Masked Face Recognition Algorithm for a Contactless Distribution Cabinet
  36. Tackling Age-Invariant Face Recognition With Non-Linear PLDA and Pairwise SVM
  37. A face recognition framework based on a pool of techniques and differential evolution
  38. Am I a Real or Fake Celebrity? Measuring Commercial Face Recognition Web APIs under Deepfake Impersonation Attack
  39. A novel partition selection method for modular face recognition approaches on occlusion problem
  40. An Extensive Study on Traditional-to-Recent Transformation on Face Recognition System
  41. Angular Sparsemax for Face Recognition
  42. Nonconvex regularizer and latent pattern based robust regression for face recognition
  43. Advanced variations of two-dimensional principal component analysis for face recognition
  44. Local-Friis-Radiation-Pattern (LFRP) for Face Recognition
  45. Linear Cross-Modal Hash Encoding (LCMHE) for Visual and Near-Infrared Face Recognition
  46. Associations between self-reported and objective face recognition abilities are only evident in above-and below-average recognisers
  47. Two-stage classifier for face recognition using HOG features
  48. Deep Learning based Voice assistance in hospitals using Face Recognition
  49. Two novel color local descriptors for face recognition
  50. Construction and analysis of foreign language online guiding model based on classroom network environment and face recognition
  51. Novel BSSSO-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition with Multiple Disturbing Environments
  52. Hybrid face recognition under adverse conditions using appearance-based and dynamic features of smile expression
  53. A Survey of Face Recognition Systems
  54. A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Illumination-Invariant Heterogeneous Face Recognition
  55. Image processing effects on the deep face recognition system [J]
  56. A comparative study of 14 state of art descriptors for face recognition
  57. Real-time Triplet Loss Embedding Face Recognition for Authentication Student Attendance Records System Framework
  58. Applying Mobile Intelligent API Vision Kit and Normalized Features for Face Recognition Using Live Cameras
  59. LBPH-Based Face Recognition System for Attendance Management
  60. Adversarial Facial Obfuscation against Unauthorized Face Recognition
  61. Face Recognition Based on Fusion of Zonal Images
  62. PCSAFace: Face Recognition with Parallel Channel and Spatial Attention
  63. RFID and Face Recognition based Smart Attendance System
  64. Survey of Occluded and Unoccluded Face Recognition
  65. Illumination Invariant Face Recognition By Expected Patch Log Likelihood
  66. Face Recognition using Color and Edge Orientation Difference Histogram
  67. Pose-robust Face Recognition by Deep Meta Capsule network-based Equivariant Embedding
  68. Work Force Management System Using Face Recognition
  70. Detection Of Driver Drowsiness Using Face Recognition
  71. Face Recognition Using Hybrid HOG-CNN Approach
  72. Individual recognition is associated with holistic face processing in Polistes paper wasps in a species-specific way
  73. Multi-face recognition and dynamic tracking based on reinforcement learning algorithm
  74. Gravitational search-based optimal deep neural network for occluded face recognition system in videos
  75. Computational and Performance Aspects of Face Recognition Method (HOPFALRB)
  76. Research on Face Recognition Algorithm Based on HOG Feature
  77. Dimensionality Reduction for Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Based Big Bang–Big Crunch Optimization Algorithm
  78. In-Memory Computation for Real-Time Face Recognition
  79. Algorithm Research of Face Recognition System Based on Haar
  80. A Study of Hybrid Approach for Face Recognition Using Student Database
  81. Intelligent Face Recognition on the Edge Computing using Neuromorphic Technology
  82. Effectiveness of Band Selection for Hyperspectral Face Recognition
  83. Face Recognition System Under Morphing Attacks
  84. The Fusion of Local and Global Descriptors in Face Recognition Application
  85. Face Recognition Using Golden Ratio for Door Access Control System
  86. Face Recognition with Inception-Based CNN Models
  87. Implementing Authentication System Depending on Face Recognition Using Anthropometric Model
  88. The Performance of Siamese Neural Network for Face Recognition using Different Activation Functions
  89. Automatic Attendance System Using Face Recognition
  90. The Effects of Facial Recognition Payment Systems on Intention to Use in China
  91. Face Recognition Using Siamese Network
  93. An Improved Method for Face Recognition with Incremental Approach in Illumination Invariant Conditions
  94. Defending Face-Recognition Technology (And Defending Against It)
  95. Comparative analysis and application of LBP face image recognition algorithms
  96. Detection of A Stable Age in Children for Face Recognition Application
  97. Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi, Node-Red, IBM Watson and Twilio
  98. Using Face Recognition to Find the Culprit from a Video Footage and Crime Mapping
  99. Face Recognition for Surveillance Systems using SRGAN
  101. Face recognition and tracking for security surveillance
  102. Face Liveness Detection to Overcome Spoofing Attacks in Face Recognition System
  103. Advanced Safe Home Systems using Face-Recognition with Unique Passcode Systems
  104. Incremental Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
  105. A Comparison of Face Recognition Algorithms for Varying Capturing Conditions
  106. A Comparative Analysis of AlexNet and GoogLeNet with a Simple DCNN for Face Recognition
  108. Face Recognition using Sketch, Thermal and Infrared Images
  110. Neuromemorize—Mobile Application for Alzheimer’s Patients Using AI-Based Face Recognition
  111. “One-Time Face Recognition System” Drives Changes in Civil Aviation Smart Security Screening Mode
  112. A Novel Approach for Face Recognition Using Modular PCA and MAP–MRF Classifier
  113. Upper Half Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model and Singular Value Decomposition Coefficients
  114. SensitiveNets: Unlearning Undesired Information for Generating Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Recognition
  115. Face recognition in an intelligent door lock with ResNet model based on deep learning
  116. Student Recognition Through Their Photograph
  117. Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
  118. An End-to-End Face Compression and Recognition Framework Based on Entropy Coding Model
  119. Facial Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia
  120. 3D landmark-based face restoration for recognition using variational autoencoder and triplet loss
  121. Adversarial reconstruction CNN for illumination-robust frontal face image recovery and recognition
  122. About Face: A Survey of Facial Recognition Evaluation
  123. Face Local and Global Features Recognition based on Using Hybrid Graph based Cosine Transform
  124. Casia-surf cefa: A benchmark for multi-modal cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing
  125. Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition
  126. Enhanced Security Feature of ATM’s Through Facial Recognition
  127. Everyday biometrics: can face replace fingerprint recognition?
  128. Graph based feature extraction and hybrid classification approach for facial expression recognition
  129. Real-Time Safety and Surveillance System Using Facial Recognition Mechanism
  130. Multi-view face pose recognition model construction based on a typical correlation analysis algorithm
  131. MAFER: a Multi-resolution Approach to Facial Expression Recognition
  132. Advhat: Real-world adversarial attack on arcface face id system
  133. Depth as Attention for Face Representation Learning
  134. Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
  135. An Investigation on the Effectiveness of OpenCV and OpenFace Libraries for Facial Recognition Application
  136. MixNet for Generalized Face Presentation Attack Detection
  137. An Improved Approach for Face Detection
  138. Realization of Security System Using Facial Recognition and Arduino Keypad Door Lock System
  139. Identifying Missing Children: Face Age-Progression via Deep Feature Aging
  140. Learning emotional-blinded face representations
  141. Iranian kinect face database (IKFDB): a color-depth based face database collected by kinect v. 2 sensor
  142. Automatic Face Mask Recognition System With FCM AND BPNN
  143. Ameliorated Face and Iris Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Networks
  144. Feature recognition method for similar key points of human face based on adaptive median filter
  145. Identity-aware facial expression recognition in compressed video
  146. Effects of face masks on speech recognition in multi-talker babble noise
  147. An analytical appraisal for supervised classifiers’ performance on facial expression recognition based on relief-F feature selection
  148. Gender Recognition from Face Images Using SIFT Descriptors and Trainable Features
  149. An Overview of Biometrics and Face Spoofing Detection
  150. Analysis of Gait and Face Biometric Traits from CCTV Streams for Forensics
  151. Binarized neural architecture search for efficient object recognition
  152. Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Based Approaches for Face Detection and Recognition
  153. Research on Face Emotional Recognition Algorithm
  154. BRIEF-based face descriptor: an application to automatic facial expression recognition (AFER)
  155. Facial marks for enhancing facial recognition after plastic surgery
  156. Impact of facial contour compensation on self-recognition in face-swapping technology
  157. CapsField: Light Field-based Face and Expression Recognition in the Wild using Capsule Routing
  158. A Systematic Review on Physiological-Based Biometric Recognition Systems: Current and Future Trends
  159. Adaptive convolutional neural network-based information fusion for facial expression recognition
  160. Improvement of Identity Recognition with Occlusion Detection-Based Feature Selection
  161. A novel approach for facial expression recognition using local binary pattern with adaptive window
  162. A hybrid deep transfer learning model with machine learning methods for face mask detection in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
  163. Association of patterns of glaucomatous macular damage with contrast sensitivity and facial recognition in patients with glaucoma
  164. Active Security by Implementing Intrusion Detection and Facial Recognition
  165. Applying Deep learning techniques-masked facial recognition in smartphone security systems using transfer learning
  166. Research on facial feature-based gender intelligent recognition based on the Adaboost algorithm
  167. Demographic bias: A challenge for fingervein recognition systems?
  168. Cascade Classification of Face Liveliness Detection Using Heart Beat Measurement
  169. AutoFER: PCA and PSO based automatic facial emotion recognition
  170. Frame Aggregation and Multi-Modal Fusion Framework for Video-Based Person Recognition
  171. Demographic bias in presentation attack detection of iris recognition systems
  172. Stretch Sensor-Based Facial Expression Recognition and Classification Using Machine Learning
  173. Incremental approach for multi-modal face expression recognition system using deep neural networks
  174. Research on Implementation of User Authentication Based on Gesture Recognition of Human
  175. Speech Expression Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Deep Belief Network
  176. Do I know you? The role of culture in racial essentialism and facial recognition memory
  177. WDR FACE: The First Database for Studying Face Detection in Wide Dynamic Range
  178. Facial expressions recognition and discrimination in Parkinson’s disease
  179. An Electronic Gate System That Monitors Staff Attendance and Performs Access Control Using Facial Recognition Technology
  180. A Unified Model for Face Detection Using Multiple Task Cascaded Neural Network Prepended with Non-local Mean Denoising Algorithm
  181. A new method for protein characterization and classification using geometrical features for 3D face analysis: an example of tubulin structures
  182. Factors influencing consumers’ adoptions of biometric recognition payment devices: combination of initial trust and UTAUT model
  183. A Large-Scale, Time-Synchronized Visible and Thermal Face Dataset
  184. A facial expression recognition model using hybrid feature selection and support vector machines
  185. Facial Expression Recognition: A Meta-Analytic Review of Theoretical Models and Neuroimaging Evidence
  186. Biometric Recognition
  187. Recognition of Similar Gait Pattern Using Transfer Learning DarkNet
  188. High-fidelity face manipulation with extreme poses and expressions
  189. A Novel Approach to 3D Face Registration for Biometric Analysis Using RCompute_ICP
  190. Fusion of machine learning and privacy preserving for secure facial expression recognition
  191. 3D recognition & automated access control reconstruction from a single image
  192. Independent Sign Language Recognition with 3d Body, Hands, and Face Reconstruction
  193. A Compact Deep Learning Model for Face Spoofing Detection
  194. Deep Sparse Autoencoder Network for Facial Emotion Recognition
  195. Deep face clustering using residual graph convolutional network
  196. Responsible AI: Gender bias assessment in emotion recognition
  197. Study of Process-Focused Assessment Using an Algorithm for Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Deep Neural Network Model
  198. Facial expression recognition using local multidirectional score pattern descriptor and modified hidden Markov model
  199. The ethics of facial recognition technology
  200. Emotional targeting using digital signage systems and facial recognition at the point-of-sale
  201. High resolution face age editing
  202. Facial expression recognition with trade-offs between data augmentation and deep learning features
  203. Machine Vision Based Phenotype Recognition of Plant and Animal
  204. A Racial Recognition Method Based on Facial Color and Texture for Improving Demographic Classification
  205. Video Expression Recognition Method Based on Spatiotemporal Recurrent Neural Network and Feature Fusion.
  206. Algorithms for face localisation, facial feature extraction and
  207. Age, Gender Prediction and Emotion recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
  208. Nonlinear loose coupled non-negative matrix factorization for low-resolution image recognition
  209. Hand Recognition System Based on Invariant Moments Features
  210. Facial expression recognition based on deep learning convolution neural network: A review
  211. Constructing multilayer locality-constrained matrix regression framework for noise robust face super-resolution
  212. Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation as a Tool for Multiclass Face Analysis in Thermal Infrared
  213. Saliency Maps-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
  214. Custom Face Classification Model for Classroom Using Haar-Like and LBP Features with Their Performance Comparisons
  215. The ins and outs of speaker recognition: lessons from VoxSRC 2020
  216. Deep video code for efficient face video retrieval
  217. Supervised Cross-Database Transfer Learning-Based Facial Expression Recognition
  218. Assessing engagement levels in a non-face-to-face learning environment through facial expression analysis
  219. AdaBoost-KNN with Direct Optimization for Dynamic Emotion Recognition
  220. Landmark-Aware and Part-based Ensemble Transfer Learning Network for Facial Expression Recognition from Static images
  221. Recognition of Mechanical Tools Using Artificial Neural Network
  222. Contemplated Approach for Forthwith Masked Facial Key patterns Detection, Recognition and Facial Identification from Colored and Noisy Image using Deep …
  223. FPGAN: Face de-identification method with generative adversarial networks for social robots
  224. Face Gender Recognition in the Wild: An Extensive Performance Comparison of Deep-Learned, Hand-Crafted, and Fused Features with Deep and Traditional Models
  225. Saving Face; The Unconstitutional Use of Facial Recognition on Undocumented Immigrants and Solutions in IP
  226. Performance Analysis of Different Loss Function in Face Detection Architectures
  227. One-Shot Image Recognition Using Prototypical Encoders With Reduced Hubness
  228. Automatic facial recognition and the intensification of police surveillance
  229. Prior audio-visual learning facilitates auditory-only speech and voice-identity recognition in noisy listening conditions
  230. Facial Expression Recognition with CNN-LSTM
  231. Long-tailed recognition using class-balanced experts
  232. On the (Im) Practicality of Adversarial Perturbation for Image Privacy
  233. Companion Guided Soft Margin for Face Recognition
  234. DFH-GAN: A Deep Face Hashing with Generative Adversarial Network
  235. Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior
  236. Human–Ear Recognition Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform
  237. Facial Expression Recognition using Neural Network
  238. MobileNet Mask: A Multi-phase Face Mask Detection Model to Prevent Person-To-Person Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
  239. A biomimetic covering learning method based on principle of homology continuity
  240. Voice recognition system using machine learning techniques
  241. Research on facial expression recognition of video stream based on OpenCV
  242. Multi-level spatial and semantic enhancement network for expression recognition
  243. Facial expression recognition for low resolution images using convolutional neural networks and denoising techniques
  244. Custom Face Classification Model for Classroom Using Haar-Like and LBP Features with Their Performance Comparisons. Electronics 2021, 10, 102
  245. Facial expression description and recognition based on fuzzy semantic concepts
  246. Mask-aware photorealistic facial attribute manipulation
  247. Bangladeshi Banknote Recognition in Real-time using Convolutional Neural Network for Visually Impaired People
  248. Deep Models for Improving the Performance and Reliability of Person Recognition
  249. Remote Pulse Estimation in the Presence of Face Masks
  250. Deep Learning-Based Paperless Attendance Monitoring System
  251. A robust real time object detection and recognition algorithm for multiple objects
  252. Multi-facial patches aggregation network for facial expression recognition and facial regions contributions to emotion display
  253. Detection and Recognition of Moving Video Objects: Kalman Filtering with Deep Learning
  254. Human activity recognition by manifold regularization based dynamic graph convolutional networks
  255. Multi-attention based deep neural network with hybrid features for dynamic sequential facial expression recognition
  256. Hand Sign Recognition using CNN
  257. Facial expression recognition based on facial part attention mechanism
  258. Dcnn-based facial expression recognition using transfer learning
  259. REORGANIZATION OF FACE-RACE CATEGORIES IN INFANCY Reorganization in the Representation of Face-Race Categories From 6 to 9 Months of Age …
  260. WearMask: Fast In-browser Face Mask Detection with Serverless Edge Computing for COVID-19
  261. E-FCNN for tiny facial expression recognition
  262. Facial Emotion Recognition from an Unmanned Flying Social Robot for Home Care of Dependent People
  263. A joint Mapping and Synthesis approach for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
  264. Development of a deep multimodal hedonic recognition database for oral stimuli
  265. Supervised attention for speaker recognition
  266. Emotion Recognition using Gamma Correction Technique Applied to HOG and LBP Features
  267. Dive into Ambiguity: Latent Distribution Mining and Pairwise Uncertainty Estimation for Facial Expression Recognition
  268. Deep Learning-based Face Super-resolution: A Survey
  269. Enhancement of Multi-Target Tracking Performance via Image Restoration and Face Embedding in Dynamic Environments
  270. A novel approach for ear recognition: learning Mahalanobis distance features from deep CNNs
  271. Deep Learning for COVID-19 Recognition
  273. Involution: Inverting the inherence of convolution for visual recognition
  274. Concise CNN model for face expression recognition
  275. Weakly-Supervised Multi-Face 3D Reconstruction
  276. An Automatic System to Monitor the Physical Distance and Face Mask Wearing of Construction Workers in COVID-19 Pandemic
  277. Real-time isolated hand sign language recognition using deep networks and SVD
  278. DB-GAN: Boosting Object Recognition Under Strong Lighting Conditions
  279. Earprint recognition using deep learning technique
  280. TSNN: Three-Stream Combining 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Micro-Expression Recognition
  281. A hybrid 3D feature recognition method based on rule and graph
  282. Contextually Aware Multimodal Emotion Recognition
  283. Where Do Deep Fakes Look? Synthetic Face Detection via Gaze Tracking
  284. License Plate Recognition
  285. Facial Recognition in the Public Sector: The Policy Landscape
  286. Study of Mechanized Recognition of Driver’s Smartphone Exploiting Common Vehicle-Riding Actions
  287. Multi-factor Authentication-Based E-Exam Management System (EEMS)
  288. Automated Attendance Management Using Hybrid Approach in Image Processing
  289. Contactless Attendance Management System using Artificial Intelligence
  290. Research on Moving Target Recognition and Tracking Technology Based on Machine Learning
  291. A Survey on Automatic Multimodal Emotion Recognition in the Wild
  292. On the Basis of Frequency Distribution Algorithm: Implementing a Smart Attendance System in the Field of Corporate Management
  293. Gabor Filter and ICA-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Two-Layered Hidden Markov Model
  294. Mask Recognition Method Based on Graph Convolutional Network
  295. A Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of the Buddha Statues of Borobudur (Indonesia)
  296. Generation of an EDS Key Based on a Graphic Image of a Subject’s Face Using the RC4 Algorithm
  297. Speech Recognition Using Spectrogram-Based Visual Features
  298. 3D facial recognition using local feature-based methods and accuracy assessment
  299. Third-party kinship recognition
  300. Generation of an EDS Key Based on a Graphic Image of a Subject’s Face Using the RC4 Algorithm. Information 2021, 12, 19
  301. Video-based Facial Expression Recognition using Graph Convolutional Networks
  302. Facial Expression Recognition Using Kernel Entropy Component Analysis Network and DAGSVM
  303. Speech disturbance plays critical role in stroke recognition during COVID-19 pandemic
  304. Age-related changes in amplitude, latency and specialization of ERP responses to faces and watches
  305. Gradient local auto-correlation features for depth human action recognition
  306. Application of Facial Symmetrical Characteristic to Transfer Learning
  307. A Low-Cost Portable Smart Card Based Attendance System
  308. GaitSet: Cross-view Gait Recognition through Utilizing Gait as a Deep Set
  309. RUR53: an unmanned ground vehicle for navigation, recognition, and manipulation
  310. A Novel Finger Vein Recognition Method Based on Aggregation of Radon-Like Features
  311. Online inspection of narrow overlap weld quality using two-stage convolution neural network image recognition
  312. Recognition and the Development Potential of Mobile Shopping of Customized Cosmetic on Untact COVID19 Period: Focused on 40’s to 60’s Women in Seoul …
  313. Convolutional Network based Animal Recognition using YOLO and Darknet
  314. Vehicle Recognition Using CNN
  315. Crowd Analysis in Public Transport Based on Face Detection
  316. Finger vein recognition based on zone-based minutia matching
  317. Deep-emotion: Facial expression recognition using attentional convolutional network
  318. Gravitational search algorithm based optimized deep learning model with diverse set of features for facial expression recognition
  319. Learning deep discriminative embeddings via joint rescaled features and log-probability centers
  320. Evaluation of distinctiveness pruning in neural networks for facial expression recognition
  321. Finger Vein Recognition Using Deep Learning
  322. Multideep Feature Fusion Algorithm for Clothing Style Recognition
  323. Nested Sparse Classification Method for Hierarchical Information Extraction
  324. Trustworthy Method for Person Identification in IIoT Environments by Means of Facial Dynamics
  325. Facial Expression Recognition with LBP and ORB Features
  326. An Efficient Multimodal Biometric System Integrated with Liveness Detection Technique
  327. Object detection and recognition: using deep learning to assist the visually impaired
  328. Chalearn LAP large scale signer independent isolated sign language recognition challenge: Design, results and future research
  329. Leveraging Graph Cut’s Energy Function for Context Aware Facial Recognition in Indoor Environments
  330. Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning
  331. Unlearnable Examples: Making Personal Data Unexploitable
  332. Deep Learning for RFI Artifact Recognition in Sentinel-1 Data
  333. Human Interaction Recognition Framework based on Interacting Body Part Attention
  334. Opportunities and challenges for the building monitoring systems in the age-pandemic of COVID-19: Review and prospects
  335. Messaging and Video Calling Application for Specially Abled people using Hand Gesture Recognition
  336. Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images
  337. Robots and Virtual Agents in Frontline Public Service
  338. Analysis and best parameters selection for person recognition based on gait model using CNN algorithm and image augmentation
  339. Facial Emotion Recognition Skills and Measures in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  340. Device-free single-user activity recognition using diversified deep ensemble learning
  341. A Review of Plant Phenotypic Image Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning
  342. AI policy matters
  343. Research on fingerprint feature recognition of access control based on deep learning
  344. Understanding the robustness of skeleton-based action recognition under adversarial attack
  345. Falling-Point Recognition and Scoring Algorithm in Table Tennis Using Dual-Channel Target Motion Detection
  346. Forensic human image identification using medical indicators
  347. R-JaunLab: Automatic Multi-Class Recognition of Jaundice on Photos of Subjects with Region Annotation Networks
  348. Computer Vision-based Intelligent Bookshelf System
  349. Gender Identification Over Voice Sample Using Machine Learning
  350. The role of movement kinematics in facial emotion expression production and recognition.
  351. A passenger risk assessment method based on 5G-IoT
  352. Automatic facial expression recognition in standardized and non-standardized emotional expressions
  353. The year in cardiovascular medicine 2020: digital health and innovation
  354. Using metacognitive methods to examine emotion recognition in children with ADHD
  355. Am I the same person across my life span? An event-related brain potentials study of the temporal perspective in self-identity
  356. Image Pattern Recognition
  357. Surveillance video analysis for student action recognition and localization inside computer laboratories of a smart campus
  358. A Biometric Technology-Based Framework for Tackling and Preventing Crimes
  359. Deep Multi-Stage Approach For Emotional Body Gesture Recognition In Job Interview
  360. On-Road Crime Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
  361. A Review of Plant Phenotypic Image Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning. Electronics 2021, 10, 81
  362. Affect recognition for multimodal natural language processing
  363. Energy-efficient multi-biometric system for Internet of Things using trust management
  364. Dual-graph regularized discriminative transfer sparse coding for facial expression recognition
  365. A novel pipeline framework for multi oriented scene text image detection and recognition
  366. Linear Programming in Market Management Using Artificial Intelligence
  367. The extensive usage of the facial image threshing machine for facial emotion recognition performance
  368. Detecting residues of cosmic events using residual neural network
  369. Metacognition of emotion recognition across neurodegenerative diseases
  370. Recognition of emotions and affective attitudes in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
  371. Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
  372. Cloud Computing based Intelligent Bank Locker System
  373. Immunology and microbiology: how do they affect social cognition and emotion recognition?
  374. Opportunities and Challenges for Biometrics
  375. Inner Eye Canthus Localization for Human Body Temperature Screening
  376. Different methods for lithology and mineralogy recognition
  377. Effects of glucocorticoid and noradrenergic activity on implicit and explicit facial emotion recognition in healthy young men
  378. Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
  379. Person Identification Using Histogram of Gradient and Support Vector Machine on GEI
  380. Research on transfer learning of vision-based gesture recognition
  381. Elevated diversity in loci linked to facial morphology is consistent with the hypothesis that individual facial recognition is important across hominoids
  382. Deep distillation hashing for unconstrained palmprint recognition
  383. An Efficient Login Authentication System against Multiple Attacks in Mobile Devices
  384. A Comparison Study on Shape Parameter Selection in Pattern Recognition by Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
  386. GAN-Control: Explicitly Controllable GANs
  387. Emotion recognition in nonhuman primates: How experimental research can contribute to a better understanding of underlying mechanisms
  389. Multimodal emotion recognition using deep learning
  390. Using Feature Selection Based on Multi-view for Rice Seed Images Classification
  391. Fight hard or die trying: when plants face pathogens under heat stress
  392. Gesture Recognition Based on Multiscale Singular Value Entropy and Deep Belief Network
  393. Using Spasmodic Closure Patterns to Simplify Visual Voice Activity Detection
  394. SIGAI annual report: July 1 2019-June 30 2020
  395. Deep audio-visual learning: A survey
  396. An Open System for Collection and Automatic Recognition of Pottery through Neural Network Algorithms
  397. Retrieval of Facial Sketches Using Linguistic Descriptors: An Approach Based on Hierarchical Classification of Facial Attributes
  398. Challenges and opportunities in biometric security: A survey
  399. Korean video dataset for emotion recognition in the wild
  400. Overview of e-Science Research in China
  401. Transfer learning using Tsallis entropy: An application to Gravity Spy
  402. Orthogonal Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition
  403. A Survey of Image Enhancement and Object Detection Methods
  404. Feeling Recognition by Facial Expression Using Deep Learning
  405. Facial Spoof Detection Using Support Vector Machine
  406. A hierarchical sampling based triplet network for fine-grained image classification
  407. A Novel Approach to Communicate with Video Game Character using Cascade Classifiers
  408. Multi-Scale Frequency Bands Ensemble Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
  409. Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning
  410. Evaluation of hidden Markov models using deep CNN features in isolated sign recognition
  411. End-to-end Deep Learning pipeline for Facial Expression Recognition
  412. Optimal discriminative feature and dictionary learning for image set classification
  413. Rethinking patient consent in the era of artificial intelligence and big data
  414. Dynamic Emotion Understanding Based on Two-Layer Fuzzy Fuzzy Support Vector Regression-Takagi-Sugeno Model
  415. Sharing Pain: Using Domain Transfer Between Pain Types for Recognition of Sparse Pain Expressions in Horses
  416. Facial Expressions Recognition System Using FPGA-Based Convolutional Neural Network
  417. A Study on Image Analysis and Recognition Using Learning Methods: CNN as the Best Image Learner
  418. An Intelligent Doorbell Design Using Federated Deep Learning
  419. … Semantic Scene Characteristics and Multi-Stream Convolutional Architectures in a Contextual Approach for Video-Based Visual Emotion Recognition in the Wild
  420. VisualVoice: Audio-Visual Speech Separation with Cross-Modal Consistency
  421. Classification of Facial Part Movement Acquired from Kinect V1 and Kinect V2
  422. SLiKER: Sparse loss induced kernel ensemble regression
  423. Advance Security and Challenges with Intelligent IoT Devices
  424. Biologically inspired visual computing: the state of the art
  425. Research on Voiceprint Recognition Technology Based on Deep Neural Network
  426. Artificial Intelligence and Frontline Public Service
  427. Optokinetic response for mobile device biometric liveness assessment
  428. Two-Stage Facial Mask Detection Model for Indoor Environments
  429. An expanded model for perceptual visual single object recognition system using expectation priming following neuroscientific evidence
  430. Speaker Recognition Based on Fusion of a Deep and Shallow Recombination Gaussian Supervector
  431. A comparative study of Autistic Children Emotion recognition based on Spatio-Temporal and Deep analysis of facial expressions features during a Meltdown Crisis
  432. Offline Writer Recognition for Kurdish Handwritten Text Document Based on Proposed Codebook
  433. Synthetic humans for action recognition from unseen viewpoints
  434. Mobile behavior trusted certification based on multivariate behavior sequences
  435. Multiple Hand Gestures for Cursor Movement Using Convolution Neural Networks
  436. MPPCANet: A feedforward learning strategy for few-shot image classification
  437. One-shot Representational Learning for Joint Biometric and Device Authentication
  438. Facial Imitation Improves Emotion Recognition in Adults with Different Levels of Sub-Clinical Autistic Traits
  439. Gender Differences in Moral Influences on Adolescents’ Eyewitness Identification
  440. Knowledge distillation: A survey
  441. Person identification at airports during passport control
  442. Factors affecting entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and exploitation in the context of the Iranian Agriculture sector
  443. Recognition of imbalanced underwater acoustic datasets with exponentially weighted cross-entropy loss
  444. Hierarchical fusion network for periocular and iris by neural network approximation and sparse autoencoder
  445. Tamper detection in pipeline girth welding based on radiographic images
  446. Multi-level Metric Learning for Few-shot Image Recognition
  447. A Low-Cost Portable Handheld System for Monitoring and Verification of Vehicle Documents
  448. Temperature network for few-shot learning with distribution-aware large-margin metric
  449. Neural Networks for Keyword Spotting on IoT Devices
  450. RF-Wri: An Efficient Framework for RF-Based Device-Free Air-Writing Recognition
  451. Highly transparent solid-state artificial synapse based on oxide memristor
  452. Texture classification based on image (natural and horizontal) visibility graph constructing methods
  454. Good image representations ease the solution of problems
  455. Recognition of Change in Facial Expressions From Video Sequence Using Incenter-Circumcenter Pair Gradient Signature
  456. Gradient Based Approach to Mouth Shape Recognition
  457. Personalized Federated Deep Learning for Pain Estimation From Face Images
  458. Real-life accounts on the research trail
  459. Extreme Learning Machine for Heartbeat Classification with Hybrid Time-Domain and Wavelet Time-Frequency Features
  460. DeepPoison: Feature Transfer Based Stealthy Poisoning Attack
  461. The impact of aging on the subregions of the fusiform gyrus in healthy older adults
  462. Review of micro-expression spotting and recognition in video sequences
  463. FFT-Based Zero-Bit Watermarking for Facial Recognition and Its Security
  464. Applying the Hidden Markov Model to Analyze Urban Mobility Patterns: An Interdisciplinary Approach
  465. Same-different conceptualization: a machine vision perspective
  466. Computer Vision Based Research on PCB Recognition Using SSD Neural Network
  467. Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Parameter Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Tumor Classification
  468. Facial Emotion Recognition Using Asymmetric Pyramidal Networks With Gradient Centralization
  469. Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing
  470. Facial Image Indexing Using Locally Extracted Sparse Vectors
  471. A Novel M2CNN Method for Cervical Cancer Cell Recognition
  472. Mobile Healthcare Technology for People with Disabilities amid the COVID-19 pandemic
  473. Deep learning in Human Gait Recognition: An Overview
  474. Classification of rice leaf diseases using artificial neural network
  475. MLT-DNet: Speech emotion recognition using 1D dilated CNN based on multi-learning trick approach
  476. Neural Networks and their applications
  477. A Study of Embodiment and Its Relations with Body Awareness and Empathy
  478. A Taxonomy for Mining and Classifying Privacy Requirements in Issue Reports
  479. Driver drowsiness estimation based on factorized bilinear feature fusion and a long-short-term recurrent convolutional network
  480. Leveraging Edge Intelligence for Video Analytics in Smart City Applications
  481. A Training Method for Low Rank Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Alternating Tensor Compose-Decompose Method
  482. Evolutionary Encryption Algorithm Ensuring Privacy in Video Surveillance
  483. A novel content-based image retrieval approach for classification using GLCM features and texture fused LBP variants
  484. Human and machine validation of 14 databases of dynamic facial expressions
  485. The Recognition of Emotions Beyond Facial Expressions: Comparing Emoticons Specifically Designed to Convey Basic Emotions with Other Modes of Expression
  486. Different facial recognition patterns in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder assessed using a computerized emotional perception test and fMRI
  487. Character Recognition of Tulu Script Using Convolutional Neural Network
  488. Efficient prediction of trait judgments from faces using deep neural networks
  489. ODANet: Online Deep Appearance Network for Identity-Consistent Multi-Person Tracking
  490. Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction
  491. Old Handwritten Music Symbol Recognition Using Radon and Discrete Wavelet Transform
  492. FineFool: A novel DNN object contour attack on image recognition based on the attention perturbation adversarial technique
  493. Effect of stimulus dimension on perception and cognition
  494. Randomized non-linear PCA networks
  495. Siamese neural networks: An overview
  496. Challenges and Opportunities i
  497. Subtype-aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Diagnosis
  498. Structural Damage Detection with Modal Strain Energy Using Convolution Neural Network
  499. Automatic depression recognition using CNN with attention mechanism from videos
  500. An efficient enhanced automatic target recognition approach
  501. Understanding the impact of host facial characteristics on Airbnb pricing: Integrating facial image analytics into tourism research
  502. Context Matters: Self-Attention for Sign Language Recognition
  504. Mask Wearing Detection Algorithm Based on Improved Tiny YOLOv3
  505. Appliance identification using a histogram post-processing of 2d local binary patterns for smart grid applications
  506. GAN-Based Differential Private Image Privacy Protection Framework for the Internet of Multimedia Things
  507. Privacy-oriented analysis of ubiquitous computing systems: A 5-D approach
  508. Towards AI ingredients
  509. Nosology of Primary Progressive Aphasia and the Neuropathology of Language
  510. Machine Learning Based Predictive Model for Coronavirus Pandemic
  511. Comparison of face emotional recognition deficits in remitted schizophrenia and euthymic bipolar I disorder
  512. “I was the Woman, he was the Man”: dementia, recognition, recognisability and gendered subjectivity
  513. Multi-modal Emotion Feature Extraction
  514. Read my lips! Perception of speech in noise by preschool children with autism and the impact of watching the speaker’s face
  515. Human Activity Recognition through Recurrent Neural Networks for Human–Robot Interaction in Agriculture
  516. Human Identification with Dental Panoramic Images Based on Deep Learning
  517. Exploration of human activity recognition using a single sensor for stroke survivors and able-bodied people
  518. Introduction of Cognition Science
  519. Fault detection for centrifugal chillers using a Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (KECA) method
  520. Turning the Face Inversion Effect on Its Head: Violated Expectations of Orientation, Lighting, and Gravity Enhance N170 Amplitudes
  521. Multi-level uncorrelated discriminative shared Gaussian process for multi-view facial expression recognition
  522. Improving Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition with Semantic Segmentation
  523. Different hemispheric specialization for face/word recognition: A high-density ERP study with hemifield visual stimulation
  524. Matched Filter Design Using Dynamic Histogram for Power Quality Events Detection
  525. A Multimodal Biometric System Based on Finger Knuckle Print, Fingerprint, and Palmprint Traits
  526. Research on Gesture Recognition Method Based on Deep Learning
  527. Securing Biometric Framework with Cryptanalysis
  528. Material Texture Recognition using Ultrasonic Images with Transformer Neural Networks
  529. Imbalanced High-Resolution SAR Ship Recognition Method Based on a Lightweight CNN
  530. The impact of face masks on the recall of spoken sentences
  531. SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation
  532. Extreme Classification
  533. Exploiting Internet of Things (IoT) Services to Autism Children Emotion Recognition System
  534. Research of University Education Intelligent Agent
  535. Feature Line Embedding Based on Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification
  536. Privacy-Preserving Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication and User Profiling: A Review
  537. Deep Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing in Cellular V2X Networks
  538. Taxonomy must engage with new technologies and evolve to face future challenges
  539. Hand gesture recognition via enhanced densely connected convolutional neural network
  540. E-mail: fcostas, tefas, pitasg@ zeus. csd. auth. gr
  541. More than just an auxiliary loss: Anti-spoofing Backbone Training via Adversarial Pseudo-depth Generation
  542. Human activity recognition based on smartphone and wearable sensors using multiscale DCNN ensemble
  543. Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learning
  544. Nonnegative Feature Learning by Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
  545. A Survey on Dynamic Sign Language Recognition
  546. Evolutionary Deep Fusion Method and Its Application in Chemical Structure Recognition
  547. Image Edge Detection by Mean Difference Thresholding
  548. A Collaborative BSN-Enabled Architecture for Multi-user Activity Recognition
  549. Real-Time Hair Segmentation Using Mobile-Unet
  550. Individual Differences in Intrinsic Brain Networks Predict Symptom Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  551. MaskCOV: A Random Mask Covariance Network for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
  552. Exploring Adversarial Fake Images on Face Manifold
  553. Compression-Robust and Fuzzy-Based Feature-Fusion Model for Optimizing the Iris Recognition
  554. Neural network modeling of altered facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorders based on predictive processing framework
  555. Compressed Medical Image Retrieval Using Data Mining and Optimized Recurrent Neural Network Techniques
  556. LPPCNN: A Laplacian Pyramid-based Pulse Coupled Neural Network Method for Medical Image Fusion
  557. A new approach for classifying coronavirus COVID-19 based on its manifestation on chest X-rays using texture features and neural networks
  558. Finger Vein Recognition and Intra-Subject Similarity Evaluation of Finger Veins using the CNN Triplet Loss
  559. International Organizations and Standards
  560. An Improved Integrated Clustering Learning Strategy Based on Three-Stage Affinity Propagation Algorithm with Density Peak Optimization Theory
  561. Recognition of industrial machine parts based on transfer learning with convolutional neural network
  562. Facial expression recognition method with multi-label distribution learning for non-verbal behavior understanding in the classroom
  563. Kernel two-dimensional ridge regression for subspace clustering
  564. Wearable Assistance Device for the Visually Impaired
  565. Having Fun with Computer Vision
  566. Technology-enabled personalization in retail stores: Understanding drivers and barriers
  567. Optimal Randomness for Stochastic Configuration Network (SCN) with Heavy-Tailed Distributions
  568. Non-segmentation frameworks for accurate and robust iris recognition
  569. Generation and detection of media clones
  570. Operational strategy of customized bus considering customers’ variety seeking behavior and service level
  571. Video super-resolution based on a spatio-temporal matching network
  572. Blog text quality assessment using a 3D CNN-based statistical framework
  573. To” See” is to Stereotype: Image Tagging Algorithms, Gender Recognition, and the Accuracy-Fairness Trade-off
  574. Phase Transitions in Recovery of Structured Signals from Corrupted Measurements
  575. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
  576. Recognition of lane-changing behaviour with machine learning methods at freeway off-ramps
  577. The globalization of artificial intelligence: consequences for the politics of environmentalism
  578. Survey on Deep Multi-modal Data Analytics: Collaboration, Rivalry, and Fusion
  579. Co-design of Gesture-Based Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) Recognition
  580. Real-Time Hair Segmentation Using Mobile-Unet. Electronics 2021, 10, 99
  581. Entropy based dictionary learning for image classification
  582. Setting Up Ad Hoc Computing as a Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Cloud Computing Environment
  583. Effectiveness of artificial intelligence techniques against cyber security risks apply of IT industry
  584. Resolution-Based Distillation for Efficient Histology Image Classification
  585. Using spotted hyena optimizer for training feedforward neural networks
  586. Machine Learning on Cloud with Blockchain: A Secure, Verifiable and Fair Approach to Outsource the Linear Regression
  587. Presentation Attack Detection Framework
  588. Quantitative Ultrasound Texture Analysis to Assess the Spastic Muscles in Stroke Patients
  589. Emotion recognition in low-resource settings: An evaluation of automatic feature selection methods
  590. Multi-image 3-D Scene Reconstruction
  591. Industrial objects recognition in intelligent manufacturing for computer vision
  592. Use of Deep Learning for Disease Detection and Diagnosis
  593. Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic
  594. An independent three-factor mutual authentication and key agreement scheme with privacy preserving for multiserver environment and a survey
  595. Combining pretrained CNN feature extractors to enhance clustering of complex natural images
  596. The Effect of Pre-Event Instructions on Eyewitness Identification Stage 1 Registered Report Manuscript
  597. Best ways computation intelligent of face cyber attacks
  598. (Mis) recognition in the Therapeutic Alliance: The Experience of Mental Health Interpreters Working With Refugees in UK Clinical Settings
  599. Rock Burst Precursor Electromagnetic Radiation Signal Recognition Method and Early Warning Application Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
  600. Lung CT Image Segmentation Using Reinforcement Learning

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