Face Recognition Research Topics Ideas
List of Research Topics and Ideas of face recognition for MS and Ph.D. Thesis.
- SFace: sigmoid-constrained hypersphere loss for robust face recognition
- Word and Face Recognition Processing Based on Response Times and Ex-Gaussian Components
- Joint feature extraction and classification in a unified framework for cost-sensitive face recognition
- From concepts to percepts in human and machine face recognition: A reply to Blauch, Behrmann & Plaut
- Learning Features from Covariance Matrix of Gabor Wavelet for Face Recognition under Adverse Conditions
- Spectrum-aware discriminative deep feature learning for multi-spectral face recognition
- DVG-face: Dual variational generation for heterogeneous face recognition
- When age-invariant face recognition meets face age synthesis: A multi-task learning framework
- Insights from computational models of face recognition: A reply to Blauch, Behrmann and Plaut
- Hyperspectral-cube-based mobile face recognition: A comprehensive review
- Coupled adversarial learning for semi-supervised heterogeneous face recognition
- Teacher-Student Adversarial Depth Hallucination to Improve Face Recognition
- Detection of face recognition adversarial attacks
- OD-LBP: Orthogonal difference-local binary pattern for Face Recognition
- Incremental methods in face recognition: a survey
- Efficient masked face recognition method during the covid-19 pandemic
- Unmasking Face Embeddings by Self-restrained Triplet Loss for Accurate Masked Face Recognition
- On the Applicability of Synthetic Data for Face Recognition
- Decomposed Meta Batch Normalization for Fast Domain Adaptation in Face Recognition
- Boosting Semi-Supervised Face Recognition with Noise Robustness
- KS-FQA: Keyframe selection based on face quality assessment for efficient face recognition in video
- NPT-Loss: A Metric Loss with Implicit Mining for Face Recognition
- SSDL: Self-supervised domain learning for improved face recognition
- Improving face recognition performance using TeCS2 dictionary
- DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition
- Adaptive morphological and bilateral filtering with ensemble convolutional neural network for pose-invariant face recognition
- Cloud versus Edge Deployment Strategies of Real-Time Face Recognition Inference
- Face recognition based on Haar like and Euclidean distance
- Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition: A Review
- Component-based face recognition using statistical pattern matching analysis
- An effective face recognition system based on Cloud based IoT with a deep learning model
- FaceX-Zoo: A PyTorh Toolbox for Face Recognition
- Emotional face recognition in autism and in cerebral visual impairments: In search for specificity
- ST-VLAD: Video Face Recognition Based on Aggregated Local Spatial-Temporal Descriptors
- Masked Face Recognition Algorithm for a Contactless Distribution Cabinet
- Tackling Age-Invariant Face Recognition With Non-Linear PLDA and Pairwise SVM
- A face recognition framework based on a pool of techniques and differential evolution
- Am I a Real or Fake Celebrity? Measuring Commercial Face Recognition Web APIs under Deepfake Impersonation Attack
- A novel partition selection method for modular face recognition approaches on occlusion problem
- An Extensive Study on Traditional-to-Recent Transformation on Face Recognition System
- Angular Sparsemax for Face Recognition
- Nonconvex regularizer and latent pattern based robust regression for face recognition
- Advanced variations of two-dimensional principal component analysis for face recognition
- Local-Friis-Radiation-Pattern (LFRP) for Face Recognition
- Linear Cross-Modal Hash Encoding (LCMHE) for Visual and Near-Infrared Face Recognition
- Associations between self-reported and objective face recognition abilities are only evident in above-and below-average recognisers
- Two-stage classifier for face recognition using HOG features
- Deep Learning based Voice assistance in hospitals using Face Recognition
- Two novel color local descriptors for face recognition
- Construction and analysis of foreign language online guiding model based on classroom network environment and face recognition
- Novel BSSSO-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition with Multiple Disturbing Environments
- Hybrid face recognition under adverse conditions using appearance-based and dynamic features of smile expression
- A Survey of Face Recognition Systems
- A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Illumination-Invariant Heterogeneous Face Recognition
- Image processing effects on the deep face recognition system [J]
- A comparative study of 14 state of art descriptors for face recognition
- Real-time Triplet Loss Embedding Face Recognition for Authentication Student Attendance Records System Framework
- Applying Mobile Intelligent API Vision Kit and Normalized Features for Face Recognition Using Live Cameras
- LBPH-Based Face Recognition System for Attendance Management
- Adversarial Facial Obfuscation against Unauthorized Face Recognition
- Face Recognition Based on Fusion of Zonal Images
- PCSAFace: Face Recognition with Parallel Channel and Spatial Attention
- RFID and Face Recognition based Smart Attendance System
- Survey of Occluded and Unoccluded Face Recognition
- Illumination Invariant Face Recognition By Expected Patch Log Likelihood
- Face Recognition using Color and Edge Orientation Difference Histogram
- Pose-robust Face Recognition by Deep Meta Capsule network-based Equivariant Embedding
- Work Force Management System Using Face Recognition
- Detection Of Driver Drowsiness Using Face Recognition
- Face Recognition Using Hybrid HOG-CNN Approach
- Individual recognition is associated with holistic face processing in Polistes paper wasps in a species-specific way
- Multi-face recognition and dynamic tracking based on reinforcement learning algorithm
- Gravitational search-based optimal deep neural network for occluded face recognition system in videos
- Computational and Performance Aspects of Face Recognition Method (HOPFALRB)
- Research on Face Recognition Algorithm Based on HOG Feature
- Dimensionality Reduction for Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Based Big Bang–Big Crunch Optimization Algorithm
- In-Memory Computation for Real-Time Face Recognition
- Algorithm Research of Face Recognition System Based on Haar
- A Study of Hybrid Approach for Face Recognition Using Student Database
- Intelligent Face Recognition on the Edge Computing using Neuromorphic Technology
- Effectiveness of Band Selection for Hyperspectral Face Recognition
- Face Recognition System Under Morphing Attacks
- The Fusion of Local and Global Descriptors in Face Recognition Application
- Face Recognition Using Golden Ratio for Door Access Control System
- Face Recognition with Inception-Based CNN Models
- Implementing Authentication System Depending on Face Recognition Using Anthropometric Model
- The Performance of Siamese Neural Network for Face Recognition using Different Activation Functions
- Automatic Attendance System Using Face Recognition
- The Effects of Facial Recognition Payment Systems on Intention to Use in China
- Face Recognition Using Siamese Network
- An Improved Method for Face Recognition with Incremental Approach in Illumination Invariant Conditions
- Defending Face-Recognition Technology (And Defending Against It)
- Comparative analysis and application of LBP face image recognition algorithms
- Detection of A Stable Age in Children for Face Recognition Application
- Face Recognition Using Raspberry Pi, Node-Red, IBM Watson and Twilio
- Using Face Recognition to Find the Culprit from a Video Footage and Crime Mapping
- Face Recognition for Surveillance Systems using SRGAN
- Face recognition and tracking for security surveillance
- Face Liveness Detection to Overcome Spoofing Attacks in Face Recognition System
- Advanced Safe Home Systems using Face-Recognition with Unique Passcode Systems
- Incremental Weighted Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition
- A Comparison of Face Recognition Algorithms for Varying Capturing Conditions
- A Comparative Analysis of AlexNet and GoogLeNet with a Simple DCNN for Face Recognition
- Face Recognition using Sketch, Thermal and Infrared Images
- Neuromemorize—Mobile Application for Alzheimer’s Patients Using AI-Based Face Recognition
- “One-Time Face Recognition System” Drives Changes in Civil Aviation Smart Security Screening Mode
- A Novel Approach for Face Recognition Using Modular PCA and MAP–MRF Classifier
- Upper Half Face Recognition Using Hidden Markov Model and Singular Value Decomposition Coefficients
- SensitiveNets: Unlearning Undesired Information for Generating Agnostic Representations with Application to Face Recognition
- Face recognition in an intelligent door lock with ResNet model based on deep learning
- Student Recognition Through Their Photograph
- Cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing recognition challenge: A review
- An End-to-End Face Compression and Recognition Framework Based on Entropy Coding Model
- Facial Emotion Recognition in Schizophrenia
- 3D landmark-based face restoration for recognition using variational autoencoder and triplet loss
- Adversarial reconstruction CNN for illumination-robust frontal face image recovery and recognition
- About Face: A Survey of Facial Recognition Evaluation
- Face Local and Global Features Recognition based on Using Hybrid Graph based Cosine Transform
- Casia-surf cefa: A benchmark for multi-modal cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing
- Iterative local re-ranking with attribute guided synthesis for face sketch recognition
- Enhanced Security Feature of ATM’s Through Facial Recognition
- Everyday biometrics: can face replace fingerprint recognition?
- Graph based feature extraction and hybrid classification approach for facial expression recognition
- Real-Time Safety and Surveillance System Using Facial Recognition Mechanism
- Multi-view face pose recognition model construction based on a typical correlation analysis algorithm
- MAFER: a Multi-resolution Approach to Facial Expression Recognition
- Advhat: Real-world adversarial attack on arcface face id system
- Depth as Attention for Face Representation Learning
- Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations
- An Investigation on the Effectiveness of OpenCV and OpenFace Libraries for Facial Recognition Application
- MixNet for Generalized Face Presentation Attack Detection
- An Improved Approach for Face Detection
- Realization of Security System Using Facial Recognition and Arduino Keypad Door Lock System
- Identifying Missing Children: Face Age-Progression via Deep Feature Aging
- Learning emotional-blinded face representations
- Iranian kinect face database (IKFDB): a color-depth based face database collected by kinect v. 2 sensor
- Automatic Face Mask Recognition System With FCM AND BPNN
- Ameliorated Face and Iris Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Networks
- Feature recognition method for similar key points of human face based on adaptive median filter
- Identity-aware facial expression recognition in compressed video
- Effects of face masks on speech recognition in multi-talker babble noise
- An analytical appraisal for supervised classifiers’ performance on facial expression recognition based on relief-F feature selection
- Gender Recognition from Face Images Using SIFT Descriptors and Trainable Features
- An Overview of Biometrics and Face Spoofing Detection
- Analysis of Gait and Face Biometric Traits from CCTV Streams for Forensics
- Binarized neural architecture search for efficient object recognition
- Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Based Approaches for Face Detection and Recognition
- Research on Face Emotional Recognition Algorithm
- BRIEF-based face descriptor: an application to automatic facial expression recognition (AFER)
- Facial marks for enhancing facial recognition after plastic surgery
- Impact of facial contour compensation on self-recognition in face-swapping technology
- CapsField: Light Field-based Face and Expression Recognition in the Wild using Capsule Routing
- A Systematic Review on Physiological-Based Biometric Recognition Systems: Current and Future Trends
- Adaptive convolutional neural network-based information fusion for facial expression recognition
- Improvement of Identity Recognition with Occlusion Detection-Based Feature Selection
- A novel approach for facial expression recognition using local binary pattern with adaptive window
- A hybrid deep transfer learning model with machine learning methods for face mask detection in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Association of patterns of glaucomatous macular damage with contrast sensitivity and facial recognition in patients with glaucoma
- Active Security by Implementing Intrusion Detection and Facial Recognition
- Applying Deep learning techniques-masked facial recognition in smartphone security systems using transfer learning
- Research on facial feature-based gender intelligent recognition based on the Adaboost algorithm
- Demographic bias: A challenge for fingervein recognition systems?
- Cascade Classification of Face Liveliness Detection Using Heart Beat Measurement
- AutoFER: PCA and PSO based automatic facial emotion recognition
- Frame Aggregation and Multi-Modal Fusion Framework for Video-Based Person Recognition
- Demographic bias in presentation attack detection of iris recognition systems
- Stretch Sensor-Based Facial Expression Recognition and Classification Using Machine Learning
- Incremental approach for multi-modal face expression recognition system using deep neural networks
- Research on Implementation of User Authentication Based on Gesture Recognition of Human
- Speech Expression Multimodal Emotion Recognition Based on Deep Belief Network
- Do I know you? The role of culture in racial essentialism and facial recognition memory
- WDR FACE: The First Database for Studying Face Detection in Wide Dynamic Range
- Facial expressions recognition and discrimination in Parkinson’s disease
- An Electronic Gate System That Monitors Staff Attendance and Performs Access Control Using Facial Recognition Technology
- A Unified Model for Face Detection Using Multiple Task Cascaded Neural Network Prepended with Non-local Mean Denoising Algorithm
- A new method for protein characterization and classification using geometrical features for 3D face analysis: an example of tubulin structures
- Factors influencing consumers’ adoptions of biometric recognition payment devices: combination of initial trust and UTAUT model
- A Large-Scale, Time-Synchronized Visible and Thermal Face Dataset
- A facial expression recognition model using hybrid feature selection and support vector machines
- Facial Expression Recognition: A Meta-Analytic Review of Theoretical Models and Neuroimaging Evidence
- Biometric Recognition
- Recognition of Similar Gait Pattern Using Transfer Learning DarkNet
- High-fidelity face manipulation with extreme poses and expressions
- A Novel Approach to 3D Face Registration for Biometric Analysis Using RCompute_ICP
- Fusion of machine learning and privacy preserving for secure facial expression recognition
- 3D recognition & automated access control reconstruction from a single image
- Independent Sign Language Recognition with 3d Body, Hands, and Face Reconstruction
- A Compact Deep Learning Model for Face Spoofing Detection
- Deep Sparse Autoencoder Network for Facial Emotion Recognition
- Deep face clustering using residual graph convolutional network
- Responsible AI: Gender bias assessment in emotion recognition
- Study of Process-Focused Assessment Using an Algorithm for Facial Expression Recognition Based on a Deep Neural Network Model
- Facial expression recognition using local multidirectional score pattern descriptor and modified hidden Markov model
- The ethics of facial recognition technology
- Emotional targeting using digital signage systems and facial recognition at the point-of-sale
- High resolution face age editing
- Facial expression recognition with trade-offs between data augmentation and deep learning features
- Machine Vision Based Phenotype Recognition of Plant and Animal
- A Racial Recognition Method Based on Facial Color and Texture for Improving Demographic Classification
- Video Expression Recognition Method Based on Spatiotemporal Recurrent Neural Network and Feature Fusion.
- Algorithms for face localisation, facial feature extraction and
- Age, Gender Prediction and Emotion recognition using Convolutional Neural Network
- Nonlinear loose coupled non-negative matrix factorization for low-resolution image recognition
- Hand Recognition System Based on Invariant Moments Features
- Facial expression recognition based on deep learning convolution neural network: A review
- Constructing multilayer locality-constrained matrix regression framework for noise robust face super-resolution
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation as a Tool for Multiclass Face Analysis in Thermal Infrared
- Saliency Maps-Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition
- Custom Face Classification Model for Classroom Using Haar-Like and LBP Features with Their Performance Comparisons
- The ins and outs of speaker recognition: lessons from VoxSRC 2020
- Deep video code for efficient face video retrieval
- Supervised Cross-Database Transfer Learning-Based Facial Expression Recognition
- Assessing engagement levels in a non-face-to-face learning environment through facial expression analysis
- AdaBoost-KNN with Direct Optimization for Dynamic Emotion Recognition
- Landmark-Aware and Part-based Ensemble Transfer Learning Network for Facial Expression Recognition from Static images
- Recognition of Mechanical Tools Using Artificial Neural Network
- Contemplated Approach for Forthwith Masked Facial Key patterns Detection, Recognition and Facial Identification from Colored and Noisy Image using Deep …
- FPGAN: Face de-identification method with generative adversarial networks for social robots
- Face Gender Recognition in the Wild: An Extensive Performance Comparison of Deep-Learned, Hand-Crafted, and Fused Features with Deep and Traditional Models
- Saving Face; The Unconstitutional Use of Facial Recognition on Undocumented Immigrants and Solutions in IP
- Performance Analysis of Different Loss Function in Face Detection Architectures
- One-Shot Image Recognition Using Prototypical Encoders With Reduced Hubness
- Automatic facial recognition and the intensification of police surveillance
- Prior audio-visual learning facilitates auditory-only speech and voice-identity recognition in noisy listening conditions
- Facial Expression Recognition with CNN-LSTM
- Long-tailed recognition using class-balanced experts
- On the (Im) Practicality of Adversarial Perturbation for Image Privacy
- Companion Guided Soft Margin for Face Recognition
- DFH-GAN: A Deep Face Hashing with Generative Adversarial Network
- Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior
- Human–Ear Recognition Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform
- Facial Expression Recognition using Neural Network
- MobileNet Mask: A Multi-phase Face Mask Detection Model to Prevent Person-To-Person Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
- A biomimetic covering learning method based on principle of homology continuity
- Voice recognition system using machine learning techniques
- Research on facial expression recognition of video stream based on OpenCV
- Multi-level spatial and semantic enhancement network for expression recognition
- Facial expression recognition for low resolution images using convolutional neural networks and denoising techniques
- Custom Face Classification Model for Classroom Using Haar-Like and LBP Features with Their Performance Comparisons. Electronics 2021, 10, 102
- Facial expression description and recognition based on fuzzy semantic concepts
- Mask-aware photorealistic facial attribute manipulation
- Bangladeshi Banknote Recognition in Real-time using Convolutional Neural Network for Visually Impaired People
- Deep Models for Improving the Performance and Reliability of Person Recognition
- Remote Pulse Estimation in the Presence of Face Masks
- Deep Learning-Based Paperless Attendance Monitoring System
- A robust real time object detection and recognition algorithm for multiple objects
- Multi-facial patches aggregation network for facial expression recognition and facial regions contributions to emotion display
- Detection and Recognition of Moving Video Objects: Kalman Filtering with Deep Learning
- Human activity recognition by manifold regularization based dynamic graph convolutional networks
- Multi-attention based deep neural network with hybrid features for dynamic sequential facial expression recognition
- Hand Sign Recognition using CNN
- Facial expression recognition based on facial part attention mechanism
- Dcnn-based facial expression recognition using transfer learning
- REORGANIZATION OF FACE-RACE CATEGORIES IN INFANCY Reorganization in the Representation of Face-Race Categories From 6 to 9 Months of Age …
- WearMask: Fast In-browser Face Mask Detection with Serverless Edge Computing for COVID-19
- E-FCNN for tiny facial expression recognition
- Facial Emotion Recognition from an Unmanned Flying Social Robot for Home Care of Dependent People
- A joint Mapping and Synthesis approach for Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
- Development of a deep multimodal hedonic recognition database for oral stimuli
- Supervised attention for speaker recognition
- Emotion Recognition using Gamma Correction Technique Applied to HOG and LBP Features
- Dive into Ambiguity: Latent Distribution Mining and Pairwise Uncertainty Estimation for Facial Expression Recognition
- Deep Learning-based Face Super-resolution: A Survey
- Enhancement of Multi-Target Tracking Performance via Image Restoration and Face Embedding in Dynamic Environments
- A novel approach for ear recognition: learning Mahalanobis distance features from deep CNNs
- Deep Learning for COVID-19 Recognition
- Involution: Inverting the inherence of convolution for visual recognition
- Concise CNN model for face expression recognition
- Weakly-Supervised Multi-Face 3D Reconstruction
- An Automatic System to Monitor the Physical Distance and Face Mask Wearing of Construction Workers in COVID-19 Pandemic
- Real-time isolated hand sign language recognition using deep networks and SVD
- DB-GAN: Boosting Object Recognition Under Strong Lighting Conditions
- Earprint recognition using deep learning technique
- TSNN: Three-Stream Combining 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Micro-Expression Recognition
- A hybrid 3D feature recognition method based on rule and graph
- Contextually Aware Multimodal Emotion Recognition
- Where Do Deep Fakes Look? Synthetic Face Detection via Gaze Tracking
- License Plate Recognition
- Facial Recognition in the Public Sector: The Policy Landscape
- Study of Mechanized Recognition of Driver’s Smartphone Exploiting Common Vehicle-Riding Actions
- Multi-factor Authentication-Based E-Exam Management System (EEMS)
- Automated Attendance Management Using Hybrid Approach in Image Processing
- Contactless Attendance Management System using Artificial Intelligence
- Research on Moving Target Recognition and Tracking Technology Based on Machine Learning
- A Survey on Automatic Multimodal Emotion Recognition in the Wild
- On the Basis of Frequency Distribution Algorithm: Implementing a Smart Attendance System in the Field of Corporate Management
- Gabor Filter and ICA-Based Facial Expression Recognition Using Two-Layered Hidden Markov Model
- Mask Recognition Method Based on Graph Convolutional Network
- A Machine Learning Approach for the Classification of the Buddha Statues of Borobudur (Indonesia)
- Generation of an EDS Key Based on a Graphic Image of a Subject’s Face Using the RC4 Algorithm
- Speech Recognition Using Spectrogram-Based Visual Features
- 3D facial recognition using local feature-based methods and accuracy assessment
- Third-party kinship recognition
- Generation of an EDS Key Based on a Graphic Image of a Subject’s Face Using the RC4 Algorithm. Information 2021, 12, 19
- Video-based Facial Expression Recognition using Graph Convolutional Networks
- Facial Expression Recognition Using Kernel Entropy Component Analysis Network and DAGSVM
- Speech disturbance plays critical role in stroke recognition during COVID-19 pandemic
- Age-related changes in amplitude, latency and specialization of ERP responses to faces and watches
- Gradient local auto-correlation features for depth human action recognition
- Application of Facial Symmetrical Characteristic to Transfer Learning
- A Low-Cost Portable Smart Card Based Attendance System
- GaitSet: Cross-view Gait Recognition through Utilizing Gait as a Deep Set
- RUR53: an unmanned ground vehicle for navigation, recognition, and manipulation
- A Novel Finger Vein Recognition Method Based on Aggregation of Radon-Like Features
- Online inspection of narrow overlap weld quality using two-stage convolution neural network image recognition
- Recognition and the Development Potential of Mobile Shopping of Customized Cosmetic on Untact COVID19 Period: Focused on 40’s to 60’s Women in Seoul …
- Convolutional Network based Animal Recognition using YOLO and Darknet
- Vehicle Recognition Using CNN
- Crowd Analysis in Public Transport Based on Face Detection
- Finger vein recognition based on zone-based minutia matching
- Deep-emotion: Facial expression recognition using attentional convolutional network
- Gravitational search algorithm based optimized deep learning model with diverse set of features for facial expression recognition
- Learning deep discriminative embeddings via joint rescaled features and log-probability centers
- Evaluation of distinctiveness pruning in neural networks for facial expression recognition
- Finger Vein Recognition Using Deep Learning
- Multideep Feature Fusion Algorithm for Clothing Style Recognition
- Nested Sparse Classification Method for Hierarchical Information Extraction
- Trustworthy Method for Person Identification in IIoT Environments by Means of Facial Dynamics
- Facial Expression Recognition with LBP and ORB Features
- An Efficient Multimodal Biometric System Integrated with Liveness Detection Technique
- Object detection and recognition: using deep learning to assist the visually impaired
- Chalearn LAP large scale signer independent isolated sign language recognition challenge: Design, results and future research
- Leveraging Graph Cut’s Energy Function for Context Aware Facial Recognition in Indoor Environments
- Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning
- Unlearnable Examples: Making Personal Data Unexploitable
- Deep Learning for RFI Artifact Recognition in Sentinel-1 Data
- Human Interaction Recognition Framework based on Interacting Body Part Attention
- Opportunities and challenges for the building monitoring systems in the age-pandemic of COVID-19: Review and prospects
- Messaging and Video Calling Application for Specially Abled people using Hand Gesture Recognition
- Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images
- Robots and Virtual Agents in Frontline Public Service
- Analysis and best parameters selection for person recognition based on gait model using CNN algorithm and image augmentation
- Facial Emotion Recognition Skills and Measures in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Device-free single-user activity recognition using diversified deep ensemble learning
- A Review of Plant Phenotypic Image Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning
- AI policy matters
- Research on fingerprint feature recognition of access control based on deep learning
- Understanding the robustness of skeleton-based action recognition under adversarial attack
- Falling-Point Recognition and Scoring Algorithm in Table Tennis Using Dual-Channel Target Motion Detection
- Forensic human image identification using medical indicators
- R-JaunLab: Automatic Multi-Class Recognition of Jaundice on Photos of Subjects with Region Annotation Networks
- Computer Vision-based Intelligent Bookshelf System
- Gender Identification Over Voice Sample Using Machine Learning
- The role of movement kinematics in facial emotion expression production and recognition.
- A passenger risk assessment method based on 5G-IoT
- Automatic facial expression recognition in standardized and non-standardized emotional expressions
- The year in cardiovascular medicine 2020: digital health and innovation
- Using metacognitive methods to examine emotion recognition in children with ADHD
- Am I the same person across my life span? An event-related brain potentials study of the temporal perspective in self-identity
- Image Pattern Recognition
- Surveillance video analysis for student action recognition and localization inside computer laboratories of a smart campus
- A Biometric Technology-Based Framework for Tackling and Preventing Crimes
- Deep Multi-Stage Approach For Emotional Body Gesture Recognition In Job Interview
- On-Road Crime Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
- A Review of Plant Phenotypic Image Recognition Technology Based on Deep Learning. Electronics 2021, 10, 81
- Affect recognition for multimodal natural language processing
- Energy-efficient multi-biometric system for Internet of Things using trust management
- Dual-graph regularized discriminative transfer sparse coding for facial expression recognition
- A novel pipeline framework for multi oriented scene text image detection and recognition
- Linear Programming in Market Management Using Artificial Intelligence
- The extensive usage of the facial image threshing machine for facial emotion recognition performance
- Detecting residues of cosmic events using residual neural network
- Metacognition of emotion recognition across neurodegenerative diseases
- Recognition of emotions and affective attitudes in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Adversarial co-distillation learning for image recognition
- Cloud Computing based Intelligent Bank Locker System
- Immunology and microbiology: how do they affect social cognition and emotion recognition?
- Opportunities and Challenges for Biometrics
- Inner Eye Canthus Localization for Human Body Temperature Screening
- Different methods for lithology and mineralogy recognition
- Effects of glucocorticoid and noradrenergic activity on implicit and explicit facial emotion recognition in healthy young men
- Representative null space LDA for discriminative dimensionality reduction
- Person Identification Using Histogram of Gradient and Support Vector Machine on GEI
- Research on transfer learning of vision-based gesture recognition
- Elevated diversity in loci linked to facial morphology is consistent with the hypothesis that individual facial recognition is important across hominoids
- Deep distillation hashing for unconstrained palmprint recognition
- An Efficient Login Authentication System against Multiple Attacks in Mobile Devices
- A Comparison Study on Shape Parameter Selection in Pattern Recognition by Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
- GAN-Control: Explicitly Controllable GANs
- Emotion recognition in nonhuman primates: How experimental research can contribute to a better understanding of underlying mechanisms
- Multimodal emotion recognition using deep learning
- Using Feature Selection Based on Multi-view for Rice Seed Images Classification
- Fight hard or die trying: when plants face pathogens under heat stress
- Gesture Recognition Based on Multiscale Singular Value Entropy and Deep Belief Network
- Using Spasmodic Closure Patterns to Simplify Visual Voice Activity Detection
- SIGAI annual report: July 1 2019-June 30 2020
- Deep audio-visual learning: A survey
- An Open System for Collection and Automatic Recognition of Pottery through Neural Network Algorithms
- Retrieval of Facial Sketches Using Linguistic Descriptors: An Approach Based on Hierarchical Classification of Facial Attributes
- Challenges and opportunities in biometric security: A survey
- Korean video dataset for emotion recognition in the wild
- Overview of e-Science Research in China
- Transfer learning using Tsallis entropy: An application to Gravity Spy
- Orthogonal Nonnegative Tucker Decomposition
- A Survey of Image Enhancement and Object Detection Methods
- Feeling Recognition by Facial Expression Using Deep Learning
- Facial Spoof Detection Using Support Vector Machine
- A hierarchical sampling based triplet network for fine-grained image classification
- A Novel Approach to Communicate with Video Game Character using Cascade Classifiers
- Multi-Scale Frequency Bands Ensemble Learning for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
- Hand-Based Person Identification using Global and Part-Aware Deep Feature Representation Learning
- Evaluation of hidden Markov models using deep CNN features in isolated sign recognition
- End-to-end Deep Learning pipeline for Facial Expression Recognition
- Optimal discriminative feature and dictionary learning for image set classification
- Rethinking patient consent in the era of artificial intelligence and big data
- Dynamic Emotion Understanding Based on Two-Layer Fuzzy Fuzzy Support Vector Regression-Takagi-Sugeno Model
- Sharing Pain: Using Domain Transfer Between Pain Types for Recognition of Sparse Pain Expressions in Horses
- Facial Expressions Recognition System Using FPGA-Based Convolutional Neural Network
- A Study on Image Analysis and Recognition Using Learning Methods: CNN as the Best Image Learner
- An Intelligent Doorbell Design Using Federated Deep Learning
- … Semantic Scene Characteristics and Multi-Stream Convolutional Architectures in a Contextual Approach for Video-Based Visual Emotion Recognition in the Wild
- VisualVoice: Audio-Visual Speech Separation with Cross-Modal Consistency
- Classification of Facial Part Movement Acquired from Kinect V1 and Kinect V2
- SLiKER: Sparse loss induced kernel ensemble regression
- Advance Security and Challenges with Intelligent IoT Devices
- Biologically inspired visual computing: the state of the art
- Research on Voiceprint Recognition Technology Based on Deep Neural Network
- Artificial Intelligence and Frontline Public Service
- Optokinetic response for mobile device biometric liveness assessment
- Two-Stage Facial Mask Detection Model for Indoor Environments
- An expanded model for perceptual visual single object recognition system using expectation priming following neuroscientific evidence
- Speaker Recognition Based on Fusion of a Deep and Shallow Recombination Gaussian Supervector
- A comparative study of Autistic Children Emotion recognition based on Spatio-Temporal and Deep analysis of facial expressions features during a Meltdown Crisis
- Offline Writer Recognition for Kurdish Handwritten Text Document Based on Proposed Codebook
- Synthetic humans for action recognition from unseen viewpoints
- Mobile behavior trusted certification based on multivariate behavior sequences
- Multiple Hand Gestures for Cursor Movement Using Convolution Neural Networks
- MPPCANet: A feedforward learning strategy for few-shot image classification
- One-shot Representational Learning for Joint Biometric and Device Authentication
- Facial Imitation Improves Emotion Recognition in Adults with Different Levels of Sub-Clinical Autistic Traits
- Gender Differences in Moral Influences on Adolescents’ Eyewitness Identification
- Knowledge distillation: A survey
- Person identification at airports during passport control
- Factors affecting entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and exploitation in the context of the Iranian Agriculture sector
- Recognition of imbalanced underwater acoustic datasets with exponentially weighted cross-entropy loss
- Hierarchical fusion network for periocular and iris by neural network approximation and sparse autoencoder
- Tamper detection in pipeline girth welding based on radiographic images
- Multi-level Metric Learning for Few-shot Image Recognition
- A Low-Cost Portable Handheld System for Monitoring and Verification of Vehicle Documents
- Temperature network for few-shot learning with distribution-aware large-margin metric
- Neural Networks for Keyword Spotting on IoT Devices
- RF-Wri: An Efficient Framework for RF-Based Device-Free Air-Writing Recognition
- Highly transparent solid-state artificial synapse based on oxide memristor
- Texture classification based on image (natural and horizontal) visibility graph constructing methods
- Good image representations ease the solution of problems
- Recognition of Change in Facial Expressions From Video Sequence Using Incenter-Circumcenter Pair Gradient Signature
- Gradient Based Approach to Mouth Shape Recognition
- Personalized Federated Deep Learning for Pain Estimation From Face Images
- Real-life accounts on the research trail
- Extreme Learning Machine for Heartbeat Classification with Hybrid Time-Domain and Wavelet Time-Frequency Features
- DeepPoison: Feature Transfer Based Stealthy Poisoning Attack
- The impact of aging on the subregions of the fusiform gyrus in healthy older adults
- Review of micro-expression spotting and recognition in video sequences
- FFT-Based Zero-Bit Watermarking for Facial Recognition and Its Security
- Applying the Hidden Markov Model to Analyze Urban Mobility Patterns: An Interdisciplinary Approach
- Same-different conceptualization: a machine vision perspective
- Computer Vision Based Research on PCB Recognition Using SSD Neural Network
- Using Generative Adversarial Networks and Parameter Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Tumor Classification
- Facial Emotion Recognition Using Asymmetric Pyramidal Networks With Gradient Centralization
- Practical Face Reconstruction via Differentiable Ray Tracing
- Facial Image Indexing Using Locally Extracted Sparse Vectors
- A Novel M2CNN Method for Cervical Cancer Cell Recognition
- Mobile Healthcare Technology for People with Disabilities amid the COVID-19 pandemic
- Deep learning in Human Gait Recognition: An Overview
- Classification of rice leaf diseases using artificial neural network
- MLT-DNet: Speech emotion recognition using 1D dilated CNN based on multi-learning trick approach
- Neural Networks and their applications
- A Study of Embodiment and Its Relations with Body Awareness and Empathy
- A Taxonomy for Mining and Classifying Privacy Requirements in Issue Reports
- Driver drowsiness estimation based on factorized bilinear feature fusion and a long-short-term recurrent convolutional network
- Leveraging Edge Intelligence for Video Analytics in Smart City Applications
- A Training Method for Low Rank Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Alternating Tensor Compose-Decompose Method
- Evolutionary Encryption Algorithm Ensuring Privacy in Video Surveillance
- A novel content-based image retrieval approach for classification using GLCM features and texture fused LBP variants
- Human and machine validation of 14 databases of dynamic facial expressions
- The Recognition of Emotions Beyond Facial Expressions: Comparing Emoticons Specifically Designed to Convey Basic Emotions with Other Modes of Expression
- Different facial recognition patterns in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder assessed using a computerized emotional perception test and fMRI
- Character Recognition of Tulu Script Using Convolutional Neural Network
- Efficient prediction of trait judgments from faces using deep neural networks
- ODANet: Online Deep Appearance Network for Identity-Consistent Multi-Person Tracking
- Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction
- Old Handwritten Music Symbol Recognition Using Radon and Discrete Wavelet Transform
- FineFool: A novel DNN object contour attack on image recognition based on the attention perturbation adversarial technique
- Effect of stimulus dimension on perception and cognition
- Randomized non-linear PCA networks
- Siamese neural networks: An overview
- Challenges and Opportunities i
- Subtype-aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Diagnosis
- Structural Damage Detection with Modal Strain Energy Using Convolution Neural Network
- Automatic depression recognition using CNN with attention mechanism from videos
- An efficient enhanced automatic target recognition approach
- Understanding the impact of host facial characteristics on Airbnb pricing: Integrating facial image analytics into tourism research
- Context Matters: Self-Attention for Sign Language Recognition
- Mask Wearing Detection Algorithm Based on Improved Tiny YOLOv3
- Appliance identification using a histogram post-processing of 2d local binary patterns for smart grid applications
- GAN-Based Differential Private Image Privacy Protection Framework for the Internet of Multimedia Things
- Privacy-oriented analysis of ubiquitous computing systems: A 5-D approach
- Towards AI ingredients
- Nosology of Primary Progressive Aphasia and the Neuropathology of Language
- Machine Learning Based Predictive Model for Coronavirus Pandemic
- Comparison of face emotional recognition deficits in remitted schizophrenia and euthymic bipolar I disorder
- “I was the Woman, he was the Man”: dementia, recognition, recognisability and gendered subjectivity
- Multi-modal Emotion Feature Extraction
- Read my lips! Perception of speech in noise by preschool children with autism and the impact of watching the speaker’s face
- Human Activity Recognition through Recurrent Neural Networks for Human–Robot Interaction in Agriculture
- Human Identification with Dental Panoramic Images Based on Deep Learning
- Exploration of human activity recognition using a single sensor for stroke survivors and able-bodied people
- Introduction of Cognition Science
- Fault detection for centrifugal chillers using a Kernel Entropy Component Analysis (KECA) method
- Turning the Face Inversion Effect on Its Head: Violated Expectations of Orientation, Lighting, and Gravity Enhance N170 Amplitudes
- Multi-level uncorrelated discriminative shared Gaussian process for multi-view facial expression recognition
- Improving Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition with Semantic Segmentation
- Different hemispheric specialization for face/word recognition: A high-density ERP study with hemifield visual stimulation
- Matched Filter Design Using Dynamic Histogram for Power Quality Events Detection
- A Multimodal Biometric System Based on Finger Knuckle Print, Fingerprint, and Palmprint Traits
- Research on Gesture Recognition Method Based on Deep Learning
- Securing Biometric Framework with Cryptanalysis
- Material Texture Recognition using Ultrasonic Images with Transformer Neural Networks
- Imbalanced High-Resolution SAR Ship Recognition Method Based on a Lightweight CNN
- The impact of face masks on the recall of spoken sentences
- SEED: Self-supervised Distillation For Visual Representation
- Extreme Classification
- Exploiting Internet of Things (IoT) Services to Autism Children Emotion Recognition System
- Research of University Education Intelligent Agent
- Feature Line Embedding Based on Support Vector Machine for Hyperspectral Image Classification
- Privacy-Preserving Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication and User Profiling: A Review
- Deep Reinforcement Learning-Empowered Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing in Cellular V2X Networks
- Taxonomy must engage with new technologies and evolve to face future challenges
- Hand gesture recognition via enhanced densely connected convolutional neural network
- E-mail: fcostas, tefas, pitasg@ zeus. csd. auth. gr
- More than just an auxiliary loss: Anti-spoofing Backbone Training via Adversarial Pseudo-depth Generation
- Human activity recognition based on smartphone and wearable sensors using multiscale DCNN ensemble
- Comparative analysis of image classification algorithms based on traditional machine learning and deep learning
- Nonnegative Feature Learning by Regularized Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
- A Survey on Dynamic Sign Language Recognition
- Evolutionary Deep Fusion Method and Its Application in Chemical Structure Recognition
- Image Edge Detection by Mean Difference Thresholding
- A Collaborative BSN-Enabled Architecture for Multi-user Activity Recognition
- Real-Time Hair Segmentation Using Mobile-Unet
- Individual Differences in Intrinsic Brain Networks Predict Symptom Severity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- MaskCOV: A Random Mask Covariance Network for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
- Exploring Adversarial Fake Images on Face Manifold
- Compression-Robust and Fuzzy-Based Feature-Fusion Model for Optimizing the Iris Recognition
- Neural network modeling of altered facial expression recognition in autism spectrum disorders based on predictive processing framework
- Compressed Medical Image Retrieval Using Data Mining and Optimized Recurrent Neural Network Techniques
- LPPCNN: A Laplacian Pyramid-based Pulse Coupled Neural Network Method for Medical Image Fusion
- A new approach for classifying coronavirus COVID-19 based on its manifestation on chest X-rays using texture features and neural networks
- Finger Vein Recognition and Intra-Subject Similarity Evaluation of Finger Veins using the CNN Triplet Loss
- International Organizations and Standards
- An Improved Integrated Clustering Learning Strategy Based on Three-Stage Affinity Propagation Algorithm with Density Peak Optimization Theory
- Recognition of industrial machine parts based on transfer learning with convolutional neural network
- Facial expression recognition method with multi-label distribution learning for non-verbal behavior understanding in the classroom
- Kernel two-dimensional ridge regression for subspace clustering
- Wearable Assistance Device for the Visually Impaired
- Having Fun with Computer Vision
- Technology-enabled personalization in retail stores: Understanding drivers and barriers
- Optimal Randomness for Stochastic Configuration Network (SCN) with Heavy-Tailed Distributions
- Non-segmentation frameworks for accurate and robust iris recognition
- Generation and detection of media clones
- Operational strategy of customized bus considering customers’ variety seeking behavior and service level
- Video super-resolution based on a spatio-temporal matching network
- Blog text quality assessment using a 3D CNN-based statistical framework
- To” See” is to Stereotype: Image Tagging Algorithms, Gender Recognition, and the Accuracy-Fairness Trade-off
- Phase Transitions in Recovery of Structured Signals from Corrupted Measurements
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Recognition of lane-changing behaviour with machine learning methods at freeway off-ramps
- The globalization of artificial intelligence: consequences for the politics of environmentalism
- Survey on Deep Multi-modal Data Analytics: Collaboration, Rivalry, and Fusion
- Co-design of Gesture-Based Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) Recognition
- Real-Time Hair Segmentation Using Mobile-Unet. Electronics 2021, 10, 99
- Entropy based dictionary learning for image classification
- Setting Up Ad Hoc Computing as a Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Cloud Computing Environment
- Effectiveness of artificial intelligence techniques against cyber security risks apply of IT industry
- Resolution-Based Distillation for Efficient Histology Image Classification
- Using spotted hyena optimizer for training feedforward neural networks
- Machine Learning on Cloud with Blockchain: A Secure, Verifiable and Fair Approach to Outsource the Linear Regression
- Presentation Attack Detection Framework
- Quantitative Ultrasound Texture Analysis to Assess the Spastic Muscles in Stroke Patients
- Emotion recognition in low-resource settings: An evaluation of automatic feature selection methods
- Multi-image 3-D Scene Reconstruction
- Industrial objects recognition in intelligent manufacturing for computer vision
- Use of Deep Learning for Disease Detection and Diagnosis
- Information technology solutions, challenges, and suggestions for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic
- An independent three-factor mutual authentication and key agreement scheme with privacy preserving for multiserver environment and a survey
- Combining pretrained CNN feature extractors to enhance clustering of complex natural images
- The Effect of Pre-Event Instructions on Eyewitness Identification Stage 1 Registered Report Manuscript
- Best ways computation intelligent of face cyber attacks
- (Mis) recognition in the Therapeutic Alliance: The Experience of Mental Health Interpreters Working With Refugees in UK Clinical Settings
- Rock Burst Precursor Electromagnetic Radiation Signal Recognition Method and Early Warning Application Based on Recurrent Neural Networks
- Lung CT Image Segmentation Using Reinforcement Learning