William Wordsworth MCQs [English Literature & Famous Authors]

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 12, 2025

Collection of important MCQs on William Wordsworth

  1. “Trailing clouds of glory do we come from God,

Who is our Home!”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Excursion

(B) Tintern Abbey

(C) Immortality Ode

(D) Prelude

Question’s Answer: Immortality Ode

william wordsworth info
William words worth info

2. Wordsworth’s famous Preface to the Lyrical Ballads was:

(A) The Preface to the first edition of the Lyrical Ballads

(B) A rejoinder to Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria

(C) A separate supplement to the Lyrical Ballads

(D) The Preface to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballad

Question’s Answer: The Preface to the second edition of the Lyrical Ballads

3. “We are laid asleep in body and become a living soul.” which poem of Wordsworth having this line?

(A) Immortality

(B) OdeTintern Abbey

(C) The Prelude

(D) The Excursion

Question’s Answer: Tintern Abbey

4. Why is the year 1798 taken to be the year of the beginning of the Romantic Movement?

(A) Because it was the year of Wordsworth’s birth

(B) Because it was the year in which James Thomson’s Seasons was published

(C) Because it was the year in which Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads were published

(D) Because it was the year in which the French Revolution started

Question’s Answer: Because it was the year in which Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads were published

william wordsworth books names
william wordsworth books names

Wordsworth was popularly famous as the poet of which of the following?

(A) Lancashire Region

(B) Lake Districts

(C) Wessex Region

(D) Waverly Region

Question’s Answer: Lake Districts

Wordsworth wrote a sonnet on:

(A) Shakespeare

(B) Milton

(C) Sidney

(D) Ben Jonson

Question’s Answer: Milton

“For Nature then

To me was all in all.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Tintern Abbey

(B) The Excursion

(C) Education of Nature

(D) The World is Too Much with Us

Question’s Answer: Tintern Abbey

After whom Wordsworth became the Poet Laureate of England ?

(A) Robert Southey

(B) Walter Scott

(C) Coleridge

(D) Dryden

Question’s Answer: Robert Southey

Who accused Wordsworth of being a ‘Lost Leader’?

(A) Shelley

(B) Browning

(C) Arnold

(D) Byron

Question’s Answer: Browning

Why was Wordsworth accused of being a ‘Lost Leader’?

(A) Because he gave up the reason of supporting the French Revolution

(B) Because he began disappointing the younger Romantic poets

(C) Because he accepted the post of the Poet Laureateship of England

(D) Because he began refuting the established poetic theories

Question’s Answer: Because he accepted the post of the Poet Laureateship of England

“Just for a handful of silver he left us, Just for a riband  in his coat.” Browning writes these lines on Wordsworth in which of the following poem.

What is the title of the poem written by Browning?

(A) The Lost Leader

(B) The Patriot

(C) Prospice

(D) Memorabilia

Question’s Answer: The Lost Leader

“But Europe at that time was thrilled with joy

France standing on the top of golden hours,

and human nature seeming born anew.”

In these parts, Wordsworth referring to _______.

(A) The beginning of the Age

(B) The period of discovery of new lands

(C) The period of the French Revolution

(D) The period of the new discoveries in science

Question’s Answer: The period of the French Revolution

“Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,

But to be young was very heaven.”

What era of history do these lines refer to?

(A) To the period of French Revolution

(B) To the period of Renaissance in Europe

(C) To the Romantic period in literature

(D) To the period of Commonwealth in England

Question’s Answer: To the period of French Revolution

“They flash upon that inward eye,

Which is the bliss of solitude.”

These lines taken from Which poem?

(A) Rainbow

(B) Tintern Abbey

(C) Daffodils

(D) The Solitary Reaper

Question’s Answer: Daffodils

“Nature never did betray

The heart that loved her.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Written in Early Spring

(B) Prelude

(C) Tintern Abbey

(D) Daffodils

Question’s Answer: Tintern Abbey

“The child is father of the man

And I could wish my days to be

Bound each to each by natural piety.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) To Lucy

(B) To a Butterfly

(C) Solitary Reaper

(D) My Heart Leaps Up

Question’s Answer: My Heart Leaps Up

Who was or were the authors of the Lyrical Ballads?

(A) Wordsworth alone

(B) Wordsworth and Walter Scoti

(C) Wordsworths and Coleridge

(D) Wordsworth and Southey

Question’s Answer: Wordsworths and Coleridge

Wordsworth’s Prelude is a:

(A) Philosophical poem

(B) Autobiographical poem

(C) Metaphysical poem

(D) A Narrative poem

Question’s Answer: Autobiographical poem

“To me the meanest flower that grows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.” This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Early Spring

(B) Immortality Ode

(C) The Daffodils

(D) The Rainbow

Question’s Answer: Immortality Ode

“O joy! that in our embers

Is something that doth live,

That nature yet remembers

What was so fugitive.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) The Prelude

(B) Tintern Abbey

(C) Immortality Ode

(D) The Excursion

Question’s Answer: Immortality Ode

“Stern Daughter of the Voice of God !” Who is this ‘Stern Daughter’ ?

(A) Duty

(B) Nature

(C) Soul

(D) Conscience

Question’s Answer: Duty

………….in his hand

The thing became a trumpet, whence he blew

Soul-animating strains…………”

In whose hand according to Wordsworth?

(A) Milton’s

(B) Shakespeare’s

(C) Sidney’s

(D) Dryden’s

Question’s Answer: Milton’s

The sweetest thing that ever grew Beside a human door.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Daffodils

(B) To Lucy

(C) Early Spring

(D) The Solitary Reaper

Question’s Answer: To Lucy

“Dust as we are, the immortal spirit grows

Like harmony in music; there is a dark

Inscrutable workmanship that reconciles

Discordant elements.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) The Prelude

(B) Immortality Ode

(C) The Excursion

(D) Tintern Abbey

Question’s Answer: The Prelude

Which type of poem is Laodamia?

(A) An elegy

(B) A narrative poem

(C) An ode

(D) A sonnet

Question’s Answer: A narrative poem

“Me this unchartered freedom tires:

I feel the weight of chance-desires.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) Laodamia

(B) The Leech-Gatherer

(C) Ode to Duty

(D) Michael

Question’s Answer: Ode to Duty

“Come, blessed barrier between day and day,

Dear mother of fresh thought and joyous health.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) To Sleep

(B) Immortality Ode

(C) Strange Fits of Passion Have I Famous

(D) Early Spring

Question’s Answer: To Sleep

Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart.” Whose

soul Wordsworth is referring to in

the above line?

(A) Shakespeare’s

(B) Chaucer’s

(C) Spenser’s

(D) Milton’s

Question’s Answer: Milton’s

The Cottage which was named the ‘Evening Star”,

Is gone.”

Whose cottage is referred to ?

(A) Of the Highland Girl

(B) of the Leech-Gatherer

(C) Of Michael

(D) Of Lucy

Question’s Answer: Of Michael

“Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,

Hath had elsewhere its setting

And cometh from afar.”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

(A) The Prelude

(B) Tintern Abbey

(C) The Excursion

(D) The Immortality Ode

Question’s Answer: The Immortality Ode

Wordsworth’s planned “Lyrical Ballads” with Coleridge in:
(a) 1796
(b) 1800
(c) 1799
(d) 1797
Question’s Answer: 1797

Wordsworth’s poem “My Heart Leaps Up” was in:
(a) 1802
(b) 1801
(c) 1800
(d) 1803
Question’s Answer: 1802

Wordsworth was honoured with a visit by the Queen Dowager in:
(a) 1842
(b) 1841
(c) 1840
(d) 1843
Question’s Answer: 1840

Wordsworth recorded his impression of a manufacturing district of the northern England in:
(a) Book III of The Excursion
(b) Book II of The Excursion
(c) Book VIII of The Excursion
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Book VIII of The Excursion

The poem “Lucy” was written in the
(a) Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads
(b) First edition of Lyrical Ballads
(c) Third Edition of Lyrical Ballads
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Second Edition of Lyrical Ballads

Wordsworth was appointed “Poet Laureate” in succession to Southey in:
(a) 1848
(b) 1845
(c) 1847
(d) 1843
Question’s Answer: 1843

Wordsworth’s poem “The Sparrow Nest” was published in which year?
(a) 1800
(b) 1802
(c) 1801
(d) 1803
Question’s Answer: 1801

Wordsworth pass away in:
(a) 1856
(b) 1854
(c) 1855
(d) 1850
Question’s Answer: 1850

Which is not a contemporary of Wordsworth?
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Scott
(c) Southey
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Shakespeare

Wordsworth’s Sonnet “I Thought of Thee” was published in which year?
(a) 1819
(b) 1822
(c) 1821
(d) 1820
Question’s Answer: 1820

Which is not a poem by Wordsworth?
(a) Departure and Arrival
(b) Daffodils
(c) To The Cuckoo
Question’s Answer: Departure and Arrival

13. Wordsworth’s poem “The Excursion” belongs to the period between:
(a) 1790-1797
(b) 1790-1798
(c) 1791-1797
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1791-1797

Which is not a poem by Wordsworth?
(a) Ode to Autumn
(b) The Prelude
(c) Solitary Reaper
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Ode to Autumn

Wordsworth was appointed distributor of stamps for his district in:
(a) 1812
(b) 1814
(c) 1813
(d) 1815
Question’s Answer: 1813

Wordsworth’s poem “The Prelude” was finished in:
(a) 1810
(b) 1806
(c) 1805
(d) 1811
Question’s Answer: 1805

Wordsworth’s Sonnet “Scorn Not The Sonnet” was published in which year?
(a) 1921
(b) 1923
(c) 1922
(d) 1924
Question’s Answer: 1923

Wordsworth’s Poem “The River Duddon” was published in which year?
(a) 1823
(b) 1821
(c) 1822
(d) 1820
Question’s Answer: 1820

Wordsworth’s best work was done between:
(a) 1795 and 1806
(b) 1796 and 1808
(c) 1796 and 1807
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1796 and 1808

Wordsworth, his sister Dorothy and Coleridge went to Germany in:
(a) 1798
(b) 1797
(c) 1790
(d) 1799
Question’s Answer: 1798

Wordsworth lived in close association with Coleridge during:
(a) 1797-1798
(b) 1799-1800
(c) 1797-1799
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1797-1798

Wordsworth married his cousin in
(a) 1801
(b) 1802
(c) 1803
Question’s Answer: 1802

Wordsworth’s poem “The Excursion” was published in which year?
(a) 1815
(b) 1814
(c) 1816
(d) 1817
Question’s Answer: 1814

A young friend of Wordsworth Raisley Calvert left him a legacy of 900 in:
(a) 1790
(b) 1797
(c) 1796
(d) 1795
Question’s Answer: 1795

Wordsworth went on making changes in “The Prelude” between:
(a) 1805 and 1840
(b) 1805 and 1830
(c) 1805 and 1850
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1805 and 1850

Wordsworth received an degree from the University of Durham in:
(a) 1841
(c) 1840
(b) 1839
(d) 1838
Question’s Answer: 1838

“The Prelude” was published in
(a) 1845
(b) 1861
(c) 1860
(d) 1850
Question’s Answer: 1850

“The Prelude” consists of:
(a) Ten Books
(b) Fourteen Books
(c) Thirteen Books
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Fourteen Books

Which book of the Prelude deals with Wordsworth’s stay at Cambridge?
(a) Book III
(b) Book II
(c) Book I
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Book III

Wordsworth’s poem “The White Doe of Rylstone” was published in which year?
(a) 1817
(b) 1815
(c) 1816
(d) 1810
Question’s Answer: 1810

Wordsworth received another honorary degree from the University of Oxford in:
(a) 1839
(b) 1837
(c) 1841
(d) 1842
Question’s Answer: 1839

“The Prelude” by Wordsworth was written between.
(a) 1799 and 1806
(b) 1798 and 1806
(c) 1799 and 1805
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1799 and 1805

Which book of “The Prelude” deals with the French Revolution and Wordsworth’s stay in France?
(a) III
(b) V
(c) IV
(d) LX
Question’s Answer: LX

Who said Wordsworth was the “Historian of Wordsworthshire”?
(a) Lowell
(b) Raleigh
(c) Carlyle
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Lowell

Wordsworth regarded nature as:
(a) A moral teacher
(b) A loving mother
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Both (a) & (b)

“The Prelude” is:
(a) Autobiographical Poem
(b) Political Poem
(c) Biographical Poem
(d) Satire
Question’s Answer: Autobiographical Poem

Which book of “The Prelude” records the destruction of Wordsworth’s faith in the arrival of a new dawn?
(a) X
(b) IV
(c) V
(d) XI
Question’s Answer: X

Wordsworth’s “Lyrical Ballads” (with Coleridge) was published in which year?
(a) 1796
(b) 1798
(c) 1797
(d) 1799
Question’s Answer: 1798

“Wordsworth’s Sonnets” were published in:
(a) 1841
(b) 1839
(c) 1840
(d) 1838
Question’s Answer: 1838

Which book of “The Prelude” is concerned with the first stage of nature’s role in Wordsworth’s life?
(a) Book II
(b) Book I
(c) Book IV
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Book I

When Wordsworth’s mother pass away he was:
(a) Eight years old
(b) Seven years old
(c) Nine years old
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Eight years old

William Wordsworth was born in:
(a) 1760
(b) 1781
(c) 1780
(d) 1770
Question’s Answer: 1770

When Wordsworth’s father pass away he was:
(a) Thirteen Years old
(b) Twelve Years old
(c) Ten Years old
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Thirteen Years old

Wordsworth went to St. John’s College, Cambridge in:
(a) 1786
(b) 1789
(c) 1788
(d) 1787
Question’s Answer: 1787

Wordsworth made a trip to the Alps in
(a) 1780
(b) 1793
(c) 1792
(d) 1790
Question’s Answer: 1790

William Wordsworth was the:
(a) Second Son of John Wordsworth
(b) First son of John Wordsworth
(c) Third Son of John Wordsworth
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Second Son of John Wordsworth

Wordsworth’s “Peter Bell and Waggoner” was published in which year?
(a) 1817
(b) 1820
(c) 1819
(d) 1818
Question’s Answer: 1819

Wordsworth was placed on the civil pensions list in:
(a) 1842
(b) 1841
(c) 1843
(d) 1844
Question’s Answer: 1842

Wordsworth’s poem” An Evening Walk” was published in which year?
(a) 1795
(b) 1791
(c) 1794
(d) 1793
Question’s Answer: 1793

The first edition of the “Lyrical Ballads” consisted of:
(a) Twenty poems
(b) Twenty-three poems
(c) Twenty-two poems
(d) Twenty-nine poems
Question’s Answer: Twenty-three poems

Wordsworth is the greatest Sonnets’ writer in English Literature next after:
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Milton
(c) Keats
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Question’s Answer: Both (a) and (b)

Wordsworth’s first visit to France had been made in:
(a) 1789
(b) 1792
(c) 1791
(d) 1790
Question’s Answer: 1790

Which book of “The Prelude” describes the influence of nature on Wordsworth?
(a) Book V
(b) Book II
(c) Book IV
(d) Book VI
Question’s Answer: Book II

Wordsworth visited France for the second time in:
(a) 1790
(b) 1798
(c) 1797
(d) 1791
Question’s Answer: 1791

The theme of “The Prelude” is:
(a) Contemporary politics
(b) Nature
(c) The Growth of Poet’s Mind
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: The Growth of Poet’s Mind

Wordsworth’s poem “I Wander Lonely as a Cloud” was published in which year?
(a) 1802
(b) 1804
(c) 1805
(d) 1803
Question’s Answer: 1804

Wordsworth’s poem “The Affliction of Margaret” was published in which year?
(a) 1807
(b) 1805
(c) 1806
(d) 1804
Question’s Answer: 1804

Wordsworth made friends with Coleridge in:
(a) 1326
(b) 1324
(c) 1323
(d) 1397
Question’s Answer: 1397

Wordsworth “Ode To Duty” was published in which year?
(a) 1805
(b) 1804
(c) 1806
(d) 1807
Question’s Answer: 1805

Wordsworth’s sonnet “It is a Beauteous Evening” was published in which year?
(a) 1803
(b) 1802
(c) 1804
(d) 1805
Question’s Answer: 1802

Wordsworth’s love for nature can be stupass away under.
(a) Two Heads
(b) Three Heads
(c) Four Heads
(d) Five Heads
Question’s Answer: Three Heads

Wordsworth’s poem “Character of the Happy Warrior” was published in which year?
(a) 1805
(b) 1808
(d) 1806
(c) 1807
Question’s Answer: 1806

Wordsworth’s love of nature consisted of:
(a) Four Stages
(b) Three Stages
(c) Five Stages
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Four Stages

How many sonnets were written by Wordsworth in the series?
(a) Thirty-four
(b) Thirty-three
(c) Thirty
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Thirty-four

Wordsworth’s Sonnet “The world is too much with us” was composed in:
(a) 1802
(b) 1810
(c) 1808
(d) 1806
Question’s Answer: 1806

Wordsworth’s poem “Lines Composed About Tintern Abbey” was published in which year?
(a) 1797
(b) 1800
(c) 1799
(d) 1798
Question’s Answer: 1798

Wordsworth’s poem “The Solitary Reaper” was published in which year?
(a) 1802
(b) 1804
(c) 1803
(d) 1805
Question’s Answer: 1803

Wordsworth’s Sonnets fall into:
(a) Six or Seven groups
(b) Five groups
(c) Two groups
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Six or Seven groups

Wordsworth’s political Sonnets were:
(a) Sixty
(b) Sixty-nine
(c) Sixty-four
(d) Seventy
Question’s Answer: Sixty-nine

Who is author of the Sparrow’s Nest?
(a) Keats
(b) Wordsworth
(c) Shelley
(d) Browning
Question’s Answer: Wordsworth

“The Recluse” by Wordsworth was were published:
(a) After his death
(b) In 1849
(c) In 1848
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: After his death

Which is not a poem by Wordsworth?
(a) The Solitary Reaper
(b) To the Cuckoo
(c) Ode to Nightingale
(d) Both (b) & (c)
Question’s Answer: Both (b) & (c)

Wordsworth’s “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” was published in which year?
(a) 1805-6
(b) 1804-6
(c) 1803-6
(d) 1806-7
Question’s Answer: 1803-6

Many Sonnets of Wordsworth were written during:
(a) 1820-25
(b) 1820-35
(c) 1820-30
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: 1820-35

Wordsworth’s “Song At the Feast of Brougham Castle” was published in
(a) 1809
(b) 1808
(c) 1807
(d) 1810
Question’s Answer: 1807

The Second and enlarged edition of Lyrical Ballads was published in which year?
(a) 1878
(b) 1800
(c) 1879
(d) 1900
Question’s Answer: 1800

How many ecclesiastical Sonnets were written by Wordsworth?
(a) One Hundred and Thirty Two
(b) One Hundred
(c) Two Hundred
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: One Hundred and Thirty Two

How many poems were written by Coleridge in the first edition of the Lyrical Ballads?
(a) Three
(b) Six
(c) Five
(d) Four
Question’s Answer: Four

Who is the author of the, “The World is Too Much With Us”?
(a) Wordsworth
(b) Southey
(c) Coleridge
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Wordsworth

How many poems were written by Wordsworth in the first edition of the “Lyrical Ballads”
(a) Twenty
(b) Nineteen
(c) Twenty-one
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Nineteen

“The Prelude” was commenced in
(a) 1797
(b) 1800
(c) 1799
(d) 1798
Question’s Answer: 1798

“The Prelude” was addressed to the:
(a) Keats
(b) Shelley
(c) Coleridge
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Coleridge

Who is the author of the “Daffodils”?
(a) Robert Frost
(b) Browning
(c) Keats
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: None of A, B, and C

Wordsworth’s poem the “Excursion” consisted of:
(a) Nine Books
(b) Eight Books
(c) Seven Books
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Nine Books

Wordsworth’s Sonnet composed by the sea side, was published in
(a) 1805
(b) 1803
(c) 1804
(d) 1802
Question’s Answer: 1802

Wordsworth’s poem Laodamia was composed in:
(a) 1814
(b) 1812
(c) 1813
(d) 1811
Question’s Answer: 1811

Wordsworth’s poem “To The Cuckoo” was published in which year?
(a) 1802
(b) 1803
(c) 1805
(d) 1804
Question’s Answer: 1804

Wordsworth wrote his best Sonnets mostly in:
(a) 1802
(b) 1801
(c) 1800
(d) 1803
Question’s Answer: 1802

Wordsworth wrote approximately:
(a) Three Hundred Sonnets
(b) Four Hundred Sonnets
(c) Six Hundred Sonnets
(d) Five Hundred Sonnets
Question’s Answer: Five Hundred Sonnets

Books of William Wordsworth

TitleYear PublishedGenre
“Lyrical Ballads”1798Poetry
“Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey”1798Poem
“Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Early Childhood”1807Poem
“The Prelude”1850 (posthumous)Autobiographical Poem
“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”1807Poem
“To a Skylark”1820Poem
“The Excursion”1814Epic Poem

 Basic information of William Wordsworth

Full NameWilliam Wordsworth
BornApril 7, 1770
DiedApril 23, 1850
OccupationPoet, Writer
Literary PeriodRomantic
Famous Works“Lyrical Ballads”, “The Prelude”, “Tintern Abbey”, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
Notable ThemesNature, the human mind, memory, childhood, the imagination
Literary StylePoetic simplicity, use of nature imagery, exploration of inner emotions
InfluencesRomanticism, nature, the French Revolution

MCQs & Summary of Some Famous Poems by William Wordsworth

  1. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud – MCQs & Summary
  2. Tintern Abbey – MCQs & Summary
  3. Ode: Intimations of Immortality – MCQs & Summary
  4. The World Is Too Much with Us – MCQs & Summary
  5. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge – MCQs & Summary
  6. The Solitary Reaper – MCQs & Summary
  7. My Heart Leaps Up – MCQs & Summary
  8. Lines Written in Early Spring – MCQs & Summary
  9. We Are Seven – MCQs & Summary
  10. Lucy Poems (She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways) – MCQs & Summary
  11. Resolution and Independence – MCQs & Summary

Famous English Authors MCQs

  1. William Wordsworth MCQs
  2. William Shakespeare MCQs
  3. Robert Browning MCQs
  4. W B Yeats MCQs
  5. Edmund Spenser MCQs
  6. Chaucer MCQs
  7. John Milton MCQs
  8. S T Coleridge MCQs
  9. Lord Byron MCQs
  10. PB Shelley MCQs
  11. John Dryden MCQs
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