John Milton MCQs [English Literature & Famous Authors]

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 22, 2024

Collection of important MCQs on John Milton

“Fame is the last infirmity of the noble mind.” In which poem of Milton does this line occur?

(A) Lycidas

(B) Paradise Regained

(C) Comus

(D) Samson Agonistes

Question’s Answer: Lycidas

john mithon basic info
john mithon basic info

How many English sonnets in all were written by Milton?

(A) 21

(B) 18

(C) 26

(D) 24

Question’s Answer: 18

What is Milton’s Comus?

(A) A poetic play

(B) A Narrative poem

(C) A masque

(D) An elegy

Question’s Answer: A masque

Who encourages his followers in these words?

(A) Beelzebub

(B) Satan

(C) Moloch

(D) Baalim

Question’s Answer: Satan

john mithon books names
john mithon books names

What is Milton’s On the Nativity of Christ?

(A) A sonnet

(B) A lyric

(C) An Idyll

(D) An Ode

Question’s Answer: An Ode

Lycidas is a pastoral elegy written by Milton on the death of his friend’:

(A) Edward King

(B) Cromwell

(C) Arthur Hallam

(D) Lord Fairfax

Question’s Answer: Edward King

Milton borrowed the idea/theme  for Comus from:

(A) Homer’s Iliad

(B) Virgil’s Aeneid

(C) Homer’s Odyssey

(D) Spenser’s Fairie Queene

Question’s Answer: Homer’s Odyssey

Milton derived the title for his Areopagitica from the Greek word ‘Areopagus’. What was


(A) The Greek God of Liberty

(B) A Greek King who supported freedom of speech

(C) A Greek hill where a tribunal for liberty of speech was held

(D) A Greek statesman who championed the cause of liberty of speech

Question’s Answer: A Greek hill where a tribunal for liberty of speech was held

“A mind not to be changed by place or time,

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.”

These lines show the spirit of which of the following?

(A) Revolution

(B) Renaissance

(C) Puritanism

(D) Reformation

“Before the greatness displayed in Milton’s poem, all other greatness shrinks away. The weakest of his agents are the highest and noblest of human beings, the original parents of mankind.”

Who admires Milton’s Paradise Lost in these words?

(A) Dryden

(B) Dr. Johnson

(C) Coleridge

(D) Hazlitt

Question’s Answer: Dr. Johnson

Who said of Milton: “Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart” ?

(A) Matthew Arnold

(B) Wordsworth

(C) Dr. Johnson

(D) Keats

Question’s Answer: Wordsworth

“Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour!”

Who remembers  Milton so passionately in a sonnet?

(A) Shelley

(B) Matthew Arnold

(C) Keats

(D) Wordsworth

Question’s Answer: Wordsworth

Milton’s Paradise Lost is divided into the same number of Books as:

(A) Faerie Queen

(B) Iliad

(C) Odyssey

(D) Divine Comedy

Question’s Answer: Divine Comedy

Milton lived through:

(A) The Caroline, Commonwealth and Restoration Ages

(B) The Jacobean and Caroline Ages

(C) The Caroline and Commonwealth Ages

(D) The Elizabethan and Jacobean Ages

Question’s Answer: The Caroline, Commonwealth and Restoration Ages

What post did Milton hold during the Government?

(A) Latin Secretary

(B) Personal Secretary to Cromwell

(C) Education Secretary

(D) Puritan Secretary

Question’s Answer: Latin Secretary

At what age did Milton becom blind?

(A) At the age of 38

(B) At the age of 44

(C) At the age of 43

(D) At the age of 48

Question’s Answer: At the age of 44

Who is next in command after Satan in the Paradise Lost?

(A) Mammon

(B) Baalim

(C) Moloch

(D) Beelzebub

Question’s Answer: Beelzebub

“What in me is dark Illumine, what is low raise and support.” In which Book of Paradise Lost do these lives appear?

(A) In Book IV

(B) In Book II

(C) In Book I

(D) In Book VI

Question’s Answer: In Book I

How many Books are there in Paradise Lost?

(A) Eight

(B) Ten

(C) Twelve

(D) Six

Question’s Answer: Twelve

Milton’s Samson Agonistes is:

(A) A poetic play

(B) A poetic Biography of Samson

(C) An Epic

(D) A narrative poem

Question’s Answer: A poetic play

Milton wrote Areopagitica:

(A) to defend the cause of the Regicides

(B) to condemn the deed of the Regicides

(C) to defend people’s Freedom of Speech

(D) to propagate his faith in Puritanism

Question’s Answer: to defend people’s Freedom of Speech

Name the woman whom Samson Agonistes loved and who betrayed him:

(A) Helen

(B) Prosperpine

(C) Delilah

(D) Rosalind

Question’s Answer: Delilah

How many times did Milton marry?

(A) Three times

(B) Two times

(C) Only once

(D) Did not marry at all

Question’s Answer: Three times

“Though fallen on evil days,

On evil days though fallen, and evil tongues,

In darkness, and with dangers compass’d round,

And solitude.

In these words Milton describes a certain stage in his own life. When did such a stage

occur in his life?

(A) When Charles I had been executed

(B) When Cromwell established the Commonwealth

(C) When the Age of Restoration came

(D) When his third wife pass away.

Question’s Answer: When the Age of Restoration came

In which Book of Paradise Lost Adam and Eve meet for the first time?

(A) Book I

(B) Book IV

(C) Book III

(D) Book II

Question’s Answer: Book IV

Which Book of Paradise Lost begins with an invocation to light?

(A) Book III

(B) Book IV

(C) Book IX

(D) Book VI

Question’s Answer: Book III

Milton has written another poem entitled II Penseroso. Which is the exact meaning of the title?

(A) A very lively man

(B) A very brave man

(C) A very melancholy man

(D) A very tolerant man

Question’s Answer: A very melancholy man

In Milton’s famous Masque Comus, an significant character is Circe. Who was Circe?

(A) The beloved of Comus

(B) The Queen of fairies

(C) The mother of Comus

(D) The pastoral goddess

Question’s Answer: The mother of Comus

“Captain or Colonel, or Knight in Arms”

This is the first line of a sonnet written by Milton. What is the title of the sonnet?

(A) To the Lord General Cromwell

(B) To the Lord General Fairfax

(C) When the Assault was Intended to the City

(D) On the Late Massacre in Piedmont

Question’s Answer: When the Assault was Intended to the City

Milton wrote a sonnet on the death of his wife. The sonnet is entitled On His Deceased Wife. What was the name of his wife who was deceased?

(A) Elizabeth Minshull

(B) Mary Powell

(C) Not certain

(D) Catherine Woodcock

Question’s Answer: Catherine Woodcock

“They also serve who only stand and wait.” This is the concluding line of a sonnet written by Milton. What is the title of the sonnet?

(A) To Lord General Fairfax

(B) To Lord General Cromwell

(C) To Sir Henry Vane

(D) On His Blindness

Question’s Answer: On His Blindness

Milton wrote a large number of political pamphlets and treatises. What were they


(A) Tracts

(B) Reviews

(C) Observations

(D) Treatises

Question’s Answer: Tracts

“Of Man’s first disobediene, and the fruit of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death in the World, and all our woe.” What fruit was this?

(A) Apple

(B) Guava

(C) Mango

(D) Orange

Question’s Answer: Apple

“What though the field be lost?

All is not lost-the unconquerable will

And study of revenge…..

In which Book of Paradise Lost does Milton discuss the principles of Free Will and Divine Justice?

(A) In Book IX

(B) In Book IV

(C) In Book VI

(D) In Book III

Question’s Answer: In Book III

Milton has written a poem entitled L’Allegro. Which is the exact meaning of the title?

(A) A very hopeful man

(B) A very melancholy man

(C) A very jealous man

(D) A very cheerful man

Question’s Answer: A very cheerful man

John Milton Basic info

Full NameJohn Milton
BornDecember 9, 1608
DiedNovember 8, 1674
OccupationPoet, Polemicist, Civil Servant
Literary PeriodEnglish Renaissance, Restoration
Famous Works“Paradise Lost”, “Paradise Regained”, “Samson Agonistes”, “Lycidas”, “Areopagitica”
Notable ThemesThe fall of man, redemption, political and religious freedom, virtue, fate
Literary StyleBlank verse, epic poetry, sonnets, prose, polemical essays
InfluencesClassical literature, Christian theology, Renaissance humanism

John Milton books names

L’Allegro and Il Penseroso1645
Paradise Lost1667
Paradise Regained1671
Samson Agonistes1671
The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce1643
The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates1649
A Defence of the People of England1651

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