Elizabethan Prose MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: April 15, 2024

Elizabethan prose basic info
Elizabethan prose basic info

New Atlantis is modelled on which of the following?

(a) Marlowe’s Hero and Leander

(b) Jonson’s Epigramme

(c) More’s Utopia

(d) None of these

Question’s Answer: More’s Utopia


Which work of Bacon was left incomplete due to his sudden death?

(a) Sylva Sylvarum

(b) Novum Organum

(c) None of these

(d) New Atlantis

Question’s Answer: New Atlantis


Which essayist wrote both in Latin and English?

(a) Raleigh

(b) Foxe

(c) Raphael Holinshed

(d) Bacon

Question’s Answer: Bacon

Elizabethan prose books names
Elizabethan prose books names

Bacon’s The Advancement of Learning is embopass away in his

(a) Scala Intellectus

(b) Novum Organum

(c) De Augmentis Scientarium

(d) Prodromi of VII

Question’s Answer: De Augmentis Scientarium


When the Bacon’s The Advancement Learning appeared?

(a) 1605

(b) 1669

(c) 1601

(d) 1600

Question’s Answer: 1605


When Francis Bacon was born?

(a) 1554

(b) 1565

(c) 1561

(d) 1500

Question’s Answer: 1561


When Bacon’s History of Henry appeared?

(a) 1611

(b) 1622

(c) 1620

(d) 1559

Question’s Answer: 1622


Who called Bacon the first essayist, as he remains for sheer mass and weight of genius?

(a) Dr. Johnson

(b) Ben Jonson

(c) William Shakespeare

(d) Hugh Walker

Question’s Answer: Hugh Walker


Bacon’s general conception of essay was borrowed from

(a) Montaigne

(b) Seneca

(c) Hugh Walker

(d) Hooker

Question’s Answer: Montaigne


According to_____, ‘Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.’

(a) Montaigne

(b) Deloney

(c) Bacon

(d) Lodge

Question’s Answer: Bacon


When Bacon became a member of Parliament?

(a) 1500

(b) 1570

(c) 1561

(d) 1584

Question’s Answer: 1584


The only essay of Bacon which is personal is

(a) Of Death

(b) of Gardens

(c) Of Ambition

(d) Of Superstition

Question’s Answer: of Gardens


Who called Bacon’s style an index of the emergence of the modern world?.

(a) Dryden

(b) Johnson

(c) L.C. Knights

(d) Pope

Question’s Answer: L.C. Knights


Where does Bacon advise one to divide with the reason between self- love and society”?

(a) “Of Death”

(b) “Essay of Empire”

(c) “Of Ambition”

(d) “Wisdom for a Man’s self”

Question’s Answer: “Wisdom for a Man’s self”


Counsels, civil and moral is the subtitle given to

(a) Bacon’s essays

(b) Hooker’s pamphlet

(c) Nashe’s novel

(d) Montaigne’s essays

Question’s Answer: Nashe’s novel


Bacon’s essays in first edition are in number.

(a) 10

(b) 15

(c) 20

(d) 12

Question’s Answer: 10


The first edition of Bacon’s essays were published in

(a) 1597

(b) 1519

(c) 1590

(d) 1509

Question’s Answer: 1597


Which writing of Bacon philosophical?

(a) The Advancement of Learning

(b) Essays

(c) New Atlantis

(d) None of these

Question’s Answer: The Advancement of Learning


Which work of Bacon is another Utopia?

(a) New Atlantis

(b) Advancement of Learning

(c) Novum Organum

(d) None of these

Question’s Answer: New Atlantis


Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity a monumental book by

(a) Nashe

(b) Bacon

(c) Deloney

(d) Hooker

Question’s Answer: Hooker


During imprisonment in Tower,Walter Raleigh wrote

(a) Discovery of Guiana

(b) History of the World

(c) The Discoveries

(d) The Pilgrimage

Question’s Answer: History of the World


Hooker’s book is an object lesson in which of the following type?

(a) Episcopacy

(b) Puritanism

(c) Religion controversy

(d) Capitalism

Question’s Answer: Religion controversy


Sidney’s Arcadia is a what kind of content?

(a) Romance

(b) Tragedy

(c) Masque

(d) Satire


When Arcadia was written?

(a) 1572

(b) 1590

(c) 1550

(d) 1540

Question’s Answer: 1590


Walter Raleigh was appointed Lord Warden of the Stannaries in

(a) 1575

(b) 1585

(c) 1582

(d) 1580

Question’s Answer: 1585


Sidney wrote Arcadia to entertain

(a) Countess of Pembroke

(b) Earl of Southampton

(c) Duke of Wales

(d) Earl of Warwickshire

Question’s Answer: Earl of Warwickshire


In his general attitude to literature,Sidney is a

(a) Romantic

(b) Both (a) & (b)

(c) Classicist

(d) None of these

Question’s Answer: Classicist


Walter Raleigh was knighted in

(a) 1584

(b) 1514

(c) 1540

(d) 1504

Question’s Answer: 1584


The most important critical work of Elizabethan period is

(a) Apologie for Poetrie

(b) The School of Abuse

(c) Arcadia

(d) Defence of Rhyme

Question’s Answer: Arcadia

Elizabethan Prose books names

Euphues: The Anatomy of WitJohn Lyly1578
Euphues and His EnglandJohn Lyly1580
The Arte of English PoesieGeorge Puttenham1589
The Faerie Queene (Book I)Edmund Spenser1590
A Defence of PoetryPhilip Sidney1595
An Apology for PoetryPhilip Sidney1595
The Advancement of LearningFrancis Bacon1605
EssaysFrancis Bacon1597, 1612, 1625

Elizabethan Prose Basic info

PeriodElizabethan Era (1558–1603)
Characteristics– Flourished during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I
– Marked by the rise of English prose literature
– Varied in form and subject matter
– Influenced by humanism and Renaissance ideals
Major Works– “Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit” by John Lyly
– “The Faerie Queene” by Edmund Spenser (partly prose, partly poetry)
– “Essays” by Francis Bacon
– Translations of classical works
Literary Figures– John Lyly
– Sir Philip Sidney
– Edmund Spenser
– Francis Bacon
Styles– Ornate and elaborate prose in the style of Euphuism
– Allegorical and symbolic prose in Spenser’s works
– Philosophical and scientific exploration in Bacon’s essays
Themes– Love and romance
– Chivalry and honor
– Exploration of human nature and society
– Political and philosophical reflection

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