Jane Austen MCQs [English Literature & Famous Authors]

jane Austen basic info
jane Austen basic info

Collection of important MCQs on Jane Austen

The story Lady Susan is developed through:

(A) Witty dialogues

(B) Letters

(C) Humorous reparties

(D) Small incidents

Question’s Answer: Letters

We have no hesitation in placing Jane Austen beside Shakespeare. Who has made this


(A) Macaulay

(B) Edward Fitzgerald

(C) Charlotte Bronte

(D) Wordsworth

Question’s Answer: Macaulay

Austen publishes _____ novels.

(A) 6

(B) 9

(C) 4

(D) 7

Question’s Answer: 6

jane Austen books names
jane Austen books names

Which type of novels had Jane Austen written?

(A) Domestic Novels

(B) Social Novels

(C) Historical Novels

(D) Gothic Novels

Question’s Answer: Gothic Novels

A Memoir of Jane Austen’ was written by:

(A) John Murray

(B) R. W. Chapman

(C) Mary Lascelles

(D) J. E. Austen-Leigh

Question’s Answer: J. E. Austen-Leigh

“Mansfield Park published” in ___volumes.

(A) Two volumes

(B) One Volume only

(C) Four Volumes

(D) Three Volumes

Question’s Answer: Three Volumes

_____ was a women novelists who was not contemporary of Jane Austen.

(A) Charlotte Bronte

(B) Maria Edgeworth

(C) Susan Edmons Ferrier

(D) Edmonstone

Question’s Answer: Charlotte Bronte

Whom did Jane Austen marry?

(A) Remained unmarried

(B) Mr. Collins

(C) Lord Lytton

(D) Lord Brabourne

Question’s Answer: Remained unmarried

Jane Austen pass away at an early age of which of the following?

(A) 40

(B) 43

(C) 42

(D) 41

Question’s Answer: 42

Which novels was published first-

(A) Pride and Prejudice

(B) Mansfield Park

(C) Sense and Sensibility

(D) Emma

Question’s Answer: Sense and Sensibility

Which of her following novels was published posthumously?

(A) Mansfield Park

(B) Northanger Abbey

(C) Emma

(D) The Publisher John Murray

Question’s Answer: Northanger Abbey

The novel Persuasion was published posthumously under the supervision of ________ who supervised its publication.

(A) The Publisher John Murray

(B) Her brother Henry

(C) Maria Edgeworth

(D) Anna Austen

Question’s Answer: Her brother Henry

Her Pride and Prejudice was first published under the title of ____.

(A) Evelyn

(B) Kitty

(C) Lady Susan

(D) First Impressions

Question’s Answer: First Impressions

In how many volumes was Persuasion published?

(A) One

(B) Four

(C) Three

(D) Two

Question’s Answer: Two

Jane Austen Book names

Sense and Sensibility1811
Pride and Prejudice1813
Mansfield Park1814
Northanger Abbey1817 (posthumous)
Persuasion1817 (posthumous)

Jane Austen Basic info

Full NameJane Austen
BirthdateDecember 16, 1775
BirthplaceSteventon Rectory, Hampshire, England
Notable Works“Pride and Prejudice,” “Sense and Sensibility,” “Emma,” “Mansfield Park,” “Persuasion,” “Northanger Abbey”
Literary StyleRealistic, romantic, social commentary
EducationInformal education at home
InfluencesEighteenth-century literature, social observations, family life
ContemporariesWalter Scott, Mary Shelley, Lord Byron
AchievementsOne of the most celebrated and widely read novelists in English literature, known for her keen insight into human nature and society
LegacyHer novels continue to be widely read and adapted into various forms of media, regarded as classics of English literature
Death DateJuly 18, 1817
Death PlaceWinchester, Hampshire, England

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