Charles Lamb MCQs [English Literature & Famous Authors]

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 11, 2025

Collection of important MCQs on Charles Lamb

#1. Wherein were Lamb’s essays first published serially?

(A) In the Quarterly Review

(B) In the London Magazine

(C) In the Edinburgh Review

(D) In Blackwood’s Magazine

Question’s Answer: In the London Magazine

Charles Lamb Basic info
Charles Lamb Basic info

#2. Which essay of Lamb is most pathetic?

(A) Dream-Children
(B) Recollections of Christ’s Hospital
(C) Grace Before Meat
(D) In Praise of Chimney-Sweepers

Question’s Answer: Dream-Children

#3. Who was Elia, under whose name Lamb published his essays?

(A) Lamb’s elder brother
(B) Lamb’s colleague in Christ’s Hospital
(C) Lamb’s colleague working with him in The East India House
(D) Just an imaginary name

Question’s Answer: Lamb’s colleague working with him in The East India House

#4. How did Lamb’s mother die?

(A) She was killed by Lamb’s mad sister
(B) She committed suicide
(C) She was drowned in the Thames
(D) She was killed in an accident

Question’s Answer: She was killed by Lamb’s mad sister

#5. “It is the man Charles Lamb that constitutes the charm of his written words.” Who says this?

(A) Saintsbury
(B) Canon Ainger
(C) De Quincey
(D) Hugh Walker

Question’s Answer: Canon Ainger

Charles Lamb Books names
Charles Lamb Books names

#6. Lamb wrote Tales from Shakespeare in collaboration with which of the following?

(A) Mary Lamb
(B) William Cabbett
(C) Hazlitt
(D) Leigh Hunt

Question’s Answer: Mary Lamb

#7. One of the following essays is not created and written by Lamb. Which one?

(A) Imperfect Sympathies
(B) Old China
(C) Modern Gallantry
(D) My School and School Masters

Question’s Answer: My School and School Masters

#8. What is Lamb’s Prince Dorus?

(A) A Comedy
(B) A tale in prose
(C) A narrative poem
(D) A fairy tale in verse

Question’s Answer: A fairy tale in verse

#9. In which essay does Lamb make an indirect allusion to his frustration in love?

(A) Poor Relations
(B) Bachelor’s Complaint
(C) Recollections of Christ’s Hospital
(D) Dream-Children

Question’s Answer: Dream-Children

#10. Who says Lamb is “One of the best beloved of English authors”?

(A) Hugh Walker
(B) Saintsbury
(C) W.H. Hudson
(D) George Sampson

Question’s Answer: W.H. Hudson

#11. Which essay of Lamb is most autobiographical?

(A) Bachelor’s Complaint against Married Men
(B) Poor Relations
(C) Old China
(D) Imperfect Sympathies

Question’s Answer: Bachelor’s Complaint against Married Men

#12. Charles Lamb is best famous for his:

(A) John Woodvil, a Tragedy
(B) Tales from Shakespeare
(C) Poems for Children
(D) Essays of Elia

Question’s Answer: Essays of Elia

#13. One of the following essays is written by Lamb. Which one?

(A) Indian Jugglers
(B) The English Mail-Coach
(C) On Saying ‘Please’
(D) Christ’s Hospital

Question’s Answer: Christ’s Hospital

#14. “The children of Alice call Bartrum father.” This sentence is part of Lamb’s essay Dream-Children. Who was Bartrum?

(A) A close relative of Lamb
(B) Lamb’s colleague in East India House
(C) The man who married the woman whom Lamb loved
(D) Lamb’s elder brother

Question’s Answer: The man who married the woman whom Lamb loved

#15. Lamb suffered from a hereditary disease for some time. What was that disease?

(A) A streak of madness
(B) Consumption
(C) Asthma
(D) Melancholia

Question’s Answer: A streak of madness

#16. Lamb began his career as _______.

(A) An Assistant Editor in the London Magazine
(B) A clerk in Christ’s Hospital
(C) A clerk in East India House
(D) A freelance journalist

Question’s Answer: A clerk in East India House

#17. Lamb did not marry because:

(A) He did not like the system of marriage
(B) He was too poor to maintain a family
(C) He did not want to curtail his personal freedom
(D) He had to maintain his mad sister

Question’s Answer: He had to maintain his mad sister

#18. Lamb loved a woman whom, however, he could not marry. What was her name?

(A) Mary Winterton
(B) Alice Browne
(C) Ann Simmons
(D) Alice White

Question’s Answer: Ann Simmons

#19. Charles Lamb wrote his essays under the pen-name:

(A) Ilia
(B) Ellia
(C) Elia
(D) Alia

Question’s Answer: Elia

#20. Lamb once said, “I am myself the subject of my essay.” What did he mean by this?

(A) That the style of writing his essays is his own
(B) That his essays are largely autobiographical
(C) That he did not borrow the subject of his essays from anywhere
(D) That he wrote his essays on the subjects around him

Question’s Answer: That his essays are largely autobiographical

#21. It is said that Lamb smiled with one eye and wept with the other. What does it mean?

(A) That he had some eye problem by birth
(B) That he saw great ups and downs in life
(C) That there was a blending of humour and pathos in his essays
(D) That he could not get so much fame in his literary career as he wanted to get

Question’s Answer: That there was a blending of humour and pathos in his essays

#22. Lamb’s memory “will retain its fragrance as long as the best spice expended on the Pharaohs.” Who said this?

(A) Robert Southey
(B) Wordsworth
(C) Coleridge
(D) Hazlitt

Question’s Answer: Hazlitt

#23. What is Lamb’s John Woodvil?

(A) A satirical play
(B) A comic play
(C) A tragic play
(D) A fairy-play for children

Question’s Answer: A tragic play

#24. ____ called Lamb “gentle-hearted Charles”?

(A) Leigh Hunt
(B) Hazlitt
(C) De Quincey
(D) Coleridge

Question’s Answer: Coleridge

Charles Lamb basic info

Full NameCharles Lamb
Birth DateFebruary 10, 1775
BirthplaceInner Temple, London, England
OccupationEssayist, Critic, Poet, Playwright
Notable Works“Essays of Elia”, “Tales from Shakespeare”
Literary PeriodRomantic Period
SiblingMary Lamb (Sister)
SpouseNever Married
EducationChrist’s Hospital School, Coleridge’s tutelage
Death DateDecember 27, 1834
Place of DeathEdmonton, Middlesex, England
Literary StylePersonal, Reflective, Humorous

Charles Lamb books names

Poems on Various Subjects1796
Tales from Shakespeare (with Mary Lamb)1807
The Adventures of Ulysses (with Mary Lamb)1808
Specimens of English Dramatic Poets1808
On the Tragedies of Shakespeare1811
Essays of Elia1823
The Last Essays of Elia1833
Rosamund Gray1798
John Woodvil1802
The Works of Charles Lamb1818 (posthumous)

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  4. On an Infant Dying as Soon as It Was Born – MCQs & Summary
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  6. Blindness – MCQs & Summary
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