Collection of important MCQs on Alexander Pope
According to Pope, “the most significant characteristic feature of his poetry is _________.
(A) Swiftness
(B) Correctness
(C) Intellectualism
(D) Didacticism
Question’s Answer: Correctness
Pope was basically a ______ .
(A) a poet
(B) a critic
(C) a prose writer
(D) a satirist
Question’s Answer: a satirist

Pope has addressed the Essay on Man to which of the following?
(A) Dryden
(B) Lord Bolingbroke
(C) Lord Harvey
(D) Lady Mary
Question’s Answer: Lord Bolingbroke
In one of the poem Pope says: “Beauty divorced from good sense is worth nothing.” In which poem does he make this observation?
(A) The Essay on Man
(B) Dunciad
(C) Epistle to Arbuthnot
(D) The Rape of the Lock
Question’s Answer: The Rape of the Lock
Pope’s poetry basically lacked in which of the following?
(A) Reason
(B) Argument
(C) Correctness
(D) Emotion
Question’s Answer: Emotion
Pope’s Pastorals were published in:
(A) 1710
(B) 1709
(C) 1712
(D) 1708
Question’s Answer: 1709
What did Pope mean by the expression “Follow Nature”?
(A) To oppose artificiality
(B) To speak the truths
(C) To follow moral law
(D) To avoid frivolity in one’s behaviour
Question’s Answer: To follow moral law
How many Epistles are there in Pope’s An Essay on Man?
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Four
(D) Three
Question’s Answer: Four
which of the following?
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast, Man never is, but ever to be blest.” In which
poem do these lines occur?
(A) Essay on criticism
(B) Essay on Man
(C) The Dunciad
(D) Rape of the Lock
Question’s Answer: Essay on Man
As the spokesman of the Augustan Age, Pope exposes its ‘frivolities’ in:
(A) An Essay on Criticism
(B) The Essay on Man
(C) The Dunciad
(D) The Rape of the Lock
Question’s Answer: The Rape of the Lock
Which poets did Pope admire most?
(A) Chaucer
(B) Dryden
(C) Ben Jonson
(D) Spenser
Question’s Answer: Dryden
Pope wrote his poetry in ____.
(A) Blank Verse
(B) lambic Hexametre
(C) Free Verse
(D) Heroic Couplets
Question’s Answer: Heroic Couplets
Whom did Pope regard as his ‘poetic mentor’ ?
(A) Shakespeare
(B) Dryden
(C) Chaucer
(D) Spenser
Question’s Answer: Dryden
When was Alexander Pope born?
(A) 1680
(B) 1688
(C) 1685
(D) 1689
Question’s Answer: 1688
In which age did Pope and write?
(A) The Restoration Age
(B) The Romantic Age
(C) The Neo-classical Age or Augustan Age
(D) The Victorian Age
Question’s Answer: The Neo-classical Age or Augustan Age
According to Pope, Which is the ultimate end of poetry?
(A) Aesthetic Pleasure
(B) Didacticism
(C) Emotional Fervour
(D) Beauty of Nature
Question’s Answer: Didacticism
What does Pope define in these words? “What oft was thought but never so well
(A) Emotional fervour
(B) Wit
(C) Didacticism
(D) Poetic imagination
Question’s Answer: Wit
Pope took Ars Poetica as a model for his poetry. Who is the author of Ars Poetica?
(A) Boileau
(B) Vida
(C) Horace
(D) Bossu
Question’s Answer: Horace
Pope believed that a work of art must be based on which of the following?
(A) Imagination
(B) Emotion
(C) Truth
(D) Didacticism
Question’s Answer: Truth
“A thousand years may elapse before there shall appear another man with a power of Versification equal to that of Pope.” _________critics holds this view.
(A) Dr. Johnson
(B) Hazlitt
(C) Amold
(D) Saintsbury
Question’s Answer: Dr. Johnson
Alexander Pope books names
An Essay on Criticism | 1711 |
Windsor Forest | 1713 |
The Rape of the Lock | 1712 (revised in 1714) |
Eloisa to Abelard | 1717 |
The Dunciad | 1728 (revised in 1729, 1742) |
Essay on Man | 1733-1734 |
Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot | 1734 |
The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace | 1733 |
The Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace | 1734 |
The Odyssey of Homer | 1725-1726 |
The Iliad of Homer | 1715-1720 |
Alexander Pope basic info
Full Name | Alexander Pope |
Birthdate | May 21, 1688 |
Birthplace | London, England |
Nationality | English |
Occupation | Poet, satirist, translator |
Notable Works | “The Rape of the Lock,” “An Essay on Criticism,” “The Dunciad” |
Literary Style | Neoclassical, satirical, heroic couplets |
Influences | Classical literature, particularly the works of Homer, Virgil, and Horace |
Contemporaries | Jonathan Swift, John Gay, Samuel Johnson |
Achievements | Regarded as one of the greatest English poets, contributed significantly to the development of English literature during the Augustan Age |
Death Date | May 30, 1744 |
Death Place | Twickenham, England |
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