Research Topics Computational biophysics hopf algebras combinatorics Sustainability
Research Area/ Research Interest: Computational biophysics hopf algebras combinatorics Sustainability
Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication
- Analytic left inversion of SISO Lotka-Volterra models
- Cumulants, free cumulants and half-shuffles
- An Asymptotic Expansion for the Number of 2-Connected Chord Diagrams
- Critical Exponents and Invariant Charges
- Analytic left inversion of multivariable Lotka-Volterra models
- 04 From bridges to graph theory Maria Axenovich & Ryan Martin 06 Combinatorial matrix theory research group Leslie Hogben 08 Using differential equations …
- A course in mathematical biology: quantitative modeling with mathematical and computational methods
- Racks and links in codimension two
- Graphs in perturbation theory: Algebraic structure and asymptotics
- Modeling and simulation of genetic regulatory systems: a literature review
- Physics and theoretical computer science: from numbers and languages to (quantum) cryptography security
- Hopf algebras and topological recursion
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- A bijection between rooted trees and fermionic Fock states: grafting and growth operators in Fock space and fermionic operators for rooted trees
- An overview of vehicle routing problems
- Advances in Hopf algebras
- Yang-Baxter equation
- Matrix-analytic methods in stochastic models
- Polytopic Projects
- Strings, knots, and quantum groups: a glimpse at three 1990 Fields medalists
- Advanced Polytopic Projects
- Factorization in integral domains
- Continua: with the Houston problem book
- Dynamic finite size effects in spiking neural networks
- Quantum field theory II: Quantum electrodynamics: A bridge between mathematicians and physicists
- System Upgrade on Mon, Jun 21st, 2021 at 1am (EDT)
- Spectral Theory & Computational Methods of Sturm-Liouville Problems
- Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
- EPFL Topology Seminar 2012/2013
- Polytope Perspectives
- ISU graduate Wang on to Georgia Tech post doc
- Unsolved problems in virtual knot theory and combinatorial knot theory
- Spectral and scattering theory
- RFID tags and privacy Cllifford Bergman 06 Generalizations of Apollonian circle packing Steve Butler 08 Developing mission assurance with performance
- Optimal control of differential equations
- Control of Partial Differential Equations and Applications
- A mathematical model of tuberculosis (TB) transmission with children and adults groups: Afractional model
- Implementing Polytope Projects for Smart Systems
- Polytope projects
- Interaction between functional analysis, harmonic analysis, and probability
- Mathematical developments from the analysis of riffle shuffling
- Predicting neural network dynamics via graphical analysis
- Understanding complex systems
- Combinatorial representation of parameter space for switching networks
- Nonlinear algebra and applications
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Geometry and physics
- Geometric and combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra
- Twistor theory
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Likelihood geometry
- Moduli of vector bundles
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Zero-dimensional commutative rings
- Mathematical modeling: bridging the gap between concept and realization in synthetic biology
- The state of the art in quantum field theory. One of the intellectual
- Algebra, Geometry and Topology of ERK Kinetics
- Algebra and geometry in the study of enzymatic cascades
- Dynamic models in biology
- finite element methods: fifty years of the Courant element
- A Classical Economic Perspective on Using Coalgebras to Model the Process of Accumulation.
- Quivers of type A, flag varieties and representation theory
- Analysis: Algebra and Computers in Mathematical Research: Proceedings of the Twenty-first Nordic Congress of Mathematicians
- The Maslov dequantization, idempotent and tropical mathematics: a very brief introduction
- Idempotent Mathematics and Mathematical Physics: International Workshop, February 3-10, 2003, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematical …
- Comparison methods and stability theory
- Stochastic processes and functional analysis: in celebration of MM Rao’s 65th birthday
- Ozsvath-Szabo d-invariants of Almost Simple Linear Graphs
- Self-evolvable systems: Machine learning in social media
- Edwin F. Beschler, David A. Buchsbaum, Jacob T. Schwartz, Richard P. Stanley, Brian D. Taylor, and Michael Waterman
- partial differential equation methods in control and shape analysis: lecture notes in pure and applied mathematics
- News Previews
- Computational neuroscience: a comprehensive approach
- Semiclassical results in the linear response theory
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Rings, Extensions, and Cohomology
- Partial differential equations and applications: collected papers in honor of Carlo Pucci
- Boundary value problems and integral equations in nonsmooth domains
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- PoCaB: a software infrastructure to explore algebraic methods for bio-chemical reaction networks
- The Global Structure of Codimension-2 Local Bifurcations in Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks
- Mostly Finite Geometries
- Function Spaces: The Second Conference
- Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms of probability distributions
- 2021 AMS Short Course
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
- A non-Abelian, categorical ontology of spacetimes and quantum gravity
- Codes, matroids and trellises
- Abel Prize Citations 2003–2012
- Deep learning in science
- Qualitative analysis of a diffusive ratio-dependent Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with Smith growth
- Bulletin bibliographique
- Systems Biology of microRNAs
- Central Science Library
- Network models in the study of metabolism
- Sc. First Year First Semester (250 marks)
- Abelian Groups and Modules
- Capturing dopaminergic modulation and bimodal membrane behaviour of striatal medium spiny neurons in accurate, reduced models
- Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
- commutative ring theory: Proceedings of the Ii International Conference
- Encyclopedia of nonlinear science
- Meetings & Conferences of the AMS
- Fundamental groups of line arrangements: Enumerative aspects
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Correspondence principle for idempotent calculus and some computer applications
- Albeverio Sergio (lecturer) albeverio@ uni-bonn. de 2. Barbato David barbato@ sns. it 3. Barsanti Michele m. barsanti@ dma. unipi. it 4. Basson Arnaud
- Molecular knots in biology and chemistry
- The best models of metabolism
- Professor CN Yang and statistical mechanics
- University of Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- GROUP 24: Physical and Mathematical Aspects of Symmetries: Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics …
- Malgorzata Wyrwas Bialystok Technical University
- Advances in Mathematics and Statistics in Western Australia since 1960
- A modeling framework for analysis of landscape stability and bifurcation phenomena
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Synthetic designs regulating cellular transitions: Fine-tuning of switches and oscillators
- Evaluating derivatives: principles and techniques of algorithmic differentiation
- Dramatic reduction of dimensionality in large biochemical networks owing to strong pair correlations
- Quantum Undergraduate Education and Scientific Training
- 92▶ Biology and other natural sciences
- Systems of nonlinear partial differential equations: applications to biology and engineering
- On topological data mining
- Rings, Modules, Algebras, and Abelian Groups
- Spatial ecology
- Complex analysis and geometry
- A Hybrid Resultant Matrix Algorithm Based on the Sylvester-bezout Formulation
- 26 Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis, Noncommutative Probability and Quantum Groups
- Computing and comprehending topology: Persistence and hierarchical morse complexes
- 2005-2006 Graduate Course Descriptions
- Computational models of metabolism: stability and regulation in metabolic networks
- On the use of process algebra techniques in computational modelling of cancer initiation and development
- Lectures on computational fluid dynamics, mathematical physics, and linear algebra
- Operads for complex system design specification, analysis and synthesis
- symmetry SS
- Creators of mathematical and computational sciences
- The Maslov dequantization, idempotent and tropical mathematics: a brief introduction
- All poster presenters are requested to be available in their rooms between 12.30 and 13.00 (BST) on Days 1 and 2.
- Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften
- CSI 5180. Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- Undergraduate Poster Session Baltimore, MD January 17, 2014
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed predator-prey system with herd behavior
- The Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models A Multi-Paradigm Study of the Logistic Map in Haskell
- Tutorial on the center manifold theorem
- Notes from the Director
- Assimilation and Accommodation
- Quantum-like behavior without quantum physics II. A quantum-like model of neural network dynamics
- Quantum Field Theory I
- Connected chord diagrams and bridgeless maps
- Analysis of Biochemical Reaction Networks using Tropical and Polyhedral Geometry Methods
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Bulletin bibliographique
- The Role of Biomathematics as a Scientific Discipline
- Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis: A Volume of Recent Advances in Honor of MM Rao
- Le Bulletin du CRM
- Mathematics Calendar
- A mathematical bibliography of signed and gain graphs and allied areas
- Effect of randomly fluctuating environment on autotroph-herbivore model system
- Stationary patterns of a cross-diffusion epidemic model
- Systems Biology
- A Center for Excellence in Mathematical Sciences Final Progress Report
- On enumeration sequences generalising Catalan and Baxter numbers
- Polynomial root finding via structured matrices I
- The Economic Philosophy of the Internet of Things
- Project-Team virtual plants
- Science Scholars Program
- The summer meeting in Boulder
- Three-dimensional simplicial quantum gravity and generalized matrix models
- Harmonic polylogarithms
- Categorical models for process planning
- A Complete Bibliography of Publications in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
- Combinatorial enumeration in chemistry
- Categorifying the zx-calculus
- Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a nutrient-phytoplankton model with delay effect
- Academic advising
- Fourier analysis: analytic and geometric aspects
- as Cyborgs
- A Fast and Effective Method to Identify Relevant Sets of Variables in Complex Systems
- Stability and selective harvesting of a phytoplankton-zooplankton system
- Ninety plus thirty years of nonlinear dynamics: Less is more and more is different
- Boundary control and variation
- Constitutive modelling of wound healing
- The mighty force: statistical inference and high-dimensional statistics
- Doctoral Degrees Conferred
- Computer algebra in the life sciences
- Topological phase entanglements of membrane solitons in division algebra sigma models with a Hopf term
- Influence of gestation delay and predator’s interference in predator-prey interaction under stochastic environment
- New Frontiers
- Modelling alcoholism as a contagious disease: a mathematical model with awareness programs and time delay
- Perturbative-Iterative Computation of Inertial Manifolds of Systems of Delay-Differential Equations with Small Delays
- Bibliography of computational differentiation
- Algebraic Statistics for Social Network Models: Recent Results and Challenges
- Dynamics analysis of a nutrient-plankton model with a time delay
- Category: Mathematical Biology
- formation of large signaling complexes, and the thermally driven flipping of proteins and
- Stability and bifurcation analysis of a singular delayed predator-prey bioeconomic model with stochastic fluctuations
- The Riemann hypothesis and emergent phase space
- Informational code for quantum and living systems: Chern numbers normalized into twelve n-component groups
- Articulating Space: Geometric Algebra for Parametric Design-Symmetry, Kinematics, and Curvature
- Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Plane Algebraic Curves
- Homological shape analysis through discrete morse theory
- 1 Review of Linear OD E’s
- Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2018
- Writing the history of dynamical systems and chaos: longue durée and revolution, disciplines and cultures
- Pattern formation in a diffusive ratio-dependent Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with Smith growth
- Proceedings of the Conference on
- Unwinding the Double Helix: Using Differential Mechanics to Probe Conformational Changes in DNA
- Mini-Workshop: Cohomology Rings and Fundamental Groups of Hyperplane Arrangements, Wonderful Compactifications, and Real Toric Varieties
- An invitation to applied mathematics: Differential equations, modeling, and computation
- MAA’s professional enhancement program (PREP) funded by NSF
- Dualogy: A category-theoretic approach to duality
- Ruđer Bošković Institute Annual Report 2012
- Dynamical analysis of a nitrogen-phosphorus-phytoplankton model
- Modeling and analysis of bio-molecular networks
- Opgeslagen in Mijn bibliotheek
- Encyclopedia of Knot Theory
- Basic methods in theoretical biology
- Antonietti Paola Francesca University of Pavia, Italy paola. antonietti@ unipv. it 2. Ayuso Blanca IMATI-CNR, Italy
- The geometrical beauty of plants
- Critical point cancellation in 3D vector fields: Robustness and discussion
- Tag: Systems Biology
- Mathematical logic and foundations
- Opgeslagen in Mijn bibliotheek
- Open Strings and Extended Mirror Symmetry
- Toward a predictive model of puffs
- Path integral methods for correlated activity in neuronal networks
- Coevolutionary dynamics in structured populations of three species
- Analysis of a mathematical model of emerging infectious disease leading to amphibian decline
- Math reading list 2015, a survey of the literature
- Advances in Algebraic Geometry Motivated by Physics: AMS Special Session on Enumerative Geometry in Physics
- Design Considerations for Immersive Data-Driven Narratives
- A multifractal mass transference principle for Gibbs measures with applications to dynamical Diophantine approximation
- The Basic Strategy of Extracting Finite Information from Infinities–Ariadne’s Thread in Renormalization Theory
- Topics in Algorithmic Graph Theory
- Mining Protein-Protein Interactions at Domain and Residue Levels by Machine Learning Methods
- Highlights of the Focus Programs
- The impact of awareness programs with recruitment and delay on the spread of an epidemic
Research Topics Physics