Eugene O’Neill is an American playwright of which century?
(a) The 20th century
(b) The 19th century
(c) The 18th century
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: The 20th century
What was the nostalgic dream of Mary Tyrone?
(a) A ballerina
(b) A good wife or mother
(c) A bar attendant
(d) A nun or pianist
Question’s Answer: A good wife or mother
Beyond the Horizon is written by __.
(a) Tennesee Williams
(b) Mark Twain
(c) Edward Albee
(d) Eugene O’Neill
Question’s Answer: Eugene O’Neill
Who is the author of the Long Day’s Journey into Night?
(a) Edward Albee
(b) Tennesee Williams
(c) Eugene O’Neill
(d) Samuel Beckett
Question’s Answer: Eugene O’Neill
O’Neill pass away in
(a) 1976
(b) 1945
(c) 1953
(d) 1963
Question’s Answer: 1953
Long Day’s Journey into Night presents
(a) Jamie
(b) James
(c) Alcoholism and drug addiction of Mary Tyrone
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Alcoholism and drug addiction of Mary Tyrone
In The Hairy Ape O’Neill presents
(a) Realism with symbolic expression
(b) Symbolism
(c) Realism
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Realism with symbolic expression
Which of the following best refers to O’Neill’s style?
(a) Mixture of many European languages
(b) American English with an accent
(c) Colloquial
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Colloquial
Which of O’Neill’s plays present the American dream best?
(a) The Emperor Jones
(b) Beyond the Horizon
(c) The Hairy Ape
(d) Long Day’s Journey into Night
Question’s Answer: Beyond the Horizon
Beyond the Horizon is a drama about which of the following?
(a) Andrew Mayo
(b) Ruth
(c) Robert Mayo
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Robert Mayo
According to ________, “It isn’t the end. It’s a free beginning… beyond the horizon!”
(a) Andrew’ Mayo
(b) Ruth
(c) The consumptive dying Robert Mayo
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: The consumptive dying Robert Mayo
The Hairy Ape is a drama which can be labelled as
(a) Realistic
(b) American transcendentalist
(c) Expressionist
(d) Symbolist
Question’s Answer: Expressionist
The Hairy Ape portrays the life of _____.
(a) Comedy of ancient and modern life
(b) Post-Colonial America
(c) Early America
(d) Recent times
Question’s Answer: Comedy of ancient and modern life
The Hairy Ape, a Play by Eugene O’Neill, author presents a world which can be described best as
(a) Brutal, stupid and profane
(b) Lovely
(c) Religious
(d) Advanced technological superiority
Question’s Answer: Brutal, stupid and profane
Yank realizes that
(a) He did not belong to this brutal world
(b) Technology has given him strength
(c) He was a man of progress
(d) He was rejected in spite of his adapting the brutal expectations of the world
Question’s Answer: He did not belong to this brutal world
Yank found kinship with
(a) The ape in the zoo
(b) Paddy
(c) Mildred
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: The ape in the zoo
Ezra Mannon’s family in New England are descendents of
(a) Calvinists
(b) Puritan
(c) Quackers
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Quackers
Christine developed an incestuous relationship with
(a) Adam Brant
(b) Orin
(c) Peter
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Adam Brant
According to _________ in Lazarus Laughed, “Fear not life! You die-but there is no death for man.”
(a) Caligula
(b) Tiberius
(c) Lazarus
(d) Miriam
Question’s Answer: Lazarus
In Lazarus Laughed. Lazarus is killed the second time by which of the following?
(a) Miriam
(b) Caligula
(c) Pompeia
(d) Tiberius
Question’s Answer: Caligula
In which drama of O’Neill these are the parts.
“The Homecoming”. “The Hunted”, and “The Haunted”?
(a) The Emperor Jones
(b) Mourning Becomes Electra
(c) Strange Interlude
(d) A Touch of the Poet
Question’s Answer: Mourning Becomes Electra
Lazarus Laughed is O’Neill’s
(a) Symbolic drama
(b) Religious chorus
(c) Poetic drama with mystic affirmation of life
(d) Tribute to Christian character
Question’s Answer: Poetic drama with mystic affirmation of life
Mourning Becomes Electra is based on the Greek myth of
(a) Bravery
(b) Incestuous love
(c) Futility of love and Life
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Incestuous love
Who avenges murder of Ezra Mannon?
(a) Peter
(b) Hazel
(c) Lavinia
(d) Orm
Question’s Answer: Orm
Who is freed of puritan repressions and grows in sensuality and morality?
(a) Lavinia
(b) Hazel
(c) Christine
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Lavinia
What happens after Lavinia makes love to Peter?
(a) Peter leaves repelled by her eagerness and she becomes a recluse
(b) She is egged on to have relationship with others.
(c) She is killed by Orm
(d) Peter is repulsed by her and kills her
Question’s Answer: Peter leaves repelled by her eagerness and she becomes a recluse
According to ________, “Love is not permitted to me. The dead are too strong!”
(a) Christine
(b) Hazel
(c) Lavinia
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Lavinia
How the lovely Christine killed her husband Orin?
(a) Administering pretending to give him medicine poison
(b) Forcing a glass of wine laced with poison
(c) Poisoning him in his sleep
(d) Strangling him in his sleep
Question’s Answer: Administering pretending to give him medicine poison
O’Neill was influenced by which of the following?
(a) Ibsen and Strindberg
(b) Greek tragedies
(c) Shakespeare
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Greek tragedies
Tom loves his mother but Tom aspires to which of the following?
(a) Escape from the world and progress
(b) Continue with his warehouse job and advancing in it
(c) Continue with his warehouse job
(d) Do nothing
Question’s Answer: Escape from the world and progress
In O’Neill’s plays one sees “the American family of
(a) Colonial era
(b) Colonial era to the present
(c) Present day
(d) None of A, B, and C time
Question’s Answer: Colonial era to the present
Tennessee Williams is playwright of the
(a) Post-Second World War period
(b) First World War period
(c) Recent times
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Post-Second World War period
The Glass Managerie and A Streetcar Named Desire are the plays written by
(a) Eugene O’Neill
(b) Tennessee Williams
(c) Arthur Miller
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Tennessee Williams
Ananda hopes for a way out when her son
(a) Leaves the tenement
(b) Keeps on supporting the family
(c) Tom finds a better job
(d) Becomes a mariner
Question’s Answer: Tom finds a better job
The Glass Managerie is a play by Tennessee Williams and is a play of
(a) A mother whose children are dead
(b) Sentiments and pathos of a frustrated mother
(c) A successful mother
(d) A mother and her children who are social failures
Question’s Answer: Sentiments and pathos of a frustrated mother
The play Glass Managerie shows
(a) A swan song
(b) Realities of life
(c) War-torn sensibilities
(d) Fantasies of a young mother
Question’s Answer: Fantasies of a young mother
Laura in “The Glass Managerie” is _____ .
(a) A healthy woman
(b) Crippled from childhood and is hypersensitive
(c) A sick woman with happy children
(d) A psychopath
Question’s Answer: Crippled from childhood and is hypersensitive
Amanda’s future lies in
(a) Laura’s accepting the situation
(b) Laura’s forgetting her handicap and overcoming it
(c) Secretarial job for Laura and her getting a good husband
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Secretarial job for Laura and her getting a good husband
What happens when Tom brings his friend Jim O’Connor for dinner at home?
(a) Tom is scandalized by the attitude of the two women
(b) Laura welcomes him
(c) Mother sees in him a good husband but Laura is withdrawn
(d) Jim is shocked by the interest shown in him
Question’s Answer: Mother sees in him a good husband but Laura is withdrawn
Laura is crippled and hyper-sensitive who is at home only in
(a) The sordid reality of a tenement with no future
(b) A dream world
(c) Her private world which is centred around a collection of animal figures in a glass
(d) Prayers
Question’s Answer: Her private world which is centred around a collection of animal figures in a glass
What response does Jim have for Laura?
(a) He tells her she’s beautiful, tells her she has confidence, and kisses her.
(b) Looks at her casually
(c) He pays no attention
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: He tells her she’s beautiful, tells her she has confidence, and kisses her.
How Amanda tries to overcome her physical situation?
(a) By Dreaming of successful marriage for daughter and a good job for the son
(b) By Fantasising for happy times
(c) By Hoping for the return of her husband
(d) By Accepting the deplorable life of a tenement dweller
Question’s Answer: By Dreaming of successful marriage for daughter and a good job for the son
Jim suddenly withdraws and leaves because
(a) He did not like Laura
(b) He was already engaged
(c) He is repulsed by the tenement
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: He was already engaged
What happens to Laura after Jim’s departure?
(a) She hopes for a second chance
(b) She decides to kill herself
(c) She decides to wait
(d) She is withdrawn and retreats further in her world of glass managerie
Question’s Answer: She is withdrawn and retreats further in her world of glass managerie
What occurs to Tom after Jim leaves?
(a) Amanda chastises him forcing his leaving home for ever
(b) Promises to work for someone else
(c) Denies that he had invited Jim for laura
(d) He goes out to bring him back
Question’s Answer: Amanda chastises him forcing his leaving home for ever
Which Tennessee Williams play won the Pulitzer Prize?
(a) A Streetcar Named Desire
(b) The Glass Managerie
(c) You Touched Me
(d) The Eccentricities of a Nightingale
Question’s Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire
What happens to Blanche when she is betrayed by Stanley, Mitch and Stella?
(a) She kills herself
(b) She breaks down
(c) She runs away
(d) She accepts that she is of unsound mind and leaves with the doctor
Question’s Answer: She accepts that she is of unsound mind and leaves with the doctor
Who is frightened by the contrasts between the illustrious past and the impoverished present?
(a) Blanche
(b) Mitch
(c) Stanley
(d) Stella
Question’s Answer: Blanche
Who reacts against the crude humour and animal maleness of Stanley Kowalski?
(a) Stella
(b) Mitch
(c) Blanche
(d) The doctor
Question’s Answer: Blanche
Who considers the life of Stanley and Stella as aimless as the ‘streetcar named desire’ shuttling through the
narrow streets?
(a) Stella
(b) Mitch
(c) Blanche
(d) Stanley
Question’s Answer: Blanche
Who calls Blanche a nymphomaniac?
(a) Mitch
(b) Stanley
(c) The doctor
(d) Stella
Question’s Answer: Stanley
According to ______, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers”?
(a) Mitch
(b) Blanche
(c) Stella
(d) Stanley
Question’s Answer: Blanche
Why does Stella, returning from the hospital after confinement, not believe the story of incestuous assault on Blanche?
(a) She believes it to be one of her fantasies
(b) She does not trust Blanche
(c) She is happy that Blanche has been assaulted
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: She believes it to be one of her fantasies
Why Stanley and Stella are happy with each other?
(a) Stanley and Stella are cast in the same mould and enjoy a life of lust and sensuality
(b) Stella accepts the lusty crudeness of her husband
(c) Stella refuses to reject the advances of her crude husband
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Stanley and Stella are cast in the same mould and enjoy a life of lust and sensuality
Why does Stanley react against the refinement and good taste of Blanche?
(a) Because She is mad
(b) Because She is too good
(c) Because She is unrealistic
(d) Because She lacks the essential feminine attractiveness
Question’s Answer: Because She is unrealistic
Why did the relationship between Blanche and Mitch end?
(a) Blanche is lonely and sad
(b) Blanche has a superiority complex
(c) Mitch is like Stanley, unreliable
(d) Stanley tells a lie about Blanche being a nymphomaniac
Question’s Answer: Stanley tells a lie about Blanche being a nymphomaniac
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is drama which deals with
(a) Fight for the favour of a woman
(b) A farming family’s drama
(c) Struggle for control of the family plantation
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Struggle for control of the family plantatio
What is the role of Maggie in The Cat on a Hot Tin Roof?
(a) She is like Mac
(b) Central for she is the passionate, vital cat who wants to grab the plantation
(c) She does not know what she wants
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Central for she is the passionate, vital cat who wants to grab the plantation
What are the failings of Brick?
(a) Loves alcohol
(b) Being an ex-football héro
(c) Failure to become a father
(d) Complacent
Question’s Answer: Failure to become a father
What did Maggie do to rekindle Brick’s desire for her?
(a) Tells untruthful stories
(b) Dances and attracts him
(c) Locks away the liquor
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Locks away the liquor
Who among American playwrights is best described as a representative of the theatre of the Absurd?
(a) Tennessee Williams
(b) Eugene O’Neill
(c) Robert Sherwood
(d) Edward Albee
Question’s Answer: Edward Albee
What Williams wanted to show about life?
(a) Life is a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing
(b) Life lies in full involvement with it rather than shrinking from it
(c) Life is beautiful, admire it
(d) Life is idealistic, worship it
Question’s Answer: Life lies in full involvement with it rather than shrinking from it
What characteristics come closest to describing Edward Albee?
(a) Experiments with the idea of American dream
(b) Writes musical opera
(c) Mingles the realistic with fantasy
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Mingles the realistic with fantasy
In Albee’s plays one finds
(a) Spiritual sterility leading to exposition of a deep feeling of the tragedy of alienation
(b) A sense of doom
(c) Failure of family
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Spiritual sterility leading to exposition of a deep feeling of the tragedy of alienation
The author of the drama of alienation in the U.S is _______.
(a) Edward Albee
(b) Tennessee Williams
(c) Robert Sherwood
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Edward Albee
In which play of Albee a homosexual youth kills an unsuspecting innocent stranger?
(a) The Death of Bessie Smith
(b) is Affraid of Virginia Woolf?
(c) The Sandbox The Zoo StoryWho
Question’s Answer: Who is Affraid of Virginia Woolf?
Why does the young man kill the innocent stranger?
(a) For he neither likes the dream life nor the world of reality
(b) For he is frustrated
(c) For he got a kick out of the outrageous act
(d) For he wished to perform a fertility rite
Question’s Answer: For he neither likes the dream life nor the world of reality
The young man kills the innocent stranger in the central park because
(a) He just wished to be funny
(b) He wanted to inflict injury on someone
(c) He wished to overcome his own sexual perversion and inadequacy
(d) It is thrilling
Question’s Answer: He wished to overcome his own sexual perversion and inadequacy
The American Dream in its treatment can be described as
(a) Funny
(b) Pathetic
(c) Shattered dream
(d) Grotesque
Question’s Answer: Grotesque
What does The Zoo Story aim at presenting?
(a) Alienation
(b) A savage fantasy
(c) A satire on modern American life
(d) Hypocrisy of American life
Question’s Answer: A savage fantasy
The Death of Bessie Smith is a short play about
(a) The nonsense of American being one people
(b) Conflict between White and Negro Americans
(c) Racial discrimination
(d) Savagery in American society
Question’s Answer: Conflict between White and Negro Americans
Is the American dream a central idea in Edward Albee’s plays? Which of these describe his theme best?
(a) A vague superiority complex
(b) Failure of consumer society
(c) Cold-war considerations
(d) Alienation
Question’s Answer: Alienation
The professor and his wife create a son in their minds to
(a) A fantasy to make them happy, so strong that it appears realistic
(b) Playing a game
(c) Be happy
(d) Be funny
Question’s Answer: A fantasy to make them happy, so strong that it appears realistic
Who is the author of the, There Shall be No Night?
(a) Edward Albee
(b) Eugene O’Neill
(c) Robert Sherwood
(d) Arthur Miller
Question’s Answer: Robert Sherwood
Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Is Albee’s
(a) Three-act play
(b) Five-act play
(c) One-act play
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Three-act play
The parents kill their adopted son because
(a) He will never become what they think to be perfect youngman,American dream youngman
(b) He is sick
(c) He is not racially up to their expectations
(d) They refuse to be his Mummy and Daddy
Question’s Answer: He will never become what they think to be perfect youngman,American dream youngman
What describes the events of Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf best?
(a) All-night dance and party
(b) All-night drinking bout of a middle-aged professor and his wife
(c) A big party at the home of a professor
(d) A party at a young couple’s house in honour of the professor
Question’s Answer: All-night drinking bout of a middle-aged professor and his wife
What happens in Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
(a) Comic release
(b) The old couple are joined by an instructor to make them give-up their pretensions
(c) A fantasy
(d) There is a verbal articulation of their frustration
Question’s Answer: There is a verbal articulation of their frustration
The verbal torturing of each other in Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
(a) To overcome the grimness of their predicament
(b) A fantasy
(c) A fixation about a non-existent son to sustain them
(d) Creating a world-order to please themselves
Question’s Answer: A fixation about a non-existent son to sustain them
Robert Sherwood in Idiot’s Delight shows ___ .
(a) A call for war
(b) A need for economic sharing of world’s resources
(c) A plea for world peace
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: A plea for world peace
Arthur Miller in his plays shows ___ .
(a) War-time American social trauma
(b) A realistic account of the mid 20th century America
(c) A fusion of realism and symbolism
(d) Military life
Question’s Answer: A fusion of realism and symbolism
What is the role of Ben in the drama?
(a) He is Willy’s brother and a self- made successful
(b) He is Willy’s brother
(c) Ben is important for sons to make them return to American life of challenge
(d) Nothing
Question’s Answer: He is Willy’s brother and a self- made successful
Willy Loman stands for
(a) Failure
(b) Love
(c) Success
(d) Alcoholism
Question’s Answer: Failure
In Death of a Salesman the salesman is faced with
(a) A new dawn
(b) War and economics of the war-time world
(c) Social-economic changes
(d) Conflicting situation caused by his own false values and American value system
Question’s Answer: Conflicting situation caused by his own false values and American value system
Willy Loman sells
(a) Ormaments
(b) A dream
(c) Motor car
(d) Packed food
Question’s Answer: A dream
Sherwood in There Shall be No Night deals with
(a) Economic depression in America
(b) American invasion of North Pole
(c) Romantic dream
(d) Russian attack on Finland
Question’s Answer: Russian attack on Finland
Biff and Happy, the sons of Willy Loman, are not happy because
(a) They have no grit in them
(b) Refuses to accept reality
(c) The war-time America was facing economic collapse
(d) He believes in false values and cannot cope with failure of his sons
Question’s Answer: He believes in false values and cannot cope with failure of his sons
The sons depart, leaving the father to deal with his own resentment, which results in _______.
(a) He decides to commit suicide to make insurance money available for his sons
(b) He kills
(c) Cannot make up his mind
(d) Steals to provide for his children
Question’s Answer: He decides to commit suicide to make insurance money available for his sons
Willy Loman was _____ for his family.
(a) A stranger
(b) Nobody
(c) Burden
(d) A salesman who had nothing to sell
Question’s Answer: Burden
According to ______ , “Willy was a salesman …riding on a smile and a shoe shine… Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It
comes with the territory”
(a) Biff
(b) Happy
(c) Howard Wagner
(d) Charley, a friend
Question’s Answer: Charley, a friend
The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play about ____.
(a) Madness
(b) Inhuman
(c) McCarthyism
(d) War
Question’s Answer: McCarthyism
The real and inner theme of “The Crucible”, a Play by Arthur Miller is
(a) Religious understanding
(b) Socio-political issues
(c) The conscience of the people
(d) Right wing politics which dominated America of 1950s.
Question’s Answer: The conscience of the people
Why are two immigrants in trouble in A View from the Bridge?
(a) Inherent dislike for the immigrants
(b) They take away all the available job causing distrust
(c) The immigrants are not peasant
(d) Racial/natural discrimination
Question’s Answer: They take away all the available job causing distrust
Miller was a celebrity American playwright and was married to
(a) Miss U.S.
(b) A theatre actress
(c) A Hollywood actress
(d) Marilyn Monroe
Question’s Answer: A theatre actress
Who said? “Shall the dust praise him? Shall the worms declare his truth? Go
to him, take his shame away!”
(a) Danfarth
(b) Elizabeth
(c) Parris
(d) Hale
Question’s Answer: Hale
Arthur Miller depicts definite aspects of American life which can be best described by
(a) New universal role
(b) Racial consciousness
(c) Problems and maladies of a new nation
(d) A sense of freedom
Question’s Answer: Problems and maladies of a new nation
According to ________ , “Clzeave to no faith, when faith brings blood”.
(a) Proctor
(b) Hale
(c) Danforth
(d) Elizabeth
Question’s Answer: Hale
What is the reaction of the family on Willy’s death?
(a) Feeling of freedom
(b) Sorrow
(c) Mixed feeling
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Feeling of freedom
The Salem trial of which The Crucible reminds was based on
(a) Religious discipline to which the Salem community adhered to
(b) Religious fervour
(c) Americans’ fear of the wilderness and forests as the abode of the devil
(d) None of A, B, and C
Question’s Answer: Americans’ fear of the wilderness and forests as the abode of the devil
A View from the Bridge is about
(a) Rivers and ravines of the American continent
(b) Tears of aliens
(c) Illegal immigrants
(d) American landscape
Question’s Answer: Illegal immigrants
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