Ontology Engineering Multiple Choice Questions
Ontology Engineering Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is the relationship between vocabulary to represent different concepts is classified into_____________:
A. glossary
B. thesaurus
C. dictionary
D. all of above
E. none of these
2. Web is classified into _____________ when Web project which allows exchange of information among different computers.
A. segregate web
B. semantic web
C. aggregate web
D. conceptual web
3. What is the Best online ontologies repository is known asĀ ________
A. Dwoogle
B. Google
C. Swoogle
D. Owoogle
4. DLP is stand for…
A. intersection of OWL and Horn logic
B. intersection of OWL and RDF
C. Union of OWL and Horn logic
D. union of OWL and RDF
5. What happened In OWL ontology development, maximum number of restriction for an object can be achieved by…
A. owl:minCardinality
B. owl:maxCardinality
C. owl: Cardinality
D. owl: Restriction
6. Which one the following is correct for Acronym XQuery:
A. Extended Query
B. XML Query Language
C. Extended Query Language
D. XML Query
7. Owl have how many sub language_____
A. six
B. two
C. three
D. five
8. What is the approach to handle ontology mapping based on techniques that exploit statistical association is called
A. Statistical Methods
B. Structural Methods
C. Logical Methods
D. Linguistic methods
9. Which optional reference to external structure document and XML declaration is part of?
A. tags
B. epiloge
C. prolog
D. lements
10. Which of the Vertical product is a problem of?
A. Openacademia
B. Elsevier
C. E-Learning
D. Bibster
11. During the SPARQL, where statement enforces the________
A. join
B. injection
C. choice
D. constraints
12. What is the function of the Acronym of W3C?
A. Web Consortium
B. Wild Wide Web Consortium
C. Internet Consortium
D. World Wide Web Consortium