MCQ’s of introduction to programming
1: select one of the true statement for the compiler?
a. the input of the compiler is source program translates the source code into object code as a whole
c. the output of the compiler is object code
d.all of above
2: the pseudocode is…
a. algorithm
b. flowchart
c. object code
3: the language processor translates the program into object code as a whole…
4: finding and solving errors in the source code is…
a. desk checking
b. debugging
c. decoding
d. testing
5. translates the source code into machine language…
a. operating system
b. programming language
c. language processor
d. all of these
6: The step by step procedure for solving a problem…
a. programming
b. algorithm
c. planing
d. flowchart
7. ……language is not an object oriented pogramming lnguage…
a. visual basic
b. c
c. c++
d. java
8. communication between user and the computer is…
a. programming language
b. software
c. syntax
d. english language
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