Mobile android applications MCQs
Mobile android applications MCQs
1. Android applications signed at the time _____.
A. before installed
B. After installed
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
2. In android application Which file holds to use the internet_____.
A. create file
B. Manifest file
C. system file
D. None of these
3. Specifies the layout of android screen use_____file.
A. R
B. manifest
C. layout
D. None of these
4. ______ contains the file.
A. src
B. gen
C. Both A and B
D. NOne of these
5. In memory, Activity doesn’t exist That is____state.
A. initial
B. running
C. starting
D. All of these
6. Src folder contain____files
A. Java source code
C. manifest
D. None of these
7. user interface use for______
A. xml
B. java
C. c++
D. Both A and B
8.which class store additional information?
A. Bundle
B. Data store
C. Extra
D. None of these
9. In Status data a _____use in the android system.
A. content provider
B. intents
C. network
D. None of these
10._____method is used to close an activity
A. Finish
B. Stop
C. Close
D. None of these
SET 2 : Android applications MCQs – FAQ in Jobs Test
1. To use the Android menu system what method you should override?
A. on Create Menu()
B. on Create Options Menu()
C. Both A & B
D. on Menu Created()
E. on Create Context Menu()
F. None of these
2. Which is not an Android component of the following?
A. Layout
B. Service
C. Activity
D. Both A & C
E. Content Provider
F. None of these
3. _____is the first callback method invoked by the system during an Activity life-cycle,?
A. on Start()
B. on Stop()
C. Both A & B
D. on Create()
E. on Restore()
F. None of these
4. What does the line of code achieve of the following?Intent intent = new Intent(FirstActivity.this,SecondActivity.class );
A. Starts an activity.
B. Creates a hidden Intent
C. Creates an implicit Intent
D. Create an explicit Intent
E. Both B & C
F. None of These
5. Which is NOT a valid usage for Intents of the following?
A. Activate and Activity
B. Activate a Service
C. Both A & B
D. Activate a Broadcast receiver
E. Activate an SQLite DB Connection.
F. None of these
6. Which is not a valid Android resource file name of the following?
A. my_layout.xml
B. mylayout.xml
C. myLayout.xml
D. Both B & C
E. mylayout1.xml
F. None of these
7. ______of the following is not defined as a process state?
A. Visible
B. Non-visible
C. Both A & B
D. Foreground
E. Background
F. None of these
8. Which folder that contains the file of the following?
A. res
B. src
C. Both B & D
D. bin
E. gen
F. None of these
9. Which is a correct statement about an XML layout file of the following?
A. A file that is used to draw the content of an Activity
B. A layout PNG image file
C. Both A & B
D. A file that contains all application permission information
E. A file that contains a single activity widget.
F. None of these
10. The src folder contains _____ of the following?
A. Image and icon files
B. XML resource files
C. Both A & B
D. The application manifest file
E. Java source code files
F. None of these
11. ______is the parent class of all Activity widgets?
A. View
B. ViewGroup
C. Layout
D. Both A & C
E. Widget
F. None of these
12. ______ is the name of the class used by Intent to store additional information?
A. Parcelable
B. Extra
C. Both A & B
D. Bundle
E. DataStore
F. None of these
13. ______is not included in the Android application framework?
A. Notification Manager
B. Window Manager
C. Both A & B
D. Dialer Manager
E. Package Manager
F. None of these
14. Which Eclipse plugin is required to develop Android application?
A. Android Software Development Kit
C. Both A & B
D. Android Development Tools
E. Web Development Tools
F. None of these
15. _______ of these files contains text values that you can use in your application?
A. AndroidManifest.xml
B. res/Text.xml
C. res/layout/Main.xml
D. Both B & C
E. res/values/strings.xml
F. None of these
16. The Android project folder “res/” contain_____?
A. Resource files
B. Java Activity classes
C. Both A & B
D. Java source code
E. Libraries
F. None of these
17. Which is a Java call-back method invoked when a view is clicked of the following?
A. Detector
B. OnTapListener
C. Both A & B
D. OnClickDetector
E. OnClickListener
F. None of these
18. Which is not an Activity lifecycle call-back method of the following?
A. onStart
B. onCreate
C. Both A & B
D. onPause
E. onBackPressed
F. None of these