PHP MCQs – Solved Questions Answers for Web Developers and Managers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

PHP MCQs – Solved Questions Answers for Web Developers and Managers

” PHP MCQs – Solved Questions Answers for Web Developers and Managers”  is the set of frequently asked Multiple Choice questions and these MCQs are asked in different test in the past in different test. Here, we are presenting those MCQs in a different style. Let’s begin with Set 1.

1.PHP stand for__________?
i) Personal Home Page
ii) Hypertext Preprocessor
iii) Pretext Hypertext Processor
iv) Preprocessor Home Page
A. Both i) and iii)
B. Both i) and ii)
C. Only ii)
D. Both ii) and iv)
E. None of these

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2. The default extension is
A. .php
B. .xml
C. .html
D. .ph
E. None of these
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3. What is the correct syntax of PHP code?
A. < php >
B. <? ?>
C. < ? php ?>
E. None of these
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4.Which of the following is used as PHP code editor?
i) Notepad
ii) Notepad++
iii) Adobe Dreamweaver
iv) PDT
A. Only iv)
B. Only iii)
C. i), ii) and iii)
D. All of these
E. None of these
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5.Try/catch Exception was introduced in_______ version of PHP.
A. PHP 5 and later
B. PHP 5
C. PHP 6
D. PHP 4
E. None of these
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6.Single line comment is add in PHP by________.
i) /?
ii) //
iii) #
iv) /* */
A. ii), iii) and iv)
B. i), iii) and iv)
C. Only ii)
D. Both ii) and iv)
E. None of these
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7.To store 111 in variable num which PHP statement is used?
A. int $num = 111;
B. int mum = 111;
C. $num = 111;
D. 111 = $num;
E. None of these
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8. Output of the following PHP code?

A. 3
B. 1.+.2
C. 1+2
D. Error
E. None of these

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9.Output of the following PHP code?

A. 3
B. 1+2
C. Error
D. 12
E. None of these

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10.Which is the right way of declaring a variable in PHP?
i) $3hello
ii) $_hello
iii) $this
iv) $This
A. Only ii)
B. Only iii)
C. ii) and iv)
D. ii), iii) and iv)
E. None of these
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11.Output of the following PHP code?

A. My name is BobMy name is Bob
B. My name is BobBob
C. Error
D. My name is Bob Bob
E. None of these

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12. Select the PHP code will output Hello World on the screen?
i) echo (“Hello World”);
ii) printf (“Hello World”);
iii) printf (“Hello World”);
iv) sprintf (“Hello World”);
A. i) and ii)
B. i), ii) and iii)
C. i), ii) and iv)
D. All of the mentioned
E. None of these
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13.The output of the following PHP code?

A. a
B. Error
C. r
D. $var
E. None of these

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14.Output of the following PHP code?

A. 1
B. Error
C. 2
D. 1234
E. None of these

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15.Output of the following PHP code?

A. 35
B. 35 students
C. Error
D. 25 students
E. None of these

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16.From the following what statement is equivalent to $add+=$add ?
A. $add = $add +$add
B. $add = $add
C. $add = $add + 1
D. $add = $add + $add + 1
E. None of these
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17.Which statement will output $x on the screen?
A. echo “/$x”;
B. echo “$$x”;
C. echo “\$x”;
D. echo “$x;”;
E. None of these
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18.______ is used for symbol a newline character?
A. \r
B. \n
C. /n
D. /r
E. None of these
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19.From the following conditional statements is/are supported by PHP?
i) if statements
ii) if-else statements
iii) if-elseif statements
iv) switch statements
A. i)
B. i), ii) and iv)
C. ii), iii) and iv)
D. i), ii), iii) and iv)
E. None of these
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20.Output of the following PHP code?
$user = array(“Ashley”, “Bale”, “Shrek”, “Blank”);
for ($x=0; $x < count($user); $x++) { if ($user[$x] == “Shrek”) continue; printf ($user[$x]); } ?>
A. AshleyBale
B. ShrekBlank
C. AshleyBaleBlank
D. Shrek
E. None of these
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21.If $a = 12 what will be returned when ($a == 12) ? 5 : 1 is Runned?
A. 5
B. 1
C. Error
D. 12
E. None of these
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22.What is the name of father of PHP?
A. Drek Kolkevi
B. Willam Makepiece
C. Rasmus Lerdorf
D. List Barely
E. None of these
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23.Function is defined in PHP by_______________.
A. Function functionName(parameters) {function body}
B. Data type functionName(parameters) {function body}
C. FunctionName(parameters) {function body}
D. Function {function body}
E. None of these
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24.Type Hinting was introduced in which version of PHP?
A. PHP 4
B. PHP 6
C. PHP 5.3
D. PHP 5
E. None of these
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25.Which type of function call is used in line 8?

A. Type Hinting
B. Call By Reference
C. Default Argument Value
D. Call By Value
E. None of these

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26. What will be the output of the following PHP code?

A. 42
B. 0
C. Error
D. 84
E. None of these

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27.Output of the following PHP code?

A. Error
B. I am bI am a
C. I am a
D. I am an Error

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28.The output of the following PHP code?

A. I am b
B. I am bI am a
C. I am an Error
D. Error
E. None of these

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29. The output of the following PHP code?

A. hello
B. Error
C. helloblabla
D. helloblablablabla
E. None of these

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30. The PHP Function which starts with Double Underscore Is called?
A. Inbuilt Function
B. Magic Function
C. Default Function
D. User Defined Function
E. None of these
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31.__________ PHP functions that accepts any number of parameters .
A. func_get_argv()
B. get_argv()
C. func_get_args()
D. get_argc()
E. None of these
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32._______ is the PHP functions which is used to find files.
A. file()
B. glob()
C. fold()
D. get_file()
E. None of thses
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33.To get the current memory usage which PHP function is used?
A. get_usage()
B. memory_get_usage()
C. get_peak_usage()
D. memory_get_peak_usage()
E. None of these
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34.To generating unique ids which PHP function is used?
A. uniqueid()
B. id()
C. md5()
D. mdid()
E. None of these
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35.To compress a string which PHP function is used?
A. zip_compress()
B. gzcompress()
C. compress()
D. zip()
E. None of these
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36. Output of the following PHP code?

A. 4
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1

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37.Output of the following PHP code?

A. 106
B. 104
C. 103
D. 209
E. None of these

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38.What will be the output of the following PHP code?

A. I love my country
B. I love my Country
C. I love my Country
D. I Love My Country
E. None of these

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39.The output of the following PHP code?

A. welcome to Pakistan
B. welcome to Pakistan
C. Welcome to Pakistan
D. Welcome to Pakistan
E. None of these

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40.PHP’s numerically indexed array can be started with which of the following position?
A. 0
B. 2
C. 1
D. -1
E. None of these
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41.PHP function which will return true if a variable is an array or false if it is not an array.
A. is_array()
B. this_array()
C. do_array()
D. in_array()
E. None of these
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42. Which of the following in-built function will add a value to the end of an array?
A. array_push()
B. into_array()
C. inend_array()
D. array_unshift()
E. None of these
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43.Output of the following PHP code?

A. appleapple
B. appleorange
C. orangeorange
D. orangebanana
E. None of these

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44._________ Function is used to get the value of the previous element in an array.
A. prev()
B. before()
C. last()
D. previous()
E. None of these
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45.Output of the following PHP code?

A. 6
B. 4
C. 5
D. 3
E. None of these

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46.Which of the following function will returns an array consisting of associative key/value pairs?
A. count()
B. array_count()
C. array_count_values()
D. count_values()
E. None of these
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47._______ property scopes is not supported by PHP?
A. static
B. final
C. public
D. friendly
E. None of these
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48. Which of the following is used to instantiate an object in PHP assuming the class name to be Foo?
A. $obj = new foo ();
B. $obj = new foo;
C. $obj = new $foo;
D. obj = new foo ();
E. None of these
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49.From the following is the right way to call a class constant, given that the class is mathFunction?
A. echo PI;
B. echo mathFunction::PI;
C. echo mathFunction->PI;
D. echo mathFunction=PI;
E. None of these
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50._________ is the method scopes which is not supported by PHP?
i) private
ii) friendly
iii) static
iv) abstract
A. ii) and iv)
B. Only iv)
C. Only ii)
D. Only i)
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51. Which one can be used to instantiate an object in PHP assuming class name to be hello?
A. $obj = new hello();
B. $obj = new hello;
C. $obj = new $hello;
D. obj = new hello();
E. None of these
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52.The right way to define a constant?
A. constant PI = “3.1415”;
B. const $PI = “3.1415”;
C. const PI = ‘3.1415’;
D. constant PI = ‘3.1415’;
E. None of these
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53.In PHP the right way to call a class constant, given that the class is mathFunction?
A. echo PI;
B. echo mathFunction->PI;
C. echo mathFunction::PI;
D. echo mathFunction=PI;
E. None of these
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54.In PHP how to invoke a method?
A. $object->methodName();
B. object->methodName();
C. object::methodName();
D. $object::methodName();
E. None of these
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55.How to declare a method in PHP?
i) function functionName() { function body }
ii) scope function functionName() { function body }
iii) method methodName() { method body }
iv) scope method methodName() { method body }
A. Only ii)
B. Only iv)
C. i) and ii)
D. iii) and iv)
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56.In PHP which of the following advanced OOP features is NOT supported?
i) Method overloading
ii) Multiple Inheritance
iii) Namespaces
iv) Object Cloning
A. i)
B. ii)
C. iii) and iv)
D. i) and ii)
E. None of these
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57.The advance concepts of was introduced in _________ version of PHP?
A. PHP 4
B. PHP 6
C. PHP 5.3
D. PHP 5
E. None of these
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58. ______ is the right way to clone an object?
A. destinationObject = clone targetObject;
B. _clone(targetObject);
C. destinationObject = _clone(targetObject);
D. destinationObject = clone(targetObject);
E. None of these
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59.If your object must inherit behavior from a number of sources you must use a/an
A. Abstract class
B. Object
C. Interface
D. Static class
E. None of these
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60.To tweak an object’s cloning behavior what method is used?
A. clone()
B. object_clone()
C. _clone
D. __clone()
E. None of these
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61. To call more than one function of the class in single instruction_______ is uesd?
A. Method chaining
B. Method Including
C. Method adding
D. Typecasting
E. None of these
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62.In PHP which of the following magic method is used for implementing overloading?
A. __wakeup
B. __invoke
C. __call
D. __unset
E. none of these
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63.The are ______ many level of error in PHP?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
E. None of these
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64. _______ is the description of Error level E_ERROR in PHP.
A. Fatal Compile-time error
B. Near-fatal error
C. Compile-time error
D. Fatal run-time error
E. All of these
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65. E_STRICT Error level was introduced in__________ version of PHP?
A. PHP 5
B. PHP 4
C. PHP 5.2
D. PHP 5.3
E. None of these
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66. _______ character do the error _reporting directive use to represent the logical operator NOT.
a) ~
b) !
c) /
d) ^
E. All of these
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67. Function which is responsible for sending a custom message to the system log?
A. systemlog()
B. syslog()
C. log_system()
D. sys_log()
E. None of these
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68. Exception handling was added with ______ version of PHP.
A. PHP 4
B. PHP 6
C. PHP 5.3
D. PHP 5
E. All of these
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69.there are__________ methods available for the exception class?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
E. None of these
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