Introduction to Computing ITC MCQs
Introduction to Computing ITC MCQs
1. Deep blue is a
a) mobile
b) scanner
c) computer
d) all of these
2. Communication protocol is a ______ to govern the flow of the information over a network.
a) set of information
b) set of instructions
c) set of rules
d) none of these
3. Teletypewriter terminal is a …
a) output device
b) input/output device
c) input device
d) none of these
4. The programming language designed for military applications was …
a) Ada
b) C++
c) C#
5. Punched cards were replaced by …
a) CD’s
b) magnetic tapes
c) floppy disk
d) zip drives
6. TCP is abbreviated as …
a) Transmission Control Protocol
b) Transfer Control Protocol
c) Transformation Commision Principles
d) Translation Control Principles
7. The brain of computer microprocessor is …
a) arithmetic logic unit
b) control unit
c) bus interface unit
d) none of these
8. Babbage’s analytical engine uses __________ for storing information permanently.
a) magnetic tapes
b) punched cards
c) floppy disks
d) none of these
9. The place where large amount of information stored outside the CPU is …
a) ALU
b) backing store
c) pheripherals
d) control unit
10. Instructions having arithmetic operations, then it’s data is transfered to …
a) register
c) arithmetic and logic unit
d) none of these
11. Teraflop stands for …
a) Trillion floating point operations per second
b) Thousand floating point operations per second
c) Thousand floating point operations per hour
d) Trillion floating point operations per hour
12. Monitor is a …
a) output device
b) input device
c) input /output device
d) none of these
- Basic Concepts of Computing MCQs
- History of Computers MCQs
- Types of Computers (Analog, Digital, Hybrid) MCQs
- Computer Hardware (Input, Output, and Storage Devices) MCQs
- Central Processing Unit (CPU) and its Components MCQs
- Memory Types (RAM, ROM, Cache) MCQs
- Cache MCQs
- Binary Number System and Data Representation MCQs
- Basic Operating Systems MCQs
- Introduction to Software (System Software vs. Application Software) MCQs
- Basic Computer Networks (LAN, WAN, MAN) MCQs
- Basic Internet and Web Technologies MCQs
- Basics of Introduction to Programming Languages MCQs
- Basic Database Concepts (Data, Information, DBMS) MCQs
- Basic Computer Security and Cyber Threats MCQs
- Basic Cloud Computing Basics MCQs
- Basic Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Introductory Concepts) MCQs
- Basic Mobile Computing MCQs
- Basic Computer Ethics and Privacy MCQs
- Basic Algorithms and Flowcharts MCQs
- Basic Basic Troubleshooting in Computers MCQs
- Basic Digital Logic Gates and Circuits MCQs
- Basic Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) MCQs
- Basic Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) MCQs
- Evolution of Programming (Low-level vs. High-level Languages) MCQs
- Basic Introduction to Multimedia Systems MCQs
- Basic E-commerce and Digital Payment Systems MCQs
- Basic Fundamentals of Computer Graphics MCQs