Computer Graphics Solved MCQs Questions Answers
1. GUI stands for
a) Graphical user interaction
b) Graphical uniform interchange
c) Graphics user interface
d) None of these
2. The basic input device in GUI is
a) keyboard
b) monitor
c) mouse
d) all of these
3. Geometric transformation include
a) transition
b) drawing
c) scaling
d) none of the above
4. DVST stands for …
a) Direct Visual Storage Tube
b) Digital View Storing Table
c) Direct View Storage Tube
d) Digital View Storage Tube
5. The term ‘raster’ is used for …
a) array
b) queue
c) model
d) matrix
6. Graphics is defined as …
a) photographs
b) simulations
c) drawing
d) all of these
7. What is the purpose of display card?
a) sending graphics data to output unit
b) receiving graphics data to input unit
c) sending graphics data from output unit
d) all of these
8. Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm is applied on …
a) line segment
b) concave polygon
c) smooth curves
d) convex polygon
9. Pixels are arranged in
a) three dimensinal grid
b) two dimensional grid
c) one dimensinal grid
d) none of these
10. Which controller is used to read each succesive byte of data from frame buffer?
a) data controller
b) display controller
c) digital controller
d) design controller
11. Each pixel’s brightness is …
a) transitive
b) compatible
c) incompatible
d) none of these
12. RGB models are used for
a) printing
b) texting
c) computer display
d) window display
For black and white images, black pixels are identified by ________ in
the frame buffer and white pixels represented by?
(A) One and Zero
(B) Zero and One
(C) Both a & b
(D) None of these
Answer: (A) One and ZeroB
Select the byte for 16*16 array of black and white pixels ?
(A) 64 bytes
(B) 128 bytes
(C) 32 bytes
(D) 96 bytes
Answer: (C) 32 bytes
The display controller change 0s and 1s into?
(A) TV monitor
(B) Electronics signal
(C) Video signal
(D) None of these
Answer:(C) Video signal
Select the way in which The image can be transmitted to the display?
(B) Point
(C) Segment
(D) None of these
Answer: (B) Point
which area of computer that is selected by an application is known as
(A) Display
(B) View port
(C) Window
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Window
The movement of various attributes of image would make the image dynamic
and like a dynamic effect is also known as?
(A) Picture
(B) Painting
(C) Animation
(D) None of these
Answer: (C) Animation
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