Computer Science MCQs Leaks PDF EBook by Prof.Fazal Rehman Shamil
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Book Name:
Computer Science MCQs Leaks
Prof. Fazal Rehman Shamil
T4Tutorials Publishers, Islamabad, Pakistan
Book Price:
PKR.500 Including Delivery Charges
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10 US Dollars – 70% off for Students and Teachers
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- To my parents and other family members who provide me such a nice environment and support.
- To my teachers who give me endless knowledge. Especially Google and Youtube.
- To my students who support me always and appreciate my tutorials website, my video lectures and my live classes.
- To Barani Institute of Management Sciences from where I polished my Web development and Teaching Skills.
- To all online visitors of I am nothing without you. I love you.
Table of Contents
- Microsoft MS Word MCQ.. 2
- C++.. 9
- Introduction to Computing. 17
- Viruses and Computer Security. 18
- Microsoft Windows. 21
- Computer Basics. 25
- Operating Systems. 29
- Artificial Intelligence. 34
- BASIC Electronics MCQ’s. 38
- Compiler Construction. 42
- Computer Architecture. 44
- Data Structures. 55
- Computer Graphics. 57
- Data Analysis And Design. 61
- Data Mining. 62
- Digital Image processing. 64
- Digital Logic Design. 65
- Discrete Mathematics. 69
- Software Engineering. 74
- Formal Methods in Software Engineering. 80
- HTML. 80
- PHP – Web Development 90
- Web Security and forensics. 99
- Mobile android applications Development 101
- Computer Network. 105
- Network Security. 116
- Wireless Security. 120
- Operating Systems. 125
- Softer Design pattern. 134
- Software Architecture. 135
- Software Requirements Engineering. 141
- Advanced Software Engineering. 142
- Software Project Management 143
- Object-Oriented Analysis & Design. 144
- Software Testing. 145
- Technical Report Writing. 153
- Analysis of Algorithms. 154
- CSS – Web Designing. 156
- Database Systems. 160
- Big Data – Data Science. 162
- Database security. 166
- Electronics. 168
- Machine learning. 170
- Parallel and Distributed Computing. 172
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Best Number 1 book among top 10 books of computer science for lecturer PPSC, Lecturer FPSC, Lecturer KPPSC, , Lecturer SPSC, , Lecturer NPSC, NTS, OTS, NAT, GAT Subject etc.