Computer Science MCQs Book

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: July 6, 2024

Computer Science MCQs Leaks PDF EBook by Prof.Fazal Rehman Shamil


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Book Name:

Computer Science MCQs Leaks


Prof. Fazal Rehman Shamil


T4Tutorials Publishers, Islamabad, Pakistan

Book Price:

PKR.500 Including Delivery Charges

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10 US Dollars – 70% off for Students and Teachers

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  1. To my parents and other family members who provide me such a nice environment and support.
  2. To my teachers who give me endless knowledge. Especially Google and Youtube.
  3. To my students who support me always and appreciate my tutorials website, my video lectures and my live classes.
  4. To Barani Institute of Management Sciences from where I polished my Web development and Teaching Skills.
  5. To all online visitors of I am nothing without you. I love you.

Table of Contents

  1. Microsoft MS Word MCQ.. 2
  2. C++.. 9
  3. Introduction to Computing. 17
  4. Viruses and Computer Security. 18
  5. Microsoft Windows. 21
  6. Computer Basics. 25
  7. Operating Systems. 29
  8. Artificial Intelligence. 34
  9. BASIC Electronics MCQ’s. 38
  10. Compiler Construction. 42
  11. Computer Architecture. 44
  12. Data Structures. 55
  13. Computer Graphics. 57
  14. Data Analysis And Design. 61
  15. Data Mining. 62
  16. Digital Image processing. 64
  17. Digital Logic Design. 65
  18. Discrete Mathematics. 69
  19. Software Engineering. 74
  20. Formal Methods in Software Engineering. 80
  21. HTML. 80
  22. PHP – Web Development 90
  23. Web Security and forensics. 99
  24. Mobile android applications Development 101
  25. Computer Network. 105
  26. Network Security. 116
  27. Wireless Security. 120
  28. Operating Systems. 125
  29. Softer Design pattern. 134
  30. Software Architecture. 135
  31. Software Requirements Engineering. 141
  32. Advanced Software Engineering. 142
  33. Software Project Management 143
  34. Object-Oriented Analysis & Design. 144
  35. Software Testing. 145
  36. Technical Report Writing. 153
  37. Analysis of Algorithms. 154
  38. CSS – Web Designing. 156
  39. Database Systems. 160
  40. Big Data  – Data Science. 162
  41. Database security. 166
  42. Electronics. 168
  43. Machine learning. 170
  44. Parallel and Distributed Computing. 172

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Best Number 1 book among top 10 books of computer science for lecturer PPSC, Lecturer FPSC,  Lecturer KPPSC, , Lecturer SPSC, , Lecturer NPSC, NTS, OTS, NAT, GAT Subject etc.

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