C++ MCQs
C++ MCQs
1: Which of the following is the not correct statement…
A: char nm[]= ” sundas”;
B: char nm[15]=”asifa”;
C: char nm=”sawera”;
D: none of these
2: Which of the following object of drive class can access in public inheritence…
A: public member of the base class
B: private members of the base class
C: public member of the base class
D: both a and b
3: Stream class that is used to perform both input and output file operation is called…
A: ofstream
B: iostream
C: fstream
D: ifstream
4: Machine language is the ………… language of computer…
A: fundamental
B: Assembly
C: java
D: object-oriented
5: The symbol of rectangle in flowchart shows…
A: connector
B: I/O
C: process
D: decision
6: A process in which source code translate into machine code is called…
A: Linking
B: executing
C: loading
D: compiling
7: What type of errors will occur in the program when used incorrect of mathematical formula…
A: syntax error
B: logical error
C: runtime error
D: none of these
8: Cin is used to get ………. from keyboard during execution…
A: input
B: output
C: value
D: clog
9: ……….. operators are used to compare two values…
A: relational operator
B: unary operator
C: bitwise operator
D: ternary operator
10: The statements of the program are executed one after the other in the order in which they are written...
A: repetition
B: sequential
C: selection
D: none of these
11: ………… is an unconditional control transfer statement…
A: if-else
B: break
C: switch
D: goto
12: The statements can only be used inside the body of loop is…
A: if
B: break
C: continue
D: switch
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