MCQs Questions for Engineering chemistry PDF

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: November 27, 2024

1. To any direction because of which one the s-orbital does not show preference?

(A). It is the smallest orbital
(B). It is spherically symmetric
(C). It is present in every atom
(D). It is the first orbital
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

2. The paramagnetic nature of oxygen molecules the Valence Bond Theory does not explain.

(A). False
(B). True
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

3. A vapor line indicates which one with reference to a two-component system?

(A). the region where a temperature and pressure remains stable
(B). the region where a solubility remains constant
(C). the area below which components do not mingle
(D). the area above which two components mingle to form a single mixture
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

4. ____________ is the definition of a lower critical temperature.

(A). at which two components form a mixture the lowest temperature
(B). at which two components will attain vapor state the lowest temperature
(C). at which equilibrium is achieved the minimum temperature
(D). at which two components sublimates the lowest temperature
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

5. Valence Bond Theory was developed in the year?

(A). 1916
(B). 1930
(C). 1927
(D). 1932
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

6. An isobar indicates which one with reference to a two-component system?

(A). where the composition lies in equilibrium the region
(B). where the temperature remains constant the region
(C). which only the liquid vapors remain in the area above
(D). phase end products remain in the area below
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

7. The direction of a bond that is formed due to overlapping will be which of the following according to VBT?

(A). in which orbitals are concentrated in the opposite direction
(B). in which orbitals are concentrated in the same direction
(C). in which orbitals are concentrated perpendicular to the direction
(D). None of these
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

8. If both of them have identical stability ____________ orbital would form a stronger bond.

(A). One which is less by direction concentrated
(B). It differs from atom to atom
(C). two will be equally strong
(D). A one which is more by direction concentrated
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

9. The formation of a stable bond requires according to VBT.

(A). All of these
(B). to each other, the two atoms should be close
(C). A greater overlapping of electron clouds
(D). A electrons should have opposite spins
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

10. The p-orbital is in the shape of which one?

(A). Sphere
(B). None of these
(C). Pear-shaped lobe
(D). Dumbbell
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

11. The term “ metastable” indicate to_____

(A) which a vapor-liquid mixture has obtained the area below
(B). where the pressure remains constant with low value the region
(C). where the temperature remains constant the region
(D). where the composition of the system remains constant the region
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

12. ____statements are not true for a system that has reached the eutectic temperature.

(A). Components lie in a liquid state
(B). The system is an open system
(C). The system is a miscible fluid
(D). the region between the eutectic and sublimation curve lies stable
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

13. ______ statements are correct about the equilibrium point on the two-component system.

(A). All the compounds are liquid
(B). Invariant reaction takes place
(C). then the boiling points of the individual compounds, the boiling point of the mixture is less
(D ). The degree of freedom is 0
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

14. ___ is not responsible for phase deposition.

(A). Container wall
(B). Grain size
(C). Stacking effect
(D). Disjoints
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

15. _______ the particle growth occur.

(A). Movement of grains
(B). Movement of the equilibrium liquid
(C). Equilibrium mixture
(D). Non-equilibrium mixture
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

16. During metastable state, which of the following is the size of the particle?

(A). Increases
(B). Decreases
(C). Won’t change
(D). Not related
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

17. In VBT the formation of odd electron molecules such as NO, H2+, O3 is also explained.

(A). False
(B). True
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

18. With temperature as follows under _____ condition overall transformation rate changes?

(A). Decreases
(B). Increases with temperature
(C). Increases then decreases
(D). Follows a linear path
(E). None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c


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